Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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V.' E.- VAUGHAN I & (JO, STEAl DYEING AND WORKS. UjANDAFF ROAD, CARDIFF. Branch Establishments:— 77<-T.^CKHERBTOwk, 1 rARnm!, 2iH (STREET, J CAiil)1FF* STREET, NEWPORT. 83, hi' H Si'FEET, NEWPORT. 27. C^SH-E tolKEET, SWANSEA. e-? A.(It-?, for lihondda:- m j. H -6, TAILOR & DRAPER, HANNAH oT?JEET, PORTH. » ■; „. • WHTlfPRIDD HOUSE PROPER\t AND. ,,0' INVESTMENT COMPANY LIMITED, OLD POST OFFICE CHAMBERS PONTYPRIDD DIRECTORS MB JAMES ROBERTS, Tff Vilo lyovm, TM. -Forest Chairman. a.?LaGnE0R0E ENILL Tonypwidy, Ti»- MR RICHARD ROGERS, Pontypridd. MR EVAN DA VIES, The Walk/Cardiff, MR EDWIN PHILLIPS, Pontypridd. MR THOMAS THOMAS. (Wf-Oenn, Treforcst. Secretary—MR H S. DAVIBS. Offices Old Post Office Chambers, Pontypridd. This Company is prepared to receive Deposit* £ 10 and up wards repayable at Three Months .wotioe^and to bear Interest at the rate of Four ■Pounds per Centum per Annum, pa?»b*» Hair- M^early. -i^Aply to the Secretary as abore GEORGE'S Cough Balsam. 1 "V ? '>■ "The Boohs of Prompt on Hosf'to- Po not contain a case of Astctrr « Consumption whioh mi nt not DA"8 ,-been effectually care ..l. George's ough Balsam. A great nUMbe,- nf the, most eminent S'hysiciaiipin the Kmgdom, when every >otber menDS bad failed, to remove affections of the Chest and Lunge, 1have recommended their patients to ,try George's Cough Balsam, And the result has been immediate "improvement iind a speedy enre. Persons employed in factories, coal .%nd iron mines, close and unwhole- some apart men's, Ac., and whose snf- ferinps are, therefore, the greater when afflicted with a hard cough, thghtveep, or phortness of breath, oareeness, bronohitis, &c., never find anything do them half as much good ■saw George's Cough Balsam. Mothers, Upo whose little ones the -death -da.rn r seemed to be gathering as •T' vfctaey 1 aygttspingnpon thebosomorprasr crated ú.1ti)ittW byhoopjdg Oongh, > havo tfeen their chetiherl idols revived ";WaLn(i ^rynghttq.l< £ a again by 't ^t^edrge's Cough'Bai^m. 34emhers of Parl-amett, Military ^"DornrrBTiderH, Qlergymen, Public Speakers and SiWgerH. Captains of »Sbips, School masters, and others. nppa whwn tboiggravations of a bad coufch lip g rwifctd impose djfhe n>cefsjty for retiri- | tjjheir Ant^Ily^l^t, have Weft Jr. t$rename theifyeogagemeBts iif.Iecnge'i+,CtMt:g Balsam., j,; atrnly wonderful Expectorant, :.nh.flpRømodlO, Rnd Demèn&. (.No 11 No family should he without it I. countftss Testimonials. «%.<?■ „ ■' »' -*> PONTYPBIDD ''W:, ■ JOHN CKOCEETT Cot '> gMtlBTJIKW. "i .M General Cabinet Makers, -and Hoist Far aisvjsf jushcrs. r' ..I. SkXaier for Advil punereas. Ooach Jo. ft&uidrerCe Funeral*. Wreath* in grtat variety Mwrws Oefiiw fton 7s. 6'1. fUrtti CefiM ■ HWfchinl Oak Coffins with WW 25s. "-mitaip sod padded inside j; ilgailib;er to carry 8 inside and cogra out. tiOB. aide from Pontypridd, HopkitaaWws, -Ooedpenmaen. OharaworVe a»d Tre- Sø "Somt to Oametery fcJ^ToarrrS natside from abowp*»?M >o Oe«^r» till 1 L ONE J50 x OF CLARKE'S B 41 PnXS is warran r-eèd toctea all discharges from the urinary organs, in -sitbor sex (aoquired or constitutional), gravel, and )a TOMB* in the back. Guaran^eeA-free from piercury.; iMdjn bo*es, 4s fid e«*ch,f all chertists and pAPent smedicine ^vendors; or sent for sixty stamps by the !Saker&, The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug 4GOL, Lincoln. Wholesale, Barclay and Sons, London -ym TRW Brx»«>D rø the LIFE."—CLAEKB S BLOOD MIXTURE is warranted -ft P- the blood from a,11 imparities from what- t |)fM,<wiw ariaing. For Scrofula,-8cmrvy, Sfcin and Diseases, And Rorea of all kinds, its effects are iuwxwdlons. Tnousands of testimonials. Sold in ^'fcsOflen, «e»d or 33 stampa^and UB each ,Bv Chemists every wbf re. ? 7;.JJi."j. 1. ADTERTISE IN^THE H .j: » :ei&bwieiJ.' To ENSURE A CLEAR SKi?z.-Sulpholine Lotion clears off alLli^p^rleotioas inafewdays. Spots,-Blemishes Irritating Objectionable Appearances, Redness, Roughness, Tan, Uncomfortable Skin Disfigure- ments &e. however obstinate, entirely fade away, leaving the Skin smooth, transparent, supple, natural, and healthy. Perfectly harmless. Sulpholine is delightfully fragrant, oooling and refreshing: coun- teracts effects of weather, softens, and preserves. Bottles 2 J.d. Sold everywhere. CORNS, BUNIONS, AND ENLARGED TOE JOINTS.— DELLAR'S CORN AND BeNION PLASTERS are the only remedy. They differ from all piasters, shields, or computsitions ever invented. By instantly sottening the callous surrounding the pain goes at once, the corn soon following. Bunions and enlarged toe joints require more time for perfect cure, but the action is eertain. Boxes. Soid by Chemists, (tc. everywhere. GREAT BODILY, NERVE, MENTAL, AND DIGESTIVE STRENGTH forows the use of PEPPER'S QUININE AND IKON Toute. By infusing new life into the nerves, enriching the blood, and strengthening the muscuiar system, eymptoris of -weakness disappear, appetite returns, latigue ceases, and recruited health results. Insist on having Pepper's Tonic. It can now be obtained in 2s. 6d. bottles. Sold everywhere. It costs about lid. each dose. TARAXACUM AND PODOPHYLI IN.—A liver medicine without mercury, is a mixture of juices ot the mandrake and dandelion plants, good for headache, tprpidity, costiveness, flatuleyace, heartburn, indiges- tion, biliousness, repugnance to food, general dis- comfort, depression, &c. Pepper's Taraxacum Podo- phyllin, by stimulating the liver with a most gentle action on the stomach, is the safest, most reliable medicine. Bottles, 2s~6d. Sold everywhere, lusi" on having Pepper's, To DARKEN GREY HAIR.—LOOKYER'S SrLPrfun HAIR RESTORER produces a perfectly natural ahade in a few days. No hair restorer offered is equal to Lockyer's Sulphur for it& beautifying, cleansing -action on the hair, causing it always to grow. Large bottles, Is. 6d. Sold everywhere. DEAFNESS. NOISES IN THE EARS, &C.-I)ELI,Al, ESSENCE FOR DEAFNESS is still the only remedy of any real worth. Its power of clell,ring the ear passages and often relieving old cases has beenproved during a quarter of a century. Applied on cotton wool. Bottles, Is. lid. Sold everywhere. A DELIGHTFUL FLAVOUR.—CRACROFT'S ARECA-NUT TOOTH PASTE.—By using this 'delicious Aromatic Dentifrice, the enamel of thh teeth becomes white, sound, and polie-hed like ivory. It is exceedingly fragrant, acd specially uped for removing- incrusta- tions of tartar oil neglected teeth. Sold by ttil Chemists. Puts. Is. and 2s. each. Get Cracroft's. LIVER COMPLAINT.—Three-fourths of our functional derangements are caused by interruption of the liver's action. A few doses of RING'S DANDELION AND QUININE LIVER PILLS, without merenrv, are a potent remedy. They perform all the benefits of mercury, without any of its disadvantages and dangers. Dr. King's Pills remove all liver and stomach com- plaints, biliousness, headache, sickness, shoulder peins, heartburn, indigestion, constipation, so ensur- ing perfect health. These old-fashioned Pills still keep ahead of all others as the great liver remedy. Sold everywhere. DR. KING'SLIVER PILLS, containing dandelion and qnipine, without mercury, are far above all others as the surest, mildest mains of removing indigestion, biliousness, headache, dyspepsia, obstructions and irregularities of the liver and stomach, so ensuring perfect health. Dr. King's Pills are sold every- where. To STOP COUGHING, a few doses PEPPER' WHITE COUGH MIXTURE arrests the most troubleso me fito f coughing, re3toring relief and tranquillity to the irritated membranes and air-passages. |Soothing, comforting, and demulcent, its action is quite differ- ent from ordinary Cough Remedies. Bottles. Sold everywhere. FOR GARGLING TH-i THROAT AND IUOUTH, use PEPPER'S TANNIN THROAT GARGLE.—An application of great service for soue throat, whether inflammatory, relaxed, or nlcerated. Tannin Gargle is strongly re- commended to speakers, singers, &c. as greatly pre- servative and sustaining. It is also a valuable pnrifier a mouth wash, being singularly agreeable, astringent, and cleansing. Bottles.* Sold every- where SULPHOLINE SOAr IS A TOILET SOAP CONTAINING SULPHOLINE.—It is a. delicately retined,lcbemically pure Soap, intended for general use, and is free from the injurious acrid oils peculiar to common, imper- fectly prepared soaps. Sulpholine Soap is excellent for washing at all times and rendering the skin soft, clear, and pliable, Tllblets, t>d. each.mSold every- where j t t frrr a L__ 1 1 KixptUr^s Cured. 0 rP '.—v ;fe L ■ RUPrUliES: RUPTURES 1 f V I W -Atfif'ofeATIC S SOFT RUBBER SNETR. I "I "Jo< Is the most^rfeot we ev^r ex tmined."—"Medical Press and aud Circular, OH. 21, 1685.. 1 |>UPTUR £ ^.—'F HODGE'S Patent Truss is jK' the most comfortable and effective t. uss, it gives an elastic pressure, possessing a very li,rent advantage. It adapts itself readily po the niovewieia uf itie bndy, and is very clfee- tive.—" Lautsei," Ucc. o, ¡ ——^ 'Di UPTUREq: VPPV ingenious and snc- n oessfnl truss.—" British iVIedical Jour- Dal," JVIay .33, 18b5. i EUPTURES.—" WITHOUT enlarging the opening as conical pad? are apt to do, while its resiliency ensures the pad keeping its pbce withont exerting injurious pressure."— Medical Tjmes," October 10, 188;). EUPTURES.-H"Possess decided advantage JH, both in efficiency and cOlIlfort IJvr all otners with which we are HcqIl"ittteti. "Liverpool Medical Journal," Jan. 7, 1886. T J J EUPTURES. —"A VEIJTY ingenious t russ."— "Edinburgh „Medical Journal," Eeb. 1, 1886. ELASTIC STOCKINGS fi BELTS IN STOCK. Vetciption, a Stamped Addressed Envelope, HODGE, 4 CO., i .s Suspensoty Bandage & Army Truss Makers, • SE7 k 329t OXFORD STREET, LONDON. FACTOBT^—18. JXMM STREET, W. F ■* v AJ-4 ■■>.■■■: V Jlii j," i ¡ l!.>h '1 ,tt:r¿"-v!t;.Jdtí fa


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