Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

19 erthygl ar y dudalen hon










I WELSHPOOL TOWN COUNCIL. I ii U, R t, Dk Y. The or (Mr Dd Jones) presiding, also present Alderman Howell, Councillors T Simpson Jones, II Smith, C Shuker, C P Yearsley, J P Jones. W Humphreys, Dr Thomas, Dr Hawksworth, with Mr Ed Jones (town clerk), Mr Snook; (surveyor), and ] Mr T A Basnett (collector). SANITARY AND WATER COMMITTEE. A. meeting of the Sanitary and Water Committee i was held on January 1st. Mr Howell reported to the committee that Mr Addie had undertaken to proceed with the construction of the culvert as ex- j peditionsiy as possible, that the contractors en- 1 gaged in removing the mad feniing that iho work | might be stopped by reason of the streHnJ not I being properly protected and the mud finding ire v,av into it, asked for on allowance of £3 per week ¡' daring the stoppage. The committee were not. prepared to recommend that such an allowance be I made ii the occasion should arise and it was re- solved that the contractors be asked to proceed as far as possible before stopping the work. At a further meeting of this committee on January 17th the report of the engineers was read aud in the matter of the leakage discovered inthe (I i filter beds the committee, recommended that the filtering ma- terial be removed to ascertain the location and ex- 1 tout of the leakage and take steps for remedying I the defects. i re time nxeu tor the coa-.pletiou of the new filter beds, viz., Nov 8th, being long past, the committee were of opinion that the attention of the contractor should be called to it. The com- mittee roported that satisfactory terms bad been arranged with Messrs Rose as to payment for tIle new fire engiue. The Surveyor in his report to the committee stated that the Pool had not been sufficiently free from flood to allow 'of the work bemg proceeded -iritii.-Nir Howell, who moved the adoption of the minutes, mentioned that it was arranged that the committee should meet Mr Addie at the reservoir to consider the whole matter of the disposal of the mud. They attempted to do so but illness and bad weather prevented the committee meeting, with the exception of the Mayor and him- self. They went into the matter with Mr Addie, who showed every willingness to make facilities for the disposal of the mud. The contractor WH2 asked to lengthen the stage so that the mud might not get into the brook. Mr Addie agreed to put in 30 instead or 24-inch pipes so that there wwuJd be no difficulty in carrying away the flood water. The work had been interfered with owing to the quantity of flood water, but this was now going down and they hoped that the contractor would, very shortly, be able to further proceed with the work. He was of opinion that it, was desirable that a further quantity of mud sbonld be removed from the reservoir. The contract was to remove 3,000 yards, but as the men and plant were on the spot the Council might think it desir- able that further excavation should be made at the lower end of the pool. The matter would be con- sidered at the next meeting of the committee, and if they approved he should be glad to bring it before the Council. The report of the engineer had been before the committee on Wednesday, aud included a point which threatened to be trouble- some. When the new works were being proceeded with it was found that there was considerable leakage in the floor of the old filter beds. The town was now being supplied with water without filtration and this was therefore a matter which required immediate attention. He snggested that the work be proceeded with forthwith, and that the ocmmittec: inspect the filter beds as soon as possible. Some delay had arisen on account of the frost, and this had prevented them doing anything. The time fixed for the completion of the works was Novem- ber 8th, but several matters had arisen, causing delay, for which the contractor did not consider he was responsible. Mr Shaker said he was glad to learn that the work was being proceeded with &s expeditiously as possible.— Mr J P Jones asked if the contractors'attention bad becn ca11wl t' the condition of the road as it was stipulated that the road should be put into proper condit-icon before the expiration of the contract. Another matter he should like to ask about was the Fire Engine. He understood that this had been referred to the Finance Committee. In other towns lie found demonstrations had been made by firms which supplied engines and the demonstra- tions had been a great success. He tbougut it was their duty to the public.—The Mayor: I must call you to order; the matter has passed the Council olit-e.liir J P Jones I think it has been very unfair throughout, I mean about the price.-—The Mayor It has been carried out in accordance with the resolution.—Mr J P Jones I utter my protest. It has been hurried through, and, I think, very un- fairly.—Mr Howell said that in regard to the road- ( way the engineer had called the attention of the! contractor to this matter and called upon him to pat the road in repair so far as damage had been done.—Mr f 11 Jones referring again to the fire engine said the Finance Committee had to do with the finance and they ought to have dealt. with the purchase of the er-gizie.Alr Howell replied that as a matter of fact the Finance Committee and the Water Committee were composed of the same members and that Councillor Jones was absent from the meeting. Had lie been there tho question might have been raised. He supported the mayor n regard to the matter being out of orcer.Ilr J P Jones: It has not passed the Finance Committee. —The Mayor The Council has adopted the Finance Committee's recommendation. FINANCE COMMITTEE. The minutes of the Finance Committee having been read, the Mayor said that Mr J P Jones could now raise the question of the purchase of the fire engine.—Mr J P Jones replied that if the engine had been purchased he should be out of order. Was it right to make an arrangement like this and not ask for tenders from old firm r-The Mavor pointed out that Mr Jones was going into matters which had already been settled.— Mr Jones sat down, saying that though he was the only member, he recorded his protest. HIGHWAY MATTKRS. The Paving Lighting and Highways Committee met ou January ]6r.h and the Committee recom- mended that i, horse and gearing be hired from Mr W Farmer at 10s 6d per week, for a month that Lord Powis's agent be informed of the dangerous state of tho tree on the road near Smithfield and request him to fall and remove it; that his attention be. also called to a slip of land on the footpath between Raven and Deers meadows. The Committee recommended the Surveyor to get as much stone as lie could on the Back Road as soon as possible. They also recommended that the Sur- veyor report on the state of the roads generally in the borough and the quantity of stone available for the repair. The committee recommended that the Clerk write Mr Baker as to the stone required and that it would be absolutely necessary to have stone ready at once, and the Council were surprised to find that the stone broken by the workmen of the Corporation had been disposed of to other parties. —Mr J P Jones: Have we paid men for breaking the stone which has been disposed of? The Mayor: Yes. We are in a very awkward position in regard to the stone for the streets; it is time the should be on the roads.—Mr J P Jones asked a question in regard to the paving of Raven street and was informed that no more tenders for the work had beeu received.—The minutes were con- firmed. MARKETS eoMSS'.TTF. The Markets Gommiuee met on January 16th, and the committee recommended that the Surveyor 'be empowered to sell manure in the Smithfield at 6d per load. Also that the Surveyor employ an man to follow the horse to be hired from Mr !• a-i-rasr. That the of the Smithfield be rounded off.-—Tne minutes were approved, but Mr C P Yearsley said that the question of purchasing ) an extra horse had been before them so long that it was time it should be purchased. It had been before them ever since he entered the Council and for many years befure that. He should be prepared ro move at the next Council meeting that an expert be engaged to purchas? ciie.Nir Simpson Junes was of the same opinion. A maxy-faced clock. Mr Howell called attention to the Town Hall I clock, and pointed out that each face indicated a dlrf'Mont time. He thonarhc the attention of the j curator shonld be called to it, j llanfair eaii.tvmt shakes. t)Ir Howell mentioned the matter of the Llanfair Railway share deposits for the shares which it was ) intended the Council should take up, and said the < arrangement of the County Council in regard to the Tanat Valley Railway was that the money should be voted as soon as the contract for making the railway should be entered into. He did not 1 know that they couid do better than by following the example of the County Council aud voting the inonpy as soon as the contract for construction should be entered into.—Mr J P Jones thought they should not defer this tnt-tter. The Clerk was negotiating for the loan, and he should like to move fiiat the matter lie carried out at once.— Mr Yearsley said it was a iaige matter, and had not been on the agenda. He did not wish to interfere with the matter, I as he understood the Council were committed to it. Still it was a large amount involving as much as £ 8,000 and seeing it was such a large item it, ought to be on the agenda.—Mr Howell said the Finance t Committee had not dealt with it because there was net a sufficiently large attendance at the meeting. j He agreed that it was rather a large amount, con- j j siuora'oly more than a fire engine.—Mr J P Jones moved that, the deposit be paid.1fr Yearsley said j I that as there wero some who were not in love with j the scheme they ought to have the opportunity of j discussing it.—The matter was accordingly de- } t'orred. j UNIFORM WArTF.t). j Following upon the application of the School j Attendance Officer for an official cap, au application ) was received from the Sergt-at-Mace for a new ) i-iut to replace the old C)r.LE).-Ti)e matter was re- isrred to a committee. 1 "V7ELSHP00L HORTICULTURAL ] SOCIETY. | WILL THE SHOW DISBANDED 'r j A special meeting of Welshpool Horticultural Society was held in the Town lia; Welshpool, on Thursday afternoon, Mr j Chas F, Howell presiding. Present, Messrs F i Roper, E Wyke, C P Yearsley, J F Francis, E L R J Jones, F Lambert, MPowell, S Morris, D Rowlands, J Jos Buvhell, J H Anderson, — Qaklej".—The. Secre- J tary, Mr 3 G James, having read the o" the ) previous meeting, the followinsr letter from the j Earl of Powis was read in reply to the request of J the Committee for permission to hold the j show on August 9th, 1900, the programme to be subject to his lordship's approval :— Estate^ Office, Powis Castle, 12th January, 1900. Dear Sir, lam desired bv Lord Powis to sav in reply to your letter of the 15:h ult. that b,, has, repeatedly said that he cannot give permission to the Horticultural Society to hold their annual show i during tee first fortnight in August, and he is there- fore unable to give permission for the show to be held en the 9th of Augnst next, though he will be glad to lend the Park on some other (tate.-Believe me to be, yours faithfully, W Forrester Addie.— The Chairman said the letter from Lord Powis I threw open two courses, either to throw up the show or hold it on some other date which would be suitable to his lordship. He should like to know the amount of the balance in hand.— From the | replies of the Secretary and the Treasurer (Mr M Powell) it appeared that there would be a. balance of pbout £1.30 when the small outstanding accounts had been paid.—Mr Howell said that though he had little wish to sav anything, he thought it was right, as holding the position of chairman, to say he whs hardly satisfied that they, as a committee in an important matter of this kind. had the entire opinion of the large number of subscribers to the show. This was one of the things whi^h ought to be settled by the great body of subscribers tc an institution carried on on such an extensive scale, and though that meeting was well attended, it represented only a small number of the subscribers. He thought they should attempt to get the opinion of the whole of the large number of sub- scribers, of whom there were about 260. They should do this before coming to any decision, so as to be certain that in whatever action they might take thev were well backed up by the large body of subscribers to the show. They might have a circular printed with a number of questions to be answered by the subscribers. He did not like adjourning the meeting, still as they must either modify their views o drop the i-, hole idea they ought to be certain that they had the majority of subscribers at their backs.—The Secretary, in reply tu Mr Roper, said that 65 persons had been summoned to that meet in;—Mr Charles Howell said it often happened that where a uumber of the members of a committee failed to attend there was a good deal of grntubling afterwards i at what was (ione.)Ir 1\1 Powell thought the I best course would be to come to some decision as to their own views on the matter so that they could recommend something to the general meeting of subscribers. He moved that I after the results of last, year's show, and as Lord Puwis is unable to see his way to grant, the use of I the Park on the only day on which the committee w consider the show will have a chance of being a success, that the show for the present year be discontinued." He pointed out that last year's show was a financial fai.'uie and not only did they Jose money but prestige also. He had heard many remark tin t it was a very poor show, so far as the entertain- ments were concerned, and that they would not come again. He feared that if they could not hold the show on the first Thursday in August they I woula not only lose their little savings but have a deficit. It would be a great mistake to fritter away their present savings. He conld see r.o other course open but to discontinue the sh >w.— Mr Roper said he had so often spoken on this subject that. he did not intend to repeat what he had said before. He fully endorsed every- thing Mr Powell bad said, and though he could not say with pleasure, vet at the same time he seconded the resolution.—The resolution vvascariied without opposition, and it was agreed to call the subscribers together.—Mr Roper said that sn far as he had talkea with people it was the opinion that the show could not be carried on with the least chance (if success. They had now only X130 as agaillst £ 200 last year, which might have been devoted to some permanent purpose in the town. A PAIR OF LIARS. A good story is going the round of the clubs, say The Major," in To. Day. A certain very smart stockbroker was appointed captain in one of the Irish Militia. battalions. He was warned that the plausible old soldiers of this new company would get the better of him. Ho only smiled at the iden. Soon after the regiment was embodied the colour- sergeant came to his captain's room with an old soldier, who wished to speak to the officer. The man was admitted, and explained that he had heard from his wife, who was ill and—"if you plaze, sor, can I have forty-eight hours' Javo ? "You say you have heard from your wife," said the captain, smelling a rat, and beginning to turn up some imaginary correspondence on his table. 1 iiave, sor." "Ah replied the officer, I have heard from her too, and she asks me not to give you leave, for her too, and she asks me not to give you leave, for you only go home to get drunk ar.d break the furniture." "She wrote that, sor?" "Yes." furniture." "She wrote that, sor?" "Yes." "Aud does that mean, sor, that I can't have my lave ? It does." The man sainted and went to the door, then turning suddenly round he said, If you piaze, sor, may 1 say something confidential between man and man?" "Well, what it is?" answered the captain. IVIY, sor, under this roof are two of the most eeligant liors that the Lord ever made- lin not. a married man." -+-

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