Papurau Newydd Cymru

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WELSHPOOL. IF you want the best cakes and pastry, call at Wat- son's, 5, Hall street, where you will fiud all kinds of Swiss, continental, and fancv pastries. Wedding, birthday, and christening cakes, elaborately orna- mented, to order. [Advt. IF YOLT WANT a good reliable Bicycle at the cheap- est rate go to Thomas J. Evans, ironmonger, and ask for quotations. Old machines taken as part pay- ment. Ladies'and Gent's Bicycles for hire. [Advt. FOR a choice selection of fancy goods, tors, games, &c. (suitable for Xmas presents), also for all Kinds of tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, pipes, pouches, &c., call and inspect the stock at the Bazaar, Hall street. iAdvt. A USKFI'I. ARTICLE.—Humphrey Jones and Son are selling first-class Mincing Machines from 6s. -9, Hall street. [Advt. THE Welshpool Lodge of Freemasons last evening voted two guineas to the War Fund. It will be paid into the Borough Fund. SPECIAL SERVICES.— During the week special evangelistic services have been held at the Primi- tive Methodist Chapel, the meetings being con- ducted by the Pastor (the Rev A Smith) assisted by several of the laymen. ELECTION- or OFFICERS.—The United Lodge on Tuesday elected the following officers for the ensuing year:—Chief Templar, Mr J L Evans: Y.T., Miss Laev Watkin P.C.T., Mr A W Jones; Sec, Mr Alfred Jones; Chap, Mrs Challinor; Treas, Mr Thomas Hughe"; Financial Sec, Miss Sec, Mr Alfred Jones; Chap, Mrs Challinor; Treas, Mr Thomas Hughe"; Financial See, Miss Maggie Davies; Marshall, Mr Ravensc oft; Deputy, Miss Kate Macdonaid Guard, Mr Parker Thomas Sentinal, Mr Percy Davies; Assistant Sec, Mp-ster George Owen. DEATH.—Yesterday the funeral took place of Mrs Jane Humphreys, Berriew street, who died a few days ago at the ripo age of 72. The service at the house was conducted by the Rev D Morgan, pastor of the Welsh Independent Church, whilst the Rev D Jenkins officiated at the graveside. Amongst the mourners were the widower, Mr Thomas Humphreys, and his son, Mr William Humphreys (tailor). A large number of choice wreaths wera laid on the coffin, which was sup- plied by Mr J Prvce Jones. I.O.G.T.- At the Home of Welcome Lodge on Wednesday evening the election of officers for the ensuing quarter resulted as follows: C.T., Mr E Jones; V.T., Miss Theodore; Sec., Miss May Joseph; F.S., Miss A S Jones; Treas., Miss F Jones; Chap., Miss Jennie Jones: Mar., Mr Bert Jones; A.S., Miss Atkinson; Guard, Mr J Wood; Organist, Miss Gertie Gittins; P.C.T., Mr R Joseph S.J.T., Miss A Jones L.D., Mrs E Jones. The installation was performed by Mr F H Gregg, assisted by Mr Bishop, as Installing Marshall. Short addresses were afterwards given by the new I offi.eerE>. LANTERN LECTURE AT THE CHCKCII HOUSE.— A lantern lecture on South Africa was given in the Church House on Thursday evening by the Rev D G Davis (Vicar). The h cture was illustrated by means of the acetylene gas with yiews of South Africa, the lantern being manipulated by the Rev Merlin Davies and Mr Faulkner (Berriew street) There was a very fair attendance and the audience were treated to admirable descriptions of Cape Colony, Grigualand West, Orange Free State, the Transvaal, and Natal. Special reference was made by the lecturer to the geographical features of these districts, their products and in- dustries, amongst which, of course, diamond nuLing occupies the premier position. Towards the close pictures from life were thrown upon the screen of Cecil Rhodes, Sir Red vers Stiller, Sir George White, President Krnger, and other notabilities of the present campaign. Finally, vivid depictions of battle scenes, which created much enthusiasm, were shown. Last night, the lecture was repeated at the Belan, when there was again a large and attentive assembly. PROMOTION FOR MR A E IIARPFII.-We are pleased to announce that the son of the late past- master, Mr A E Harper, who for so many years has been a conspicuous figure in our post le:iv,-s to-day to take up a responsible position on the postal staff of St Aune's-ou-the-Sea, Lancxsaire. Mr Harper isit staunch Churchman and has always displayed a keen interest aud taken an active part in every social movement connected with St Mary s. He identified himself especially ll,e Class, to which, for n Imicrtt-ir neriod, ho acted as .'J"J secretary, and. wishing to show their appreciation of the able manner in which he discharged his duties, the members made a. presentation to Mr Harper on tiie occasion of his marriage. W aon a member of tho Montgomeryshire Yeomaniy, 1:1 which '"ovps he put in manv years of service, ue was known as a rider, a swordsman, and as one of t he best ali-roniui men in the troop. PLEASANT EVENING.—The annual social gather- jug in connection with St. Winifred s Church P-SH heid in llw Town Hall on Thursday even- g, when through the repeated generosity of Mr >> Y and ex-mayor of i, mi gomery, an attendance of about 40 partook (If, genial Fat her Havdn termed a a ratt:ing tea." was the caterer, alli Miss Du; ami Mrs O'-borit presided at the tables. Afterwa, u.s music and dancing were entered into with great spirit, the accompanist being Miss Reed who mani- pulated the piano in her usual style. Additional zest was added to the evening's enjoyment by the presence of Sergeant Major Tupper one of the popu- lar members of the] mpenal Yeomanry, who on enteiing the ro'un, was accorded a regular ovati.m. Arraved in his kharki uniform, he delighted t!>, ] company with two songs rendered iu his bluff ami hearty fashion, and al«o proved himself no meae ventriloquist. Mr Gillespie, Excise Officer, also contributed a rousing ballad. Towards the close, numbers of the general public, put in an appears tice and were heartily welcomed. The adherents of the Catholic Faith desire to place on record their gratitude to Mr Fairies-Humphreys, who, to again quote Father Haydn, is the best friend we have." THE ELEVENTH HTSSARS.—On TNESDAV evening, fit th" wei-kly nJPNing of the United L./dge (No. 41), Mr W I1 Hughes (Church-street'). wI;o fer some time had li.iej the post of .secretary, was presented with t hauusorneiy bound Bible and a pip" on he occasion of his leaving the town TO "ieie the 11: h 11 ussars, stationed at Canterbnrv. Tee ]>>>>se"raTh>r. who alluded in glowing terms to the capable manner in which Mr Hugiies had co;ducted the secretarial work of the Loage during his term of office. Ee concluded by wishing the yo,_Jg aspirant to military honours every success in what was, beyond all doubt, an honorable profession. Messrs A W Jones, Macdonald, and Alfred Jones also spoke, and afterwards Mr Hughes appropriately responded. PRIVATE JACK OWENS R FRRRR CAMP.—Private Jack Owens. Royal Wel«b Fusiliers, son of Mrs Owens, Mount Street, Welshpool, who is one of the five Poolonians at. the front, writing from Frere Camp, says: — e have had only one fight sitict, we came out here; we drove the Beers back from where they were staying, and we slept where they were camping. The Boers are a dirty filthy lot and it will not be long before we have the Union Jack flying at Pretoria. I have seen some Boer prisoners; they are a dirty lit of devils. The war will be some time before it. is over, and God know* I nug.Mt come back a cripple. I leave it in God's bands to deal as he thinks fit. Do not be down- hearted or iow-spirited. Remember, that I must fight for our Queen and country, and when the charge is sounded I shall try to do my best for the old homestead." The letter winds up with the words Down with Kruger." CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH ANNUAL MEETING.— The annna! meeting of the Congregational Church took place on Thursday. The proceedings com- menced about. 6 30 with tea served in the School- room under the supervision of Mrs R D Thomas. Afterwards the Pastor (Rev D B Evans) took the chair at. a meeting in the chapel when Mr R Powell, secretary, reed the annual statement of accounts which was accepted. Mr John Jones was appointed treasurer in place of Mr A W Jones, resigned. Mr H Thomson having delivered fin ad- dress on C) u ch Finance," the proceedings terminated with the customary votes of thanks. OBITUARY. On Monday evening, Mr John Humphreys, who had attained the advanced age of 76, died at his residence in Tan yard terrace. The deceased had been in railing health for some but the immediate cause of his demise, which was somewhat unexpected, was a seizure. For 35 years of his life Mr Humphreys worked on the Home Farm, first under the late Mr Fortune and latterly under Mr George Maequeen. He was vary well known to local agriculturists by whom he was esteemed as a practical man well versed in farming lore. Two sons and five daughters survive him. The funeral took place in the New Church at a quarter past two on Thursday afternoon, and was attended bv a large number of friends and sympathisers. The Rev D Jenkins, curate, officiated in the church and at the grave side. The principal mourners were Mr William Humphreys, Berriew street, and Mr John Humphreys, sons; Mr G M Parry, Church Bank, son-in-law; and Mr George Griffiths, nephew. The coffin, which was supplied by Mr Aaron Watkin, was covered with a profusion of beautiful wreaths sent from all quarters. BAPTIST CHAPFL.-The annual distribution of prizes to the scholars attending the Baptist Sun- day School took p!ace on Thursday evening in t,he Baptist Chapel. Mr B James presided, and gave an appropriate address. The programme was a very interesting one, and included solos by Mrs Challinor and Mr D Joseph, choruses hy the Scholars, conducted by Mr Howgon chorus by Mrs Roberts' Glass, an address to the scholars by Mr R Lewis, address to the teachers by Mr E Jones, superintendent; and an address to parents by the liev T Rowson, pastor. The prizes were then pre- sented by Mr Rowson to the following scholars:— Ethel Lewis, Irene Lewis, Evelyn Lewis, Minnie Faulkner, May Joseph, Hilda Faulkner, Jennie Joseph, Lilla Lewis, Doris Challinor, Georgina Faulkner, Gwennie James, Bessie Parry, Walter Hart. Emros Jr.mes, Dora Joseph, FIO»sie Bagnall, Nellie Joseph, Pryce Williams, Walter Williams, E'lward Davies, Lily Harris, Cissy Hughes, Nellie Hughes, Fiorrie Hughes, Amy Joseph, Ivy Pugh, Willie Hughes, Flossie Jones, Charlie Challinor, Bertie Hughes, Alee Pugh, Nellie Roberts, Willie Roberts, Madgie Roberts, Ethel Davies Harold Humphreys, Willie Humphreys, Wilfred Jones, Ernie Hughes, and Freddie Challinor. In addition to the ahoyp prizes, medals were presented to the first 14 scholars named for regular attendance, Minnie, Hilda, and Geoigina Faulkner receiving handsome silver medals, having attended every Sunday during the pau three years. A hearty vote of thanks to Mr James brought the proceedings to a cioss.


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