Papurau Newydd Cymru

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SALES Y AUCTION. i WELSHPOOL SMITHFIELD. MONDAY, JANUARY 15, 1894. MESSRS. MORRIS; MARSHALL, & POOLE "will Sell by Auction a number, of Prime FAT CATTLE, SHEEP AND PIGS, Alsdt Quantity .f STORE STOCK. Further Entries "solicited. r 280 HORSES. SPECIAL TWO DAYS PRIZE HORSE SALES AT WREXHAM NEXT WEEK, between Shrewsbury and > Chester (12) G.W.Ry. .————— THU-P SDAY next, Jan. lIth, 130 Grand Waggon Horses, Light Lurry and Van Horses, 1, 2 and 3 year old Geldings and Fillies (being one of the best lots ever offered in Wales.) FRIDAY, Jan. 12th, 160 fine Hunters, high-class Harness Horses, grand Welsh Cobs, and match pairs, and excellent Ponies. Parade and Judging at 10 30. Sale at 12 10 Catalogues from FRANK LLOYD, Wrexham, Sole Proprietor and Originator of tho North Wales Horse Sales. OSWESTRY SMITHFIELD. WHITFIELD'S liALT AND STORE STOCK AUCTIONS. EVERt WEDNESDAY at 10.30. T EAltLY ENTRIES SOLICITED. JOHN JONES, Maltster, Horse Dealer, Manor House, —npoDTTitriYr GOOD PRICES GIVEN FOR BEST BARLEY. SEVERAL FIRST-CLASS HACKNEY, AND CART HORSES ALWAYS ON HAND. THE COAL WAR AT AN END. NOTICE. MR. C. H. MATTHEWS, FOREIGN AND COLONIAL WOOL AGENT, Mount Pleasant, NEWTOWN, Has made arrangements with a Staffordshire Colliery Proprietor for the delivery of the BEST HOUSE COAL, either by Load or Truck. Any of his friends requiring the same can have particulars on application. ENGLISH AND FOREIGN WOOL AGENT. PR • > < (LATE HUGHES), BULLS HEAD RESTAURANT. WILLOW STREET, OSWESTRY. ESTABLISHED 1835. HOT DINNERS DAILY From 12 to 3. COLD MEATS, CHOPS, STEAKS, FISH, At any hour. TEAS, &c. Fine Draught Ales, Bottled Stout, Wines, Cigars, and Mineral Waters. Home- Brewed, Bass and Worthington's Ales. Guinesses Stout. GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR CYCLISTS AND OTHERS. INSURE YOUR STALLIONS, IN-FOAL MARES AND FOALS AND ALL CLASSES OF FARM LIVE STOCK WITH THE HORSE, CARRIAGE & GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LD. The OLDEST OFFICE of its kind in the United Kingdom. CHIEF OFFICE: T 17,QUEEN VICTORIA ST., LONDON, E.C. A. WATERS, MANAGING DIBEOTOB. R. RIDDELL WILSON, SECRETARY, TLE OLDEST ESS IN OSV < Sales ty Public Auction of all kinds «if FAT and STORE STOCK, conducted b^ r- MESSRS. BAYLEY and TINNISWOOD A; Tiutes calculated to Suit the best interest of Farmers and Dealers. Cash on fall of the hammer. ALL FAT AND STORE CATTLE WEIGHED FREE OP CHARGE. ADDRESSES. ESTABLISHED 183L JOHN JONES & SON, Wholesale, Retail, and Family Grocers and Tea Dealers, Hop and Seed Merchants, 13 & 14% Hall St., WELSHPOOL. A TRIAL ORDER SOLICITED. -— BERRIEW. VISITORS To the Picturesque Village of Berriew will find good accommodation at the LION HOTEL. .j' EYJLN D. JARVIS, PAOPBIBKM. j SALTER | AND J ROWLANDS; ) PRINTERS, < BOOKBINDERS, &c. 1 21, BERRIEW STREET, WELSHPOOL. i Printing of every desrfptkm prices. All Orders promptly earned satisfaction guaranteed. A TRIAL SOLICITED. -tZT AARON WATKIN, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, And TIMBER MERCHANT. UNDERTAKER, &c, WELSHPOOL. All Kinds of Building Materials kept in Stock. JOHN WEIR, COAL & LIME MERCHANT, SALOP ROAD, WELSHPOOL. SPECIAL CASH QUOTATIONS FOR TRUCK LOADS OF COAL DELIVERED AT WELSHPOOL STATION. .al PLEASURE BOATS HIRE. TelegramCC WEIR, WIRLSHPOBL." ADDRESSES. E. 0. JONES & SCERE, ENGLISH & FOREIGN TIMBER MERCHANTS, AND COAL FACTORS, Timber Yard ai*d Saw Mills, RAILWAY STATION,' WELSHPOOL. mtefl Yard and Coal Depot, CANAL WHARF,) MOV&DTKGS, THBELBABSOWS SLATBS TIKES PA)AMO funs SPORES OEM BUFJF RIDGES WLAKTMSGS HDRBLBS FBLLOEll SANTTART PIPB8 COPING MTHS IASDBRS &C. CHI»»I TOPS BRWES, &t. Railway Sleepers, Fencing, and Waggon Scantlings, Collit-y Timber. OHnaaek, WVexb&m, Han wood and otter Coals at prieo FIREWDOB. WESTMINSTER HOUSE, WEJSHPOOL. J. T. D. EVANS, Invites attention to the choice collection now in stock of the latest Styles and Novelties in BLACK AND COLOURED DRESS MATERIALS, > MANTLES, JACKETS, AND CAPES, .,l STRAW AND FELT HATS, BONNETS lND CAPS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS, AND LACES, GLOVES, SILK SQUARES, WoOL WRAPS. And respectfully solicits a visit of ins,ection. -=:- BEBB'S HIGH-CLASS CONFEC TIONERY f EVAN BEBB, WHOLESALE AND FAMILY CONFECTIONER, NEWTOWN, N. Wat 8. *-■». v — SOUPS. ENTREES, JELLIE, CREAMS, ICES, Ac &c. BRIDE, CHRISTENING, BIRTHDAY and CHRISTMAS fAKES, ICED AND ARTISTICALLY DECORATED. ( i SPECIAL ATTENTION TO QUALITY AND ftTLE. CHRISTMAS WINES AND SPIIITS, r ØlI BOTTLES FOR 7S. I0d.~EQUAL TO 0, E GALLON. ,p SAML. MORRIS, CORNIR SHOP. PIANOFORTES, HARMONIUMS, AMERICAN ORGANS, VIOLINS, VIOLIN STRINGS AND FITTINGS, AT WHOLESALE PRICES SPECIAL OFFERS. NO. 1. PIANOFORTE 4 feet high in beautifully « chord Treble Celeste Pedal, engraved and gilded nnnii^ Italian Walnu Case, Iron Frame, Tri- fully finished, stands well in tune with makers' warm nfJfn sconces. a god tone and touch, care- 12 months. For ready money, £ 17. Usual price 28 Sn year8' and kePin tune free for the first NO. 2. PIANOFORTE in well-figured Wain if p neat m appearance, full compass marqueterie front ^igh, 4ft. in. wide, 1ft. 10in. deep, top, carefully finished, with good tone, guaranteed' 7 & este action neat brass sconces, half months for ready money, £ 14. Usual price, 22 guineas. y6arS' and kept in free for tbe first 12 NO. 3. PIANOFORTE in best figured Walnnf- • • sconces and escutcheon, iron frame, strong morticed WvV^!Se<! ^nd &ilded Jinel and trusses, elegant hammers, carefully finished, toned by G. H BELT ri' i0 0, brass tunic- p]ate, nickle bolts, good kept in tune free of charge for 12 months, readv ml- "l tune' ^ranteed for 7 years, and usually sold m the trade for £ 26 ready money list price 35 • 18 a ma&nicient instrument that is NO. 4.—A well-finished HARMONIUM Lara t g*meas- 10 miles from Newtown, ready money, £ 4 IQs anteed for 5 years and deliwed carriage free within NO. 4a. A good-Wd VIOLIN (La^' s J? l!™ ,7rgUineM- NO. 5.—VIOLIN STRINGS. Very W t j Varnish Ebony fb,ittg3. Beady money, 8/6. 6d. each Violin 4ths, the very best manufaetured^lT-f sfee]> lsta, post free, 0d a doz., usually sold at 1/- a dozen. ccured' a doz, usually sold at ± each; Gut strings from ■JFSgr"- ~«- 1/6 a copy, 3/. 1/2, and m Jor H. BELL, Has had over 20 years practical exueripnoa n +u regulating of Pianofortes, Haririoninni« on^I A • 6 tuning, toning, and tunes every instrument he sells four times duri^g^he^rstMT118! ^°"ks carefull3r after and Address; BAY HOUSE, NEWTOWN! WATKIN & JONES, WOOL, SEED AND MANURE MEBCHANTS, WELSHPOOL. LINSEED AND COTTON CAKES ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK. BASIC SLAG FOR AUTUMN SOWING. QUOTATIONS GIVEN UPON A-PPLIC.&TION. ADDRESSES. THE "STAR" COFFEE HOUSE, WELSHPOOL, (NEAR THE TOWN HALL.) GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR COMMERCIALS, VISITORS, &C. TOURIST & TEA PARTIES i CATERED FOR. REASONABLE CHARGES. E. JONES, PROPRIETRESS. E. S. PRICE, SADDLER AND HARNESS MAKER. HARNESS OF THE BEST WORKMANSHIP, (a speciality). SADDLES AND BRIDLES IN VARIOUS QUALITIES. Clippers, Bits, Spurs, Stirrup Irons, Rugs, &c., kept in Stock. PORTMANTEAUS MADE TO ORDER OR REPAIRED. CHURCH STREET, WELSHPOOL. D. LLOYD, 9, BROAD STREET, WELSHPOOL, Has a Splendid Assortment of reliable GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, JEWELLERY, CLOCKS, ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS, SPECTACLES, &e. _J.Ao w THE NOTED SHOP FOR WEDDING RINGS. I WALTER J. DAVIES TAILOR, HATTER, and OUTFITTER, 14, BERRIEW STREET, WELSHPOOL. REGISTRAR OF BIRTHS & DEATHS For the Sub-District of Welshpool. WM. HUMPHREYS, FAMILY GROCER, AND PROVISION DEALER, COUNTY SUPPLY STORES, 4, BERRIEW STREET, WELSHPOOL. NOTED FOR TEAS and COFFEES. ALL GOODS AT STORE PRICES FOR CASH. JOHN THOMAS, CABINET MAKER, AND UPHOLSTERER, 5 & 6, HIGH STREET, WELSHPOOL. ESTABLISHED 1836. THE LARGEST STOCK OF MODERN & ANTIQUE FURNITURE, TO SELECT FROM MAHOGANY & O^OO^SUITES1138' WALNUT DRAWING ROOM. BUIIBB IN GREAT VARIETY; TABLES AND STANDS MARBLE Top, TILED BACK DITTO, BIRCH & MAHOGANY WARDROBES, SOLID OAK AND JAPANNED KITCHEN PIECES, A NUMBER OF FANCY CABINETS IN BROWN, OAK AND WALNUT BROWN OAK WRITING TABLES, 9 DRAWERS, LINED Top; IRON BEDSTEADS, BEDDING AND SPRING MATTRESSES, CARVED WARDROBES, CABINETS, CHAIRS AND CHESTS. FURNITURE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE AND STORED, FUNERALS CONDUCTED WITH ECONOMY ADDRESSES. MONTGOMERYSHIRE CARRIAGE WORKS, SALOP ROAD, WELSHPOOL, AND OSWALD ROAD, OSWESTRY, ESTABLISHED 1837. G. ROGERS & SON. AWARDS-—Two First Prize and Three Silver Medals for Superior Work and Finish. ASSORTMENT OF CARRIAGES OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE ALWAYS IN STOCK. RBPAIBS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. ESTIMATES FREE. M. J. WATERS, FISHMONGER, FRUITERER, and GREENGROCER, No. 5, CHURCH STREET (Opposite the Bull Hotel). WELSHPOOL." CHOICEST FRUIT. i FRESH FISH DAILY. ALL KINDS OF FISH COOKED TO ORDER AT ANY HOUR. ROYAL OAK HOTEL, WELSHPOOL. FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION FOR i. _-»■ .a.t. GENTLEMEN. POSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, BILLIARDS, &e. DAVID RICHARDS, PROPRIETOR. GO TO MRS. BELLIS For Stylish and Cheap MILLINERY, SEVERN STREET, NEWTOWN. CORNER SHOP, LLANFAIR. Mrs. MARY TUDOR, Grocer and Provision Dealer, Begs respectfully to inform her Cus- tomers anU. the Public generally, that she has been appointed Agent for the Sale of W. & A. Gilbey's Wines & Spirits To be supplied at London Prices. ORDERS ARE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. A. PARRY, Saddler, Carriage Gig and Cart Harness Manufacturer, 3, BERRIEW STREET, WELSHPOOL. Stable requisites of every description. Sets of Brown and Black Gig Harness of Superior finish in silver nickeline and brass in stock. Quality and Prices defy Competition. The noted easy fitting Cart Collars. Special attention paid to all kinds of tWt Harness. INSPECTION INVITED. SALES BY AUCTION. OSWESTRY SMITHFIELD. MR. J. C. McKIE (assisted by Mr. LOUIS SHAW) begs to announce that the Town Council has kindly made him a further allotment of pens for the Sale of SHEEP and PIGS in the Oswestry Smithfield, and will sell every \VED?>"ES- DAY, as above. FAT CATTLE at 10.30 a.m., SHEEP at 10.30 a.m., FAT CALVES and PIGS at 11 o'clock. SETTLEMENTS AT THE CLOSE OF SALE. TOWN HALL, WELSHPOOL. TWO NIGHTS ONLY—WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, JAN. 10 and 11, 1894. Reserved Seats, 3s.; Family Ticket to admit four, 10s. 6d.; Front Seats, 2s.; Second Seats, Is.; Back Seats (limited), Sixpence. Doors open at 7 30 sharp. Carriages may be ordered for 10 30. MR. J. DE REES, Of NEWPORT, MON., begsto announce lis Annual Visit with one of his celebrated Companies, who will appear in the MOST POPULAR DRAMA OF THE DAY, the enormously successful play A NOBLE BROTHER." THREE TUNS HOTEL, BISHOP'S CASTLE, SALOP. JOHN ROBERTS, PROPRIETOR, Respectfully announces that Iiis NEIVASSF-MBLY ROOM is now complete, and affords every accom- modation for CONCERTS and DRAMATIC PER- FORMANCES, &c. Terms Moderate. J. R. has also a large Field near to the THREE TUNS, and has every accommodation for-CATTLE DEALERS. WELL AIRED BEDS. Dinners and Luncheons at the shortest notice. Every accommodation for Commercials. Posting in all its Branches. ROBERTS' HOME-BREWED ALES In 4-I, 9, and 18 gallon casks, are noted for tbeir excellence and purity. Agent for all the best Brands of BRANDIES, SCOTCH AND IRISH WHISKEYS, WINES, &c. A trial order respectfully solicited. Note the Address: THREE TUNS HOTEL. BISHOP'S CASTLE. — fc> — MR. JOHN COTTAM, L.D.B. BEGS leare to gire notice that lie will 'attend Professionally, as usual, the following Toww, commencing at ELLESMERE, Oct. 3rd; NEW. TOWN, Dec. 5th; LLANGOLLEN, Oct. 17th; and WELSHPOOL, Dec. 19th and every -awrhabe Tuesday in their turn. COTTAM AND SONS, L.D.S.R.C.S.I., SURGEON DENTISTS, I Caxtou House, OSWESTRY. Oct. 2nd, 1893. ær. THOMAS FARR, Son of the late James Farr, of Salop Road COACH BUILDER, SEVERN STREET, WELSHPOOL. CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS. Attention is drawn to the new POCKET TIME TABLE, issued by the Comyany, shewing ALL TRAINS ON THE CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS, AND LINES IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. ALSO A MAP OF THE LINE, A portable and useful book of reference. To be obtained at all the Company's Booking Offices and principal Railway Bookstalls, and at the General Manager's Office, Oswestry. Price One Penny. ALFRED ASLETT, Secretary and General Manager. Company's Offices, Oswestry, November. 1893. A-. TEETH! TEETH!! TEETH! COWAN & CO.'S FREE DENTORIUM. WHOLESALE ARTIFICIAL TEETH MANUFACTORY. Single Teeth from 3s. Complete Sets from E3. Fit and Quality guaranteed. ONLY BEST MATERIAL USED. Teeth Set on Gold, Platinum and Silver. i. NOTE THE ADDRESS-COWAN & CO., n 18, BROAD STREET, WELSHPOOL.