Papurau Newydd Cymru

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Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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FRENCH PAPERS. Paris, May 19.—Her Majesty the Empress, Queen and Regent, iias received the followlIIg information respecting the situation of the armies on the morning of the 131ii. The fortress of Spandau has capitulated. This event astonishes all military hien. His Majesty has ordered that Gen. Bruny, the Commandant of Artillery, and Commandant. Engineer of the place, as well as the Ministers of the Council of Defence, who may no! have protested against, it, to he arrested and tried before-a. Marshal's Com- mission, presided hy the Vice-Constahle. Ifis Majesty has likewise ordered that the ca- pitulation of Thorn should be the subject of an enquiry. If ihe garrison of Spandau has surren- dered without a siege, a strong fortress surround- ed by marshes, and subscribed to a capitulation which itiust be the subject of an enquiry and a judgment,the conduct observed by the garrison of Wittenberg has been very different. General. Lapovehas perfectly well conducted himself,and supplJrted the honor of our anus in thc defence that important point, which is besides but an in- different foi tress, liaving but one inelosure, half destroyed, and which could only owe its rpslstance to the courage of its defenders. Baron de Mon- tat-ati, all Equerry lo (lie Emperor, on the Gib of May, lost his way two from Dres- den. He felt into the hands of a patrole of light Gilvalry, consisting of 30 men, and. was taken by the enemy. A new courier, sent from Vienna by M. de Staekelberg to M. de Ncsselrode, at Dres- den, has Just been intercepted. What is remark- able is this, that the dispatches are dated the 8th in the evening and that, they contain congratulations from M. de Staekelberg to the JKtnperor Alexander, upon the brilliant victory he has juht gained, and upon the retreat of the French beyond the Saale, Tile Grand Duchess Catherine has received at Toplitz, a letter from her brother, the Emperor Alexander, which informs her of this great victory on the id. The Grand Duchess with reason allowed all the persons taking the wafers of TlJplitz, to read his letter. However, t lie, follow flay she learned the Emperor Alexander had returned to Dresden, anrl that she herself must proceed to Prague. All this has appeared extremely ri- diculous in Bohemia We have secn in it the name of a Sovereign compromised, without any motive which policy could justify. All this can only be explained hut as a Russian custom, re- sulting from the necessity there is in Russia of imposing- upon an ignorant populace, and the fa- ciliiy with which they can be made to believe every thing. They should have found it neces- sary to have adopted a different conduct in such a civilized country as Germany. MayW.—u Her Majestythe Empress Queen and fiegent has received the following intelligence relative to the situation of the army oil the morn. mg of the 14th of May. Tt-.ear.ny cf the Elbe has heen dissolved: and the two armies of the Elbe and (tie Mein form only one. The Duke 01 iU'llnno was on the evening of the 13th near Wit- 'enberg. The Prince.of Moskwaha* left Torgau 10 proceed to Lukau. Count. Lauriston was march ing from Torgau on Dobreleigh. Count Her:- rand was at. Koengsbruck. The Duke of Tarel" to, with the llth corps, was encamped bet ween IJis^hofF-iwerder and Bautzen. He, on the Hth and I2'h, briskly pursued the enemy. General 'idoradovitz, with a rear-guard consisting of '0,000 men, and 40 pieces of cannon, endeavour- ed, on the 12th, to retain the positions of Fish- boeh, Oapelhenberg, and of Eischofswerder, which brought on three successive battles, in which our troops behaved with the utmost intre pidity. Charpfiitier's division distinguished it- self on tiie attack on the right. The enemy was turned in this position-and dislodged at au points; O(Je of his columns was cut off. We have laken 500 prisoners, and he had upwards of 15110 men killed or wounded. The artillery of the llth corps fired 2000 cannon shot in the engagement. The remains of the Prussian Army, under the command of the King of Prdssia, which passed at Mechzau, took hi- road to Brufzen by Kro- enigsbruck. to join the Russian my. Yester- I day at neon, the Duke of ileggio's corps passed I the bridge of Dresden. The Emperor has re- viewed the cavalry corps and line cuirassiers, under General Latour Maubourg. It is said the Russians have advised the Prussians to burn Potsdam and Berlin, and lay all waste. They I began by setting the example themselves In their gaiele de ceasur, they burnt the little town of Bisiiofswerder. Th KIng of Saxony dined with live E.nperoron the S3tli. Tire 2d division of the Young Guards, commanded by General Barrois, is expected to-morrow at Dresden." MayZl.— Her Majesty the Empress Queen and Regent has received the following information of (lie situation of the arullcs, olllhe 16'ii in the evening:—On the 15th, the Emperor and King of Saxon^ reviewed four regiments of Saxon ea- valry, (one of hussars, one of lancers, and two of ''uirassier-,) which form part of Gen, Latour Maubourg's corps. Their Majesties afterwards vi.ed file field of battle, at file Preinifz. The Duke of I'arenium pu" himself I in motion on tlw 15th, at the in the morning, to march opposite B.-tutzia. Heme- a the debouch some of the enemy's rear-guard Some charges ot cavalry were attempted against our cavalry, e' but. unsuccessfully theenemy, however, wishing to maintain himself in (his position, a n'e of musketry look place, and he was driven ;rom rlw post. We had :250 neii killed or wounded in his rear-guard alfa.r; <he euemy's loss is esti- mated at from 7 fo 800 men, of whom 200 are prisoners. The second division of the yomig guard commanded by General Barrois, arrhed a' Dresden yesterday. All he army has passed the Elbe independently of the grand bridge at Dresden, two bridges of boats have been iished, the one above, the other below the town. 31 ay 23.— Her Majesty the Empress Queen and Rerent lias receive the following accounts of the siruatiouof the armies on the ISth of May — The Empcrer was HI ill at Dresden; he has pro- posed the meeting o! a Congress at Prague for a general peace. On the side of France then would arrive a' this Congress the Plenipotentia- ries of France, 'hose of the United States of America, of Denmark, the King of Spain, and all the allied Princes and on the opposite side, • hose of England, Russia, Prussia, the Spanish insurgents, and the other allies of that bellige- rent mass, 'in this congress would be establish- ed (he basis of a long peace. But it is doubted whe'her England is inclined to submit her ego- tisiic and unjust principles to the censorship and opinion of the universe for there is no power, however inconsiderable, that does not prelimi- narily claim the privileges attached to its sove- reignty, and which are consecrated by the arti- cles. of the Treaty of Utrecht, respecting mari- time navigation. If England, from that, feeling of egotism upon which her policy is fonnded, re- fuses to co-operate in this grand work of the peace of the world, because she wishes to exclude the universe from that element which constitutes three-fourths of the globe, the Emperor, never- theless, proposes a meeting at Prague, of the Pienipoieutiaries of all the belligerent Powers, to settle the peace of the Continent. His Ma- jesty offers, even to stipulate at the moment when the Congress shall be formed, an armistice heiweeu the diifcrent armies, in order to put a stop to the effusion of human blood. Thesfl principles are conformable to the views of Aus- tria. it now remains to be seen what the Courts of England, Russia, and Prussia will do. The distance of the United States of America ought not to form a reason for excluding them. The Congress might still be and the deputies* of "the United States would have time fo arrive before the conclusions of the discussions, in order lo stipulate for their rights and their ia- terests..