Papurau Newydd Cymru

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MONTHLY MEETING OP THE RHYL IMPROVEMENT COMMISSIONERS. The ordinary monthly meeting of the above Board was held on Tuesday morning last, when there were present:—T'r W. T. Girdlestoue (chair- man), Messrs Tbos. Ellis, John Roberts, James Davies, W. Wynne, John Frimston, H. Parry, A. Humphreys, A. L. Clews, Joseph Williams, .P. Mostyn Williams, D. Trebearn, S. Berrington, G. F. Gunner, E. Vaughan, E. W. KeatingC, W. Williams, Robert Oldfield, R. D. Roberts, Capt. W3 nne Jones, &c. The minutes of the monthly meeting of the 3rd of March, also of special meetings held on the 20th and the 30tL of March, were read and confirmed. THE SURVEYOR'S REPO T of new buildings, &c., was read by him. The principal items contained in it were the follow- ing:— Drift Sund—The removal of the drift sand from the East Promenade was commenced last Wednesday, and will be completed to-day. The total cost will not exceed—w this porlion-X20." "Promenade Concrete Experiment.—This was completed on March 11th., an,i thrown open to the public on the 28th. The total cost, a'ter taking credit foi "id material, amounted to f-5 1.5s CI., or Is 5td., square yard. A small portiou of the 4 surface has been wilfully damaged, otherwise the work appears to answer the purpose intended. Of course it has not been sufficiently tested yet to enable an opinion to be formed as to its ultimate success." ó" No. 16, East Parade: Infringement of the bye- laws. This- matter has bf en under the consideration of the committee. I have had an interview with the parties interested, and the architect has handed me a letter addressed to yon (the chairman.) 9, Bodfor Strf et temporary premises of Cocoa House Company. I observed that a projecting signboard had-been fixed over the footpath, and a smoke flue fixed in the rear of the house as'no sanction bad been given by .,he Commissioners to these things, I gave notice to causer the signboard to be removed within 48 hours. The secretary of the Company has written to say that the matter will be laid before his directors on the 13th inst." Mr Frimston asked whether the Surveyor re- commended that anything should be done to the promenade before the season ? The Town Surveyor replied that a sum was -allowed in the estimates for something to'be done to the surface of it. Mr Wynne in reference to the alleged projecting signboard by the Cocoa House Company, said that the 13tli of April was a long time to delay the mat- ter.If there was anything of any consequence in the alleged irregularities mentioned in the report they ought to be looked to at once. The Town Surveyor read a copy of his letter, containing the notice, and also the hon- secretary's reply, stating that the matter would be laid before the directors of the Company at their monthly meeting on the 13th of April. Mr Oldfield thought it was, simply an oversight to place the signboard in the way it had been done, and there were other signboards fixed in the same way in the same street. Mr P. Mostyn Williams remarked' that the same board had been in use in High Street all the time, and' projected in exactly the same way he did not know whether there was a different law for Bodfor Street and High Street. The Town Surveyor said the question of project- ings signboards was still in j abeyance. His rule was not to allow them to be put up without sanction.. Mr John Roberts remarked that the board would, not remain there long. It was-only temporary. The Chairman said it might be there for a year. Mr Wynne said the signboard was not the only matter—there was also the smoke flue. He could not see the purpose of giving notices unless they were acted upon. He proposed that that portion of the Town Surveyor's report be referred to the road committee, with power to act.—This was seconded by Mr Henry Parry and carried.—The other items in the report were also referred to the various committees. THE TOWN HALL. The minutes of a meeting of the town hall, market, &c., committee, held ^on the 1st of April, Were read. The committee estimated the receipts for the coming year at X52,5, and the expenditure £ 288. It was recommended that the reduced rents of the market stalls be advertised in a local paper and in the Baner ac Amserau Cymru." At & previous meeting of the committee, it was recommended that the gas-jets in the assembly-room be arranged, one of the stars," the; one nearest the gallery to be plugged, as it would not be required. Some slight work was also recommended to bol done to the exterior of the building.-The minutes were confirmed, with the exception of the part refarring to the estimates. A HANDSOME GIFT TO THE TOWN. The town hall committeee reported that a valuable mahogany table, with cloth cover1, beauti- fully. embroidered, and having the Prince of Wales' plume and the Board's monogram worked thereon, had been presented to the Bdard by Capt. Wynne Jones, and they recommended that the donor be thanked for his handsome, useful, and generous gift- Mr Thomas Ellis (chairman of the committee) moved the confirmatiouof the minutes. He stated thait the table was to be beein on the platform in the assembly room. They al knew that there were .0 'f *the great complaints o ), tabld being shabby, and'i2ot fit for gentlemen'to t at, and at the same time complaints were made that the board-room wag cold and uncomfortable.) The committee pre- pared an estimate of expenditure which they thqught would meet the oasej but the estimate was rejected, and only one half of what was required was sanctioned. He (as chairman) did not know what to do, because the tfrble in the assembly- room was not fit for the pilrpjose. One day he was senjt for to Olinda, and thter^ he found Mr Kent, draper, with Capt. Wynne Jones,' who informed him that he had decided to'make a present of a table cover for the town hall table. He (Mr Ellis) was then in a fix, for he did not like to speak plainly of his trouble to Capt. Wynne Jones be, however, ventured to ask Mr Jones, if he saw an old, thin horse, with a new saddle and bridle, and a gentle- man on its back, what would he think of it (laughter.) Capt. Jones replied that they would uoi match very well, took the hint, and said he would give a table as well (applause) and he (Mr Ellis) was deputed to seek one. A table of the description required could not be got in the town, and so he went to Liverpool, where he was recommended to visit the establishment of Messrs Kinir and Haywood, Scotland Road. They had not a suitable one in stock, but they took an order to make one acoording to his instructions, and it was now on view in the assembly-room. He (Mr Ellis) asked the board to accept the present from Capt. W. Jones with warm thanks. Capt. Wynne Jones was not the first of his family who had sat on that board. They bad maoy years ago Mr Wynne, Olinda, as a member of the Board, for some time chairman, and that gentleman did a great deal of good to the town. He (Mr Ellis) hoped that Capt. Wynne Jones would live many years amongst us to do many good turns to the Board and to the town (applause.) He begged to move a hearty vote of thanks to Capt. Wynne Jones, and that the same be inserted in the minutes. Mr R. D. Roberts, had great pleasure in second- ing the proposition. He was sure they all endorsed the sentiments uttered by Mr Ellis; and hoped that others would follow Capt. Wynne Jones' example (hear, hear,) The Chairman had very great pleasure in sup- porting the motion. He heartily endorsed all the remarks that had been made, and wished Capt. Wynne Jones long life and happiness (ap- plause.) The motion was carried with acclamation. Capt. Wynne Jones thanked the Board for the manner in which they on behalf of the town had accepted the gift which it was a very great pleasure for him to make. But the thanks was not all due to him, as he gave only the cover. Strictly speak- ing his aunt-Mrs Jones, Olinda-gave the table (applause.) Mrs Jones, having lived so long in the town, and always felt a deep interest in it, had asked to be allowed to present the table (applause ) He (Capt. Wynne Jones) would also take that opportunity of thanking Mr Ellis for his kind and valuable assistance in procuring the table; and again thanked the board for the kind and polite way in which the gift had been accepted on behalf of the town. On the motion of Mr James Davies, seconded by Mr Absalom Humphreys, a similar vote of thanks was, amidst applause, passed to Mrs Jones, Olinda. THE SELECTION OF A SUMMER BAND. The band committee reported having directed the Clerk to advertise in the Era," for a summer band without P subsidy. The Town Clerk said he had carried out the instructions of the Board, and had already received a number of tenders. Re read the principal ones. Mr John Davies, Llandudno, had sent in an amendmended tender, offering a baud of 6 instrum- entalists, one vocalist, and himself as conductor, in June and September; and a band of 11 in July and August, without subsidy but with the usual privileges as to the benefit concerts. Tenders were also sent in by Mr Roxby, of the British Palace of Varieties, Swansea Mr J. Sid- ney Ward, London Mr McLawton, Empire Theatre, Leicester Square, London; Mr F. J, Wood, Battersea, London; Mr T. H. Seynorl Sheffield, who offered to bring, in addition to a ful- band, the two little wonders-a host in them- selves and Mr Hazelden, Rhyl, who offered a band of 12 in June and September, with vocalist and 16 in Ju'y slid August. Mr Thomas Ellis strongly urged thp Board to come to a final dicision that day, as the time was getting late. Mr James Davies proposed that the tender of Mr John Davies Llandudno, be accepted. That ten- der appeared to him to be the best,and the most de- finite. Mr Wynne seconded the motion. Mr Davies, the applicant, was accustomed to the work he knew what he was about, and not likely to come here to be disappointed. The committee, too, having recommended him, with a subsidy, must hive been entirely satisfied as to his qualifications. Mr P Mostyn Williams, in supporting the mo- tion, said that Mr Davies, when before the commit- tee, had answered all questions put to him in a very satisfactory manner. He knew Rhyl well, and brought with him a splendid character from Llandudno. Taking all things into consideration, he thought Mr Davies was the most suitable per- son and he (Mr Williams) was glad that Mr Davieti was now willing to come without a sub- sidy. Captain Wynne Jcnes asked whether they had any guarantee as to the character of the voice of the vocalist lie ought not to be inferior to Mr Gilding as a singer. Mr P. Mostyn Williams stated that the name of an eminent baritone had been mentioned. Mr R. D. Roberts proposed an amendment—that Mr Gilding's offer be accepted. People liked to meet with old faces Mr Gilding was very much liked aud was popular as a singer. Mr William Williams said they ought to have some tangible guarantee that whoever was engaged would f!tic here through thicn and thin throughout the season. Mr Keatinge (as a member of the committee) thought they were fortunate in securing Mr Davies they had in him a substantial man to deal with. Capt. Wynne Jones seconded Mr R. D. Roberts' amendment, for the simple reason that he liked a good singer on the promenade. They ran a great risk in changing Mr Gilding, and they might have hav- a very indifferent man in his place. He had nothing against Mr Davies personally. After some further discussion, the Board voted on Mr R, D. Roberts' amendment, and it was lost by a large majority. Mr James Davies' motion was then put, and carried unanimously. THE CEFNDY ROAD. At a meeting of road, &c., committee, on the 28th of March, Mr Hammond called attention to the bad state of the road leading to the manure field. It was re commended that the attention of Mr Bell, Bodrhyddan, and Mr Hughes, of the Brickworks, be called to the matter. At a subsequent meeting held on the 31st of March, Mr Bell was present,an the dangerous state of the bridge over the cut, owing it was alleged to extraordinary traffic, was pointed out to him. Mr Bell promised to attend to the bridge and road.—Confirmed. THE MARINE DRIVE. A copy of draft agreement between the National L'beral Land Company and Mr Winby, having been submitted to the road committee, the solicitors were informed the agreement woald probably be favourably received by the commissioners subject to slight alterations, and subject to the usual con- ditions as to drains, &c.-Confirmed. THE DEE CONSERVANCY BILLS. At the meeting of the road committee Ion the 28th March a letter was read from Mr Murray Brow ne calling attention to the above Bills now be- fore Parliament. The committee recommended that steps taken to ascertain whether those Bills would in anyway interfere with the foreshore in this district. Mr Wynne thought the committee ought to take notice of the Bills referred to. At first there were three different Bills, but he ha i been told that the parties had now amalgamated, and that the whole had been merged into one joint Bill. It was the proper time for the commissioners to stir in the matter, and to give notice of opposition to any Bill -which proposed to interfere with the foreshore rights, or be in any way detrimental to the interests of Rhyl. He proposed that the special committee be authorised to take what steps they thought direablein regard to this new Bill. Mr Thomas Ellis seconded the motion and after a little conversation it was unanimously agreed to. ALLEGED INFRINGEMENT OF BYE-LAWS With reference to the alleged infringement of the bye-laws at No 16, East Parade (referred ten in the Surveyor's Report), the road committee at a meeting held on the 30th ultimo, recommended that legal proceedings be tdken to compel the par- ties concerned to remov6 !it e infriiagen4eul. A letter had beeii'i?ceived by, The corn?iittce fr?o'm Ni D?uglas (the architect,, cilpressing regre? that th' ?pp, L, 9 tb,ing'had h ued through a misundertitandiug between himself and the contractor.—Mr Wynne explained that the case was a seiious one, for not .only had no plans been submitted, but the nature of; the work done was contrary to the byelaws.—Mr James Davies advocated tjhe enforcement cf the bye-laws.—Mr Wm. Williafns (the contractor) al-60 expressed regret that any irrjegularity had occurred, but it was done purely through a mistake, and not intentionally.—A letter was read from the owner of the adjoining property cqmplaining of the work. —jAfter a great deal of discission, it was agreed to accept the apology and not [to press legal proceed- ing. ALLEGED INFRINGEMENT j OF BTTILDIWG LIJfB. A letter was read from Mr Fonlkes complaining that the windows of a house, now being built by Mr Abel Jopes on the. Wqstj Parade, projected eight inches from the line of the adjoining premises. The road committee recommended that Mr Foulkes be tdld that they were informed that the windows w;ere liDeable with the adjoining houses, »nd that the plans had been, already passecl On the r<ici|ipt a further communication from Mr Foulkes the Surveyor was instructed to make-a careful siirvey of the building.—Cojnfirmed. PAVIVO REQUIRED. Mr Gunner gave notice that at the next meeting he would call attention to jthe unpaved portion of the footpath in front of'Glanmorfa in Wellington Road. THE MTIMATFS. After consideration by the various committees the following estimates were submitted for the year ending 31st March, 1886:- RECEIPTS. Balance in Treasurer's hands 31 0 0 Market Stalls (zC245 full) L200 Tolls and Weighing £ 30 230 0 0 Town Hall 100 0 0 Offices 195 0 0 Manure. 60 0 0 Foreabore. 60 0 0 Licenses 35 0 0 Incidentals. 10 0 0 Outstanding (Private Improvements) 150 0 0 £8il 0 0 Income Tax 14 0 0 885 0 0 'Rate at 2/7 in the £ (rateable value) £ 32,811 4238 1 Ð Less Irrecoverable. 175 1 9 ————— 4063 0 0 JE4948 0 0 EXPENDITURE. Repayment of Loans and Interest 2010 0 0 Highways 800 0 0 Outstanding accountsl56 0 0 -————— 956 0 0 Street Watering 130 0 0 Police 36 0 0 Night Scavenging 376 0 0 Lighting (including 5 new lamps and Town Hall lamp) 271 0 0 Promenade and Foreshore. 70 0 0 Town and Market Halls. 280 0 0 Sewerage and Sanitary. I I 120 0 0 Legal Expenses. 25 0 0 Establishment. 85 0 0 Election. 25 0 0 Fire Engine. 10 0 0 Salaries. 470 0 0 Clerk's Honorarium. 25 0 0 Incidentals. 20 0 0 S4912 0 0 Margin 36 0 0 JB4948 0 0 Mr Wynne (chairman of the finance committee) criticized the estimates at considerable length. The several committees had gone very carefully into these estimates with a view of seeing whether what was supposed to be done could be done with the amount of money gained from the rate fixed to meet it. It was always a wise course not to carry on work with a deficiency at the end of the year. That was not at a.ll a desirable thing. The esti- mated cost of the highways was £ 164 less than the sum actually spent last year, and as that amount could not be gained out of the item for labour, it must be taken out of the item for materials. The sum of £ 70 was very small indeed to meet the work required to be done on the promenade and when they came to do the work, he was afraid they would find themselves compelled to exceed the estimate, No provision had been made towards the cost of removing the sand, which they had been told that day had already coat £20. Another item which had been omitted altogether, was for the permanent repair of the market yard, which was in a very un- satisfactory state. Neither was any provision made for the proposed band-stand These would no doubt be small items, but small sums put together amounted to a great deal, and it would be wise to be prepared for them, and for any contingency that might arise The actual expenditure last year was equal to a rate of 2s. 8d. They made a rate of 2s. 9d in the They began last year with a debt of £250, and ended with a deficit of £150. They began thi year with a debt equal to lid m the £ if they deducted that amount, they must only expend 2s. 6-d in the that is, if they adopted the recommen- dations of the oommittee. The water estimate was also a very low one. Last year they actually ex- pended JE138 whereas this year they only estimated That seemed to him like cutting too j fine. Taking all these matters into consideration, i he would formally propose, as an amendment to the recommendation of the committee, that a rate of 2s. 8d. be fixed, the difference to be applied partly to repairing the access to the maiket, the promenade and the highways. Mr Gunner seconded Mr Wynne's proposition. Mr Thomas E lis could not agree with Mr Wynne, though they all knew that Mr Wynne was as anxious as anyone to lower the rates. They all felt that under present circunstances it was their duty to cut down the expenditure as much as pos- ible, without damaging the town and the several committees had kept a sharp eye on the various items. The heaviest item was that in respect of the highways; and the reduction had been taken, not out of materials alone, but out of the labour and cartage also. Taking into account the last few years, the committee thought that the estimate for the ensuing year would be a very fair compromise. Last year they went in very elaborately in material for the roads and that was a reason why quite so much would not be required this year. As to the promenade £iO he believed would be ample for the present year, because there was an intention to give it a new face altogether, but that could not be done this year. The water estimate would also compare favourably with those of the last few years. It was not correct to take the estimate for last year atoRe. After careful consideration, the committee came to the conclusion that a rate of 2s. 7d. in the would meet the case, and leave a balance of £36. He proposed that the rate be fixed at 2s. 7d. in the Mr Henry Parry seconded. Mr Wm. Williams regretted that there were not more of the commissioners present to deal with the important question of fixing the rate. (Many of the members had left the room before this business was reached.) The committee had spent six hoars over the matter, and they accepted a 2s. 7d. rate as a compromise. Mr Wynne had made a deal of fuss about ending the year with a debt but the debt of last year did not actually belong to it. Much of the work done had been pushed forward. because it was a more convenient time to do it, and it was well known at the time that the expenditure would go over to the next year's account. As to the promenade, they were not yet quite sure whether the experiment which had been made would answer the purpose. He granted that it was a bad policy to end each succeeding year with a deficiency, but he contended that actually on principle, that had not been the case last year. Personally he was satisfied that they could do right well with a rate of :28. 6d. in the £ and he would make a proposi- tion to that effect. After a few words from Mr Mostyn Williams, in defence of the action taken by Mr Wynne, as chairman of the finance, committee, who were leg-ally responsible for the fixing of the rate, Mr Wynne replied and in the course of his re- marks stated that only Is. 2d. of the rate was spent on the town, the other portion went to pay interest on money borrowed. The meeting then voted, when a rate of 5s. 7d. in the pound was carried by a majority of 9 votes against 6. The customary resolution, authorising the Clerk to levy the rate, was then passed and the meeting termmated.


....„ . RHYL

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Family Notices