Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

9 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



'[ ——————— j$he Chronicle f,i J Steam Printing Works, V 28 and 24, MILL STREET, I PONTYPRIDD. {ESTABLISHED 1863 AS THJ: FIRST PRINTING OFFICE IN THE RHONDBA.)J| ->0" I B. DAVIES, fRDSTER, PUBLISHER.^ BOOEBINDER Has LARGE and RAPID Machinery to Compete with the Cheapest Houses in the Kingdom, IN Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Billheads, V, Memorandum Forms, Books, Pam- phlets, Magazines, Club and Colliery Rules, Financial Statements, &c. I. # THE CHRONICLE: The Best Local Paper; Started in 1881; Three Times Enlarged. YR HERALD CENADOL: Only Missionary Magazine Published in the Welsh Language To meet the Growing Demand for OftXJUHKXXJUC. N T N 0 Recent Additions have been made to the Plant and Machinery, so that FOSTERS, CIRCULARS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, &c., Can be produced in the Finest Style in filack or Coloured Inks, Bronze, Sil- ver and Gold Lettering, and Borders RaJ>IDITY QUALITY ECONOMY 1!! I I = hundreds of Blocks for Illustrations 23 & 24, MILL STREET, ( POliTTTPBIDD i e A L i e I a ct, Pf 1 w-'i N -E Is a Delicious Beverage ul Tonic made from Port Wine, Liiebig'i Extract of Meat and Extract of Malt; Nutritious, Strengthening, Stimulating, Flesh-forming, and Health* restoring; editable for the Bo bait in Health at well as the Inralid. Important Unsolicited Testimonial from M. K. HARGREAVES, Esq., ](.1), WxLuxaio* Hovsa, Baoci Srjtxir, LKKDM, XMm. Coleman and Co. ltth JurvAHT. 1886. UaniaiH,-I recaivsd simpls bottle of your Extract of Beef ana Iw Win# I And that it is the urn u I vied extensively OTW twe jean age, and which I found of so mueb benefit that I have used it ever sinee in my praetlec and nmmbori of my paUtnti set :tfor themielTes. I have (Teat confidence in it as a tonic mat restorative. it is also very oiahtl in caiea of eonsnmption. I wish yon would send me one dozen bottlei, and then will send yon money by return. Tea cen send it by nil by O.K.R. on to the Q.N.B., and then It Will come direct to &•*<«. I^yowst^ HARoBi4TEg Ml) •eldbrailDragttsts. WinsXsnbaata. and htmtMedietas Vendors In the United Xfigdem. to Bottles Is. M. end 4s. M. each. AU for tOUMUI'l UEBIO'k BXTRACT OT ICXAT AMD MALT WINS, end sat that yon get it." fl/9 .sise, 80s. per dot. 4/6 sue, 60s. pet dos. Oak COLEMAN ft Col'GUdeniiiite St. Norwich. £ 100,000,000. ENORMOUS FORTUNES IN THE COURT OF CHANCERY. THE Morning Advertiser, of Feb. 22nd, 1886, HAS the following MKSSKS. COX & Co., 41, Southampton Buildings, Hol- born, London, have lately been instrumental in obtaining many large same from the Chancery Paymasters. The pro npt and cheap system adopted by Cox and Co. will greatly assist persons to obtain what legally belongs to them F from the vast accumulated hoar ds in Chancery. It is surpris- ing that the Court of Chancery does not receive many more applications than are already made, and there is no doubt that when the ease with which inquiries can be made, and rights established, thrqagh Messrs. Cox and Co.'s agency. is known, the number of those who secure what only awaits application from the rightful owners will be greatly in- creased. ENORMOUS FORTUNES LIE BURIED m the COURT of CHANCERY, amounting to £ 100,000,000, which really belong to the people, including all classes of the community, from the peer to the peasant. The Chancery Paymaster will be only too glad to pay the money to the rightful owners if they will put in their claims. There are thousands of people walking about at the present moment who are quite unconscious of the fact that a fortune has descended to them from remote ancestors, and because they have no knowledge of these ancestors they take no interest in what is really of vital importance to them. We earnestly entreat everyone to send to Messrs. COX & CO., 41, South- ampton-buildings, Holborn, London, and obtain their list of Christian and Surnames in full of the 50,000 peraons to whom all this vast wealth belongs. Price Is. 6d, (postal order). And if they find their names, or those of any ancestors, they should obey the instructions it contains. A fortune may await them. NOTICE.—Our many successes have produced some imitators, but we have no connection whatever with then Our list of names is perfectly reliable. The following are a few of the Family Names appearing in our List. Abbie AdMn ÁncINM Arty AtMn Abbott Affleck Allnutt Annistsed AtkinO Abell Aguew AUsopp Armstrong Atkiossn Abraham Ahmed Alton Arnell Attwood Aburrow Ainaworth Ambfase Arnold AubwtM AcUuiod Aitken Ames Arnott Avibjef, A'Couit Aitkins Anderson Arthiy Auld Acton Akere Andrews Arundel Aajtaa Acwoith Akroyd Assail Ash Adair Albin Anson A«hhee AnO 1 Adam Albo Alutln Arjlfc tza. asf is«r ps ssu aa? Sr tsr Badooek Barrow gelinfio BM Bnllm EF isi-t E3E. fab* EP Biuley Barton Baunet Nrt Brain Ew » n. H i Balrd BaHard Benson Black Bratt Baker Bate Bentley Blackburn Swr) Baldwin Bateman Bently Blackw Brewrtjtf Baldy Bates Bore Bladoa Bridget J Balfour Batho Bereeford Blake Brom Ball Baton Berkeley Blose Bronghtcl Balls Batting Bernard Blott Bruce IS HE iSx S & feS&far Benton bStj BoSr. BolM^ CaSy Chldwkk S^Md o £ fce Cain Chalmen Clifford Oooembe Creed A Cains Chaniben OUttoe Coop* &«■ > Oaks Chimdler Clinto* Ooopsc CreeewsQ Calbraith Cbaidin Cloid Coor Crew Calcraft Chapman Ciot»_ Cope Crick 4 aissaf as?~ sx saa. Caley Otataigna Coates Oonnack tttftca 1 Oslheen Chater Cobb Oorae KMW t Call Cbattarton Cock Oonter CreasptA ftawtt ChiMen Oee Cort ffltiljt Campbell Chitty Cohen Cotan geoc* Cans Chote Cokar Cottington Crout J Canning Chryne Colam Cotton Cape Chuck Oolbach Couleoa Craad9| Carbeny Chumley Cole Coulter Cuff card Church g Ooward Mte • Cartel Churchill CcHes CoweU Cnndyi Carhart CtrattsM OeUart Cowlv Caraagy Claek OoUay Cox. Curt 33U« 8S& SU Qtrr Clark Oomfoct Qaskk Conn Caningten Clarke Compten Qrabtree Ourria' Carry Oarkssn Ooanall Oraddock OiRy jgg, gi cSmf* &ii CI8IitI ewe 0.- 0IriI, Aiaaggett I>»Tldson Bsvert DoaneO ^ryton pace Darie D«wa DooovaB DacMI Da Costa Baviee Diamond Dore Dudd Dacre Davin Dibdin DougMy DudM« Dafel Davis Dick Douglas Dudley Daclish Darison Diokeos Douglass Dug f Paking DawUn Dickenson Douse wfty Daiby Dawson Dickinson DOTS Dugdan D*le Day Dickion Dowlsr »»ke Daley Daynos Digby Down Dunbar Dallas Deacon Dighton DoiMMS Duncan Dal ton Dean Dike Dorle D"ni«y Danepar Deans Dillon ITOyley t Ihiuiel Deards Dimsdala Drake vpna Danieis Dearings Dioeley Draper Dbnstaa Parucnt Path Dishman Drayton Dttihaai Entou Edridge Ellis English E'mry Edwards Elates Eno Kccles Edye Else Epworth Swar T Eedes Elsley Ermit |*e»» K Eckford Egau Ellon Erneet gston EJiUi Egerton Eltoa Erratt gylaan Eiiiirap Elder Elvin Enldne §J^ee Eiles Eldridge Elwes Esses 4 Edgar Eley Klwin EtttrsS 3 Fairl*ira Falton Finley Foley Eaw?t* Fa>rbrasa Fenn Finnay Folks* Fowler Falkner Fenny Firman Foot Fox Fane Featoa Firth Forbes roxhaU Farmer Fenwick Fieh Forder Fnun Farquahar Fenwicke Fisher Ford bam Franklin Farquhar Ferguson Fitzgerald Foreit Franks Farr Fereutson Fiimugh Forley fraeer FamU Fcrmor Fitsroy Fonaan Fraalint Farrer Ferrand* Flanagan Forrest Freeman Fate Ferrier Flannagan Forshaw f"M>»th Faulkner Ferris JNeet Forster French Faux Fiddes Fleming Forsyth nw« „ Favre Field Fletcher Fort Jri«*aU Faye Fielder Flight Foea Wto Fearon Fig Flinn Fossick Jw* Feeney Finch Flint Foster Frond Felix Ftadlay Flower Fotd Fry Fell Finlay Floyd Foulcber Fuller Feilowes Finlayson Flynn Fowden Farse Gaimfoid Gaaken OlD Ooll Grant Calbraith Oay Glass Gomm GraTee Galloway George GledhUl Good Gray Oalway Gibb Olovw Goodall green Gene Gibbon Godby GoodchUd Grove Gardener Gibbons Goddard Goodwin Gunby Gardiner Gibbs Godfrey Gordon Gnrnw Gardner Gibeen Godwin Gore Guthrie ssf siir* ssu ess. Kiss, Kss sr^ Medley Ilaidy lj«athooU Hilliard §?*» Itagan Hargrave Htbb Hllb fijjjl Hagg Haney Hedces Hnton Hjrto n?nae llarman Heduy HppUV iltle Hareey Helm Hixon Sw Wa'ey Hwper Ileudersoe Hobbs DumII Halford IHrraliae H«nl«y Hodges HufBee Hall Harris Henr* Hoe H«Jeh Haly Harrison Henehaw H<« Mn'm* Hamilton lint Henson Hdl Su1?^ Himlet Hatch HenvlUe Holland Hunt H immond H*tfleld Hepburn H'Hes Hurdle Hamor Hawkins Herbert Hollis Hurley Hanoook Haworth llerason Jfolnesi Huiiy Hanee Ilawtayne Heritage Holt g«Jt Kanke. Hav H-wson Hood HnteUa* Hankin Haytx Hibberd Hooper Hnton HtDTiaford I lay lock Hisbnt "ope 5 Hanron 1 Tar man liicker Hopegood jjnn Harbin Ilaynes flicks Hme J;J*tt Ilarbone Haywanl Hider HorrockS JI|HI Harcourt He >ld Iliggins Ind Innes Irish Isaacs J™. Inde Innis Irvine I surd Isarn Ingalton Ireland Irving Iratt J Ict Jarrett Jenkinson Joddrell Jotfdem Jackson .larviii .lenke Joel '°*epl| .1 icob .l*STer Jenner John Joulee Jacobs Jeavons .Teuntngs Johoeon Joy .lamen Jefferiee Jenvoy Johnston Joyoe J*mc«on Jeffrey Jetton Johnston e Jnasea .ixmioeon Jeff> Jerningham Jolly •{'|Pe Jeiuet Jenkins Jobeon Jones Jnss Kaempf Keen Kent King Knapp Kane Kelly Keogh KincslA KnUht Kain Kelsey Kerr Kinlock Knul Katar Kelvert Kewell RinniUrd KnowhS Kay Kemble Krr Kinross Knox Ktre Kens Kihby Kirby KoU Kearni KendHek KIMV Kirk Koeteg K-n'tm Kennedy Kidd Kieeoek Kurta Keddeil Kennett Kilbom Kitching Kyle Keagan Kenny Kilten Klein i, de y 11.7. I:: <o<tAt)f I; Lo.k"a lmkin &y -TAYeock Ubby tug u tftd L.$. TAP b Loam LOSVW g lAr- SS* ?3 rieee* VaeDenaM Xaneetl MeUand Menlagng MAUIrter Mare Munsfleld Melrose Moody W'Arthur Mackay Maneon Merle Moor il'Oarthy MacVsnaie March Meteelfs Moor* > S|*daTty Masee Manh Matte Moron MMhw Ma^guire MarehaU Miall Morley yCormaok Mahnn Martin Middleton Morris W-nouald M«i»h M*JIOQ Milbura Motes 9f DonneU Halleit Vassey M<l«a **ooMe CM'TMueall Malrom Mateon Millard Moxon W'Grog or Walt by Matthews Miller Mtildoett Jf'Laren Manley Mill* Mumbrajf M'I«M Mann Meaeey Mitchell Mun<iay M'T*jd Manners Medliurst Moffatt Murphy M'Phtrson Manning Meggs Monro Murray Nasel Neaie N«wer Noble Norton Knns Kwu Kewman No&in N«*ge Mapper Neil Newtnn Noon Nnyae J«a*h Ne)<nn Nieliolls Norman Nuna >" athan NcfViltt Nicbolion Norris Nurse If ay lor Kewbold NicoU Norths Nut* ^akley Odie Oliver Ord Otte OTlriea O'Dwyar Otley Orr Otway <Byrne <^giivy Olroyd Orton Owen OOonnell O'lfara Onion 0«bord Ozley O'Connor O'Keefe Onslow Oeborn 1 Fidley r«v«y ^errin Foney Prasten Paine Payne Peiwr T*<v>le Frerost 1 ark Pmoor.k Peters Pope Fries T>irkin« Tearoc Pl.ill P,rter Prieetlsy Tarratt Pea-eon Phillip* I'ortis Pritrhard Tarry Peat 'Ward P.tter Proatiag Panose Peet Pierce Potts Push Partridge "ogler Piqott Pound PultingcV Peterson Pouny Pike Powell PurchsM Won Percv Pitman Power Purvis Patterson Perkins Pitt Pratt Pyke Quale Onarles Oueetod Q'fisley Quinn <}aare Quash Quick Qullter QuintsS Radford Ravnss Richards Uobertsen Fo* ley fadmore Rnl Richi'dm RnVnnn Boyle 5«Pii Reed Richmond Ro -ke Ruddock Raine Reeie RWrtti Rams RnfTin Rammer Reilly RMdla Rolls Rnseeli Randall R<ir«n R i«by Rooks Ruthsrtafd Ratcliffe Reynolds Kikv Roee Ayan Rawlins Rhodes Ring Ross Rybok Rewion Rice „ Ritchie Rowe Rydec Bay Richard Roberts Rowland Byte Saegan Secombe Simmoods Spokes Stow ga'mon Se'bv Simpsen Biuire Straehy Salter Fevers Sims Staftwd Strange bandars 'ewell Nncialr Stanton Strong Bandereon Seymour Skinner State Stroud ) Saunders Shadwdl Slvto Stephens Strntb "i eavaga Sherman Mater Stephenson Style > •awer Sharp Smith Stevens SelUvan 2*wyer Shaw Smyth Stevenson Sum mart. •chniing Bhepherd Sowden Steward SnWifTland ncott Shiffuar Sparrow Stewart Swan gcal Short Hpeddlag fit (bolt Swift Seaman Showers Spenoe Stirling fykes fearr Silver Speneer Stone Byrne Beaten Bilveeter IpUk Stener Hjming Vaher Tattersall Thatehsr Tilbury Trow Tait Taylor Thomas Todd Tuck* Talbot Teal Thorne Townley Turner Tanner Temple Thoyta Townssnd Turtea «PP Terry Thurlow Tiavers ^akefleld Wayar WSteiir Wfftiiits Woolnec jaja ysr affls 8aP*aaf ssi- ssf s& s £ s Jss* ;KS 5S** Kf" sa is* {SB- sik? Varnnr WsstaB WUby nfaaman ieMW IsSng* tenB PMhaiy Semite ftnShl talMr E|a* J 'OORKfl, iUKLAROM TM Jttlim.— Pbllak'b CORN liuN»oN l^wtsTess we the ooty remedy. They differ from all plasters, slut-Ida. or composrtiong ever invented. By instantly Boftciiiiw the callous sarronndin^ the pain goes at once, the corr soon following. Bunions and enlarged toe joints quire more time for perfect cure, i>ut tbeuctii o Boxes. Sold by Chemists, Ac. everyU !I>-M GREAT BODILY, NEKVB, MENTAL, AND Diokhtivc. 8TBENGTII follows the use of PEPPKR's QUININK AMI iltON Toxicc. By infusing new life into the nerves enriching the blood, and strengthening the muscuUr system, symptoms of weakness disappear, appetite re- turns, fatigue ceases, and recruited health result Insist on having Pepper's Tonic. It can be obtain?!? tn 2s 6d. bottles. Hold everywheie. It eosta ahoiu lid. each dose. TARAXACUM AND PoDOrHTl.HM —A liver n-edt- tine without merenry, is a mixture of juices r-i ti » mandrake and dandehen plants, good for hcadrtcl. torpidity, costiveness, flatulence, neartburn, ir.di^tr,- tion, biliouanens, reprgnance to food, genersj diw.itir- ??r^' 4r#* Pepper's Taraxaeum ana Podophyllum by stimulating the liver with a most gentle action on the stomach, is the safest, meat rt- hable rtiedicine. Bottles Ss. 9d. Sold every m lior; Insist on having Pepper' To DARKKN Grut iiAIN.—LoCKTZR S SULPIH-k ItUB RBSTORBB produoes a perfectly natural shade iu a few days. No hair restorer offered is equal tc Lockyer's Sulphur for its beautifying, cleaasing net- tion |]je hair, causing it always to grow. Large bottles, 4. Gel. Seld everywhere. To CUKB SIIX DISIASBS.—STTLPHOLINE LOTION will completely remove all eruptions, pimples, redness blotches, scurf, eczema, psoriasis, &c. in a few day, Bnlpholine attacks old skin disorders, and totally da stroys them. It is a pecaliar, agreeable, harmless fluid, producing a clear skin. Sulpholine Lotion is. sold by Chemists. Bottles, 2s. 9d. DRAFNESS, NOIIES IN THB EARS, Ac.—DKI.I,AU'?. ESSBNCB Fm DBA^MBSS is still the only remedy of any real worth. Its power of clearing the air passage? and eften relieving old cases has been proved during a qnarter of a century. Applied on cotton woul Bottles, Is. ljd. Strfd evarywliere. A DKLIOHTKUI, FLATOUø.CRACBOI'T'S ARKCA- NoT TOOTH PASTB.—By using this delicious Aromati? Dentifrice. the enamel at the teeth becomes white. sound, and polished like ivory. It is exceedingly fragrant, and specially used for removing incrustatiuiu- of tartar on neglected teeth. Sold by all Chemists Pots, Is. end 2s. each. Get Cracroft's. LIVE. COMPLAINT, — Three-fourths of our functional derangements are caused by interruption of the liver's action. A few doues of Dr. King's Dan- delion aad Quinine Liver Pills, without mercury, arn a poteat remedy. They perform all the benefits of mereury, without any of its disadvantages and dangers. Dr. King's Pills remove all liver aud stomach complaints, biliousness, headache, sickness, shoulder pains, heartburn, indigestion, constipation, so ensuring perfect health. These old-fashioned Pilis still keep ahead of all others as the great liver remedy. Sold everywhere. DR. KING's LIVER PILLS, containing dandelion and quinine, without mercury, are far above all others as the surest, mildest means of removing indigestion, biliousness, headache, dyspepsia, obstructions and irregularities of the liver and stomach, so ensuring perfect health. Dr. King's PiHs are sold everywhere. To STOP COUGHING, a few doses of PEPPIS* WRITE COUGH MIXTURE arrests the most troublesome it of coughing, restoring relief and tranquility to the irritated membranes and air-passages. Soothing, comforting, and demulcent, its action is quite different front ordinary Cough Remedies. Bottles M< •vary where.. lam AW» BTQMAoa mxs.—u*. juxa's JUAKBH- uq* ABB Qonmra Livna Prua.—These tateus PiUe de noi Bel tain evna a tiaee of Mercury, or any of the many dan Mpwu iagssdients frataeathr found in advertised Pill*. ™s feet oentinnes to keep Dr. King's renowned discovery to front ef all PUls whatsoever, as the safest, beet, speediest, toest certain and effectual remedy for disorders of the Liver tCd Stomaeh, whether in the form of Biliousness, Oonstipa- tien, Indigestion, FUtulenee, Acidity, Headaehe, Skoulde\ Painsj Feveriah Restlessness ef the wnele system, Bisinelina tion for Feed, or Dyspeptic symptoms generally. ¿, JThe Dandelion Extract contained in Dr. King-t Pills, by its welt. action as the Liver (the nost iIM. portant the whole Anune), eauses the hedily seere- lions to flow ta a regular manner, and cenfoiatly with th< tome ingr^i^ts, greatly ln«|BMtsi nalntalntog th< neat portals efthe system fa fliiftsHlto te sesnre gooc health. Any Chemist sells them in jhsssa. Md. sad Ss. »d each. i THE VERDICT OF THE WORLD AND THE UNANIMOUS VOICE OF THE PEOPLE Proves that for Value, Quality, and Excellence, Stewart Dawson A Co's English Levet Watches have no Equal. OUR WATCHES are CONVENIENT, STRONG RELIABLE, and EFFICIENT, and are solely our own manufacture, thus the public dealing direct with as save to themselves two large profits, the Wholesale Merchants and the Retail Dealers. Our trade mottoes are Excellence, Efficiency, Un- equalled Vslaa, Free Approval, Guaranteed Satisfac- faction, and we tueert, withoat fear of contradiction, that we can serve the public better than they can be served elsewhere. SBND FOR OUR CATALOGUE. and learn for yourselves what your neighbours say about our Watches, and not only that, you will be taught How to Choose a Watch; also learn how the Arm of Stewart Dawson & Co. have become SECOND TO NONE the wide world over as WATCH MANU- FACTURERS. We will forward oar CMaloaue of Horology post free for Two Stamps, cost of postage only. If y«« require a Watch ranging in priee from 25s to 425, send at once to STEWART DAWSON & GO., WATCH MANUFACTURERS, LITMPOOL.





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