Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

30 erthygl ar y dudalen hon
















[No title]



< 0EiHETKliY QUE: Mr Tui-gaiu attended, d he was m-e-oare^ ^re to plans abates given t^e Coui May last. FonMo. 1, the estimate h at tht3 time waS>r->r ^1,660; and it waited in the coo))o At that time the isement. stated tt; estimates for the cíy buildings wel)tto exceed JBl 500. knitted one plan lIØla 41,15C and for a fe275. He bad --afully ovei the preset, and had reduce timate foi the chape ,613. That plan ited May 1874 bttfst ask the Councgovr him tc add to histe of that date 5tt. for th( increased' materials. HiStt estimate for the loi X330, and adding cent. t( that woug the amount 10s which wBe his estimat«lodge anc <ienK5teryl £ 2,039 10s. Bu ancied ht might stir reduce the cosie lodge i 6 the Coun[ consent to redu,scullery. i. Alderane remarking tne of tlw t rooms in » was fit for a dr.rooni, Mr TUlhe thought tlieft find tha in all eemans of the grouse hung u] in a 1'00' lodge or deposi a safe, s that the s for graves mlglect. a spo for the t!:>£ their deceased,ves. Mr Sh!e was somewhafred at th ^fecrepftippeared at the \eeting be tween estimate of ^st of th gBmeteiJ and the tender; were sen in jutvJj to find that Mr Turner, as he anticipated from the conversation which took place at the last meeting, had found that something might be reduced; be- cause his experience of Mr Turner justified him in speaking so strongly in his favour as he did on that occasion. He was glad to hear that he had since gone into the question deliberately, and had fur- nished them with an estimate below his original stimate, and what they had to do now was to take a practical view of the question. He found that in the town of Oswestry, with a population less than that of Wrexham !\y about a thousand, they had a cemetery that was built some years ago. He found also that its area was smaller than the area they were about to appropriate for the new cemetery at Wrexham. The cost was somewhat about £ 3,500— he believed he was correct in saying that £ 3.500 was borrowed by the Oswestry people for the purpose. He hal visited that cemetery, and thought how much he should like to see it trans- ferred to Wresiiarn, so that he might be buried in such a nice place. Now, Wrexham, as regarded its wealth, was more valuable than Oswestry, and as regarded its population, it was larger.; and he thought it would be rather infra dig for them to go in for a cemetery less in size and cost than that of Oswestry. Now, if they looked hack into the history of this cemetery, wnich had been dragging its dreary length along for a considerable time, they fouad that a piece of laud was bought on the eastern side of the town, containing 9a. 3r. lp., which cost, in- cluding interest. ill .2'2 7s. The Council sold that land to the War Department for £1,033 5s 7d. thereby showing a loss of X169 Is 5d. They next turned their attention to a piece of land to the west of Wrexham containing 5a. Or. 21;p., which Jost them X720, and he saw by a printed state- ment that a smaller piece was also purchased of Mr H. W. Meredith for the sum of A60, making a cost )f £780. Now they obtained ZI,033 5s 7d from the War Department, and paid X780 for the present site, giving a profit of 1.253 5s 7d. Deducting that sum from the X780, they had X526 14s 5d as the jost of the new land and cemetery. The cost of the walls round the cemetery approximated to £500, md he understood the contract with Mr Strachan amounted to £ 290, which made altogether XI,316 14s 5d. The original estimate for the plan adopted in May, 1874, was £ l,<i50; and Mr Turner said his aew estimate for the chapels was £ 1,<J13. Five per i ent on that wouid make Xi.694, and 5 per cent. on -he cost of the lodge ( £ 330) would be £ 346 10s, making a total cost of £ 3,356 14s 5d. This amount ivas, however, less than the sum paid for the ceme- ;ery site at Oswestry with all its appurtenances, which was, in poin' of fact, a very costly undertaking Ere would have them recollect that since the ceme- tery was built labour and materials had increased mmensely in value—an important consideration when looking at the estimate now before them Moreover, he would draw attention to the fact that :hey had borrowed money for the pnrposes of the cemetery, on the 10th of June £ 800, aud on the 30th £ 2,600. making altogether X3,400, at 4t per cent. He might here remark that he understood that noney was borrowed for the purchase of the old site at 5 per cent interest. They were now under a ?ost of £ 153 per annum or £13 per month in respect )1' the loan, and the longer this question was de- ayed the greater would be that cost. He was sorry Alderman Beirne had left the room, as he had :aken an objection to the cost of the lodge. He lid not know whether any members of the Council lad seen the lodge at the" Oswestry cemetery but t was a very nice 'edge, and the man in charge of he cemetery was a very superior person. A portion if the laud at Oswestry cemetery was devoted to gardening; and the whole thing was carried out in i way that was perfectly satisfactory to all who t-ere interested in the management of the ceme- ery. He now proposed that, notwithstanding" the :ost of the lodge, which appeared to be excessive omparahvely, The plans submitted by Mr Turner 'e adopted. In fact, he would propose, if the 'ouncil did not think it premature, that they ac- ept the amended plans tor the erection of the haoels and lodge, and instruct the clerk to adver- se" for tenders for the execution the works. Mr Murless quite agreed with a great deal of l\at Mr Shone had said; but at the same time he iouid like to be better informed as to the con- ute foundations which Mr Turner had darkly tiled about. The Mayor had great pleasure in seconding Mr ione's proposition, which he thought a very rea- dable one. Indeed, he was quite suiprised that t estimate had been reduced so low as £ 2,039 10s. fr J. M. Jones did not like to move an amend- ur, but said the history of the question which 11 just been given them they knew before, and 1\ "i reference to the Oswestry cemetery, he did n see what they had to do with Oswestry. If ao0(jy made a gift to Oswestry of a cemetery, II cWis, and all, the- Town Council of Wrexham wld still have to consider how best to provide a c%tery and chapels for themselves. For his part h&g not thoroughly satisfied with these plans. Hid not think they had discussed them with tldeliberatioli they deserved. They had rushed | jinthe thing too precipitately at first, and had !bo in a difficulty ever since. The plans Mr Tier now laid before them were not exactly the j sa as tb,J plans he produced before. Mr Turner I !lc)roposed to make an alteration in the lodge )SOto cut down the expense. He wished there wiome gentleman more competent than he (Mr JO) was to explain the plans. Shone (interposing) said it was really too H, He presumed Mr Jones was speaking as to ih'ljre. Did he think Mr Turner was not com- je; to judge whether this was not eligible or c01not be built for the sum he had named ? "Vifhey to have a member of the Council dis- Cl and pointing out every detail, and explain- ilpw this or that thing ought to be done ? He ticit it was positively—he did not like to say it Ve should consider it almost insulting to h,"o '.isten to a fellow-townsman, an intelligent wtkeMr Jones, calling in question the reason- afesË If his plans. Jones said Mr Shone appeared to mis- uii^tit'l him. He presumed the Co-uncil were no £ irfto place tjiems^lves in the hands of Mr Tunc i\ny other architect. If they were going to,(Xbtthey had simply to give Mr Turner or anrchl ,rchitect they might employ, an order to buidtfr chapels, telling him they should be pej(tl atisfied with them when they were finMitjtl te presumed they employed Mr Turner in he i**sts of the public, and they were there Ian to -atc'l'r those interests. As to the plans, he niuk sal did not yet understand them. When Mr ;hoi loved his resolution, they were in the inidt oi iscussion with reference to the founda- tioniantfir probable cost. He thought it would he i.ucltter to understand this p^rt of the quesiotiln to find themselves involved in an expense th they had never calculated. When they oaslie resolution adopting these particular plan it í admitted on all hands that they did not ulde-;d them as they ought to have done. He dd n sh to insinuate that Mr Turner was not c(mp2, he only said he wished they were as compiles understand them. Before deciding to ad(pt > plans, it would be better to know what ixtist was to be added to the cost Mr Turner h-amed, and also to consider whether they Eeedbetter foundation. The site was one where a s'nent might be apprehended; and he believed 1 any disturbance took place the ground wtiaturally follow that settlement, and the bnildUould follow the ground. Mr Sho-Vhy presume a settlement Mr J. M s: Because it is perfectly natural. Mr Sho rot at all. It does not follow that because sMIing is built on a slope that you should locf a crack Mr J. Nies If there is any disturbance of the groun'- Mr Shoi rhy presume any disti-iTbau(.e ? Mr J. Mes Because we are going to build brick grai ere. I Mr Shoj id the ground had been tested pre- pa,ratory s being built upon. He was ac- quainted tits geological formation; and he knew it vered with the same substratum which waJi with throughout the whole field, It was requite premature, it was meeting difficulties,>ppose a fracture would take place, Mr Jones gdey were not to place themselves in the lands ^Turner; but he (Mr Shone) con- siler-d the^lcil right in doing so. Mr Turner ihvdig resjnl to the advertisement for certain .ie«'.gis whhhey had accepted. At the last tneetag he^asked to do certain things. He (iad j)ne jiCone them he had modified the :ottkfc; an. ipresumed they would all be glad 1 to finthat Lknodifications could be made, re- } ultinjn wAiey all desired, economy. > Thbiayo; d the question they had to deal idtli tjay Whis, they had accepted plan No 1, I rhichas to t gi.,650, Mr Turner had now rouglhis .fi.ate down to £ 1,613, and he tsked f 5r fivier c<Un labour and materials since May 1st, wh lie, Ie Mayor) thought a very reason- 3ble rG:Ot. He had been an advance in slates 1 .nee t Plxhas accepted. Mr Turner had < t rougi\is estate down to very nenrly the suiii ] p ) ley tlrht 0^2,029 10s, which was only £ 30 i o ad ty intended to spend. The f imda- < t bus, t remember, had nothing what- i fi-r to witlhe phui. Each of the gentlemen 1 e -ho sei^ ply intended the foundations to be i Aly tw3t gi^uclies in depth, and had sent in f e fleir ^ates ccordingly. It was mentioned 1 1 i ^ei>e' i plan they selected and adopted. t 4 ss perfectly prepared tip Tote for i this !2,039; but what he wanted to know was wheter, if they passed these plans, they should be calletupon to incur an additional expense fvr con- crete foundations because he represented the Tiewsof a large number of people outside who were 1:>t prepared to spend much more than £2,000 upon aapels and lodge. They would not object to giving£3 i more if Mr Turner gave them an assur- ance tat it should cover all expenses, If there was a fobability of being called upon for a further expend ure for foundations, he thought they ought now to e informed upon it. Mr Rwland wished to make one remark in refer- ence to hat fell from Counillor Jones. He thought his obseration as to the erection of the chapels on the levehortion of the land deserved more attention than the had given to it. Certainly they had the opinion ( a scientific member; but without wish- ing to bture him as he had lectured them (a laugh), h thought it was possible he might be mistaken. With regard to the level piece of land he perfects coincided with Mr Jones. He thought there was'ess liability of the ground giving way there thatanywhere else. Leaving out of the question eiirely the liability of the ground to give way, he thcght the position of the chapels would be better i the plsce Mr Jones had suggested, that is, on ie right hand side of the field where the trees areituated. Alderman'eale asked whether, in the event of the Council dettmming to alter the site, it would be neccessary to again before the bishop and begin de novo. The Town 'lerk replied that when they made their applicatm to the Bishop and Secretary of State they sulaitted plars. Those plans had been no doubt copit, and were among the registered documents of te office. Then they were sent back, which of cours&pproved of the exact state in which they gave in th plans. Mr Smith aSld, supposing it was found neces- sary to adopt th concrete foundations in lieu of the 2ft. 6in. foundabns, what would be the additional cost ? Mr Turner saitfrom £150 to £180. Mr Shone remrked that even with the addition of £150 for founddons the estimate did not amount to more t.han £3,f:6. The motion washen put, when four voted for it, two remained neulal, and two voted against it. The Town Clerk,dvised the Mayor that the reso- lution was lost, nobeing the act of the majority, as only four had vced in its favour out of nine who were present. Mr Smith said a'the concrete would cost from £150 to £180 he tought it would be a pity to spoil the ship for a of tar; and to avoid any risk of a sbsidence in the ground after the buildings had ten put up, he proposed that the estimates of Mr 'urner, both for chapels and lodge, be adopted, t1:t the foundations be of con- Crete, and that the ca of the whole work should not exceed £2,200. Mr Shone, as the nver of the original motion, had much pleasure in bonding this proposition. This motion was cared by a majority of five to four.







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