Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

1 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



KERBS ARE THE MEIJi OINES OP NATURE fOB SYBBT KIND OF DISBABB VLRW IS HEIR TO. A 4-$ i I. T RIM N ELL 3 rf. n XILD ABITTER JOI-iSTeXICiTO PWffl HERB BEER, FOB SUMMER AND WINTER. "'1 This fCompooiid is highly recommended by a great Ribbon and Good Tempfars'sfcaff | M account of its superior quality above all others ftn pacifying and strwgtheninf? the system, ever brought More the public.' same, thouasndahave bee» Necuedf from drunkenn^ea. Sold by most Chemist* j Mm| Grocers. "■ < ? 6d. per Packet, by Foet 8 Stamps. It. reoommenda itself. i TRIIlEU/S tIC-ERANCATOR Will instantly remove Toothacbej Tie Dcflorecx, Neuralgia, or any Pains it the Bead or Face by simply applyîDlfi to the part affeatM, itd ropdriorifr over all others being that it is applied oai wardly, while many of the noatram that are in the market contain siroa poisons and are taken inwardly. an' TC. will neither leave any mark nor injon A* anii where IPPHed."Is lid per bottle. f' i When then is reason to suspect a eoM by taking one or two doses of TRIUNBLLPS Life-giving A Preservinf ,g GOLD or STOTIHG POWDEB It will remove all smiDtoms from tb rem. W mw BhOuld be without it, mit i. evidsntl; dw beat ever brpaght before the public. This oompoand-rg inv^hiable in the first viages aot Solent Jttttkaof Golds, Inflammation, Pains in th, StowpP'. of the Bowells, Rheumatism Ueamra)] Sotrt, Pains in the Limbs, Sciatic ans Faxalytio affections, Spasms and Cramp, and wil' WHOM ill p"at1'1"<*iftnn by cold., it ia »ioo »» aiedtent stimulant for persons going out into the damp lee. frost, or now, as it prevents taking cold and foi wmrifyiag the Blood' from all impurities, such as Bad »^gSj|^Punplaa. Blotchss, Chills, <fcc., it sannot b* If lid and 2* 9tI per packet. .i. -f t I I i e TRI MN.ELL'S Life-giving & Preserving f. COUGH -,Ou Nothirg that has VAt been discoverei bi_t Fttlai«n. hi -jcficJLALAritinii ail t\C b Simple it rn,%y b,- 5«ftored the. yoaug<?st children, yet i^'twnciSdWy to arr<Wt tli* pr^^re93 ai fflany of the most forus-ahltf p =n vrv e j vipl'amtp. whether coa$t, -Droop, hoopi'ny pu'wu;mnia. fl^wriay, tna, bronchi tb, di;&jatty 0)( t-i.-e*tbi<is?. ar that dreadful diidttae. cr.naanjpcipu. of wtiino ?; 1, 1* 1J/ ind 'fa 9d per hot tie y'dViKi\ c, EiglMllON, k Kspst^ioB !?ar, ¡(lilt. him- io Jinibci, »ud .narabsesK, of the ioiijtB «.n.4. n«ck. chii. DJai.ns, before tbey ktt twken. Bciafcic a/;ii paraiytie i•• rram?, '■ f';1<nowl'{?^cd by all v.'ic liave uso it t>- 'fe'irtf.f iut.1 ftisW fai;.ri.i«a « frfsst it is an which will ~orr<rr ^3 sfeaea i# 'ls yd, b/^v" iL '< £$.. 'y TRBINELL'S' i i' tife-giving & Pi*eservics .t! i!f1C rl. iJ T OiJn 3es; will cnre all kine?? if .^o?s dehilitv,- arising from any |Otqe_ oi weakness from what«' .>» o< X&vov*D^tiviz$? We *■ J1 ^"Symptoms Lj^ fl> ..J;. 'J• Repression of spirits, inapti-, for study, dislike for *arv bl'uRhins' aw3!0r ^'¥u^^f.baaiues'' »"voiau. r j r '■ V of aisfht, sparks before the ar mffM&tian9 io i,le of tightnew f • £ tarjt mental misgiving, pams in the wearmesa, irritatiMi of pitation 'of the bear| s-'Vr?" s- faifnv, Jj t°e boTOelle, feeling good for l intelleetna) |ower and »* £ tiU*wvv awi in/K extreme reatleaanecs, rr^n^ arkintr'f1011' fretlQent headaches, eileat from 4he fear of physical weak. forebodings for ih« HJ%mS iht> fer911'8 Tonis will per pag^d, 'I Aoft.. TRIMNELL'S UFE-enriNG & pbeseryiig toetsble TONIC, APERiSiT & LIVER PELS. Nos. 1 4 2 for either Sex. A most celebrated remedy (ai«38 ^paijlaiijts, attacks of fever, i& }os.| | indigegtjon> dimness of sight, fSin9 anS giddiness ot the head, and all disordars of jbe atonapb and bbweJls. IIf 1 i* and is 94 per iNTTBEUOTJS. VEGETABIW CASTOR OIL W APERIENT PILIb H' May be had in One Penny boxes. 0" Oop tria^ is^saffiftioiit to prove the virtue of the »bc?e T-TnponnrtS- 40 P«| had a.t npoat respectable Chemists '"•^•'oiue Vendors thronghont the world 'f you ha'-t; »u:^<lffionlty in obtaining it, send Stamp? It Post 4irect to the proprietor, and it viu {(\r\vs.tded m once. All 2a"9d sisea post Irs*- 10 any part of the Kingdom N.B —None arc ¡,(ó.'nniÐe anless tbey have *hv PrspPtetor's sigaati^ on the Government Starai W T»ri.v»:ib. TO lUlt ATF folio JVOULB B. FO&QER r ..) Pint, I)tkOCTIP" ]S&4M PA#7tiCiS. flCLB & TIUXNILL. ){ri BcrrAVin. t i MMM Tnt"% OA&Dm • .r GROUND ^118 ON SAl.E.The Safest of rnveSTtnents, to pay 4 ft''per cent; ^gllO per annnm, Swansea; ,;£80, Londoo; £40, zC20, t37, Liverpool; and sevei-^j S in Manchester, &e. WANTED to BORROW, MOXEY, on nndonbted Property Securities, in sums of from £ 500 to 230,000. Apply H. & J. H. PEMBERTON, Market Street Alanchestet ) t I) I. ¡' In t I This infal.ihlo, painless, and certain remedy, intro- duced by J. MUNDAY, lias obtained a world-wide re- putation. The elticacv of VI kid ink may be judged by its having overt corns of over 50 years' standing, which hart resisted all other remedies. Tt Succeeds where all Plasters and Caustics have fi.iltfd Id Removing bota ltri or soft (Ærnsarad Warts. In Bottles, Price Is.. by Post Is 2d. It (7 :\11' )[nn,1a., Ainsterdam. Holland. Dt' irSi!—I lmr.^ht a Imttle of ynnr cenuine ■' Viri(line some six months ;go in P«m, ciircii lite, and as I am a •pi-incijvil f'ani-et.yqujknOtarJniy feet ure toy Iivingv >lie bottle I bought flid the- s<9vice jjfcii fec./jtinieii'leit it,"but I borisjht another olle atlnr\jnfs wliii-h w.-is forgell¡lld no good.. As I want a liottle t fiieiifi of ii e, ,who is nearly mad with J'aill, wi:! you t>f«i:K0 sl I, inffOJie-i.irect. Mdllp. MARIE MULLER. ffidiiil HIr. ji. iinfJid,'}/, Si'iainea'. Bear Sir,—I nivseif liave KiiflV-rcd with corns, and tritd several of the e^rjvtiji eure^ re'niie fcwujt .they have, but they al! failed i>t uiy I-.Ase. I1 4.1«<»r" vrfit 'a Bottle of- your Viridine, and liy apiilvHi; some nightly tathe corn I was sti'iirised to find rcpiif l <1r<r« it..clean up. I now enclose ftamjls for bottle for a frifl'Ki of liiiiie. NOTtCR.—The great sneeess of mv VIRIDINE has brought niariv worthless imitations into the market, under various names Corn Cure." The public are, therefore, cautioned to j porc^iayi: jjo, other thap MUNDAY'S VIRIDIN3,afid*9ee tRat my signature is- on "the ^nd of each package. pnp;AR:rooY Y. J. MUNDAY, Chemist, I, High St., Caraiff. Sold by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers London Agents-Wilcox & Co., 239, Oxford St., W. NeWbery & Sous, Sanger, Sutton, Hovenden, &c. fix "OCULIKSCS 2AE.?:: C5 (' KO MORB FVh: Ail JMTMM CNIFITNFY' "from' 'ifftV »li' hi»-T*9Mn 1—folahM at ■■> try F f LJl't 1M- ••VUHMkB OvLH *r.0 ,a 1,6, 4 »a«s ht-% pt-'r pair. ■ L. I P P I N I WATCrfM AK.KK, firs., MARKET STREET. PONTTWX/D. BUY ONLY ENGLISH WATCHES, BTSiSTSON'S C Nii-W PATENT No. 4658.) "LUDGATE* WATCH fT«g ohtained the EIGSSSr AVAIS OF A 30LD MEDAL AT X»t ■ • n t i iz s Exhibition, 1§85 RriVSK GOLD .41,4 r: Fh \iiiica 1??^yWjB3^Le? £ f or mv Eest London h I'fifeEE-QOiKrsa PLlTii MOVEMENf. ied tiiro,i.holLit in Rubies, True Ci rononieter Balance, Aetitlstx-Li for Extremes, With ilamp and Dust Proof Patfent King ltand and Extended Majsivo Sterling Silver Dome Cases, With CE YtiTAL GLASS Front, Which combines the Strength of the RU1t..¡ with the con versionco of the Open Face "Watch. Winds, Sets Hands and Opens at Back. The Immense superiority in Value, met Durability of the "Lndgate", Wateh, tc and American (made in Imitation flf and sq] J English), and the Old FaiJ-Flate English Levui (still gold by oth«f r»aket^)v from trie rt-a' defects of which K" «*ee»pt proved by the Award of a GOLD MEDAL, Th8 only one adjudged to English Watches. The Ludgate is 01 Bettor Quality and Value Thsin any £10 Watch hitherto nmde. The Lndgate is my Best London Hake. Strong, Handsome and Reliable, Will stand the hardest Wear <rod roughest m$ap..• And is, therefore, the 13<«t Watch For Home, Indian" aficfXToioiriiil Wear, by Railway Alen, Miners and y Colonists (No. 1, Large Size) Workmen and Artisans (No. 2, as Sketch) Gentlemen, Officers and Men in H.M. Serrica. Youths' and Boys' (No. 3. Small) Will be eent Free and Safe at my Risk Tc pll parte of the World for £5 5a. 0'i'n IS-CAKaT GOLD Crystal <1h: Cazrt v; v* cV uV. -A: (j *V>. j- -• KCcb:C*V- Ordt-M IPI3CIALLY JtWi iiaxsdll iMbe or 1.1 AJfckbr of a Throe-Quarter Plate EnglIsh Watch j- £ a b5 in Silver, or fm 12s ia Gold, and that o-y Patent" Ludgate Watoh cannot be had throact or of any other Watchmaker in the Kingdom. An, Infnagament of the Patent Kighta will be proceeded arai..t. Aa iliastrata^ "and P|fiB«d BOO^/ e^plaiainf th- advantages 6i thia Watch ovk' tne 'Pill-plafi1 Eaglish Watches sold by all other makers, will b sent Post-free on applioation to J- W. BENSON, WATCHMAKER TO 3,if. TBS QUEEN, e THE <r «2 fe 04. tUD'<l4l!x> giifci AO. 4nd 85, OLD BOND STailK W., LONDON Consequent npoa the awatf gf QfltP UxoM the demand, always «e»jL hai fitooreMef nec«B ntate m°re erteqtiffhtoli Aot» teabW u to BSSOUTS for the LUI) DATE' WATCH ? Illustrated Pamphlets ef Wfttobe* from £ 9 to MOO old and Silver Jewellery, Owns (Hoase, Chime tni arnt), Electro-Plate, and llaJlttal Boxes. Free oz application. £ > JkiL\ and othera will find thek taeomes oonsiderably in ereased bf establiskint llabe for the New Patent M Lndgate" Watch, MH_U wertb from £ i to sl< nore than any English Walek sdld, Md tb^refon koud to raperoede ill otkns. Parttealari oa appli latiom. koud to raperoede ill otkns. Parttealari oa appli latiom. "I "i" -i n A %iDERFli MEDICINE. BfeBC K A M:"S PILLS. /# At?/ \a>\ f^(pAtmr\n M M %34y Are admitted by thousands to be warth a Guinea a box for bilious and nervous dis- orders, such as wind and nain in the stomach, sick faeadacbe giddige3S>fulne3s- lend 6^v«Wi,ng .■eat^r^ meal%- diezineFS and drovvsinesa, cold chills,dusWngipf heat, loss of appetite, stibrtneSs of breath, costiveness, scurvy, blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreatos," attd all hervWis and- tremblings sensations, &c. Thefirstdose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is' no fiction, for they have done it in thousands of cases. F,ry -oufferer, is-earnestly -invited-tQ,-ta-.y. o" box -of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WO-LITH -A GUINE*A,. B,)X.. WFor females of a11 ages these JPitis are invaluable, as a few doses carry off all gross humours, open all obstructions, afldlJIlTig about alt that is ri 0 No female should be without them. There is no medicine to be fotind to equal BEECHA.\L?S PILL$ for removih any obstruction or irregularity of the sys- tem- If taken according to the directions given with £ &oh>box thev will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. For a t.,etk sto^ifcch,; impaired digestion, -arid all disorders ef the liver, they a.ct lilib MAGIC," and a few doses will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs of the human machine. T'hoy strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long loet complexion, they bring back t'no keen edge of appetite, and arouse' into action with the ROSE- BUD of health the whole physical energy^ of the Tiumao frame. These rfre FACTS admitted by thousands èmbracin all classes of society; and pue of the I)esb guarantees to the nervous and debilitated is, Beecham's Pills have the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world.. < BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general, AsthIriai, diffi. culty of Breathing, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppression, in. the Chest lwheizing, &c. these Pills are unrivalled; and any one labouring nnder any of the above complaints need only try One Box to prove that tbey arte the best ever offered-to the public for. Asthmatic and Consumptive Coughs, Hoarsonosp, *nd ()p,presi;ion of -the Chest. They speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. They give almost instant reliel an3 comfort to those' afflicted with the above distressing and, when neglected, dan- gerous complaints. Let any person troubled with any. of the above complaints give Beechah's Cough PILLs a trial. The most violent Cough will in a short time be re- moved. CAUTION.-The. public are requested to notice that the words, Beecham's Pills, St. Helen's," are on the Government Stamp affixed to each box of the Pills. If not on they are forgery. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by the proprietor T. rBeecham, Chemist, St. Helen's, Lanca- shire, in bbxep Is. lid. and 2s. 9d; each. Sent post, free from the proprietor for 15 or 35 stamps.—Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers iu the Bing- dom. N.B.-Fall directions are given with each box. p J -4 K TEftÄBU: KUUB —\ ]ro* gERNICK'S VYAimXBLX TILLS '0 -w .& "lr ímNÎOK'8 TxGftABLB FILM rAfIL -0. K KHI urn qacruim T^BiRNXCae rTIGBTABI^B ]Pft" exwen.ii"fct—w* LA Jt.RN!9Ift YKGJrt FILL* ookhaqi w maaooaufr. YBGETABUt PELI.S ARK IWALt AX* tAXt TO iWtuAy -_4' 1^, FJ.iN ICK'S VEG XT A BUS PILLS sTJc*i-<wrHKir not mrenaa, -+- J. k'i:n*tok's vegetable PILLS nrxjrY tke now, vl-i. i;owes Wi., U. l%rL~t~m*d 2». No Me)" iJ1 mod reifpect<Ufl*. Qwmutt in tingiamd mnd the Cvlonien, or rnav be had dired oy tbt £ hk J^zpruiton, 4c SOff, Wlyt&t- tale and Export LVuffidt, St. J.J¡¡. e, CARDIFF, hWb th« iDost efflc»^o«e JitUodac^d for Wor7)ia. httivg vnnoefcut i>. sUit eh&Vacter«4hey ma^jbe teken by cbi!d»«» r.f a'.i a«g?«e* .■:i,td-'on!fion« wi^j perfect '^Jety^Jj^rhey ar* luoiMl.. 'Uiril"Mr children of cftflioate stmnlicnJ and palp corr.- »>'<w they (strengthen tbv nyfiUjBi by jiring mti t'f I(: tl tf. ioikfrx only ltn" the vnlu4 f-4.ue lA..z.wr.. n* f. k* yrt-th.'yul a £ "'> £ '*> JiA ''«KVci l* Iiii ,ha&itr 7,">> <) -,0 'z: en 1? EAUTl F (J l., 11 A III II [ C', LALT H\G0NT'S RESTORES Gkev HAIR KKSTOREil !IAGON'S: TO its ORIGINAL ilTOSTOLiER ilAGON'-S^'COLOUR and BEATjTY. RESTORER Buist, « says :—" I JRSTOREa HAG0>. believe it to beone of tVe safest HhfcTORIliR !IA Q^GON'S, JorthejMir;" iRKSTO.SER. It A (, 0 N'.9 ii, Chemist Strat- |KEST0R.BR -8 AGON SfOl'-r,ft; Birfningliani, «aVs 'HESTOSrKR HAGON'S Huve been in business over 11,ESTOI.IEP. ii .Pfu" >'eurs 1,1 Birmmyliam, aiul, tlAbO.N o ki',ist sav thHt no m?v Restorer 'R^SIORKR H ,1 G 0 N'S lias given such satisfaction as RESTORER, hagoisvs IRS^tor^R HAGO^S r?y Poi-t for1" 24 stamps. 'RESTORER -^cuiiLDasy -+ HAGON'S ROSEMARY, CLEANSER „ ;v .•tJloansiii!; Lotioo for CLEANSER HAiti. OUifdireft's Hair. Destroys CLEANSER '.HA IT', all eceepers, nits, <&6. 6.1 per J CLE A NSE R. 11.11 It Kottle; by post, nine Vtamps. CLKANSER CvftOWTH. HAGON'S Is a positive remedy for KCXEWER If AGON'S Los; of Hair, Bald Heads RKNEWJER -ii AGO N '8 } -B^l^Patcbes,-et«.,etc. RENE WE R IIAGON'S REN^WER, ft iio-ci-st., Lower 0t13»d^c- town, writes:—"I -com- HAG plefcelv lost niy Hair, until IIAGON'S j Was quite Bald, but RENBVVER HAG )\'S aft-two botties oft RBNEWER HAG. 'N'S your Hair Renewer jny,| RENEVVER HAr<|Ot\'S Hair, grew ef thick and RENEWER Hi<&>N'S strong as RENEWER HAGON S By ^Sost for Stamps. RENEWER SOLE MAKER:— HAGON CHEMIST, 39, Bridge Street, Cardiff, And 2, Coburn Street, Cathays. London Agents for above preparations—SANGER and SONS, 489, Osfpriljstreet. J ¡ Trying to do business without advertising is like J winking in the dark: yon may know what yon are doing but nobody else does. j WORTH MS KANSOM OF A KtNGP GAMBEr",s ORIEXTIL SALVE (AI aapplied to ths Right Hon. W. B. GcADSTOwm). ^URES Pornp, Bore., Piles, Rhentnatism, ran- lysis, Lumbago, Stiff Joints, White Swelling* fTi -A disease, Chest & Lang Complaints, Ac., &a. I al,5 1., 11 il I" ShnjtP0 ia.IiABRTfc'r UtOOD, 28, *fWr fborpe-streete j&ottingbfMn' |1 soff-sred for over tkre# j'ffcri from white swelling. The doctor's opinion here was that it would be vears if evefY was cored. Whilst on ir rmi to Swansea I was advised to nike Gamjee's Salve. The change for the better was rapid and in three weeks I walked UP- IbA-,Atey' a of the Midland Station without t xwsistance, although on my ii arrival there I had to be s carried. Fonr boxes eom- [ plfctely enre3 me.—Certified by titi DLoop. M.R.8. b%va bftz cured. GAMGtSE'S EAST INDIA tfPILLS o* Bloed Clwnserv thoroughly parity the .Foul«t Bl«od, enr< Indigestion,"Bilious or jLdver Complaint!, Piles,t^raveL Wind, restore tobe and vigottr to the most weaklj fcattstitotion; atad år the belt in the world for all Female' Irregularities 'Perfectly Herbal and tastele- Everrose %ha has tried them isays they a,re the BEST REMEDIES IN THLj^OMiD. In Boxes at 74-d, Uljd, 2s 9d, 4« 6d. From W U. U chemist foiitvpridd; W H. Jones, chemst. MountainiAv T. Uavfes, chemist, Mrs K. M porth, T..Richaid ebsHi<su Treherbsrt.; T. JeaVins 2, CUapel-strert, Heolfa; Gu-di«~»Kernick h Son (Wholesale): Hicks ft U; T. WiUiam Ike., or direct for the amount, in stamps, with ^ecteHwtra. tions if required, from the sole proprietor, CHARLES MAOIji.. .11. Wind, street, Swansea. BBWABB OP A IMPOSTORS. ^rg^=ri, j SPF.CIALLY SU [TAB LE FOR SH I RT FRO UTS. COLLARS. QUEEN'S FOR PATENT Jjggjll EXCELLENCE HIGHEST AWARD IN THE WORLD- BECAUSE @%ryax trademark mam III SOAP "IS THE BEST" In the World for CLEANING, PATENT WASHING, and PURIFYING EVERYTHING. (flnn|n|yji In Quarter-Pound and Half-Pound Packets, of all Grocers. Known Euerywhere by this- TRADE MARK -Vi"- -fs^for Patent Borax, Jad refuse all others. W. E. VAUGHAN & co., iSTEAI. DYEING AND SCODBISG1 WORKS. LLlNDAFF ROAD, CIRDIFF. Braach Ef t ibllshmeats — "T7,' OROOKHBRBfOWN, V 248, BUTE STREET. J CA-RDIFF. 52, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT. 83, IllGH STREET., NEWPORT 27, CASTLE STREET, SWANSEA. Agent for Rhondda — fR: 3. H. Tfi.QfelAS, TAILOR & DRAPER. HANNAH STREET, PORTH. HEALTH rOS ALL this Great Household Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of Life. 1 he farr.ous Fills purify the BLOOD, and act f-W- powerfmly, yet soothingly on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, and BOWELS, giving tone, energy, and vigour to ^esegrgat. MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They Are confidently recommended as a never-failing remedy 111 all cases where the. constitution, from whatever cause, ha; become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to Females of all ages; and as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICJNE, are unsurpassed. f' [I: 111.1 I vU i: J II its Searchingr atld Itealing Properties art known throcghout the World. For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad 'Breasts, OicJ Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the-neek-anti chest, as-salt mtomeat, it Cures SORE THROAT, Bronchitis. Coughs, Colds, and even ASTIIMA. For Glandular Swellings, Abscessed Piles, Fistulas, Gout, Rheumatism, and every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has. never been known to fail. Sold at Professor Holloway's Establishment, 78, New Oxford St. (late 533, Oxford St.) London; also by nraily respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the (Stiiised WSilfcrfn Boxes and Pots, at is. xid., 2S. gd., 4s. 6d.. i is., 22S. and 33S. each. Fvii printed directions are affixed to each Pot and Box, and can De had in any language. N.B.-Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 smd 4, or by letter, 'R:IIJM!.I -mx iNmGESTldTN-. V I I DX^J'EPSIA. V_>f or HEART DfSEA.SE. "CONSUMPTION. BRONCHITIS, or ASTHMA. .Y LOW SPIRITS. DEBILITY. or LIVER COMPLAINT for those engaged in 4.- 'IJo-o 4 £ ^V or V for those breathing 6 éO* Or for those exposed to the Weather, As Quae"rtim(ejj: DjtciVER^, FARMERS, LABOURERS, & .,&c., &c. fl1 "I "1 — For INDIGESTION in tfi its various forms, of want of appetite, a feeling C^^weight or oppression after V meals,Headache.Henq|hurn,Cramp,Wind, pains rAyV about the region of the'heart, and other symp- tonis which are often mistaken for those of the dread HEART DISEASE; hundreds i w fiiave caused anxiety to theavelves an#- /iL^r ■'n "^their familv«r hy fpromidjess fear? /j m ;'aj throu^Kignc^ance of the fact th" o i, the above are symptoms b> Indi- oa go gestiofii no one need snfler the ./JQO ^2. \4r terrible pains of Dyspepsia 2.p- r £ ° and Indigestion while there. a aS W is a cheap, simple and E w a— 5 effective remedy al- ESH^oo 6 sJ"V r waTO-at tondi- For A^f/ y* trSS-^ SS'S'S33' all the various ctr-o 5z[g O forms of Indi- p;B-SSg»S.S gestion, phy- g f g | m 3 U 81CianB and /«^V/ \^C\ patients /^C/ 94 are \V mously \v-/ sffpSSBss, g-Sass|g-JK\ Weea/ >Ok/ S "og ^"3 that a5 g- »H.? 2 .o-VrS o a rV ;S » vm mmi*r mj remed,u kifpi? of the fel |l?Ll:-g AGE yO -o a £ -ST £ g.g ?g- It £ -ST £ g.g ?g- s'&p|§I og"-s63«»2si o-s§S««g§§ /> ^2e'§iS.'2*S ^E's^r/Sa/ \0>\ hS.s /iJiiy/ Y/^>\ 1 s8g §.g BE? g-fS'l! I ZfXS, W' 1II Hgo.g j //»■ PnB atrjifjiind g*l3(_°S' giifii M 0 'H 1° no?tndo raomiMiiii 2 & te'g ? Wi ,«ll 5pni 3TB8M 0 S S.U °'» /B°°W g.Qg hI'E pn« anon8 emooaq ?ounso suoa OS t, -Jed P^'TIWP pns wjwoxxop pnw V^A\ ?g 5 V » 'nojpinio SuimoxS Jood 10 'Antjoexi M -tin oq poo[q oqj ji ajnd eq totnrao jflnn B.jaiponi eqt amd eq j^rai eq^ «sai«n ■jewaaq eqi Pirqo oq? wuhu X[Md -ojd ^otitibo Jaqiora 8qa qi»nej!|8 ptiwqil»9q \»/0 10,6»o*»oeai aq? qiui IT qauue ptttg*K>K| eig \<r n\ ^jutid Oq^otuo) atq'BiaaaA pooa atnot arpMU ?fcojt8 /fy 8qi'«Axiriiaaani0JJ3l^,ieBTl8Tiy«>ipu*«ijs[Ha N "IIHO QKIAiOHO PnB SHaHXOK JDNISgflN .è S-iy it is SAFE AND CERTAIN. Say it is PURELY VEGETABLE i .Say it ia VERY, :1 POPULAR. It. 4. >> sa 'r/ iL 1 Say "*?? It is ALWAYS CERTAIN" i ro DO YOu GOOD. p. 1;1IJ<t O Says. It is the BEST REMEDY of the AGE. WHY DONT' YOU TRY IT IT IS CERTAIN TO RELIEVE YOQ ? It has cured HTJNDSED3 suEEerin from the same complaint as yeu. SIT WILL CURE YOU IF YOU TAKE IT IN TIAilM Every day gpves the disease fresh hold up in yoa, and though Qwilyrri Eoans' Quinine Bitfofs hav* <; cared Haa'dreds of Cises givaa up by friend3, still the sooner the enechy ia your system is gait rid ?■ of, the better. Sold in bottle.3 at 2s 91; doable size, 4s 6i case3 containing three large bottles, 121,64. May be had of every Chemist, or Vender of Patent Medicines; 6t, if preferred, ^ill b§ sent lA Above prices, safe by Parcet Post, secure from obsf^vatioas direct from the Proprietor—Mr Q;WILYM EVANSO P.O.S., Ltanelly, Soutli Wales. 30 TEARS I CARDIFF, R. B. BOtTLTON, 3. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DENTAL SURGEON, I "RTJC AcTON HOUSE, ROATH ROAD, .4 U • (Opposite Unireriitj College), CA-RDIITir, + r V ffaTing hftd gitutft experience both in iiogligh and American systems of Dental enabled t6 give to nis patients the benefit of snoh experience in a whioh HbK rer^ few Dentists can offer -r and being the Inventor of the Patent Composition, tv x 6aly a perfect impression of the month can be obtained, ho aa traaMod. to beautifully fitting Artificial Teeth of guaranteed workmanship, of nataral a and which defy detection. 1 "-1: No Sea-horse Ivory Teetb. No 3s. Teeth. No Ribbisi of any tini RELIABLE TEETH. Partial Sets.from õs to 30s Each. Sets Upper or Lower 60s to 20 Gui11. Inmntor of the Al Amalgam Stopping tJluBd by the best Dentisti in 11. Amerift TESTE SAVED by fillings, which last from 10 to *0 years, aft Moderate Fmb. NITROUS OXIDB GAS administered daily at Cardiff by the but as safest method. Repain Exetutèd promptly on our own, or upon work made by other Dentists. Extract from the "Chronicle," December 24th. The work of the well-known Dental Surgeon, Mr. R. B. Bonlton, of Acton H Cardiff, is very highly finished, and is the best work we have eyer seen." HOME ATTENDANCE DAILY, FROM 10 TO 5. }a 3STOTIOE. ^r, SEMOVBD from St. Catherine's Street, to MIt. Notts, 77, Tatf Strftet, Pontypridl* Attendanoe-the first Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 o'clock. AIM at Msg. Whites, Oheiaists, dso, Mountain Ash, the same day fwm- 10.3. to 1 o'clock. Attest at Ma. 1RLa o's, Chemist, Merthyr, the Second Wednesday in each mull frnm 12 to S. "The OLBAI" Blaek Ltai"—CWi fma JAMES' ° £ £ DOiViE »ma iau»s, wmr BLACK LEAD iKflia PONTYPRIDD. JOHN CROCKETT & Co., UtfDBRTAKEKS, And General Cabinet Makers, and House Fur- nishers. Shellibier for Adult Funerals. Coach for Children's Funerals. Wteaths in great variety. Children's Coffins from 7s. 6d, Adults Coffins 11 25s. Polished Oak. Coffins with White Trim- wings add padded iuside 60s. Shellitiier to carry 8 inside and coffin out- side from Pontypridd, Hopkinstown, Coedpenmaen, Chainworks, and Tre- forest to Cemetery 8s. Coach to carry G inside and child*, coffin outside from above places to Cemetery WILLIAMS' SHORTHAND CALLED ALETHOGRAPHY. Easiest to learn, read and write; Compendium 2d complete Is 8d; on enclosing stamps to- MRS. J. WILLIAMS, Ashfield Terrace, Llangollen. HEATH & SONS 12, OKOOJCHsaBTOWH. CARDIFF, EIne on view the Largest Stock ef Hjgh*elasi PIANOFORTES. ORGANS, AND harmonium.^ IN south WALES, Whiob they are now offering at a GREAT DISCOUNT FOR CASH, And on the Three Years, System, from Ids 61 per Month. Pianos* from 16 exilia". (Heath A Sons, their only auidreag, 12, Gta»oklug|^ town, Caidiff. Hare no britohet nor agealki6 eaabling them to give aa extra digoout i8 tfeeir onatemors). Illastrated OataioraM free. ■V t :r t 'M- MR. T. ROWLAND, Architect, Measurer, Valuer, k, Has REMOVED to his New Offices, Nëw. Town Hall Buildings, MARKET STREET, PONTYPRIDD. N.B.—Estimates prepared; Bills of Quantities worked out, and Measurements completed.