Papurau Newydd Cymru

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LOCAL INTELLIGENCE CONTINUED j THE Cytarxrta AND MBETHYB MUNICIPAL Bafd will perform at the Thomaatown Recrea- tion Ground, at 7 30 p.m. on Thursday next Zios CHAV_U—The Bryn Juvenile Choir will give a performance of the cantata entitled "Ymgom yr Adar," at Zion Chapel, Twyny- todyn, Merthyr, on Thursday, May 27th, under the conductorship of Mr. Edward Evans. AMATEUR THEATRICALS.—The Merthyr Ama- teur Theatrical Society have handed to the District Visiting Society the handsome sum of jE21 16s. 7d., the proceeds of their recent per- formance, a result which is most gratifying to all concerned, POLlCE CONCERT.—Th« concert and assault- at-arms, given at the rill Hall. on Thursday ni-rht, under the auspices of' the Merthyr Borough Police l orce, and in aid of the police benevolent fund, was a f.reat success. A detailed report will be c-iver\ next veek. THm V, GEKHOTJ3E.—The have sent newspapers and magazines for the use of the inmates >!rs. Harvey, Courtland-terrace Mrs. A. Fennell Jones, lush Supply; Nft. Jores, librarian, Arcade Library Mrs. Jones, 3. Aber-, morlais- terrace; Miss ]..a,ll ra. E. i'liama, 10 Williams-square, Olereland; Mr. Rhys Davies Courtland- teme NATIONAL OF CLEEKS.—The half- nearly meeting of the MetsthyT branch was held at OllLi's Restaurant, on Tuesday, the prwident in t'ie chair. It was decided to abandon the outing to GEhvcru at 1. repeat, and to arrange foT., a. social evening later on. Final instractions were given to the braOO-hdelegate regarding the Bristol conference on Whit-Monday. I VIT >RT>v CHAPKL.—e<:t; Sunday. May_ 23, the preacher will be Rev. F. ^Blount Mott. late of Boston, U.S.A. He^ar discourse both- raomiriJT and evening on Great .AmericaTis. f in the morning;" -dw&l<l" Everett ll^le," .and 4 evening, President Lincoln." Mr. Notfe- » personal friertd of Rev. Edward Everett Hate who is at present oBaplian tb the United States Senate. ZoAB BAND OR Hoft.-On Thursday evening the Zoar Band. of Hope gave their annual concert j at Zoar Hall, when a very large and appreciative audience listened to the children, who went through their allotted parts with great success, showing that their leader; IIL J. R. Davies, had beeu very pwiistaking and diligent with them The >ook aetected was The Holiday Concert." a spirited and lively work, giving ample scope to soloists and chorus, all being rendered by boys and girls under 16. The instrumentalists were:—Miss Lilian Thomas and Mr. Tom. Jenkins; the staf e arrangements were attended to by Mr. J. Williams and Mr. W. Lloyd Jenkins dresses, etc., by Miss Blodwen Jenkins^ Miss Megan Jonea and Mrs. Lewis. Rev. J. Thomas presided. MEBTHTE UNION LADIES' VBITINO COM- MITTEE.—The annual tea and concert to the inmates of the Workhouse were given by the Ladies' Visiting Committee on Thursday week. The ladies received most valuable help from Mrs. Williams, the Matron, ayad the oncers, and it was evident that the function was greatly enjoyed by the inmates in every ward. was taken that those in thè sick ward and ffiir children were made to evioy, themselves to the foil. The catering of Mr. King-Price was all that could be desired. An excellent concert had been arranged by Mrs. Wills, Victoria-street. and the committee. They were well repaid for all the energy they had displayed in provi- ding such a. high-class COnneTt. The rrogrltmme was as followsPianoforte duet, Misses Jatnes and A. M. Davies song, Mr. Owen comic sohgr Mr. Matt de Lacey song, Miss Connie Weeks rec-itation, Min Joan Lewis; pianoforte solo. Miss Price; Geisha Lririie chorus, class of senior girls, Town School song, Miss Halloran violin and pianofone duet, Mr. and Mrs. Barry; club drill, Master Victor Williams song, Miss Annie M. Davies; song, Miss Johnstone; physical exercise drill, class Abermorfais Boys; Mne, Mrs. W. Harris; dueiv'Mdss Davies .and Tiddie Thomas; song,. Miss A. Watts. The committee desire to thank the artistea and Miss John (Dowlais) and Mr. W. Harris (Merthyr), who prepared the school classes for the concert, for kind contribution to what"Nas, undoubtedly, a splendid treat, not only to the Union inmates, but for all the friends, who attended. The accompanists were Mlse A. M. Davies, Mr. Gwilym Lewis, and Mr..Phillips (Dowlais). Mrs. J. Gomer Jones presided. Votes of thariks followed by the singing of "Hen Wtad fy Nhadau brought the proeiedings to a close.


In and Out of the Merthyr…

Whitsuntide Attractions at…

♦ ''Theatre Royal, Merthyr.

. Bargoed Liberal Club and…

[No title]


Merthyr Board of Guardians.

';.t.."...:WHiisun Holiday…

Brecon Bankrupt's Discharge.