Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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'.'".'-mrs. st and Evens.'''"s


mrs. st and Evens. s Died on Monday night, the ,20th ult. of consumption, in an yhscure dwelling in.Cross- field, Halifax, and in circumstances of ex- treme distress, Mrs. Standevens, aged 30. The short history of this accomplished and unfortunate young/womau is painfully inter- esting; but as the lesson which it teaches-is fulfof instruction, a few particulars are ad ded, in the hope, that, as a warning example to female youth, her sufferings and melancho- ly fate, may Hot have irt-, va,' Kliza Evans was the only child of the Rev. Mr. Evans, of Malpas, in Cheshire, domestic fhaphin to Lord Cliolmondeley. His charac- ter, as given by one who kuew lilin, •?very respect excellent. He was exemplary itnd'useful in the of his sacred office, Policed and caressed by lite rich and the great for his acquirements ami virtues, and beloved by the poor for his piciy and charities. Eliza ost her- mother at the- early age of live years, •nd len years afterwards was bereft of her-fa- 'her. The interval between, tlipse two vfitiOnswas spent in the best, schools which Chester and Shrewsbury afforded. Her al- taitiinbuis were worthy of the opportunities which she enjoyed. In addition toher native Sanguage,- she became mistress of the French and Italian, exc el led in music and drawing, ind attained eminence in the variety of fancy- work, without having neglected the more useful acquisition of plain-work. Ste vva* sent for from st hool to attend the death-bed of her father he left her at the age of 15, about ip-boo under the guardianship of Sir Thomas Edwards., of I'rodesley. To this [little fortune Lord Cliolniondeley added the life-interest of the leasehold property possess- ed by her father, from 60 to 701. per annum. Her guardian died soou after his curate, and his ward continued to reside with -Lady. Edwards. Some circumstances, which at this distance of i'tne it were "tiselesq to de- tail, separated her from the protection of this family, aiW she left them, to reside with an old servant and housekeeper of her "father. It is unnecessary to give any particulars <if the 'e&rl'y dis;ippoiutmeut of 'her hopes. Young, "accomplished, and in some degree -independent, separated from- any iriear con. ucctioiiSj and womanly beyondJier years,, by one imprudent act she plunged herself into embarrassmeii til which ended only with her lite. At tliis-period;,slic became acquainted with Air. Staiideveiis,, a young man of three and twenty, the hero at that time, of the Shrews- bury theatre; and who wore the sock and buskin alternately, witli equal and no mean celebrity. They "met at a musical party. They wut both musical. At 16, whilst in mourning tor her father,, she became a wife, mourning tor her father,, she became a wife, at 17 a mother, Her history is now soon told. Her life was what may be seen in the green- room of every provincial theatre. Tier talents! were not adapted to the stage her figure1 was little, her voice had lost its sweetness, and in particular she could not get the better of a timidity which made her never feel all home upon the stage. She did not rise above very subordinate parts in the theatre; and, during the greater portion of her career, she -was an actress, not from choice, but necessi- ty. She dressed her face with smiles, and her person with finery to enable her to still the clamorous craving, and clothe the nakedness of six poor children at home. To the wear 'and tear of the first actor in all parts in a provincial theatre, Mr. Standeven's constir lution, originally robust, fell sacrifice. As his health, and perhaps his theatrical fame and his powers of entertaining decreased, his family increased. A long sickness destroyed his only means of helping his wife and ciiii- drcn, and added to their embarrassmcnts., The leasehold property, the gift of Lord CholmoAideley, had-been disposed of; About two years ago death removed poor Standevens telykl) lati oil of poverty and suile which lie coufd not alleviate. It ought not to be omitted, Uaat when separated from his wife by sickness, whilst she followed with part of her family th6' fortunes of the compa- ny, this- poor maw's letters endeavoured to clieor and support her, and breathed uiiabated leuderness and affection for her and her chil- dren. Mrs. S. endeavoured to retain her sta- tion on the stage, but in vaiu. On the expi- ration of her engagement, it could not be re- newed her strength was unequal even to her subordinate parts; the insidious disease to. which she fell a victim was graduallly uuder- ming a constitution naturally delicate, and her spirit was completely broken. On foot, with her children, in rags and wretchedness, she travelled Irora .1 idswell, in Derbyshire, du search of her husband's parish. About a year ago, whilst on this route, she arrived at Halifax, and entering at night, without any previous intimation, the house of a distant female relation of her husband, threw herself and her children upon her protection. But the circiimstancesof this relative were entirely unequal to such a call; she had for many years takon, care of and ed-ucated the eldest boy and has continued her kinduesas to that unfortunate family to the present hour. Mrs. Slandeveiis and her children lived some time in a room, in Copper-street, and afterwards about three mouths iii Cjross-fields.. Here I tkey wer? supported by a small allowance from her husband's parish—by her'needle—by her teaching a few scholnrs-;by the kindness of their relation-tnd by the casual bounty of the charitable. Her disease had now nearly run its course its last stage was aleviated. and the passage lo the grive rendered- easier, by medical assistance. A few days before htr death, she was admitted a home-patient of ihe Halifax Generai Dispensary, and 'was relieved from ihe fund of the Benevolent So- ciety by the visitor of the district in which she lived. She was perfectly aware of her 'apJ proaching dissolution. On the evening on which she died, she said to a poor kind néigh: lio, not leave me. Martha 1" the.poor woman knel beside her (the bed was on the floor) and supported the dy ing ii^other in her arms. After having in this situation been a short time engaged iii prayer,"she Itfoked on her eldest daugkler, who was kneeling at the foot of the bed, and, fixing her eyes upon her, serenaly breathed her lasl. Hep d> mg words were, "t bequeath my children to God, and resi into tis com-; mended her orphan* to the prol^dion of Hun;' who is ttiie' Father of the fatherless and. U-uiliu^ to his uierciful acceptance, gave back, let, the hands.of the widow's God., 4 11 'i 'Ims -is-, sorebwfut tale, but there a're ■some j cii-cuiiistaiiecs on which ihe feelings may dwell with pleasure. The acquirements of her youth she rtl iined to the day «f}ier,death. Iu her ac- cumulated distresses tiiey ministered to her! support, and mitigated fhoslHferings which they could not remove. She was thus enabled To be -tlie innlructrois of }jer children. In the several towns which the company visited s!»e taught drav. tug and the use of thu piano-forte, f and n.ade raffles ol pictures and^-work for the support ot her family. Her quickness in plaui-work contributed to the same end. And when her work failed, or was finished, she spent her hours in reading. She more than once attempted to .establish a school but, the world's prejudice marred her success :-?• She had been or was a player and it, is no wonder that this laudable purpose failed. IJirfortUftaie-Wonfan One single act of impru- dence altered entirely the complexion of her life." What a contrast do the two portions pf It prewenttlhough in the first fifteen years she felt niotlter, and though her.t'atlier's death ultimately deprived her of an adviser a,ed of a home, her cb ildhood and youth were spent, happily and use- fully, in the acquisition of knowledge, and in the society of valuable friends. The last fifteen years present a melancholy and different picture ;—but, in and in'socicly by no tiiean;5 favourable to vir- tue, her character remained without blemisli and wilhoul reproach. And surely it is high- ly n,a'^}'n £ tljat the rei:gn>us im- ;pr(!,sion of her infancy and io fa r iron) being effaced by subsequent years spent in a dang'Tous profession, and marked with a vmiety of fullering, were recognised during her illnevi and in her la^t moments and they did not torsako her amidst the most squalid wieli hudne, or during the most acutp suf- ferings; hut enabled her, in circumstances (If extreme distress, to die in peace with humble resignation aud hope, five destitute orphans survivjj her, tw o duyghlei s of the age? of 12 and 10, and three boys o'i the ages of 13, 4, and 2 years the íilxlh child died five yearrf ago. It desir,ible to prevent j the girls be sent to the work-house of their parish, to save them frotn the dan- gersrfncniettt to their sex, to their youth, and to their unprotected situation. To effect this purpose, and to fit them- out. for service, contributions have been solicited at Halifax. Halifax, Nov. 25, IS09. J. T.

,'MISCELLANIES. ;''-//'j

=-,jIIfI''i'II■. LONDON MillKSTS.