Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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iILmtium aitli Countrp ;fflarktts.

Rhestrau Manwl, Canlyniadau a Chanllawiau

ILmtium aitli Countrp ;fflarktts. The Money Market. CTTY, Nov. 4.-0wing chiefly to an expectation that, with. additional withdrawals of gold from the Bank of England for the Continent, the minimum of that establishment may soon be raised from 2 to 2t per cent., the stock markets are flat to-day. The demand for money is rather active, partly in con- nection with the large amount, of paper which has become due to-day, the 4th. Tfee rate for choice three months' bills is If per cent., with an upward tendency. Loans are obtain- able in the Stock Exchange aè, It per cent. Consols are quoted at, 9H to tv,r money and to-morrow'g settlement; and the Three per Cents. Reduced and New Three per Cents., 92!t to S3. The vacations in railwav stocks comprise a decline of f-to i per cent, in Midland "and Caledonian, and a rise of t in Great Western and Soutb,Ea.stern. Annexed are the quotations: London and Norrh Western, 111-f to f; Great Western, 48-J to 49: Midland, 110f to f; London and South-Western, 87t to 88-1. Great Eastern, 43 £ tM | Brighton, 50 to South-Eastern, 77f to 73; Metropolitan, I06t to i; Great Northern, 103J to 104J; ditto A, 102J to t; Calcdoman, 72f to 73J, ex div.; Lancashire and York- shire, 127| to 128J; London, Chatham, and Dover, 16JJ tc i; and Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 4H to J. BAbiK OF ISNGtiiAJSO.—AE. Aeceuat, parsu nt to the Act 7 and 8 Vict., oap. 32, for the week ending cn Wednes- day, Oct. 28, 1868. ISSUE DEPARTMENT. Hofces issued £ 33,750,230 Government da t *11,015.100 Other seeurisi 3,984,900 Grold coin as bullion 18,750,230 Gold coin as bullion 18,750,230 Silver bnilio i — S3,750,230 £ 33,750,23C: ISANKINGT DEPARTMENT Proprietors'eapit'l £ '14,5.r,3,'KKi Gove: urneiitseen- Seat 3. C91978 rities (inc. dead Public Deposits 4,129,038. weight annuity) £ 15,985,874 Other Deposits 19,919,524,'Otber Securities 15,705,432 Seven days and Notes 9,574,350 other bills 666,747 Gold& silvex eoin 1,094,631 £ 42,360,287 i £ 42,360,287 Oct. 29, 1868. G. FOEBES, Chief Cashier. The Corn Trade. MABK-LANE, Nov. 4.-Ni!,twithstandin that the re- ceipts of English Wheat were again limited, the supply offered was quite ecmal to the demand. The show of foreign Wheat was go»d. Very little business was passing. Float- iiig cargoes of Wheat were quiet. The supply of Barley was moderate. Malt, the show of wbeh was s8Bso::Jably ex- tensive, changed hands quietly. Oats were less sought after. Beans «ere firm. Peas sold slowly. Flour was ctull. Town-made parcels moved off heavily, a" Monday's dtcline of 3s, top price being 47s per 2301b3. Country marks itnd foreign were dull. CURRENT PEICES.— EICO-LISH. Per Qr. I Per Qr. WHEAT. S. S. CATS. S, D. Essx., Knt- rd., old — to — Scoteh, feed — to „ „ new 50 to 55,Scotch potato — to — Esx, Knt., w., old — to -,Irish, wbite 23 to 31 „ new 54 to 60! blaclr 23 to 32 Norfolk and Lin- BEANS. coin, red, new 50 to 55jMazagan 42 to 44 BABLEY. Tick 42 to 44, Malting 46 to 53 Harrow 44 to 47 Distilling 36 to 40Pigeell 50 to 57 Grinding. 32 to 35 PEAS. MALT. Grey 43 to 45 Essex, Norfolk, and Maple 46 to 48 Suffolk 70 to 76 Whit9 42 to 46 Kingston and Ware 70 to 7O. FLOUR. Brown 51 to 63 Town made, per EYE. 2801bs 48 to 50 New 40 to 42 Household 42 to 43 OATS. |Country 40 to 41 English, feed 30 to 35|Norfoik and Suffolk,, „ potato 31 to 361 ex ship 37 to 3B FOSEIGK. WHEAT. OATS. Dantzic and Konigs- Dmish & Swedish 23 to 28 berg 58 to 65 Russian 26 to 28 Rostock & Mecklen- BEANS. burg 55 to 63 Danish 45 to 48 Danish 53 to 58 Egyptian 43 tc 44 Russian, hard 49 to 52 PEAS. soft 50 to 53 Maple 40 to 42 American, red 54 to 57 Boilers 41 to 43 „ white 54 to 59 IKDIAN COES. BARLEY. White 35 to 42 Grinding 31 to 33 Yellow 39 to 41 Distilling 36 to 40 FLOUR. Malting 35 to 40 French, per sack to OATS. Spanish „ to Dutch brewing 25 to 32 American, per barrel 28 to 32 feeding 22 to 27 Canadian „ 28 to 32 WAKEFIELD, OCTOBER 30.—Wheat trade quiet, with a moderate demand, at late rates. Barley free sale; value unaltered. Beinsand O its as before. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 3—Attendance at market, good; moderate consumptive business done :n all articles at about Friday's rates. Mixed Indian corti, 38B. Meat and Poultry Markets. NEWGATE AND LEAUtiS !IALL, —There are heavy supplies of meat, and the trade dull. Per Sibs by the carcase s. d. s. d. s d. B. d. Inferior beef 2 10 to 3 2 Capous, each. 0 0 to 0 C Middlisg ditto 3 2 3 6 j Chickens, each 2 6 3 0 Prime large 3 8 4. 2 i Ducks,each 2 0 3 0 Ditto sm "1 4 2 4 6 j Rabbi is, eaeh. 1. S 19 Large pork 3 2 3 8 j Hares, each 3 0 4 0 Inferior mutton 2 10 3 4 j Grouse, each 3 0 4 0 Xiddlintf ditto 3 6 3 10 Partridges,each 13 19 Prime ditto 3 10 4 4 3 0 4 0 -.Teal 6 4 6 0 6 0 Small pork 3 10 4. R: Ostend fro b"ttsl", Lamb 0 0 0 0 j per doz; lbs. 0 0 0 0 Turkeys, each 5 0 7 0 j English ditto. 15 0 17 6 GJeese, each 5 0 7 6 French eggs, 100 10 0 11 0 Fowls, each 2 0 5 0, Ene-Ush ditto. 12 0 0 C METROPOLITAN. A statement of the supplies and prices of fat live stock on Monday, Nov. 4, 1867, as com. pared with Monday, Nov. 2. Per Slbs. to sink the offaL Nov. 4, 1357. Nov. 2, 1868. s. d, P. d. s. d. a, d. Coarse and inferior Beasts 3 4 to 3 o 3 0 to 3 4 Second quality ditto. 3 8 4 0 3 6 3 10 Prime large Oxen 4 2 4 6 4 0 5 0 Prime Scots, &c. 4 8 5 0 5 2 S 4 Coarse and inferior Sheep 3 4 3 G 2 10 3 4 Second quality ditto 3 8 4 2 3 6 4 0 Prime coarse-wool!ftd ditto 4 4 4 8 4 2 4 8 Prime Southdown ditto 4 10 5 0 4 10 5 0 Large coa.rse Calves 4 4 4 8 3 6 4 4 Prime small ditto 4 10 5 4 4 4 5 4 Large Hogs. 3 4 3 8 3 4 3 8 Neat Small Porkers 3 10 4 2 3 10 4 4 Fruit and Vegetables. COVENT-GrABDEN.—Flowers chiefly consist of orchids. astsrs, pelargoniums, fuchsias, mignonette, and roses. FKI :x. s. d. B d. B. d. B. d. Apples, p. bushel 4 OtoS 0 0 0 0 Figs, per doz. 0 0 0 0 Peaches,per doz. 0 0 6 6 Grapes, per lb. 2 0 5 0 I Pears, 2 0 4 0 Lemons,p. 103 7 0 10 0 Plums,p. half sieveO 0 0 0 Nectarines p.doz 0 0 0 01 Pine. es, p. lb. 4 0 7 0 Nuts. cob, lib 0 0 0 0, Melors. each 3 0 6 ft Filberts, pr lb. 0 9 0 10 Walnuts, p. bush. 0 0 0 0 VEG ET LBLEIII. ø d ad ad ad Artichokes,per doz.3 0 to 5 0 Mushrooms.perpott.S 0 5 0 Asparagus,per bun. 0 0 01) 00 00 Baann,kidney,p4s\.0 0 00 Onions, per bushel 4 0 6 0 Beet, per dozen.1 0 2 0 „ pickling, p.qt.0 0 0 0 Broccoli, p. bundle 0 0 00 Parsley, per bunch 0 4 0 6 Cabbages, per doz 1 0 20 Parsnips, per coa.O 0 0 0 Darrots, per bunch 0 9 10 Peas, per peck Off 0 Q C&aliflowers.p. dos.O 0 0 0 Potatoes, York Re- Celery, per bundle 1 0 2 0 gents, per ton .120 0 150 0 Cucumbers, each 0 4 1 0 Rooks, per ton 100 0110 0 Sndive, per doz.1 6 2 0 Flukes, per ton 180 0 0 (t Garlic, per lb 0 8 0 0 O* her sorts, p. ton 0 0 0 6 lIerbs, per bunch.0 2 0 4 Kidneys, per cwt.0 0 0 0 Horseradish, p. bn.3 0 5 0 Radishes, p. 12 bn, 0 0 00 Leeks, per bncch.0 2 0 4 Spinach, per bnsh. 20 3 0 Lettuces, per doz. 1 0 2 -7oz. 10 20 Kint. per bunch .0 6 0 0 Turnips, per bunch 0 4 o c, London Produce Market. MTNCTENG-LANB, N, ov. 4.—JM ■ The MARKET continaes dull, and to effect ^a'es ot J O I 'o lower picas would have to be submitted to. Rehned also dull of sOlIe, at pre- vious rates. COFFBB.—There is a good general inquiry at very firm prices for all qualities, the finer kinds contiiraine most in request,. & COCOA.-Thpre is an improved demand for Trinidad at steady prices for common, to 5s advance f,r superior quality. u Common, 50s to 54s C(I middling to good, 57.. to 70s; fine and super'or, 75s to 109s. TEA.—The public sales of 11,900 packages of China are progressing steadily at, previous prices. RICE—The mark, t continue quiet. 1,000 tons Bassein sold, hfloat, at 10s nd, and 100 tons white Bengal, on the spot, at lis.

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