Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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COLWYN BAY. 1 MEW HAIRDRESSING, shaving act taam- toing saloon now open at Mr x^c.dhama gar Store. Conwaj-rv — i. ,vt (184U1) WHIST DRIVE. The third of a series of efbist drives was held in the Colwyn Bay &nd ,feietxict Constitutional Club on Thursday even- pg. About fifty members participated in tne ty, and a most enjoy&bie evening was spent, ter the scrutineers had taken a check of the lards the winners were relurned as follows:—1, Mr armain; 2, Mr T. Cuiicnar; booby, Mr Jjewis Jones. The prizes will be presented to the ",coesful competitors at the next "smoker." 16.—Uigart, lot>aix>j», uigar- Ottee, Pipes, Pouches, and Fancy Goods.—.NeecL fcams. Con.way-road and Station-roa.d.-19637p, MUTUAL BENEFIT SOCIETY. The mem- feera of the Colwyn Bay Mutual Benent Society mit4 at tihe Victoria Restaurant on Thursday evening, under the presidency of Mr T. Lawley, chairman, for the purpose of distributing tie proceeds of the year. The amount paid out was dB571 108 7d divided as follows:—116 full mem- bers, £ 2 9s lOd each, less Is; 30 full members (first year), £ 2 9s 10d, less 2s 6d; 8 three-quat ter members, zCl 17s 4d, less 2s 6d; three half mem- bers, J61 48 lid, less 2s 6d. The members had paid in for the year JB2 12s per head, and the Nick pay amounted to S51 17s 6d, a sum far in excess of previous years. 911 10s lid were placed in the reserve fund, making a total re- Serve of iC53 18s 9d. The election of officeus fol- lowed. Mr Isaac Vickers wa& appointed cnair- maic4 while Mr Tozer and Mr Groome were re- elected secretary and treasurer respectively. SUITABLE CHRISTMAS PitESENTS.- FICTOR ALBERT, Watchmaker, Jeweller, and Optician, Conway Road, Colwyn Bay, has A large assortment of articles specially suitable for Christmas presents in jewellery, silver- plate, watches, clocks, etc., all at very moder- ate prioea. Specialites :-Engagement rings from 10s to 40s; beautifully enamelled souvenir spoons 4s 6d; reliable watcnes from 5s.—Advt. THE ENGLISH BAPTIST CHURCH.— The annual gathering of the English Baptist Church took place on Wednesday, last week, when there waa a good attendance. The tea at 6.30 was well-attended by many irienda WilO are in full sympathy with the wurk of the Church, tts was also the lecture given by tne Rev. Prc- lessor T. Witton Davies, B.A., Ph.D., of Ban- gor University. The lecture was entitled ;ough Palestine on Hois^back," and was well illustrated by diagrams, while general lad:es And gentlemen who were dressed in Eastern coa- turces helped to make the mattor more interest- ing. Needles? to say, vhe l^.ture was most in- IrtruHive and highly appreciated. Dr. Davivjs, who is one of the bngntest Orientalists ot tae present day, deserves the thank^not only of the Ch.i'ch tut of the community for his valuable Services, In the place of the annual sale of work the pastor (Rev. H. T. Cousins) sat in his vestry from 4 o'clock to 7 o'clock to receive free-wifi offerings from members of the o.,urch and con- gregation, and of well-wishers outside the church. The pastor received no less a sum than j674 10s, which -will ralieve the financial strain and encour- age the pastor and members in their work. The fcbai.'ks of the officers and members are given to all who have helped towards the success of this effort.-On Thursday evening, under the chair- manship of Mr J. Kettlewell, Mrs Lawson For- feit's missionary, from t e Congo State, gave A most inspiring and helpful address on mis- iBonnry work in that region. The address was it- lustrated by 100 lime-light viewo, and revealed to tho largo audience present the terrible nature I' of tho atrocities perpetrated under the rule of the King of the Belgians MISSION CHURCH.—As a result of the re- oent sale of work, held in the Church Room, under the auspices of the Mission Church, a sum of nearly £ 80 was realised. The amount required in the first instance was only 260,,so that this is a true case of expectations being more than realised. SUNDAY MEETING.—Mr Higginbottom, president of the Old Colwyn Brotherhood, de- livered an instructive address on "Love," at the Sunday afternoon meeting for men, held at the Y.M.C.A. Master Bertie Davies (accom- panied by his sister) gave two solos, for which Ee waa heartily applauded. SATURDAY CONCERTS.—There was a good attendance at the Y.M.C.A. rooms on Saturday evening at the free concert for men. An ex- cellent programme was presented, in which the following participated: Miss Mabel Gabaahani, Messrs Roberts (Glanwydden), Gordon Coulter, !A. H. Summers, A. E. Jenkins, and H. H. Greenfield. G-uSPEL TEMPERANCE MISSION. A jwei!-attended meeting of the committee of the jGos[>ol Temperance Association was held in the lecture Hall on Monday evening, under the presidency of Mr J. W. Adamson. It was de- cided to hold in the early part of the year a Be rice of public temperance meetings, the first to take place at the English Presbyterian Church on January 21st. It is hoped that other elujj-fJiivv. wjJJ^ take__note_ of this so as to keep to include in the proposed Licencing BiF^dau^ W1f fv^' kope was expressed that the towns along the North Wales coast .will take similar action. T SUCPSS. A correspondent Jntes.-Townspeople who watch her successes r^n Prl iJ'- 1? delighted to hear that at a concert held in Ruthin on Thursday last, Mi> Mar j one Dunning, the prom king young Colwvn Bay contralto made a decidS hn, wm IT nt0^ac0ede to several recall- Her suocese 2*36 ail the more noteworthy from the fact 3X1 amateur appearing amongst several professional performers. A RECORD CREATED. — The Chri^ma« F°St °ffiw general- -j aunenwona, but this *aar all previous years' records have been easily Never has bucIi an amount of work de- volved upon the staff, both with out-going and the PromPtitude with which mis patches and deliveries have been made under SJ ay- is g-atly to the credit ot the °n CJlri5trna« night a well at-j ♦ended sacred oonoert was held in the Engedi C.M. Chapel. An excellent programme was K.C.M., officiated at the organ. CHRISTMAS DAY IN THE CHURCHES. Special services were conducted at the various |Whes m the town on Christmas Day T 6t. Pauls, Holy Communion, seven ar-' ~Jl7 ■ service, sermon (by the V'T was Communion, eleven a.m. t lof the poor, taken at the eleven ~"i eaored song was fa the ^yft^'and"JfL.* i aflt^euis were sung Eelgl^ kar'iorii> n 06 w<,re rendered j^rtsT* Marjory Dunning and Mr W. O. fto- At tlie MisBioa Church a. c0.,r' Boly Communion waa held Bertno,n a/)(i iwhen the Rev J H eleven o clock, KtebriOd« t6„ ™ *nd service and sermon at r e W. ST. Rees Morris officiating P-m-, the Rev. k At .tiM WliS &n^SK"0n' ■ >eld in the morning, at wiiish th d '™? wa» Cbusi^ preached A mn • the 116 v- H. T. behalf of the Dr Ro^na ^10,n ,wa-s Uken on *o whioJi nine children have W ,r Ho«ies, "jn Bay recenX if ^hn11 *«>m Coi: ^apel a special service wa« heW in special servioe w" held in the morn- *iotw oocaaions given proof of <rro h»ve on pre. J finite excelled themselves last l lstrionic atoilitv, wco which they th? PerS-1 tUhennga. Ot. Wednesday °f a f»«hionabIe ~,Q ovenmgs, and a«aia on afternoons Vt to "full houses,and m«ht< ">ey plav- •* »JM»Jause. The first and mostrounj8 on e*c'1 occasion »a« worn pre- *edecin Mal^reLui." in whS, Coate<U<>. "Le Uken by Mr Sualey Wood with Principal part waa were" M follows-I- gre*t 8UCC««- 1T>e oganarelle: a diaaaint* <. ^cutter and wtfe^^ and lazy ^rana«Ue. who coSoSU. L Ma^ine ^ife <rf uew condition (St& nlmodates blilneell resdilr um $Pit's ^rana«Ue. who coSoSU. L Ma^ine ^ife <rf ynt'lT h^d OT- J^nl)!V £ e^iC^ i JLUcinde: 't DOn Parti u Um eas in above who ,Man she order to &Void xn&rriage ■ "bo" "e ^»^Vw^f*^Pl'nU,?peisti!t8kiZ',rJ' Ther?'fng: En^Ii8'« Old BLinar Coli» • a spitefal Onomp rr tr-n. i $?k SB. -fa? > 1 $?k SB. -fa? > 1 ff iSL5? JBSs g&srsn:



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COUNTY WTOT^^E^ADjounisiii'n



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----------------COLWYN BAY…







COUNTY WTOT^^E^ADjounisiii'n