Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

9 erthygl ar y dudalen hon

St. Asaph Guardians and the…


St. Asaph Guardians and the Education Rate. The Board in a Quandary. The unexpected decision of the Board of edu- cation to postpone tbs so-aaillied "appointed day" until the- rsit oif February, was diiisicu'ssed at length by the. St. Asaph. tRolard of Guardians om Friday last. 'Mr R. Llewelyn tJbnes was the cfaadr. Al.r I.,ir,i!mist,,oln <(Rhytl) raiisedl tihie question1 by staning that it was useless the: Guardians pay- info- 2d in the £ for eduoati'onad purposes if the County Cio'umail d'id mot imfcaad' to spend the money for possibly another two or three inior.itihs. MT J, H. FJJiiis I risfe to a point of order to ask wheltlher we are io ondier im antifcipaitding the iateufeafans of the Government,' and practically reico)inme,ndfi,nig the nonpayment: of thils sum. I maintain it te quite pneimiaitute, because- wie are not sure, wlhetfceir the- Goivermmem/t is :goir,g Mr Frritmisitcin I aim ntoit anticipating: any- itfoing. Mir Eiliiiiis, cloin&'iniuiinfg1, slaild they were' not sure whether thie1 Government were gfoiinig :1:10 allow the Oounlty OOluiDcA to a.dlminilsiter thie Act. Tthey have onily suspendedl Itlhe, date from, tlhe ist oif January to tlhe ist ot February, which wliild make no difference art aid. The OMaiirmam: I cannot allliow you to. d"lfs.culsls it from a genera1 pioli;ii,t of view. ■Mfc Fxfcmslt'om Wild decide, sir? The Chairman. said 'he trhlÓulglhlc the question had been very properly •raised. The Bill came before the1 Finance' C o¡¡:nmli,ttee but was not passed, an,dl Mir Fnimston was now givin.g reasons for not pa'ssiing it. Mr Frimstoni: N'o, sir; 1 was goinig to point out —— The' Chiairimlain Well, we dSiscuss the general polity. Mr Fri'mstton said a bi1! fotr ^18 hlad beeoi presented- to thieim for county rate puirpioses and she1 6d in the £ for poor rate inoludieid 2d for e d ucaitiionail purpo's es. Mr EQlli's Tlhe precept does- nat say so. 'Mr Firi'msitoin: Let me go an, please. Mr Elliiis I am oinly starting fadls. Hard on the Ratepayers. Mr FW-msiton -said1 thiat in face of !tlh;e facit thlat itlhie Board! of Education had postponed! tihia ad'option o'f the Act. unitiid the- nit of February, iilt aippeareid useless l>e'v'ýlj'n(g' a raite tibait wouiM 4. not be requliied1. It was- rather hard to ciailll uip'Oin the ratepayers of Flinitsh:»re to' play 2d' liln ¡: if they were not suJie. tih/at .it wOuildi be useld for the purpose fox which, it was intended. Alt tlhe Fd-nance Committee hie .itfade a sugges- tiio-n1, ,t,o p'aisisltlhei'aciOO'U.nt less tihe 2d for eduoa- ;tii.'oina.l piurlplolsels, because khey d'id D'?lt, oif Course", refuse' to pay thie D'oor rate, u.nlfid suiclh; as the Bloard of Ediumtdioin: sanotrJcined tlhle Fliilnltshiire sdhieme, and then they woulld he ready to1 pay the 2d..Mielainwhniilie tihie- money was ias- useful -in. t'hei.r pccbets -as i:t was to tlhie C'ounciil, who woulld have it lyrng idle inl the banik. A heavy burden mow rested upon the ratepayers .in. the sihfape off mbes" amd he oon- s-idlared that so llonlg as the. County Council did not relaiUy require the money, they could fairly de/er 1evyin.g the rate. G. F. Gunner second.ed. the moiwon. Mr T. H. Elfliis slaiid he regretted: ithe chairman had allowed the question to be raised. It wats a matter tlhiaic oowtd be welil1 left in the handrs of the County Co uracil. Anthoulgfu they had ordered, the issuine of the orecept, they did ndi specify what the 6d' was: for. Edaication. was neA mentio.n,eidr at all, and: it was qu'me prema- turei for thialt autho-rity to hint air. refusing to pay any .portion of the precept. If it go It known to ou,t,Il -an,d he, could not see how pub- 'l,ciJt'Y'co:u:l:d 'be avoided—tihiat this rate was to be paid in piecemeal, he thiouight ,the moral in- fluence, or rather tlhe immoral iinflufen'OS', of su'dh a proceeding woutldi be very 'great upon the1 aeop'le who -were called uipon to pay. The ije'sui't woulld1 'be that p'ebpl-e' i;n Rhyl wciuld' now refuse, until the nuestion was settled, to pay t'hialt psirt of ilhe: rate probably they would: re- fuise to pay at all, and! the result of slucha diisiastrouis1 palicy .wo'Uild he to place the oveir- 'seeirs in a very awkward predioaimtemit. They nvetre nesipcinsilble for Siomuloh; -of the m'onev Ibeiing iin by a certain dlajiie, and the prooosall woui^d ceirltlaii'nly handicap tlhiem verv muc'h in tcibltiaiiniimg the neces'siairy 3Jrnloumit iin time. A "Passive Resistance" Authority. It was an, exitiremieffiy floiaDi'dh policy to initiate, I pilaatii'cailly, that of pasisiive resistance. He sreially hoiped, t'he Bloiand. woudd hesitate before they a:,ck-ncow,edi,eld tihie wiisdbim of sucfe a policy. No doubt the County Council would ultimately require. the money for educational purposes, and they would credit the Board or remit to them any payment made in excess. Mr Frimston Bust tlhe County Council will noi know what to do with: -tfh'.e..mlcney. noi know what to do with: -tfh'.e..mlcney. The Qhiajrmian Sla':d, in view -of the decasioo given this week by Lior-d Alve-rstone andl others, the course they proposed was quifce' in ardter. The Cuerk: You. hiaivie issued precepts upon t'he oiv ear seers, and in the cv-c ni of youir reif using to pay such precepts, where will you be? Mr I1 niimstonf: We have certainly scg'ne.d the precepts, bult- we oani say to t'he County Ooun- C'l, "You are 110:t going- on,. with your .edtacatioin scheme." Mir EUdiiis: Has tihe- D enlbii'giTnufh'jirie poor rats- been paid1 by this Unioai, c.r is t'hera amy differ- ■enciei iin the precept? The Cihailnmlan I cam-not te-id you, on'ly t'he Flintshire piorftion iis, before us. Mir Hioweis Robert's proposed tliaz the matt-eir be defenredi for a micanth.. I't would stave the overseers a dleail off trouble, and there wOiuddi per'hlaps he. nio diifference ofalfter all. Whien. the; pirecepits ware- issued, it was upon itihe un-clerstanidimg t'hi3.:t the1 schocfiis would be managed. for 'three momitlhs by tihe Ciouincil, wlhen, the: m'oney wOiuld be required at Clnce, It -T ■was qudlie1- plcssi.'ble now sfoir .the appicx-nited. day to b, to iche 3I:SIt cf Mamch. He wa)s far from: being a piaisslive rasiister; inldieed, he had: a maiturafl timidity of being sent to prisicin. (Lauigihfeir.) Mir Friimislton (■einc!oura!gL''n:gIy) Don't be firiigihtened, y!ou "wii'll be in good couxipanv. (Tja.ujglhiteir.) :Al'r J. Pierce seconded the am-endiment. ,M,r Edlwairid M'omgian asked! wihiat w-ould be the generally olf O'verseers with reference to C'OJ.leatiiinig tlhe -raite? The Clhialiinmian explained if the calls weire n(ot pardi, tlhe Guardians wouMl p-reiss tlhetn for piaymeint. '1'11' Monglairs: In that case, Mtr FruimsLoin is asking UiSI Dldt to' pal)" poiriffon: air a rate which we s'badl press tlhe overseers to oo'llelct? Awkward for the Overseers. The Clerk Thait is so. iMir iMiomgian: Surely ilt will put iih-e -O'versesrs y in 'a vl,-iry awkward' position. 'The Clhlaiirtman said' tlhie first cadi was duie mow. ■Mr Elliiis: And you are suggesting tlhiat we sihoiuild molt pay He? Tlhe Ghlaiimmian: I caranot allow Mr Ellhls You can do rvvlhat yion like with it. The ChlaÚ'nman: I cannot alfcw people to talk aibouft hladif-a-dozen times. Mr Tlhomip'soin. slUlglgersltled that thie- -clerk should a sk tlhe Co unity Council wh-ethea: they anten-ded to -eniflo-rce payiment for the- edrucsution rate. Ilf khey werre nolt going to adlmliniister the Act now, why need they play the- motney It was not a question so miuiclh, .of paslsi Vie reiaisitaince as one of £ s. d. It was possible fo'r the, 'Board od: Education, to go on' adjouirnimg' -the appointed diay until 'September nexit. In that case t'he call for ediuicationiad purposes wa-s absolutely U!iain!ec e stsiary. The Chairman slaiird Lihe Cbiunty Counciil them- selves were naturally in some quiaindlary. He sihto.'Uild lake to remindi ibhe Bward tiiiait the ques- ihion. onily had to do wiitlh: them sioxfar as the Union -was coinceirn-ed. The general effect cif 1Ihle adijouirnmicinrt did mot affectt t'hem at all. So fia,rals the aveirsee-rs were com.ce.r.ned., th.ey would niatiuinadlly -send' a return in of what fdhey: ware able to dodllieiclt and what they could not cod- Heat. 'llbenl! they would go to the County Coum- c;l and staite tlhat tlhey hiad' not been *albl>e to colJecit the 2d ra'ce for certain reasons, and under ikva circumEitanic-e-s it ..was possible the jLouinitiy 'Couinidul woulld: met press them for it Hut that was a question, for the County Comi- cal, and! as they had no wish: to (have more money i,n hland than was neaeissary, he for one was omtiaiin they would deal wirth the q ners [I; om in a ciottn'monsense manner. On a duvlisiion, the amendiment to adjourn tlhe questaoin for a momtlh. 'was carried' by 17 voteis to ii. ■'iMr J. I-I, Ellis pno/posed 'that the Board should mot cam ulp-on the ovemseeirs 'dOl dcimpdy \-vtilth th,e precept miade upon 11helm umitid thie questioo was seititiled. The overseers would be puacied -in, a very awkward poisi'tion wtiijh rerglard to^the -collieiati'Join of the poiar raits. ° "Dhle Ch.aiirman I cannot accept thialt. Mir^E' I shall r,cit respond to !che call per- sonally, alilld the oVarseeirs. are obliged to pay by a certain- dlate.

A Strong Nonconformist Protest.



IThe Education Act.

Merionethshire Independents…

Recalcitrant Councils in Wales.

[No title]
