Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

15 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



BODRHYDDAN RENT AUDIT DINNER. PRAISE FOR THE FLINT AND DENBIGH HUNT. MR CONWY bhLL'S ADVICE TO CATTLE FEEDERS. A most successful Junction took place at JBoddiyddwn on Friday evening. when Mrs Rowley Oomvy entertained her tenants to din- ner- A very sumptuous repast was laid before ifibe guests, and an excellent musical programme aB provided- Mr W. Oomwy Bell (:igent) occu- pied the chair, and among the guests supporting him were the Vioar ot Rhudldlan, the Vicar of Dyserth. Messrs J. n. Ellis. A. Sheffield. W. Bufcook, L G. HalL A. A. urooulall, J. W. Sfi.„es, G. Perkins, E. W. Harrop, J. D. Jones, ltlew. Lloyd. W. Moirris Lewis, and Blimstone- Aftej bhe tables had be-an cleared the Presi- dent read oeveral letters of anolagy, and an- counoed that Lieut. G. Rowley Conwy and Lieut. RaJphe Rowley Oomvy very muoh re- Ketted that their naval dutias nrevetited their ing present, muoh as they would havo liked to tuave been there. They wis' .<1 cJil the guests a luuppy and pleasant evening and a brigriit and prosperous new year (applause). Tine President then gave the local toasts, and Remarked oa the keen interest the King took in agriculture. He said it was all very well for people to say tihat the King knew nothing of •arming, but mo one ootuld watch His Majesty at the Agricultural Show without being oon- rinoed of the fact that tine Kin"- knew a good beast when he saw one (hear, hear). WELCOME. Mr J. W. Jones submitted the toast of "The fiaahop, clergy, and ministers of all denomina- tions-" He expressed pleasure at seeing the ^V'ioars of RhuddJan amd Dyserth present, but rotted that there were no N onoon f ormisfc ministers there. The clergy certainly seemed to onter more into the social li e of the nepple. As regards the Bishop they all admired him Loth j88 tho spiritual head of the diocese and on more material grounds. To the Vioar of Dyserth that evening be externded a hearty wel- eomo to the district. and wished him suocess in She new sphere of lab.Tur (apniause). The Vicar of Rhud-dlan ftrat 1 esrvonded to the toast, and said that the clergy and ministam liked to have efneouragemont iirom the laity, as llbeir's was a difficult offioe to fill. There was 110 class of men open to the same severe oriti- CSarn as were the clergy, but wthile the- were not afraid of any light which could bo brought to bear on them they were rraiteful for fcny encouraging word- They were told that ttey must not do this or that,, and the only Bring t hat seemed to please some folic was when fbev pneoahed against those wfao were not pre- sent in the ooajgragaiion (laughter)- TLho Rey. Evans Jones also responded. and ffiuaukod the oompa-ny for the oordial welcome ittiey had given him. He was struck with the kindness he had received on all harxfe, and with the charms af the district, which as they became bettor known could not fail to bring people them (hear, bear). Mr J. H. Ellis proposed the toast qf the fCNavy, Anny. and Reserve Forces, and said that while the were there enjoying themselves they eoulid not forget the fact that two eons of Mrs Rowley Conwy were on duty in the Navy— having to forosro the pleasures of the festive season at home in order to serve their King and Country. While they regretted their absenoe Whey could extend their congratulations to Mrs Rowley Oonwy that she had suoh noble sons-- WDms of whom a mother might be proud' (ap- plause)- FEARLESS- Captain L. G. Hall msiponded, and said that lihey as a nation had much to feel iir-.ouul of. It was the British nation wlioh had built the ehi .a for the Japs, and taught them ihow to use them, much to the ooet o. the Russlam Navy. Looking at the Channel FLeet in tiie Morset recently he had been struck with ttiougly a^nearanoe of the ,weasels from tho outside, but when he stored abroad there was a great change. Everything was trim and neat, and of the most perfect tyne in maoljinery and appliance, while the sailors irlem a sturdy and jolly lot of fellows, ever ready for pleasure in times of "oaoe, but when roused tbev were not the sort of men the foreigner liked I to meet. They could ie<st content so long as they had such a Navy. and they need not tear Kaiser Bill or anyone el&c. Of the Army one need say but little more than they knew: it had always done its duty, and would ever do so. [When too now Army Scheme a as in working ordor we should have an Army such as the wvrki1 had never eeon (hear, hear). Mr Llew. Lloyd, ffordd Criccin, next pro- posed the toast of "Our Landlady," and in do- Jftg so said it was a pleasure to live under Mrs flEtowley Gonwy- With that name before theim the humfotost tenant farmer felt that he had something to work for- They knew how Mrs fipwiey Conwv -had opetnod out Rhwddian, and heir name would be handbd down from genera- tion to generation as a benefactress to the dis1- triet. They had every canfid-enoe in their land- lady. and he did not think there was an estate in North Wales where there could be gathered together such a body of tenants as they saw there tha-t evening. He hopoa that when they met tloQre next year that thoy would have with them a representative of the Bodrhyddan family (applause). The i-oast was d'rumk with musical honours- A HAPPY RELATIONSHIP. M.r Conwy Bell, in lesp-oinuKig, said lie could ,t,. them that Mrs Rowiov Gonwy was ever mindful of them. and that she haci personally superintended the arrangements lor that gather- ing (applause). He could also assuje them tliat nothiPug but the calls of duty Had kept from tiha-t assembly the two sorus who had been nre- eent on the previous occa-aion. He desired to (hank them for the manner in which they had recened Mrs Rowley Conwy's name, and he hoped that she would long be spared to enter- tain thorn on such oocas-ons (anplauee)- As re- ¡gant. the relauorushap between ianulady and tenant, 110 had ouly to repeat that Mrs Rowley Conwy was always ready to liisten to whaifc tiiy tenants had to say if they were dissatisfied with iue dccusion as ag«rit. It had been mentioned that evening that everything provided for that spread in the shape oi solids had b»cn fed1 on €ke home farm. That ^as so and the beef which had been served out had beon killed by Angel, of Rhyl, after carrying ott a prize at St- Asaph Smithiield (applause)- A 1,2r several musical items, Mr Oonwy Bell proposed the toast of the tena.nls- c;" the Bod- rhyduan, Owm, Brynorkin and Irisli Estates, and baid that it was a pleasure to Mrs Rowley Oonwy to -iv-o them the oppoitunity oi meeting toge iier and excnanglng t'tcir views .on various matieie- That they d'id discuss thii:,<rs he bid no doubt, and "in all probability thO" also dis- oussed tlie pacr agent (laughter). He was plecl to pay that the best of relationship ex- Btod bafcween the tenants and their landlady. •He aIso thanlced them for responding to his re- tto attend at the office at tho various hours sot out that day, as by so doing they as- sisted his sitaff very much- He ako thanked tlioni for observing the goluen .rule laid' down n,o,t to talk of ouner matter on .rent day, for as he ofte,n told them the-v luad rienty of other opportunities during the year without oocupv. Ins .time that day. He was pleased to say he Illd not mot that day one tenant who had DOt a snulung face and hearty good wish He felt that they had had a fairly bO J yoar the crops had been good, and' tlie rices fair. They had to be thankful that they were not like many Soot-oii farmers who had not been able to get in their corn* Mr Lewis, in responding, eaid he did not tlhimc there wore a more contented lot of ten- ante than those found on that estate. They felt safe ni their holdings, and they knew that if they carried out improvements their rents would twit be raised (hear, hear). Then again they had a thoroupnly practical agbnt looking after *Pe « the laind'lady and at the same tame looking after tae interests of the tenant, because if they did not f.:nn m the right wav it wa, to thfejr interest to bo told about it- An- Wm- Morns «aid he hacf received many kmtinoisos f.rom fine family at Bodrhyddan and ihe a; .preciated tlicni vary much- They 'were otfton told that farming- was verv easy, but he kaiew that it could not be Jearnt from books. rDlic training at tiio Univera.ties >vas all verv wgIL it taught th.3 fu-uiictr v^tluo of ma-riirets, but U did' not tetc ii lilrn the other part of the biisinel-6. which could only be learnt from -raciicai expcrioiice. Thov had to leam to uw ihiuig's in tiK-i,r own way (hear* hear). ^lii^stone also brieilr r^pond-od, and said that while they had had tair crops, t,iiey oouid have done better, and prices could a,lso have beoin jn^her (laugnter). Ho then gave the toast flit Iho Agent, and said that Mr Comvy ±>eil was respected by all. and' now that he had be- come a County Councillor and a Jus-tioe of the Peace ho hoped he would not forget the poor larmier (hear, hear, and laughter). It was all ^elj for the County Council and other bodies to bring about alterations, but his exper- ience was that they wanted something practical, am 171 Mr Bell they had a practical man, who oould direct the 1 armor, as for tome of the people if tihfc so a were all ink. and the pens and paper al) turned into Bills a^d Acte of Parliament they would stdl want somethimr more (laughter). K The toast was received1 with musical honours -A USEFUL HINT. Mr Bell, after thanking- the coinpanv for their kind reception, said he endeavoured to hold the Bcalcs fairly IJ.e.t \effil landlady atid te-nant. He realtsed that he could not please everybody utt$xu ^Lr° h°, ha<i to ,a<> w!wifc he considered to be the best tning- Although, ho had been elevated to hicrher positions in public life he would not, neglect the ^fanners and their interests- Ttiere was one thing which he wished to say to the iarnm of the distiict- ,.e would remind theni that the day of big carcase of mutton and *eef Mere gon.e. and that people now insisted jpon early matured moat. It was againjst uia farmers' interest to keep his cattle on the farm for four years. They must bring them in fit for the market much earlier, and when he told them that the cattle which fetched zC25 10s, JB22. and 919 15s at the last St. Asaph sale were only 15 months old, they would understand what he meant. Instead' of ke&pir>" the cattle until they were four years old the-- should bring tnem early to maturity and get their money- Cattle from Bodrhyddan that year made Id per lb. more than older stock, so he knew what he was talking about. There was another matter upon which he wished to speak. lima tha, was the Fl,int and Denbigh Hu-at bulls. Since that So- ciety had introduced their bulls "nto the district yeariinga had madte from 30s to ;1;;2 more than they did a few years before. That being oo the Socictv should be oncoura.fTod in every way. The Society went to a great deal of expense to Secure the best bulls they could got from the North of England, and the farmers were asked to do a little in return- He knew some objected to hunting, but he felt that every Britisher had a right to enjoy what sport he -Ked beet- The Flint and Denbigh Hunt brought mamy residents into the district, so that the farmers benefited. He-had appealed last year to the farmers to re- move wire from their farms, and he was pLeased to say that there had been* a ready response, and that day he believed there was less wire on the Bodrhyddan Estate than anv ooner estate in North Wales. He thanked the farmers for helping him in that matter. and for thoir en. oouragememt of hunting (hoar, hear). The toasts of the guests, the Press. and the Ladies were also proposed, Messrs J. R. Ellis, G. Perkins, W. Morns, and J. D. Polkinghorne responding- An exciefent musical programme wap sus- tained by Mr T. Amos Jones, Mr Davies (Llan- garniew). Mr J. D. Aaher's glee mart* Mr Bryain Warhurst, Mr Bradley, Mr Ilanion. Mr J. D. Jones, and Mr Edward Evans-


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