Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

8 erthygl ar y dudalen hon

Prestatyn Water Works.


Prestatyn Water Works. Opening Ceremony by Mr H. D. McLaren. Interesting Gathering. •Os w a ^BY 0UR OWN RE1,°RTEE-3 ■the eune3day afternoon, in beautiful wea'ther, ,ta^ cW ^Waterwo-rksi constructed .by the T-res- %rino-r'Da;I1 District Council at 'Marian ■'Mol Were formally opened by Mr H. D. J[r,'aren' son arid heir of Sir Charles B. Y-aren, yj p A. oft*'61ComPa'ny> including all 'the members "°f the le0'^t'le Uiban Council, and a number IT,ony a ^ojesidents, were invited to the eere- Chairman of the Council (Mr J. 13. J •)• Tj, ^csiription of the Works. E'0u'rce of 'Supply ii5t a natural spring •situated38! ifynon Asaph, or Asaph Spring, tn°Ujnt abowt five miles 'from. Prestatyn in> the •above th*8! 131 an altitude of about 360 fees has, a t JOW £ r Part of the town. The spring iel,lzl *&»* Water' varying from too to eight Sec°nd :°f water per day, and is the •first,- Y?rSesk in the county, 'Htelyvv-ell coming are theor Act of Parliament the 'Council .pipes c_j °^,&red. to take as much wa'ter as the also 11 t waterworks would convey, and r,' Ooo "gallons in addition, providing "Jhe -less, *th 'tW° m^0:n gall011- a 'C.'ay. Un- ^ouncii6 ,atter amount is forthcoming the the.Ca prohibited from taking metre than To eiT-C^' f the old pipe line will permit, tions jffi3,We 'Strict compliance with the condi- iave te?C'<cd the Act of Parliament, guages instructed at the spring, which ^-i's 5eou'late the flow in'to 'the Coun- ■Caliy lg-v old works have been practi- SllPplv h Ja'aci" exc-ept that the .original atrea o;jr tftrlig^j j-3'5 ^een reduced, the old works being Miile\,lor supplying ,cnly the 'higher districts, ^'res!taty6 new \V!G.rks will supply the itown of ttierfts ? ProPer" "together with, any develop- "rh-e; wal ? lower parts of the area of supply. ifix-incij. is c,°n'veyed ito Prestatyn. Ithr.ough a has piPe from the storage reservoir, which filter bedPaCity of Io8>°oo gallons; The two At Qc, s will cleanse 104,000 gallons a day. Itis t_ y oel a balancing tank is situated, for the eet .er than the spring, and is fixed e U;r .PurP°se of reducing the pressure, which Th. 1S: Volild be excessive in t.he lower parts. me"aPacuy of the works is equal -20° 'm§ a minimum demand of Popular 0n0nSf P £ r head a day ^°r ^tatt ° '5'°00, and as the population, or ''ttatenj af mt height of t'he summer is esti- ^as bee n10'1" mGTe than 4,000, an ample margin -^av& ibee" *°'r contingencies. The works Jke Worl- ^^P'ted in -about eleven months. Cardio^ ave "been, carried ouit by Mr Chas. ^i-neers ik"' f^n'-rldge, Staffordshire, the en- Wwn,eing tAessrs Belve and Priest, a well- ^°ta.l e.crt^V0! Liverpool civil engineers. The Priceo,ftk lt:ri;s works, including the. purchase am°i5ffts i 0J'd works 40-Lady 'McLaren, ^'7,5005 0 £ S{!r p ^I'eliminary Survey. r°urui th-P^^5 havjlng conducted- !he visi-.brs- 4iffe.r w'°rks, and explained 'the working of •0n •to'ns'ec^ons, the company assembled- ?^0!t'0grT,vuOlr clear water chamber, and were ci; ;d by 'Euorows, Mr iMcI.are.n i!th whfCkd in the act of holding the wheel, la%& he subsequently turned the water -^Presl" lnne11' J-pm .formally w.elcom.edi Be'vn' as c'la', of the Dist-ridt Coun- .0 in ac^ .u^e<i' to the enterprise of the Cou-.n- C,°no'ratui3tUl^'n& their own water works, and 'WhoW5 town uponi possessing a •Mug. ,TsT0rtlS! .supply of water from a natural \1;11h thad p,-r,,onal,ly -t deal to GO tile Tr,^ Tv'0t^s in his capacity as chairman Sayers th^nCl^' and -he coul-dl s^suTe 'the: rate- 7^ 'Ule .new w.crks was the best''J irOll{} ic) They were all pleased and aVi'e.1 'r ^IcLaren amongst them. He I,'6. "^Ork -fJ10'6 who had been con:n;ec:.ed with 't5,& carrful oversight and super- ^L'ha^ -given to. k, especially 'by the ^ratulated clerk of the works. ile also con- » i„ contractor -upon the splendid ratt, which he had- carried 'out his con- a r H. r> Pet,ing Ceremony. irPPla^jg. ^icLaren, who was received \v:.h ^ri.e ih" vrL.ow're'c!ged the great1 honour they i^r^S- Klr\la askin^ tim to open the- water- oDViitatio.;i Cf *,ad idea 'when he accepted the ;Trba.n Council thai he was to e occ^v'4 Suct^magnitude, but the pleasure >■11 anxj, fp^10?1 tadi been grea'tl}* enhanced -for Jiaj haH a11 by i'Jhe very able explana- ajj. nevet 5^ s:Lened to from Air OPriest. lie d!id nnf1^ a waterworks opened before, a- he -was *■. " he came there quite know a.priC'r:di'narv *» do. When one opened tttr V"'ailked j one usually turned- a key, hi?11 that ocU biew thers was no- key to itl ^ttitie ,fp.f?a,10n» and he was confronted by to' '(Lav,§hit^5 toat te -mi-gbi be asked to walk ■W| He determined, if .necessary, (La, -be nr buit -be, alno resolved that he Laùght:\ pr-ece(ied Ly (the Urban Council. fh° w^s^ed Ito fully appreciate salt/ s^,T1iila.r should compare them with C?ks in 'the country. For the- tin ^^snded £ n laey wou'ld 'teke 'London' *o SPoii theyu *or the greater part of its sup- ^'Ou^be thp^'65* was to use an epithet A'gu r"^ater he would call it nutri- ln Sl,.u^ be °i Thames water looked as if ^ncj i^er, it-«; °° ™'eal for a hungry man. ■?aVo,n"Wintpra ^ind. of a eireenish brown, iect;. r 'a!sunim 11 Was muddy brown, buit the v,eT and winter was equally ob- Sotflavour. andn-S'ly' !h'3 Pre:feTTed wa''3r „ !n lVpct-, a'3 was the kind of water f'tfeg, ,PU|t to yi1. In the large cities they res.t^?r £ l'oracjI *exPense in the purchase of 1 yeservoirs, but in the case .of an end spring, which aiever «xn "er an<li ll ?ave an ample supply and saved them iT*'s»m^S «o. ciiaJ- ln§.larpe storage neservoi-rs. f l5ghtp,evr' nor.ha-dew?X beIng ■short of water in b &•> PrSl hey a -^«on for dead cats. attra^iets • aiiC .?-n w'ouid become a resort Wa '1;^ thA-p nds of •{•ee'tota.llers would S iJ:> speci;;exc^Pt perhaps one kind, and ahCW nf ^ittle A-nW' ^y'tihe doctor's or-dtens. \»j Wat^r somet.hing in .his- s-l'ai-s ia'Si'^e'aleT supol^?'! bad" (Laughter.) Of Cjtlrielv' .the Ur)iqu-Jn ^n,eJandi .'that probably inof Tare' ann"' P'J in?s like were e counted on the Cn rnav of th<^ lhere were extremelv few °*Wp,:t!'Se Wha.t ;?u^y, and therefore th.ey y" U,ni;?nn? like that meant to a K'ergro.u.nd they had the vast natural reservoirs collecting water for them in summer and winter, and .giving it out in equal quantities all the year round. 1-1 It was, there- .floa-ie, ifilteted as, it came through, -pcobabljy; hundreds 'Of 'feet of iSoil many square mile); :Il extent. Tie congratulated those gentlemen re- sponsible for the constructions of ithe wcrkfs. First and foremost was the engineer, then the •contractor who had carried1 out the wojrk in a substantial and happy manner. IIealso re- ferred! I'Ü the [Council and their able clerk, Mr John 'Hughes, through whose ability the- nego- tiations for 1he transfctr wete successfully carried through. T,a,st but not least came the ratepay- ers, who, when they saw the money being so economically and jn-dicioulsly spent, would not grumble when called upon to. pay. er and hear, hear.) He hoped that in a few years the town would need a larger water supply than that they were now- opening. (Applause.) On the motion -of Mr W. H. Coward, a vote of thanks was accorded', to Mr McLaren for taking part in the ceremony, thai gentleman; aexnow- led-ging the same in a few sentences. Mr 'McLaren turned the water on, amid applause. The 1 inner. The ceremony then concluded, most of the company returning in. carriage^ to the iS ant Ilall Tlotejl, where, at the invitation of "Mr J. B. Linn ell, J.P., the following gentlemen were en- tertained to diiniier:Ir J. B. Linn-ell, J.P., Mr I-I. 'D. McLaren, Mr Frank E. Priest, C.K., Rev. O. J. Davies, 'Messrs G. 0. Tones, A. Sheffield, '.ard,en, F. Gardener, J. I'ritchard, .c J. E. 1.. Jones, Robert Davies, J. W. Jones, J. Humphreys, J. McCormack, R. Davies, W. C. Bell, W. Hairrop, G. A. Linnell, Rev. W. J. Townsend, Thomas Williams, Leonard Hall, T. J. 'Scott, Thomas Jones, Peter Ellis, T. Parry Williams, J. E., junr., Wm. Thomas, A. E. Wright,, John; 'Hughes, D. L. Hewitt, J. S. Edwards, and John Cunnah. After dinner this follows-ng toast list was geme through: -"The King," Chairman. "-The Queen and all the Royal Family," "Bishop, Clergy, and Ministers- of ail Denominations," proposed by Mr G-o-ronwy Jones, responded to by the Vicar and Rev. Dr. Town,send. "Pres- tatyn Waterworks," proposed, by Mr ITenry D. McLaren, responded to 'by the chairman, vlice- chairman-, Mr T. T. Scott, the engineer, con- tractor, and the clerk of. the works. "Town and Trade of Prestatyn," proposed by Mr responded to 'by Mr Thomas W"illiams, Mr T. Jones, and Mr J. E. L. Jones. ''The Visitors," proposed by Mr Robert Davies, responded: to by Mr Henry D. McLaren, Mr A. Sheffield, Mr Leonard 'Hall, and Mr W. Conwy eBll. "The Hostess," proposed by the Chairman, responded to all behalf of Airs Thomas by Mr John Pritchard.

Easter Cycling Manoeuvres.


Cyfarfod Yniadawol Llysfaen.

[No title]

----Conway Horse Show.

Ymweliad Nain a Lerpw! a Straeon…

At y Golygydd.