Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

1 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



CORNS CORNS e f (Registered Trade Mark, No. 369'33.) A Cerain Cure for Curias. PAl\LESS AND HARMLESS. #X)RNS! This infallible remedy introduced by J. MUNDAY has obtained ft world-wide reputation. The efficacy of VIRIDtNS O may be judged by its having Cared Corns of over 50 years' standing, which had resis- COR NS tell all other remedies. 1 succeeds where all Plasters and ^ativq Caustics have tailed I3J RWM0V[NG BOTH HARD OR ^voxrc SOFT CORNS AND WARTS. TESTIMONIALS. From Mr. HOPKI\ HDPKINS, Gors. QORN S einon, near Swansea. DSAK Sih,—I heartily congratulate you ^JORNS for your U'e-itmeut for corns. The bottle of Viridiae yon sent me s-irae time ago CORNS I has proved almost iwiracuJous to the corns I had 0'1 my feet. It is exactly the remedv f ORNS wnat you recommend it to be, acd I hope it will become more known in the Prinoi- CORXS! p;ity, hr there are. no doubt, hundreds of v>» persons that weald be hla.d to know of it-i CORNS :vI,ille MARIE MULLER, Amsteidam, Holland. CORNS Ma M(;ndaYj T DE.VK Sin,—I bought a bottle of your 0ORNS fteuHi,ie Viridine' s .>rae six months a^o in Paris which cured m <,and as I am a princi CORNS pal dancer,you know iny frict arc,, my living. The bottle I boughs did tlu service you CORNS recommended it, b it I bought another can afterwards, winch was forged and lingood. OORNS ^3I want a bottle of genuine for a irieinl of v mine, who is nearly mad with pain, will you „ ND. olease send me on» direct.— Mdiie. MARIE MLLER. ( CAUTION.—As there are several imi- QORNs .taiiona of this preparation, th-3 public art requested to ASS FOR C 0 R M U N iJ. Y S V ( B 1 D I N E." CORNS And SEE THAT MY IUXArt'RE i-i On the END of each package. CORNS! By ordering 'Corn Cure' yon n:.ay receive oae of the many so-called rem p»OiiNS e^i04' which only }?ivo relief, or some worthless imitation of Viridine.' IN BOTTLES, PKI^E h.; BY 'CM'. la. 2d. P^KPAfOD ONl.Y BY* J AL U N 1J A Y CHE M I S f. H I G El STREET, CAKD1 F F. j Sold by all distrusts. ADVERTISE in the C'-iKOXICLK. CEORG-'S i.MFAMTS' POvViitHi, TESTIMONY FHOM L jSUHN. 13, Cosmo Place, Queen's Square, London, July 2-iih, 18S5. Dear S t, Will you please forward mw six of your Iniantd'' e'ewders. A p icket is toe much 1 like to hafe them fiesti. 1 lind them invstiu »b-e, uid always u<je them with ihb sanction of Lr medtci uua. By bo doi'^ you will oblige, Yours respectfully, C. E i) 'IV A LL L) B. A GEORGE, Esq. A packer forwarded to any addre.-a for Is li B A GEORGE, Medical Hill, Pentre, Pan'y.tua, Gs-nn. 1' E. vAUai £ v:NV& G } J; J STEAM DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS. -I, -S-ND -IFF ROAD, CARDIFF. Branch hist ibllnh me tits :— 42, Uo 11AEii-JLAL STREET, NEWPORT. 83, niLli STREET, NEWPORT. 27, O-.ri'i T j nE ET, SWANSEA. dych. for Rhondda:— MR. J. ii iH.ji-6, TAILOa & DRAPER, HA -N \T v.i » d <1 j. P J Li T ii. Broach 1A-noiy Sio-op Calmly [ < Frauds' Asthni Powder SMioaver i.d:31. Glares insrxat relief in oases of BtiONJHITIS, ASTHMA., CATARRH, 'Y;iOOPIX-jr vJOCJGId, Jcc. See Testim mi .Is from frofeaaiom.) Geatlemen and ofl.Bwhoh,tvd tested tha v'aivellous Effeot of Powder. Sold by al; P-itens Mediciae Yen Jors, in tias:at 2 J, 4 G, A 11 Wooleaile from W. button x a >c, 10, BotTohureh ard( Lou 1' n. O.- to Pi-op ie:or, GOAT SR^PJ^R, HAVELI^'ORDWEST. | WOHK! WORK WORK 1 Very littlo .v.-t'-c ywa can d > whilo yoar blooi i- impcre, for dis-ise in s.>tn ) f ir n .,r ii /ii i- insr a firm sc ti on y,5 ><ntif -i tii Purify your bio d withnut deKy by u->ia._r ili.'OH Btono PILLS." woioh f »p Hurp-i d all ut er r.» in- dies fh« f>l 1 > I. ii. I gd., of all ii'.edioiae vt>j>d.)ta. ADVERTISE IN T B HRONICLE a ffOHDSRFUL mmm BEECHAM'S PILLS (*f v\ /f/pATENT p j 1?( PILLS. I Are admitted by thonnnd to be worth a Guinea a box for billions and nervoaB dis- orders, Bach as wind and pain in the stomach, sick headache,giddiness,falls eaa and swelling after meals, 1 raeinoaa and drowsiness^ cold chills, flushings of heat toss of appetite, shortnesfc of breath, costiveneet. acnrvy.Motcbee on the Skib, dietnrbed sleep, frighttnl dreams, and all nervous and tremblings, sensations, Ac. The first dose will givt re- lielf in twenty minuits. This is no fiction, ior they haT<; done it in- thousands of eases. Every sufterer ia earnestly invited to trj one box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GU1N1CA A BOX For feesaleaof all agea these Pills are ^nvaloabie, as a few doses carry off 80M gross humours, open all obstructions, toed bring aboat all that is required. !!<' female should be without them. There is no mcalco to be found to equal BfiECHAM'S PILLS for re- njoving any obstruction or irregalarity of the system. If taken according to the direetiohs given with each box they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and ^obast health. for a wbak stomach, impaired dicestioq, and poll iieerders of the liver, they act like "MAGIC," and a few doses will be foand to work wonders upon the most important organs of the human machine. They strengthen the whole mssoalar system, restore the long lost complexion, Aey bring back the keen edge of appetite, and aroooe into actios with the ROSE- BUD of health th* wnole physieal energy of the human frame. TIMM are "FACTS" admitted by khonsands embraette; *M dasees of society; and one sf the beat guarantees to the nervoas and debilitated n Beecham s Fills kave the ksgeBt sale of any patent medicine in world- BEECHAM'S' MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Gonghs is general, Asthma, diffi- inlty of Breathing, Pnortness of Breath, Tightness md Oppression in Ikf Ckevt, Wheesing, <fec., these Pilla are unrivalled; and any one labouring under any tf the above oomplaints need only try One Box to )rove that they are the beat ever offered to the public 'or Asthmatic and Consumptive Coughs, Hoarseness, tnd Oppression of the Chest. They speedily remove liat sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing vhich nightly deprive the patient of rest. They give dmost instant relief and oomfort to those afflicted with the above distressing and, when neglected, dan. ;erous complaints. Let any person troubled with OIY of the above complaint' give BDKCHAM'S COUGS ?ILLS a trial. The most violent Cough will in a short time be emoved. CAUTIOK.-Th. public are requested to notice that he words, "BJSCPAX'S PILLS, St. Helen's,' are on he Government Stamp affixed to each box of the Pills. If not they are forgery. Prepared only, and sold wholesale and retail by the nroprietot, T. Beecham, Chemist, St. Helen's, Lanca- shire, in boxes 18. lid. and 2s. 9d. each. Sent post tee from the proprietor for 16 or 35 stamps.—Sola by •II Druggists ana Patent Medicine Dealers in the Kingdom. N.B.-FnU ilreellons are given -4h eaeh box. Uffim '• Kftcn^ghtoi^ ■V 111 11 WOOLLEN MANUFAGTURF RS, ■ ■ w on* Pitlochry, Perthshire Rave been AWARDED a PRIZE MEDAL lor th-n 'Woollen Manufacture* in the f. BIN BURGH INTt;< NATIONAL EXHIBITloK, 1886. They pay carriage ol Wool «ent %o tbras for tciuaf»cPir% Into their celebrated PITLOCHRY TWEEDS, O¡:!ESS TWEE03, BLANKETS. RUGS, 4c. Highest Aaloginms froat ihf .Jonrr,A'< iv-. term, Cbf.rqcs. DJ fui" ">if n-nVrs vj 'i■ FIELD OI V.V.i, AL.I.. UN >*?!•"•!■; 1: »» WI'i! M r, .'jr .a I33 trriun^ » ..of Vwt&orii*v.- >■ +- obtained in £ ». — costs aboat lid. each dose. I TARAXACUM AND FODOPHYLI IN.—A liver medicine without mercury, is a mixture of juices of the mandrake and dandelion plants, goed for headache. torpidity, costiveness, flatulence, heartburn, ind:ges tion, biliousness, tepugnfUlce to food, general dis comfort, depreesion, Ac. Pepper's Taraxacum Podo- phyllin, by stimulating the liver with a most genilt- action on the stomach, is the safest, moat raliabie medicine. Bottles, 2s. 6d. Sold everywhere. Insici on having Pepper's. To DAEKF.n GKKY HAIR.—LOCKVICR's SuLVnun KAI' RRSTOREK produces a perfcctij natural shade in i,3 It,-tlfli t few days. No hair restore'- oii-n-.i ia iqnai t Lockyer's S'lfphur for it& hrn. ;rv fit cieau- n action on the hair, caubiiig it alw->. < i to -.row. h g bottles, Is. 6d. Sold everywheit. DEAFNESS, NOISES IN THE Eaks, &C,-DEi.LAR' ESSENCE FOR Deafness is still tlis only remedy 01 any real worth. Its power of clearing the ear passages and oiten relieving old cases has been proved during a quarter of a century. Applied cu o-ttou wool. Bottles, Is. lid. Sold everywhere A DEnroHTFrL FLAVOUR.—CRACROFT'S AUECA-Nu-: TOOTH PASTE.—By using this delicious Aroinatn Dentifrice, the enamel of thh teeth becomes vviiits:. sound, and polished like ivory. It is exceedim: fragrant, ai d specially used for removing inerastti tions of tartur on neclected teetb. "Solei by 'U Chemists. Pots, Is. and 2s. eachu Get Gracroft's. LIVER COMPLAINT.—Three-fourthe of our functional derangements are caused by intarrnf ti'tn of thi liver's action. A few doses of RING'S Dandelion ANI QUININE LIVER PILLS, without mercury, are a poten; remedy. They perform all the benefits of mercury without any of its disadvantages and dangers Dr. King's Pills remove all lifer and stomach coin plaints, biliousness, headache, sickness, shouldf pains, heartburn, indigestion, constipation, so *:nsur ing perfect health. These old-fashioned Pills sti' keep ahead of all oihers as the great liver remedv Sold everywhere. DR. KINo' LIVER PILLS, containing dandelion an quinine, without mercury, are far above all otb<v as the surest, mildest mains of removing indi<;esli.iN biliousness, headache, dyspepsia, obstructions am: irregularities of the liver and stomach, so ensurin. perfect health. Dr. King's "Pills are sold every where To STOP COUGHING, & few doses of PEPPER' WHIT, COUGH MIXTURE arrests the most troubleso ME ht coughing, restoring relief and tranquillity to tii. irritated membrane* and r.iiSjpassapos. So itliuiy somforting, and demulcent, its action is quite di:Tor ent from ordinary Cough Remediee. Bottles. Soi'i tverywhere. FOE GARGLING THI THROAT AND Morru. m. PEPPER'S TAN iNo THROAT .GABGLB.- .An apfclicttion groat service tor sore throat, whether irlÍi.¡.11I ;]tiCl< \C. relaxed, or nicoratfd. TlOun:u Garple is strongly re- commended tp;.livers, singers, Ac. as greatt v prt- servative Aud sustaining. It is also a >■«,i 11 ■»o!• purifier u a t«o;tth wash, being singularly acr^oabie astringent, and cleansing. Bottles. Sold e/ei) where 0 v SULPIIOI.INE SOAP IS A TOILHT SOAP CONTAIN! SC SU-LPHOI.I.NE.—it is a delicately refined, chemical;. I pure Soap, intended for Kenorn) use, and is fre*. ir. n. the injurious a'Tid oils peculiar to common, lf/iyitr fectly prepared soaps. Sulpholine Soap is Bse-rtn for washinp; ni all tiin £ a and rendurlrtg the skin n .ft r'ear, and oiiable Tablets, t>d. each. Sold eicn irhere To ENSURK II OLBAS SKin-Sttlpholine Lotion clea ef all imparteetioEs in a few dftyw.' Spotw, BtMnietrt Irritating Objectionable Appearancea ^Redness Koughness, Tan, Uncoeifortable Skin Disfigure. mentd An., however obstinate, entirely fade away, leaving the Skia smooth, transparent, sappje, natural and healthy. Perfectly harmless. Salpholine it delightfully fragrant, cooling and refreshing conn- teracts 81fec LII of weather, softens, and preserves Bottles 2a. 9d. Sold everywhere. COOMB, BUNIONS, AXD EMLAKGED To JOINTS.— DOLLAR'S CORN "D BUNION PLABTSBS are the only remedy. They differ from all plasters, shields, or compositions ever invented. By instantly soffrying the callous surrounding the pain goes at once, the corn soon following. Bunions and enlarged toe joiats require more tioe for perfect cure, but the Action is oertaia. Box*. Sold by CliemitHb Aa eire^rkar*. BAEOn I Honey Syrup Honey Syrup Honey Syrup Honey Syrup Honey feyrup Honey Syrup Honey byilup Honey Syrup Honey Syrup HAGON'S H CAUCHT COLD" means, in its abstract effects, COM- MBNCED CONSUMPTION," jast as CAUGHT FIRE signifies, if not stopped, CONSUMING of the edifice. If you have TAKEN COLD," Sneezing, issue from the nose, hoarse- ness, tight breathing, slight eongh, and ether symptoms are warning.8 that DISEASE has laid hold of your HEAD, CHEST, and LUNGS to a certain extent, which may quickly pro- dace BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, or CONSUMPTION and if not checked must cause premature decay and disease. It is marvellous hew many TRIFLE WITH COLDS. Medical men daily assert they eannot comprehend how paconcerned so many go upon the threshold of dangerous and destructive diseases which is a flat contradiction to the first laws of nature "-Health Protection I Life Preservation I The best Doctor's Advice is not always acted upon, the beat Physician's Per- snasi#n is not always aceepted, yet, having knowledge of a certain MEDI- CINE, the value if which is based upon many years' experience, and the unimpeachable testimony of countless restored sufferers we mest FAITH FULLY ADVISE and EARNESTLY persuade those who from COLDS have COUGHS, SHORTNESS of BREATH, ASTHMA, BRONCHI- TIS, INFLUENZA, and all affections of the THROAT, CHEST & LUNGS to take Hagcn's Syrup," THE NATURAL REMEDY," simply a Honey Syrup combined with equally elfieacious plsnt and fruit juices for the complaints stated 'tis AN IN- STANTANEOUS RELIEF aid UNFAILING REMEDY. Whether sufferers USE it or NOT we have done our duty in telling them of it, and if they do not take it the consequences of their own neglect are theirs. Again we repeat — BE SURE TO TAKE FOR COLDS, COUGHS & CHEST COMPLAINTS HAGON'S SYRUP." Sold by most Ch< inidts and Patent '"ealeis, in Bpt.1 les at Is. lid. and 2, 9d., or Post Free from the linker at Eume prices. SOLE MAKER A. ETAGKDIsT, CHKMtST, ,39, BRIDGE STRK ET, CARDIFF, A¡\:JI 2, COBURN STKEKT, CA CHATS. See that you get Hag ,ti's Syrup no other genuine. s pC! ALLY WRIST13ANDS, SUITABLE FOR FFIONTS. COLLARS. j STIFF&C-DL. PHILLIP R. JAMES, PONTYPRIDD AND:RHONDDA VALLEY. Bill Poster and Town Crier RENTS ALL THE PRINCIPAL POSTING STATIONS IN PONTYPRIDD AND RHONDDA VALLEY. HORSES [and 1RAPS kept for Hire, PIANOFORTE ON HIRE. Offices: Penuel Square, Pontypridd. MADE WITH BOIUNG WATER. E p S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. ^^GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. MADE WITH BOILING MILK. £ CBlh Wales Emigration Office, FoDtypridd. JAMES ROBERTS. LICENSED PASSENGER AGENT, Books toall parts ol the world ai d by a'l lines of steamers Am, riel- II Passes exchanged free of cost, and his PuBjcr.ffciB are met in Liveipool by responsible A^tnt I or) tlsMr arrivfl], und conducted to the Steamers LO\\ EST FARES TO ALL PARIV.OF L' I "WORLD QLOTJLn PONTYPRIDD JOHN CROCKETT & Co WOIS?ASBaB, at General Cabinet Makers, and Bouse lar oishers. SheWbier for Adult Funerals. Coach JOt ■hildren's Funerals Wreaths »« great variety hildron'o Coffine frora 7'. idult* Coffin# z5e. 'otiahed Oak Coffins with waite Triia- misgs and padded inaide 6O3. fh«llib>!«r tea qftrry 8 inside and coffin out- side from Pontypridd, Hopkm^towa, m Ooadpeaumu, OhaiB^wkK and Tre- foreet to Cemetery 8 Joeçla to carry 6 inaide eikild's oofta oataide from above plaoea to Ceaaeter* g r CURE F I-T 18 When I say cure I do not mean merely to stop them for a time and then have tltem return again. I mean a radical cure. I have made the disease of FITfi, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I warrant iny remedy to cure the worst case*. Because othe -s have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Sei .d at once for a treatise and Free Bottle of my infallible ret ledy. Give Address in full. It costs you nothing for a trial, «id I will cure you..} ddrest H. G- HOOT, o. Clam SMc Ct<« Famngdoz»-st.r Loadoi^ 30 YEARS TIST OAK/DIFF R. B. BOULTON, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DENTAL SURGEON ACTON HOUSE, ROATH ROAD, Opposite University College, CARDIFF. Having had great experience bofch in English and American systems of Dental practice, is enabled to give his patients the benefit of such experience in a manner which but very few Dentists can offer; and being the Inventor of the Patent Composition, by which only a perfect impression of the mouth can be obtained, he is enabled to supply beautifully fitting Artificial Teeth of guaranteed workmanship, of rataral appearance, and which defy detection. No Sea-horse Ivory Teeth. No 3s. Teeth. No Rubbish of any kin 1. RELIABLE TEETH; Partial Sets from 5s. to 30s. Each. Sets Upper or Lower „ 50s. to 20 Guineas Inventor of the Al Amalgam Stopping, as used by the best DentLHs in Europe and Ametic-a TEETH SA. VED by fillings, which last from 10 to 40 years, at Moderate Fees. Nitrons Oxide Gas administered daily at Cardiff by the best & safest method. Repairs Executed promptly on our own, or upon work made by other Dentists. Extract from the "ChronicleDecember 24th, The work of the well-known Dental Surgeon, Mr R. B. Boulton, of Acton House, Cardiff, is very highly finished, and is the best work we have ever seen." 0 HOME ATTENDANCE DAILY FROM 10 TO 5. ILTOTTIOIE. And at Mcv. HARRIS'S, Chemist, Morthyr, the Second Wednesday in each Jmontij. from 12 to 3. 31, DANVILLE ROAD, DENMARK HILL, LONDON. f Printing*! Printing! Neatly executed at the Office of this Paper. GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. A MARVELLOUS REMEDY. WHAT WILL ITID02 It is more than Gold to me,—it saved my Life." WHAT WlLL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO • • WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IR DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT W ILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT DO? WHATWiLLITDO? W'dAT WILL I- DO ? WHAT: WILL IT 1)0 ? W!lAri £ Vm..L IT DO? WHAT WILL 1 r DO ? I': II Ai' ,¡ LL I ¡' to? WHAT WILL IR DO? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WIIAT WILL IT DO? UHAT V\ I 1.1.5IT UO? W HAT, WI L L 11' DO ? \VH A'T Wi I L 1 r DO ? WHAlfWILL IT DO? W II A'l *vVILL 1 r I'O ? W!I vr~W ILL IR DO WH at WILL ir DO? WHAT WILL IF DO? WHAT WILL IT. DO? WH/.T v. ILL IT DO ? BAT WILL IT D«? Wit AT Wi LL IT 10 ? WH \T WIL.L IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL iT I'O? WHAT WILL IT Do? WH <T WILL IT DO? WII.AT WILL IT P WI-1 AT WILL IT DO? W II AT WILL j T lJU? \nUT WILL IT "el? WHAT WILL IT DO? W H A'i *VV ILL IT DO? WHAT.WM.L IT no, WHAT"WILL IT Do WllaT WILL IT DO? UH,\T WILL IT Do? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT'DO? WH *.T WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? Wli/1' WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT"wn-L rr In.)? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL JT DO? Wt< \T WILL IT OO ? WHAT WILL IT DC» ? WHAT WILL IT I•<>? WHAT WILL JT VU? WJiAT v\ II,L IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT no? H A T WILL I r DO? WHAT WILL IT I'O? WHAT WILL IT DOy WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DC If yon anffer PAINT in the BACK and LOINS, or between the SHOUiiDSRa, tiiia remedy will effectually remove them. If you i-ire trouble i with IRKITATIOV of the BLADDER, SUPPR.H:¡;bro" and RSTKNTJON of thj w iter, STONE or GHAVHL, the ONLY SAFK A effectual Jtieinedy EVER OFFERED TO TUK WOULD ia GisoBaE's 1" and GUAVKL PILLS If tae witer is RJGIT CoLoaRffiD, THICK, and dipositinw mooL SEDIMENT, losi1* no time, procure a hox of GH;OR.GE'¡ PILLS, and you will soon be RIGHT again. If yo ir SCilSaJft.y* and t,i vor are slavish and out of .jrd(»r. this Remedy will neatly thes^ imp ^rtint orpins, op»n up t' etr LLoaaKD PASS AO1? ,and promote the secretiou of iieultlt.t ltilt.- ac-1. other vitul livaid, If you are a mirtyr to [lllisjfcstion, and you have a SUItE Remedy in GEORGE'S PILLK. If you suffer from any Bowel disorder, such as .-ilelli. (jon. St !>■<».f-!»n you have here a Ra-aed; you can always rely upon. If you suffer from and are afraid that. your HKART id affected, yon wi'l liud these Pills an P^FFICACIOUS REMRD Y. If you suffer from is ifcSlfl Ci* Get-rge t Pills will rewove LLede PAIN" SODue" than amy other knowii rcedicine. If you hav^ fitiM after S'lafin'i-, and feel nrowsy arc one doae of George's Pills will act like a etiarm. If your Fo4) it tsiril* and rises into the mouth, a fd« dose? of this remedy will rn iki your troubles a thin; of ths pist. I If you feel STervou. and Llow a perfect AxriDons will Le found in (iaorge's Pilh. If you hare a 1193 in the mouth, Ii SINGLE DOSB -f Liie and Gravel Fills at bed-time will clear tongue before the lllwu of noother day. If ails fci i;ive yon Try George's Pilh. Tuny wi 1 make your be 1 any, sleep refreshing, and KRVivs your STHBITUTU. If you f'el unfit for Sxerliim. and lri it@ I#, tdis. Reme-ly will restore your BMWRGV aad SriiB.vaTH, and will rnalu ABOUI and Exe cise the ENJOYMENT of your lifp. IF vou r.r,y_\bled and V«»Ullll.«r at the IF vou r.r,y_\bled and V«»Ullll.«r at the the yht f^tin r, a box of George's fills will make your meat and DRIIIK Lcll ^>OTRPV and PLEASANT. If y»,ui Rløod is impure, is will keep open all the importau ouilets of the l>dy, nrnl thu-t ^ive free exit to all Gnoss Huirouaj and no raoiv ISIsmmJ I tiipsirif i(*M will be seen bu.-Rcir, throuri tbd Skin iu 3 <«», 1X1 in thousands of eFt-t-, it has removed from the Blood, root aDd braqoh, IlltcaiUiUic, j*«*rofuloilM that had digil- d all \.ti.. I-' l' Re>nodie!s. If you have a tendency to l)ro!.IIiI('uJ thit BemedyV'by its action upon the KIUNKYS and ^KIN, will sooo bring Kel). f. If you have nun. of Blr^nfliizic, this remedy wil. prove a friend to you in tLe hour of ue- d. I, will charge your constant to freedom from pain. It will chai se the ualL>w complexiou to the bloom of health. It will change your s't-klintss to vigour; your languor to activity and your general debility to tirmuess of sinew and mudcle. It is Altel-it-oll, ard therefore will remove ('oiltilt. Itiollople. It is A SStiJ»iS1«P8l.»». and will, therefore, coriect ai) rre^nldiities of the Liver. It it, iliiirctii*, and will, therefore keep open the water passages. It is Tonic, and will, therefore, g've tone and vigour to the DIOKSTIVK ORGANS. It is Btlootf. .rH)"hl! and it is, therefore ALL YOU WANT. These World-renowned Pills are sold everywhere, in Boxes 1/11 and 2/9 each. 6 COUGH BAi^ tJ For tfe cure of Congbs, 06 Atrhrrn, Honrsenena, WheesiSg, 1 3Uf-fIU, Spitting of Blood, COSOMI-I » tii ri, ProrrhitiH. Whooping Ooaghv r¿ Difficulty of Breathing, and all AflW Mens of the Cheat and Langs. '-t t;¡tr Extraordinary Care ef a Coigfc t > f "hI: I pniV ptacding, declared befott n, ('n't o igpioTier to Administer Oathl in th6 ^aprerne Court of JadioAtiin^ l^ntrl'.rvl. T JAMES GAMM AGB, of r, J 11C & 117, Widen>ar8h-street, in th» < ity of Hereford, Contractor »n<I ivonintor, do solemnly and min- «•> rei}' d'-clnre ha fo!)owa :— 1 ,^b"us eicht years ago I had a tr p. < t> fttmok uf i-henmrtic fever, from whic en t had recovered, I had a bad o.uirh, nnd the n:ewical man who atten (I tre, who is one of the Visit- itlll *o? £ reoris to the Hereford lT>firn»> ary, informed me that I neverconld tr-oro»jchly cored from ft. 2 Frwo thut. time until about two ■> yr")Tf< t go I have suffered more or low from t.¡.e name cougb, which at times -vht wort e than at. others. i eeoecially was affect fd by it in the morniDgswhe* I pot r-p, when sometimes I coughed until 1 Wf\S Rlmost suffocated, and I thonpht I should be stifled. 3 During those years I consulted aeveral mtnl cal men, from following whose advice obtained no relief, and t I have taken various patent medicines .4 with the same result, and I had giret op all hope of alleviatiug the congh. 4 Ahont two years ago I waa reoomt 0 ended by a friend to buy a bottle of George's Cousjh Balsam, And although I had no faith in ita provin,' efficacious, I gave way to my friend's importunities, and purchased t, a bottle. 5 From the First Bottle of George's Cough Balsam I took I felt greatly relieved, and I bought another bottle, which I toolk. and which effectually enred m/cough, 1 and "icce that time I had no return of the ccueh. 6 If I find I have taken cold T'take a dose of the Balsam flS a preventative and I am now, and t ave been since I took George's Cough Balsam 1.) 0 As free from Cough as I ever waa in my life. And 1 make this solemn declaration conscientiously b*die^'ng the same to, be true, and hy virtne of the provi- sions of an Act made and passed in tht fifth and aixth years of the reign ort-it. late Majesty King William I Vr. inti- tuled "An Act to repeal an Act of the present Session of Parliament, intft* tified an Act for the more effeotual Abelition of Oaths and Affirmations t. taken and made in various depart.. ments of the State, and to subs ti tots Declarations in lien thereof, and tot the more entire suppression of volun- >. tary and extrajudicial Oaths and AtIlr- mations, and to make other provisions for the abolition of annecessary Oaths." Taken and declared at 16, Bedford- row, in the County of Middlesex, this 9th day of October, 1880, before met C. LOCKE MULES, a Commissioner to Administer Oaths ii the Supreme <Jourt of J adicatnre. HY. IIITII Gamhass, Mr B. A GMRGz.— )ear Sir-PIe. send me three gross t Cough Balsam at once, aa I shall be quite out in a few days. The sale uriug the pre. sent winter has been the greatest I have yet had, as many m thirty bottles having been purchase at my shop is a day. This has beet caused entirely by the recommendati a of those whr> have -nted its efficao I jm, dear sir, yot I faithfully, > PHILIP ALPH, .¡ High Town Hereford, J auary 17, telL OAUTK í .f¿ The Public are partic .J,.rIy reqaestai to observe that the wo. ia "UEORGE'a COUGH BALSAM" < fe stamped an each Bottle. None G. ziuine without. • The "COUGH BA JSAM" will be found pecaiiarly gerv seable for RF- LIEVINU ALL PAD S) from what* « ever causing arising, i ich as TOOTH- ACHE FAR-ACHE, JAIN IN TU8 CHEST OR BOWELt DIARRHCEA. fto., Ac Sold ii- Bottles, at1 and 2/9 by moat < hemists ad", Medicine Va- dors in the World. B. A. GEOI tGE, MEDICAL 1 ILL, <■ PENTRE, PO TYPRIDD, ( ^AM0B<3A NSHIBIL George's Cough Balsam. Members of Purliamert, Military Commanders, Clergymen, t'ublio ypeakera and Singe-9. Oaptaius of Ships, ^choolaj!t8ters, and ocn^ra, upon whom the aggravutioas of n ba, i had imposed the necessity for r^liu* qtzfshing th -ir employment, nave beon enabled to resume thmr engigem oos by taking George's Cough Balsam, LAMBING SEASON CORNER'S PINE'S DEVONSHIRE OILS For Sheep, Horses, and Cattle. STAND unrivalled in vihn ia tho SEASON QW EAHBING. Thousands of been saved by. thoir use in c-ts:)3 of Qjid-i. r,.fl >.niti tiÐus, Swollen and Black UdJrrs, dcour, aud to pre- vent Heaviug. v Eitablisued 55 years.—Promptly used is uneqaalleeR for any external or internal ailui^ut, or accident A fine EMBROCATIONS- liroken Kneed, G ilia Ghapsu Bruises, Swellings, Inilamuiations, Sprains Lamt^ ness, Spruut; Tendons, &c. Sold everywhere 2» wine size. Scour in, Lambs mastered bv the DPVn^ SHIRE COMPOUND. (Scner fail,.) 2i, 4sOd.-COKXER S FAMILY EAiIJROOAI'ION^r- Colds »u the Ohest,Rli iumatism.GhilbUina, Accidents &c U. lJd.-VVriw for iesc.ruonials, iJrot)rietor„ Richard Corner, Wellington, Somerset, whose 812- nature is on each Bottle or it ij spurioua.— Retriatare<11 Trade Mark » DEVONSHIRE." Colliery Olfices, CardiQ, February 13th, 188an MR RICHARO CORNEK.—Dear Sir,- W e have pie surei n stating that we have for some time past bee using your DEVONSHIRE OILS for our Horses, aud out: people advise us, with very satisfactory results. Wai have over 70 Horses at our Colliery. We have senfc y°" a renewal. «f our Orders.—We are, dear Sir, yoorm truly, GEO INSOLE & SON: yow*