Papurau Newydd Cymru

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REVIEW OF BOOKS. .-......r"'""""-''-"--..r-,-"",","

[No title]


DENBIGH. /'-"""""'-/'\--/''-_./"'r'''''''/'


-J in the minutes, no mention whatever was made of the new buildings the Clerk had refer- red to in the letter which he seat to the Depart- ment, and had just been read. All that the 330ard agreed upon was, to ask the Education Department whether they would guarantee the Board immunity for a time from any further demands as regards alterations and improve- ments to Henllan school. The Clerk's letter did not carry out that suggestion, but covered more ground by a good deal. Mr. Joseph Evans: It comes practically to same thing. The Clerk said he thought that what he had Pit in the letter was what the Board really ^nted to convey. Mr. Humphreys again pointed out that the «oard did not say in the resolution that they a new school. The Clerk: No, not in the resolution, cer- tainly not. Mr. Joseph Evans: But it was understood that unless we got this guarantee that no fur- ther improvements would be required, that we *°Uld proceel for the erection of a new school. *hat was the general talk. The Clerk said that was so, and that that was the meaning of Mr. Evans when he gave notice motion to rescind the resolution already on books with regard to this matter. ,,Mr. Cottom said the Education Department "id not really answer the question which the Board had put to them. The Clerk said that in the letter of the De- partment they said That in view of the in- terior nature of the premises ia whicli the School is now conducted, and the expense which ^°uld be involved in putting them in a satis- factory condition, my lords would approve of YOUr Board replacing them by a wholly new school The Department did not gather that the school premises were of an inferior nature, etc from his letter, but had evidently come to that conclusion from their own observations. Mr. Cottom It is certainly not a very high opinion of the school buildings. Mr. Joseph Evans said the letter of the De- partment contirmed the statement made at a Previous Board meeting with reference to a in England, when the whole school had been condemned after a classroom had just been added. This led them to believe that the same precedent might be followed in their own case. Evidently the Department regarded the "enllan school buildings as very inferior ones. Mr. Humphreys also agreed that the Depart }Oent in this letter had made use of very plain language. Mr. Thomas Roberts: From what I can Sather from the remarks of the Education De- partment, I think our course is very clear. Mr. Humphreys said that in proposing the resolution which Mr. Evans that day sought to 'escind, what he favoured was, that the Board should try to satisfy the Department by im Proving and adding to the present school build. lags; but the communication which they had received most certainly altered the complexion of things a good deal. It was the most pro- jjpQnced declaration they had had as yet of the ^-satisfaction of the Departments with the buildings. They had received a very ominous o»nt before, but the trumpet gave no uncertain 3Und now. Reading between the lines, it was "lirtually a condemnation of the school build- ogs, and it appeared to him a very hopeless to persist in trying to satisfy the require- ments of the Education Department by patch- es up the old school. „ Mr. Joseph Evans And it will simply be a Patchwork. Mr. Humphreys said that however much they ^J8hed to economise,they had no guarantee what. that the money spent on the old school jj^d not have been spent in vain, and that the c Provements carried out to day would not be Qdemned to-morrow. But in view of the °Hitounication now under consideration, he as not at all sure whether the better coarse »0d the truer economy would not be to face the disagreeable necessity at once, and provide new buildings. That was the conclusion he was coming to. Mr. Cottom said this appeared to him to be a ratepayers question. It was not a question of sentiment at all, and they should be satisfied that they were spending the money of the ratepayers to the best advantage. It seemed tp hxm now, that in the face of the Education Department's letter, that it would be really em- barking upon a foolish policy to spend a couple of hundred pounds of the ratepayers' money in Patching up the old school, and then in a year's tune, to throw it away, by building a new school. The Chairman explained that in the first Instance the Board were simply anxious to defer for a number of years the necessity of Providing a new school, by improving the Present buildings. That would have enabled tjhe Board to pay off some of the present loans. He would have been glad to be able to do this at the same time, he felt that the present build- ings were such that he should be sorry to spend money on them. Mr. Joseph Evans said that according to present appearances, the necessity of erecting 4 8C^°°1 coukl not now be long deferred. Mr. Cottom said that the position of matters ftad now entirely altered, because the Educa- tion Department had come between them and the trustees of the present school buildings. He had thought that the Department would have Auctioned the patching up of the present pre- mises until the end of the lease, but they evi- dently did not care much about the value of lbe lease, and now was therefore the time to strike. Mr. George Williams said that his opinion now the same as before—viz., thai it was to have new buildings, and he was very ^'ad that the Education Department had come the conclusion to prevent the spending of a Couple of hundred pounds on the school. t Replying to Mr. George Williams and Mr. "oaeph Evans, the Clerk stated that the number Of children attending the Henllan school from the adjoining parishes was now fewer than it bad been. These children now numbered about altogether, and came from the parishes of ^lanefydd and Bylchau. Mr. Joseph Evans said there was no need to make further remarks with reference to this lUestion, and he would therefore simply move £ be resolution standing in his name, viz., that the resolution of the 30th August last be now rescinded. If this was carried, he would also Propose that a committee be appointed to 8elect one or more suitable sites for a new school building, which are procurable, and to ascertain the costs, and to report to a special Meeting of the Board at the earliest possible date. If the first motion did not pass, then this second one would fall to the ground. It had been clearly shown that the school was not Worthy of the requirements of the present day, aQd the Henllan children should have a building adapted in every way to their health, and for imparting instruction to them, and the place should also be erected according to the most Modern style. Mr. Thomas Roberts seconded, and the motion to rescind the previous resolution was then carried. The Chairman then suggested that a resolu- tion should then be passed in favour of building a new school, and to make arrangements for carrying it out. Mr. Joseph Evans: And that we proceed with all dispatch for the erection of a new building ill lieu of the present school. Mr. Cottom questioned whether it would be in order to pass a resolution to proceed with the erection of a new school without notice to that effect having been placed on the agenda. Mr. Thomas Roberts said such a notice could have been put, as it could not be said ^nether the motion standing in the name of Joseph Evans would be carried or not. Mr. Cottom again contended that it was ^ecessary in the case of an important question /ike this to place it on the agenda. The Chairman pointed out that they had a letter from the Education Department bearing j? the^subjest, and this letter had left the ^ard free to take further steps in the mat- Mr. Thomas Roberts In the face of the do °>n^ remarks of the Education Department, I «n t think we would be justified in delaying it ally further The Chairman said the matter could be de ferred until the next meeting, if the Board so wished it, but he did not see anything improper in passing such a resolution that day. Mr. Cottom thoughtlit was the rule, that the rescinding of one resolution did not give power to propose another resolution. The Chairman Oh yes, because that is the object of it. It would be to no purpose putting Mr. Evans' motion on the agenda, unless some- thing else was in view. The Clerk said he thought Mr. Evans did mention at the last meeting that he intended to propose a resolution in favour of erecting a new school, but that he would make the way clear tor such a proposal by rescinding the resolution already on the books. Mr. Hughes said that was so, and that the members of the Board knew what Mr. Evans implied then. Mr. Cottom: I am quite content, if you say it is in order, sir. Mr. Joseph Evans then moved, and Mr. Thomas Roberts seconded, that steps be now taken for the erection of new buildings at Henllan in the place of the buildings hitherto used. There being no amendment, the motion was carried. Mr. Joseph Evans then formally moved the other part of his resolution, viz., that a com. mittep be appointed to select sites, &c. The Clerk, replying to a question, s tid the Board could acquire land by arbitration. They had compulsory powers in this matter. Mr. Hughes asked whether the old site would be available. The Chairman suggested that the Clerk should communicate with the National Society, to as. certain whether this site would be sold, &c. Mr. Thomas Roberts said he was not in favour of the old site on any condition what- ever. Mr. Joseph Evans I think there are better sites to be had. Mr. George Williams seconded the motion, and it was carried; and the following gentlemen were appointed on the committee :-The Chair- man, the Vice-Chairman, the Rev. H. Hum- phreys, and the Rev. H. O. Hughes, with the Clerk. ILLNESS OF AN ASSISTANT TEACHER. It was stated thatfowing to ill hpalth, Mr. D. Boardman Jones would be compelled to relin- quish his school duties for several weeks, and the Board decided to advertise for temporary assistance. THE ATTENDANCE AT SCHOOLS. COMPLAINTS BY THE HEAD TEACHERS. The Clerk submitted to the Board a petition from the head teachers of the different schools on the question of attendance, which was as follows:— The attendance in the various schools of the town is exceedingly poor, and we respectfully ask you GO give the question your serious con- sideration at your next meeting. The number of scholars on the school register is 1,044, the average attendance in each sitting is 736; there- fore, for the time the school is open, there are 308 children absent, and the most distressing circumstance in connection with this state of affairs is, the fact that practically they are the same pupils that absent themselves continually. Many parents in Denbigh send their children to school with the most commendable regularity but at the same time, the school registers show that there is an appreciable number of parents who utterly disregard their obligation to their children in this particular. In the returns of the Welsh counties,we find that Denbigh stands tenth on the list with a percentage of 72-75, thus showing that it is almost the worst Welsh county; and when we find a mountainous county like Carnarvon standing in the proud position of third, the disgrace is so much the greater, and it behoves every school attendance authority throughout the country to move with all speed to remove this stigma. The Educa tion Department draws out a syllabus of work for regular attendance, and it is entirely im- possible to traverse this heavy curriculum without a decided improvement. We are in- formed that it is the rule of the Board to over look cases when two-thirds of the attendances have been made. We consider this too great a latitude, particularly so when we bear in mind that the code states explicitly that a child must be present at every sitting. The attendance on Wednesday afternoons in the boys' schools is so law that it is hardly worth the while keep- ing them open. The boys, in many instances, are illegally employed, and counsel's opinion, which we enclose, is very emphatic as to the consequences (the offender is liable to a fine of 4013.). We would recommend, as an improve- ment to this defect, that the officer be instruc- ted to seriously warn the employers of this penalty. A great number of children absent themselves under a plea of sickness. We doubt in some cases the sincerity of these excuses, for we have seen some of the so-called invalids playing about the streets after nine o'clock at night, during the recent inclement weather. We would advise as a remedy in this case that the Board give instructions to the attendance officer to demand medical certificates. Since the reopening of the schools, Mr. Jones, the attendance officer, has served a large number of summons notices, and we find in some instances that the attendance is no better. Therefore, we sincerely hope that the Board will take pro- ceedings against the worst transgressors and see that the fines are immediately paid. We find thatthere aresome outstanding fines not paid since 1895 and 1896. We have no desire to notify the advantages accruing from regular attendance as they are well-known, but we do, in conclusion, earnestly hope that the Board will move in such a manner as the case may require.—E. J. Roberts, Patricia Kennedy, M. Rees, W. M. Pierce, F. S. Jones, M. Parry Williams, and M. E. Davies.' The petition having been read, Mr. Joseph Evans said that the position they held was really very degraded and very shame- ful and on the part of them as a School Board there should be firmness and the reins held very tight indeed, because there were so many parents utterly careless of their children's education. They made no effort to send their children to school, and unless the School Board dealt with them promptly and strongly, they would take more liberty. The Board should take a bold front in this matter so as to secure better attendance, and adopt the means of doing so without delay. He would propose that something definitely be done, and a committee appointed to look into the matter and report, or make some suggestion with a view of taking action. The Clerk said that a long list of children guilty of irregular attendance had been sent by Mr. Pierce of the National School. Mr. Humphreys remarked thaL the Board had been more strict in this matter "ince they amended their bye-law, but that half not been very long ago, and not sufficiently 10.J'; indeed to make any palpable difference. The Clerk said that the new bye-law had come rather suddenly on the parents. Mr. Joseph Evans said that he would have expected Denbigh to be an almost pattern di., trict in this matter, but according to the peti tion, there were nine school districts ahead of them. It was here pointed out that the statistics in the petition referred to the county of Denbigh as a whole, and did not apply particularly to the district of the Denbigh School Board. Mr. Joseph Evans said he was walking along the street some day last week; and was sur- prised to find children playing about the doors of their houses, instead of being in school. Mr. Humphreys said that the Board had now adopted a new rule altogether, and said it should be understood that what the petition stated, viz., that the Board overlook cases when two-thirds of the attendance had been made, was not correct. That rule was never adopted now, every case bein^ on its merits. Mr. Joseph Evans asked whether parents were ever called before the Board to answer for their negligence, before a summons was taken out. The Clerk No, we have no power to compel parents to attend here. Mr." Humphreys: The parents are the worst offenders, and they are not likely to come here to answer for their negligence. After further discussion, the Board agreed to give effect to the recommendation of the peti- • tionera. COUNTY COURT. The bi-monthly court was held last Tues- day, before His Honour Judge Sir Horatio Lloyd, and Mr. E. J. Swayne, deputy regis- trar. THE PIG DEALER IN BED. Samuel Jones, Henllan, claimed X2 from Hugh Nolan, St. Asaph, being balance due for four pigs sold by the plaintiff to defend- ant. Defendant had paid X2 17s., but now dis- puted that he had received the pigs. The case bad been adjourned from the last court in order that the plaintiff should pro- duce a witness to prove the delivery of the pigs. Isaac Hugh Davies said he delivered the pigs at the Leopard Inn, to a young man that was there, and left them in his charge. Defendant said he was in bed, and that plaintiff did not deliver the pigs at the station. His Honour said he did not think that the defendant would have paid the X2 17s. if be had not received the pigs, and gave judgment for plaintiff for the sum claimed, payable at 2s. a month. PAINTING A CART. Mr. David Jones, Gwynfa, sued Mr. John Jones, St. Asaph, for the sum of X2 Os. 6d. The defendant did not dispute all the claim, but counterclaimed for X2 Os. 6d., being the sum charged for painting one of the plaintiff's coal carts. Mr. A. O. Evans appeared for the plain- tiff, and Mr. Joseph Lloyd for the defend- ant. Mr. David Jones said he was a general merchant carrying on business in Denbigh under the title of Jones and Son. In 1894, he required a cart at St. Asaph to be paint- ed. Witness never mentioned lettering. However, the defendant varnished the letters on the cart, and said he had re- painted them. The work was very inferior. He had a great deal of experience with carts, and had had many painted, but when a bill of £1 18s. 6d. came to him, he refused to pay it because it was unreasonable. The usual price for painting a cart is about 12s„ with two coats of paint. He was quite prepared to pay the defendant a reasonable price for the work done. By Mr. Joseph Lloyd.—The defendant sent him a bill for painting a cart, and he wrote back some letters without prejudice. He transferred his coal business to Richard Evans and Co. Robert Roberts said he was a roadman under the Flintshire County Council, and he was in the employ of Jones and Son in 1894. He knew about the coal cart in question, and it was he that gave Mr. John Jones instructions to do the work. He told the carter to take it down to John Jones' to be painted, but there was nothing said about the lettering. The cart was painted in a very poor way. The paint could be seen peeling off. Mr. Robert Vaughan, coach builder and carriage painter, earring on business in Den bigh, said he had seen the cart referred to at St. AsaDh. It was a small ordinary cart, and nothing like the coal carts in Denbigh. They charged about 12s. to 15s. for the painting of a cart when it was done pro- perly. By Mr. Joseph Lloyd. He (witness) charged extra for lettering, according to size. Mr. John Jones, the defendant, was then called, and stated that he painted the cart for Mr. David Jones, and it took his men 28 hours to paint it, it being one of the largest carts around St. Asaph. The carter instructed him that it wanted repairing, painting, and lettering, and the charge that was made was the usual charge in St. Asaph, viz., 6d. an hour. By Mr. A. O. Evans.—He sent his account to Mr. David Jones, and he repudiated it. He applied for the account twice in 1894. Hugh Jones said he was the carter with Mr. David Jones in 1894, and he (plaintiff) gave him instructions with regard to the cart, to take it to Mr. John Jones to get it painted. The brake at the rear of the cart was loose. The cart was a on3-horse cart. He saw the cart after it was finished, and he (witness) could find no fault with it. By Mr. A. O. Evans.—He believed the letters had been re-painted. They worked the cart with one horse. His employer, Mr. Robert Roberts and himself were together, when Robert Roberts told him to take it down to John Jones. By Mr. J. Lloyd.—The cart was a large one, and he had to take precautions to pre- vent the cart mastering the horse, when going down a hill. David Jones said he was the man who punted the cart, and he used 16 lbs. of paint and it took 28 hours to do the work, and he also lettered the cart. He had been a painter all his life, and he thought that the charge made was a very reasonable one. By Mr. A. O. Evans.—He (witness) was a house painter and paper-hanger. He was not brought up as a carriage painter, but had more carriages to do than houses. His Honour gave judgment for plaintiff, and said he did not believe the lettering was ordered, and therefore deducted that amount from the counter-claim. Judgment for plaintiff on claim, and for defendant for £1 5s. 6d. on the counter- claim. THE MAKING OF A PATENT PLOUGH. Mr. T. A. Wynne Edwards sued Samuel Denson, Plas Mawr, Newmarket, for the sum of XII 19s. 5d. for making a plough. Mr. A. O. Evans appeared for plaintiff, and Mr. Joseph Lloyd for the defendant. Mr. Wynne Edwards said he was an. en gineer carrying on business in Denbigh, and in September, 1897, he received instructions to make a plough for Mr. Denson, which was a new invention. He went to Plas Mawr and stayed there a long time examin- ing the patent. The model plough had been exhibited at the Royal Show. There was some arrangement for making the plough according to the model. Mr. Miller brought the model and asked him to make a plough as near as possible to the lines of the model. He (plaintiff) made the plough at cost price, and the pattern-maker charged 8d. instead of 9d. an hour. He commenced i he work, and considerable alterations were required. The defendant visited the foun- dry very often, and approved of the altera- tions before they were executed. When the plough was finished, Mr. Denson came and saw it, and expressed himself satisfied. He (plaintiff) was anxious to please him and carry out his instructions. By Mr. Joseph Lloyd.—The usual price of a plough was X4, but the plough here re- ferred to was not an ordinary plough. He did not mention X7 as the highest price of the plough. Mr. Denson was a very prac- tical man, and knew everything about ploughs. His arrangement was to turn the glade, as well as the breast, but it did not turn in the model which was produced in court. He (plaintiff) never bad notice to go to Plas Mawr to see it working, and be never heard that his clerk asked the de- fendant to send the plough back. Mr. Robert Jones, manager at the foundry, said he remembered a model of a plough being brought to the foundry for them to work. Mr. Wynne Edwards did not make any suggestion as to the price of the Plough. The alterations, according to the letters re- ceived, were carried out. He never:requested the plough to be brought back. By Mr. Joseph Lloyd.—Mr. Wynne Ed. wards did make some alterations to the plough which Mr. Denson agreed to. By Mr. A. O. Evans.—He remembered Mr. Denson there when the plough was finished. Mr. Wynne Edwards asked if a sheet of iron would not be better to keep the soil out, and Mr. Denson suggested that to act temporarily. Edward Jones said he was a joiner in the employ of Mr. Wynne Edwards, and he re- membered a model being brought to him to make a pattern of. The weight of the plough would be about 4 cwt. when made of iron, and according to model. Mr. Denson used to call at the foundry very often, and examined it, as they proceeded with the work. Mr. Samuel Denson said he made the model of the patent plough, and exhibited it at the RoyallShow, where it was a great success, and he was offered £100 for it. Mr. Miller suggested to him that he should get it done by a Denbigh man, namely Mr. Wynne Edwards. He (defendant) went to the foundry to see it worked, and they were doing it against his idea. There was a little ingenious work about it, and that was the lever. He told Mr.Wynne Edwards that his suggestion would not answer. The plough was partly a success. He returned it to the foundry: The wheels, bake and breast, were borrowed. He went to the foundry and told Mr. Wynne Edwards that the plough would not work. By Mr. A. O. Evans. He (defendant) came to see Mr. Wynne Edwards with Mr. Miller. He was not pleased with Mr.Wynne Edwards' suggestion. He alluded to the clogging up of the soil, and the arrangement in turning over. After he had tried it, he (defendant) said it was partly a success. He remembered receiving an account from Mr. Wynne Edwards, and he was surprised to find that it came to £ 11 15s. lid. By Mr. Joseph Lloyd.—The idea which Mr. Wynne Edwards suggested was a failure. Mr. G. T. Miller, living at Caerwys, said he saw Mr. Wynne Edwards with regard to the plough, and the latter said he would complete it for X7. Mr. Edwards had been over to Mr. Denson to see the plough, before he (plaintiff) had given the price. Plaintiff promised to complete it in a fortnight. It was on an October fair day that they took it there. It was witness that made the ar- rangements with Mr. Wynne Edwards. By Mr. A. O. Evans.—He had lived in Denbigh for 32 years, and knew Mr. Edwards as a very respectable man. He (witness) told plaintiff about the plough Mr. Denson had designed, and that he wanted to put it on the market. He believed he told Mr. Wynne Edwards that he had been offered £100 for the patent. His Honour said that the variations and alterations made, were made with the ap- proval of Mr. Denson. The difficulty was as to the price. Mr. Denson said he left the arrangements with Mr. Miller, and Mr. Wynne Edwards said there was no price fixed, but Mr. Miller said distinctly that the price of X7 was fixed. Mr. Miller was an independent witness, and on his evidence he would gave judgment for plaintiff for X7.