Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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FuR YOUR I CHRISTIVIAS CAKE) AND MINCE PIES GO TO HCPKIN MORGAN, Baker & Confectioner, 74, Taff street, and 5, High Street, POIfcTTYIPRIDD. cggHisxngiaLS, IMPORTANT. I ISAAC PEOTHERO, Pontypridd and Treforest, 1 Bega to call the attention of all intending Purchasers of FRUIT and SPECIALITIES for the COSING CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES To the large and varied Stock he has just received, which will be sold at the followirg remarkably low prices:- OURRAITTS- Good Black Fruit 2td per lb., cannot be beaten. 2 Very Fine Large Fruit 3d sp?cial value. RAISIUS- Fine Selected 3d best value ever offered. Very Fine Bold Selected. 4d wonderfully cheap. SULTANAS—Fine Bright 4d special. FRUiNES-Choice Large 4d „ exceptional value. LEMON PEEL—Finest Quality 5id SPEOTALTTIES- AiUSCATELS- finest Large la 41d per lb. Yeiy fine Is 21,-d Fine Is 1-id „ ALMONDS- Jordan, finest extra large 2s 4Jd Valencia, very fine 1.3 1-fcd 2 IMPERIAL PLUMS FIGS— Fine Elemes, Ii-lb. boxes only 7d each. Very fine, 2" Ilid „ t, » »» Is 2 Finest picked 4 „ 2s 2d „ CHOCOLATE CREAMS— Fancy Boxes 6d box for 4!d. 2 Is „ 9d In bcttles os size for 2s 3dl LEMONS NORMANDY PIPPINS- Finest large 9d per dozen. Fine selected 10|d per lb. I PRESERVED GINGER- METZ FRUIT- In jars 3s 6d size for Is lOd. In bozes, lOd, 10§d, lid, and 1/6 each. la 6d „ 9d. Plum Puddings Pears, Peaches, Apricots, and Pine Apples in Syrup; Jellies and Bottled Fruits; Cakes and Biscuits, And a large variety of other Articles too numerous to mention, but will be sold at equally Low Prices. NEW MUSIC SHOP IN PONTYPRIDD New Hire System for Pianos, v FROM 10s. MONTHLY, THOMPSON & SHACKELL, LIMITED, QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF, I &0., &O.J &c. New Hire System for American Organs FROM 10s. MONTHLY, THOMPSON & SHACKELL, LIMITED. New Hire System for HARMONIUMS, FROM 10s. MONTHLY, THOMPSON & SHACKELL, LIMITED. Largest and Best Stock out of London to select from. New Catalogue, with Photographs and full particulars, sent post free on application to- THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, LIMITED, 86, rTn ST., ^OISTT^TF^jXIDID N.B.-List of Bargains for Cashjast published." Tuning Orders attended to. Pears' Soap Fair white hands. Brightclearcomplexion I* Soft healthful skin. "T CURE FITS "Wlfcw I my core, I do not mean merely to atop thaw for a time and then have them return agaia. Inu a radical eure. I have made the dia^Me of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a itodj. Secause othera have failed Is no nam for not now receiving a cure. Send at once far a Treatise and a Free Bottle of my infalKM* remedy, ffin Miirm in fall. It costs yrro nothing- far a tiral m& ft vftt tare. Address D*. JI. G. ROCM, f, Plsas Tree Onrt, Parrmgdoa Ullilf ▼—a— w CABBURY'S COCOA is absolutely pnre and nntampered with. It has stood the keenest analytical tests, and consists solely of the concentrated extract of the Cocoa bean, the flavour being developed and the aroma improved by a special process of roasting. RKPOBft BUYINO A WATCU i •• u..iU. ,u. lof Ae Illustrated Pamphlet," sent ftae on AppucaUon by lbs "LABGEBT WATCH MAHUFACTUttlitt. I' FIB* Tovmbuv 174S. WATCHES cl to £ 100. I Bmi yew WATCH and JBWEL^BRYRHPAIIUJ by Po,, wktak will-to gtna Mix to SttUul VerfaiMta. /NHIMITM —NTWAWI AOTOG TT>« WWRIT, tm* M*« AU* aw i imf hmht \0 T. B. R888BLL iKtfH Qsaaa), fAtwMML vepw. 116 CWtIMSf- atviiMrooj. A SPLENDID SHOW OF onfectionery, hocolate, Biscuits, "<> AND FANCY GOODS, I AT J. COOMBS. I Market street, Pontypridd. TRY OUR CAKE. IT IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. Great Sale of Ironmongery at Pontypridd. PREPARATIONS for the NEW ARCADE -n M EVANS & SSY Ironmongers, Taff-street, Pontypridd, Are now SELLING OFF, every article at an enormously BSDUCE2D JPBZCE All kinds of Ironmongery, Bedsteads, Bedding, Palliasse?- Children's Cots, Saucepans, Kettles, and Oval Boilers, Tin Ware of all kinds, Fenders, Fire Irons, Door Mats, &c., together with a large assortment of CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, &c., Which must be Immediately Cleared. Come and Inspect for yourselves before Purchasing &- This is a Genuine Sale. on account of Removing to New Warehouses preparatory to the Erection of the new Arcade. India B u b b I Waterproof! JL AND OILSKIN WAREHOUSE. Ladies' & Gentlemen's Waterproof Garments In light materials suiiable for the season. Z!!5 .1 Waterproof Carrriage Rugs, in variety. Good Waterproof Holdalls at various prices. Travelling Bags, Hat Boxes, &c., in all sizes. Garden Hose in assorted sizes and qualities. India Rubber Sheet Washers, Valves Packing, Hose, Belting in &U sizes and qualities. Htad-sewn Leather Beltings, Mats, Ac., American Cotton Bating. Asbestos Sheet, Packing, &c., always in stot-,IC 4 SOUT B É R N RUBBER CO. 80, High Street, Pontypridd. ■$ GBCAT SUCCESS HERHE BROTHERS. QUEEN STREET, CA ltDIFF, Have been much gratified to find that the LANURA FLANNELS have been SELLING VERY FREELY, and in all cases thty have given the UTMOST SATISFACTION. 406 New Health & Family Flannel GUARANTEED UNDYED WOOL. Plain Color, from 7fd to la 9Jd per y»rd. Stylish F%cy Pattern,, at ls 9Jd. > HERNE BROTHERS, J.' Queen-street, Cardiff. 1,:Ji J GEORGE'S COUGH B'J/U* j For the Cure ot uousrna, ooicrs, nmv- j ness*, Wheeling, Influenza, Spitting or »• •• sumption, Bronchitis. Whooping Cong-h. Oiiiicni' of Breathing. an<i »11 of the Cheat uti" ¡ Ltingo. ] Extraordinary Cure ot a Cough of btx Years' standing, declared before a. Comnnt.- sioner to Administer Oaths iu the Supreioe, Court of Judicature, England. T HENRY JAMES GAM MAGE, of 116 & 117, J } Wideinarsh-street, in the City of Hereford, Contractor & Decorator, do solemnly and sincerely declare as foltows :— 1. About 8 years ago I bad a severe attack of rhen matic fever, from which, when I had recovered, I had a bad cough, and the medical man who attended me, who is one of the Visiting Surgeons to the Hereford Infirmary, informed me that I never could be thoroughly cured from it. 2. From that timeuntil about two years ago I have suffered more or less from the same cougb, which at times was worse than at others. I especially was affected by it in the mornings when 1 got up, when sometimes I coughed until I was almost suffocated, and I thought I should be stifled. 3. During those years I consulted several medi- cal men, from following whnse advice I obtained no relief, and I have taken various patent medicines Tith the same result, and I had given up all hope of alleviating the cough- 4. About two years ago I was recommended by a friend to buy a bottle of George's Cough Balsam, And although I had no faith in its proving effio*. cious, I gave way to my friend's importunities, and purchased a bottle. 5. From the First Bottle of George's Cough Balsam, I took I felt greatly relieved, and I bought another bottle, which I took, and whict) effectually oured my ooagh, and since that time I have had no return of the congh. 6. If I find I have taken cold I take a dose of the Balsam as a preventative, tlnd 1 am now, and have been since I took George's Cough Balsam, A,- free from Cough as I ever was in my life. And I make a solemn declaration, conscientiously believiug the same to be true, and by virtue of the provisions of an Act made and passed in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of his late Majesty King William IV, intituled "An Act to repeal an Act of the present Session of Parliament, intituled An Act for the more effectual Abolition of Oaths and Affirmation taken aad made in various departments of the State, and to substitute Declaration thereof, and fcr the more entire sup • ■> t voluntary and extrajudicial Oatbs and Ath • [ and to make other provisions for the J.,j unnecessary Oaths." j Taken and declated at 16, Bedford-row, in the County of Middlesex, this 9th day of October, 1880, before me, C. LOCKE MULES, a Commis-ioner to Administer Oaths, Supreme Court of Judicature. HY. SMITH GAMMAGE. Mr B. A. George.-Dear Sir,—Please send me three gross of Cough Balsam at once. as I shall be quite out in a few days. The sale dpring the present winter has been the greatest I have yet had, as many as thirty bottles having been purchased-at my shop in a day. This has been caused entirely by the reoommendation of those who have tested its efficacy. I am, dear sir, yours faithfully, PHILIP RALPH, High Town, Hereford, January 17, 1886. CAUTION. The Public are particularly requested to observe that the words "GEORGE'S COUGH BALSAM" are stamped on each Bottle. None are Genuine without. The "COUGH BALSAM" will be found pecu. liarly serviceable for RELIEVING ALL PAINS, from whatever cause arising, such as TOOTH- ACHE, EARACHE, PAIN IN THE CHEST OR BOWELS, DIARRHOEA, Ac., &c. Sold in Bottles, at 1/14 and 2/9 each, by most Chemists and Medicine Vendors in the World. No. 1. Ash-terrace, Pentre Tetrad, Rhagfyr 20, 1883. Anwyl Syr,—Y mae genyf yr hyfrydwoh mawr o ddwyn tystiolaeth wirioneddol o werthfawrogrwydJ eich COUGH BALSAM. Bum yn dioddef am lawer o amser oddiwrth anwyd yn fy mrest, fel yr oeddwn yn boeaus i mi fy hunan gan y peswoh, byrdra anadl, orygni, poeri gwaed, metbu gorwedd yn y gwely, methu oerdded, mewn gwirionedd, methu gwneyd dim ond eistedd yn y oornel, a hyny yn ddigon poenus lawer pryd. Ood trwy drogaredd, rhyw noswaith dneth cyfaill i edryoh am danaf, a gofynodd a oeddwn wedi treio George's Cough Bal- sam. Atebais na, a dy wedodd wrthyf am wneyi prawf arno, ac y buasai yn sior o wneyd lies i mi. Felly, penderfynais el thieio, ao y mae yn ddt genyf allu dweyd i mi gael esmwythad rhyfeddol trwyddo. ao yn ol fy marn i. aid oes dim gyffelyb iddo at yr anhwylderau uchod. Yr eiddocb, JOHN JONES. Parotowyd yn unig gan B. A. George, "Medical Hall," Pentre, ao ar werth yn mbob man mewn botelau am 1/11 a 2/9 y botel. B. A. GEORGE, MEDICAL lULL. PENTR'E. PONTYPRIDD, Glamorganshire. PHILLIP R JAMES, PONTYPRIDD AND RHONDDA VALLEY. Bill Poster and Town Crier RENTS ALL THE PRINCIPAL POSTING STATIONS IN PONTYPRIDD AND BHONDDA VALLEY. HORSES and TRAPS kept for Hire, PIANOFORTE ON HIRE. Offices: PeaadSqtmre.Pontypridct. MADE WITH BOILING WATER. E P P S'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA MADE WITH BOIUNQ Mtfc*. ..I, — flL. Friatod by Brother•, 38,24, nod 25, Mil .J ORDER FROM M. Richards and Co., ROGERS' CELEBRATED BRISTOL ALES, Specially Adapted for Family nse, In 4J, 9, and 18 Gallon Casks. At 10d., Is, Is 2d., and Is 4d per Gallon. Delivered Free per our own Vans to any part of the Town and Neighbourhood. Sole Agents (by special appointment) for Pontypridd and Neighbourhood, ;1 'I W ELM I C A M I I. \.iU" Provision Merchants, 48, Taff-St., Pontyprirld' TEtE .A-Ou^IDEIIvrST 20a, Morgan Street, Pontypridd. E. Dunmor Edwards, M.A., Master. GLASSES preparing for Commercial Pursuits, Colleges, London University Matriculation, Preliminary Legal, Medical, and Pharmaceutical Examinations, &c. The Quarter commences MONDAY, JAX. 7, 1889.. TERMS, &c., for Day Scholars and Private Pupils, may be had on application. LAW OF DISTRESS AMENDMENT ACT, 1888. IMPORTANT TO LANDLORDS. WILLIAM SPENCE. J House Agent and Rent Collector, 1!1 DEGS to inform the public generally, that he has been appointed to Levy Distresses for Rents in England and Wales. Forms for autho- rising a distress kept on hand. RESIDENCE—28, Mill Street, Pontypridd. .iAb JSI lcu 39 YEARS ,j ¡ J' ¡. } ¡; '1 I \JJ' GOODMAN, w i jeller, and FurnJtnflfc ,1', i 4, i L), PONTYPRIDD* i, •• • <; i t fue m rate of wages ezbting^ i* r •• "r imfio in the neighbourhoed, will" ;n h « v',ried Stock of New and' Svoond-httnd CLOTHUG, JEWELLERY, WATCHES. &c., At Prices that will meet the reqnirennsnts ef all Claeses. Intending purohaaera of 1.81 of the above- Gdod8 will be well repaid by a visit before par- phasing elsewhere. A good assortment of Hew« and Second-hand HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE BEDDING, 4c. To be Sold for Cash, or payable by WEEKLY [INSTALMENTS, to suit the Purchaser. Money advanced to any amount on Deposits of Deedf, Diamonds, Plate, Jewellery, or say other,- Securities. GEO. GOOBMAN, 3 jr 4, Tram Road, Pontypriidct.