Papurau Newydd Cymru

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[If anyreaderwlioisin a difficulty with reference >3 to his garden, will write directly to the ad- dress given beneath, his queries will be an- swered, free of charge, and by return of post -EDITORI. THE VEGETABLE GARDEN. The hoe must be kept at work early and late to destroy weeds and to keep the surface soil open. The thinning out of seedlings of one kind and another is a most important matter, and it must not be neglected on any account. It may I become necessary to supply water during dry weather this month, but a beginning should not be made until it is really required. Asparagus beds should be cleaned and freed from weeds and rubbish afc once; and if new ones are needed, no time must be lost in getting the plants into the ground. It is best to use strong roots in preference to seeds in small gardens, as the crop will be secured so much sooner. A top-dressing of two or three inches of rich dung » may be given to established beds. Globe arti- choke suckers can now be deeply planted three feet apart in rows four feet asunder, the ground being well trodden down round each plant. They will want a mulsh of good manure after being removed, and water musb be liberally supplied during dry weather. Continue to make sowings of early brocoli in fresh, sweet and well-dug soils, using one ounce of seed to four square yards, in shallow drills ten inches apart. Cover with about half-inch of fine soil, and net the seed-beds as a protection from small birds. This precaution should be adopted in the case of all small seeds. Select a light, rich bed, and sow the main crops of Brussels sprouts in shal- low drills twelve inches asunder. Prick out seedlings from earlier sowings from the frames into open beds of well-manured soil directly they have made half a dozen leaves. They will then be ready to transplant to their permanent quarters in June or July. It is most essential to avoid crowding. The main supply of carrot seeds should be got in at once in drills from eight to twelve inches apart, according to the size of the variety. Select deeply-worked, rich soils, free from recent manuring, and cover the seeds with about .inch of fine earth. As soon as possible weed the crop, and thin out the seedlings to several inches apart. During show- ery weather thin out a second time, finally leaving the roots to mature at from four to twelve inches asunder in the rows, according to the vigour of the variety. The young carrots from the second thinning make a delicate dish. Make successional sowings of the larger and smaller cabbages, the former to turn in during autumn, and the latter for filling up odd corners in the garden." An ounce of seed is sufficient for a bed of eight square yards, and it should be covered .inch deep. Never permit the plants to become crowded or drawn in the seed-beds, m but plant them out as soon as possible, choos- ing showery weather if practicable. It is well to dip each root into a puddle, composed of soot, lime, clay, and water. When rain cannot be waited for, draw shallow drills, soak them with water over night, and immediately mulch them with short manure. Plant out cauliflowers at every opportunity, and protect them from frost with inverted pots. Be very c., reful to prick out seedlings early, or they will form button- like heads only. Make small and frequent sow- ings of spinach in drills an inch deep and a foot asunder, using an ounce of &eed to a bed of five square yards; and thin out the plants early to six, and finally to twelve inches apart in the rows. Hoe lightly between the rows to keep down weeds, and shade from the sun if neces- sary. One of the most wholesome and delicious of winter salads is the much neglected chicory. Sow the seeds now in drills from ten to twelve inches apart, and thin out the seedlings until they stand from eight to nine inches asunder in the rows. Water if necessary. Make succes- sional sowings of turnip seed in shallow drills from 12 to 15 inches apart, and in gardens where the turnip fly is troublesome place some stimulating manure in the drills. Thin out with a hoe directly the rough leaves appear, and finally single out the seedlings by hand until they are from four to nine inches apart, accor- ding to the vigour of the variety. If this pro- cess of singling be effected at two operations the thinnings may be utilised in the kitchen- Give an occasional heavy watering during dry weather, and keep the beds free from weeds. Second-early peas may be sown for succession. Directly the seedlings are visible dust them over lightly with lime and soot mixed, as a pro tection from slugs; and thin them to about two inches apart when they are two or three inches high. During periods of drought, water must be liberally supplied either in shallow drills drawn about nine inches from the rows, or in the trough made by slightly earthing up the stems. Pinch out the tops of robust, growing kinds when they are showing bloom freely. A mulch of leaves, short grass, or half decayed manure is of the greatest benefit during hot weather. Systematic gathering of the pods di- rectly they are fit for use is most important, as the ripening of a few seeds imposes a heavy tax on the plants. Onions should now be sown for winter use in firm, deeply-worked, and well pulverised soils, preferably rich loams. If only light land be available, it must be firmly trod- den down at seed time. Select a day when the surface soil is almost dry, and sow in drills from 6 to 12 inches asunder, using one ounce of seed to 3 square yards. Cover with about half inch of fine soil, tread lightly over the drills, touch the surface with a rake, and firm the bed down all over with the back of a spade, provided the soil be dry. Hoe between the rows directly the seedlings are visible, and thin out the first time with a narrow hoe. Further thinnings will pro- vide delicate salading material, the plants be- ing finally singled out to distances of from 4 to 6 inches apart. Water is seldom required. though a soaking of weak liquid manure is per- missible during long continued drought. Keep down weeds by using a small hoe regularly be- tween the rows. Broadcast the seed of a silver- skinned pickling variety on rather poor soil? and do not thin the bulbs out at all. Make extensive sowings of quick-growing lettuces in light, rich, loamy soils, about 9 inches under the surface of which a good layer of fresh nis, nure ha3 been placed. It is best to drill the seeds an inch deep in rows a foot apart, one ounce of seed being sufficient for four square yards. Thin out early to prevent crowding, eventually leaving the plants some 12 inches apart. Sow parsley seed in shallow drills 12 inches asunder, and thin out the seedlings two or three times to 6 inches apart, transplanting the thinnings into good ground. When the foliage becomes coarse, cut it off close to the ground. Bow herbs at enee on sunny southern borders in drills, and see that each plant h& £ sufficient room forperfeet development. Celery seed may be sown no-A on a bed of rotten ma- nure in a warm corner, and the plants frOW, seed pans must be pricked out into beds of de- cayed manure in frames or sheltered nooks. E. KEMP TooooOD, F.R.H.S., pro Toogood and Sons, The Royal Seed Establishment, Southampton.

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