Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

8 erthygl ar y dudalen hon

••> Jfoftp Jr/jijrsu r, .->…


••> Jfoftp Jr/jijrsu r, > f Ýt is naentionqiB in several of ihe CrCrrsaa ?apoi», th:»t thfr s^rearri of conjribuiionsmi- nosed on Hie Rouse of Austria, amounting to 'l'fe"tdtv mrHrons nfflttrinii has re- mitted, and the fteue 2eiiung contains the toll(>wui.«j --singular anecdote on the subject the Ernl)rt-ss l,otiisa French frontiers, the Emperor sent a plain ¥o! slItlif ho. ciifirMit irom the earlier ones receivee, wltivi! were always more brilliant and valu-a- "ole, slyt, It, ¡¡¡r.tHoupd ân irnFiíal receipt iii. Ml for the twenty five millionsof arrears «f^L««'trian contrihution-rnonev-, with Ii -a ictier ijii-iiis own hand writing.The Em press accepted the present with tears ot grati- ilaey and forwarded it by a courier to Vi- es iKl. A change aitimij; the Sea L-nrds, at the 3 (4f A (1' •BoanS (if Admiralty, will; it is said', take place im mediately. The afrriirat of' Sir Joseph Yorke is -flitity from his ship", the 'Christian Titii?, in Basque Koadsj. a Captain 'Christian TrfnT, in Basque Koadsj. a Captain I having- sailed from,Plymouth some days since, I f foOT ette par pose of relieving him in the com- of Ii is also reported Iliaf s»me dTlbe other iiieiiibers of the Admiralty Board will retire. The Counter Declaration of the Livery-of London has received upwards of £ 500.signa. ■fures, mfl>:y of which are of ihe tirsl respecta- Liiity ;ii;d opulence. IJie Army.—A circular letter has been for- "wawted by the Adjutant-GeneraI to the Colo- nels-nt k<1 regiment** regular# ar.d militia. on the'Sii'bjett <A" tlie sotdiers clothing, which at present is cul away..too. much, and rendered too light Jo he with ease and collitori. The Cowmander in Chief-has, much, to his fd to adopt the.iuusi rigorous measures tor enforcing obedience to hi* Miu jesty's regulations, both with respect to the quality and nuke of1t>e*clo;Uhing of ihe arm) in future; it having been-ascertained, that cioih .41/ very sufewor -texture, manufactured ai I i) It warmth and durability, has been in man*, cases made use of fly cbeap clothiers, for .the purpose <*freducing the price of clothing, and mcreae'tig the profits of Colonels, to the in. t)t' (tie soldict*. ir Francis Burdeit v. the Speaker of the House »f Commons, The following is a Copy of the lltile of ihe Court of King's ISench, for leave for the De- fendant to plead several mailers, upuulh, motion of Mr. Abbott; II (dr'fSfftiy next after three Aieeks from J:. a* Lev-day, in {,ht:50ihYfw.f of &ing George Busdptt, Barf. a^ainit Aekot, M- T. If i« ordered, that the Defendant have, leave fo plead several matters, to wit, NOTGTIL- TY to lie declaration, and for further i) th. breaking and entering the Hmntift's iMes.suage, ai d the assault and imprisonment I;rs! a justification under the remy'uii'ant cfthe House of Cammons" thai the a had been guilty ot a breach Ili(- and was or tiered bv the House to be comniitted So the Tower of londoii: ard that the as speaker of'Ihe Hoose of Commons, issu- ed his Warrants accordingly, to the Serjeant at Arms, attending the House, and to the Lieutenant of IheTowrr; and for further plea to the assault and imprisonment mentioned in the first count the like satisfaction.— Upon the motion tit Mr. Abbolt. BY THB COURT. I On Wednesday, ihe 2d iilsant, the British and Foreign Bih!ei Society held their Sixth ■Anniversary at Old. London Tavern, Biuhop. I galeslr('I't.,Lorcl ('Jalimouth. President of tin: Society,, read from the chair a report of proceedings during, the last year,- ..which con- tained a variety of interesting. information re- lative to the success of the Institution, both at home ami abroad. If appears that it has now produced-three Societies on the Conti- nent of Europe, and the same number in the United States of America, on a principle similar to its own* and that, as well through the-e, as through individuals and other bo- dies, it is'largely promoting the circulation of the Scrip til pes m different parts of theworld. Its success the United Kingdom has a too been very considerable, numerous aux. ;.Ilary itt-Atittitioi!o, fit ;iid (;f its f'urids, and lit furtherance of its object, having been esta- blished in iMigiand. Scotland, and Ireland in Eng-land, at Birmingham, Reading, Not- tingham, TNewcasi le-upon- Tyr.e, i'enrhyn, Leeds. Manchester, Leicester, Brisiol, Shef- field, Kendal, in tile Greenock and P<*rt Glasgow, the Edinburgh, the l ast Lothian, and the Scottish bible So-, cie!>es j iii tile aid the. Cork bible Societies, and several branches from the former in Limerick, Belfast, Dnn- g-anfioiK iVew llos*, luilamore, &c. The. Parent Instl!u!lPr.h. also been greatly as- sisted by individual, congregational, and o'her contritnifioiis sminig which, more than 2000/. wePT emoieraled as transmitted irom Giasgow, and oilier fTcsbyterK^ il.ti 'mg I he Usl year. Very impressive addresses were delivered by the President, the .Secretaries, Mr. Wilberfo-rce, and other gentlemen^ The attendance was numerous beyond all former example, and truly respectable. Among the Company present, and who took u shaie in the business of tfte day, were, beside the President, the Bishops of Salisbury« St. Da vid's, and ( to\ic, the iiev. I)r Blackburne, Warden of Manchester, Lord llenniker, if A 1 ruler .lohnson, Messrs Wilbei force, JJa. bington. &c W e coi>v I lie following, with satisfaction, from a Waterlord lJ»per — "We rejoice to be able w> state, on authorily entitled t(» full bel-ef, that Irai quiliiy is rapidly returning in the more remote parls 01 the county, of VVa- t rfoi d. Arm., In con nderable numbers, have rere.o lv been d-liverrd up by those who, some fin e n«c, were so eajjer to obtain them, even in opposition to ttie law 0! the land, and at ihe risk of every fl ing in liie deartoih. ni selves, tfieir relatives and fi i'-i'ds. i\rd<ntly I do we fiope, that the example will he milowed wherever it i* -w anling, ar.d that we seal! have no more to record aggressions so disgraceful I 10 lliu country, aad so fatal ti> its peace." I To the Editors cf the North Waist Gazette. -■ "Gentlemen, ( As th%. case of Mr. \Wilkrt iMho wis --p«rm- nii I tN 4 to the Tower in the year tf-O. for a Libel, |>ears n sirong^analo^y to Sir Frstncis Hurdelt's in some particulars, perhaps the following sU'eitjent. may not be u&HtteieBt? lti, tt) some of your readers. On Tuesday, April 261h. 1T63, the Eart of Halifax, his Majesty's Principal Secretary of Pfafe, issued his Warrant tinder hill hand only, directed to his Majesty 's Messengers in Ordinary, au'thoriTing them in hill Mlffi&ty'x a cons 1 ablif to their axeistafice)16 tli,, strict and diligent search for the authors, printer^, and publishers of a seditious and ireas(.nable paper, intituled, h The North Briton, fco. 45." and them (ir any of them having found, to apprehend and seize, toge ther with tncir papers, inid to bring in safe- custody the said Secretary, to he ex- amined concerning the premises, and fnrtbec dealf witti nccordiug to law. Ontbe&aturday following, the tfiessenger*. took Mr. Wilkes in!" cUlilodv (by virtue of- I liis warrant) at his house in .tffeat Street^ Westminster, and likeiwise. seized all his papers. Mr. Wilkes having obtained a copy of this warrant, all application was made 10 the Court of Com- mon Pleas, about twelve o'clock at noon oil his behalf, for a writ of Hahem Cotpai to issue instantly ret.aUx&b\e forthwith- —This writ was accordingly ordered, Chief Justice Pratt, oh- serving, a most extraordinary warrant. The issuing of the Habeas Corpus was from the necessary forms delayed Sill the evening; and althoo^h the Solicitor for the Crown knew that it had been ordered, yet, before it could be delivered to the messenger, who had Mr. Wilkes in-custody, the same af- ,ernoon, fve o'clock Mr. Wilkes was '•as-tily (1 -had almost said, says Mr. Jnstice W ho » n contemp "t the K j ¡; s Court) coin- to the Toiver of London J Appli.cai ion> made by Mr. Wilkes's Counsel, Solicits ind fiiciid# (nobicnieii and gentlenu-ii of the lirsf dis<M>e.tion) to see Mr. Tt iikes, but (hex vere ail denied admittance, under a geuenii rder froní the- Secretnrv of Stute; and par- iicularly Mr.,tV'*j*. own brolher wa's refused.— t copy of his eoiiiirn!mtnf being demanded ihd granted, i-t. appeared fo be tiin-eied \0 the i'onstiibU; of I tie' 'I'ower (Lord Berkley) an i horizmg.him, lii,ltis Majeily'* nam?, to re ceive inttJ his c<)stmly the body of Joh;, illies, Esq. beiig the author and pub- isher of a in out infamous Libel. iutituled. the j •> Di th Union, No. 45, lending to tufiame .niiids and alien, te thu aOeclions of t he peo- ,.1\: from fiis Majesty, and to excite them to raiterons >tjsiirr<jctions against the govern-! ■nent, and. tu keep hilll safe and close until delivered- by. 41cle course of law." On the! dondav following, another writ of Habeas C'orpHii was moved for in the Court of Com- mon Plea*, Av'tirh being granted, Mr. Wilkes was oil the following morning brought into Court hy the Lieutenant of the Tower, and being placed amongst, the Serjeants at law at the Bar, Mr. Serjeant Glynn then moved for his discharge upon three grounds, Flr!!1 that hrwas not committed upoK oath but upon j I-lie nitire imagination or suspicion of the Se- j crf-forri(,g nf Stalk, that he was the author and publisher of ihia supposed Libel j secondly, (hat-(lie war-rant'of'commitment was too ge- neral, and did not set forth substantial matter, whereupon the Conrt could judge whether the paper was a Libel or not » but thirdly, supposing the warrant to be good, yet, that Mr. Wilkes being a Member of PurlitnncnL* was privileged frmh arrests in all eases except treason, felony-, 'aird actual breach lJftlw peace, therefore ooght to be discharged with- out bail; that itwaç universally agreed that a Libtl is not an actual "breach of the peace, it s'night, and often did tend to it, und upon this point alone (although the others should be over-ruled) Mr. Serjeant Glynn in- sisted that Sir. Wilkes should be discharged from his imprisonment without bail. The Serjeants for the Crown, Itpvill, Whitaker, N'area and Davy (ILell of great legal talents) replied to Serjeant Glynn, and what was some- what remarkable, they none of them con- tended that a Libel was a breach of the peace, but. admitted tir-AlJWembersof Parliament could not legally be arrested hut for treason, felony or breach of the peace, nor would they say in that case whether arresting was not a breach of privilege of the House of Commons. When the King's Serjeants had concluded, Mr, Wilkes made the following speech to the Court. B MY LORn. 1 am happy to appear before your Lord- ship and this Court, where liberty is sure to find protection and support, and where the law (the principle and end of is the j preservation of liberty) is so perfectly under stood » Liberty t my Lord hath been the governing principle of every action of my hie, and actuated bv it, I always have endeavour- ed to serve my gracious Sovereign and his fa- mily, knowing his government to he founded upcrn il but as it has been his misfortutie to hmt: eniptoycd ministers who have endeavour- ed to cast the odium and contempt arising from their own terrible and coirnpt measures, on tti-c person of I hcirovcteig-n and Benefactor, so mine has been the daring task to rescue the R,lyql Person from ill placed imputations, and fix them on the Ministers who alone ought to bear the blame and the punishment due to their unconstitutional pro- ceedings. For the proof of itiv zeal and af- fection -to my Sovereign, have been im- prisoned, sent to the Tower, and treated with a rigour yet unpraefscc j or, liebels; but however those may strive to destrov me, whatever persecution they are now med tat ing- against nie, yet to the world I shall proclaim 'hat offers of the moai urU anlngeous. and lucra- tive kipd have been made to seduce jilt: to their party, and no means left untried to win n)e to their connection now as their aLIempfs 10 corrupt me have failed they aim at iutinii- dati:i £ me by persecution; but as ii has pleas ed God I o give me virtue to Ilieir bribes, so 1 doubt not but he will give me spirit to surmount their threats, in a manner becoming an Englishman, who would su3er the severest trials rather than associale with men who are entmles to ttie libert ies of their country (heir t't')h"st rejected; t l eir menaces i defy, and I think fhis is the most fortunate event of my, He -Aas then Member for Aylesbury. tifcj^wtoejiLJ. fceforg..y<n?T tordsiup anfl t hij ojurt, where innocence is sure of protec- tion; end liberty tan never want friends and guardians." The Court fher topk time to consider, and appointed the following Friday to give their opinion, 'till which time Mr. Wilkes was re- inandi-d'to the Tuwer, and on that day being again brought to the bar, Lord Chief Justice Pralt delivered the opinion of the whole Court. After disposing of the two firsl points in fa vor of the Crown, he proceeded to the third, and declared, that the Court were unanimously of opinion that Mr. Wilkes ought to be discharged without bail. We are all of opinion," said his Lordship, that a libel is not a breach of the peace: it tends to the breach cf the peace, and that is the utmost 1 but -t I)at which teudst, the ocearh of the peace cannot be 3 breach off it. Suppose a libel to be a breach of the peace, yet i can- not li *,n-k it can exclude privilege, because iii t,flat a libeller is bouil-d to find in any hook whatever, not case except one, viz. the case "Bifthopt, where three Judges saiowpl^tirety 'of the pewe wag required i> fhe case-»f-a libel.Judge Powell, the on h&nest man of the four Judges dissented, am 1 am bold (said tite Chief Justice) to be o; his opinion, and to say that case is not law but ii shews the miserable condition of the state at that time « upon the wholci it is ah surd to require surety of the peace, or bait. in tiiecase of a libeller, and therefore Mr Wtikea must be discharged from his imprison- ment," a lid he was discharged accordingly- It will lie in the recollection of your readers, that Mr. Wilkes afterwards brought ao actiol against the Earl of Halifax, for ihe trespass and false imprisonment, wherein he recover- ed several thousand pounds damages. I a-m, gentlemen, P' A CUNSTAN 1 READER.

''' jHRlCULTURh FOR MAY. ---

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