Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

12 erthygl ar y dudalen hon

Pontypridd Police Court.






KhoBdda Police Court.







OPENING OF NEW SCHOOLS AT CUYYXYDD. ADRESSES BY MR. ALFRED THOMAS, J M.P., AND OTHER GENTLEMEN. On Tuesday afternoon Mr Alfred Thomas, M.P. for the Eastern Division of Glamorganshire, formally opened the magnificent new schools just erected at Cilfynydd, near Pontypridd, by the Eglwysilan School Board. The building is a com- modious and well-arranged one, erected at a cost of f5,330, to accommodate 630 children. The contractor was Mr George Griffiths, whose work has been most admirably carried out the benches and school fittings, which were well and substantially constructed, were made by Messrs Morris Brothers, Pontypridd, and the design of the whole structure reflects credit upon the archi- tect, Mr T. Rowland. Mr H. Anthony, J.P., the chairman of the board, handed to Mr A. Thomas, M.P., the key of the school buildings, and the hon. member per- formed the actual opening ceremony by turning the key in the lock, and opening the door. The large room, to be occupied by the girls, wee well filled by an audience comprising members of the school board and the friends of education in the neighbourhood, teachers, and school children. Mr Anthony took the chair, and was supported by Mr Alfred Thomas, M.P., Mr L. Gordon Lenox, J.P., Rev. T. W. Jones, Rev. D. Evans, Messrs J. Morgan, D. Morris, D. Williams, E. Jenkins, D. Ellis, T. Thomas (clerk), T. Rowland (architect), Mrs Morgan, Caerphilly; Miss Rees, Cardiff; Miss Jones, Caerphilly Miss Williams, Globe, Caerphilly; Mr and Mrs T. Jones and Mr J. Evans, Coadpenmaen School; Mr Richard Wil- liams, head master of the new schools, and Miss Lewis, the Mistress of the infants' school; Rev. E. Rowland, deaf and dumb missionary, Pontypridd, &c. The Chairman, in opening the proceedings, said they were there upon the interesting occasion of the opening of Cilfynydd Schools, and he was glad to see so large an attendance, and hoped the children, as well as their parents, would take an interest in the new school. The ratepayers of Eglwysilan had gone to a great deal of expense in providing school accommodation in the parish, ,and they had had loans for the erection of school buildings amounting in all 'to £ 22,037. and JE19,000 s bill r nnained unpaid. He hope 1 the children and parents would assist the master and mistresses as much as possible. He was sorry to say that there were many parents in the parish who did not send their children as regularly to school as they ought to. He hoped this would not be the case in Cilfynydd. He was proud to see such a gathering on the occasion of the opening of this new school, with Mr Alfred Thomas, the member for the division, and Mr Lenox. He had had the honour of being a member of this board since its commencement, eighteen years ago, and, therefore, took great interest in the schools, and although he did not intend being a member of the next board, he hoped that the gentlemen selected by the ratepayers would work satisfactorily, more so even than in the past. He now begged to ask Mr A. Thomas, M.P., to deliver an address. (Applause.) Mr Alfred Thomas. M.P., after addressing a few words to the children, heartily complimented the board upon the completion of the school building which he had first had the pleasure of declaring open. He was glad to see such a splen- did school erected at the rapidly growing village of Cilfynydd. He had visited many schools in his time. He did not say these were the best, but certainly they would bear favourable comparison with any he had ever seen. He was pleased also to find that in this county the two great educational agencies were running together on parallel lines-the great cause of religion and education. He called them both educational agencies, for he could not consider anyone educated who had not had a religious training. He was very glad to find that in the schools of the Eglwysilan board the Bible was read. He would not go any further than that. He certainly would not approve of note or comment by the teacher. He must be quite understood to say that. Supposing two boys or girls of equal ability were placed side by side, one reading the Bible by his or herself, and the other trained by the highest theologian. He would prefer to take the theology of the one who had not had the advantages, it may be called, to that of the one who had had the theological training. Of course he did not mean to say that the clergy and ministers should not teach those under their charge. He considered that there was even greater responsibility resting upon them now than in the days gone by. He made no secret of the fact that he looked upon religion as indeed in every way advantageous, and Hot only that, but tending to the prosperity of the people of our country. The country was only so strong, prosperous, and peaceful as its people were religious. Therefore he laid great stress upon religion being placed in the foreground. At the same time it was the duty of those concerned in elementary education to see that every boy and girl in tbe kingdom were properly educat d. He was very pleased to find that we had in this country a very good system of elementary edncation. Possibly it would be difficult to imorove much upon it. He had heard some strictures with regard to the new code issued, but it wan possible to make it still what was desired. H Iwever, there was 'a great gap in the educational ladder between the elementary school systbin and eollegiate school system establishej in this country. They certainly bad colleges, and he:hoped good governors, for be ,himself was a governor. (Laughter and appliuse.) But there was an absence of government provisions for inter- mediate education. Thoy wantei grammar seh )ola placed on the same fooling as elementary schools. Government had promised attention to the gii'ter, and he hopei they would give it. He bad heard some people advocate the establishment of intermediate schools in m,i ny p-,t but he f ared that such schools could only Od sacjesafal in large ceatres like Cardiff, PontypriJ<i, and Merthyr. It certainly would be a disadv socage to the children to go from h'me to atten 1 suc'h schools. Now, as they bad iu elemenut 'y scho ols each as th-so head masters and mist: ejses quite cap .ble of taking the children not oaiv th.ough the w^rs of the school, but through suhj_cr3 which would (.,rdinati!y be taught in the intermediate schools. He saw no reasoa why they should not do so, and be paid for doing it. He was Vleasecllv fiud that he-id masters in this division b id been very suc- cessful indeed in the passing of their scholars in such a way as to obtain certificates of competency as colliery managers Oue word with regard to I the new code. He bad heard it was wronj co teach two languages to the children. But tb^se who said this were often very inconsistent, aud w^re the very people to s-nd send their children to schools where they were taught. French, German, Latin, Greek, and other languages, and yet they were the people who said theircbildren should not know Welsh. (Laughter and Hear, hear.") Duoglot people like the Swiss w^re certainly the most successful t>eople in life, and although the Welsh language might not be very useful outside Wales, it certainly was useful in the principality. Some boys bred and burn in GlAmorgansaiie ha.d worked tueir ways up to be doctors and professional men, and yet, simply because they did pot know their mot er tongue, they were unable to take appointments in their native couaty He appealed to parents in Cilfyoydd njt to plase tneir children in snch a disadvantageous position. He was very proud to see such a motto as tney had on the front of the sobool-" Cyinru fydd," a motto for which, no doubt, they were indebted to their clerk, Mr Thomas, of Tynywern. In conclusion, he expressed great satisfaction at theldisciplina which was already shown by the children in this school. He hoped that such a state of things would con- tinae, as it certainly would be on of the best lessons taught iu this school for use in after life. (Appl use.) Mr L. Gordon Lenox, J.P., Ynyeangbarad, after- wards spoke, and in the cou/se of an appropriate speech, dwelt upon the advantages of education and the importance of elementary training in its effects upon the after life of the children. He reminded them. however, that others besides school boards had provided educa- tional facilities for aboat 60 per cent of the schools of the oountry were Churoh of England I schools. about 20 per oent schools of other de(it>> minations, and about 23 per cent were boar* schools. (Applaose.) Rev. D. Evans, Cilfynydd, complimented the I board upon the opening of the new schools. Mr D. Ellis, while regretting the unavoidable abseDce of Mr Henry Lewis, joined in the congra- tulations, and gave an interesting outline of the steps taken is inducing the board to open a. temporary sch Kd. and afterward. ereet a buildings They had had to pay through the nose for th, site, but the place w&s now one of importance ani he trusted the children and their parents would appreciate the advantages provided fvr them. (Applause.) Although some cf the boys now in school might yet be working under ground, he ventnred to say that education wonl 1 be of value to them. Tnerewere now in the colliery lads who were able to check their p decimals included. (Laugiter and appisitse.) Kev. 1. W. Jones, Taff s We!), echoed the senti- ments of the bon. member for the division with regard tj religious as well as elementary education, 0 y and expressed an earaest hope that parente, not only at Cilfynydd, but throughout the parish, would oo-operate with the teachers in making the schools successful. (Applause.) Mr J. Morgan, Caerphilly, and Mr D. Morris, having briefly addressed the audience, the chair- m". proposed a vote of thanks to Mr A. Thomas, Mr Leaox, and other gentlemen for their presenoe and addresses. This was seconded by Mr J. Mor- gan, and carried with acclamation. About four hundred children afterwards par- took of a sumptuous repast of tea and cake. Mr Coombes was caterer. THE STAFF OF THE NEW tCHOOL. Mr Richard Williams, the bead master, who was complimented upon his success as a disciplin- arian on the opening day, received his training at Cardiff College. Miss Thomas, head mistress, has recently come from Swansea College, and Miss Lewis, the mistress of the infants' school from Bristol College. Each was connected with th& schools of the Kglwysilan board prior to entering college.