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Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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DENBIGHSHIRE & FLINTSHIRE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. THE DENBIGH LOCAL COMMITTEE AND THEIR BALANCE. AT the Bull Hotel, on Thursday afternoon, Col. Mesham presided over a meeting of the Denbigh Local Committee of the above society, there being also present Messis P. P. Pennant, R. W. W Wynn, Captain Cole, T. W. Bowdage, ThomA. Roberts (Lleweni), Wm. Jones (Penporchell). T. A. Wynne Edwards. Pryce E. Story, W. H. Evans (Chirk Shop), Robert Owen, Wm. Jam' s (North and South Wales Bank), David Williams (auctioneer), R. E. Birch, and T. Gold Edwards. Mr. Frank Bellis, the general secretary was also present, The Chairman said the meeting had been called t,) consider whether, or not, the balance of F,45 left in the hands of the Local Committee, as a result of the Show held in Denbigh in the year 1894, should be handed over to the general funds of the Society. In his opinion, the money should most certainiv he paid over to the general fund. Denbigh had created a precedent by withholding their balance from the parent society; and he would have most certainly protested against it at the time, had he known that it was the first in- stance of the kind during the whole history of the Society. He sincerely hoped that the Local Com mittee had changed their minds with regard to this money, and that they, would transfer it with- out fustoer deiay to the society. Mr. P. p, 1 ennant moved that the balance be handed over at once. He moved a similar, rpsolu tioo the last time they met; but the question was then adjouruei pending the decision of the sub- committee on the subject of altering the rules of the Society. That had been done in another meeting. When he made the proposition on a previous occasion, he pointed out that in all pre I vious years, with the exception of this particular balance, any surplus on the Local Fund, had al- ways been bunded over, including the balance at Rhyl the year before, and also the balance at Ruthin last year, which was a very large one. Be was strongly of opinion that the Denbigh Local Committee should hcalthe breach by handing over the money. It was their bounden duty to do so for the good of the agriculturalists of the district; and he bad great pleasure In moving a proposition to that effect. Captain Cole seconded. Mr. T. W. Bowdage thought that the objection the Local Committee had against the management of the Society had been removed by the alteration of the rules as agreed upon that day and that the trustees-Col. Mesham and Mr. P. E. Story —should, tbetefore, be requested to hand over the balance of:C45 to the general fund. At the same time, he would sugge&t that the money be kept fo he benefit of the show when it was next held at I Denbigh. He very much iegretted the mis-underj standing and the friction that had occurred with reference to this question, and hoped the banding over of the money would remove any bad feeling that might exist. Mr. T. A. Wynne Edwards could not agree with tha previous speakers. The Local Corn mittee of the Denbigh Show was appointed in the year 1894, for a distinct purpose viz to collect a fund locally to supplement the Society's Prize List with Local Prizes'suitable to the district. Through the energetic action of the vice-president for the time being (Mr. P. E. Story), and the local secretary (Mr. J. Ll. Williams), a laree amount was collected. Now, there was no doubt but that the Local Committee cou!d have dealt with the surplus in any way they liked but in- stead of handing it over for the benefit of the Ixfirmary, or Anv other object, as they might have done, they placed them in the bank, in the name of the president (Col Mesham) and the vice-presi- dent (Mr P. E. Story), for a specific purpose; viz, to assist the next show held in Denbigh. He to k it that those two gentlemen were bound to carry out the instrnctions of the then Local Committee, many members of which had since died, and re- tain the monev for the benefit of the next show to he held at Denbigh. The Local Committee of the Denbigh Show was a defunct body and the pro ceedings of the present meeting were, therefore, out of order. Moreover, they were wrong in calling upon the two trustees to do what they were not legally entitled to do under the insfruc tions given by the Local Committee at the time. He wonld. therefore, object to hand over the u>o- ey to the general fund. The Chairman contended that the Local Com mitten should not be allowed to over-ride the General Committee, as Mr. T. A Wynne Edwa, ds seemed to suggest. He considered that the Local Committee was not a defunct body, because it had never been dissolved by the General Committee, which according to the rules, appointed it. The Local Fund, undoubtedly, belonged to the Sordetv. as it was collected for the special purpose of snp plementing the Society's Prize List. Denbigh had done what had never been known during the fiftv years the Society had been in existence and he thought they were wrong in keeping back the money. Mr P. E. Story said they had heard a great deal of balances handed over; but he questioned v'ry much whether so large a sum as £ 45 had evr been so transferred. The Chairman said it did not matter whether the balance was £10 or f 100. It made no differ ence in the principle. Mr. P E. Storey said that when the balance was small it would not be worth keeping. The Denbigh Committee had often been taunted with the fact that Ruthin people had handed over the bafauce; but that bad nothing to do with the way in which Denbigh thought fit to dispose of their balance. Rule 15, which compelled Local Committees to hand over their balances had o"ly been passed since the Show was held at Denbigh therefore, the chairman's remark that the Local Fund belonged to the Society, and that the Local Committee were bound to hand over their balan- ces. could not possibly be correct, or such a rule would not have been required. The £ 45 now in dispute had been placed in trust for a specific pur- po-e, and he contended that even the trustees could not deal with it except for that specific pu'pose; certainly, the present locaf committee could not In his opinion, the present meeting should never have been called. Mr. Bowdage had referred to friction and hard words but he could only say that those hard words had borne good fruit, and the rules, in consequence, had been altered very much, in his opinion, to the be- nefit of the Society. Mr. R. W. Williams Wynne maintained that the balance could not belong to Denbigh at all, as the Local Fund bad been expressly collected to supplement the prizes of the Society, Hn would ask who was to benefit by the money—the tow. of Denbigh, or the agriculturalists of the Society's district ? If they said it was for the benefit of the town, then be would say that nothing worse could befall the town than causing this friction between it and the other towns in the two counties, I, on the other hand, the money was for the benefit of the agriculturalists, then Mr. T. A. Wynne Edwards and Mr. P. E. Story should withdraw their objection and hand over the money. Mr. P. E. Story again said he was still doubt- ful whether the trustees could hand the balance over. Therefore, he would not like to bind him ► elf by his vote, and sign a cheque for the above amount Mr. William Jones I hope you will not. The money should be kept for the benefit of the next show at Denbigh The Chairman said he was appointed in his absence; and unless the money were handed over, he would take the earliest opportunity of with- drawing from such a position. After further discussion, in which Mr. T. A. Wynne Edwards and Mr. P. E. Story were ap pe ded to withdraw their objection, Mr. Story said he would be perfectly willing to refer the matter to any solicitor or barrister to have their decision as to the rights of the trustees. Mr. William James:-Would there be any balance left after' (laughter) ? A vote was then taken on Mr. Pennant's, resolution, which was put in the following form That Colonel Mesham and Mr. Story be authorised to hand over the balance to the General Fund.' Seven voted in favour of the motion, and four against. Mr. Story said he would take time to con sider his position, and hoped the committee would not hurry him. The meeting then terminated. The General Management Committee of the above Society held its adjourned meeting at the Bull Hotel on Thursday. Mr. R. W. Williams- Wynn, president for the year, occupied the chair and in addition to the members of the Denbigh Local Committee, whose names ap- pear elsewhere, there were present Messrs. T. J. Rouw, Ruthin; J. Williamson, Derwen Hall; and Mr. Leathes, Wern Fawr. The meeting had been convened for the pur- pose of taking into consideration certain altera- tions in the rules of the Society, as proposed by the Sub-committee appointed for the pur- pose. PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. The Sub-committee recommended that Rule 14, I which provided that the whole of the punting be undertaken by the Society, and, as far as practi- cable, done in the town in which the Show for the year was held, the Local Committee to subscribe £10 towards the expense, should be altered, and made to read as follows :-Tha.t the whole of the printing and advertising be let by tender in the district, of the Society, and that the tenders be submitted to the Finance Committee also, that the Finance Committee be requested to consider the question of fitting up the Show yard. Atter some discussion, it was decided to con- firm the new rule. [The cost of printing and adveitising has, on more than one occasion, been the subject of keen discussion in the meeting of the Society and several members protested against what they con- sidered to be an unnecessary waste of money in tilt;, connection (When the balance sheet of the Ruthin Show was subriiittf-d to the Finance Com- mittee at Mold, Mr. Story, Denbigh, called atten- tion to the items of £ 92 for printing and ndver tising, and £ 33 for setting up the fixtures in the Show yard, the cost of taking them down and the cartage not being included in the latter amount.. These were the pi-irleipal items of expenditure, with the exception of prizes, and Mr. Story con- sidered them to be far too excessive. He entered his protest in the meeting, but was not supported. At the last meeting ot the General Alanagemeni Committee in Denbigh, Mr. Story was pressed to baud over the balance of £4:5 in the hands of the Local Committee to the General Fund but be refused, giving as one of his reasons that the money of the Society were loosely spent bj L Secretary in printing, advertising, and setting up the Show yard. This led to the appointment of I a Sub-committee to revise the rules, which Com- mittee reported to the present meeting. In the meantime, Mr. Story drew out a number of sua- ( g stions bearing on the question of expenditure, and sent them to the members of the Sub com- mittee. The suggestions were brought forward, one of them being, that the printing and adver- tising should be let by tender in the Society's district, and that the fixing of the Show vard should be let in the same way. This the Sub committee reported to the meeting of the General Management Committee, with the result that tbe printing aDd advertising will henceforth be let by tender, and considered by the Finance Corn mittee. We give the above explanation, so that our readers may understand the reasons which ied Mr Storv, on behalf of the Local Committee, to withhold the balance of 945, and why the Com- mittee ultimately adopted the new rule with re- gard to the printing and advertising.] THE GENERAL SECRETARY AND HIS DUTIES. It was suggested that rule 4 should be so al- tered as to throw the whole responsibility of arranging for the shows, &c., on the General Secretary (Mr F. Bellis), thereby doing away with the necessity of appointing a paid local secretary The Chairman explained that this alteration was recommended with a view of economising, and to avoid further friction. The secretary would receive the same salary as before; but if he desired the assistance of a local secretary, he would be allowed to engage one, and pay bim out of his own salary. Mr. Story said that the local fund, which was mainly collected by the Local Secretary, was the backbone of the Society; and he should be glarl to support the suggested alteration if the local collections would not sufler by the change. Almost the whole of the local sub- scriptions for th- Denbigh show were collected by the Local Secretary (Mr J. Ll. Williams), and himself and if the alteration would cause the local fund to fall off, he would be inclined to allow the Secretary, say, a sum of ;CIO to assist him in payin a local man. They were now paying their Local Secretaries £40. so that hv adopting this suggestion, they could save £ 30. He was a man of economy himself but was very anxious not to do anything that was likely to adversely affect the local subscrip tions. ki,r. Thomas Roberts, Lleweni, proposed that £10 be allowed to the Secretary towards procuring local assistance Mr Story was afraid that Mr. Bellis would not get nearly as many suhcriptions if a local secretaryship was done away with altogether Mr. Pennant questioned whether Mr. Bellis would agree to carry on his work under the altered conditions and to pay for local assis- tance out of his own present salary. Mr. Bellis said, that if they expected him to pay a local Secretary from his present salary lie did not think he would be inclin- d to go on with his work. If them eting required an un- dertaking for him to the effect, he was not prepared to give it. Jr. Story Do you think you can do without a local Secretary, and get subscriptions in, as at present ? Mr. Bellis: The local secretary has a great deal of influence in his own district. He had an immense advantage over an outsider, and would he likely to di better. The Chairman We are economising in the matter of management; and if the General Se- cretary cannot do the work we must find some- one else. It being felt that Mr. Beliis should have time to consider his position, the further con- sideration of this question was adjourned. MOLD AND DENBIGH. The suggestion made by the Comm ttee that the meeting of the Finance Committee should, in future, be held in the towns of Mold and Denbigh, excepting the meetings held on show days, was agreed to, on the motion of Mr. Pennant, seconded by Mr. Leathes. THE QUESTION OF BALANCES. The Chairman said that rule 15, which pro- vided that in the event of there beingabalance in hand, the Local Committee should place it, to the credit of the Rodety"; General Fund, was considered by the Sub-committee. It was said that the complaints made by the various Local Committees were mainly directed against the waste of money in connection with the manage- ment of the Society, but as the alterations sug- gested with reference to the duties aufi salary of the Secretaries, and the printing and adver- tising, tended to economy in these matters, the Committee thought, that rule 15 should stand unaltered. This was agreed to. CULTIVATED FARMS. The question of offering prizes for the best cultivated farms was discussed, but no deci- sion was arrived at, as no statement was forth coming on the financial position of the So- ciety.




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