Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
COUNTY COUNCIL ELECTION. The polling for the election of the Cardiganshire County Council took place yesterday (Friday). The voting proceeded quietly in the borough of Aberystwyth during the day, and little interest seemed to be taken in the election. Four seats are allotted to the town of Aberystwyth, the district being divided into four wards, in three of which there were contests. NO. 1 WARD. The voting for this ward took place at the Old Grammar School, St. Michael's Place, the candi- dates being Mr. W. Hughes-Jones, solicitor, and Mr. J. P. Thomas, chemist. Mr. H. L. Evans acted in the capacity of presiding officer, with Air. Richard Griffiths in the capacity of poll clerk. Captain Morris discharged the duties of personating agent on behalf of Mr. Hughes-Jones, and Captain David Jones represented Mr. Thomas. RESULT. W. H. Jones (I) 148 J. P. Thomas 116 Majority. 32 NO. 2 WARD. There was no contest in this ward, Mr. D. C. Roberts, the retiring member, being returned unop- posed. NO. 3 WARD. The polling station for this ward was at the Town Hall, Mr. Herbert Hughes and Mr. David Jones acting as presiding officer and poll clerk respectively. The gentlemen seeking election here were Mr. Robert Ellis, chemist, and Dr. T. P. Beddoes, who were respectively represented in the capacity of of personating agents by Mr. James L. Hughes, and Mr. E. Salmon, Lisbume Arms. RESULT. Robert Ellis (R) 148 T. P. Beddoes (C) 141 Majority. 7 There were six spoilt voting papers. Majority 70 no. 4 WARD. Alderman C. M. Williams, the retiring member, was opposed by Captain Dough ton, North Parade. The polling took place at the Board School, where Mr. Charles Massey, with Mr. D. Pugh Evans as poll clerk, presided. Mr. W. Edwards, mason, and Captain Evans were the personating agents. RESULT. C. M. Williams (R) 165 Captain Doughton (I) 95 Our correspondent telegraphs: The poll closed at 8 o'clock and owing to the admirable arrangements made by the Town Clerk the results were ascer- tained before 8 30. The declaration of the poll was received with little or no excitement.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR PROPOSED PARISH COUNCIL FOR TREWERN. To the Editor of the COUNTY TIMES AND POST. SIR,—My attention has been called to a letter appearing in one of your comtemporaries under the heading of Proposed Parish Council for Trewern." The writer states he has been much pleased with the businesslike way in which most of the Parish Councils are tackling their duties, and appears to want one for Trewern, but kindly allow me a little of your space to inform him and the Radicals of Trewern that we do not intend to have one. He signs himself Not the only one that knows," but it is plainly to be seen that he does not know all, for on the subject of the footpath he requires lenlighten- ment, for lie evidently does not know that it has come from committee," and has been ordered to be done. So those to whom we should apply to supply our wants have done what is necessary and are not looking for a dark passage or corner where they can erect a lamp to catch voters for we concur with him they are sure of them at Trewern." It has been suggested that Trewern should almaga- mate with Middletown, Uppington, Rhosgoch, and Trelyston. That I take as a trap laid for Trewern, so as to bring in outsiders to swamp the Tory vote in our gallant little township. Surely we have no need to go to all the expense of having a Parish Council to get one footpath done, for we are satisfied with the Town Council. If Not the only one that knows is not satisfied with the footpath after the Town Council have done it he had better remain on the railway platforms, as we in Trewern can do well without his advice. His advice is to bestir ourselves and apply to the County Council." We have bestirred ourselves already and returned our members-both to Town Council and County Council-which the -Radicals have no chance of doing in Trewern. Our neighbours in Guilsfield Ward followed our example and bestirred them- selves and returned Mr. Green with a splendid majority of 111. It shows plainly what the United pack" can do. It appears the Radical^' only hope is in a Parish Council, but they will never get it at Treweru. With regard to the overseers they are in the hands of the ratepayers, and can soon be altered at a Parish Meeting. Not the only one that knows" asks if it is legal or just for the same assistant overseer to have in his possession the ratebooks for five townships ? I say yes, if he has no other parish business. I think the office of schoolmaster and assistant overseer for one town- ship should be enough for one individual. Live and let live is our policy at Trewern. In regard to the man who was disqualified as a voter through being in arrears with his rates, I may say our law should be our guide, and that says he shall be dis- qualified. But some people are fortunate enough to have their rates paid for them. Thanking you in anticipation for inserting this in your next issue. I remain, yours faithfully, "ONE ON SCENT." «.
LATEST INTELLIGENCE. [BY TELEGRAPH.] Friday Midnight. THE TRAGEDY AT TOOTING. Frank Taylor, the sole survivor of yesterday's tragedy, passed a good night and is progressing favourably. Some days, and possibly weeks, must however elapse before he is in a fit condition to leave the hospital. The bodies of the seven victims were, late last night, removed to the Mortuary, and Dr Aulad the family's medical adviser is to-day making a minute examination of the wounds. He is of opinion that Taylor must have been delirious from the effects of influenza which is extremely prevalent at Tooting. The doctor denies that he fainted when he beheld the scene of carnage. It appears that Taylor had relatives in the North of England and a brother is expected to arrive at Tooting to-day from Newcastle. Mrs. Taylor was a Miss Hocknell, from Stoke-on- Trent, and she is reported to be the daughter of a well-to-do manufacturer. Taylor had on more than one occasion been pro- ceeded against for not sending his children to school, and another summons, returnable for Tuesday next, had been issued against him. A PUBLIC TRUSTEE WANTED. Lord Halsbury, in giving evidence to-day before the Trusts Administration Committee at the House of Commons, said that defalcations on the part of trustees were considerable. A relaxation of the law regarding private trustees' liability was necessary, but he advocated the appointment of a public trustee, to act as public depository. The latter should be an official of the High Court of Justice. DEATH OF A WELL-KNOWN RIFLE SHOT. Colour-Sergeant Walter Bulmer, the crack volunteer rifle shot, died at Spalding yesterday from consumption. He established a record at Wimbledon at nine hundred yards, and once won the Queen's prize. SIAMESE CERfiMONY. By com IT and of the King of Siam the investiture of the Crown Prince Mahr Vugisnvadh, aged 16, was performed at the Siamese Legation this morn- ing by Prince Svasti half-brother to the King. A few Englishmen were present but the British Gov- ernment was unrepresented. DEATH OF THE DEAN OF RIPON. The Press Association's Wimbledon correspond- ent telegraphsRev. Dr. Freemantle, Dean of Ripon, had a relapse last night, and passed peace- fully away about six o'clock this morning. Mrs. Freemantle was present at his death. LORD ROSEBERY. Sir Wm. Broadbent to-day reports that Lord Rosebery continues to make gradua I progress to- wards recovery. COTTON SPINNERS AND M.P.'S. The Executive of Operative Cotton Spinners in a report issued to-day recommend that all candi- dates for Parliament in cotton-interested constitu- encies who are not prepared to vote for the repeal of the Indian Cotton duties should at the next General Election be excluded. MR. BRYCE'S CONCILIATION BILL. Mr. Bryce's Bill to make better provision for the settlement of trade disputes is issued as a Parliamentary paper to-day. The Bill provides for the appointment of a Conciliator or Board of Con- ciliation by the Board of Trade if invited by the dis- puting parties, and gives power to County and Borough Councils to appoint such and pay the expenses of the saine out of the rates. The Board of Trade may give the Conciliator or Board of Con- ciliation, power to examine witnesses on oath. Where there is an agreement to refer to arbitration any question as to the rate of future wages the parties to arbitration may deposit or give security against a breach of award. THE THREATENED STRIKE IN THE BOOT AND SHOE TRADE. The Boot and Shoe Trades Union Executive decided at Leicester to-day that where notices are posted by a master for a lock-out, all piece-workers shall at once finish up and report themselves. By this order about ten thousand men will be idle at the beginning of next week. CONTENTS OF INNER PAGES. PAGE 2. Aberystwyth, Machynlleth, and Llanfyllin news; Correspondence. PAGE 3. Ellesmere, Oswestry, Llanidloes, aud Aberdovey news; Caersws Board of Guardians. PAGE b. Notes on Football; Montgomery County Council Elections; Reviews. PAGE 7. Parliamentary; Welsh Dinner in London; the Electoral Outlook.
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
FORTHCOMING EVENTS. MARCH. Cambrian Railways Excursion to Birmingham and Wolverhampton, March 9. Lion Inn, Welshpool-Sale of Furniture, &c., by Messrs. Hickman and Son, March 12. Cattle Market, Hereford-Sale of Hereford Bulls, by Messrs. A. and D. Edwards, March 12. 13 Ploughing Match, Caersws. Corn Exchange, Welshpool-Sale of Furniture, Books, and other Effects, by Messrs. Morris, Marshall and Poole, March 13 and 14. The Hole Farm, Coedway-Sale of Farming Stock, by Messrs. Hickman and Son, March 15. King's Head, Meifod—Sale of Furniture, &c., by Messrs. Whitfield and Son, March 19. The Mountain Farm, Westbury-Sale of Farming Stock, by Messrs. Hickman and Son, March 21. End of March, Sale of Furniture, &c., by Mr. J. C. McKie. APRIL. 4 Sale at Ethnog Home Farm by Mr. J. Jehu. 17 Cricket Club Ball, Welshpool. 18 Entertainment, Church House, Welshpool. AUGUST. b Grand Fete, Bodfach Park, Llanfyllin.
Family Notices
BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. DEATHS. ARBER—March 1, at her residence 40, Upper i George, Bryanston Square, London, Fanny, widow of Thomas Newele Arber, aged 72 years. No Flowers.
NEWTOWN. REMOVAL.—Mr. T. J. Pugh, of the Terrace Inn, has removed to larger and more commodious premises at the Station Inn. ERRATUM.—We regret that Mr. W. F. Thomas's name was inadvertently omitted from the list of names we published in our last issue as having been present at the Council meeting of the Primrose League, held at Powis Castle on Monday, the 25th nit. C. E. T. S.—The monthly meeting was held in the National Schools on Monday evening, when the following programme was efficiently performed, under the able presidency of E. Elwell, Esq. :— Song (in character). Miss Gertie Goodwin; recitation, Miss Gregory song, Miss Maud Bowen recitation, "A life's history (in four scenes), Miss Meredith and Party; song, Miss E.Jones; recita- tion, Miss Gregory reading, Mr. Elwell; concer- tina solo, Mr. R. Stanley (encored). FUNERAL.—Yesterday the remains of Mrs. Price, Ladywell Street, were interred in the Newtown Churchyard, when there was a large number of friends and relations present. Rev. T. E. Williams officiated: at the house, and Rev. C. F. Roberts, curate, at the church and grave. Many nice wreaths were sent, including one each from Dolerw, Newtown Hall. and an artificial one from the employes of the Royal Welsh Warehouse, where deceased had the care of cleaning the private offices since it was built, and was much respected* SCHOOL BOARD.—At the usual meeting 0:: the School Board on Monday, there were present:— Messrs. William Cooke, chairman, John Humphreys, Thomas Rees, Barker Halliwell, Wm. F. Thomas, and Alfred Ford, with Mr. Edward Powell, clerk.— The Clerk reported that Mr. Mills, assistant master, would commence his duties on March 11th.—A letter was read from the Education Department fixing the pupil teachers' examination at Newtown National School for April 20th.—In compliance with an application of the teacher, it was agreed to allow JE1 extra for additional work required during the bad weather.—The Attendance Officer reported 863 visits made during the month; number of scholars on the registers, 1,204; average attend- ance, 830'7 or 68'9 per cent. Increase on registers, 14; decrease on average attendance as compared with the same period last year, 151. The decrease was caused by the inclemency of the weather and sickness; 261 children attended every session during the month.—A form of notice prepared by the Att ndance Officer and signed by the members of the Attendance Committee, urging parents to cause their children to attend school with the greatest regularity, and cautioning persons against employing any who ought to attend school, was submitted for approval-—It was resolved that 1,000 copies be printed and delivered at the homes of the children. CRESCENT CONGREGATIONAL CHAPEL.—A very successful sale of work was opened in the Crescent Schoolroom on Thursday afternoon by Miss Lewis, of Glanhafren, the proceeds of which will be applied to the reduction of the church debt. The bazaar had been excellently arranged by the mem- bers of the social cirele,together with a few friends, guided by Mrs. D. Hughes, president, Mrs. J. C. Gittins, treasurer, and Miss Clark, secretary. Friends of the object willingly contributed articles of various descriptions for the sale, and by Thurs- day a very large and pleasing collection was noticeable. The stalls were excellently arranged, and great praise is due to those who so kindly undertook the work. Before calling upon Miss Lewis to open the bazaar, Rev. Mr. Parry delivered a brief introductory speech, and observed that bazaars were good things for bringing people to- gether. There was no need for him to introduce Miss Lewis to their notice, as she was already well known in the town, especially by the church and congregation of Crescent Chapel. He would, how- ever, anticipate the order of proceedings by first offering the best thanks of those present to Miss Lewis for her kindness in coming amongst them that afternoon for the purpose of opening their sale of work (applause).—Miss Lewis said it gave her great pleasure to be present, and to see the stalls so nicely arranged. She attributed the reason of her being asked to open the bazaar to the fact that she made it a custom not to deliver long speeches at meetings of that sort, thereby being no stumbling block in the way of the stall holders and those who had come to buy (hear, hear and applause.) She afterwards declared the bazaar open.—In the course of the opening proceedings, Mr. Gittins, treasurer, made a statement. He said the English Calvinistic Methodist Chapel at New- town, known as the Crescent Chapel, was opened for worship in May, 1879. It would seat a congre- gation of 450 persons, and had attached to it a con- venient schoolroom to hold 200. The total cost of building the chapel, schoolroom, vestries, boundary walls, and providing the massive furniture and fittings was about £3,300. The ground upon which the buildings were erected and which formed a most eligible and valuable site, was generously presented to the Connexion by Lord Sndeley. The £3,300 cost was also exclusive of a fine American organ and other articles presented by members of the Church. The sale of the old chapel in Penygloddfa realised about £400, and this, with contributions from the members of the Church and congregation, and donations from numerous friends, including .£200 from the late Mr. David Davies, of Llandinam, enabled them to clear off an amount ap- proximating two-thirds of the entire cost at the date of opening, leaving a debt at that time of some £1,320. Matters remained in this state for about four years, when their good friend Mr. David Davies, with his well-known and unasked liberality, sup- plemented his previous handsome donation by the gift of another .£100, and the members of the Church and congregation themselves subscribed over £300, which then left the debt at a little over J6900. In 1888 a bazaar was held in the Victoria Hall, the result of which Was a further diminution of the debt to between £600 and £700. Since that date, no appeal to the public had been made for further assistance, but considerable contributions had been received from members of the Church, including JE500 from an anonymous gentleman belonging to the connexion in another county, which had reduced the debt to the present amount, viz., £450. It was for the parpose of further diminishing this encumbrance that the members of the Crescent Social Circle, with the members of the Church and congregation, with the cordial and very welcome and unsolicited assistance of their friends, bad arranged the sale of work which had been opened that afternoon (hear, hear).—At 7-30 o'clock a very enjoyable entertainment and tableaux were gone through; and which opened with an instrumental selection by Messrs J." C. Gittins, Christopher Gittins, Lucas, and John Lewis, with the Misses Gittins (3). This was followed with a dialogue entitled "Fairy kind hearted," with incidental music by the Misses Gittins. The parts were well sustained by the following: Grand- mother," Oliver Hughes; Sunshine," Emmie Davies and Fairy," Annie Clarke. The tableaux, Two is company; three is none," was next pro- duced, and was considered one of the treats of the evening, the rhythmical explanation being sung by Mr. Ernest Clarke. The representations were sustained by Miss Brena and Miss Mabel Hughes, and Mr. P. Wilson Jones. A duet having been contributed by Mr. W. Franeis and Mrs P. Jenkins in their usual good style, tableaux II was put upon the boards, which represented The Nations of Europe." Other items went to make up a very successful entertainment. The day's proceedings realised about £40. The sale of work continued yesterday with equal success.
t POLICE COURT. THURSDAY. Before Mr. Alfred Ford. SLEEPING OUT. James Blake, of Warwickshire, a labouring tramp, was brought up in custody charged by P.C. Davies with sleeping in an out-house the previous night, belonging to Mr. Edward Jones, wool merchant. Sentenced to fourteen days' imprisonment, with hard labour.
.'1tn THE LATE JOHN ARTHUR TALBOT, ESQ. It is with feelings of the most unfeigned regret that we record the unexpected death of Mr. John Arthur Talbot, solicitor, of Newtown, which occurred at the Victoria Hotel, London, on Sunday evening, after an illness of but three days' duration. When the news of his very swift and almost sudden demise became bruited abroad on Monday morning it came with a great shock to those who heard it, and evoked from one and all a sincere and unfeigned expression of sorrow at the loss of a gentleman whose character had won for him the highest respect and esteem of his fellow-townsmen, and a warmer sentiment of regret from those who were privileged to know him more intimately. Air. Talbot had for some months been suffering from ill-health, but got well again, and was able to attend to his pro- fessional duties. He journeyed to London on Tuesday, in last week, on professional business, apparently in the enjoyment of fairly good-health, but on Friday he was confined to his rooms from a serious attack of influenza, one to which, as the sad event proved, he was doomed to succumb, and he expired at half-past nine o'clock on Sunday evening in the fifty-third year of his age. Mr. Talbot, who had been in practice at New- town for many years, was head of the firm of Messrs Talbot and Watkins, and his public offices included the registrarship of the County and Bank- ruptcy Courts, the district registrarship of the High Court, the clerkship to the justices of the Newtown Upper and Lower Divisions, and to the Carno School Board. He was a Churchman and a Conservative, and had acted very successfully as the election agent of Sir Pryce Pryce-Jones, M.P. He was also solicitor to the Montgomeryshire B"ewery Company. Mr. Talbot, who was a native of Kidderminster, and had been twice married, leaves several children to mourn his loss. His second wife was a daughter of the late Mr. John Buckley Williams, of Pennant, and a sister of Mrs. R. E. Jones, of Cefn Bryntalch. She died a year dt two ago while on a visit to the Continent with Mr. Talbot, and her remains were cremated and brought over to Llanllwchaiarn for interment. The deceased gentleman's remains were also cremated at Woking on Wednesday and brought to Newtown on Wednesday evening. THE FUNERAL. The funeral of the deceased gentleman, which was strictly private, took place, amid every manifestation of regret, yesterday (Friday) at noon, the remains being interred in the family vault at Llanllwchaiarn Churchyard, and where lay the remains of the late Mrs. Talbot. The solemn cortege left the late residence of the de- ceased-Croesawdy-at noon, and along the line of route to the burial ground shops were closed and the blinds of private houses drawn. The remains were contained in a bronze urn, which was fitted into a casket of black oak, from wood grown on the Pennant Estate, and the same wood that the late Mrs. Talbot's casket was made of, with brass 1 furnishings, and which bore a breast-plate with the following inscription :— JOHN ARTHUR TALBOT, Born 5th March, 1842, Died 3rd March, 1895. The casket was conveyed to its last resting place in a glass hearse, covered with a number of beautiful wreaths. The principal mourners, wlo followed in carriages behind, were Miss H. Talbot, Miss E. M. Talbot, Master Eric Talbot, and Miss Merial Talbot, of Croesawdy Mr. Wm. Henry Talbot, Kidderminster; Mr. Laurence Talbot, Stratford; Mr. George O. Talbot, Birmingham; Mr. H. Percy Talbot, Mr. Septimus Harding and Mr. Charles Harding, of Birmingham Mr. R. E. Jones, Cefn Bryntalch; Mr. Lewis Andrew, Mr. Frederick J. Kitsen, Leeds Mr. G. T. Notcutt, Ipswich Mr. Richard Peyton, Birmingham Dr. Geoffrey W. Thompson, Scarborough; Mr. Watkins, Newtown; the clerks of the office, and Dr. Palmer. Among those present we also noticed Mr. W. E. Pryce- Jones, Mr. A. D. Dawson, Mr. W. F. Thomas, and Ir. Ryland. The service was very impressively conducted in the church and at the graveside by Rev. R. Evan Jones, vicar of Llanllwchaiarn. Wreaths were received, among others, from the following:—" From his four children and Geoffrey," Mr Wm. Watkins, Mr and Mrs Notcutt, Mr and Mrs Frederick Kitsen, Mr and Mrs G. O. Talbot, From the servants of Ryland," Miss Jones, The Bank House, From the clerks of the office," Mrs Pryce-Jones, Mr and Mrs Septimus Harding, Misses Ethel and Emily Harding, Mr Arthur D. Dawson, Mr Wood, Rhayader, Mr Sextus and Miss Annette Harding, Mr and Mrs W. H. Talbot, Mr and Mrs Laurence Talbot, Dr and Mrs Harold Palmer, Mr and Mrs R. E. Jones, the local lodge of Freemasons, Mr and M) s Lewis Andrew, and Mr and Mrs Charles Harding. The undertaking arrangements were satisfac- torily carried out by Mr. H. Morgan, High Street. MAGISTERIAL REFERENCE. At the Petty Sessions yesterday morning, present on the Bench Messrs Richard Lloyd and Alfred Ford, the former said they had only one course open for them that day, and that was to adjourn the sitting of that Court until to-day at eleven o'clock. They felt that it would be better to defer saying anything the magistrates might wish to say until then, when there would probably be a fall Court. But he might say on behalf of those who were present that they regretted, extremely, the occasion that had arisen for them to adjourn, which was the sudden death of their highly-esteemed and much-respected clerk—Mr. Talbot—whose funeral was fixed for the same hour at which they had met. The Court would stand adjourned until to-day, when further relerence would be made to the death of Mr. Talbot. DEATH OF MR, J. W. WILLANS. Death has unexpectedly removed from our midst the Radical candidate for the Montgomery Boroughs and we hasten to join in the expression of condolence which we are sure will be felt by all our readers irrespective of party or creed with his bereaved family. Mr. J. W: Willans resided at Dolforgan Hall, Kerry, and was selected some months back as the champion of the Radical party in opposition to the sitting member, Sir Pryce Pryce-Jones. Failing health, however, prevented him from taking a very active part in the prosecu- tion of his candidature and for a considerable time the deceased gentleman has been obliged to reside in London in order to be under the care of his medical advisers. The best skill, however, failed to stay the progress of the malady from which he suffered, but the end which came on Thursday was hastened in all probability by an attack of in- fluenza, which, acting upon an already weakened constitution, proved fatal. The news of Mr. Willans' death came as a great surprise to all who heard it yesterday and for some time it was scarcely credited as no warning had been received that the sad event was likely to occur. Confirma- tory intelligence was, however, received later on and as the news spread a general feeling of regret at so sudden an occurrence was expressed.
ABERYSTWYTH. (Continued from- page 2,) PERSONAL.—We are pleased to learn that Coun- cillor William Thomas is now approaching con- valescence. MONTHLY FAIR.—There was a plentiful supply of horses and cattle at Monday's fair, and business was brisk at improved prices. RATEPAYERS' ASSOCIATION.— The fortnightly meeting of this Association, which should have been held on Friday evening, was adjourned, owing to the scant attendance, consequent on other attractions in the town. THE ROYAL CARDIGAN ARTILLERY.—The recruits of this regiment assembled on Monday, and owing to the bad state of trade at the South Wales collieries they now number something like 200. Capt. Lusbington, adjutant, and Lieut. Stephens are in command. The regimental contracts for the training have been secured by the following —Meat, Mr. William Rowlands, North Parade' bread, Mrs. Garner, Terrace Road, fuel wood, Mr- T. E. Salmon, Lisburne Arms, straw, Mr. John Williams, Vaenor Street.. OBITUARY. We regret to announce the death of Mr. Joel Rowlands, which took place at the advanced age of 83, early on Wednesday morning. The deceased gentleman, who was well-known and respected in the neighbourhood, was the father of Mr. William Rowlands, butcher, and Mrs. Morgan, the Emporium, Pier Street. FIRE.—The members of the local Fire Brigade, under the command of Capt. Peake, were summoned by the hooter to a fire at Mr. Bowen's premises in Prospect Street, on Tuesday evening, The brigade mustered in a creditable manner, but fortunately there was little to bo done. It seems that one of the beams running across the premises and having a connection with the chimney, became ignited, but fortunately was discovered before having a firm hold on the premises. Had the occupants retired without discovering the fire, a serious conflagration would undoubtedly have been the result. BAND OF HOPE ENTERTAINMENT.— Ir. W. H. Colby, Carregwen, assisted by Miss Colby, treated the members of the Portland Street Band of Hope to an enjoyable magic lantern entertainment, at the English Congregational Schoolroom, on Thurs- day evening. The subject of the reading being :— "Jack the Conqueror, or how Dirty Jack became a Professor." ALLEGED LARCENY.—Robert Richards, Llan, Festiniog, and W. Robert Jones, Penrhyndeudraeth were brought up in custody at the Police Station, on Friday morning, before David Thomas, Esq., charged on suspicion with having stolon a pair of trousers from the Royal Oak Inn, Llanafan. The evidence being unsatisfactory, both prisoners were discharged. A charge of begging was also preferred against Jones by P.C. John Jones, Llanychaiarn, but this was also dismissed' BEGGING.—For begging in the Borough on Monday, George Rankin, a baker, hailing from Liverpool, was committed for 14 days' imprisonment with hard labour, by T. H. Jones and George Davies, Esquires, at the Police Station, on Tuesday morning. FOLLOWING IT Up.John Stafford, a Liverpool labourer, was taken into custody on Monday by P.C. Powell, on the charge ot being drunk and disorderly, and during his confinement amused himself by smashing the twelve panes of glass in the window of his cell, together with the table. P.C. Powell and Scrgt. Davies tendered evidence, and the accused was committed for 14 days with hard labour, for being drunk and disorderly, and for a similar term for the damage done to the cell window and chair. FUNERAL OF ALDERMAN GREEN.—The remains of the late Alderman Green were interred at the Cemetery on Thursday afternoon, and the funeral was one of the largest witnessed in the neighbour- hood for some years. Amongst those who followed in the cortege were members of the Police Force and Fire Brigade, the members of the Corporation, together with their officials, members of the Borough Bench, the employees at deceased's foundry, &c. The coffin, which was covered with beautiful wreaths and crosses sent by sorrowing friends and relatives, was borne on a bier by the deceased's workmen. Rev. Thomas Jackson, pastor of Wesley Church, with which place of worship the deceased was connected, officiated at the deceased's residence and at the Cemetery.
BOROUGH POLICE COURT. WEDNESDAY. Before Thomas Hugh Jones, Thomas Griffiths, C. M. Williams, and Griffith Williams, Esqrs. LICENSING CASKS. Richard W. Thackham, Brynymor Terrace, and John Robert Hughes, Alltglais, were summoned bv the Chief Constable, Mr. Howell Evans, with being at the Boar's Head Hotel during piohibited hours, on the 25th ult. Mr. A. J. Hughes appeared for the defence, and all the charges were dismissed. THE SWINE CASES. These were further adjourned for a fortnight.
ST. DAVID'S COMMEMORATION DINNER. The memory of our patron saint was honoured with the usual banquet at the Talbot Hotel on Friday evening. Captain H. E. Bonsall, Fronfraith, presided, being supported by Dr. T. D. Harries (mayor) and Major J. J. Bonsall, Galltllan, and the vice-chair was occupied by Mr J. D. Perrott, National and Provincial Bank. Amongst other gentlemen present were: Mr Hugh Hughes, solicitor, Mr D. M. Davies, New Street, Mr J. R. Rees, North and South Wales Bank, Mr W. Hughes- Jones, solicitor, Rev T. A. Penry, Mr T. W. Powell, Mr S. Glitheroe, Mr It. C. Richardes and Mr W. A. Richardes, Penglais, Mr G. F. Roberts, the Green, Councillors R. J. Jones and Thomas Griffiths, Mr John Morgan, Laura Place, Mr A. T. Evans, National and Provincial Bank, Mr Percy Lobb, Lieut. Stephens, Royal Cardigan Artillery, Mr John Richards, Market Street, Mr John Morgan. Observer Office, Mr R. Jones, Graiggoch, Mr R. K. Jenkins, Mr Robert Jones, Sunny Hill, Mr Pugh, National and Provincial Bank, Bandmaster Wright, Mr R. Morgan, Great Darkgate Street, Mr William Thomas^ Railway Terrace, Mr W. Morgan, Laura Place, Mr E. Morcom, Queen's Road, Mr H. Matthews, Great Darkgate Street, &c. Too much praise cannot be given to the excellent catering of Host and Hostess Jones, who did their utmost to ensure the comfort and convenience of the guests. The cloth having been removed, The CHAIRMAN gave the loyal toasts, which were duly honoured. Song, Mr. D. M. Davies. The VICE-CHAIRMAN gave the toast of The Lord Lieutenant of the County." Song, Tommy Atkins," the Chairman. The CHAIRMAN proposed the toast of The Bishop, clergy, and ministers of all denomina- tions." "Song, Mentra Gwen," Mr. R. J. Jones. Rev. T. A. PENRY responded. Mr. R. J. JONES gave The Army, Navy, and Auxiliary Forces." Song, Dr. Harries. Major BONSALL responded on behalf of the Reserve Forces, Lieut. STEPHENS replied on behalf of the Army, the CHAIRMAN followed, and the MAYOR responded for the Navy. Song, Bandmaster WRIGHT. Mr. HUGH HUGHES, in eulogistic terms, pro- posed the Health of Mr. Bowen Rowlands, the county member." Recitation, 11 Bill Adams," Lieut. Stephens. The VICE-CHAIRMAN then proposed the toast of the evening, viz., "The Immortal Memory of St. David." At the outset Mr. Perrott said he ap- preciated these commemorative gatherings, because he considered they had a tendency to do good in every respect. Dealing with the toast, the speaker went on to say that St. David, or Dewi, Archbishop, Confessor, and Patron of Wales, was a grandson of the King of Ceretica, now Cardiganshire. He was educated at Henfyngw, or old Minevia. His whole time was spent in religious studies, and he found his vocation in the sacred ministry; and having passed through the minor orders, at length reached the priesthood. Soon afterwards he retired into the Isle of Vecta, and there embraced the Ascetic life, under the guidance of St. Paulinus. After spending a long time in study and seclusion, St. Dewi set out to preach the gospel to the Britons. On his return to his own country he founded a monastry in the Vallis Rosin a, afterwards called Rhos. Although he met with great opposition, St. Dewi persevered, so that his house became renowned far and near for its sanctity and the austerity of its rule—" That if any would not work, neither should he eat;" and he also taught them to love holy poverty and detest riches. The Pelagian heresy was then rife in Britain, and in A.D. 519, a Synod of Welsh bishops, abbots and clergy met at Brevi, in Ceretica, to condemn it. The Fathers of this synod would not dispense with St. Dewi's presence, and in spite of his reluctance, he was forced to take part in its deliberations, when he made a noble defence of the Catholic faith, and con- vinced many who were inclined to the heresies of Pelagins. At the close of the synod the aged Archbishop of Caerleon resigned his See in favour of St. Dewi, who was compelled to accept the dignity; but not wishing to quit his native place, he removed the See from Caerleon to Minevia, which has ever since been called after him, S. David's. Of the rest of the acts of St. Dewi, little is known, save that he persevered continuously in his work. The year of St. Dewi's death is doubtful, but accoiding to the best authorities, it took place in A.D. 544 in his eighty-third year. The toast was drunk in silence from the loving cup. Selections on the piano, Mr. W. Morgan. Ir. W. HUGHES JONES submitted the toast of The County and Borough Magistrates in appro- priate terms, coupling with it the names of the Mayor, the Chairman, Major Bonsall, Mr. Thomas Griffiths, and Mr. John Morgan. Song, Mr. Hughes Jones. The toast having been duly acknowledged, Rev. T. A. PENRY proposed" The Mayor and Corporation." He said as ratepayers they followed the doings of the members of their Council from week to week with very keen interest, and they could not but feel very much indebted for the work already accomplished through gentlemen who had come forward and placed themselves as their representatives on the Council Board. The work which had been done ledounded highly to the credit of Aberystwyth, and he was very pleased to think that there was no finality in their work. They were bent upon undertaking various matters that would, he thought, conduce more fully to the welfare and repute of their town as a fashion- able resort in the future. They must also acknuw- ledge that they were deeply indebted to their Mayor for the initiation of various good works in connection with the town. There were, he knew, many who disputed the credit due to him, when he formerly represented the town on the Council, with regard to the ,Yktersuppl Y, but, personally, he was convinced that they were as much indebted to him for that scheme as any member. The carrying out of tkat scheme had done more than anything for the good repute of Aberystwyth as a fashion- able resort, and they now had a supply which could not be equalled by any town in the country. Proceeding, the speaker went on to refer to the introduction of the electric light, adding that there were other large Undertakings in hand, the full merit of which time alone would reveal. Continu- ing, Mr. Penry said he thought they ought to recognise this with regard to the Corporation-as ,is the Corporation, so is the representation of the town. People residing far away: from them judged Aberystwyth by their Council, and he felt that the reputation of their town had not exactly been enhanced by the few scenes which had taken place of late within the room in which the Council meets. He would be very much delighted if some of those gentlemen whose feelings sometimes seemed to get the better of them were to remem- ber that they were not there simply for themselves —say John Smith as John Smith, but John Smith was there f18 a representative of the people of Aberyfstwytb, and whatever he might do in that capacity was lot judged to him personally, but the reputation of the people of Aberystwyth was summed up by his actions. These were passing events, and lie trusted only occasional things, and that with good management and a firm grip upon the members sitting on the Council, on the part of their mayoc he hoped there would not be a recurrence of these scenes in the future. He coupled the names of the Mayor, Mr. Thomas Griffiths, and Mr. R. J. Jones with the toast. Song, Mr. D. M. Davies. Thw :MA yOn. in responding at the outset thanked Mr. Penry for the kind manner he had referred to him personally, adding that he also highly appre- ciated the wlY the toast was received by the com- pany, and j^ging by that he took it that the Mayor and Corporation enjoyed their confidence. Referring to the work accomplished by the Cor- poration, the speaker pointed out that they had had the sadtary laws carried out to perfection, and that tbcy had been able to keep pace with other waterfng places in the great race of life. Touching utotl their water supply, which he con- sidered the Jin.est in the world, he said that scheme was taken nP in 1880, although the water question had been oIl the board for some 40 years. In 1880 that scheme Was settled, and the money for carry- ing out the work borrowed at 3i per cent. from the Loan Comirfssioners. However, their scheme was not perfecto Until possibly now-he did not wish to blow hi' own trumpet— when he came into office again, It proper system for the distribution of the supply e dly, having been adopted. As they were awarr- in the world had a better supply th&fe -Way nari. iast summer, the water being equally distributed. Although satisfied with his original scfome, in which he was backed up by the gentlemen i-ho were then members of the Council, he was not Jerfectly satisfied until he saw the water equally distributed. Having made passing refer- ence to a Pavement on foot to reduce the rate of interest pajible by the Corporation from 3¡ per cent. to 3j, Dr. Harries went on to say that the Council bat recently taken up the sewerage busi- ness, and litle remained to be done in that depart- ment, excep in the district of Tanycae. But that had also beq taken np, and he trusted the same would be acomplished during the year, and make that district district where they could go with impunity, referring to the various improvements effected durig the past eighteen months, he men- tioned the Uroduction of the electric lierht and steam lauudJr, and the doing away of the white elephant" f^ing Pier Street-the Pier. He also mentioned th proposal to Construct a lift up Con- stitution HilIand the laying out of the grounds, as well as thlcon versIOn of the Llanbadarn flats into pleasure rounds, which projects were already in hand. Th< financial position of the town was also better tht day than it ever had been. Mr. THOJAS GRIFFITHS and Mr. R. J. JONES also isponded. Song, the Qairman. Major BO^ALL ga^ e The Town and Trade of Aberystwyth, and spoke in eulogistic terms of the various implements accomplished of late. The ) names of MrThomas Griffiths, Mr. T. W. Powell, and Mr. JohnMorgan, J.P., were coupled with the toast. The toast -,Is duly responded to. ir. R. C. HCHARDES then submitted The Agricultural üd Mining interest of the district," coupled with ;he name of Major Bonsall, who responded. The MAYOJproposed J The health of the Chair- man and Vice2 hair man, which was drunk with musical honoug, and acknowledged by both gentle- men. Lieut. STEHENS having given « The presS)» which was du! acknowledged, Mr. THOJXS GRIFFITHS proposed "The health of the ost and Hostess," and this having been responde to by Mr. EVAN JONES, 0 The compaill separated, having spent a very pleasant evenig.
TALYBONT. PE TY SESSIONS. THURSDAY. Before J. M.Davies. David Thomas, and J. T. Morgan, Maesnwydd, Esqrs. REFVSING TO QUIT. David Davie mason, Lerry View, Talybont, was charged by Griith Morgan, landlord of the Black Lion, Talybontwith refusing to quit his licensed premises whel requested to do so. Mr. Hugh Hughes, Aberjtwyth) prosecuted, and Mr. John Evans, Aberystyth, appeared for the defence. The Bench iticted a fine of R2 and costs, £4 15s. in all.
jyXOCHDRE. PARISH COUIIL. ^e Council met at the National Schooootn on Friday evening, March 1st. All the memb of the Council were present. The committee ppointed to inspect and take over the parochial clunients reported that they had separated the tfferent books and documents be. longing to the louneil from the ecclesiastical por- tion and put ttem aside, but left them in the ehurch until pr-ision be made for their reception. —-——————
Epps's COCOA-GBATEFCL AND COMFORTING. By a thorough lowledge of the natural laws which govern the ope.tious of digestion and nutrition, and by a carefrapphcatlOn of the fine properties of well-selectedJoc'oA, Mr. Epps has provided for our breakfast -id supper a delicately flavoured beverage whichnay save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by te judicious use of such articles of diet that a constution may be gradually built up until strong en'h to resist every tendency to dis- ease. We may Icape niany a fatal shaft by keep- ing ourselves wl fortified with pure blood and a properly nourisld frame." Civil Service Gazette. —Made simply ith boiling water or milk.-Sold only in packets,y Grocers, labelled-" JAMES Epps & Co., Ltd., Hnceopathic Chemists, Londbn." All hopt of corort ij} J?^ a(^ died 'he MATCHLESS CLENSBfi soap 1 trled-
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
CEMMES FARMERS' CLUB SHOW. PRIZE LIST. The annual hedging, trotting, and ploughing matches, held under the auspices of the above club, came off on the Plas grounds, Machynlleth, on Friday (yesterday), when, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, there was a remarkably good attendance of spectators, who took deep in- terest in the various competitions. Col. Hughes is this year's president, Mr. Steadman, Mallwyd, and Mr. Davies, Aberhangell, being chairman and vice- chairman respectively. The duties of treasurer were undertaken by Mr. Francis, Dolcorsllwyn, and those of secretary were entrusted to Mr. Richard Ryder, junr., Maesmachreth, Cemmes, one and all of whom deserve to be congratulated on the great success which attended their labours. The various duties of judging were undertaken as follows, and we might add that all gave entire satisfaction- Ploughing, Mr. Davies, Brynclygo, and Mr. Ryder, Maesmachreth: hedging, Mr. Francis, Pentrecelyn, and Mr. Rees, Gwastadgoed; horses, trotting, &c., Mr. Owen, Garthmyl, and in the absence of Mr. Wynn Williams, Dolgelley, Mr. Phillips, Glan- machlands, assisted; turn-outs, Mr. Phillips, Glanmachlands, and Mr. C. Kenyon, Dolgoog, The horses exhibited were on the whole a credit to the show, and in some instances the judges experienced great difficulty in arriving at their decisions. The ploughing, which was one of the main features of the day's proceedings, was also equal to any ever witnessed at Machynlleth on previous occasions. The awards in the various competitions were as follows PLOUGHING. CHAMPION CLASS.—Prize R4. 1 Wm. Lewis, Aberfrydlan. CLASS 1. Open to farmers' sons, farm servants, and labourers, 20 years of age and upwards. First prize R2, second zEl, third 10s. 1 Rowland Jones, Dolcorsllwyn. 2 R. Jones, Aberhiriaeth. 3 J. Jarman, Matharfarn. CLASS 2. Open to farmers' sons, &c., under 20 years of age. First prize R2, second zEl, third 10s. 1 R. Davies, Grofft. 2 W. Roberts, Tyucha, Llanwrin. 3 W. Evans, Dolcorsllwyn. The whip presented by Mr. Lloyd, saddler, New- town, for the first prize-winner to complete his work was awarded to Wm. Williams, Dolcorsllwyn. COUNTY MEMBER'S PRIZE. Prizes of.92 2s Od, and zEl Is Od, offered by the County member for the best pair of horses on the field (ploughing) were awarded as under- 1 Mr. Owen, Mathafarn. 2 Mr W. Francis, Aberhiriaeth. H C Mr. Hughes, Aberfryddlan. NEATEST AND CLEANEST TURNOUT. First prize, zCl; second, 10s; third, 5s; fourth, 2s 6d— 1 Wm. Lewis, Aberfryddian. 2 Richard Jones, Aberhiraeth. 3 John Jarman, Mathafarn. 4 Wm. Evans, Dolcorsllwyn, II C Thomas Jervis, Maesmachreth. PAIR UNDER 15! HANDS. (ploughing). First prize, zEl Is Od. 1 J. Davies, Brynclygo. BROOD MARE. 11 s For agricultural purposes, first prize, £ 1 Is Od, given by Mr. Griffiths, Tynywern; second, 10s 6d, gixen by Dr. Ed wards- 1 Mr. Owen, Mathafarn. 2 Mr. Hughes, Ab'erffrydlan. LORD HARLECH'S PRIZE. For best horse (mare or gelding), rising two years old, for agricultural purposes. First prize, £2; second, £ 1. 1 H. Francis, Pentrecelyn. 2 Mr. Davies, Tanllan. COLT OR FILLY. Rising one year old, for agricultural purposes; first prize, £ 1 Is Od; second, 10s 6d; given by Mr. W. H. Walker, Mallwyd— 1 N. E. Francis, Dolcorsllwyn. 2 R. Ryder, Maesmachreth. SHOD HORSE. (Agricultural), prize 10s 6d. Mr. J. Whittington, Cemmes. Ditto hackney, prize 10s 6. Mr T. Steadman, Mallwyd. The two last mentioned events were confined to the Club district. HEDGING AND DITCHING. Prizes were also offered for the above. FIRST CLASS. 1 Edward Vaughan, Brynmoel, nnd J. Breese, Cwmcae, equal. 3 R. Rowlands, Caergybi. SECOND CLASS 1 Cadwaladr Evans, Llanbrynmair. TROTTING, &p. Best TURN-OUT in single harness.—Tirst prize, £1 Is Od., second, 10s 6d. 1 Mr. Stoadmau 2 Dr. Davies. Best MARE or GELDING for field, road, or har- ness, over 14 hands, exhibited mounted.-First prize, 91 Is Od., given by H. L. Smith, Esq. 1 Dr. Davies 2 Mr. Steadman Best COB, not exceeding 14 hands.— First prize zEl Is Od, second, 10s 6d. 1 Mr. Steadman 2 „ G. R. Davies, Dolwar Best COB, not over 3, nor exceeding 15 hands.— First, XI Is Od, given by Dr. Davies, second, 10s 6d given by N. B. Owen, Esq. 1 Mr. T. Steadman 2 Dr Davies H.C. R. Ryder Best COLT or FILLY, under 2 years old, by Young Denmark."— First, JE1 Is Od, second, 10s 6d, given by Mr. Steadman, Mallwyd. 1 J. Whittingion 2 N. B. Owen Best PON-Y, MARE, or GELDING, not exceeding 13 hands.—First, zCl Is Od, given by Mr. Lovegrove, Dinas; second, bridle, given by Mr. Swancott, Carno. 1 Dr Davies 2 Mr. Lovegrove FASTEST TROTTER.— First, £1 Is Od, second, 10s 6d. 1 Mr. G. R. Davies, Dolwar. 2 Mr. R. Pugh, Abergwidol. HANDICAP FLAT RACE.—First, double rein bridle, value XI Is Od, by Mr. Edwards, sadiler, Machyn- lleth; second, 10s. 6d. 1 Dr Davies 2 Mr Lovegrove LUNCHEON. A capital luncheon was provided at the Blue Bell Hotel, by Mrs. Cole, over which Mr. Wynne Williams presided. —
MACHYNLLETH. SALE OF LIVE STOCK.—Messrs R. Gillart and Sons held their second periodical sale at the Wynnstay Hotel Yard on Wednesday (fair day) when a large number of horses, cattle, and sheep were disposed of. The auctioneers had offered a prize of zel Is. for the best mare or gelding for agricultural purposes, which was taken by Mr. John Jones, Maesllefrith, Towyn. A similar prize for a cob, mare, or gelding was given to Mr. William Williams, Pentre-bach, Llwyngwril. Mr. H. H. Shuker, Tymawr, Towyn, was awarded £1 Is. for the best pen of ten fat sheep. There were many entries in the above classes. Messrs T. Carruthers and Richard Jones, veterinary surgeons, Towyn, acted as judges. There was a good attendance of dealers, butchers, and other?.
QUARRY FATALITY AT LLWYN. GWERN. INQUEST.; On Monday morning, owing to a fall of rock, a man named Robert Ellis Jones, of Brynwg, near Machynlleth, was killed while following his employment at Llwyngwem Quairy. The body was brought to Machynlleth, and an inquest was opened by Mr. J. Rowlands. Evidence as to identification was given by Mr. James Lewis, after which the Coroner adjourned the inquest until Thursday afternoon in order that the Inspector of Mines could attend. The deceased who was about 40 years of age, was the son of John Ellis Jones, wheelwright, Llanwrin and leaves a widow and two children. Mr. John Rowlands, the coroner of the district, opened the inquest at the Town Hall, Machynlleth, on Tuesday evening, touching the death of the deceased. Having taken the evidence of James Lewis, Rhiwgwrenddyn, as to the identity of the deceased, Mr. Rowlands adjourned the inquest for the attendance of H.M. Inspector of Mines, the jurors and witnesses being bound over to appear at the Town Hall, on Thursday afternoon. The adjourned inquest was resumed on Thurs- day, at the Town Hall, Inspector Jones, Fe3tiniog, being in attendance. James Lewis deposed that the accident took place about twelve o'clock. The deceased worked s:de by side with witness. He had fired the rock, and was afterwards removing the loose stone. Wit- ness heard John Jones call out there was danger, and calling to the deceased to come away. The deceased attempted to get away, and witness also ran some eight or ten yards. He saw the slip coming down, but there being a good deal of duat he could not see the They afterwards found the deceased missing, and agreed that he was buried beneath the debris. I They had been blasting in the quarry some little time before the accident occurred, and he was of opinion that the deceased had gone to see the effect of the shot he had fired. The slip came from the rock above the place where they were blasting. The slip fell without any warning. The body was found some five or six yards from the spot where the deceased was clearing after the blast. By the Foreman Witness could not say whether the rock became loose by the blasting, but he had no doubt the thaw had something to do with it. By the Jury The deceased was found with his face downwards. J. Jones' warning was the first intimation witness had of the danger. John Jones, Esgarigeiliog, said he called to the deceased when he saw some of the rock coming down. He did not hear it cracking. The deceased heard him call, and moved away. Just after he started to move away, being caught on the shin by a stone, he fell on his face, and before he could move another portion of the rock fell and covered him entirelv. •?wu ieW1S', e,neg0eS' who worked together with the deceased, deposed that some 30 minute* before the accident they had been blasting the rock! Witness and the deceased then went back to the spot where they had been blasting, and hearing the rock give way they started to run away together. They were together for some three yards, ° when witness out-ran the deceased, and he was of opinion that he must have fell. Witness knew of the piece of rock over-banging, but considered it safe, otherwise he would not have worked there. The blasting did not affect the piece which fell. He believed the frost and recent thaw was responsible for the slip. By the Inspector: Witness examined the piece of rock on Monday week, and considered it safe. They had stopped work in consequence of the frost. He did not consider there was any danger. The foreman examined the rock often. Evan Lewis, Cwmgila, the quarry foreman, deposed that he was speaking to the deceased after the blast, and was arranging with him for another hole, after which he left him. When he had pro- ceeded some ten yards from him the debris came down. Witness heard no noise of the rock giving way. When they considered any place dangerous it was pulled down at once. He knew the piece of rock which gave way, it occupied his attention every day. He also saw it on the morning of the accident and considered it safe. The blasting which had previously taken place would not, in witness s opinion, have caused the slip. Ir. D. Phillips Jones also gave formal evidence. and The jury returned a verdict to the effect that the deceased was killed accidentally by the fall of rock and added a rider that no blame was attached to any individual.
MARKETS. BIRMINGHAM CATTLE MARKET, THURSDAY.—Beef, 4jd to 6 £ d mutton, 6Jd to 9d; veal, 5d to 8d. Fair supply; trade slow. BRADFORD WOOL MARKET, THURSDAY.—There is again a brisker feeling and more confidence in our market to-day. Both merino and cross-bred tops are harder and more doing, and a further advance Mohair is reported since Monday, with considerable dealing both for American and home account. English wools firm, and unchanged alpaca steady, yarn and piece branches without alteration. MANCHESTER CORN, THURSDAY.—Firmer tone has prevailed throughout the trade during the past week; but transactions have continued on a limited seal. This morning's market was well attended, and a better demand experienced for most articles. English wheat strong at quotations foreign occasionally penny per cental dearer. Flour firmly upheld. Oats and peas repeat previous prices; beans advanced 3d per quarter. Maize improved about a penny per cental since last Thursday. Prime mixed, 4s 3d net. SHREWSBURY CORN MARKET, SATURDAY.—Wheat has moved slowly at unchanged prices, but there has been rather more enquiry for sound white sorts. Barley has met with a dull trade at 6d. per quarter decline. Oats suitable for seed purposes have ad- vanced 6d. per sack, but provender qualities have remained unchanged. Flour has undergone no change; sales have been restricted. Offals have continued to go freely into consumption, and some kinds have risen'in value from 4s. to 5s. per ton Quotations White wheat 3s 4d to 3s 6d per 751bs; red ditto 3s Od to 3s 2d per 751bs barley 3s 3d to 4s 3d per 701bs oats 10s 6d to 13s 6d per 2251bs peas, lis 6d to 13s 6d per 2251bs old beans 15s Od to 16s 6d per 240lbs.- W. L. Broivne 9" Co.
E. HUGHES, TRADE HALL, WELSHPOOL. J DRESSMAKING IN PERFECTION PERFECT FIT AND LATEST STYLE AT STRICTLY MODERATE CHARGES. Special attention paid to Mourning Orders THE STOCK IS NOW ASSORTED WITH NEW GOODS. Printed and published by SAMUEL SALTER, Junior, and DAVID ROWLANDS, at their Printing Officii 21, Berriew Street, Welshpool, in the County 0 j Montgomery.-March 9, 1895.