Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

10 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



f WELSHPOOL. PETTY SESSIONS—TUESDAY. I Owen (in the chair), Mr C. E. K (ex-mavor), Col. W. J. Twyford, Messrs S. ° £ eil and David Jones. ^el h °°S Drivixg-—David Parry, Powis Arms, cha °01, answere(i an adjourned summons with furious driving on the 13th ult. L deposed that on the day in question bet 30 P-m- he Avas on ^ut-Y on the highway ob8 eeen the Garreg and Middletown, when he fujj rve(i a horse and trap coming down the hill at ^n(j^loP- There were four persons in the trap tile L defend;int, who was driving, was cutting O** with a whip, whilst one of the others that whoa." He called out to the defendant Ca|, "e would report him.—Moses Williams was ^efe A and ?ave evir!ence as to havil,g seen t}ie fit it] a t driving the horse at a full gallop; he was ^ag animal, and one of the men in the trap <J0^,Calling out to the defendant to take time going her n hill.—Elizabeth Preece in the course of she ellve said she was expecting an upset, and tberwalked partly down the hill in order to see if the a WaS a smash.J ohn Waring was called for da and stated that he was in the nefen- They were not driving down the tlje ,u^°usly at the time in question, neither was Pui^/ ant whipping the animal.—William Mills, the df' Sait^ 116 was one °* tiie m0n returam £ wifc!) ejg. e'endant, and they were driving at the rate of <}efean whip was used by the '0 urge the horse on. The constable hj&1 oat to the defendant that he would report S.JJJ' Parry took no notice of him.—Fined 10s. gcosts, in all £ 1 12s 6d. OW AGI!G A HEDGE.—Simon Price and Alfred *g6ll> °f Welshpool, failed to appear in answer to J?1110113 charging them with unlawfully cutting &e the property of David Walter Owen, Guils- Oji and doing damage to the value of Is.—Prose- *botrt that when he spoke to the defendants hin, tlle tnatter, one of them threatened to assault 'James Evans also gave evidence, and ihe ih.f^aots were each lined Is the damage, and £ 1 Uding costs. PJJ. EATING APPLES.—Robert Price (16) of Welsli- fford' 1'Vas summoned for stealing apples from the 8ey efi of Mr T. Evans, situate in Clive lane, off street, Welshpool, on the afternoon of the he u't.—p.c. Hughes proved the case, and said t^<?' ^efendaafc in Mr Evans's garden along number of other boys.—D.C.C. Crowden fr arked that the police had received complaints over the town respecting this sort of thing, Was carried on the summer.—The Chair- ing this one of the station gang ?—The Super- Yes.—The Chairman I have an idea (J6f 116 was in my garden the other day.—The was ordered to come up for judgment y called upon. —Walter Goodwin was summoned for Cas(fng his employer, Edward Price, blacksmith, ,Caereini°n,' on the 29th ult.—Prosecutor to i?Se(i that on the day in question he was calling Wt Pendant to attend to his work when the hi^er came up, seized him by the throat and threw lion down. Defendant had since bolted. Herbert Itssa, Oay gave evidence as to witnessing the [It I or 1: t, and defendant was nned jEl including costs, j, ^aya. OIII,OWERS OF BACCHCS.—Edwin Williams, wiio aPpear, for beir.g drunk and disorderly in 1Qs street, Welshpool, on the 30tli ulr., was fined the" a0c* C08ts or s«ven days. P.C. Hughes proved Mt,cav^—The same officer charged Waiter Ham jr .1nn °eing drunk on Monday evening, the 15th 5e e, and defendant was mulcted ic a penalty of and costs or seven days. "SPI E(IKI) KEEPING OF A DOG WITHOUT A LICENSE. ^Or ?ard ^i'hams, labourer, Berrievv, was sam- Jo|/ 'or keeping a dog without a license.—P.O. the n JOles deposed that on the 23rd ult. he visited Qjj.p^isea of defendant's parents ut Stone House, aad there saw two do«s. I.U.- asked Mrs. I:Ih;Ult1X\s.. if she had liceusps for the t 0 dogs, and replied that she had an exemption for one, ""tl 8t the other dog belonged to her son.-Defend- that he did not now own a dog. When be lip8 n £ at the Ship Inn be kept a dog without a jj but when he left, knowing that he could keep the animal, he gave it to his father.—The J?88 Was adjourned for a fortnight in order that Police may prove the ownership. A ^LOWING CATTLE TO STRAY. — David Evans, ^otie House, Guilsfield, was summoned for the 5^°ve offence. — P.C. Jones said that on the ult., about 9 o'clock a.m., he found three cows t longing to the defendant straying on Maesmawr Defendant's wife admitted to him that the 4 Ie belonged to her husband. He had received 111mlber of complaints about cattle being allowed on the highway.iinoo. Zs. bfi. lnoiudiug ^ARGE OP ALLEGED INDECENT ASSAULT. > Messrs D. P. Owen, C. E. Howell, and David sat at the Police Court on Monday to hear a eharge against Ernest Pearce, Union-street, 14 ears nf ;i fro of committing an indecent assault, on • aWday on Marv Jane Jones, 16, domestic servant V the employ of Mr William Baker. -Mr C. P. parsley appeared for the defence. The girl that on the dav in question she was picking ^ers along the lane" which runs by the sule of tbe opposite the Coal Wharf. Defendant came P_to h('i-; saying You are taking it very easy," to th 1C^ witness replied Yes." She then went over foh S^'e ou the canal towing path when defendant, l)o ter, tried to take the flowers troui her, ^S'Ur'fr l1(,r ;igUiUj5t the hedge. He then ran away, in' ?6Ss> who was frightened, was crying on reach- H0S '.)Tne- Defendant took no liberties with her, did she make any complaint of having been gv °Cently assaulted. Her mother had not been up ^at the matter.—Edwd. Evans, Tanyard-terrace, w° next called, deposed that on Saturday he 8 Walking along the Newtown road, and when h^ly opposite the football field on the canal side ?iVl xr someone crying, who, he found was the 1 Wary Jane Jones. Having questioned her as to nether she was hurt, to which she replied in the th e, lle went to Mr Baker and informed him Bcrf' servant was crying on the towing path. Ho °re he left the house the girl came in, but made tairit.-Deputv-Cliief Constable Crowdens | ev\ • co was to the effect that on Saturday j .^nirjg^ from information received, lie^ went V search of the prisoner, finding him at essrs. Stead & Simpson's establishment. Having Ri*jVeyed him to the lock-up, witness sent for the He next charged prisoner with indecently jj ?a^ltiug her, to which the lad replied that ne did anrt her and benan to cry. Bail was offered ca re^nsed.—After repeated adjournments, the again came up on Thursday morning before j es«rs. D. p. Owen. C. E. Howell, M. Jehu, aud D. a?Qes. Mr. W. Baker, Canal Cottage, deposed that asVUt 6 30 on Saturday night Mary Jane Jones aJked permission to go out. He gave her permis- • 0ri but told her to return early. He was reading la t}le garden and noticed a boy going down the --TV. SOON AFTER EVANS CAME UP AN(1 8POKE TO ]LIM- jTJ girl who was away for about half an hour re- !*oed crying and appeared very excited. She 'd that a ho-v had nushed her down on the tow- path opposite the Football field. She could we«tify l)im ghe stated that her hip was hurt, j^tness then gave information to D.C.C. Crowden. W-'itk °" °rowdfc>n stated that he charged defendant „ an indecent, assault from information re- CT^d from Mr. Baker. By Mr. Yearsley Lie I'pf4 no Warrant. Bail was offered that night and 8a\?Serl" Mary Jane Jores ou being re-called e d> m answer to the Bench, that she had made no j^Pkint of having beer, indecently assaulted.— sj. 'rj Un;on street, mother of the defendant, ated that tlic latter had once been run over hy a Jveyaiice since which time he had suffered from st»!epiic Mr E. Hugi^s, J-P-, Trade llall, that defendant had been in his employ at F-nd?eUt times during the past two or three years his !lad always found him steady and faithful m1 Yearslav, on rising to address tl"« nca for t[ Hpfenoe. said at the outset of KJt "13,k3 that <iefeaclant was char^nwitii c ln" an indecent ass'.ult.— Mr D. P. "wen t0\Jfttl0n as to i:ideeent assiinlt. Vv'e can red* ljjjp y assanlt we like.—-Mr Yoarsley 1. <• 0\v ,l° ^now what l.e is charged with ?—?.!< IjeC»n Re is charared with assault.—M.r V'• P 0 18 bepn charged ii-itli IIC Chai-Vketl: ^ere is no indecent assault dr^!| h his ^,<ls'let't.—Mr Vearsley then ytrocf0'1 ',10 ^ainf to Bpr'°h in the course-'t' any attemaino<t.that there was 'JO cvid^arge fas r :'f indecent assault. Kvcn was vpv-y e[.Uced to one of common ass*1*3 Court havir, *e evi(!ence as to tha'^erated in priva? cleared, the BencKsision, the Pr,bli 6" Ha^ing arrived at th "wen, ad- dr^g re-ad .r;itted, and is not said: Th have haci a nftrrole,Ut,y 6trong to convict, this town for H l0 e8CaP« from going a^'uilf;y of com- tuittj ° You are inc^P'iion is tliat evid,^ an assault, and my Yearsley: I hope there' °e ^'as heen \vithhtj!;enee>—Mr. D. P. Owet.S n°,putation o^ jt^^eld.—The case then ^idence has JJoart., a charge of Vatrre'Qded.—A: th',Vavertr £ ?e, Liverpool, ^asdiSmagainst-io1^ dismissed. [Q Par<i-pa Kosa gold medal at th conrpetitio,'tlsic>theprLz0wasaward- ed f„Q»r a' Acade' a native of North Wales U t0 Miss Clara >







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