Papurau Newydd Cymru

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ANGLESEY IIUJVT. 'I COMPTROLLER, hopes to be fa- 41 voiircsl with the company or the members 'f 1 » ill's He?- inn, in Beaumaris, on Monday 1 > 4y of November next. I » i Tuesday and Thursday, Procession sifei v1 jtry on Wednesday. J. WILLIAMS, Comptroller. tV< ,4: Cirn-vrvr.n, 'Ii •? -0" 1.SJ3. 'Jo t. COUNTY OF JNGLEHEW I &TOTICF. is hereby <iven, ihat a. General Lli Meeting of fhc" Deputy Lieutenants, of 'he coi'Mfy of Anglesey, will be held in the Grand I ■3 'ury Room, in 'he low'n of 15ea.maris, on .Monday 1 he 7:h o.iy of November next, precisely at 11 w VL in uia forenoon, when the attendance of he Lwuteiuiiey is request #d, on particular bust- .1. PRICE, ■Clerk to the General Meetings of Lieutenancy. LorLq-i', I Ith of October, 1S0S. PREMIUMS FOR PLYYS AND ESTIMATES. FflHE CORPORATION of the City- of Ja. Chester, hereby oder the following. 'Pre- JHiUiris to Persons v/iu will send Plans and •Estimates for widen mar, aLering, or rebuilding "the present. Bridge over the Dee, at Chester, t.uproviqg 'he approaches leading to if or lor making a New ji-ridge, with suitable ap- proaches iu a elide rent situation. For the best For tin: second xO I l or the third, 10 The Pian.s-j Elevations, Specifications,; and Estimates must be sent, lie Town Clerk's Dolce, on or before the 2nd of .January next, in order that they may lie laid before a i ■Committee to be appointed to open them, to exumiue and determine their merits. Trie works proposed inus' be done-with white stone on (be outside, of proper dimensions, and the estimates such as the Proposer will ijnder- t..xe to complete them for, if appoved by the Committee. AiHiUGEL £ 1.S CLOSURE. IThe undersigned, the Commissioner ap- I £ poiutedb (Hi Act passed Èn tin: (ait ¿:d:Ul1 of raid lament, for inclosing lauds in the parish I of Abergele, in the county of Denbigh, Do hereby ^iiw VS 'olicc, I That my second public sit tin;for putting the said Act into execution, he heid at the Bee inn, utthc town of Abergele, in Ike said county, on Monday the twenty-fourth day of October in- I stiml, at eleven o'<.lock in the forenoon, when all persons m-d bodies corporate and politicy who simti have or claim any Common or oilier right I to or «! the Common iviarshw, Waste Low Lands, ¡ fa: ..I. (. and Gi her Commons and Whiste Land a, iu the said parish, are required to deliver, or cause to be io me, aD account, or schedule, in "nta". Staffed ci, or their respective I llasii^iai- Guardians, Trustees, Committees, or Appi. s, „f sucli iiieir respective rights or claims: ant tLcuMii describing the respective Messuages, La.ns, and Hereditaments, in respect whereof I they m.dl respectively claim to be cm it led to any i Jin i ',ti!ch of such rtgii'.s m and upon the same, or any part, thereof, w ih the name or names of the person or persons then in actual possession thereof* and the particular computed quantities of the same respectively and of v/hat nature and extent KUCU right is; and also in what rich's, and for what estates and iuierests fhey claim the same respectively, distinguishing the freehold from (he cop* hold or leasehold.; or on non-com-" therewith, every of them making default therein, shall, as far only as respects any claim to lie be totally barred and excluded of and from all right and title in or upon such lands1 so to he divided respectively, t»d of and from all benefit and adum'age in or to any share or allotment thereof.—And I do hereby also give bailee. That my third publie sitting, for pulling the sard Act in execution, will be held at the Bee Im»> in Abergele aforesaid, on Monday the thirty-firs t day of October instant, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of re- t-eiv-ing objections,, as well to the claims of A lotmsuts of the Commons and Waste Lands above mentioned, exhibited to uie at my first, public sifting, hold at the Bee Itill aforesaid, on the | thirtieth day of June last, as to such claims of Allotments as ahull be exhibited at' my second public meeting, to be held on the said" twenty- day of October, in pursuance of (he said Act or to any or either of them "esl)ectively.- And if any person or persons, body politic or corporate,, interested, or claiming to he inter- ested, in the premises, shall have any objections fo oder to any such claims, the particulars of stich objections shall be reduced into writing, and sigaed, by tlieii, or their respective Husbands, Guardians, Trustees, Committees, or Agents, \Jd delivered to cos at my said third public sit- ting; and no such objections shall afterwards he received, -sinless, for some legal disability, or Siwtei^ to be allowed by me.—And I do hei-edly also give JS ohce, That the claims of Allotments already deliver- ed or hereafter to be delivered to me, in pur- suance of the said Act, will he left at the office of Messrs. OLDFir:ia>s, Solicitors, Fsrm, near Abergele, for the inspection and perusal of all parties interested in the premises.—Dated this. iifih riify of October, one thousand eight hun- dred asid eight. JNO. MATTHEWS. N. B. The^ are requested to deliver to the said Commissioner, on or before the said {Jiirty-first day of October, a Map and Survey of their respective Estates, within the said parish ,of Abergele; in default thereof the said Comirxig- sioner wiil direct a Plan and Survey thereof to he made pursuant to the posers vested in him. CARNARVON IIUNT, WILL commence on Wednesday the 2nd of November, when the Comptroller' hope* to be favoured wilh the company of the Friends to the Meeting. I. T. CAnnEG. Comptroller. Balls and Ordinaries as usual. The Hounds will «uni out each day precisely at m-ae o'clock. JNGLESEV. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the George and Dragon, in Llaunerchymedd, Anglesey,'on Wednesday Hie 16ih day of Nov. 1S08, between the hours or is and 5 in the ar- ternoon, subject, to such conditions as will be then produced All ihat MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, and LANDS, called by the name of Gfun yr AIII, citnate in Hle parish of ill the county of Anglesey, containing ,16A. 2U. 5P. or. at the yearly rent of £1, subject to a lease" for two aged lives. The house and outbuildings are covered -with ahi'c, and in good repair; and the famli are within a short distance of lime, and also sea sand from Red Wharf. Ttw tenant will the rre!¡¡¡es, ,n;1 for fur- ther particulars, apply to Mr. R, PIUCHAUD, attorney, Ltwydiarth Ilsgob, Anglesey. -_r_ 4, C'wiXIULL, AKD 9, CliAltLXG CUO^. JL 9 lie, lhat TICKETS an.! SUAIIKS are Seiz- in t,or Ne,vo Ðcccmher. j I lie Sciiemc of tliis Lottery exceeds ali-otliers, as it. abounds in -(^apdtaj Prizes, and in addition to the usual Sum aikP'ed -by .Government, t!ie Contractor has liermissiou of ihe Lords of the liCdSury tor him,to give a a Douceur 1,000 WHOLE TiCKBTS, The value of whicli it is impossible to calculate, SB they may contsi: the following Capital P'i/.es 4 .of 3fe'20,006 6. of. r\ 'too of. 10,000 10 of 500 2. of. 5,00!) &c. &c. &c. Schem?? with particulars may be had grafi>, au.-l all persons in the country desirous of havinr Tickets, or Share. maybe supplied the same as'j if presentx by sending-their orders, poor ear- # ''sage paid, accompanied wV h good iji'lls, Batik to a* 'Vdierc; the last £5,ODO r/rizp and the i wo last. Prizes of aS80,000 ever drawn, wci'e sold in Sha-aes. C-Ofo"Nl'i" OP CAJtiiiCiAiS. AT a Genera! Mceti.'i"- of the MajjJsfMles, Gentlemen and Pro}>r:efors of land, in 'he said county, ,-is■icmble l ill, the Quarter Sessions, held at Lampt/er .Pont Step'itn, in and for the said count}, on Wednesday, the Sill day of Octo- ber, 1508. III the It icas rcaotvvri, That this assembly are impressed with grateful sense of their obligation to Win. Ma- docks, Esouire, M. P. for Ins con.suiiit. exerion itie counlry, the Agrieuittire and Commercial interest of the Principality iipgeneral, and in particular for his patriotic endeavours daring the course last. Sessions of Pafliaijient, to obtati^ a rtunis/'oa of the great bni'tlen of Coal arid Culm duties, im- posed upon the Principality of Wales^; an:! for e to (ficir IITJ.:l'r¡¡I tllauks,-Had his laudahle'l'IHkavours been crowned with success, it must have added to 1, -i!y his honour, as well as to the prosperity and ad- I vantage of the Principality. MeiiulvecJ, 1; /If r" (')4 J"),. It H the earnest liol)e ol, ,Iiis I trifling majority that appeared in Parliament file IN Bill, and the lauda- ble measures of Mr. Madocks to obtain (be great I end of his endeavours, will (rather than deter: him) encouarge him to persevere in his under- taking, to obtain from Government a remission of the present duties on Coal and Culm, carried Coa«:twa.ys hs the Principality. Jlesclvt?,?, That, this Meeting beg leave to return their grateful, thanks to all the Members who support- e;i ttil lvt.Isll ("o"ll Ilill ill ii.s the Ho&se MI the last. Sessions of I'arliamenf, and hope fov tl«eir future support, in the next. R&.iolved, I That ilie I\ I embers for this County and Borough of C'andig'INJ be requested lo give the measure every Lif)s,tsiipl)(.)rt, iii their power to gadn so advantageous an object to the Principality. H esolved, That it is the opinion of this Meeting, that the Coal carried Coastways from the neighbouring countries (therc being none raised within the county of Cardigan) forms an article iudispensi- bly necessary, as well for the comforts ol the inhabitaints, as also for the promotion of Agri culture, and the general improvement and culti- vation of ilie couitti,), and beg leave to recom- inend this; measure to the attention of all the ad- joining (and especial!v the Maritime,) counties; Hitd hope that when the subject is n t i>rough before Parliament, it will meet with the unani- mous support Of all the Noblemen and Gentlemen couaectcd with the Principality. I! Resolved, ■ That the Clerk of the Peace of this-county he requested to get these Resolutions inserted iii I!ie, Times, Cambrian, Shrewsbury, Salopian Jour- nal, the North Wales Gazette, aud the .Bristol Journal, three successive times. Resolved, v Journal, three successive times. Resolved, 1 v That the thanks of this Meeting he given the Chairman for his conduct iu the Chair Oil this occasion. 0IiI)r'R OF TEE F.RF.TI VG LLOYD, clerk of the Perce. VALUABLE STANDARD nonKS. -a:M JUST Published by W. BAYN85, No. 54, PATUn.vosTEit-Row, I.on'DOX, the fol- lowing; BOOKS., .and sold by Bro.s'er and Son, Chafer Roberts, Carnarvon 'Pearson, lloh I head fl.dwa-'ds, Itnfhin; ( cirueM1, Holywell; W. B. in ten Is 'o put. to Ca'alogue oi Second-hand Theologiea! Dooks, at his usuai low priees. SlJ UCKFO ,tf) PJlTDlilUX'S ■COAXIXTIOA'S. L TFJE SACRED AND PROFAN?. 1 jFS- TOLI r OF TUB WORid) CONN I-CTED, from the ('ica;ion of the 'Nor/till) 'hi.: ¡.¡"30!ÚtiOIl or j ■the Assyrian Empire, at the death of Sardaoa- paius, and to 'he declension of the kingdom of Judah and Israel, under (he reigns: of Alias and Pekah. By SAJIDET, -SIHJCKFOKO, D. D. In- chtdmg the CREATION and FALL or- .MAN, by the same An'hor. The fourih edition, revised, correc'ed and greatly improved by James Creiglf ton, B. A. With a few, the i\ncit:\nt. A Inscriptions, &e. by Adam Clarke, L,i. I). Containing also Bishop Ciayton's Stric- tures on the work; the whole illustrated with Maps and Plans, curious Antieht Alphabets, Inscriptions, itc. handsomely printed wilh a new type, m 4 vol, hoards, labelled, price jCl Ids boards. 'I 1 tie leaner edition of the above v-ork wax totally desiroyed by the lire in ricei-jiree:, August last. iis a. Companion (o (he above, commencing nearly where if leave-i off, ) .i'SlDEAUX's OLD' AND NEW s >s 1. :\l LN i ('mat,in the History of the ^.ig'tbovring Aadon.i, to the- lime of (Jinni the .Itiih ediiion. To wP.icb ds now-first p"eijxed, a lull a n' in teres ling -Life- of ihe AtUhor, which- contains Ins own defence and illustration o! certain passages in (he Connections. Printed vitti .a new type on tine wove papier., embellished with eight new and correct. Maps, atv.i .a line portrait oi. (lie Author, in 4 handsome vols. Svo. extra boards, labelled, pri-:e £ [ S. I he a.bove works will he found superior fo any editions.y "Hcrto published, and for.n most, is'er- ?f':works iilustrafing .Sacred and Profane UifOon,. They are also in the List of Books recommended <0 the Clergy by ihe Bishop of "T'd indispensably necessary to every minister and student. ,Dn- I'tl IDE AUX'S NATURE OF IM- ¡ FC¡SrUru: FULLY Dl;PL:\ ED L\ THL: I ,y.l«' MA MO:W FT; to which is added, his V i N nieAi io\ of ('iiiti'sft AN-ity, in 11 Letter to a. Deist. Tiic lOdi edition, printed .on fine; paper uniform (o .his coimee.tiotis with portrait, Svo. boards, 5s. The J.ife of Mahomet, dra-.vo by :Pde a ban;] as Dr. Pridcaux, will at this time foun I 'par- tieulariyiiiteres'iiig; as, according <o-jhe'prophe- ote., explained by Air. Falier, Mahwmetism and I i'opery both rose together, so will fail tog-ether, which time is evidently near al hand. Hee Mr. Facer's frequent referen-e to this won' in his Dissertation on the Prophecies. ii, I)R. ADAM CLARKE'S r.vr.uutttD wt- TION of HARM Fit's OBS.ER VATIONS OS D1 V FltS PASHAOFS OF SCR..I PTCRF, drawn up chiefly h, 'he lie, Voyages and Tra'vel.s the; J'ast and now revised, corrected, an.i enlarged i>om modern vrri'ers, with iVores, See. i>v- A■ a*.1 co (- !L. I. D. iu 4 handsome vols, larc" iro. The aiiovc will J>e found a most valuable interesting work, il i'stratipg the Scriptures and Oriental Customs. Besides being newh tirranged, it for the fir-0 „'ime con'ains many valuable ^otes relative to the CiHtom- Mtcmet s, of the Orientals, by (lie late Dr. i'usseii hor of the History of Aleppo, taken from a. copy of J farmer, by 'him illustrated with M.S. Noies in possession of (he Editor. 5. DR. ADAM CLARKE'S enlarged Edition of AN!) THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES, wPh Life of -Fleury aad portrait, finely printed, ISmo., <is. Gd. boards. 0. OR. ADAM. CLARKE'S CONCISE VIEW of Tii t: SUCCESSION OF SACRED LI 1 P/RA 11; RE, 1 dmo. 5s, Gd. ditto on royal paper 1 s. Gd. See the uncommon high character of (he above work in the Theological Review, May 1808. 7. HUFFMAN'S ELEMENTS OF HIS- Torry AD Cd! RON O LOG shewing thy I Origin of States and the it evolutions of Empires from (he Creation of: the World with com pice Regal 'Tables, and illustrated with ?>h;ps, intend- ed chiefly for the use of Youth, o vols. Svo. boards and labelled, 10s. A valuable and cheap work. R, POOLE's ANNOTATIONS ON THE BIBLE', new edition, complete in 3 vols. 4to. boards, J22 15s. 9. WHITBY's P A It A PiIn AS E Ann COM- MENTARY ox THE NEW TESTAMENT, new, fine edition, 2 vols. 410. £ 2, 2s. boards, labelled. P.S. Patrick and Comfhertftry, in 4 vols, printed uniformly, will be .pubiishcd in I uly. JOSE PliTis, illori K s,. by new tine edition, 0 vols. I2mo. £ 1 Is. -boards. I 1 L n n, JENNINGS'S JEWISH ANTI- T QUITIES; a Course' of Lcclnrcs on Goodwin's Moses and Aaron, new edition, 2 vols. 8vo„ .Ms. boards, IV N. B. The former edition of (be above valu- able work could not, before this ctii'ton was pub- lished, be procured under i,'l; 11s- Ods. second hand, 12, BISHOP LOWTH'S TRANSLATION o f ISA I Ail, with Notes new and correct edi- tion hy Dr. Lloyd, 2 vols. 8vo. boards, 12S. 13. REV. MOSES BROW?Ts SUXDAY IIIOUGHTS, in blank verse, ia four parts; to vvuieh is added, by way of introduction, loe- ileal. Essa,, onj/le Universe, in four parts, design- ed to promote a familiar, pleasing, and religious Knowledge of the Earth and Heavens, with Luther's Ilymn, &c. Gth ediiion* finely printed, i rroiltiipiect, boards, ditto ei"- gantly bound £ >s. 6ds 3d. REV. J) SIMPSON'S PLEA FOR RELIGION A N" !>. TKE SAC it l^D Wtl.l TINGS, addressed fo (he JJiseiides of Thomas Paine, and pto wavermg Christians of cverv persiia'sion, -Ph. ediuon,$>\o. si- boards; au inferior ediiion, S Idm0. 4s. board. j If*. REV. J. MASON'S SELECT R'C- MAjNS, containing admirable Sayings, Let'ers, <'ic. iHW and complete edition uitli 13 additional Letters, poc:er edition ls,Q GJ. if), THE PORTRAIT OF;ST. PAUL; or, T.te True sjodnl of Chri iiiatn and Ptoilers,. by he Rev. J»hn Fietchtrr, Vicar <I(" on tine paper, 12mo. ss. boards, -or ele^aiiily bound, as a present to a minister, 5s. 6.1. The above work is earnestly recommended fo all ministers and students for the ministry of 1 various denominations. p p Roval MAIL COACH, From LONDON through From LONDON through CHESTER, to HOLYHEAD.. The Public arc -respectfully informed, that the following COACHES leave the i Ink, CHESTER. TlJil ROYAL MAIL TO IIOLYHP,AD, I> t '(" J\l 1' I'very night at. half past twelve. THE ROYAL MAIL TO .LOND0X, Every nigtP at-elev-ea o'clock. I' The oy i LIVERPOOL MAIL COACH, ¡ iijWry Morning at sii o'clock, and will return .fritm saverpool at two, o cloek. -atul arrive at hall past six o'clock or, the same evening. The Telegraph Caach to LONDON, I O.11 Tuesday, Thn;day, and Saturday, at three o clocic 1 si the Evening. The Coach to M ANCHESTER, By way ol ix (>liTil W i(.'H, .-at -two o'clock every j y l"I.. 1- afternoon. \1 I He Coach to MANCHESTER,, By wayot PRkS I'PN DItOOK, every morning I at half past, seven. The Coach lo SHR EWSBUUY, oil 'I'tu-sday, Thursday, and Saturday., at two o-clock in the aiternoon. The EASTHAM Coacli to Ll nHPOOL, Every day two hours before high water. s Performed by T AUSTIN, and Co. who will no; be answerable for oay j>ackage or pnré-L the value ot five pounds, unless the same be en- '.ered, and paid for accordingly. _ø, TO BE SO LiX, ny j'GJ \"A T I:: ;rJt EATY, The following eligible ami very improveabJe situate in the parishes of idanabaiigtfl y Pennan!, and Peumorfa, iu the count/ of Carnarvon, in North Wales. In t.'is parish of Llanfihangcl y Psnn.iut. A TENEMENT called BilYNClH, com- prising *97 aore.i 'of land, with a .Uansion iioiise thereon^ capable of bemg iitted up ior-iiiv residence of a e;'e.i(Jeman; and. other o",c. or tile farm, now iu the holding of Mr. William Jones, or his Under-tenants. Th¡ property is excellent for the Dairy ana rearing of cattle, fke ueius being; extensive .and fenced with walls. 1; hes the pecui 1ar advauia«e of aline rauge o meadow mg., banked against1 the river, and a great command of water for ir- rigation. 'TWO OTHER TENEMENTS called PEN Y GLOGW X N iSSA, and PEN Y GLOG- YVYN UCtJA., comprising together i$i acres, with Farm Houses and Buildings thereon, irow in the several holdings of Wiliiam Jones and Joi,ir, or TWO OTHER TENEMENTS, called CAER FA DOG ISSA, and CA ER FA DOG UGH A, comprising to, ether 15b acres, with Far u Houses a>i.I P'i lings thereon, now in ihe several Iwldin; oJ EHis RoiJelÏa and David Jones, or their Under-tenants. The four Tenenknts last mentioned are well adapted to the breeding of cattle, and the Lauds may be much benefited by the use of the Water | wilh which they are supplí,ed. These, and iiryncir, are within a rlng-fencc. In the. Parhh of Vcrmorfu, A TENEMENT, ill great esteem for breeding cattle, called TY n D Y N MAWit, com- prising 381 acres, with Farm and Build- ings thereon, n^.y in the holdieg of Rees and John Griffith, or their Under-tenants. ANOTHER TENEMENT balletl HENDRE BAClf, comprising 31 .acres, with House and Buildings (hereon, now 111 the holding of John Roberts. On this farm there is a vein of Copper Ore. A HOUSE AND MILL, ca-lled Y FELIN DCnA, in good business and with a constant command of water, now in the holding of Ema- nuel /Griffith. 1 To Gentleaien disposed to realize, in a country a illost fii- vorable opportunity presents iiseif inÛle- acquiri- tion of these estates. There are extensive Rights of Common, -and vaJna ble Turharies, a ppurrennt, to the w hUle, and as the tenants hold only trom year 'lQ year, a purchaser may have early possession. The premises i-tiay I)e viewed on application to the different occupiers, and further particulars had froni Messrs- Pii 1 r.fOT and STONE, No. 1. 11 Hare Court, Temple, London; or Mr, F. E. Bakkcji, Soiicitor, Chester, .at whose officed plans of the estates rnty, be inspected, ->I TO BE L-Vf, ..1?;t} '1:l"{J upon (zt Lady- D:n; »e vt r|T3H)icsi-.»:'c'ai-ARW; VNYocAVH, s}},}.' -Si- a?c ic t: parish of L'aorr,'t!i:-n, in r-*je county of :>!c. iooo*h, ;• :t ijohi.'p r 'i'raefh:-iawv. ihe Land 1, chtedy ijiea low, aad cons su Three iico ire: aa;i E'm iy A; res, or fherea'MU's. sabjeci to ;i very smalt mo las in Pea of tithe hay. \F 1 T.T,.T A 11 D WIT), of TyaHvrf'i,, w;U$hew ihe premises^ an for p;iriicul«rs apj)!y to :'ir. (J. Ti! 0 a A1?., .\¿;(; og. TO 1) 1:; SOLI), D Y PRIVATE COXTUACT, ALL those MESSUAGE'S, TENEMENTS, and PREMISES, situate in the paridi of Ltaiiaeihairn, iu the cbtintvof Ca>-iiaru>'i ( t, j Ti'MAWR aad T YN E\V*) ;>s i(1 ,he'resoec- t;VC_ holdings of Robert Roberts and Willi:; >.» {l< yearly tenants, a< the rent of i u. S-. The houses are good repair, and ihe hm.1 of an eiffellant ijualit^, caimbJe of great hm.irr. They are si'.u.ite iy The beautiful Vaie of ltd rnioti, within a ■>bi,,rt distance of (h ? sea, an I fia\e a Right- of Common upor? <h ise ,rap;tl Sheep \Vaiks called the iuv, »! B P-h;: ..wr. The Tenants wiil shew I t, ises, andfuriher t. Cii tdTS i u l y ho 11 d d of i i i > .\f S 0 l>, L: 1 livyzi'snoi) <->■ of Mr. m SoiV-iit; seen. N E W LOT T E ii:¥~ c SSG-IN D a yv; w g 13 t h Uk'JC to j B i'.il, 1 0 3 p scheme. 4 .of. £ 't~),CkVj.are.<'S0,0"M iyvo-o. i'tv-wy a.o'io l" 60 0. )} ) CiJ. t.etio K": j -p6ao ^5,,15. 7,w;) -2L\Q:J; Tickets. £ x.y.},i>2Q The Scheme oj this Lottery exreeth an .tj' '8'J as it abounds in CAPITAL PRISES; And in addition to the iwn;tl Sam aRoftcd bv Go- \etu:i:esit, ihe Coniracioe.iia.s per;nis.sio,t of the Lordj to .tree Gift of 1,000 Whole Tickets, The value-of which it is impossible to calculate, as they maycoutaiu the following Capital Prizes: 4 of = £ 20,190 2 10,000 S,ndO 6 of £ l,fi<X> BE. 500 20 100 inc. &C. There are no; Three Blanks to a Prize but there are oiP.v 19,000" Tickets for Sale A speed v Purchase h •iierefore necessary, a* supwjoV benedis are at- tached to particular Tickets drawn the First » Second Days, and the whole f orgery will la dravvx IN For a DAYS. SHARES are entitled to a Proportion of the above Benefits. TICKETS AND SHARES AUi SELLING At every Licenced Lo" v 0 £ Tirc, and !>y their Agents. TO HE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the Bull's Head Inn, in Beaumaris, Anglesey, on Saturday the 29th day of October," JcOd* subject to conditions of saie ;— Let 1. 4\ DWELLING-HOUSE, intlicoccti- A patiou of Airs. West, al.uie .tarlv rent of .0.0. Lot 2. Another D WELLTNG-HOUSE, În. the occupation oi Ellen Hayes, at the >e«trjy rent or £6. The above lots adjoin each other, and are desirably situated in the Market-place, and on the West side of Castle-street, in the town of Beaumaris aforesaid. Lot S, A DWKLLTNG-HOUSE, SHOP, and GA>tl>EN, in (lie occupation of iiu^h Jones, at (he yearly rent of ^:ll lis. 0 Lot 4. AD WELLINGHIOUSE, hi the h'.IP- mg of Catherine Prichard, at the ve:ir]y of £ 5 5s. Lota. And a DWE'LLING-IIOUSE, P4 hoUiiug of Sydney Jones, at the y.-arh' of £ 5 Ss. 3 J Lots 3, 4, and 5, adjoin each other, and are situated in Church-street; and Ratir.g-Row, iu HeaumariSKtcresaKL Lot. 6. A DWELLING-HOUSE, situate in (he town efl, in the county of Carnarvon in the occupation of i)cfrcr,]. Lot 7. A D W ELLING-HOUSF,, with exten- sive omceQnd a good wailed Garden, in CaHe street, in the town of Ruthin, iu the countv of Denbigh, the occupation of Miss Grjffith (he .v.early rent of £ l2b. Lot. A TENEMENT,, called BRYN Y oitOES, situate in (ho parish of Llangefni, i» Lie raid county of Anglesey, eonfaksing 5A. 5«. LOP. 1,1 the occupation of Owen Huhes, at the rent of £ Lot 9. Another TENEMENT, called LLAIN Y DEL Y N, in the same parish, containing Fv. In. lOp. in the occupation of John Owen) zi-t the rent ol £$gs. Lot 10. FOUR several CHIEF RENTS of 13s. 4d. per annum, issuing out of the estates of Lord Bulkeley aad others. The Seal in Church, belonging to Mrs. West's house, is not intentled to 14 sold therewith. For further particulars apply at the Office of Mrp p" WliilAMS, in P?¡¡u¡nar.iø.