Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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COLWYN BAY CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW. FLOWERS AND MUSIC IN THE PAVILION. HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL VENTURE. It will be rocollected that the success of the. flower show promoted earlier in the year by tne Colwyn Bay Horticultural Society was marred troin a linancuui point 01 view in consequence ot tne wreicned woatiker prevailing on ine any 01 tne exuiDitioii. Tms was panicuiany disappoint- ing, Having regard tor tne distinct >succe«j 01 uio venture tiom all otner standpoints. iNevartue- iess, the guarantors faced tne ttencit 1Il sucn ex- cenent, spirit tuat a numoer ot lauiea, wen led by Madame Riviere, promptly decided upon a uctieme witn tne ODJect oi maKmg good tue loss and at tne same time to re-esiaoixs.i tne iintui- cial position of tne society. Madame Ri viero seems tlJ influence tor good every puonc move- ment. witn wmcii sne is associated, and ner cecsion in this manner for tne society's weitare proved characteristically suooesstul. Tho sciiome prepared provided for another flower s;)OW-W tii a difference. The exhibition was restricted to chrysanthemum growers; it was held in the Pier Pavilion rather tnan iU-1 a marquee, so that climatic conditions snould "dominate the till" in a lesser degree, and some excellent music supplemented tne programme, The proceedings took place on Friday evening, when tile snacious PaviHnn wa.s nmwrled. I The officers wereMr Walter Whitehead, pre- sident Madame Riviere, lady president; Mr T. E. Purdy, chairman of committee; Mr J. Faulkner, vice-chairman; Mr Walter Groom, hE crctary; and Mr W. Herbert Bourne. lion, treasurer THE FLOWERS. No better testimony to tne claims of Col- wyn Bay as a winter resort couiu be auduced tnan tne striking spectacle presented at tne lar end ot tne iJa\inon. tne promoters, witn tHe neip of Mr W. A. Pryce-iJavis, tne Pitr Company's genial secretary, nad wisely ar- ranged that tne exmuiis snould be dis- played on the ground floor between the lounge and tne stage,as well as on vue piatiorm lisen. Xnis ensure tile arrangement ot tne flowers to tne best possible advantage, and at tne same time served to provide lor tne concert artistes surroundings of tne most. Oeautilul cnaracter. So far as the snow itself was concerned no- thing on an extensive scale had been attempted. All told tne classes numbered five only, and with very few exceptions tne exhibitors naned from Colwyn Bay only. Yet the competition was of the keenest., and the quantity, and the quality of the exhibits, were noteworthy to a degree. Mr Benjamin Cromwell, of Cleveiy, Allerton, Liverpool, one of the best, authorities on chrysanthemums in the country, was tile judge, and when asked for a candid expression of opinion on the flowers shown he said, "Weil, the quality all round is very fine. The cut blooms for this season are remarkably good, es- pecially in the class containing the exhibits shown by Colonel Gee. Indeed, these would have held their own in the strongest of competitions. The class for six staked plants in pots is also specially fine, and so also are the winners of the !cL firsr, prize in the class for singles. The vases of singles grown out of doors, of which there are nine entries, demonstrate in a very con- fashion the remarkably line weather pre- vailing at Colwyn Bay. The exhibition is in- deed a credit to one and all." As Mr Cromwell remarked, the class in which Colonel Gee proved victorious—that for Japanese or incurved exhibits—was an uncommonly good lot. Than the "Mrs T. W. Vallis" shown by Colonel Gee, of Caerhun, in this instance it would be difficult to conceive a more beautiful speci- men. Of extraordinary size, every petal was per- fectly _et, and its colour was rich beyond des- cription—a royal bloom. Another unusually fine bloom was a. "Mrs Norman Davies" shown by Mr W. H. Bcurne, of The Heathlands, Colwyn Bay, while ona of the features of tho show was a "Mdlle. Rodgen," whose pale green colour and admirable setting attracted general atten- tion. THE WINNERS. The following weri the prize-winners CUT BLOOMS — Twelve Japanese or in- curved: 1, Mr W. D. Houghton, Queen's Lodge, Cclwyn Bay (gardener C. Hartley); 2, Mr Wal- ter Whitehead, The Flagstaff, Colwyn Bay (R. R Clements, gardener); 3, Mr T. J. Williams, Coederw. CoJwyn Bay (F. Clarke). Six blooms, any variety: 1, Mr W. H. Bourne, II3ë;¡thla.nd1>, Colwyn Bay (W. Killbourne); 2, Mr W. D. Houghton; 3, Mr T. J. Williams. Three single blooms, any variety: 1, Mrs Shill, Nantyglyn HaJJ, Colwyn Bay (J. E. Hanmer); 2, Mr W. D. Houghton. CUT BLOOMS.—Six vases, Japanese or in- curved) 1, Colonel Gee, Caerhun, Conway (P. Groen); 2, Mr W. H. Bourne; 3, Mr W. D. Houghton. Three vases of outside grown chrysanthemums, any variety: 1, Mr W. Bayliss, Taooma, Colwyn Bay (A. Blakema.n); 2, Mr T. J. Williams, Col- wyn Bay; 3, Colonel Gee, Caerhun. THE MUSK)- Two ho-uirs and a haltf were &et apart for the inspection of tho fknv ers. Ticket-hold ere Yee then requested to take their proper places, and the concert wus pirooeede-d with. The entertainment was open.au1 by the Hon. Mr-) Laurence Brcdrick, and, in introducing her, Mr Walter Whitehead explained the ob ject of tho proceedings, and thanked Madan e Riviere for organising the concert. He add^d that they were further indebted to Mrs Brodirick, whose eloquence was always a plea- sure to tlieni5 for oongjenting- to open the enter- tainment- Mrs Brodrick, who was cordially received, apologised at the outset for her late arrival. Continuing, eho said her duty that evening was an exceedingly pleasant one to perforin. She must. in the fiirpt place, congratulate Madame RiviliOlfo and thoee who had helped her for organising so delightful a. concert, HlJlf tender to them her thanks (hear, hoar). SLe also knew that in thanking Madame Dews and the other ladies and gentlemen who had kindly given their services that evening, she would be fijxsakinig for everybody present (hear, hear). They were alii aware -of the untiring manner in which Madame Riviere had always worked on behalf of every movement tendii-ng to the wel- fare if Colwyn Bay, and' they wero ail ppeciallv grateful to hear (hear, _hear). She (MJS Brod- rick) inclined hereelf in the number, because, althougih. she oouJd only describe hereeh as a country (neighlwur to the residents of Colwyn Bav, they had always allowed her to have a share in everything going on nn^t'ie town. They had allowed her to make their interests her own—(hear, hear),—and, consequently, she had' apJwayi3 felt that whatever work wis in r,rogress she should l^ave ae much a nart in it a« any oil tho residents themselves (annlause)- She also congratulated those who had gmown tho beauti- ful floaveiB exhibited in tCJiO Pavilion, and she could but wish that the greatest success follow- ed the Horticultural Society in the future (ap- plause). Horticulture had bccome very fash- ionable -off late years, and that was a very good sign, because it proyed that they were moving a;s a nation. Such a pursuit tended to- improve their mental elevation, as well as their health. Wnen thev surrounded themselves wu-a beautiful object- the result mmt be the refining and purifying cf their minds, and for that rea- son gardieninig should be encouraged. The beautiful colours seen in flowers seemed eome- how to penetrate their minds, and' they should reflect their colours in human thought and action, prompting them to good deeds which would brighten tho lives of theso of their fel- 'iow-beingts, who were in le^s favoured rsur- roundiings than t-hemsrilvee (aopl-ause). If hor- ticulttiro influenced them to infuso a little more brightness and colour into the lives of these ex- isting in grime, poverty, and hunger, the work don,3 in their gardens would not be wasted (hear, hear). Sho would not detain any longer, because there was a *ong nroguammo to be prewentcd. She would, therefore, declare the proceedings open, wishing them the best pos- sible success (hear, hear). While Mrs Brod-rick was bowing her acknow- ledgments to the cheering audience, Madame Rivicre piepped forward, atnd preterited her with. a beau.tifu.1 bouquet midst renewed ap- plause. Mr Chas- Reynolds, in proposing thanks to Mrs Brodriek, congratulated the Society upon tho remarkable success of the show. Mr Purri'y seconded, and tho motion was oar- ried with a Jhiearty cheer- Tho coincert was. then prccecdoo with. The a.nt:(5t2S were Dews, the popular con- tralto; Mm Plews (pianoforte). Mra Herbert Little (soprano), Miss Sal lie Parry (soprano-), Mir.J Gertrude Bond (contralto), Miss Marie C'larson (soprano), Mr W. O. Roberts (bari- tone), Mr A. J. Fleet (tenorV a.nd colonel U. M. Kales (humorif*)- Ma-damo Dews was in splendid voice,, and was enthusiastically cmoored on each appearance. Another excellent, feature 01 the programme_ was a number of delightful gramophone selections from records lent by Miss Ella Aflton, and on a fine insirumnnt lent by Mrs Wcoi'ier- General!" speaking, tiho pro- g,ramme was a very enjoyable one. During an interval, Colonel Enles played' the part of an amateur auctioneer. ITe offered for sale a number of eouveciir programmes prepared in satin, and some of them. found ready pur- cLa&Csia at lis each. ) THE TOMBOLA. At the cloea Mr W A. Pxyce-Davis declared tine result of a tombola arranged bv the com- mittee. Possessors of winn-mg tickets were presented with prizes ranging from a postal ordor four a guinea to a bijou set of books in case- The winners wore:—1, Mi.,s Bates, Old Col- wym; 2, Mrs AvimeT, at Wecncroft, near Con- way 3, A S- Tiers, DiiBglewcod, Colwyn Bay; 4, E. Jenkins. Plati 'inon, Colwyn Bay; 5, Miss E- J ones, DioolrL" Colwyn Bay; 6, A. B. Tiiomas, Kensington House, Colwyn Bay; 7, Janier) Sohofiold, York-road, Colwyn Bay; 8, Mrs Dd. Jonefjj Tho Carlton Colwyn Bay 10, E. Lloyd. Queen's Park, Colwyn Bay; 11, E. Bond, Nantyglyn, Colwvtn Bay; 12, J. B. Pennington, A L!end-:i,ki, Hawarden-road • 13, Miss Sheirbrooke, Wellbock House. Colwyn Bay; 14, Mrs J. Schofield, York-road, Colwyn Bay. The nrme of the winner of the ninth prize was appoineailly difficult to decipher; at any rate, Mr Pxyce-Davis failed to announce it. i Master Jack Jones drew the tickets. I


BKi'l'WSiCOJiD PAiUSH . UHUltutl.…


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Family Notices


I"Hunting Appointments.



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