Papurau Newydd Cymru

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VISITORS TO ABERYSTWYTH. SHOl LD NOT FAIL TO SEE THE CELEBRATED DEVIL'S BRIDGE ?• „ AND WATERFALLS WITH THE SURROUNDING Í MAGNIFICENT SCENERY. N.B.— TICKETS TO VIEW THE BRIDGE AND FALLS MAY BE HAD AT THE HOTEL AT ONE SHILLING EACH; CHILDREN HALF-PRICE. A substantial Luncheon daily at the Hotel, Two Shillings, including attendance. F. E. WILLIAMS, t "> PROPRIETRESS. (8 WILLIAM PROBIN. RELIANCE HOUSE (OPPOSITE THE MEAT MARKET) AND K), PIER STREET, WORKING WATCHMAKER, LAPIDARY AND JEWELLER. Purchaser of brilliants. Old gold and silver. Modern and Antique Plate. NEW BUTCHERING ESTABLISHMENT, &c. AT 19, NORTH PARADE, ABERYSTWYTH, By F. BAKER, Commenced for the purpose of bringing Meat, &e\, direct from the Farmer to the Consumci at greatly re- duced prices, wholesale and retail. Home Baked Bread and Confectionery. &c., on the best terms. N.B.—Ham and Ba on Carer, Pork Pies and Sausages. E. R. G DE, PHOTOGRAPHER, PIER STREET. For the latest and best styles in photos. The New Scroll Photogriphs. Tne Permanent Platino'ypes. Midgets in various styles. :> Studio and out-door groups a spe~iL),|jty. I GYDE'S views of this District, the most complete yet published, Opils :1111 Opa:iue Views. Bedford, Carl Normins, Poulton and other scrip vie IS. GYDE'S fancy department compos a mcst Varied Selection of articles specially suited for presents. CIRCULATING LIBRARY Catalogue On Application. E. R. GYDE, ) CHELTENHAM HOUSE, PIER STREET. yob w6i,sh tiassei-S VOILES URESES LuiHs. ;Ø- I SHAWLS, YARNS, AND STOCKINGS, GO TO S3- THE ABERYSTWYTH WELSH FLANNEL DEPOT 2G, TERRACE ROAD AND l, JAMBRIAN PLACE, John Edwards & Co. PROPRIETORS. I AGENTS FOR TYLER AND Co's DOUBLE TWISTED PURE WOOL UNSHRINKABLE j PRIZE FLANNELS.! F. BENNISON, FISHMONGER, & c. LISBURXE HOUSE, 29, TERRACE ROAD. FHESH FISH daily caught by our own j* boat in the Bay. Fresh Salmon from the Teify, Severn, and other rivers. Ice always on hand, Homers' clotted cream and cream cheese. AGENT FOR HEDGE'S ROYAL CAMBRIDGE SA USAGE. POSTING STABLES, NEWFOUNDLAND STREET, (next to t'ie Public Baths), ABERSTWYTH. HORSES AND CARRIAGES FOR HIRE by the Day or hour Pfuetons, 2s. and 2s. 6d. per hour Waggoneites, Close Carriages, &c., 2s. (3d. per hour. G. WILKINSON, NOKTH PARADE, FRUITERER, &C. Fresh Fruit English and Foreign, o O and Fresh Vegetables from own n garden daily, delivered to any part of town—Prompt. [ -1 THOMAS EVA i-NS & CO., FIRST CLASS GROCERY & PROVISION STORES, COLONIAL STORES, TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. TEA, COFFEE, FLOUR, AND PROVISION MERCHANTS. Hiuith-y and Palm, r's Biscuits; Crosse and Black- well's Jams, Pickles, and Sauces Harris' Wiltshire Bacon and HallJ: Cheddar, Stilton, and other Cheese; Fresh Butt- r from Devonshire and the best Dairies in the Neighbourhood all kinds of i'obacco, Cigars, and Cigarettes Mineral Waters. — A trial is solicited. J. PUixTON, Wholesale and Retail JEWELLER AND SILVERSMITH, Manufacturer ot all kinds of Mounted Pebble and other Goods in Necklets, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear- rings, Pins, &c., alio Dealer in all kinds of Fancy Goods "JUSTICE HOUSE," 1S. TERRACE ROM), ABERYSTWYTH. All kinds of Repairs (to which special attention is given) promptly and neatly executed on the premises. Old Gold or Silver bought or taken in exchange. [i PADARN TEMP K KAN CP- HOTEL, 14, GREAT DARKGATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. T VISITORS and EXCURSIONISTS will find V every accommodation at the above hotel. BREAKFASTS, DINNERS and TEAS at moderate charges. Good b-.ds and piivatc sitting-rooms. Cleanliness and punctuality guaranteed. Ncte the A(I(li-,si- PADARN TEMPERANCE HOTEL, 3] MISSES EVANS. R EAl WHITE ITOKSE HOTEL, WINE AND SPIRIT STORES TERRACE ROAD 4 CORNER OF PORTLAND STREET. Wines and Spirits of the best quality direct fi-oii) Boiid. Bass and Allsop's Ale. Stout. Cigars of the best Brands. "7' RECOMMEiNDE F DuD us N ESS M E 9 GW VA IVS, ANALY ST :DEBILIT I;> -ASTHEBEST OUININE TH BITTERS OMPLAINTS VEGETABLE TONIC. These Bitters assist digestion, promote REMEDY and hciliate circulation, strengthen the ORDERS .5 nrves and muscles, purify the blood, and ¡i brace up the system As a purely Vegetable Tonic they have no equal. CTIONS Being gifted with highly tonic ancl diges "4W tive properties they are peculiarly adapted to persons suffering from depresaion of spirits, nervous relaxation, muscular weaknpss, flatuter)cy, distarbed sleep, headache, andall affec,,ions of the Liver. uantit F. Iq 11 q I;iily, unc huu befu h,,If ti ¡" sma!! t,¡"pnnnful In Fin uantit F. Iq 11 q I;iily, unc huu befu h,,If ti O.I;LY BY QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LIMITED, LLA N F- LL Y. SOUTH ',V A L E S. COMPANY, LIMITED, I' LLA N F- LL Y. SOUTH ',V A L E S. I, III JI !IIII t: D. PHILLIPS, HORSE CARRIAGE PROPRIETOR, 3, MARY STREET, Gamer of NORTH PARADE, and the TERRACE ROAD STABLES. [HORSES &~CTA RRI AGES, For ii i-c by the Day or Hour. Convevancs to Devil's Bridge, Plynlimmon, Monk's Cave, Llyfnant Valley, Aher>yron, and other places of interest iu the Neighbourhood, on leasonable terms. Observe the Address — 3, MAliY STRKET and TERRACE ROAD ^TABLES, |6 DAVID EVANS, RED LION, ABERAYRON. Agent for Messrs Worthington an ) Co's Burton Ales in Casks and Bottles. Wine and Spiiits, Dublin Stout and Bristol Mineral Waters. BOATS AND TRAPS OX HIRE ESTA BUSHED lSG-L ,J.. T. &-R. FEAR, FISHMONGERS. FRUITERERS, AND POULTRY DEALERS, CENTRAL FISH SHOP, TEKRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. Frtsh Fish Da ly, All kinlis of English and Foreign fruits. Native and other kinds of oysters. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. WENHAM LAKE ICE DAILY. 337"TELUTACF ROAD, FANCY REPOSITORY. MISS U. DAVIES IS now showing; novel in the following i depaitments .J ad, ts, the n> w Garibaldi Jciseys, Dress Mate ials, the njw Embroidery Skitts, Sun- shades,. Umbrella-, Straw Hats, Gloves, Ho-iery, Lace Goods, Silk Randkeivhie's. and Ti s, Cutis, and Collars. Aprons, ai'd Pinafores. Children's Sun Bonnets, W'e'sh Shawls, Berlin Wools, Fancy Chairs, Gipsv Tab'es, Screens, Mailt c Borders, Plush Frames and Brackets, Baskets, Pl,.s'i and Leather Satchels, Frdlings, 1,ace Curains. Plush Cns'ions, and Tet Cosies. &c., &e T- rms Cash. — N. B.—A large Assortment of Speciali ies for Bazaar Work. Show- room now open. T. GRIFFITHS7; LIOX TEA WAREHOUSE, NOTED FOR ERST PROVISIONS. E'TEI1Y VISIT()lt bHOULD VISIT THE PUBLIC BATHS, NEWFO(JXL)L AN I) STREET. HOT, UOLD AAD SWIMMING BATHS. "E~~EVANS, WATCHMAKER. JEWELLER. &c., 41, GREAT DARKGATE STREET. (Opposit. the L I'll Royal Hotc".) OOD selection of Jewellery in (ir.lii. Silver. PcW Ies and Jet. I" Also English and Foreign Watches in noltI ami silver. Telescopes, Field and Marine (.Masses. Spectacles and Eye Glasses to suit all sights. Watches and .Jelnller,1 cleaned and repa red. ET^r^WTNHE; DISPENSING CHEMIST, 7, PIER STREE T, ABERYSTWYTH. assort men i of Choicest, Cigars and T' I ¡J cCO. W. K. JONES; 1\. '-)-Lk, W A T C H } I A K K R. J E W ]•] L L K R, C. GREAT DA'! K(; ATE STR E KT, (opposite M rt..t Street,) Aberystwyth. SPECTACLES and Gla-s<'S to suit all k:J Sig'vs. Every 11 of Jewelle y neit!y repaired at M derate C MRS R, 520 AND 21, TELTL!ACK ROAD, A B E H Y S T W Y T II Confc-tio cry of ev ty des. ript on d ily 0; dt rs tak, n for Bread. Confuet oir ry made to AT hi E ABERYSTWYTH BAZAAR "Y7~ISirORS and Residents wit] find a Larg- » Assortment o I oys. 'lis. Leather and Cabinet Goods, Stationery, lot aceo, Pouehss, Cigars. diking Sticks. LOCAL PIIOTOGR A P H S. NUTE AIIIJJLES.S— •I. AND L. WARD. G, GREAT DARKOATK STREET. WI LI.' A M OV. K\. BAKER & CONFECTIONER,, GROCER AND FLOUR DEALER, 21, NORTH PARADE, ABEKYsrWYTli. Home-made Jams and Marmalade. Fresh Butter and Eggs. Wedding and Birthday Cakes made to Order. J ell ies, lees, Ac. ROBERT ELLIS, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST, TERKACE ROAD, TIIE LEAI)IN(, JQIS P E N SIN G Jji S T A B LIS H a IE N T. JL/ JLj A LAllOK VARIETV OF SEASIDE REQUISITES, AGENT FOR BAR II E T PER F IT )1 .E P 0 WELLS :3b, GREAT DAltKGATE ST., AM.RYSTWYTH, FOR SULTANA CAIvftS, FRESH PASTRY, BUXS. AND EYERY KIND OF CONFECTIONERY. SEE TESTIMONIAL. Aberystwy ;h, 24th Nuvemb r, 1 b90. To Messrs J. & H. Powell. Gentlemen, It is with much p'e sere I In ar te-tiinony to the excellence of your Bread, a.,d Pastry with w hich you h-ne.supplied me dun", g my stay here. 'J hey are made, I find upon enquiry, not onl) fmlll the pirns;, of flours, but also put together and baked upon round scientific principles, as to ably exp'ained by the great and envueut chemists, M. Pasteur, of Paris, and S r Hy Roseoe. M.P., D.C.L F.R.S.. Pred.ieU of the Birmingham and Midland Inst tute. who ,a), "In the manufacture of lire d, e- st plays an inipoituit (art Yea-t, so harmless by itself, produces when placed in dough to spunge beyond a cctai-, tin.e, it peculiar chemical compound, and if this be alloue: to remain in contact for a lengthen ed peiiod, yields, wiien baked, bread that produces indigestion and other de- rangements in the human system, in conseqiu-i.ce of a fermentative or putrefactive action being set up pecu- liar to itself." Breads us made by you are entirely free from this defect, and may be eaten with impuuity. I am, Gentlemen, Yours respectfully, W. A R1>IX(- W.\ RNE R. (GENTS) IIAIRDRESSING^ i W. PERCIYAL WET TON, HAIRDRESSER, PERFUMER, TOBACONIST AC. 2:3, LI I TLL DARK(i ATE-STREET (Opposite the CORN MARKET), ABERYSTWYTH. Walking Sticks. Smokes Requistes, a,.d all artie'es Pertaining to the Toilet. S. ( LAPPERTON. TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH f-OLE AGENT FOR G08!8 lVuEY PORCELAIN. Ornaments and useful articles in gredt variety suitable fi r presenis hom Wales embellished with WELSH ANT 1QI' IT KS. ARMS OF WALES, ABERYSTWYTH AND VIEWS. < LASS CHINA ANT EARTHENWARE. ALL THE NEWEST TOYS. DOLLS DRESSED IN W ELSH and otlr. r ('(>STL"M ES. to^vtsITORS-TO ABETIYSTWYTH. JOHN THOMAS, DRAPER, !27. GREAT I >AHKGATE ST. ishes to inform the visit rs to th-celebrated water- ing place that he has a very extensive stock of goods j suitable for I escnts, such as fancy aprons, gents jSc.-i.rves ,tIlll H,ts, Ladies Straw Hats of every i description. j All the new patterns in Welsh Shawli, Welsk 1 Flannels, ,-niil Sunnn^r dr- sses. Address ï. GREAT OARIVGATE ST. RICHARD SAYCELL^ FISHMONGER & POULTERER, COItNER OF j NORTH PARADE AU MAI-CY STHEFT, ABERYSTWYTH. r Fresh Salmon from the Severn, Teiii, AYye and other Rivers DAILY. Dealer in enlnun Lake Ice, als(I Palethorpe's Roya Cambri i<r-: Sausag- s. ° Horner's Clott'd Cieam and Cream Cheese Daily. Member of the National Sea Fisheries Protection Association. < JT REESE; WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT, COMMERCIAL HOTEL (Opposite the Railway Station), Aberystwyth. L_ Every Accomodation for Visitors. Private Apartments. Well-aired Beds. DOLGELLEY GRAMMAR SCHOOL — HEAD MASTER J. H. MARSHALL, M.A., Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Pupils are prepareel for the Universities, Civil Service, Oxford and Cambridge Local, and the various Professional Preliminary Examinations, Particular attention is pnid to subjects likely to be of use in COMMERCIAL LIFE. Boarders received by the Head Master. Terms strictly moderate. RESULTS OF EXAMINATIONS SCIENCE AND ART EXAMINATIONS. (South Kensington.) MAY, ISDO P H Y S I 0 G R A P H Y — Thirteen Candidates were sent in for Cet tificates ALL p ^s-d TEN in the FIRST CLASS. COLLEGE OF PRECEPTORS, CHRISTMAS, 1S90. Tvrenty-six CundidatfS presented for Certificates: ALL passed. At this Examination the College grantpd ten Special Certificatei for excellence in Latin to such Candidates as succeeded in obt lining at least three-iourths of the Maximum Marks in that subject. FOUR of these Certificates were gained by Pupils of this School, no ctli'-r School in the Kingdom obtaining more than ONE (vide "Educational Times" for February). Two Special Certificates also were gained in NATURAL SCIENCE. During the last Four years ONE HUNDRED and TWENTY-ETGHT Certitieates have been obtained from PUBLIC EXAMINING BODIES out of a possible total of ONE HUNDRED and TWENTY-NINE which have been competed for by Pupils of this Scho-.i toere lias been no failure since Christmas, KnSII. i- «. f '1,,11" r li}JC\l,.I..t IXV, UHtraiUL JU "li 1'1 V r..t. I"lUU. ^H^NAIL THIS UP-—Lewis' Marvellous Discoveries advertise themselves everywhere. ■ NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL fc MB ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT M ■9 LEWIS' VEGETABLE BITTERS, H| ■ LEWIS' VEGETABLE BITTERS, ■ PRICE 2/9 UPIEIR, BOTTLE- HHH I the most successful Mcdiciuc yet discovered for XcuraWiji, Tic-doloroux. Toothahp, F:('t'a('h(>, Inilipostion ilatulenc^ Headache, Depression of Spirits, Disturbed sieJp, lusGujar Weakness, Liver Com; hunts, Fits, and ni all Norvous Disorders. ■■Hjj N.B.—Testimonials announcing Miraculous Cures are pouring in daily. LEWIS' BITTERS, LEWIS' BITTERS, LEWIS' BITTERS. LEWIS' BITTERS. ■ SUFFERER! Have you tried LEWIS'? H 3Sr_B.-A.XjSO BBMEMBEB THIA.T BtjS ■ LEWIS' RHEUMATIC ESSENCE, Q ■ LEWIS' RHE UMA TIC ESSENCE, ■! PBIOE 2/9 J-'ER BOTTLE. HHH Is tlio only cure yet discovered for Rheumatism (tLcnte nIlll chronic). Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago, .c. y./i.— Thetisffnt/s vurrd already and Tens oj Thousands again will i,p pervianent! cur»d through LF.W1S\ Cauticn.—Jinrarr of worthless imitation*. A'our nre genuine without tfw nam? Li-l IC/S. 'I') J)D1 NUU" tngraved on the (Join'nmcnt Stump, upon having Lew\n in order to ))/cvcnt disaf jiotntme.nt, AFTER A FAIR TRIAL."

[No title]