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Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. AMERICA. (PER ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH.) Advices from Mexico, published in the New York journals; announce positively the capture of Queretaro by the Liberals on the 15th of May, Maximilian, Mejia, and Miramon are prisoners. The San Luis Potosi journal states that Jaurez had ordered the Emperor Maximilian and his officers to be shot. Mr. McCnllock, the Secretary of the Treasury, has written a letter, in which he expresses his opinion that a temporary increase of the public debt is un- avoidable. (PEE THE HAMMONIA.) The amended Mississippi petition for an injunction to restrain the carrying out of the Reconstruction Act Was finally dismissed by the Supreme Court on the ground that it had no jurisdiction. Mr. Seward has been examined before the Judiciary Committee relative to the assassination of Mr. Lincoln. The Committee have also summoned General Burton to testify concerning his conversations with Mr. Davis. [PER THE NEW YORK.] General Pope has deposed the mayor and the chief of the police at Mobile, and appointed a successor. The order deposing the police force at Mobile has been re- voked. General Sickles has prohibited the distillation from grain in his district, oa account of the scarcity of food. The Fenians are active throughout the country. Nu- merous and large enthusiastic meetings have been held. It is reported that a large force is being organised to invade Canada. Stores are being accumulated for that purpose. The Union League Club 'are about to arraign Mr. Horace Greely for becoming security for Mr. Davis. FRANCE, The Moniteur de Soir publishes an account of the reception by the Emperor of the deputation from the Universal Tourist Company, who have arrived from England to arrange for the economical visit to Paris of the working men of the United Kingdom. The Presi- dent made the following address to the Emperor :— The English workmen are coming to see and com- pare the international products exhibited, and to derive therefrom fresh motives for emulation. They are coming to contemplate a capital embellished by your hands. Above all, they are coming to interchange sentiments of cordiality with the workmen of France. God alone knows if peace will endure, but the tourists hope that these ardent demonstrations of inter- national courtesy will entirely efface the .ancient feelings of ill-will which progress and civilization, directed by your Majesty, have, up to the present time. restrained. The gracious reception accorded by the Emperor to English industry will be a new element of international friendship. We entertain sincere wishes for your health and that of the -Empress and the Prince Im- perial." In consequence of the representations of France and Austria the arbitrary measures adopted towards the Jews by the Government of the Danubian Principalities have at once been withdrawn. The Viceroy of Egypt is expected here about the 15th ?r 20th of June, and will remrin in Paris ten days. It is asserted that his Highness has been invited by the Sultan to make the voyage to France with His Majesty On board the same steamer. A fresh disagreement has arisen between the Govern- ment and the Committee on the reorganization of the army. The question at issue has reference to the dura- tion of.the annual term of service of the National Garde Mobile. The Committee desire to fix the duration of this service at 15 days yearly, whereas the Government demand that it should last 25 days; it is, however, hoped that an arrangemen t will be arrived at. The Minister of War has ordered the artillery regi- ments of the French army to be reduced to a peace footing. The French military mission to Bucharest will .leave for that town at the beginning of June. A conference of the International Society for the re- lief of wounded soldiers-will sit in-Paris from, ihe ,26th to the 30th of August next. It is believed that the squadron stationed here will leave shortly for Genoa, to escort the royal family Of Italy, who are coming with Prince Napoleon to visit the Paris Exhibition. The squadron will subsequently proceed to Ivlalta to escort the Sultan, .together with the English squadron. The Bey of Tunis is expected here shortly, and will have to be detained in quarantine. Abdcl-Kader is also expected on board the corvette Forbin. The proximate arrival of Prince Muley Abbas, elder brother of the Emperor of Morocco, is also announced. The Prince will be charged to represent his brother, and will leave Tangier for France with a brilliant retinue at the commencement of July. Telegraphic communication has been restored between Sicily and Algeria. M. Melaton has been elected a member of the French .Academy. It is stated that the Queen <ef Spain will leave Madrid for this canital on the 20th inst. The Bank of France has reduced its .rate of discount ;from 3 to 2J per cent. PRUSSIA. The prohibition against the importation of cattle from Bavaria has been extended to the district of Treves. The Federal Council of the North German Confade- ration will probably reassemble in the beginning o August. The Upper House of the Prussian Diet has unani- mously adopted the Constitution for Northern Germany. It is believed that the new election of members for the German Parliament will take place on the 15th of July. The Federal Council will meet on the 1st of August and the Parliament itself on the 1st of September. The elections to the Prussian Chambers in the newly acquired Prussian provinces will be held at the beginning of October. The Prussian Government has opened confidentia negotiations with the Cabinet of Copenhagen with the view of explaining the conditions which will have to be fulfilled by Denmark on the restoration of the districts of North Schleswig. These conditions refer to .the as- sumption by Denmark .of a proportionate part of the public debt of the Duchies, and to a guarantee to be undertaken by the Danish Government for the national protection of the German inhabitants of the .district, about to be restored. AUSTRIA. The Committee for the Control of the Public Debt have published a report, from which it appeals that the total amount of the public debt of Austria at the end of 1866 was 2,919,717,689 florins. The draft of the address of the Upper House of the Reichrath is chiefly a paraphrase of the speech from the throne. It points out that a retrogade step in the matter of the compromise with Hungary is impossible Without placing restrictions upon the liberty of the people. In the arrangements already effected with Hungary the Upper House of the Reichrath sees the starting point for the settlement of the constitutional question. It does not conceal its anxiety with reference to the ,state rights of the monarchy, but recognises at the some time the urgency of the existing circumstances. The draft further declares that the co-operation of the Upper House in the arrangement with Hungary can- not be dispensed with. It also proclaims that the peoples of Austria ardently desire an honourable and lasting peace, and concludes by expressing the con- viction that it is necessary that the Government should ally itself with the creative, and, at the same time, preservative, idea of the present age. On the 3rd inst. the Minister of War, in the Lower House of the Reichsrath,, replied to the interpellation re- specting the works which are being earned on for the fortification of Vienna. The Government, he said, had no intention of fcransforroin0, the capital into a fortress, and therefore the apprehensions of injury to commerce were groundless. It is intended, with the approbation of the district authorities, to erect within two miles of Vienna ten forts, to form the nucleus of other necessary outworks. Four of these forts are to be erected this year. The cost of the entire scheme of fortification is estimated at 11 mil- Lnnnnn fl 8' v n^uut already expended is 200,000 floras, which willbe met by the sum at the disposal of the Government from the indemnity mid bv Italy upon the cession of Venetia. The Government Will ask the Reichsrath, m a constitutional manner for the remainder of the amount required. The debate upon the address in reply to the speech from the throne then commenced. Herr Toman spoke against the draught of the address. In the Upper House the draught of the addiess in reply to the speech from the throne also came on for discussion. Herr von Wickenburg made a speech in favour of the draught, in which he laid stress upon the necessity of a solution of tne ecclesiastical question in Austria. Herr Hasner delivered a long speech con- demning the report of the Hungarian Committee of Mxty-seven from a formal, legal, and political point of view, stating, however at the same time, in reference r^n5dPVP?rcreated Position of public affairs, that he considered it necessary to break with the former Austria, lov 1ft Vlew circumstances, with the same loyalty towards the EmPer0r as heretofore.

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