Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

8 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



THE FRON BAZAAR, GARTHMYL. Beautiful weather favoured the holding of this Ion,. looked for event which came off on Friday last, at Halfway. Garthmyl. The tents had been erected by Mr John Pilot, Newtown, in a field bordering thtf main road between Newtown and Welshpool, and which had been kindly lent for the occasion by Mr William Pritchard. Over the gateway leading to the field was a neatly decorated evergreen arch, bearing the one word, "Welcome," and it is scarcely necessary to add that a very cordial welcome wai given to all. The bazaar had arisen from. suggeation thrown out by Mrs Lewis-Andrew, which was eagerly taken up by those who were interested, and with the Rev J. Rooeris at the head of an influ. ential committee the idea was put into piajtical iorm, and the sale of work or bazaar of last Friday was the result. The object of the sale of work was to obtain funds for the purpose of renovating the church at the Fron. In addition to the fresh dressing of the woodwork, the importation of new pews and the repairing of the old ones, the better protection of the west wail from damp, there was also a debt upon the classroom of .£16, together with a project for planting a piece of ground at the backjof the charohf and the further improvement of the path leading to the church. This was an amount of work which involved some considerable cost, and therefore it is not at all surprising that every exertion wis made to ensure the b ziar being a success. The sale was opened by R. Lewis-Andrew,Esq.,Glan Hafren,shortly alter two o'clock, when there was a iatge number present. He said that there appeared to prevail & feeling that the amuuut required to renovate th. churca Wd.8 only iU, but he hastened for obvious reasors to d;rabuse their minds trom such erroneous impressions, as the ti-tal amount required would be i ruvi in ac leait .£80. Hcferang to the necessity of providing a will at tue back cf the church for the purpose of preventilig the earth falling upon it, he Fa'd that •at -ly they had heard a great deal about the land clipping away from tho c'auroh, but in at iustauca Lbe land was supping towards it—( au^iitec and applause)—and it really necessitate i tL", erec-ion of a wall to keep it away—(applause)—so a.s to avoi! the damp coining in contjc^ With the main wail of the structure. Th, church was built by the latu MifcB Mary Buckley-Williamestur the bendit of t, e children of all denominationri in the neighbourhood, and thereby saving them the necessity of eit itr going to Berriew, Llandyssil, or Doiforwjn, which w"s no doubt a considerable advantage to those W:J'J resitied in the immediate neighbourhood. In conijiU.«.ion. he hoped they would all take into consideration tile amount required, and alto the purposes lor which it was needed, and that thq wouia generously aud willingly do their best to make it a success (appiau^e). Before deciaring the sale open he added that ;,e had received a letter from Lady Pryce-Jo^es, regretting her inability to attend, and enclosing b. cneque lcr 13. The stalls were very neat.y arrowed, the various articles, which were crowded tog-n; her, were of a useful character. As a rule salve, of work are sometimes, owing to the anbouudei ^euerosity of willing friends, inconvcnieiitiy i wit., an IL- numerable collection of pretty articles wnica, t.owever can icarceiy be considered as being essentials of aneed« ful character required by an asut- h usek^ej ar but to say the least of the r,aj,.riiy of the work (fereJ for sale on Friday, it was r.-u, ly of a kind tnat would be useful, at the same time retaining its ornamental features without detriment. Mrs Lewis-Andrew, among other valuaole contributions, had presented several neatly defiotd aLJJ harmon.aeu v. paintings of flowers and plauts, a. &tudy iu which sha has proved an adept. Tiieze arranged around the fides of the tent were a feature of nijrked interest. It would be almosL impossible to give anything approaching a Lst Of the aiticies contained on the various stalls, its the art angumû" t was so pro! use. The stalls weie under tb abie sup,-ivisioa of the following ladies :—Gianh-ifren btaii Mrs Lewis-Andrew, assisted by Mrs J. A. 'i'.lbol, Mrs Edward Powell, lls .J.lue", MifS CiCaly Jones, Miss Mabel Jones, Miss Maud Talbot, Miss Garsed, Miss Humphreys-Owen, Aliss Biythe, Miss Elwell, and Miss Puyhe-Morgan. Parish Stall: Miss Williams, assisted by Mrs 117illiain Pritchard, Mrs Aa.:on lAtvies, l-Lnnah Evans, Miss M. fcl. Lloyd, Misses M. arid A. Watkin, Miss Beedies, Miss Jennie iMviee, Miss Jennie Evans, Misses Annie and Edith Pritchard, and they were assisted by the follow- ing gentlemen Revs J. Koberts, F. M. Hamilton, J. Ll. Jones, J. Fisher, and J. Hughes, Messrs R. Lewis-Andrew, A. Graham, Theo. Pughe-Morgan, and P. T. Gorst. Refreshments were Dot lacking, as Mrs. R. E. Jones had amply pro- vided, at her own expense, a weli-ladcn at one end of the tent. Among those present were the Revs. Dr. Gibbings, Lianmerewig, J. Roberts, Fron, J. Fisher, Newtown, J. Hughes, Caersws, T. Jones, Carno, J. Baiues and party, berriew, Evan Jones and Mrs Jones, Llanllwchaiarn, J. E. and Mrs and Miss Tompson, Mr and Mrs Lewis. Andrew, Mr R. E. Jcmh and party, Mrs Chadwick, Mrs Humphreys-Owen, Mrs Pierce, fSaru, the Misses Howell, the Misses Humphreys, Garthmyl, Mrs Talbot and party, Mr A. E. Pryoe-Jun-s, Mrs Pryce-Jones, Newtown Hail, Mr T. J. Houucfield, Misses Jones, Bauk, New-.oivn, Miss Ilaie, Mi-S Miller, Miss Stephens, iix-s Eu.b:ey, Mr-. Edward Ev.i)s, Lianfair, Mrs Edward Powell, Flasybryu, Mrs and the Misses Waitou, Mrs Cur ing and Miss David- son (Brooklandfl), Miss a.nd Master Parry-Morgan, Miss Owen and Mr Owen, Fr ij Li :i. '.ii-- Hum. phreys, Cefn Bryntalch, Captain Humphreys, Mr W. Humphreys and Misses Humphrey", Garttirnyl Hall, Mr, Mrs, and Miss Elwvli, Mrs Lambert, etc. During tha atternoon music Îvr dancing was piaved by a contingent of the Newtown Baud, and the held, surrounded as it is by thickly-wooded hiils, the dark foliage of which brought out more distinctly the delicate tone of the green lier;.aye, pres ^.ted a lively aspect. Cricket a:,d various (jtuer games were in- dulged in, "Aunt SÙlY" m a cj iier of the Seld receiving its full share of re- fiio efforts of the promoters resulted in the sum of nearly £ 100 being real.sed.


Family Notices
