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r— gCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS. Auctions, Books, Trades, Amusements, and Charities. Seven lines and under 2s. 6d. Per additional line. Os. 4d. Miscellaneaus-Pltblic Companies, Legal Notices, Contracts, etc. Five lines, and under 2s. 6d. Per additional line. Os. 6d. Prospectuses of New <'nmpanies, Parliamentary Notice, arid Eicctiou Advertisements. .ines, and under 58. 00. Per additional line ls- úd. Displayed Advertisements. Trade, &c 2s per inch. Public Notices, &e 4s Per inch. If set across two columns, double. Tradesmen's Advertisements for a Series taken by Special Contract. Cheap Scale for Prepaid Adtrirtisements, Admitting under it the following classes or headings only Situation Wanted I Articles Wanted Situations Vacant Miscellaneous Wants Houses "Wanted Articles for Sale by- Houses to Lrt Private Contract Lodgings, &c., Wanted Articles Lost or Lodgings, &c., to Let Found On Three Six Words Inc«'rtion. Insertions. Insertions. d. s. d. s. d. 20 1 t1 2 6 4 b 1 6 4 0 6 6 4-1) 2 0 5 6 8 6 Births, Deaths, and Marriages. One Shilling for three lines. No Credit Advertisement is charged less than 2s. 6d. Remittances Dot exceeding 5s may be made in h:a.lf¡,enny (o.ta;ge stamps. Po't-of?i"e ind Ckeaues to be inado payable to FREDERICK E. Ban. WHITE STAR LINE. ROYAL AND UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. NOTICE. The Steamers of this Line the Lane Routes recommended by Lieut. ilaury, on botli the Outward and Homeward passages. LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK, Forwarding Passengers to all parts of the United States and Canada. THESE well-known magnificent Steamere are appointed JL co sail weekly as under, carrying: Her Majesty's and the U llited States bils:- CELTIC Thursday, 14th October. BRITANNIC Thurfcd £ .jc,"23rd October. ADRIATIC — Tuesday,—Sth October. GKiiMANIC— Thursday 6th November. BALTIC Tuesday, 11th November. FROM NEW YORK. ADRIATTO — Thursday, 9th October. GEKMANIC Saturday,0.8th October. The^e s- >eudid vessels reduce the passage to the shortest possible tilae, and afford to passengers the highest degree of comfort hitherto attainable at sea. Avera^ pai-aage, sj days in summer 9 £ d;V7s in winter. Eack ?es-el is constructed in 7 water-tight compartments. The saloon, 'Sadies' .boudoir, state rooms, and smoking rooms wre amidships, and are luxuriously furnifhed and fitted with all r.uilerc conveniences, pianos, libraries, electric bells, bathrooms, barber's shop. See. Saloon ivs-age, 15, 18, and 21 guineas. Return tickets at reduced nites.. The ago accommodation is of the very highest charac- ter, the vcoms tire unusually spacious, well lighted, ventilated, and WLBTSIIO'I, ,wid passent^ers of thi- class will find their comfort-carefully studied, aud the provisioning ■■unsurpassed. Stewardesses in steerage to fitteud the women and children. Drattt. issued cc New York tree of charge. For freight or jyassasre apply to W. H. TKiton, 3. High- street; Hill, Wrexham; er to ISMAY, DURIE and Co., 10, WaSer-street, Liverpool, and 34, Leadcnhall- 190 street, London, E.C. v L> Y w Y S O (* A E T ii A (THE PRINCIPALITY). tJfJi!ishedcvery Friday, Price One Poony: uE^EfiAL WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PRINTED I liiK WBLS&L LANGUAGE, AND ADVOCAT- ING CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES. v u Y\YYSûGAETH h:s a very extensive .;ir«ab.tion, 'bai!i*r sold by Agests in almost EVERY TOWN aiici HAifLKT in Noc:h and Sontfc Wal-as; in L«<adoo,Liverpool, Manchester, Chaster, &c.. &e. T ifvwrsooisrH not a Loon, hut NATIONAL NEWSPAPELI. w-ith a widespread circulation. Y L'VwvftOCAETH—Advertisers man- feel assure-—>is the test if no t tbe only modium wheroby their announce KOLITS can be SIMTJKB^J-'ECUSLY per;J»ed in every county TUKOCGHOUT THE WHOLE OF All Orders, &c.. to the publisher, J. Morris, Y 4)f WT8V4ARTH Oiftt. Myl, Flintshire. co b of the Blood is the iMJi." /Y.ARKli'S WOsELD FAMED BLOOD \_y MIXTURE. Trade Mark—Blood Mixture_" THE GREAT BLOOD KJRIFIER & RESTORER. For Cleansing and Clearing the Bleed from All impurities, cannot be too <highly rocomr>fciiied. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Diseases, ted sores of aU kaids it is a never fafltsg and permanent tcure. 1. C fires Old Sores Cutes Ulcerated Sor in the Neck (.Jures Ulcerated Cures Blackhead;, or E'usples on Face Cores Scurvy Sores Cares Cancerous Ulcers Cares Blood and Skin Diseases Cures glandular Swelluigs Clears the Blood from all Impure Mattes; from whatever cause arismg. Ai tb's mixture is pleasant to the taste, and wsasiiited free trom anytniag injurious to the most delicate consti- tution of either MX, the Proprietor solicits suffeieec to give ic a trial to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS FJWU ALL PASTB. Sold in Bottles 2s. 6d. each, and in Caies containing times, the quantity lis. each, sufficient to effect a per- Hianent cure in 1 asi-standing cases, by all Chemists aM Patent Medicine Ven lors throughout the United Kingdom ] ad the world or sent to any address on receipt of 30 or 182 stamps, by t. J. CLARKE, Chemist, High-street, LINCOLl\, WHOLESALE AGENTS:— Barclay & Sons, London, and all the Wholesale Houses 28 ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex, acquired or constitutional, Gravel, •nd pains in the back. Sold in boxes, 4s Gd each, by all chemists and patent medicine vendors; or sent to any address for CO stamps by the maker. F. J. Clarke, con- sulting chemist, High-street, Lincoln. Wholesale Agents, Barclay and Sons, London, and all the Wholesale Houses. 43 HEALTH FOR ALL! HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. This great Household Medicine ranks amongst the jading recessaries of life. THESE famous Pills purify the Blood, JL and act most powerfully, yet soothingly on the LIVBB, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, and Bowels, giving tone, energy, and vigour to these preat Main Springs of Life. They are confidently recommended as a never failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become mpaired or. weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious n all ailments incidental to Females-of all ages; and M a GENEBAL FAMILY MEDICINE, are unsur- passed. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. It* Searching and Healing Properties are known through- out the world. For the enrt of Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, OLD WOUNDS, SORES, AFD ULCERS, atIíI as infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the meek and chest, as salt into meat, it cnres Sore Throat, Diphtheria, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and even Asthma. For Glandular Swellings, Abscesses, Piles, Fistulas, OOtJT) RHEUMATISM, aDd every kind of Skin Disease, it has never been known to fail. Both Pills and Ointmen are Sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the Civilised World. 360 i tfrrabesrnm's ::4bbnssts WATCHES. PRIZJ MEDALS AWARDED. International E xhibition, London, 1862 Paris, 1867; Philadelphia, 1876. If you want a. GOOD WATCH, warranted to keep CORRECT TIME, send a Post-Office Order to .„ J. gEWILL, WATCH MANUFACTURER, e:, SOUTH CAfcTLE-STREET, LIVERPOOL, and 30, CORJTUILL, ROYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON, And you will receive by return of post, securely packed, a first-class LEVER WATCH, (Warranted to keep correct time, and suitable for a Lady or Gentleman. S E W I L L S Situer Lever To wind and set Hands from the back. rr c In all sizes, suitable for Ladies,^ Gentle- >V ATCllEk. men. Youths, and Mechanics. I £3 3s. The same in Hunting Cases £3 3s. SEWILL'S English Silver Talent Detached Lever Capped, Jewelled, and Warranted. All the latest improvements, in Sizes, for BATCHES. Ladies, Gentleman, Youths, and Me- chanics. £ 4 4s. £ 5 5s. £ 6 6s. The same in Hunting Cases, £5 5s. SEWILL'S Gold Lecer To Wind and Set Hands from the back. „ „ In all sffces suitable for Ladies, Gentle- W A T 0 H E S. men and Youths. £5 5s. SEWILL'S Enqlisk Paten I Detected 18 Carat Fine Gold Lexer Panned Jewelled, aad Warranted. All the latest improvements, in sizes, for WATCHES. Ladies and Gentlemen. Same as tho-e for whi h Prize Medals of International Exhibitions, London, 18G2, and Paris, 18G7, were awarded. All the above may be had ieylpss, that is, to wind up and set hands from the yetdaut without a key, at an extra cost of £2 2s in Silver Cases, and 10s in Gold. — SEWILL'S Presentation In great variety: combining 'beauty of design with perfection ot workman- WATCHES.! ship. 1jP' From £2 3* to 100 Guineas. j S E W I L L S Marble, Bronze, and Gik In onr Show Rooms are to be found the finest Stock in the kingdom; suitable CLOCKS, i for Hall, Library, Boudoir, Urawing, and Dining Room. Estimates given for Clocks for Churches, Turrets, and public Luildings. LARGEST STOCK IN ENGLAND TO SELECT FROJI ø' Chronometer Maker to.the Right Honourablethe Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, Her Majesty's Royal Navy, &c., &c. fag- Money Orders to be made payable to J. SEWXLL, Cl, SOUTH CASTLE STREET LIVERPOOL. OK,-30, CORNHILL, ROYAL EXCHANGE LftNDON. Illustrated Catalogue.fpo3t free on application. 33 II A LIST OF POPULAR MEDICINES. THE ILODON pATENT MEDICIKE.j COMPAKf 1 KEEP thetfonowiaR first class preparations on hand, sod for being the best medicines tor their different purposes I-thev can give their unqualified enor8eent, knowing that in each case they will give entire satisfaction. They are kept by no other honse in London, we having secured the Sole Ag#*cy. Wo will, therefore, on receipt of price attached, send them to an;' part of the world, securely packed and free •frorniobservatioii. Moaey may bf. sent either by Cheque, Post-office Order, Registered Letter, or in Postage Stumps. All letters to be .adoressed and Cheques made payable to— Registered Letter, or in Postage Stamps. All letters to be :adoreafed and Cheques made payable to— LONDON PATENT MEDICINE CO., ■i J 4 aid 5, Agfcr-street, Strand, Lomdon, W.C. CANCER SPECIFIC. ■ybe-inteoduction of Eingwood's Cancer and Tsinour Specific this (country has utterly exploded the common tueory thd vcanoer is incurable. It must be pleasant for persons afflicted with that dreadful disease to know that one course of Uittg.wood'-fe Cancer and S'umour Specific will cure the worst | font of canoer or tumouriwithout the necessity of &ny surgical operation. My its timely use many hundreds of lives have beeneaved. Xt instantly retioves all pain. It is, undoubtedly, the greatest icedical disco-very of the 19th century. A full course, which iI6 nearly suKEcient for any ease, sent securely packed and free from observation to any part of the Muntry, on receipt of 60s. AYER'S OPTIC FLUID. Cures all Diseases of the Eyt.and Dimness of Vision. Gives immediate benefieul results. Sold in bottles at 2s 6d and 4s each. CANTON'S NEURALGO-RHEUMATIC ELIXIR. For the immedJiatereJief and permanent cure of Neuralgia, Rheumatism and Gout. Three bottles will permanently cure the worst case. Soló ia bottles at k ea«h, or is for IUs. DENT'S ANTI-FAT REMEDY. For the removal of corpulence. It is purely vegetable and < perfectly harmless. It acts upon the food in the stomach, preventing its being converted into fat. It will reduce a fat person from three to six poumls a week. Sold in bottles at 5s md 7s 6d each. REID'S KIDNEY REMEDY. It is not a CUKE-ALL, BUT for diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder it is a Specific. It is convenient to earry, pleasant to take, and does not taint tlv. breath, and positively cures all forms of Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Sold in bottles at lis and 78 6d eacl1. POTTER'S ALKALINE EESOLVENT. For Dyspepsia. Sour Stomach, Heartburn. Flatulence, aud accumulation of Gas on the Stomach. Sold in bottles at 2s 6d and 4s each. PHOSPHORIC AIR. A medicated vapour for the immediate relief and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Coughs, and all forms of Throat. Diseases, Epilepsy, Loss of Vigour, Impotence, and all Diseases of the Lungs, Air Passages, Nerve Centres and Brain. Do not despair, hesitate, or doubt, fQr It never fails, and it is truly a Spccilic. It is It mdicated vapour appled on a new and scientific principle, the use of which has saved thousands from a premature". To per- sons suffering from Lung and > ervous Diseases it is inraluable, as it goes at once to the air passages and brain, imparting tone, vigour, brain power, IInd vital force to the mOst depressed. Being very pleasant to use it can s:ifely be taken by the most delicate. One Month's Treatment and Inhaler sent securely packed to any part of the country on receipt of 208. HOLDEN'S EAR DROPS. A sovereign cure for Deafness and discharges from the ear. Sold in bottles at 5s and 7s 6d each. HENLEY'S HEADACHE PILLS. For immediately relieving and permanently curing all forms of Nervous and Neuralgic Headache. Sold in boxes at 2s 61 and 4s each. ARNOLD'S VITALINE. This is a beautiful nervine, possessing the power of curing nervousness. It at once relieves and cures morbid sensibility of the nerves, weak nerves, nervous twitching and tremulous- ness. Sold in bottles at 5s and 7s Gd each. ARLINGTON'S BLOOM OF VIOLETS. For beautifying and restoring the complexion.—Ladies, do you want a pure blooming complexion y—If so, a few appli- cations of Arlington's Bloom of Violets will gratify you to your heart's content. It removes sallowness, redness, pimples, blotches, and all diseases and imperfection of the skin. It makes a lady of 35 look like 20 and so natural and perfect are its effects, that it is impossible to detect its application. Sold in bottles at 2s 6d and 4s each. BUTLER'S VIGORINE. The Famous Hair Producer. It produces hair on the head and face in the shortest time of any preparation before the public. Sold in bottles at 2s 6d and 4s each. ALLEN'S CONSTIPATION PILLS. For the cure of Constipation [and Piles. Sold in boxes at 28 6d and 4s each. TRADE SU PLIED DIRECT BY LONDON PATENT MEDICINE CO., 4 AND 5, AGAR-STREET, STRAND, W.C., I LONDON. tefosnun's hDr£SSfS. THE GRAND NATIONAL EISTEDDVOD PRIZE MEDALS For Genuine Hand-made WELSH TWEED CLOTH, FISHING CLOTH, FLANNELS, SHIRTINGS,L&ad LINSEYS, at CHESTER in 1868, and ABERYSTWYTH in 1865, were awarded to < JOHN j^JEYRICK JONES, $ MEYRICK HOUSE DOLGELLEY Whose mills have gained considerable celebrity for the manufacture o these articles. J. M. JONES has greatly extended his business, and is now able to supply .wholesale and retail, these unrivalled Welsh Fabrics, which are all manufactured by hand under his own personal superintendence, and can be warranted made of the pick of the pure mountain wools, and free from [my admixture, and at prices far below those charged for inferior articles usually sold as Welsh by English Manufacturers. Clothing made from these Welsh Tweed Cloths is worn by the nobility and gentry for shooting, fishinsr, cricketing, travelling, &c., and is always found to be very durable.—Wholesale and retail orders executed on the shortest notice. Cash or references expected with all new orders. Patronised by Her Royal Highness the Princess oj Wales, the Clergy, Nobility, and Gentry of Engwnd and Woks. LIST OF PRICES Welsh Wynnstay Shooting Cloth. 2s Od per yard. Clotli for Fishina Suits (very superior). 2s 6d „ „ Tweed Cloth (from Picked Wools) 4s 3d Five per cent discount for cash. THE SNOWDON AND IDRIS WELSH WHITTLE SHAWLS. N.B.-Dolgelley being the terminilof two branches of railways, there is every convenience to send any articles ordered without delay to any part of the kingdom, and at very reasonable charges. CAUTION.—Mr J. MEYHICK JONES regrets that he should have occasion to caution his friends against the practices ol certain unprincipled persons, who have sent spurious patterns to several of bis customers, professing to be Welsh Tweeds and Flannels. Patterns of the genuine hand-loom Welsh Webbs, Welsh Tweeds, Flannels, an Linseys can be insured by application to Mr J. M. JOKES, Manufacturer, Dolgelley. Patterns sent post free to any addresss. J. W. BENSON, V/ATCH AND CLOCK MAKER TO THE QUEEN AND ROYAL FAMILY, And by Special Appointments to IJ.P,.Tl. ITHE PRINCE OF WALES, H.I.M. THE EMPEROR OF RUSSIA, AND THE MAHARAJAHS OF BURDWAN AND JOHORE. PRIZE MEDALS—LONDON, DUBLIN, AND PARIS. BENSON'S WATCHES, Of every Description, suitable I for all climates, from 2 to 200 guireas. Chronographs, Chron- ometers, Keyless, Lovers, Pre- sentatioi), Repeaters, Railway Guards', Soldiers, and Work- man's Watches of Extra Strength. BENSON'S CLOCKS, For Churches, Turrets, or Public Buildings, Dining or Drawing Room, Library, Cnrriage,Clmrch, Hall, or Shop, Perpetual Calen- dars, Wind Dials, &c. NOVELTY—"EAKLY ENGLISH" Clocks, in Wood and Ormwlu, Decwnted with Blue Chir.a, Wedgwood, &c, from £ j 5s. Made solely by BENSON. BENSON'S GOLD AND ;SILVEIt JEWELLERY, I Of every Description, in the Richest and Newest Designs, at the Lowest Prices compatible with good workmanship. I Brooches, Bracelets, Necklets, Locke's, Rings, Earrin!!s, &c. and also in Diamo ids and Precious Stones. BENSON'S" ,Yorkmr.n's C.5 5s Silver English Lever. (Warranted). BENSON'S "Everybody's" Silver Watch, with Crvstnl Glass. (Warranted). BENSON'S Silver and Eleetro-Plate.—For ltace and Athletic Meetings, Presei.ta- tions or HoiiceJioM Cue. Special Ovxiym and. Estimates Free. BENSON'S XLW ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS on WATCHES, CLOCKS. TURRET CLOCKS, PLATE, and JEWELLERY sent Post Free, 2d each. Watches sent safe by l'ost to all parts of the World. Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery skilfully Repaired by Experienced Workmen. Plate, Jewellery, and Watches Bought and Exchanged. CLUBS SUPPLIED. STEAM FACTOHY AND CIT SHOW ROOMS:—LUDGATK HILL. LONDON. WEST-END ESTABLISHMENT :—25, OLD BOND STREET, ESTABLISHED 1749. 37 —————————————————————————— Second Edition.—Just Published, Price 2s. 6d. T' BE EXTRAORDINARY CASES of CURE EFFECTED by MOKISON'S PILLS, of the British College of Health, London, containing the statements of the parties themselves, as regards thecarrying out of Hygeian System of Medicine. May be had of all Chemists and Book- ■seliers. Ml persons should also read the MORISONIAXA," price One Shilling, wh:ch may be had by post from the British College of Health, London. MORISON'S VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL MEDICINES, Nos. 1 and "2. may be had of all Chemists and Medicine Vendors,in Boxes at 7id,, ls. 1-Jd., 2s. 'Jet., 4s. 6(1.. and Family Bosses at lis. each; also tho V EG STABLE CLEANSING 0 POWDERS, at ls. ljd. each, and the OINTMENT in Pots, at Is. l £ d. and 2s. 9d. each. 783 RUPTURES. WHITE'S MOC-MAIN PATKNT LEVER TRUSS CO., LIMITED. WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS IS allowed by upwards of 500 medical men to be the most effective invention in the curative treat- went of HERNIA. The use of a steel spring, so often hurtful in iss effects, is roiled, a soft bandaire 'being worn round the body, while the requisite resist- ing power is supplied by the MOC-MAIN PAD and 'PATENT LEVER, fitting with so much ease and that it cannot !'e detected, and may be worn during sleep. A descriptive circular may be had of the Manufacturers. 228, Piccadilly, London. Single Trass, 16s., !!h1., 20« 6d., and i;ki.; Double Truss, 31a 6d., 42s, and 528 (id; Umbilical Truss, 42s and 6d. Post free. P.O. Orders payable to JOHN WHITE, Post-office, Piccadilly. ELASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE-CAPS. &c., 4s 6d, 7s 6d, 10s, and 16: each, post tree. CHEST EXPANDING BRACES (for both sexes). Fur Gentlemen they act as a, substitute for the ordi- nary bracus for Children they are invalwable, 5s 6d, ,7s -6,1, lus Gd, 15s 6d, and 21s each, post free. JOHN WHITE & CO., j MANUFACTURERS, 228, PICCADILLY, ] LONDON. 41 BLAIR'S GOUT PILLS. THE GREAT REMEDY FOR GOUT AND RHEUMATISM. SURE, SAFE, and EFFECTUAL. No restraint of diet required during their use All Chemists, at Is 1 and 2 91 per box. 42 a RIDE TO KHIVA 1\ BY CAPTAIN FRED BURNABY. Royal Horse G naros. Page 13 say. "Two pairs of boots lined with fur were alio taken; and for pliysie-witli which it is as well to he supplied when travelling in out-of-the-way places—some qui- nine, and Cockle's Pills, the latter a most invaluable medicine, and one which I have used ou the natives of Central Africa with the greatest possible success. In fact, the marvellous effects produced upon the min t and body of an Arab Sheik, who was impervious to all native medicines, when admistered to him five COCKLE'S PILLS will never fade from my memory and q, friend of mine, who passed through the same district many months aitei wards, informed me that my fame as a medicine man had not oied out, but that the marvel- lous cure was even then a theme of conversation in the bazaar." pee BURNABY'S RIDE TO KHIVA, Page 13. A GOOD FAMILY MEDICINE CHEST with a prudent use, has saved many a life; and yet we think the idea might be improved upon, and reduced to a more simple form. Take some good compound, such as COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, and we find that the desired end may be obtained without scales and weights, or little mysterious compartments or en- chanted bottles, with crystal stoppers. Others, might be used, but COCKLE'S PILLS as tested by many thousands of persons, and found to anwe their purpose so well may be set down as the best.—Observer. A RIDE TO KHIVA BY CAPTAIN FRED BURNABY, Royal Horse Guards. Page 13 says "Two pairs of boots lined with fur were also taken, and for physic—with which it is as well to be supplied when travelling in out-of-the-way places-some qui- nine, and Cockle's Pills, the latter a most invaluable medicine, and one which I have used on tke natives of Central Africa with the greatest possible success. In fact, the marvellous effects produced upon the mind and body of an Arab Sheik, who" as impervious to all native medicines, when I administered to him five COCKLE'S PILLS will never fade from my memory; and a friend of mine, who passed through the same district many months afterwards, informed me that my fame as a medicine man' had not died out, but that the marvel- lous cure was even then a theme of conversation in the Bazaar." SEE BURNABY'S RIDE TO KHIVA, Page 13. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS THE OLDEST PATENT MEDICINE. In Boxes at Is lid, 2s 9d, 48 6d, and 11s. C 0 C K L E SAN B I L IOU S P ILL S In use among all classes of society. SEVENTY-NINE YEARS. May be had throughout the United Kingdom, In boxes at Is lid, 9d, 4s 6d, and lis. 18 New Ormond Street, London. 379 NERVOUS DEBILITY.—GRATIS, a Medieal Work showing sufferers how they may be cured without the aid of Quacks. Free on receipt of postage stamp. Address, SECRETARY, Institute 01 Anatomy, ^Birmingham, 4M PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC purifies and enriches the blood. PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC etren^sae the nerves and muscular system. PEPPEii'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC promote* appetite and improves digestion. PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC animate J- the spirits and mental faculties. PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC, in scrofula wasting diseases, neuralgia, sciatica, indigestion, 2ata- l'-nce, weakness of the chest and respiratory Vegans ague, levers of all kiuds. c pEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC thoroughly 1. recruits tne general bodily health, and induces a prooer healthy condition of the nervous and physical loroes is sold by chemists everywhere in capsuled bottles, containing 32 cl0K'f'. ,0ll; size, lis. The name cf J. PEPPER is on the label in red ink. rpARAXACUM AND PODOt-HYLLIN-AS-.udeombina- X tion tor derangement of the liver, particularly when al;ls^ f gently stimulating action of the liver and sligntly moving the bowels, the' fceavv drowsy sensations of fulness, often headache, pain beneath the shoulders, at the chest after eating, unpleasant taste in the mouth, and other indications of dyspepsia are removed. liiraxacum uiid Portophylliu is safer than calomci or blue nili lor removing nle.—Prepared in the laboratory of J PEPPJ3B London whose name must be ou the label. Bottles, 2s 9tL and -Is Cd. sold by all chemists. Q 1"LPH0J-INE LOTION.—An external remedy for skin V diseases. Ihe most inveterate obstinate eruptions and pimples are suinlued by Sulpboline, and a clear healthy skin developed. 1 hose complaining ot tender, reddened and 11 ntable skins, or affected by the sun, rough winds, &c' and evensutferers iromeonsututionalskin oiseases, willderive'tfrwS benefit ami comfort by using Sulpholine Lotion -which has powerful conserving and salutary action,- emoves the eSect ot coustaiu p- lspiratiou, and maintains the cuticle in a free Healthv condition. Bottles. 2s 9d. sold by all chemists. /IRACROFT'S ARECA NUT TOOTH PASTE —Bv Uf,n? S aromatic dentifrice, the enamel of the teeth b conies white, sound, and pobshed like fine ivory It is exceedingly fragrant, and specially useful for removing 27odrea"hnefcefcSirs)SOld b>' chemiats' *><*6, Is and 2s üd each. ((.;(>t Deafness,, NOISES IN THE EARS, &C. &C- D^. LLAJC S ESSENCE or deafness has proved an extraordinary remedy. It always relieves, generaS cures. Sold in bottles at ls l$d and 2s 9d, by all chemists T OCKYEfJ'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER —Fo J-J restoring the colour of ihe hair. T OCX YE I. SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER will darken J-J £ ,'ey nair, ariu in a few <iays res:ore comnlefelv the natural colour. Trie effect is superior to that produced by an he^l-it'ni ^v' Sulphur Restorer docs not injure hairdressers 6 'S' ls 6d eacU' by demists and -r OCKYER-S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER while L keeping the Itaii-it-s proper colour, is useful for removins si-urt, no othi r application being necessary to eacourage th« ft-rowih ol new hair. 44 A FACT WORTH KNOWING. BEECH AM'S PILLS V admitted by Ihousands to be worth abovo a GUINEA a Box for bilious and nervous disorders, such as wind and pain at the stomach, sick lieada-ehe, giddiness, fulness and swellings after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flush1 ngs of heat, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, cos- tireHt-ss, scurvy, blotches on the skill, disturbed sleep, fright- ful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations &c &c. 1 he first dose will give relief in 20 minutes. Thh is no fiction, for they have done it in'thousands of cases' The 1 roprietor of these pills having obtained (at great expense) a patent for them he challenges the whole world to produce a medicine equal to them for removing the above- named complaints, and restoring the patient to sound and la,snug health. Every suflercr is earnestly invited to try one box of these pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry olf all gross humours, open all obstruc- tiors and bring about all that is required. No Female should be without them. 1 here is no medicine to be found to equal Itt-echam's Pills for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken accordint4- to Ihe directions given with each box they will oon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders-of the liver, they act like MAGIC, and it few doses will be found to work wonders up m the most important organs in the humau machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, 1 estore the long-lost complexion, bring- back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action wirh the rose-bud of health, the vh,Ie physical energy of the human fraiae. inese are facts admitted by thousands, embracing all classes ?ne best i^uaraufcees to the nervous and debilitated is. Beecham s Pill* have the largest sale of any* patent medicine in the world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy f:r cou. hs in general, asthma, difficulty in nreiLtjiiLg, shortness of breath, tightness and oppression of the chest, wheezinjr, &c., these pills stand unrivalled- and any one labouring under any of the above complaints need only try One B"x to prove that they are tke best ever offered to the public tor asthmatic and consumptive coughs, hoarse* nest-, unci oppression of the chest. They speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing, which nightly deprive the patient of rest. They give almost instant relief aud comfort to those afflicted with the above distressing, and, when neglccted, dangerous complaints. Let any persons troubled with any of the above complaints trive BEECHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial. The most violent cough will in a short time be removed. Caution.—The public are requested to notice that the words 'BEECHAiI'fc> PILLS, St. Helen's," are on the Government Stamp aiiixed to each box of pills; if not on they are a forgery. Prepared only, and sold wholesale and retail, by the pro- prietor, T. Beecham, St. Helen's, Lancashire, in boxes at Is ld and 2s 9d each. Sent post free from the proprietor for lo or 3(> stamps. Hold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers iriltht United Kingdom,. Full directions are given with eaoh box. 46 DISEASE PREVENTED, JJEALTH RESTORED, By the use of I K A Y ES WORSDELL'S PILLS, Which the experience of over 50 years proves to be the BEST FAMILY MEDICINE. THEY Purify the Blood. Cleanse the System. Remove Obstructions. j Improve the Bigestio*, Establish the Health. Establish the Health. Sold everywhere at ls l^d., 2s 9d„ and 4s 6d per box, 928 1 ij¡;rahtsm£u's WREXHAM. J E. POWELL, General Furnishing Ironmonger, Iron Merchant, Agricultural Imple- ment Dcpot G Town Hill, and 6 Abbot Street. 55 JEWING MACHINES. Agent for the Singer, Howe, Wilcox and Gibb's Princess of v Wales, Peabody and a First-class Machines, S. SOTHERN, 21, Charles Street. 56 WILLIAM SNAPE, FAMILY WINE and SPIRIT MERCHANT, LION HOUSE, HIGH STREET. 57 THE "NORTH WALES GUARDIAN" jgTEAM pRINTING O R K S » JL HOPE STREET WREXHAM. The Proprietors beg to intimate that they are prepared to execute GENERAL PRINTING, PLAIN OR COLOURED IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, AT IHE SHORTEST NOTICE, AND UPON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS. Placards and Posting Bills Hand Bills, Show Cards, Pamptftets, .ataloglles, Friendly Societies's iiules. Balance thesis, Accounts, Memorandums, Invoices, Programmes, Circulars, Business Cards, &c. Ex?.o?.inat:cs Papers or Schools, Colliery Pay Sheets, Cheque Red Receipt Books Time Bankruptcy Forms, Articles of Association, Conditions of Sale, &c., at ESTIMATES GIVEN UPON APPLICATION AT THE GUARDIAN OFFICE, HOPS STREET, WREXHAM. "ABSOLUTELY PURE." See Analyses :—Sent Post Free on Application. SoAai, Potass, Seltzer, Ef Ti I S S Soda, Potass, Seltzer, JLi J-i -L W Lemonade, also Water without Alkali. For TT TT T "VT GOUT, Lithia Water, and 1-^1 |J J_ _[J_ _L iN| lithia and Potass Water. WATERS. CORKS BRANDED "R. Ellis and Son, Ruthin," and every label bears their Trade Mark. SOLD EVERYWHERE, AXD WHOLESALE OF R. ELLIS AND SON, RUTHIN, NORTH WALES. 25 W. G A M B L E, TV \J< COLLIERY AGENT, METAL BROKER, MACHINERY AND GENERAL ^MERCHANT. SALES OF COLLIERIES, MINES, IRON WORKS, PLANT, AND MACHINERY. CONDUCTED BY PUBLIC AUCTION OR BY PRIVATE TREATY. OFFICES-13, QUEEN STREET, WREXHAM. Quotations on application for COAL, SLACK, COKE, AND BREEZE. PIG, PUDDLED AND BAR IRON. PLATES, SHEETS, ANGLES. TEES, HOOPS, NAIL RODS. RAILS, New and Second-hand, all Sections. HORSE SHOEING IRON AND NAILS. Bolts and Nuts, Spikes, Rivets. NAILS AND CHAINS. PIPES AND CASTINGS, (Brass and Iron) of every description. BIRMINGHAM AND SHEFFIELD WARES. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. LOCOMOTIVE, FIXED & PORTABLE ENGINES Of all kinds. New and Second-hand Boilers of every description. STEAM PUMPS AND HAND PUMPS. STEAM HAMMERS. HADFIELD'S PATENT STEEL WHEELS & AXLES Rock Drills, Lathes, Drilling and Planing Machines. EMERY WHEELS. PATENT "MULTIPLE" ACTION STONE BREAKERS. AIR COMPRESSORS. ROTARY" PRESSURE BLOWERS. CRANES, WEIGHING MACHINES. PATENT HYDRAULIC LIFTING JACKS, SAW BENCHES. Pulley Blocks, Mortar Mills, Crushers & DisiutegratOflfc WOOD WORKING MACHINES. PAPER AND BRICK MAKING MACHINERY. TANGYE'S PATENT MANUFACTURES. ENGELBERT'S LUBRICATING OIL. NEW AND SECOND-HAND RAILWAY WAGONS' For Cash or on deferred Payment. GALVANISED, CORRUGATED, ANDJOTHEB IRON ROOFING. IRON BUILDINGS. WROUGHT IRON CISTERN AND TANIB. WATER BARRELS. Bowks or Kibbles, Buckets, Baskets and Air RIM IMPROVED PATENT WIRE FENCING. OONTINUOUS IRON FENCING. HURDLES, GATES, AND MISCELLANEOUS IRON MANUFACTURES. WIRE AND OTHER ROPES. Paints, Colours, Varnishes, Oils, GreXfr TALLOW, &c. BLASTING POWDER, BLASTING CARTRIDGE, SAFETY FUSE. COLLIERY, BRIDGE, AND TEE RAILS, the best and cheapest in the market. THE "ODLING" MINERS' SAFETY LAMP. HART'S PATENT "RELIABLE" INJECTOR. IMPROVED IRON SMITHS' HEARTHS. HUDSON'S PATENT STEEL CORVES. GUY'S "INVINCIBLE" MINING STEEL. THE ALPHA AIR GAS MAKING APPARATUS. ENQUIRIES AND ORDERS SOLICITED. ESTABLISHED A.D. 1845. SAMUEL WILLIA, S BIRKENHEAD, GENERAL FURNISHING WAREHOUSEMAN, AND CABINET MANUFACTURER, espectfully announces that his first-clase FURNITURE REPOSITORY, 166 and Ge, ARGYLE-STREET. Birkenhead, is always replete with the NEWEST ATTBACTIONSjmd ,and the LATEST CONVENANCES of FASHION and GOOD TASTE, viz:- A (Furniture Suites in the EARLY ENGLISH, the "RENAISSANCE," JLOUTS A | QUATORZE, and all the modern styles. (Very choice CARPETS, after samples in the recent Paris Exhibition. TheT'New JR <? ORIENTAL SQUARES for Borders in Parqueterie, and all the|Latest^DesignB ( and Fabrics in Floor Covering Substitutes. ( and Fabrics in Floor Covering Substitutes. ("BEDSTEADS of the most Artistic Designs and Approved Construction f and Q J BEDDING Requisites of the highest excellence ana purity, at prices Lbased on ( special arrangements with the Manufacturer, ( special arrangements with the Manufacturer, CURTAIN Appointments and UPHOLSTERY Appliances from |the3"Lightest I) Gossamer Summer Fabrics to the Richest Tapestries, Brocades, Silkfand Satin ( Repps. f .NL.B.-The Best WAREHOUSE ACCOMMODATION for Storing Furniture: in Dry Rooms. All Estimates Free. CABINET MANUFACTORY & GENERAL FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, 66 AND 68, ARGYLE STREET, BIRKENHEAD. 74