Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

7 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



LO NDON, MOXDAV, jtjru* The'foHoWing copies opletters. from Tneitt- (feneraltiTaham, commanding hit Majes!y's f«tce.« at Cadiz. have been received at Lord Liverpool* office. MY LORD, Itola, April °1, 1810. From the information maiii, -Lordsliij) Tcndyi)nd (pf tite miserable state uf thc fort of /never to he conrdored free from the danger of assault) it will not hemat- -ler-t)fstirl)rlse, that after holdingitlwo mouths it should now be abondoncd. •Iuha-ve the htnumr t"-clitange Captain Mnc- aine's (of the 94th) report to me. It would %e an injustice to live service not to recom- mend him in the warmest manner to your tiotice, .is ;is the t)trict-rs v6-lio I continued with him to the last ot this arduous; duty, Lieutenant Breretyn, ol the 15-oyalf ArtiUory, -liusi^ns Cannon and Scott, of 'tlu; nod 1\lr, Dohson, midshipman of hu, ^tiijfSty'* ship Invincible. The detente 01: Matagorda has been witnessed by every hotl) ■Tvillr"admiration, and I should not have been justified in allowing it to he continued so j f(II), hut from the expectation oftl,li> pnii- bilify of some diversion bcitiy made in its ta f Tour, which, however, was found to be liii-I prartrrrthhe, It is impossible that t sbonld-not endeavour to express to your Lordship tha feelings ot tlniv\hal' allll deel' rcnt excited hy \hc BII- timely fail of that distinguished officer Major t) Kiiirineers, whose zeal ;«*rsied him fro««»the Adnural'tship to b. Ule bearer of my orders tor the evacuation of the fort, thrtt'he'inigbt'be-latisiied that it was no longer tenable. The thief direction o! that important depatthlent now devolves till ifT Uirfh.TT>ur" Lordship i. welTac-; quainted withTfly opinion M liis went talents, so well raieirlistedto inspire confidence; Odder this nmfprtuue, I have, &c. TH0>. GHAHAM. P. ?. The original garrison of the fort of; jWata-jorria c'insisted of I aptain Machine and Ensigns Cannon and Scott, 94th ^regiment; t.went\-live iloval Artillery under Lieut. Bre- ■reron:; twenty-live seamen, under Mr. Doh. «on and six! v-seven non-commissioned offi-* <ers «nd privates ot the 94th regiment. — He ■iiiforcemeiits wore seat in the evening o'f the* and reliefs-o!' the whole wcru oti'ered/ tjut declined. sir. Cadi-, April 23, 3 810. I h;tve Uer'hfinmir to inform too, that at; two o'clock on the1 morning </f Ihe 2?-t, the r,ticiiin ol)eiied St. Paulo, a yd gun-bo^ts stationed near Fort IMalagorda, with hot shot, V,.eoL (led in forcing them to ahalldoll their position. Immediately atter this lltey opened Tort .Matagorda, a very heavy cannonade olM guiis and mortars, hut as it would have been i thelais ofiucb iin excelleltit officer is deeply to be laiijitiitcd. 1 have the ho ajut to be, &c. (Signed) A. IN Ll. Captain Ih Re-, .giment, late Coin, at Fort Matagorda. To liieutenant'G'literal Graham, 4c. 4i,. 4t". N. B. Hospital Mate Bennet, attached to, the 94th Itegiiiietit, and who was the burgeon attending the garrison, I beg to recommend to yoor-ootice, as a most attentive and «tcel-t lent professional man he wishes much to be, appointed As *Mtant-Sur,yon, o,f the -S4t h reg'i: melll. I have omitted to mention Lieutenant Wright, of the "Royal Artillery, who succeed- cd to the command of the Artillery in the bat. tt-ries on the morning of the 22d, alter Lieu-, Leu ant UrereUMi was wounded. i. A. MACKLtl N F., CapUinMlh Reg.t Lift cf kWd and wounded at Fort Mutiigordc, on the 21..t and Hd of April, 1610. f Royal Engineers—Major, killed. iioyal Artillery—l"Lifutenaut,il Serjeant, 8 Pri* vales, wounded. Royal Marines—2 Privates, kiMed-j '10 wounded.! i6th Regiui«n<—t2'Privates* :kiM«d. )4fh ditto—t i-Ccrporalt 3 Privates, killed; 25 wo undent, Seamen—7 Seamen-Vrlleii; S Midshi|imcn, 10, Seamen wenntted^ Toi-al—4 -Major, 15 Seamen, Marirjes, and Soldiers, killed I Lieutenamt, a Midship-; men, >1 Serjcaiit. 58 Seamen .nd'PrÎv¡¡tc.. wouuded. (Signed) A. M ACLAINE, Captain 94th y.; Grenadier*, late'Couimauder *of Fort RIaiagofda. [Jeutenant'Gtincrtl'Bi'tham, commanding j Cadit. 1i reflections on tluvdehato« in. the Houseol (om- uvons upon the expedition to Atitik,crlb. '•'We resolved to puliilisiuthe seijacl of the discussions, and the investigation relative to the expedition to the hsie ot Walchcrcll, lhough the question is already stale, and uo lofiger possesses any great interest. Btit iiiit; investigation is a monument of'the ignorance of the English respecting those-affairs .which, most concern I hem. What 1 no plan of Ant-' werp to htHiad in London ? What: are the)', ignorant of.the s'tualiou ot those docitvyards,) iroin which twelve sail of the line have been already.launched, and eighteen more.^re-onit the point of being iauuchw^ They kiK>wj itol, li".it sliicc Jiily, (lie ropvisited ;\¡¡Iwcrp,i,x lkft<i'¡'¡'lt'ha¥e hren expeiuled upon the fortifications, v/hicluwere iiid fliit the left batik, and the 7etedc Fiandt-e wnerejprot-ecled: I)v -!t"; W.,Jlto ill,.kill ti I'll, -lie colli- municattotrwith 'France, -and covered I:y an inundation to the eit-ent of SOW toises. 44 The Englisli truly lay o,i.ii, their moneyto very little purpose. Lord Chati»am knew no* thing of (be foriificutions of Antwerp, but from masons who had worked there. Europe 'lid France will see with astouiskm-snt tlic jttent of the ignorance of the English. They now not whether CaJsand be an iilan'd. They .C ignorant that the channel which separa- !(I* Ca(liiiid I*t-oixi Ilie Co"tlllcilt lias becii cirv lese five.and-lweuty years, and that Cad- nd is no longer an island. They know not lat the French squadron could place itself in fety, either above or below the fortifieati- ns of Antwerp. Tliej kuow not Uuit thfc )rts Lillo and Liefkenshoeck we^Ciprotected n the land side by inundations, and secure om every attack, and on the side of,the rivcr v 80 pieces of ordnance, which from the ght and left supported the line of gun-boats 11 n kd the boo me in HlC passage. .twoujdbc'clf!'tollS to contrast with this norance the detailed informations which e Topographic Cabinet of France possesses it It regard to «thc-the coasts of England, and hat the English were doing there in 1805. iservations en tiie number of eir otreiikth, tbe nwnjfeers of the -wjir-k nirn, e quantity of troo los, -1 lie posts from which sistancc might he exjpect»d, tlnwe -Ili.-it uld not be defended, the profiles of the Irks, &c. were daily arriving at 4-lic alhic Cahiuct of Francc. 44 After this, iltfill not excite astonishment, it the English knew not, that there were ,000 troops at Boulogne, who bccamc dis- seable from the instant that the Expedition mil)ieti tili(,ti ;tiiollier point: and that the t+oual tiua-rds alone were fuily suflicicnt, II\H\ R"tki-G .point wa'S fOllnd not to be me- red; that the Senator General Hampoll nmarrtfed at st. Onufi-, a chasseur -corps ol ked National Guards, regimented 'these ee years, and consisting of 12,000 men; t the General of Division, Chamberlain, nmanded at Louvaine, a camp of eight Nat- L, ions of the line that the regiments of Con- ipts, workmen at Ant>v>er,j>> formed more n 6000 men under arms; that the fort- ies in Flanders contained the depots of 60 iments, 15 of them being cavalry and li- ly, that tlie King of Holland had 12,000 n under arms, there being only, bevond territory, four rcgiJHclll to watch Hano- ,1t is'Sl1q}risill¡!' l('}f!n(J fhe Eu-r;Fsh so little |uainted with France, as to suppose that expedition landed upon her territory should npel her to weaken the army she had at •nna. 4 The result of the expedition 1(; the Scheldl proved, and all Europe-, which isinewn ut communication with Franc* <knew 4>e- e-liand, that a dcltarkation of 40,000 Eu- ih on our coasts would not create any di- simi, but only occasion the forrnution of v armies." I spirited contest is expected for I he county GJocester, Lord Dursley and Sir Ed-vin ytitui, Siiitiys, Bart, le, rival candidates to succeed Admiral keJey. The election is lijced for the 18th ittings appointed in the Court of King's ich, in and after Easter Term, ISiO.— ■IN TEll.M. JJIOD^KSE*. LONDON. nday May 14 J Wednesday.. May 1ft nrduj 19 | Monday a I urday. —i—86 I Monday Vfe day June 1 j Saturday. -Juuc 2 AFTER TERM. sday. Juac 5 Julie 9 fnqutd.a Itiqtieit was licAA ut oVlock, yextcrday, at the three Compasses, in Port-an's.mews. South, by G. Hodgson, Esq. Coroner if or the couuty of Middlesex, <tm the body of John Crowe, it tiustiiiaii, who died iu consequcnce of a wound he rccervcdl on the bead, hi an affray on Monday night, between a number of labouring men. and se- veral Life Guardsmen, whose stables are in J Williams's mews, Al;i lie, Lieut-Genera4 Barton, -of the 2d Regiment of Life Guards, attended during the investi- gation. The first witness sworn wws John Veer, a carpenter, residing in a cottage in Ilarper's- fields, Edgware.road. The witness said, that on Menday evening last, sibout eight o'clock, as he was going til) Upper George-street, Portman-square, on his way home, he saw a great concourse of people opposite the Fea. thers pub lie-house, in Upper George-street 1( it, and perceived tne deceased retreating towards the public-house, and three Life Guardsmen following him till { one of Alicin had a irtick in his hand-; the witness ithouglit, by the- stril)ioti his sleeve, he was a corporah he s.iwl liioj strike thctfeceased several thm's oo [fie, head and shoulders. The deceased fell and. -gfier he was down, iflic corporal struck him several times, and two other Life Guards. men caiuc ul) to the deceased.; .-one of them struck hirh with hi* fist m tbefbody, and the other kicked him in the side. The witness' did not know the ilectased; saw'hirc since lie died, and heard tiiat he was a dustman, about forty lye-,irz df age. The witness heard the' mob spy, that the soldiers were Piccadilly IltiUhert and saw s stone fall at some t,ilice from them. That -was after tli-e.dece^J- ed liadliueaj taketi,awiy.. Quttiion b;y thc^Goroncr. Upon^your «:ftli, were you in the crowd ? —A. I was not j I was at some distance. Q. Were not the men stripped i—A- d(w not know. • j A small'blue cockade having .dropped on of the witness's pocket, and being picked up ii by the beadle, who observed it full, the v. it ness denied it belonged to him. and said, some J •peh^on must have put it into his pockot willu Ollt hikHOwl{!(lgc:.Hc'wag oflk¡;'id to Nilill- draw, tiUt t*Hrcf*ai» in attendance. William Pierce, a dustman, living in Cum- berland-gardens, the bottom of Circus street,; •Jfeew Roa8, s«id, 'thwl lie had- ;4<n'rw.n•■the -de-, «e«ased tipwapdscctf kwenly yeirrs; he wacab<M!t 40 years of had worked with him on Monday last. About seven or eight o'clock in the evening, the witness and the deceased were coming along Upper George street, with! a carUload of dust, and a mall of the name ot John Stevens was coming from digging al; the foundations, and had a spade Oil his; •shoulder; he asked the witness to have somei 'hf'cr witness stojijisd foj#.cart., and called fort a pot, Oil the Feathers, -stood at the done; I Jobn C ro w,,1 Ii ( deceased, 4ii(i itot dr-iuik.i The witness took hold ol't lie pot, illd ,at tlic two soldiers, Life Guards- men, canve-out of the Feathers; one of'hclll "va* a -short-nian, with a ash. and the other a man., 'both in regimentals. The soldier, with the-sash on, asked the witness how he •d;d ? ami observed, he had not seen him for a long time, and invited him to drink. The witness gave the soldier the pot,, and he drank out of it upon which John Stevens taid. 4* if lie, the witness, drank with the •oUMir, he would chop Itic I)IIIO(IY arm off with the shovel he called the ol- diers bloody snots," and spil at the soldier, lHe-A, ltlq nose, and threw the contents at the fall soldier's face. Then Stevens said, 4,'he could heat the whole. regiment, one byone, siicli dirf-ysnols as them." The t a II III a n said to Stevens, "You had better 'quiet, or else wevhall quarrel,and wen>t ewuy-, but returned in about a minute wit4; <tvine or ten,! swldit-rs, with sticks. By that trmc a griiati number of peo.ple had collected round the "door of the Featliers public-house, and an affray commenced witli the -mob and the foWiers. The witness did -not see any blows giveii (,in either side-, aird went-to his horse, and cart., where lie found the deceased leaning against the tail of the cart-, with hrs head bleeding the "witness asked liiiii whnfwas the matter the deceased answered, 44 I have z(,t a terrible cut, and I shall know the man again he did not say if was a soldier that, had done it the witness tied i round his head, and advised him to ) to a doctor, but he said 44 I will go home, you take care of thoe cart;" -the witness itiiil not see any person slrijiped, nor did he know that John Stevens and John Crowe were in tlie affray. Barnaby Stevens, a coach-spring maker, residing at. No. 19, Adauirstreet, West, and in tHe employ of Messrs. Chamberlains and Williams, coach-manufacturers, of Adam- street, siiid, on Monday last, near 8 o'clock ,it; 4'be evening, after leaving his work, he sras g'wRig along Upper George-street, there was ■r nuiJo uf people Heady opposite the Feathers ■public-house. The witness perceived two blows, given to the deceased hy the soldiers, and saw the deceased fall. The witnesii was about three 3aids off; who gave thc blows lie did not know, but they came from two soldiers; one 'of liiem was a corporal, and lie had a Stick in his haud another soldier came up to th-e deceased and hit him with his fist in severaTparls of Ihe hudy, while a third soldier kicked him the witness observed, 41 For God s sake don't murder the man;" one of the soldiers made two blows at the witness, and he went; away. Witness asked whether lie saw any rt Life Guardsmen knocked down, he answered 44 .N0. Thomas Glover, of No. 40, Adam-street, West, coach*spring«maker, and employed in the same manufactory as the last witness, said on Monday about 8 o'clock in the evening, he observed a great crowd at Ihe lop of Adam- street, and some iu the middle of Upper George-street the witness went near the Feathers public-house, and saw two men stripped to liht; one of them was a soldier; the deceased was attempting to pull one man away, whom he called Stevens, having hold of his arm. The witness saw the deceased knocked down by the Corporal with a st,ck, and he repeated the blows several times while- he lav on the ground, and a second soldier,, hit the deceased several times with his fist, and a third kicked hitu. The witness did nut ku()'w Tvlietliw the soWier that bad stripped to tight was one of the titreetihe did not see the beginning ofttic aftray there might at that time be aboi £ t'$@ soldiers^ be did tJijt see -.iry stones thrown at them, bift i)c -heard the mob cry out lfllto &hct J<he<cobler f live lumber f' and many other terms. The Feathers public-bouse was abotit loo yards from Williams's-mews, where the men's sta- bles are. The stirgeore evidence, vlm aft-ended the deceased, was given in writing, and fcad bj Hie mrk, IH it:Gh"U1- 44 We, Edward Leece, of Dtike-&tTett, MaR- chester-square, and Richard Hardman, of Upper Georsc-iiieet. Ilortnian-rqiiare, Surgeons, hav- ing examined the body of the deceased John Crowe, found a wound, two iuches Ioiir, just, over the lefr portion of file frotit-ii bones; aud, within the cranium, seven or eifht ounces of ex- travasated blomt, bnt no fracture in the bones we are decidedly,of opinion, ttlar ttie,"trava. sated blood was the cause of his death. (Signed) "EDWARD LEECE. -14 RICH A fit) IIA RDM AM." Thomas .Pitcher, Quarter-master in the Se cotid Regiment of Life G II a rd., antlq lIartered I in King street, Montague-square, said that about fjf'iy of the Regiment had stables in Williauis's-mews, and the men slept over the stables. The witness's.duty was to go about a quarter past seven in the evening to inspect the horses in Williams's-mews. On his return fromi-tbe«tables, which was about 10 minutes afterwards, he met Corporal Toitey, who told liiiii lie was -,oiu,- to ttic stil)les iii Kili;,r-, street, for orders, as there was to be a review the neirt inoming. They slopped at the: Fcalht. and called for a glass of ale, "hot did" ilot "o ilito the house. There were'Hrree<or l'otir incii, like dustmen, -standing outside of the house; two of the men abused them one of I he IU b Ie w h i II ose, a II d threw t'he cocficnts at the Corporal, and a id-" Y 0\1 are 1101 in Piccadilly, on horseback; you are a fool; we should meet with men who would serve us 0111; (mcalling fighl \Iii ulIl).-Thc LóI!I.dlolid of (fie Feat hers public-house camc out, and asked (he men what they meant by thesoldiers ? adding, 4* Cannot you leave them alone, the.y have nothing to say to y ou." The witness went away, and lie received a blow from a brick-bat on his back. Twenty or thirty of the mob collected, and threw their hats up into the air. In the mean lime, seve- ral soldiers belonging to the regiment came tti the spot two men stripped to light, one appeared like a duitman, the other was John Stevens, now in cii-stody, who eh'allcnged Cor- I poral 'T-wltey, The witness went away to make lw-s report to hi6d)tJK6(. Hi1! man, when he went at a quarter-past seven, to Williams's, mews, were iu their-staples, perfectly sober j auti orderly. Thomas Cook atul Joseph Ranks both pri- vates in the 2d regimwnt of Lite Guards, de- posedtothctatnecQcut. The Jury, after half an hoar's consul- tation, returned agitint soirit ye*sim-or'jjenttms unknown. The: Inquest khslcd .five hours. A great concourse of people were collected iu and out- side of the. iiouse. fJo>r-STriEE.T.-— It will bc-Fecoftccted, 4hat in the month of January, 1{>01>, the White- haven Bank was broken open, and rob- bed-of notes to the amount of £ 15,000, andj that by Ihe exertioirs of Adkius, file (lttiCtr, I three of the robbers were tried at the Assises for Carlisle, lust summer, aiul two of have -since been exueuted. Within latt, fortnight Adkins received private information that a number -of the stolen notes were in London, and thtrt'l-hey were to he taken to Dublin for the purpose -ofT>cin,j,r circulated. Adkins traced-Uh: notes into the possession of a Mrs. Lee, whro"resides in the neighbourhood of a respectable woman-; slie said the had-received them from a tn»n t^f the name of John I-NU-ilell, IVIVC) has been a well, low, character on the town for about thirty years, and who, in consequence, on Friday night, was apprehended in a tinu-se ne»r 'the Seven-dial*. At a late-hour oh Saturday night he underwent a*i examination before Mr.Gra- ham aud Mr. Kwuaird, witelk evidence was given of the jj-lan he hr«d f<«-intd for sending, some Whitehaven ija-nk Notes to Dublin by 1 means ofmrs. Lee.—lie was coumwtted for further examination. -J


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-North Wales Humane Society.