Papurau Newydd Cymru

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possibly not have taken place (laughter). He thought this a concession that the workingme* of the town should ha,ve from the Council. He had, therefore, great pleasure in staving that the lamps should be lit next season as suggested by the Borough Surveyor. The Mayor said that the Committee felt when discussing this matter that the winter had gone so far that it would be almost unnecessary to keep the lamps lit this season. Mr. Lloyd Jones seconded Me. Pryce's motion. Mr. Howel Gee suggested that fcfae matter should be left over until the beginning of next season without passing any resolution. Mr. Keepfer contended that the lamps should be kept lit throughout the town, if they were to be lit at all. The Mayor said the Surveyor had very care- fully gone into the matter, and had selected certain points where it would be desirable to keep the lamps lit over night for the protection of the ratepayers. To keep them lit throughout the town was another matter. Mr..folia Davies proposed, and Mr. Boaz Jones steonded, that i;he matter be kft over llntil next session, and this was ultimately car- ried. METALLING THE ROADS. GWYDDELWERN STONE TO BE Having taken into consideration the question of the metalling of High Street and Vale Street in consequence of the Surveyor bavins- reported 'that there was no stone raised or broken in any quantity at the Graig Quarry, and that he was in immediate want of the same, the High way Committee recommended to the Council that 230 tons of Gwyddelwern stone, 2-inch handbroken, be purchased, and that she Town. Clerk make inquiries as to the terms, and in what quantities the stone can be delivered also, that the Gas and Water Companies be re- quested to carry out any necessary repairs in their piping, requiring the cutting up of streets before the metalling was done. The Mayor, in the absence of Mr. R. Hum- phreys Roberts, Chairman of the Committee, •proposed the adoption of the repot, The Town Clerk, replying to a question, said that he had been in communication with the Gwyddelwern Company, and found that the stone would be delivered at Denbigh Station for 6s. 6d. a ton nett. Mr. R. Henry Roberts asked the price of the Graig stone, which was at present used. The Surveyor said that the handbroken stone cost them 4s. per ton. Mr. Wynne Edwards thought the recom- mendation of the Committee a step in the right direction. Some other stone should certainly be tried on the roads, and he believed it was the unanimous wish of the ratepayers that they should do so. Yet it was, in his opinion, a mis- take to try only the Gwyddelwern stone. There were other stones quite as good to be had quite as cheap. The county of Flint were using Bwlchgwyn stone, and found it doing better than any other. They were now bring- ing this stone to Bodfary-a. short distance from Denbigh. It was also possible to get Pen- maenmawr stone as < heap as the Gwyddelwern stone. There was al o a very good atone at Glyn Arthur, in the parish of Llangynhafal, which the Ruthin District Council was rising. Again, there was the blue stone from Sylchau, which he should like to see tried on the roads. It was not as hard as the Gwyddel wern. stone, but was a good stone to put on the roads, and was less likely than the limestone so create mud in winter, and dust in summer. His pro- position was, that the Council should buy a certain quantity of each stone as sample, and give them a trial. It they intended to go out of Denbigh for stone, they should give a. trial to stones of different quality. He would make an offer to the Council. A good stone was now excavated from the Bryntrillyn tunnel, and if the Council would get the permission of the Asylum authorities, he (Mr. Edwards) would undertake to deliver the stone in any part of the town at Is. 6d. a ton. He did not say that it would pay him, but he would do it for the borough in order to give the stone a trial. The Mayor paid that all the quarries men- tioned by'Mr.Wynne Edwards were also men- tioned at the Committee. It was then stated that-permission to cart the Bryntrillyn stone would not be given by the authority having jurisdiction in the matter. Mr. Boaz Jones said the Committee arrived at the recommendation contained in the re- port; because the Graig Quarry could not supply the quantity of stone required. The steam roller would, therefore, have no work to do. Mr. Howel Gee pointed out that it might suit Mr. Wynne Edwards to bring down the Bryntrillyn stone at Is. 6d. per ton just now, but he should like to know what it would cost them to get it from there in the ordinary course of trade. Mr. Wynne Edwards replied that atones were now carried from Graig Ddewart, Illtewl, to the top of Llanrhaiadr for 4s. a. ton. That was uphill, and he thought they could be brought down from Bylchau for 3a. Mr. Lloyd Jones moved that Mr Wynne Edwards' kind offer be referred to the Highway Committee for consideration. Mr. Howel Gee seconded. Mr. John Davies said he should like to coil- -line all the trade to Denbigh. When a. Sur- veyor, he had always endeavoured So keep the trade in Denbigh as much as ever he could —in the Foundry, for instance, and the same with ironmongery, printing, &c. He should like to see the stone for the roads got from Denbigh also. He did not want to go oo Bryn- trillyn or anywhere else Mr. Wynne Edwards: What about Nor- wegian joinery, Mr. Davies? (Laughter). Mr. Boaz Jones: Order, order. Mr. Davies said he had an idea which he thoughtshould be tried. There was in Glas Meadows as good a stone as any in the neigh- bourhood. Mr. Wynne Edwards: Didn't you threaten us when we proposed to get that stone ?. Mr. Davies Wait 9. minute Mr. Wynne Edwards I told you you would have a warm time of it when yea came here. Mr. John Davies, having produced a sample of stone for the inspection of the Council, said it was the quality found at Glas Meadows. There was a capioal road there, and the stone could be easily carted away. The atone could either be broken in Panton Hall or in the quarry. The Surveyor and Mr. J. Simon Ro- berts knew that this stone was of a ve?v good quality. Mr. J. Simon Roberts: But the quality you have now shown is very deep. Mr. John Davies replied that the quarry could be opened from a direction which v.-ould soon bring them to the stone. Failing 'is quarry, there were other quarries close to >. town which could be utilised, one of thfci. being on the other side of Lon Llewelyn, anu belonging to Mr. Burton. At present, no stone could be got from the Graig, and what lie should I like to know was, what were they going to do for stone to cover all the roads in the The 230 tons of Gwyddelwern stone would only cover a portion of High Street and Vale Street, and were they going 10 leave all she other roads as they were ? The Mayor said that the Committee recom- mended ithe,purch -ise of 230 tons of Gwyddel- wern stone as an experiment, and if it answered the purpose, they could purchase more. Mr. Roger Pryce said it was now a case of emergency. It would not pay the Corporation to keep the steam roller idle. On the question I of breaking the stone he was glad to see the Council coming round to his way of thinking (laughter), viz., that the stone should be hand 'broken and not crushed. If the stone were to come from Gwyddelwern and Bryntrillyn, he would like to see it brought here in the rough, and broken in the town, and proper money paid for it. It was monstrous Ubourers should break stones at the wnges hitherto given by the Corporation. To break a hard black- stone for Is. 4d. a load was simply starvation wages. The day for that was gone. It was now the principle of a fair day's work for a fair day's wage. Mr. John Davies explained that he did not object to the purchase of the 230 tons from Gwyddelwern under the present circumstances. But if they were going in for foreign stone at ail, he would favour the Penmaeniiiawr atone. Ultimately, the recommendation of the Com mittee was adopted, and the otter of Mr. Wynne Edwards referred to the Committee. NEW MUD CART. The Highway Committee recommended that the tender of Mr. John Jones, blacksmith— fl9 15s. Od., f-vr the supply of a new sanitary tumbler cart, be accepted, subject to the cart being of the capacity named by the surveyor, viz. 160 gallons. The recommendation was confirmed. THE DRAINAGE OF HENLLAN. The Sanitary Committee reported that the question of providing a system of drainage for Henllan had been discussed by them, and as it appeared that the only matter now requiring attention was the drainage of the house pro- posed to be built upon the site of the Chapel, they recommended- "That application be made to Mr. W. D. W. Griffith for his permission for the drain from such house to be connected with the drain frnm the Henllan Police Station, which now discharges into a tank in his field, it being understood that such connec- tion is not to alter the legal staSus of the said drain.' The report was adopted without discussion. THE APPOINTMENT OF MEDICAL OFFICER AND INSPECTOR. The S;i.nit-iry Committee recommended that the Local Government Board be asked to sanc- tion the appointments for three years instead of one as before, of the Medical Officer and Inspector of Nuisances, whose term of office expire on the 28th February, and 31st March respectively, also the amount of the Inspectors' salary be referred to the Council. The Mayor having proposed the adoption of the report. Mr. A. Lloyd Jones moved that the question of the salary of the Inspector be referred to a committee of the whole Council. The Council that day had not full information of the question, nor of what took place in the com- mittee He believed that the salary proposed to be given to the Inspector was named at the committee, but was not named in the report, and the whole question was sprung upon them very suddenly. Mr. Royer Pryce, seconded. Mr. Howel Gee: Why not have it out now, there are plenty of us here to decide the ques- tion. The Mayor to Mr. Lloyd Jones: Will you withdraw your amendment for that purpose. Mr. Lloyd Jones: No. The amendment was carried. SMITHFIELD RECEIPTS. The accountant reported that the amount of tolls received at the Smithfield last fair day was £ 6 9s. 7d. as against £6 lis. 5d., the cor- responding fair in 1898, a decrease of Is. lOd. INADEQUATE ACCOMMODATION AT THE RAILWAY STATION. SEVERE STRICTURES UPON THE RAILWAY COMPANY. Mr. Boaz Jones, called the attention of the Council to the inadequate accommodation at the Railway Station, for passengers and goods, and said that the station at Denbigh was out of all proportion to the traffic, he also felt very strongly that the people of Denbigh could not get what they ought to receive from the Lon- don and North Western Railway Company. The traffic in Denbigh was increasing very much, bnt the station was small, and inconven- ient and even dangerous, owing to the plat- forms being so small. At present the trains had to be shunted backwards and forwards, and there had been no enlargement of the premises for the last 38 years. Denbigh did not get the privileges of several towns, not so important, and especially so in the matters of cheap tickets. For instance people going to Llanrwst fair could not book cheap tickets from Den- bigh, but could do so from St. Asaph, but St Asaph was of course a City (laughter). As to I the accommodation for goods, everybody knew that it was totally inadequate. They had only a small warehouse, 20 yards long, and only sufficient to accommodate three waggons. It was most inconvenient, and caused the trades- men no end of worry. His goods for instance were continually being put out in the dirt and rain. Temporary accommodation was pro vided by putting sleepers together, and then piling the goods upon them. Taking all into consideration the people of Denbigh were very badly treated. He would move that a com- mittee of members representing the Town Council and others outside should be appointed, to take this matter in hand. Mr. Wynne Edwards seconded, and said that, it was impossible for anyone to exaggerate the inadequacy of the accommodationof the station. He thought that the whole management of the station-it was a serious charge to make, but he did make it nevertheless—was a disgrace to the town. Every word that Mr. Boaz Jones had said was correct. He himself had loaded I trucks in the station, and often before he had notice of their arrival, the stuff had been thrown into the mud. Trucks containing pig-iron had come there, for him, and although it would have been rather a difficult work to remove these from the trucks to carts, it was ten times more so when the iron had been thrown out of the truck into the mud. That was the kind of thing that was continually going on at the Denbigh Railway Station. The accommodation was out of all proportion to the traffic, and no effort was being made by the company to meet the convenience of the public. He believed there was some desire on the part of the officials to keep down the expense, but that should cer tainly not be the object in view, but the con- venience of the public at large. There was nobody sitting round that table that had not at some time or other, to wait in the train for ten minutes, or so, on the bridge on the Ruthin side, of the station, simply because the line could not be cleared of other trains. Denbigh was a terminus, and this kind of thing should not be allowed to continue. The present con- dition of things must be altered, and the only way that could be done was by a committee representing the whole town. Mr. Boaz Jones and Mr. Gee and himself had done everything they could privately to attain this end, but that was impossible, and the only way to do it was by means of a public authority. They should"also agitate in order to get the line from Denbigh to Rhyl doubled. Mr. Nealr, had admitted that the Vale of Clwyd line was the best paying branch they had in North Wales. During the season the company had to run late trains, simply because they were unable to carry on the traffic otherwise. The Mayor: I am sure that we are all in favour of this proposition. Mr. A. Lloyd Jones said he wished to endorse the remarks made by Mr. Boaz Jones and .,r. Wynne Edwards. The tradesmen of Den -,Ii were very seriously handicapped by the i ivy rates charged by the Railway Company. Ti y not only charged the actual rates, but vei often charged excessive rates, and on many occa. ions, he had returned bills owing to their being over charged. He thought it was high time th t, something should be done. The said that if this joint committee were appointed, they could meet and get evid- ence in support of their grievances, to Mr. Chambers, late of Llysmeirchion, who was one of the directors who came to Denbigh the first Saturday in each month, and the committee could lay their grievance before him with a view of getting him to place them before his co-directors at Euston. Mr. Boaz Jones then proposed that the fol- lowing should compose the committee :—The Mayor, Mr Howell Gee, Mr. Robert Owen, Mr. A. 1..1. Jones, Mr. WynneEdwards, Mr. R. Henry Roberts, and himself, on behalf of the Council, and from outside the Council, Mr. T, J. Williams, Mr. T. Pierce Hughes, Mr. T. W. Salisbury, and Mr. Jones, Gwynfa This proposition was agreed to, and the f ol- lowing-names werealsoadded to thecomhlittee Col. Hughes, Ystrad; Mr. Hugh Roberts, Trefna-nt; Mr. W. Barker, the Asylum, and Mr. George Jones, coal merchant. It is also understood that the committee will have power to add to their number. INTERNATIONAL PEACE. Mr-A. Lloyd Jones said he should like to pass a resolution in favour of the effort of the Czar of Russia, on behalf of International Peace. The Town Clerk pointed out that the stand- ing orders should be suspended before this motion could be put After that was done, a member of the Council suggested that the resolution had better be proposed by the Mayor The Mayor then proposed it, and Mr. A. Lloyd Jones seconded. Mr. Keepfer said he could not agree with it, as he could not believe in a man who was increasing his army while at the same time wishing for peace. The resolution was, however, carried. THE L\TE MR. E. T. JONES. A letter was read from the family of the late Alderman E. T. Jones, acknowledging the kind vote of condolence passed by the Council. CUTTING UP STREETS. A letter was read from Mr. Vaughan Jones, Secretary of the Gas and Water Companies informing the Council that there was no work required to be done in connection with the Gas and Water pipes ab present, which necessitated the cutting up of streets. Mr. Wynne Edwards pointed out the damage caused in Crown Square by one of the companies. After the steam roller had rolled down the stones, and put the square in excell- ent order, one of the companies had gone there to get up the place, and left it in a shocking condition. He would propose that whenever the streets were cut up, after being roiled by the steam roller, the persons responsible should pay for the use of the roller to put the place again in order. Mr. Boaz Jones seconded, and it was car- ried. THE CASTLE WATER SUPPLY. Mr. Howel Gee asked whether anything had been done as regards the supply of water to the Castle. The Mayor said that the Water Company had agreed to supply the area stipulated by the Council, and had left the matter in the hands of their engineer, Mr. Storr. THE TOWNSEND FOOTPATH. A lettbr was read from Mr. Neele, superin- tendent of the London and North Western Railway (Cheater and Holyhead Branch), in which he stated that it was the duty of the Corporation, and not the Railway Company to provide lamps in the footpath leading from Park street, to Vale streets, close by the Railway Bridge.