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r Aberystwyth Town Council.


r Aberystwyth Town Council. THE PRINCE AND THE UNIVERSITY. ABERYSTWYTH'S CLAIM FOR THE INSTALLATION CEREMONY. POST OFFICE GRIEVANCES. LETTER FROM THE POSTMABTER-GENERAL A meeting of the Aberystwyth Town Council was on Tuesday morning at the Town Hall, when there were present the Mayor (Mr R J Jones), Alder- Qiftn E P Wynne (ex-Mayor), Alderman Peter Jones, Councillors C M Williams, W Thomas, T J Samuel, J P Thomas, R Doughton, J T Davies, and T E_'Salmon, ,Wltll Mr A J Hughes (town clerk), and Mr Rees Jones (borough surveyor). j INSTALLATION OF THE PRINCE. The Mayor brought to the notice of the Council the question of the installation of the Prince of Wales as 'Chancellor of the Welsh University. The Court of the University would meet at Shrewsbury on the 15th inst, when the place of installation would be de- cided upon. Steps had already been taken on behalf of the town they had not been behind in the matter. He thought it desirable, however, on his part, to place It before the Council in order to receive further in- structions. He was of opinion that a strong deputa- tion should be appointed by them to appear before the Court at Shrewsbury to urge the claims of Aberyst- wyth to have the ceremony repeated in that town. There were many things that could be urged in favour of Aberystwyth. One was that its college was the premier college of Wales, while they also had 4plendid and magnificent college buildings, the other two places having nothing to compare with them in ■that direction. Another reason why they should urge their claims was that his Majesty the King was in- Stalled there six years ago, and he thought it would be very appropriate and fitting that his son Who succeeded him should be installed in I |hef same town and on the same spot as his t*ther was installed He did not intend goiug into Jrlatters fully now, but he hoped the Council would at. the end of this meeting, resolve itself into com- mittee, when the details could be considered. They found that Aberystwyth stood pre-eminently in a Position to claim the honour and geographically, the town was most centrally situated, between North *&d South Wales. He could assure the Council that j the Town Clerk and liimself had done everything | \,Qat could be done up to the present time, and they .()¡v considered that a deputation should be ap- pointed to press the claims of Aberystwyth in the strongest possible way. He hoped they should have the co-operation of the College authorities, as with- out it they could not expect to be successful. As far &8 the townspeople generally were concerned, they Were anxious that the installation should take place *t Aberystwyth. There was hardly a street he went through, but that his attention was called to the lo^portance of leaving nothing undone which would laduce the Court to fix upon Aberystwyth as the pl&ce where the ceremony should be performed. should the Court decide upon Aberystwyth, he felt *ure the inhabitants would give the Prince a most and enthusiastic reception. 1(r, W. Thomas said it was possible that some j JCOfple would not expect them to apply this time, Itut he considered it was their duty. He felt they Would be wanting in loyalty to the town and to the Prince himself if they did not apply. In any case, thay should do the best they could. Alderman Peter Jones said he noticed that other towns had taken action already, and he thought it IWU"only becoming that they should show also that they were desirious of doing what they could in the Matter, and to point out the special reasons why I Aberystwyth should be selected. He felt 6ure, as the Mayor had already stated, that there weuld be a **ost appreciative and loyal reception accorded the *rince if Aberystwyth was fixed upon. The matter was then deferred, to be further dis- cussed in committee. THE SOUVENIR. A letter was read from Mr Reynolds, of the Bir- ngham Advertising Company, enquiring whether the Council required any alteration in the views on literary matter of the official souvenir for the coming Season. Mr Reynolds also offered to supply any Jtumber of copies, in addition to those contracted for, at 50s. per thousand, should they be required. The communication was referred to the General Purposes Committee with power to act. FISHERY INVESTIGATION. A communication was read from the Board of Trade •^pressing thanks for the report on the subject of •cTecitific fishery research and the establishment of a ne biological station in Wales. The report of the joint meeting of the College and Council representa- tives would, the letter said, receive careful Sotisideration. POST OFFICE GRIEVANCES. _The Clerk read the following letter dated January *9th, from the General Post Office, London :—Sir,— With reference to your letter of the 20tli ult, on behalf ef the Aberystwyth Town Council complaining of defects in the postal services at Aberystwyth, and Uking whether the Postmaster General would receive • deputation from your Council on the subject, I am Erected by the Postmaster General to inform you that 8 has already under consideratioa arrangements for loving the postal facilities of the town, and when these are carried out, it is believed that the require- ments of the inhabitants will be satisfactorily met. ALS you are no doubt aware, the lateness of the first delivery, which has been the main cause of complaint ta the past, is due to the late running of the night ]nW train. It has not been found possible, entirely to obviate this cause of delay, but the new arrange- ments have been framed so as to provide for the firet delivery being completed by about 9-30 a.m. in all Parts of the town, even when the mail train is late. The Post Office at Abervsrwvth, as you are also pro- fclMy aware, has recently been removed to new and j Commodious premises, and, as under the new proposals a suitable addition will be made to the indoor staff, the Postmaster General anticipates that Aberystwyth will compare favourably in the matter ft postal facilities with any town of the same size Similarly situated. In these circumstances, I am to enquire whether it is still considered necessary that deputation should be received by his Lordship on Vae subject.—G. H. Murray. Mr C. M. Williams said the chief claim the depu- tation had to urge was the increase of the number of town postmen to expedite the delivery of letters. ten, in the summer time, the letters were not delivered till quarter to eleven or eleven o'clock. Be thought the Town Clerk should write asking if My increase was to be made in the out-door staff. Alderman Peter Jones said the reply impressed him loa being of a satisfactory kind. They could now be lure that in the ordinary course the delivery of letters Would be completed by nine o'clock. As to the de- tails for carrying that into effect, that was a matter Tor the Post Office authorities. If it could be attained, all cause of complaint would be obviated. Mr Salmon said that mention was only made of I the morning train. It was well known that a mail came in from Birmingham at 11 30, but the letters were not delivered until 2 30. Mr C. M Williams suggested that further action be deferred pending the improvements made being brought into effect. If not satisfactory, they could again apply that the deputation be received by the Postmaster General. Mr T. J. Samuel proposed that the matter be de- ferred for two months, so that it should not be dropped. Mr C. M. Williams—You need not be alarmed. It wai not be dropped. It was then agreed that further. action be deferred for two months. WORKMEN'S DWELLINGS. An application received for one of the Corporation workmen's houses in Smithfield-road was referred to Mie borough accountant. Mr J. P. Thomas suggested that the ballotting should be made shortly in order that the people 'Who would be accepted could prepare to go into the houses. The Mavor said the Finance Committee would deal with tiiat inatter, and no doubt steps would be taken immediately. ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS. A letter was read from Messrs Roberts and Evans, solicitors, stating that Mr D C Roberts accepted tbe terms offered by the Council in regard to his property :at Trefechan. The same firm of solicitors also wrote stating that the Rev Thomas Levi had instructed them to say that lie and his co-trustees desired the Town Council to give their consideration to the ques- tion of the purchase of the freehold of fanycae Schoolroom. Mr C M Wutams said it could be inferred from the letter that they had had a previous application with regard to Tanycae schoolroom. He did not remember .any such application. the Clerk said he also had no recollection 01 sucn ■an application, but he would communicate with Messrs Roberts and Evans. STATE OF VICTORIA-TERRACE. Á LONG SUFFERING RATEPAYER. The Clerk reported having received a communi- cation from the Local Government Board enclosing copy of letter received from Mr W. R. Hall. Plynlimm, House, Victoria-terrace, and asking for the Council s observations thereon. Mr Hall, m his letter, said it was with (rreat reluctance that he wrote in reference 'JSSle,, and tl,e proUty tributed to the public funds of the torougi doub e that of any other simiUr ? town. Ihe spring before last, nav n J appealed to the C'0UI!"1^d he appealed personally street and scrape up the mud, ne appe t] to the scavenger, wh. SS road scraper, wnicn was, Qurvovnr done. He also appealed personally to tl and happening to see him on the spot re^»ectfull% requested him to come into the .iouse to. „vor which was carried into the house. The } declined, saying that he was not an inspector o mats. He then himself took up from the street in front only of his house fifteen bucketsful of mud, and placscl it on the paved portion of the promenade. A police constable threatened him with a summons, which lie told him he was willing to accept, but did not get it. He, however, was followed through the main streets of the town—not by the constable-with threats and profanity. Mr Hall had also addressed "toe the Board a copy of a letter he sent to the Town Council on September lVtli last in_ i'cic"c,^ \^tter same matter, and which was also read. complained that the rond had not been pu proper state of repair alter the laying ot the electric cable and a storm water p ally. I-ollov-ing^ Mr Hall said, the gully ™ put right, ^the,^ still a dirty and untidy depression let. in tae sticet, the road not having been properly restore • 1st October the committee reported saying they had considered his letter, and had handed to the surveyor. Now, in January, there wer P° water along the line of excavation made voars ago, the depressions in the roadvs ay, tions of mud in the roadway, depression, in the chanuellini's, which did not carry oft t> K(1 the depression in the crossing '^d he ^uld^bc greatly obliged if the Board could m aty <y him to a remedy..n, ?n The Mayor:' Can the surveyor say reference to this matter ? Can he tell us state of Victoria-terrace ? The Surveyor replied that as they were a\\a Victoria-terrace was torn up every win storins, although this winter had been the most s, favourable for a long time. The road 1 >>• been attended to at the beginning did not think it would be well to do anything to restore it until the end of March. Mr T. E. Salmon Is Victoria-terrace worse than any other street in the town ? The Surveyor; That is a matter of opinion. y Mr T. J. Samuel Is it, going to be macadamised There are holes in it. ntin Mr C. M. Williams said the complaint was not in reference to the road generally, but where the electric cable had been laid down. Mr T. E. Salmon proposed that the matter be referred to the Public Works Committee. The Mayor said they could take it that the surveyor would attend to any defects in that part of the town as soon as practicable. Mr W. Thomas said there were many parts of the town in a bad state, and would it not be better in face of all this to authorise the Surveyor to engage five or six men for the next few months to put the streets in the best order possible., "■ He thought this would be a proper thing to do before the summer set in. Alderman Peter Jones thought it would be well to state what had been done during the past winter. A thousand tons of macadam had been ordered, ana also a further quantity of 500 tons, so that 1,500 tons would be used in the town, which was three- fold the quantity usually used. The Surveyor had also engaged six or seven extra men, so that what Mr Thomas had suggested had practically been done. A considerable portion Qf the town had already been attended to as, for instance, North-parade, Pier-etreet, about the Station, Chalybeate-street, and Mill-street. The main arteries of the town had been taken in hand and almost completed. As to the portion oi lerrace-road between the Station and Miss Owen s corner, that had been cut up for connections with the sewer and also for t.he laying of the gas and electric mains. Having regard to the extra quantity of macadam ordered and the extra number of men engaged they would expect that the town would now be in a better condition. As to flagging also, the Surveyor had five or six men engaged at that work at the present time Mr Hall's communication was referred to the Public Works Committee. PORTLAND ROAD AOATN- A further letter was read from Mr J. Morgan com- plaining of the state of Portland-road, which he described as being little better than a morass in wet weather. He also asked that the name of the street should be placed on the building adjoinining Terrace- road. It was suggested that the communication be re- ferred to the Public Works Committee. Alderman Peter Jones I am afraid you are only giving them material for the wastepaper basket. (Laughter.) Mr J. T. Davies The best thing is to put the road in order, and then we shall have quiet. Mr T. J. Samuel said the question of placing the name of the street at the corner was one that should be attended to, and there were several other streets in the town which had likewise been neglected. The matter was referred to the Public Works Com- mittee. the Mayor remarking that he was sure the Surveyor would do all be could to put the road in a proper state of repair. It certainly was not picturesque by any means at the present time. REFBRRBD. A letter from Dr Harries stating it was time the drains to Penparke-road were made was referred to the Public Works Committee. A question having been raised as to whetner a boundary wall belonging to Mrs Rea's property in Portland-street and Corpora- tion-street complied witb the conditions of the renewal of lease, this was also referred to the same committee. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTHH. This committee recommended that the plan pre- sented byMrs Clapperton of proposed addition to her premises in Terrace-road be rejected, but that Mrs Clapperton be allowed to build a lean-to not exceed- ing four feet in width, for the purpose of covering in a proposed staircase leading from the present kitchen to the bacit. The recommendation was approved of.' Mr Longley's letter, read at the last Council meet- ing, had been considered by the committee, and it was recommended that Mr Longley's application be refused, and that the encroachment upon the pave- ment in Pier-street be not allowed. Mr Salmon moved as an amendment to this that they should visit the place before giving a decision. He had inspected the place himself, and was of opinion that it wouid be a great improvement, while an increased space of five inches would also be added to the pavement. Mr Salmon also said the encroach- ment did not project so far out as the railings of the adjoining bank buildings. Alderman Peter Jones pointed out that it was out- side the proper line of building. He was at a loss to think how anyone could conceive that what had been erected by Mr Longley would be a pleasing feature in Pier-street, If they allowed this to go outside the line of the adjoining property, why not allow the whole length ? The accommodation in that part in summer was not too much, and they should treat Mr Longley as they would anyone else. Mr Salmon said the footpath would not be narrowed. It would be widened by five inches. He considered Mr Jones should be fair to Mr Longley. The wall built in front of the bank, upon which the railings were built, protruded out six inches more than Mr Longley's premises. Alderman Peter Jones-If you desire at any time the removal of those railings I say you would be within your right in doing so, but you would not com- pare a building which will go up eight or nine feet with the railings. After further discussion the committee's recom- mendation was carried. The committee's recommendation that in future an annual charge of 2s 6d be made for permission to erect bay windows was agreed to, it being stated that this would not apply to Corporation property. The committee reported that they regretted they could not recommend the granting of permission to Mr Isaoc Edwards to erect bay windows to his pre- mises, No 17, Alexandra-road. Mr Salmon moved as an amendment that the ap- plication be granted. There were two bay windows at one end, and the Corporation had granted another at the bottom end, and there were only ten houses between. This was one of the widest roads in the town, and he did not think it was fair that one or two neighbours who lived in adjoining houses to Mr Ed- wards' should object to this bay window. If this application were granted, others would follow suit in a short time. Mr J. T. Davies-I lire in one of the adjoining houses, and so Mr Salmon must refer to me. Mr Salmon-If the cap fit6 you wear it. Mr Davies—Mr Salmca is very fond of giving other people's property away, but I am not opposed to the bay window. It will, however, I think be an obstruction to the footway. Mr Salmon—I am sorry Mr Davies should take that narrow-mindod view of this application. The Mayor-I must call you to order, Mr Salmon. Mr Salmon-I should like to ask Mr Davies how he says I am giving property away. The Mayor—Your amendment is not seconded, and you have no right of reply. Mr Salmon: I have a right to reply to a personal matter. Mr W. Thomas said the committee was not averse to granting the application, but they thought an application should come from several of the owners in the street jointly. On being put to the meeting, the committee s recommendation was approved of. The following further recommendations of the committee were also accepted :—That Mr John Charles be allowed to erect bay windows to his premises in North-road, subject to the projection not exceeding 15 inches, and the payment of an annual charge of 2s 6d per window that Mr David Evans and Mrs Evans be permitted to erect a portico to their premises in North-parade; that the plans of two houses proposed to be erected in Buarth-street by Mr David Davies be passed; that Mr Bearne's application ro _d_£'1\ ,c. .n +l'11lJ tor a quantity 01 concrete eiciuo lUl yaving "u footway in front of his house in Trinity-road be granted at the same prices as other applicants had been charged; and that 500 yards of flagging be pur- chased of Messrs Watson at a price not exceeding the price heretofore paid. Mr J. T. Davies reminded the Council of the question of urinals, and said he would like to see something done in this matter. In reply to the Mayor, the Surveyor said he had secured designs, and those would be presented at the next meeting of the Public Works Committee. FINANCE COMMITTIRE. This committee recommended payments amounting to P,667 Os lOd, which were passed. The committee recommended that the application of Mr John Griffiths for an extension of time for carrying out the condi- tion for the renewal of No. 62, Cambrian-street be granted to November, 1902, which was confirmed. The committee could not accede to a similar applica- tion made bv Mrs Ann Morgan, in respect of Moreb House Bath-street. The committee recommended that Dr Bonsall's offer to surrender a portinn of the frontage of his premises in Queen's-road for the lm- provement of the roadway as .snown on me plan prepared by the borough Surveyor and to forthwith demolish the existing coach-house and re-erect same in the rear of his premises on a site to be approved bv the Council in consideration of a payment to him of P,20, be accepted, and this was agreed to by the Council. The Mayor mentioned that one matter had been omitted from the report, namely, the increase of salary granted to Dr Thomas, the medical officer. As the matter would not be effected by a fortnight s delay, it would be well to have it printed in the next agenda before asking for the confirmation of the Council. GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE. I Bills for advertising to the amount of Z98 2s 8d were submitted by this committee and approved of. A recommendation that the application of Mr J. Lewis to place bathing machines on the South- terrace beach was itdol)t(A. On the committee's re- commendation, it was agreed that a committee of the whole Council be convened for February 14th to consider the question of summer entertainments. A letter had been received from Mr C. S. Denniss with reference to the train service for next season and also with reference to advertising, and stating I he would meet the committee at an early date. ADDITIONAL WORKMEN'S HOUSES. Mr C. M. Williams proposed the following resolu- tion, of which he had given notice:—That in view of the urgent necessity of immediately providing further accommodation for the working classes residing in the town steps be taken with a view to obtaining a loan not exceeding tP,5,000 under the provisions of the Housing of the Working Classes Act, 1890, which Act has been adopted and is now in force in the borough. The mover said the erection of the pre- sent houses were nearly completed, and knowing the long time it took the Local Government Board to complete this matter he thought it advisable to place it Oil the agenda to avoid delay. The first resolution to borrow £ 3,300 was passed towards the end of 1897, and the inquiry was not held until January, 1900. He hoped there would not be such a long delay in this case, and that the Finance Committee would immediately have the specifications and designs drawn up and plans presented. A suggestion had been made that they should advertise for plans, and offer prizes for the best. Mr Salmon said it gave him great pleasure to second the proposition. The sooner they got the loan the better it would be for the working classes. Alderman Peter Jones asked was it not necessary in making this application that they should sub- mit plans of the houses they contemplated erecting. Mr C. M. Williams replied that this was the course adopted before, and they would save the delay of waiting for the plans, Alderman Peter Jones said if they did not submit plans with their application, the Local Government Board would not consider it. He would support the proposition with the addition that the Finance Com- mittee take the necessary steps to carry tbe proposal into operation. The Mayor said he hoped the question of an isola- tion hospital would be taken into consideration as well. The question of site was the only obstacle to that, and if they could do without plans in the case of the workmen's houses, they might also be able to expedite the hospital question in the same way.. Alderman Jones-I think you will find that with- out those details you will not carry the matter through. n'U' Mr C. M. Williams said he was willing to add Aid. Jones' suggestion to his proposition, and this having been done, the resolution was unanimously agreed t). Mr Williams remarked that the question of the isolation hospital had been considered in committee, and the report would be presented shortly. EXTENSION OF THE BOROUGII. Mr C. M. Williams also moved that the town clerk be instructed to prepare and submit to the Finance Committee the draft of a memorial to the Local Government Board praying for their sanction to the extension of the Borough. Mr Will ams said all the statistics relating to the proposed application were now in the hands of the town clerk. As soon as the memorial was ready, and had been presented to the Council the clerk would take the necessary steps to apply for an inquiry. Mr T. E. Salmon seconded. The Mayor said he was very glad they had arrived at this stage in this matter. It had been pending for a long time. £ The resolution was unanimously agreed ta


Town Council.





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