Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

24 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



HARVEST FESTIVALS. HARVEST FESTIVALS. NEwrowx.—In concection with the hnrre?t festi- val nanitertninuientw??tTen in the Prinntive Methodist Cha-upl on evening,when the to.. "iowm? programme ?a!" Riven :—D'tft, Fiaherma.n <Dd hi-) chL.d." Mr W. 0. T. &od M?s Jonea recita.- <MB, How to do it." Master Griffiths; recitation, **Boadto Hpaven," MiM Morgan; duft. ''Sowin<: the aeed," Mit-ges F. and J Wycherloy recitation, "I'm nine years old," Master K. Rnaaell; recitation. "The ramdrop." MiaeMantte; recitation, Master P Price recitation, The common question," MiM Williams solo, Where are the reapers:" recua- tion.How loving is Jesna." Miss Andrew; recit". tiou, Miaa E. Morgan. The recitations were weH eiven, and the singing was very enectivety rendered. LLANLLWCHATARN.—The harvest thtinksgivin,, sarvicaa were held in this church on Wednesday last. Holy Communion and Matins were solemnized in th forenoon, and the thackaitiving aervice took pl tea at night. The Church was crammed, many failing to <rain admission. The aervice was conducted by the Vicar, the Rev. R. Evan Jonea. M.A.. who wa.s as- sisted by the curate, the Rev. J. Fisher, the Rev. E. A. Fiabbourne, and the Rev. E. T. W. Evana. The Rev. W. VauLphan Jones, M.A.. rector of Tregynon, preached a fermon suitable to the occasion, taking hu) teit from Hosea. 8 chap., 7 verae—" They havo eown the wind. and they shall reap the whirlwind." The aervice WM folly choral, and the beautiful fing- imr of the choir merita great praise. The anthem "The harvest is the end of the world" (Spinney) WM excellently sung by the choir. The decoration- were profuae. and the inaido of the littte church looked exceedingly wait. The Re-table was ad.)t ned «ith VMet coutaning dahlias, asters, stocks and fefus. Grapes and apples were placed on the table ?n such a way aa to give it a very pleasing a-pect Above the Re-tab)e werdarranged crosses of different throes. The cbc,ir stalls were prettily decorated, and At the end t large sunflower waa fixed. together with wheat. The reading desks were adorned by pret. tily arranged uowera, around which were groups of vionotia and chryaanthemuma. with bunches of grapes hanging from the corner of the desk. The Ject3rn waa beantinad by sun&owera, dahlias, and aaters, which were separated by berriea and ferns. The pulpit was covered with Bowers. At the bottom an arrangement of tinted iea.ves encircled the putpit, and the panels were embedded with mo-s, in which were placed numeroua berriesgtVing the pulpit, a fascinating appearance. Along the top were ar- ranged oata. wheat and other grain. Hangicg from the bible were ton? pieces of elderberry boughs, wh'eh were joined together and added much to the enchant- ing appearance of the pulpit. The chancel arch was decorated with sick'es and sheaves of wheat and oati. The windows leoked extremely well, having baen )aLi with moea, and then having fruita of different kinds and flowers placed on them, such aa apples, peare, Tegetable marrows, crrrota, &c., aatera, 6tock", tnarigolda, and aunnowera. Around thA edge of tl < moaa were placed pretty leava and stringa of b'h- rioa. The font waa embelliahed with all kinda of jlowera, and tookod beautiful. Over the top of the font was arranged a kind of hoop, and over it wao placed moaa. &e., forming a kind of bed for nowerf. Up each aide of the font waa arranged dahtiaa. astera, and atocka. Around the font were placed numarona Nowera and leaves of variooa t<nta, which gave it a fine tppearattce. Thoae who participated in decorating the Mcred edifice ao p!eaain?ty were aa toltowa :— Eaat end and reading deaka, Mrs Evan Jonea pulpit, Mifea Hutchina; lectern, Miaa Etwell; font, Mis« Fortune and Miaa Mabel Lloyd-Rugbes; windowa, Miea Elwell.MiM Daiay Elwelt. Miaa Fletcber, Miss Ev&ca. MtM Mary Taylor, Miaa Fortune. Miaa Mabai Lloyd.Hng?M, Mr Baker and Maeter Norman Hoyd. Hughea; chance! arch (aickiea and aheavex) Mr Booper gaUery, Miaa Sibyl Hutcbins. t L_? PtNTBN LnviOB.—A harveat thankagiviBg aer. Tioe waa held in the Weateyan Methodiat Chapel on Thoradfty evening. The interior of the budding. which wa.a erected in 1798, presented a pleading ap. pearftnce. On every aide could be <een evidence in the ornate decorationa of the beatowment of much ,care and akilt. The whU were slao covered with texta, choicely worked. The prooeedinga opened in the afternoon with a free tea. which was provided out of the Sunday 8obool funde, and to which a very large number aat down. In the evening a m'*et)ni! waa held. and the chapel waa SUed. Mr A. T. Spatd- ing preeided. and appropriate addreaaea were doiiver. ed by Mr Zuraa. Dr D. B. BoM, Mr C. J. Neweli, and the Rev. Frederick Hunter, superintendent minister, The frnit, vexrotablea and grain were given by neigh- bonriEg triemda.and the decorations were ably ctrri<'d out by the Miaaee Pryce (3), Panney, Nock. Pentre, Jonee, Penyooed, Davies Femey, Roberta, Cefn Bryn, Daviee, Cefn Uppol. and Mrs Lloyd, Fron,,Iog. Spee- ial pieoew were sang by the choir in a manner which zeti,seted the bigheat credit on the conductor Mr Nock and the acoempMiMt Miaa Price. During the proceed- ings Mr Zuraa al"o g?ve a soto. The meeting cano!u- ded with votea of th*nka to the chairm*n, the ladies, Md other warkera who had aeaiated to make the e vent a thorongh socoeaa. LLINLLUGAN.-The barveat thanksgiving waa hetd in tte ancient Parish Church on the 20th mat. Tna ch irch was beautifully decorated for the oc- c*eioh by Mra Wiltiama (Vicarage), Mrs Beddoe:' (Cae Coch). asMated by Mra Symma (Cefn Coch Inn), Mrs Davies (Belaa Argae), Mi. Morris (Bleak Houae), Miaa Johnaon and Misa Evans (Tyn Llan). The evening service was attended by a large congre- gation. The service, which was choral, waa ably in- toned by the Rev. T. D. James. L!anfan. The sing- inir of toe aolo from Handel, Angela ever bright and fft;f by Miss Johnson, Bendihir, certiSoated singer, accompanied on the harmonium by the Rev. C. Williams, vicar, was an unexpected tre&t to the con. gregation. The chants and harvest hymns were cheerfully sung by the choir, accompanied on the .harmonium alternateiy by Mias Johnaon and the Rev. C. WiMiame. The Engtiah preMher was the Rev. T. D. Jam'<a, and the Welsh preacher was the Rev. Jatnea Thomac, Ltanwyddelan, who always gives universal satisfaction to the inhabitants of the wilds of Hanllngan. The collection, including a generoua contribution from Mr Beck, was towards the church expenses. LLANiDt.oM.—The whole of the Nonconformist churches of Uanidtoea held their harvest festival tervieea on Monday. The services took place in the morning, afternoon, and evening, and were largely attended. Nearly the whole of the business houses of the town were closed. The Engiiah and Wetah Oalvinistic Methodiat Churches unitedly held services jn the morning and afternoon. The coUections at oach church were large, that taken at China-street Chape) amount'ng to over .818. TMWMN.—The celebration of the ingathering of the harvest took place at the Church on Sunday week. The sermon was pre&hod by the Rev W. L. Nicholas, rector of Fiint. The Church was beanti. folly decorated, and presented a very pretty appear- ance. Speoiat hymna were rendered by the choir with emciency and ttste. The Church was crowded, and a large number were unable to gain admission. The decorating of the faored edifice was undertaken by M:¡ Gregory. Maes Fron; Miaa Peele. Mrs Owen. and Miaa Williams, Green Hill Farm. Fruit, corn, etc., were vry kindly sent by the neighbours. BcTTiNGTON.—The harvest thanksgiving servicea were held in the Pariah Church on Wednesday last. Holy Communion w<ta celebrated at 8 30 p.m. The Vicar conducted the afternoon service, and was Meiated by Reva R. J. Roberta and Grimaldi Davia. The Rev E. Owen, M.A., Vicar of Hanyblodwell. preached a auitable aermon. In the evening' the little Church was crowded. The Vicar intoned the service, and waa assisted by Revs W. L. Nicholas <.nd R. J. Roberta, and the former preached a most appropriate aerjion. The sacred edince was bea-uti- fnliy decorated by Miss Oakley, Miss Davies. Miss Kinsey. Missea Green, and Miss PoUie Davies. Col!ectiona were made, and the proceedj divided between the Society for the propagation of the Gospel and the Agricultural Benevolent tnatttntion. LLANDYssiL.—On Ftiday a very auoceaafnl harveah festival was held m the Weaieyan Chapel. In toe afternoon a tea meeting was held, Mrs Bennett, Mo Watkins, Mr& Hoghee, and Mrs Corfield presiding at the hbles. In the evening the Rev Richard Owen, Welahpool, preached a very powerful aermon to a crowded congregation. The Rev R. W. Lowry, Montgomery, and C. J. Newelt, Newtown, took part in the service. The chapel was very beautifully decorated by the following ladiea M'aa Hughea, the Miaaea Corned. Mrs Daviea, Mrs Withers, Mrs Morris, Miss Snmner. and Mrs Bennett. WELBHPOOL.—The harvest feltinl took place on Tharsd*y, at St. Mary'a Church. Aa ia cuatuma.ry, the sacred edince was beantifnUy decorated for the event. The font was tastefully dreased with red and white nowera, grain, ferns, antumn leaver and moaa, <ad waa the work of Mra D. P. Owen and the Misaea Newitl. The window sills were carpeted with moa?, on which were placed neatly arransred miniature aheata of corn, barberriea, immortelles, frnit. and vegetables, the two centre windows being elegantly graced with hanging ivy and Virginia creeper. These were decorated by Mrs Roper. Miaaea Roper, Misses Jones (Gucgrog). Miss Salter. Miss Woraley, and Mna Wfttt. Snapended from the gas standards were beautiful!y abaped baakete, adorned with fernf, moaa and autumn leavea, executed with couaiderabte taste byMraHawkworthand MissesHarriaon. The window 'A caeorsled by MiaHea Downea, had a rich effect, and gram trimmed with moas, automn leaves, crimson eryaanthemuma, daisies, grasses and trai!in? ivy. The standards in the chancel were artistically clothed in a rich variety of colour, while the chancel ttrelf waa arranged with grace and beauty with cbry- M.nthetnums, red and white dahtiae, fruit, and ferns, while in the recesses could he seen the luscioua grape. Thia part was done by Mrs Davia, Vicarage, aha Addte ar.d Mies Parry. The choir et<l]a were eniOusly draped with corn, intecepeMed with bM. w ? berries, grasps, and n,v" w0rked by Mia:- Jone z,nti Fromtnecna-iicfl 1 arches, ta,?tei'tl!v arrd.ig-(-d hung-, bunches of Lovp I:e.,4 by :Jlor:is, SeveIllVil1a.. The rpa,d'npr ':esks were c1écor3.'ec by Mrs Yearly and Mrs Hump¡ncYs JoneH with sunilowers, da,hHa.s, a.;)d fruit. wh,le at the ba.e wa. a carpet ot moss and ferns. The screena were richly orMamented by dahltas and othfr choice dowers and ?rMses, and was the work of Mrs Westby. The VtoM and Rev. F H. Hftwhma, Mr F. Roper, and Mr Thomas rendered valuable assistance to the ladies. The church looked dahltas and othfr choice dowers and ?rMses, and was the work of Mrs Westby. The VtoM and Rev. F H. Hftwhma, Mr F. Roper, and Mr Thomas rendered valuable assistance to the ladies. The church looked aU th« more attractive atter ita recent renovation, and the decorations added a beantifnl picture to the whole. ContTibotiona of Qowera. frnit and vegetabl". 1 were sent by the Earl of Powis. Mrs Lovetl. Mr and Mrs G. D. Harrison, Mrs Drummond (Leighton), Mr-' Davia (Vicarage), Dr. Hawkaworth, Mr J. Ctarke, Mra Roper, Mrs EdwarJs (Gungrog L%ire), Mrs Wall. Mrs Woodhall, Mrs Va.ughan, Mrs Davia, &:J Holy Communion was ceiebrated at 8 a.m., and matins and sermon at 11 a.m., the Rev. Prabendary White. Rector of Churchstoke, being the omciating clergyman. At the evening service there was a targe c 1ngregation. Mr T. M. Price, R.A.M., presiding at the organ. The proceilsicniil hymn was, Come, ye thankful people, come." Thli service waa read by tl< Vicu, the Rev. Grimaldi Davia. The 136th P.atm was chanted, an'l the Rev. R. J. Roberta read both lessons. The anthem "Praise the Lord," was sung. The Rev. F. H. Hawkina took part in the ser- vice. The Rev. T. Huithe-i, M.A Vicar of Llan- gari?, preached an eloquent sermon from the 8th chapter of Jeremiah, 30th verse, Tha harvest is pa-t, the anmmefia ended, and we are not saved." Atter the sermon the hymn "Rejoice ye pure in hear was sung. and the Benediction was pro* o!noed by the V)c Ir. The collections were in aid ot theSa!cp Infirmary and church txp-nsea. TttzGYN,jN.-The Woile.% ana held a tea meeting on Friday, with an enter':ainMont in the evenin?, to celebrate the ingathering of ?he harvest. Lar?e numbera attended to partake of the good things p"o. vided. The following ladiea presided at the tables Mrs Hartley, Miss Pryce, Higbgate, Mrs Witliama, Birch-house, Mrs Asbworth. assisted by Miss Davies, Vachwen. MM9 Bowen, Cefnbach, Miaa Bowen, Tregynon, and Mias Phcehe WiHiama. Birch-honsf. The evening meeting wa.3 presided over by Mr Watkina, of Penarth. when Mr Morgan Davies, Mr Grinitha, and the Rev F. Hunter addressed the meeting. The Tnylor Quartette, from Newtown, made up the evt-ning's enjoyment. Mra Hunter presided at the harmonium. Miss Laura Williams also sang very nicety. A vote of thanks waa given to *H who aviated, aiao to the Chairman. The arrange- m"nta were carried out by Mr Hartley, Mr Aahworth, and Mr Daviea, Dolometine. LA LARGE NUMBER OF REPORTS ABE HELD OVER.]











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