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Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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GEOBGES INF, ANTS POWDERS H- I Brycbyfryd, Aberavon, Glatia., Jan. 31, 87. L'*AU ^LTT, 1 years ag) piiv of my little boys. will' ttanj )•.»»• u c Dvulstd for wbont seven week?, w/nsj t" ice t^ivnH u}> by tro doctor attending, when, us a tast r*d u op, 1 telegraphed for a supply of your ..wd,-ts. The effect of j'iving him one was iiuleed ;<jrvr:i'>.s n less tlan twelve hours he was free >i«>u: ti'S, u/'dhas ho-eer had one since. I ileedli't < li ) oa I lways keep a stuck in lJand, and shouid i I. obliged llY your seeding me another packet i-i .i-tfi uclosvd. \onre faithfully, R. W. LLOYD. 2f A George, &c. # OPINIONS OF TEE PEISS. PAMKS IN HEREPOBI>SHIBK.—The Registrar- tyisiieiBi. iu raia recently issued "Quarterly returns," aefera to the fact that the number of deaths of in- iavui has t een far less in Herefordshire than in May othercouuty, being only 65 out of every 1,000 b Kb?- resist«ed, while in other counties it ran from 154 to 180 per thousand. This great lccai 4D1.000 BE2WABD NVill be paid to any person that will prove the above powders contain A Thousandth Part of a Grain of Opium in a Ton of them. The Proprietor guarantees them perfectly harmless to the youngest babe, and that they are more active than any in the market, one fair and unprejudiced trial will convince the most sceptical. Read the remarkable and interesting testimonials around each packet. For Fits, Convulsions, nflammation, Looseness of the Bowels, constant Yomitting, Bronchitis, Small Pox, Scarlatina, Measles, Fevers, and all the roubles while Teething, they will be found invaluable if given according to the special directions around each Packet. PROPRIETOR AND INVENTOR- A.. G-ESOEftGUB, Manufacturing and Dispensing* Chemist, PENTRE and TON, Rhondda Valley. I blessing is largely dus to the general practic0 Herefordshire mothers giving their icfa'.ti "George's Infants Powders," or Europa Life Preservers. of which one chemist alone in Here- fordshire (Mr P. Ralph) sells tnore than all otl ex babies' preparations put together.—Herefovi I Journal. MR B-GEOHOE'SIREDICAL PREPARATIONS.— WITH all the advantages of wide publicity, articles in them. selves worthless can have no enduring hold on the public; but if they be of vela", then it onb requires to make them known ia order to create and maintain for them the advantages of public demand. This has been the case pre-eminently with Mr George's Medical Preparations—nofciblj his Europa's Infa.nt Powders, whioh have iouuc their way throughout the United Kingdom, top English Colonies, and the United States, and ar appreciated by all heads of families who administer ttiem to tibeir little one a. Mr George, baviti found a remedy for the many ailments incident to infantf, deserv s the acknowledgement of til publio for hi3 enterprise in making his preparation known, and we are glad to hear that in addition tr the gratification he must feel by the many tert.) mocials he receives of the efficacy of his IdaDtF Powders and Cough Balsam, h'8 commercial re wardia secured.— Merthyr Teleumph, May 11, NEW MUSIC SHOP 4 PONTYPRIDD. NEW HIRE SYSTEM FOR PIANOFORTES l .d I 't,)..a.t .1.£.I FROM Its MONTHLY. THOMPSON & SHACKELL, LIMITED, F QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF. &c., &c., &c. NEW HIRE SYSTEM FOR AMERICAN ORGANS FROM 10s MONTHLY. THOMPSON & SHACKELL, LIMITED. NEW HIRE SYSTEM FOR HARMONIUMS FROM 108 MONTHLY THOMPSON & SHACKELL, LIMITED. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OUT OF LONDON TO SELECT FROM. N,, Catalogue with Photographs andfully detailed particulars, sent, post free, on apFlication- THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, LIMITED, 86, TAFF ST., FQIET'I'iriPIR/IPID A.B.-List of BARGAINS FO» CASH just published Tuning orders promptly attended to. ESTABLI8ED 39 YEARS GEORGE GOODMAN, Pawnbroker, Clothier, Jeweller, and Furniture Dealer, 3 4, TRAM-ROAD, PONTYPRIDD, In oobsequence of the low rate of wages existing at the present time in the neigbbonihcnd, will offer his Large and varied Stock of New acd Second-hit nd TLOTUIIGI JEWELLERY, WATCHES C'f At. Prices that will meet the requirements of all Classes. Intending purchasers or any of the above Ooods will be well repaid by a visit before put- chasiiig elsewhere. A good assortment of New and Second-hand HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE BEDDING, Ac. To be Sold for Cash, or payable by WEEKLY INSTALMENTS, to suit the Purchaser. Money advanced to any amount on Deposits cf Deeds, Diamonds, Plate, Jewellery, or anj other Securities GEO. GOODMAN. 3 4, Tram Roud, Pontypridd JpEABST gOAP .ML DEARS' COAP JpEVRS* SOAP puns' SOAP gOAP PBAIIW SO" PEARW KSOAP pEABSt SOAP PEA] Z& SOAP p. SOAP p £ ABS* gOAP TRARW SOAP )"-W SOAP p S?AP ]PXAW SOAP JWABS* gOAP PUR El FRAQRflNTI REFRESHING FM TOILET & NURSERY EXHIBITION I!OS.)L'h'i, Fiftrxn International Anianls fa' tbtelate Purity and absence oj Artificial Colouring. Fair white han ds Bright clear compi^don Soft healthful skin. PEARS' SOAP Ia specially prepan ;r T'n leli- cate nkin of hllie" iind c;.iMien and athera sensitivi? to lat wea- ther, writer and summer. Pre- vents Redaess, Iit>ughneij. and CbApPintr. ADELINA PATTT writes have found PEARS' SOAP matchless for the Hands and Oomptexion." {Signer') AIIELINA PATTI. MBS. LAXGTJiY writes:- "I kare much pleasure in statins I have used PEARS' SOAI for some time, and prefer it tc uj other." (Signed) Lrr.LTH LANOTUV PEARS' SOAP-Tablets V-, 1/6, and 2/6. The i oJ Tablet ia perfumed with Of o -4 Roses. A smaller T*blet (uii ^led; ts sold at (id., but insist on having Pear*' as vilely-injurious lmitatioas are often substituted f )r extw. gain. Maktrt Sy*:iai 1.0 H.R.H. Th: Pr'ncc of Welc, CAJwrwr B«os.' direct pttentioa to tlie Dutch CocorA aud other Englifb imitation*, SCas pare Coron. to which about 4 pe cent. of Alks',i #ad other are added, to give » parent *tr#>» ll1 to the liquor, by making it a dark colour. Tin addition XB*V b». detected by tbe went ben ati is freahly euned. NoCotoa boat .ig^rthM Cad bury'a ^iBbicbisgwwfaa 1 ABSUL./itiLS I'^UB —.— — MEDICAL ADVISER. I (Beautifully Illustrated). Post tree with Sketches and Details for Self' Oure, (under coeer;, 6 stamps From J. WILLIAMS, MEDICAL PUBLISHER, PM.V 22, MARISCHAL ST., ABERDEEN. THE PeCKET MEDICAL ADVISER. For the Self-treatment of Nervous and Fvnc- tioiial Ailments,indveedby Ovencork, Worry, Excesses, and other enervating influences, and their Associated Evils. BY THE NEW LOCAL TREATMENT. A boon to all desiring 4 self-cure without re- conrse to physic or the family doct<?f,—Medical RevieWt A coUutry pdmn Writes thU9! lour Guide has cured myself and mmy parishioners SUFFERERS should procure this handy Referee on varion3 Ailments, and thus avoid dc.etors, jfeea and objectionable medicine.- Ga:c ttee I Vida-Yedi, al Adviser. ) :J:LLJ:A.:b4::S8 (Pentardawe) WORM LOZENGES | Wm Mtih tkirtf T«m this Ufbly talaahl* Iml} h«« BMt wtti th« mm Tbs «fco* w« Wart, BailMkU ChUdna (oftn (Waa Bp aa tmennhl*) Is Ilka Magle. OMtlacrido<UstoniMBt&«pMtsbrt^iua«M |H Loatans, tks thla, paU> £ u*d, CU14 >ww <im, hoi thy, m< ttwly, Uu p«Ms. tint ad the auxisty, H ft h« fl»Hk— « Sir,—I km (or am tlma wi JW AatMaitatia, jr ■ Worm LomfM. ia mj fiall;, u4 til tbum a mj ifudr ■ ■il iStMtou aua Mr aaraHllaa, u4 tkdf afiaaabla ul ■ convaalaat form ia-a iwt raeoauaaadatioa (or CUIdaa. H W. MrsmixsoN. Tlor of K&wdmLl ■ Ml at Hd* mat OtasMi.' 14 ar « ilmpijria i. DAVIES, CHEMIST, 80, HIIII 87uu, SWANSEA. H 4 LM If Ttimoalato, SynptaaM, *«. On ApfUaaMoa. MR H. W. HUGHES, 1st B. A. Lordon (6th in Honours in Latin), Winner (f:3 First Prizes, and 2 Scholarships at the University College of Wales, Aberyst- with). RECEIVES PRIVATE PUPILS AT 20, THE VILLAS. HANNAH S'liEET, PO RTH. Subjects :-(heek. Latin, French, Germnn English. Welsh, Mathematics, Natural Philos- ophy, Cheirisiry, and the usual ( ommercinl Subjects. Terms, 21 per quarter. Prepara- tion for Special Examination, e.< London Matriculation, Entrance to the University Colleges, the Theological Colleges, Medical, Legal, and Pharmaceutical Preliminaries, &-c, £2 per quarter. THE PUBLIC HEALTH It of the utmost importance. Nothing can pre. nrve it like HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS. Try a box of them and you will be ocnvinced of their marvellous influence for all Blood, Skin. isd Nervlt digrams. Price la. 1.1d, 2a. 9d., and -Is. 61. Of all nxylicicf vendors. INFANTS' POWDERS. Marvellous are the effects of "GEORGE'S INFANTS' POWERS" Upon the Infant System. They are not only the very best and aalest Medicine mothers can give their little ones during the anxious period of Teething, but they act as a certain Specific for Fits, Inflammation, Bronchitis, Diu rhcea, Small-pox, Scarlatina. Measles, &c., &c. Sold by most Chemists, in packets, 1/1 J, or from the Proprietor, B. GEORGE PENTRE, PONTYPRIDD British School, Yatrad Rhondda, Nov. 17th. 1878. Dear Mr George, Please. accept my most sincere thanks for the Powders that you sent me, for I really consider that they have saved the life of our little Maggie, who had ail the symptoms of Convulsions which began to abate in LESS THAN ANHOURAFTEE SHE TOOK THE FIRST DOSE. I beg most heartily t o com mnd them to every mother as the best medicine I have ever Been used. Yours obediently, W. G. HOWELJ. *INFANTS! POWDMR.ili& Bwn J» IbwifoiMHiM.—Thi BteMrir Generpt* in his receaCly 1# Bned Qo*rftrty SlHArai, refer* to tb* fact tbftt the nimr ol deaths of,ia* (si}ts bM bees fit* leas in Hereford* abire ^sb in aey eflfcer ooaaty, beiag eabr 66 out of ete^gr tbouiaztd birth# reentered, vhfl* ia other oonntiea it ran from tfI. NO per thousand. Thia gnat Iboal Wfcwiag Si largely ft. y'" totka general pnysMceefHerefordshire motheregiviag tftair infanta "GKOKSB'N IdfAKTs1 RrtroMto" of which one obe- mist aloae in BSpiefordsbire (Mr P. Ralph) "us more than all other babies' t together.' The abo" a few of the ma' v thoaaand espreesiona of tbe public aa to the murenai esteem in which they are held fjj all who have tested their undoubted power opon infante and young children. IvrenTAtfT.—The Proprietor withes those that give A amSZ'S nrrANTS' POWDERS a trial, to understand that the first dose often prodnoca vowiitiag, this most net alarm them; it is only a proof that the medioiae ia producing hopeful offeau. ÅVTlOJf.- Whee Ton aak for GEORGE'S INFANTS' POWDERS See that yoa get them, as other appa- rently cheap but worthless su! dtitntea may be offered by unprincipled par- ties. Every aanuine packet has the proper label, and the Jnventer's Sig. nature written on the Government Stamr. OTlCE.- The title GEORGE'S INFANTS' POWDERS if copyright, acd registered under the Trade Marks Act. *#* Avoid M!I Soothinp Syrups and an- called Powders containitig Opium they kill more infants ttiru all/thft diseace,3 put together. Sold by moat Chemists and Medicine Ve)i(iore everywhere, at 1;1 per packet. I THE LATEST MARVEL Mr b. A GILOROK,— Dear Sir, — Be rood eaongh to ferwnHi me auiitlier gif,.oe of yoar Coayh Balsam^1 the hie of which is rapidly inoressWC in this district; imie«d, 1 bin never kaew any Cough M ed iotf-. 0 that has se ,.set.. •bttinwi to gre&t nale, *ad fives saflB l nnrvsruai «atin(«Qti«ia. I mm. do-r Sir, Yeats fnitafnily, EHILLAP RALF& jkk Town, H81.f., .ut "1 lfr/ft. ADVERTISE J THE CHSOftf: m





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