Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

5 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



? fi" -un. 95, guasantsed" | te, yr- 7~T7y i] tj f p. :n,/i a? l! i) r-' /f»i s:' « ».<. I « !p- Miisl «• ;'<o • f °a i -v \^r si ',?!■«% i <6'eUtcr.:d V:e .V 9I ^5N12ST r~ CT <?-* T'-iiz woeld. 1 at "ilENr.w LEAVALL-T 'T;: o-> I TD„ | n, ■•->•■-■-•-• > -_Y :o>; & co.^T/rR HULL. J| °r -&SLUARD3 a BAGATELLE. 10 HBITOT. I." •'tvlhrd Makww, .13. Ktfjh «?t. 'o->.TT of If"v.- v.'ci'jrf1. :H.}. J omlou, VT.O. ^)l 'Voe^t, h.' tor leir.'i.s nn'i ail iun:rs l'&iuifiitM. — in-ts ut|d sam;.Mc-t :.rce. gay lfeSrit. aS fe pe» pg pa m§ P O F0R B 1* ll^ (fw 2/* ts M (for Itching, F&oe Spots, Ac.). liB, 1/9. a gto Jte Tirtrit Bawway, 4*4, 1)., ILfo ■? "K. ESTABLISHKD 1881. BIRKBECK BANK it fyp' 5)uC1Hmptcn Buililic¡;s, Chancery Lane. London. g awA^TD-A-IIALr per CENT. INTEREST allowed on ■- 1'VfA repayable on demand. ,S "a r peT 1 'J-NT on CURRENT ACCOUNTS, on the mini- & g.p '"0I'tJUj balances, when not drawn below £ 100. £ Th "I SKAI'ES purchased and sold. **«»/ BJKKHEC K AI-MANACK, with fall particulai-s, post 0 KKA>i' :IS >i AVENS(JB.OFT, Managrr. A M U-ICA.J t'xSIKURi' :;iTsi'oiisr^iieed. £ °He •*», ,<i V,te ttti jp-i.uiofi, u: an .ti, i.U .odoonSk, 8»a !ieoi.-vliy ve'tr. 'c(i T" '■<■'» post n-i;- i.I.iaio lor ( ■'<1H.: .B Ci C'.J T .^OT; IT I,/U: 11 ^dfordT" Tliey Wash.. They Soon.. —i5 „ „_j r»paj thslr V* !T- 'Lj dred» of u»erf d S11"ePniiow wiil 1611 yon- Muii' Follow k hem. Ad- I. "s^—w»a directions, and Hie-h 1 )\ they keep linen Hnlborn Lti- j » h*'uW?i »o° %™'De^ &]!!«:: >- i A■ colour. They 1 "J. 'J moVVrrt<.ou «"»■ « 1 w 15^ more, lu.e, t.iou- gold Street. 55&<wL "w. B»nd<.nowmu.e. Ltv,„OOL. M KTA of evi»ry df"cription purchaser!fOI BAKNABD & SONS, lrt.Larabeth WaUt.Londaa. 8õ1H;¿R;1HHi: Channing Seaside resort in o«"i ^lounds. Ught Turkish baths. Birkdale Palace Station J^p'<2i!Si_ennw and Golf. —E. A. FlCtC, Mana^'en j 'P'H't o £ tiie World inviting settlers offers I 1-3Kiitor prosnecte to the A,srio,ultuiist than | ,Ol3 TjSLK.1 '.3. J*TA[JI)'*Ve,I|an]p!il('t, with map, sent free oa application to the | L:;T AOEKCY, 9, James Street. Liverpool. I 4, I C0LCTRXES9. NON-POT8QNOTr8 |O^J I H 1 DISINFECTANTSj WM H«H PAJffTHT.TCT ON APPLICATION. SMI B wf% THE SANITAS CO., Ld., WrW ^fcjl^Bethnal Green, London, ) r n j ^NEST BLOOD-FORMING ttim A SCIENTIFIC ORGANIC srECOEFIC. Pprovri arid Recommended by the Medical Profession. P^^IVaiXED for: — Ansemia, Chlorosis, Poorness of Blood, General Debility (either con- H H ij stitutional or the effect of severe illness), I I » J8I Loss of Appetite^ Nervous Disorders, &c._ I Pfiii, FRANK BRTAN-S p&tem. i JMT BATTSNQ HANDGUARDS | ^ao's'iAan.c. i 2Sii. WEEKLY! iX a SSf > £ or"s.iW. b» «i'!«'-»sg^gz £ m I stnt free to iinvont^cr.uinj, p > 5iSt jV'-ndwiituu- to T. SMITH vt I'o (|)«|i»riiuent 1 (1.) I [^^g^^ Uardens, North Ke':sn»0ton, U^lou, I! JMBEST FAMILY MEDICINE. | P^V-SEVEV YEAB3' REPTTTATIOW^ Uui i V^JEIAJ^^ H -iJI 1 M BiH ^^aL- £ PMPOSTTTOM W WH |LJ^U|2J ^^aL- £ PMPOSTTTOM W WH |LJ^U|2J fcff&Aasi88?.0 FOB ALL Livija AND iiiLxoirj t>i»ifaiAT"rc.?iJCTICKEST BRMiCDT FOR FEVER A nlM' ENSITRE SLEEP. ABSOLUTELY NO OSLcold SO COMMON WITH MERCURY jiMa MINERAL DRUGS. SAFE AND jiMa MINERAL DRUGS. SAFE AND nh). IN ALL CLIMATES. I t»gll-IWAl SUFFICES TO COHVIHCE, 6»»?'°0N's ""i .Medicine Vendors iu Boies. ISjd. and 1/9. Tufot. Of wv. ^KBS, Uid. per Roi; OINTMENT, ISjd. and M> ^°le»ale Houaee, or from Henn. MOBISON A CO., «*r^.rr*,l.„COLI-KOK 11F HEALTH, 33, Kuston Rd., London. l *r* a'*° pr'partd with a Petri Coating which rendert viRANITE MONUMENTS, i.' ^rriape paid. Inscription* accurate and ht-ao- trom J. W. LEfctfE, Sculptor. Aberdeen. I mt sr-jiT SUCCESS n IBBOSB. n s WLOjytKj at 9'6. Greaf. vari^y \wh (iv .10 G.oarr. puM anvwhero. Ill ■;• w i?M j ELI :'I'' -L S' -I'IIM'BAI? HON 'IIAUCIIK CO.AI., NCllf \m '•' :a! Ln- ion. Agent-s wanrtvl ev.%ry wlu/re. >W VflDl/ ?ast Steamers "STATE OF NEBRASKA- -Altai* ■ UniV 2nd 'STATE OF CALIFORNIA" Sail & A .fortnightly froln G.a-gow. j A< ALLAN. 25, Both well Street, Glasgow. 1 civ THE PJErfeOTION SYSTEM: OF INVESTMENT X slV 0T1j (Registered and Protected) «iad?1 ^5" which an income is regrularly an4 £ 0 Canit i UlJ"ut nsk °- ailure. i *,T° CanitT, secures a Weekly Profit of £ 2 to £ 3, ra,ta f?8CTlres a Weekly Profit of £ 20 to £ 30, S**fr.sti°n of' A"'?8 l,einK SO founded upon caution and tH>.ilK>8Ri>,ip „r,that success is assured, mis system is the approach to infallibility. S^Ste paid NTS of £ s or £ 1° MAY B* HASX. **» JwPtio ep*2 Monday. Capital withdrawable at ten Jig- t^^ sSid'lt o^tS' °F CIIARQB HENEY MILLER, 14, Holborn, I IhT^r LONDON, K.O. ^tUlKS' ^Ihnenta. Irregularities and obstructions. A "WO SUFFERER having tried every advertised ^l*r. fwnedy in rain, has discovered a Simple Cure to all. Send stamped envelope at once 4a to MRS. B. G. ST. CLAIR, |~v 59Qthampton Buildings. London, W.CL i »J GL 45' HTJNGERFO RB.& WILLIAMS. I *i,v £ 8 r»-SOFiTS PAID DURING 1895. I y it?. y r cent.; *Vb. 1. £ 0 Mar. h 1. £ 5; April 1, £ 8: I Total W! 2,' £ J° •T"'y 1. •SS: Aup. 1, £ 9; Sept. 2, £ 8; *or 12 ?}■ l- £ S Xov. 1. £ 7 Dee.. 2, £ 7. ti>o>ai!!s* per ei nt., Rn average of nearly „PEov,l?c Coat. P-R MONTH. ? ^Aio uruixu iS9e. "o- cent. Mar. 2 £ 6 per cent. ■lvr £ „ Anr 1 £ 6 „ „ maii ^tJJl Ki.'t?,1 •• £ C pev cent. -1W ILIiU-iTRATBD MANUAL, ftiftil WXTTTJ; ''ron>'t, Fh'-v.-in- how tiie.^e proiit,^ innv >>e SPECULATION. for profits "n ind ^ls'" «' e:i,» h month, and for withdran-dU of TlfviJ'^U'ds IT>„J ft ot" each mMiit.'n. Trial inv^ytme ts n! £ 5 yUIIr,r ma<le. We have not a di,sa:t*>;e.l Cl-ut. s^HIJ.^GEKFO, D- & WILLIAMS, s^HIJ.^GEKFO, D- & WILLIAMS, ii ^t,1.1 Avenae, Lon.ion, B.C., and ——■±ii^Gace_tteJa_j;o;it- lai\s. I ONLY. S £ MSANfE !i„t.s. WIv irviis. Plush. FI!'IIII.-J,'LlI' white and ^4toK °nc« LINIlf OS of every descr('.>!i"H o'irSpeeiality. I i(,,4'r, ■?"« of our noted 2 6 parcel*, coniainiiis fufflcieiit *• o^_arp >^n.r'.j la remitting, please stale which oi tin,- above various Kcmmnta SOLD Tv AXNTO t*io ^i,WS REMNANT WAREHOUSE, iri-t'iu Pu«?f Lodse load, Belfast. r AYYTR "UK U> A PPM ATION. P(ru*r mention thii Paptr. ^SETPAJ^ASSERS WANTED, IN AU 0la<* ^r for a patent article required fa ^Av'^JcarH.n™ at 1/5 each, t^end 2/- postal order for with instmctions) to TILE BOURNE i"JTC"n —- 55, Chaijcery Ijane, London, W.C. I cm' t'su-riH"f'-i1 v y O. *.a iOa. i>eruhi, in !>». E°io' ^ileceiptofi> 'A f wyctl%]'>'> »>•• A :-o\y: bag. oarviasre I a.'<lr -.iVs Lestimonials • ^hf^^«t^tTL^v'x'IjD-' HOTEL, PORTHCAWLTfec- f°oms, Electric light, moderate terain, good V LV temperaturesame as Bournemouth but ^Uco7, "l!e k iV? i1''01 atlnS-Dry sandy soil, southern aspect, in, [.j I .° extensive Downs, splen id golf finks unfurnished hon«« Appiv MsuifupmH. \0 I', r, 1;1) i.1 I D I t' r ^STATS 'TY AN1) t'VALJH ,u i I ^iarried WGr^AN to S{ ^oir/r i *JGABRIEL lor I.m.USTRATKB 1 ."•t-r.J1- Ja,noi:s.. I-: < io e two penny stamps S»RFi 3ifpiCCA: >.x (. I.Y, — £ LlS £ £ do,r w>U b-. ■txch-in<icd. SXANC rIESTSR. i ElAL ^OON TO LADIES, ro rr:r LADIES ?o LADIES cirrci'i ;ao4v <ii £ ficn! ]'0 LA.01 MS v 0!5 £ 'j;SATB CA»«S 5 "> T 7,1 O tiZ7Z:J. V.t.11,8 TO AFi'ORD i.^3 iJ I.- J iO lii-uiitir. i.jr\ iJiili-I* !1'0 LAD TEl S T S 'j I 'i-\ V <:»T.t>r -veU, writes: T t 1\r* l'(J ">"< -»ur u«»toi«M, IjA VI. v>x'" >1 nv»KiT w over n■ t»i,TS TO u V;LAD IKS /v if'i/.f. i •' vlitMxi. iD rx\u. KU.H Y T'\ ? is> it; '><■)* io> fro4 #urvriM J.fx i* t**l,nv*A Trtth J.jA ;*3 \i\ ::cy.^5v.c»'t!.oU %r\d 'i f 3 iM ><■•oa*> hotel.5 ai it S;i. } c *t »v>>. v; it Lmutilly t-JSmi+iti r"t, } -= T j' • N. r *fc;sra *> i ti?A-S!jr ijff- .i -i 3 < X t.r. CA>^ 00 <■* r, ««.««< *•>*&<• i. i y pilv&wS? *•— | | j ■/ *!r%. O ft. -r r ■' i >-1 1 ,t* «Tu(' k-W»|,t- l«4B • i.. ;N >, VI' Tft UfHilirM Irregularities, Ob?tn»ctioB5. I U V7U(ViL.I%> &C„ rercoved bv an ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN Method WITHOUT WLEDiClNK. No I'vlls, tures, or UselessInjectiun.-I. Greatest /'MMW/W,. ■>' .V-cter«_ .V<<»ie«n Science. Send stamped en Telope for particular. Ti-stimouialu, to MBS. AjMQS-BKNKrow, 32^ His,-h Holborn. Loudon, W.O. ^CIKBERELLA' MaBm BOOTS & SHOES For LADIES'& CHILDREN'S Weak, Of all leading retailers. fffldPS1/ AU genuine, stamped CiNDERKliliA.1* MANDPACTOBT, WORCETER, >Kli«;(i5^ Nameot nearest Acnt sent ún receipt of postcard. KiAOHiS       fTiPiSPEKSABLE TO LADIES r Particnh\r,y th.09I whodcSln'" q" ;I& Asai'a and reliable rem^dyfora!! obstructions aji.i irra^a- le.rhlcs, a medicine which cures (u.-u&lly in a few hours) No lady need despair as the most obstinate A hopeless cases ho. Y8 been immediately relieved by thlø remedy. Mrs. Wilson, of Honor Oak Park, Foref;t Hill, says: "Your Invatuabla remedy took immediate effect; In less than iZIiours I was all right, after 14 weeks of misery and Uciie'.ass- Bess." A properly certified jjnvantiv iF; enclosed with uli te ti. monials and mcdioine. One package at 4s. Gd. i" sufficient for any ,e Toadies end 1],[ once fully directed en. velope for particulars and proofs. I wiil forfeit £1000 for every that is not genuine. Thonsaods of tcj timonialj have heel1 rNdveo. Established over 100 years. 1),\ not. he mis led by showy art vertisemei.ts and other so-culled .-on; ';(>8 which ire utterly w-thioss. Write privatelv, at once, to— 3F13(2*5.1 INT, -n:i"t Sh,l!t:Hti:,1 Cnarci; -o;u.n, ¡:i.D. Ei '7 /W»S ii p.™ f? *r .*n j wWzJUL&MOvgZ, ¥ & FITTICD TO EF.-T 3t AC'i INKS, j ffflf woooLsr Vil SirC Rfc.PA3RL;,O tiSL TrBK J|/ DURING SEASON 1806. DAMAGED FRUM kM uAl'SE. 1IIAJiEIiS:- THE HYDE IMPERIAL RUBBER CO..lD,. WCD"tfy to fcii-Aitt USEltS AND EMPLOYERS OF LABOUR. If you wish to avoid 68ii.ES EXPLDSlOiiSos BREAKDOWN OF EKSiSES INSURE WITH THE OllER INSURANGE AND Qjmi POY1ER CO., LD. HEAD OFFICES: 67, KING STREET, MANCHESTER. THE AND LAKGEST COBIPAXY OF THE KIND IN THE KINGDOM. Also applv to this Company for Terms for EMPLOYERS' LIABiLITY GENERAL ACCJDEMST INSURArJCE. FOR AGENCIES INVITED. JUNO CYCLES vl^SSr. Kswrr^oiitoi e"ls; £ "YS..». i}!-Sri EASY TEEMS i'KOM I /5S^X i to/- MONTHLY. S £ l.A^ i LARGE DISCOUNT. § i I ^,1 CARRIAGE PAID. 9 li v I q Ssnci at onwfnr Kew I poJ £ ,T | uu'jvyo' £ tJ"<vf^ MiSTKOPOLITAN MACHINISTS' CO.. i/!?!). JM?TS0P0LITAN Sewi^ Machines. 5'>! •■>><■ for List, tb&-7$, Dislioprigaie Street Without, London, K.O, M -in ion :hw Faper* Cycling I m 'p -"MI blABINC IUUUS- Mk. U) 1 -TBATED CYfUING PAPSR" Wft\ jV,7 vwfmi* Vn i:\TlY WNKDAYI" IMIIWIIIIII ii ii" uriTWi'iirni—WirnTWiiiWiiTmBinl "T n fl PT- 1 S "S" *"T "Kin-' stoume.. oji WARD S 1LCUS VBSI- ? } O I Li U 1 CL LO US 1'ILLS. Harmlt.«andl>l«asmtUt»k*. J/St Obl'iuiblc QUI? from LONG, Clu!ini«t,M, gTAMFOM HlLU Lo»»Q»,N. QTO'NE BREAKERS, Concrete ^Breakers, 0 r ou i> I'.ri akei s,Mortar M Uis,Disintegrators Enginesnew 4 Becond- h-in I for or liire nurciiase.—MAHOM BROI Brandon St., Leicester. n tu Iä i1) .Hti U ,-«U "iALE10IIS" UHSEIJIJALLED 'E{"(:f3 I:f'C'I' l' .¡;I!PJ;S'l¡P ^^DESi £ Si,fifi!SK,ViSF;KfHfl[iSH;P All RALKTGII CveU-s ara builyinder !v BA-SkTT* MILLS, Iintii iveiutly maria- £ er an^ '• hief Ui-aiRn^r, rosjKH, ;>.t Die £ ^y-' fiec.-toii>Iumb(»r Work>. Ttn* p^t work of these gentlemeo is a of the "• future, and neither rno;*t?.v iior expense hare been SPARED to PLACE RAXJTS'IGHS vh*nd of ?l riva1*. THE y.AT/RTQja QYCIiS CO., LTD., NOTTINGHAM. H BROWN undertakes to give a good price • for LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S left-ofi Olotliing. FUKXTTURK valued and fetehed fi-oiu any part of London. 249, TOTTLXHAH t.OUKT ROAD, LONDON, W. liNE 10" t'h.. 'tf'\J,D Mid INTKItMIiDlATE t'TL-V.U i: rrom tmu.pton wrery Eatnrcliiy for South and Afrieun Bade at M'uicxro and Tcnerife. Appiv to TilK Ui-710N (TEAM SHiy OOStPANY (Limited). Oviu.r.- Iloatl, outhami >ton, and South African liouae, bl to (kj, liuhup^eate teatt Within, London, E.O. SMART'S FEMALE MIXTURE Will pMitively remove the most obstinate obstructions, from anycuujki. lost Powerful nnd Strongest on earth. 4s. per bottle, post free under cover, with guarantee of cwre. No irre- gularity CP-U resist it. Send ror our Ladies' Book, eontaioing 40 J'" of Tetitimonials, all sworn on oath hClfore Her Majesty's Comiiussioner of (>»ths to be true and genuine. All Letters an&wered personally by Mrs. SMART, 81, TJXBBIDGE ROAD, LONDON, W. ,);1. irtBDSTRiALEXHIBITIOft 1896. in the Municipal Park at Treptow on the Upper Spree. uxnxn TUB PATKOWAOB OF: H.B.H. PBINCE FREDERIC IiEOPOLD OF PBITS8IA. BARON VON BE*.IjEPSCH> Prussian Minuter of Commerce and Industry, Honorary President, MAY 1st TO OCTOBER 15th, 1806. Open daily until towards Midnight. THIS EXHIBITION is ot larger dimensions than any Inter- national lixhibition hitherto beM in Europe. It covers am area of more a million square yards, the prinoipal ezhibition bnildiiur oeeupyinp a space of over 015,000 square yards. The Exhibition is divided into seotions for fishing, sport, alimen- tary ]r, ,cli;d": and hygienio arrangements, education, cheirii ■; iy. scientific instruments, and photography. There III also a department for astronomy, with a giant telesoope. A laruc 11;111 is aptirt for building and engineering. THK KXHIBlTION presents a Complete Picture of the ¡ Industry and Art of the German Capital, and oompriaes 23 groups, representing all bran0he6 of trade. THIRD Ana 41010 COKHBCTSS WIT. IT 1. The GERMAN FISHERIES EXHIBITION, Puvi HATZPKI.O-TH ACHBJiBBae & P esidcot H*awio, Hon. President*. 2. The GERMAN COLONIAI. EXHIBITION. Organized, with, the Co-operation of the Imperial Panic vo«f AsexKBAc and 1>r. KAY8«»,head of the Colonial Depart- ment of the German Foreign Office, Honorary Presulewfr 3. The maguiflcent and higbTy attractive displays OLD BERLIN, a living picture of the History and Development of the Capita*. Special Exhibition: "CAIRO. TlfiATRR. NCKBTH. 7a thn PLEASURE PARK the most Varied Attractions. JL«*mp)epo-w.iS,9. st. Clair, 17 Union-pa ^ag», njrmmgbam.. jggjMMgy OUSES Castrated wiii ft standing. Kigs & Kuptured Horses fliicrt'xfully opernti'dupon by WALT«b DEW, <iAiin^i!*o*y».— 1 A niFQ New List of Specialities, SENT FREE. IMHUIUO Seated. CKOOK jk ro..y. Ru-ht n Street. London, M. MIIDOITO (a.'Icases) supplied at once. Wi^more r rain-d Nurses. iMUnOLu St.. Loivl.. W. Tel. Add,: Trained.Londo*, f^ARBEN SEATS AND CHAIRS of \.X :■'■'< .i.r.-o'-War" Teal-wood. Semi for partinalflis to H. A: on Ltd. Sliip Ureakers, Millbank. I.<>iidon. W. ':i11 rsotiia-rdenSent-sbyappoiiitmciittn Jior ¥.a.6) ¡:1)'.i'Çf.Ai:ff U H IJÜ H D YN E. uine. l. r well-known remedy for SK' ..>iarrhoea, Dyaentery.r over.xo. etv' ..■ £ a! bears on the stamp the namera *{•-|-■ r j'■ ■■■••'•■ .■ ^dBMlillnveiitor, Dr. J. (Joilis Broivrie. YOUR NETJ^AL tJIA?}"»rowoKit/. 15 atr,i|.> fni OHMR UliMlC.V C^'Y, IOT -j VM. ALJ> DZSEAS VATnV-(>lV S. "oWUBKS? !•<•« r'" j frum Oil MU Cllh)l[C.M.( <)\ 111'. IS (. 11A At. — Yii ACKEFZIE'S FEMMjE RET.lEDY.—One 11 •, v 11 i; .-i»' oi tc^i ijnoiiials. >1=V1 po-■ V'r^ k ;.rT« shmw. with V'? -L' <1 lloihP, <C«. I'awo'a Eoad, London ;Kv:'V! .,i v(I <'A nlirt rapidly YIELD f iirl'iwii'1 estitoouiali, n"11 Advu-e po«» •ree hJ_:¿¡;.l'.{ (" JUST publii-, !> '& ••:)!■< "V Messrs. Barues &■ Co., a TrHMtiswfiiritle.i HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH a mcmr viil(ial>l- look for Young Men. 011 the LAWS GOVERNMNG LIF: the CAtrsEa, SYJIPTOMS and TRFATMFNT <-•' al1 'ii-pases dependr j? on Nervous Debility, Metitiil P.i vsiral Depression, Palpitation of the Heart, Noippb in the Had and Ears, Impaired SIght and Memory, Indigestion, Prostration, Lassitude, At-. Sent post free on re- ceipt of Two Stamps. Address, Messrs BARNES, & Co.,48, Lonsdale Square, Thornhill Road, London, N. « ENGMSH-1THE BESTS BENSON'S Hi WATCHES. Guaranteed for Accuracy, Durability, Strength, and Value. Thousands of Testimonials have been received. BEN So N 9 s BENSON'S English ILKBArex- Keyless Englisl* Lever LUDGATE" WATCH "BANK" WATCH. B&nl In Silver Cases. ^In 18-ct. I Ml2 £ 5 OLD WATCHER AND JEWEL- Selections LERY of TAKEN IN Watelle,4 or EX- Jewellerv sentfrec õn All Goods rocelpt of Not oference. A pproyed will be Ex- ebange(L Cheapest, Strongest and most Durable Loudon good Knockabout ^atch for rougrh wear at a made THEEK-QUAI5TER PLATE ever sold. low pricc. Best London made, Three-Qnarter Plate An English Lever, Jewelled with 13 Rubies, Chrono- English Lever, Lars?e, Chronometer Balance, Jewelled moter Balance, latent Largo Barr el, and Damp and I m Rubies, Strong Keyless Action. Dust Proof Jlin^r B.itijK lii<e 5 5s. An *Exact Tiuielvceper. and better vAlue than anv Keeps better time than, and is double the Strength Keyless Watch sold for iilO. and Value of. any £ 5 5s. Watch made. In Sterling TW,„ in Srrpn"tv, a. o-i i Silver Cases, with Stronjr Crystal Glass. ° rv,^r^m Es huen5=rth- Sterling Silver, Crystal Made in Four Sizes at. one Price, £ 5 5s.:—No. 1. ^"ah3 T, „ Gentlemen & Youths No. /J. Working Men No. 3.1 RENS0N S ENGAGEMENT RINGS, in Half- Railway Men and Miners (as illustrated): No. 4. Ladies. Hoop, Marquise, Gipsey and all other designs In massive 18-ct. Gold Cases, with Crystal Glass, set with Brilliants. Rabies, Emeralds Pearls, Sap- Gentlemen's size. £ 12 12s. Laav s size. £ 10 IOs. phires, Opals, Turquoise, Ac., <&C-, or jn p]ain gold. ALL WATCHES AND JEWELLERY sent post free, and at my risk, to all parts of the World on receipt of Draft, or P.O.O., payable at G.P O. CEND FOR BENSON S BOOK of WATCHES from £ 2 2s. to £ 500. CLOCKS, CHAINS, u ENGAGEMENT RINGS. BROOCHES. PLATE, *e.. Ac. ScDt post free on application to JW Bt'ElNSLrilW WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER TO • MM. O AJ3 S3? H.M. THE QUEEN and ROYAL FAMILY. Steam Factory: 628 & LUDGflTE And 28, ROYAL EXHANGE, E.G.. and 25, OLD BOND STREET, W., IiONDON. WATCH, &c., CLUBS.-Applications for agencies invited. Easy system, no risk. BLIN DS BLINDS BLINDS VENETIAN WINDOW BLINDS. MADE ALL COMPLETE, ANY COLOUR, 4Jd. and 5d. per ft. WARRANTED. SUN, WIRE, CANE, SPRING, & OTHER ROLLER BLINDS. Before ordering elsewhere send for Samples and Estimates, Free of Charge, to W. PAYNE & CO., Office: 114, QUEENS ROAD, PECKHAM, LONDON, S. E. N.B.—SPECIAL PRICKS TO THK TRADE AND BUILDERS. Old Blinus Re-paiuted, Taped and corded equal to new, 2id. & 3d. per foot. Shop Sun Blinds fixed complete. Send for Estimates Free of Charge. 2 11 ESTABLISHED 30 YEARS. BANKERS E. & S. W. BANK.



