Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

10 erthygl ar y dudalen hon


A V E R A G Si P R i C E O…

Family Notices

[No title]

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-------------Great and Glorious…


ing been overpowered, and been obliged to give way immediately on Ihe ot Major Gen. Ross's brigade, ihe enemy established themselves on our line, and Major Gen. Ross was obliged to withdraw Trow lira posl 1 however ordered the 20Mi and 481.h' regiments to charge, tirst that body of the enemy which had first established l hemselves on I he heigh I, and :.•• xt those on the left. Hulhaltaeks SIIC eeeded, and the enemy 'wcie dnven do.wn with immense loss the 6lh division hav- ing moved forward at the same time lo a gj tuation in the valley nearer to the Idt of the 4tb, the attack upon this froittceasedenhreiy, and wasconliuued but faintly on other points of our lille. It) tIlC course of this contest, the gallant fourth division, which IJ,isw fr('<¡IIPldiy been distinguished in this armv, surpassed their former good conduct, Kvery regiment charg- ed with the bayonet; and the 40th, the T-fh. "20!is, and 23d, four dliferent ti nes. Their officers set them the example, and Major-Gen. Hoss had two horses shot under hi in- The I'ortu^uese troops like-wise behiiVeil admir- ably, and I had every reason to be snlisfi'd "*Hh the conduct ol (he Spanish regiments del Principe ;iful Previa. I had ordered Lieut. Cien. j'ir Howhxiid Hill, lo march by Lanz j;ipo:» Ltzjipso. as soon as f found Hint Lieut. iien-s. Sirfr Piclun, and Sir Lowry Cole had moved from Zubiri and Lieut. Gen. the Earl of fh Ih 0 IIsfe, fro 111 Sa II Es! e"all. lo the ijilace, nt> > e both arrived on thti28th, and the -) iviare'1, •seventh ilm«i</n came to M arm lain. The -enemy V! ( which had been in front of Sir Rowland hit).'followed his march- and arrived atOstz on I >e S9!h. The ><} ih'» re inforced, and occupying position In the mountains, which appeared í I i tie I i ail Ie f II attack, and tindmg that they couul make »o impression on our froat. determined to en deavour to tura our left by ;ui 'attack on Sir R. Hill's corps. Tiiey reinforced ■'with "one division the troops which had been already opposed to In in, ■stili occupying the sine poinls in the mountain, on which was formed their principal force, bill the] d-ew m to the? left iiie troops which occapied the IEihh opposite I he third division., i d he? had, pied in strength the crest of the inounhnw on our left of the Lanz, opposite to the sixth and seventh divisions thus connecting their right II) their position with the divisions' detached to Lictit. Geii, Sir It. Hr! I, however, ■determined to attack their position, and or- dered Lieut. Gen. the Earl of Dalhousie to possess himself of the top'"of the mountain in ■his trout, r>y which the enentv's right would be turned, and Lieut. Gen. Sir T. Pieton lo ilie heights on which the enemy's left •bad stood, and to tura their left hy the road to Roncesvalles. All tlie arrangements were to attack the front of the enemy's posi- tion, as soon as Ihe effect of these movements on their flanks should begin lo appear. Major Gen. the Hon. E Pakeuliam, whom I II a d sent to take the command of the six'!b divi- sion, -Major Gen, Pack having been wounded, turned iiie viiiageof So'rausen, as soon as ihe £ ari tJf 0;i||!ousie had driven the enemy from Ihf mountain, by which that Hank was de fended and the sixth division, and Major Gen. Byng's brigade, which had relieved the fourth division on the left of our position on the road lo Osliz, instantly attacked and car- Tied that vihage. Lieut. Geii. Sir Lowry Ooie likewise at fucked the trout of Ui'e' enemy's main posi t i ou wi lh the 7tin Caeadorcs, sup. ported hy he ] 1 Ih Portuguese regimen!, I be 40th, and the battalion under Col- lm.i i-n, -consisting of the (Queen's and 53d ic^ime,— AS' these operations obliged the enemy So abandon a position which is one of the st rong- cst and most difficult of access that 1 have jet seen occupied by troops. In their retreat from this position the eneiny lost a great number of prisoners. I cannot sufficiently, applaud the conduct of ail the general officers, officers, and troops throughout these, opera huus. The attack made by the, Earl of Dal. housie was admirably conducted by his Lord- ship, and executed by Major Gen. Tnglis and the troops composing his brigade and that by Major Gen. the Hon. 15. Pakeuliam, and Mijjor Gen. Byng, and that by Sir L, .Cole and the movement- inade by Sir T. Picto", Mierit my highest commendation. The latter .officer co-operated in the attack of the moun- taill hy detaching troops to his left, in which the Bon. Lieut. Col. Trench was wounded, but I hope not seriously. White these ope- rations were going on, and in proportion as 1 ,o,l) 9 r v ed I It e 1 r s,,j me,. <>.bser\ed their success, I detached troops to the support of Sir II. Hill. The enemy ap- peared in his front iate in the morning, and i in mediately commenced an extended ma nteuvre up#n his left flank, which obliged him to wilhdraw from a height which he oc pied behind the Lizasso to the next range.— He there, however, maintained himself, and I enclose his report of the conduct of the troops. I continued the pursuit of the enemy after their retreat from the mountain to Oiaque, where I was at sunset, immediately in the rear of their attack upon Sir R iii,ii. The y wi t hd rew fro 111 his front in thenfht, and yesterday took up a strong position, with two divisions, lo cover their rear in the nassof Dona Maria. Sir Rowland Hill, and tlie Earl of Dalhousie, attacked and carried the pass, notwithstanding the vigorous resistance ol the enemy rand the strength of their, position I am concerned to add that Lieut. Qen Hon. William Stewart was wounded upon fins occasion. I enclose jLieut Gen, Sir Rowland Hill's report. In the mean time I moved Wllh Major Gea. Byng's brigade and the 4th divi- sion under Sir Lowry Cole, by the pass of Ve late upon Irurita, in order to turn the enemy's position on Dona Maria. Major Gen. Byn took, in Elizondo, a large convoy going- u, the enemy, and made many prisoners. We have this day continued the pursuit of I he enemy in the valley of the Bidassoa, and many Prisoners and much baggage have been taken. Major Gen. Byng has possessed himself of the Galley of Baslan, and of the position on the PUCflo de Maya, and the army will be tbin night nearly in Ihe same positionswhich they J'ccqpied on the 25U July I trust that Isi's '1' H. the Prince Reenl will be satisfied with ,tiC ¡,nd,,c! oj ¡ he tr,,(\'s..f his Majesty, and ofhis Allies on this occasion. Til(I etieniy having been cons iderabiy reinforced and re equipped after their late defeat, made a most formidable attempt to relieve the blockade of Panipc-luna with the whole of their forces, ex- the reserve under General Villatte, j winch remained ia front of our troops on ihe j great road from I run. This al'empt has been entirely frustrated hy the operations of a part only of t'.e allied army. an,I the enemy have sustained a defeat and a severe loss in b<>tii oiffcers and men. The enemy's ex pertations of success, beyond the point of raising Ihe blockade of Pampeltma, were cer- tainly very sanguine. They brought into Spain a large body of cavalry, and a great of, I Illls, lieitlibr of which arm's could lie used lo any great extent by either parly in the battle which took place. They sent- off, .the guns to St. Jean de Pied de Port ou the evening of the 28tb, which have thus returned to France iti 'safety. The detail of the opera- tions wis! shew your Lordship how much rea- son I have to b* s-aistied with the conduct of all the general officers, officers and troops.— It is impossible to describe lite enthusiastic to Sit- which he directed t'herr operation to Major Generals Anson, lto.vs, Byng, and Brig. <«en. I Campbell, ott.he Portugae.seservice. All the otii.ers commanding, and the officers of (lie regiments, were remarkable for (heir' <jallaa- ti'V but 1 par'ii Hhirly observed Lieut. Col. 0* I oole, of the |tii Cae&dores, in the charge upon the enemy, on our left,'on the 28th, and Can;. I va-uup* Telies Jurdao, of the 11th Portuguese leg.rneut, m the attack of the mountain m the 30th.' 1 beg to draw your Lordship » atientron likewise to the valuable assistaiuu I received, tiirougdiout these ope- i slions from Lieut. Gea. Sir R, Hill, and from Lieut. Gen. the Earl of Daihousie, Sir Thos. Pi do if, u. those >f the 30th and 31st of July. To tlie Conde del Abisbal also 1 a to indebted for every assistance it was in nis power io is 1)ower io give, consisle.ilJy with his attention to the bSockade. I have already mentioned the conduct of the regiments of Pravia and El Pr ncipe, belonging to the army of reserve of Andalusia, in a most trying siluai ion and the whole corps appeared animaled by the sallie zealous spirit which pervaded all the troolis in that position. Marshal Sir W. Beresford was wsth me throughout these operations,and 1 received from hail all the assistance which his talents so well qualify him in afford me. 1 he good conduct of the Portuguese officers and troops in all the operations of the present campaign, and the spirit which they shew on every occasion, are not less honourable to that nation, than they are to Ihe military character of tlie officer; who, by his judicious measures, has re-established discipline and revived a military .spirit in the army. 'I have again to draw your Lordship's attention* to the valuable assistance t received throughout these operations from the Quarter Master Ge uerai Major Gen. Murray, and the Adjutant General Major Gen. Pakenham, and the offi crs of those departments respectively and fi om Lieut Col. Lord Fitzroy Someiset, Lieut. Col. Jampbell, and theotlicers of my personal staff. Although our wounded are numerous, 1 am happy to say that the cases m general are ;• s'nght, and 1 have great pleasure i« reporting So your Lordship that the utmost attention has been paid to lliem by the Inspector of I Hospitals, Dr. M'Gregor, and bv the officers of the department under his directions. Ad- verting to the extent and nature of tlie opera- lions, and tile difficulties of our communi cation* at (imes, I have reason So be extremely •well satisfied wiia tlie zeal aoct attentions of •Mr Hiobl. Kennedy, I he Com. Gen. and the officers of his department, throughout tlie campaign, and upon the whole have been more successful ia supplying tue troops Uian r-oild have been expected. llransmil this dispatch !o your Lordshiji by his Set-t-lit! iless ttie Hereditary Prince of Orange, Wlio is perfectly acqurituted with all that has passed, a;;d w'nh the siiuaiioii of the army and will be able 10 inform your Lordship of iiiiiiy de. tails relating lo this series of operations, for which-a dispatch does not afford scope. His Highness had a horse shot under him in the battle near Sorauseu on the c28th of July. I have Ihe h >nonr To be, &c ■(Signed j) WELLINGTON. I have omitted to illform YOllr Lordship i the body of the dispatch that the troops in the P))prtodeiM)y:i lost their four Portuguese I guns ou Ihe 25Ui of Julv. Major General Priugle, who commanded when the attack commenced, ha J ordered I hem I c, refire to- wards Maya and when Lieut. Gen. Slewar came up, he ordered hat taey mighl return, and retire by (lie mountain road to Elizondo In the mean tlmc Ihe enemy were in possession, of the pass, and Ihe communication with that road was lost, and they could not reach it. My LORD, J/rhj 31, 1813. I have the satisfaction to acquaint YOIP Lordship that, although from the immense su- periority of force, which the cllemy directed against the position entrusted to my charge, yesterday it became in my opinion,imperiously necessary for me to retire from that g,-rotsiid- the conduct of Ihe officers and troops, British and Portuguese, was such as to entitle.them to my entire approbation, and I could not have wished it to he better. Major Gen. Priugle, with Major Gen. Walker's, brigade, under Lt. kol. Fitzgerald, of the 60th regiment, sup- ported by the 34th regiment,and 14lh Portu- guese regiment opposed the ascent oftbeene my to the ridge on the left of the position, in a most gallant style; drove iiiiii back, and although unable ultimately to'pre- vent him from ascending lite ridge, hy a Irlore distant movement, our troops kept thetr ground firmly, and when ordered to retire. pcrformed It. under Major Gen. Pruigle, with the greatest regularity, and with small loss, 11 It covered by a battalion of the 14th Portuguese regiment, under Lieut. Col. M scdonald, of the conduct of which officer, and the steadiness of his regiment, the Major Gen. speaks in terms I of the greatest praise. Colonel Ashworlh's brigade, also attacked in his position by a superior force, metlhe attack \%ith the greatest steadinesss, and drove file enemy before hill) at the point of thehayo net, and held his g-rouild as long as I thought t prudent for him to do so; and a battalion of Brig. Gen. Costa's brigade held the ridge on the right of the position to the last, cover- ing the formation of the troops on the ground they were directed to take up the enemy at tempted to force the point, but were repulsed by Brig. Gen. Costa, and finally driven down 'he ridge at the point of the bayonet by that battalion, a part of Colonel Ash worth s bri- gade, and a small detachment of the 28th re- giment. On the whole, I can assure your Lordship that ihe enemy had nothing to boast of, nor was our loss severe, considering the disparity of our forces. i feel particularly indebted to Major Gen. Priugle for bis conduct on this occasion, as well as to Col. AsiiworUi, Col. O'Callaghan, and Lieut Col. Filzseirald, 66th foot, com mauding brigades under him, aild also to Lieut, Gen. the Coaife d'Aaiarante, and Brig. Gea. Costa, who was won ded I have the honour to I)C, &e. (>igned) H./WLA.ND BILL. To Field- Marshall Marquis of Wellington, K. (>. P. S. i must not omit, to mention the ser vices of Col. Pamplona, and Lieut. Col Pyn, CuI. Grant and i\f:¡jor Mitchell, commandnVg !he Gtii of tire tine and 6th Portuguese in Coi. Ashworlh's brigade.' Elizondo, Augu-d I, 1813. M v LORD,— I have (he honour io acquaint your Lordship, (hat, in compliance with the in- structions L received through Maj Gen. Murray, 1 proceeded yesterday wi(h the column under my orders, .oil the road to Donna Maria. On our arrival at the foot of the pass, we (lie elle. my ascending the hill ia great haste, and closely pressed by the I ii division., moving by a road paraliel and to the right of that which my eolainn .was on, The rear of the enemy's column having began to ascend ihe hills befoie our arrival, if. was t;, was, however, cCJnsiderdhly annoyed on its inarch h} one-nine-pounder and a howitzer. [ immediately ordered the 2d division, under Lieut. General Sievvart, to ascend the bill by the road we were on, whilst the Earl of Dalhousie's column as- cen(led by one more to, the right. The enemy took up a strong position at the t"p of the pass, with a cloud of skirmishes in the front. Th al- tack OJ) our side was t, by Licut Gen Btewarl, with iMaj. Gen. Walker's brigade, under Lieut. Col Fitzgerald of (he 6()ih, wiio forced back the enemy's skirmishers to the summit of iliehill. but coaling upon theirmain body, found ihein so numerous and so strongly posied, that Lieut. Gen Stewart was induced to withdraw them ■un- iii the seventh division should be in (doscrco- operation with him. About this rimt: the Lient. Gen. was wonnde, and the command of the di- vision devolved upon Maj. Gen. Priugle, who, with his own brigade, commanded by Colonel O'Callaghan, renewed the attack on our side, whilst the seventh division pressed them ou the other, nnd both divisions gained the height about the same time, the enemy retiring, aHer sustain- jng- considerable 100s. The eorHluctof Lieutenant Gen. Stewart, kii(i of lte officers and troops in general, was conspicuously good, and I regret that the -very thick fog prevented our taking that advantage of the siluation of the enemy which it might. otherwise have done. A part of each (livisioii I)tii-stie(i ttie,n soin(! (ii,,I;itice tlie, Iiill, aii!i occasioned them a. considerable loss. Having thus far performed your Lordship's instructions, I withdrew my column from the pass, and moved it upon Atmaadoz, Maj. Gen. Priugle praises iiie conduct of Captain Jfeise and Capt. Thorn, on this occasion and I believe it is (he inten- tion of Lieut. Gen. Slewart to report the good conduct of some other officers, but, his. wound has probably delayed it. I have, &.e. (Signed) ROWLAND HILL. 4tli My LORD,—The Prince of Orange having been detained till this day for the returns. I have to inform your Lordship that the enemy st ilt continued posted in the-morning of the 2d with a force of two divisions on the Puerto de Echalar, and nearly (he whole army behind--the Puerto, w.hea the 4th, 7th, aii;l iiglit. divisions advanced by the valley of the Bidassoa to the frontier, ami i had determined to dislodge them by a divisions. file seventh division, however, hav- ing crossed the mountains from SlImhilia, and having necessarily preceded the arrival of the fourth, Maj (Jen. Barnes' brigade was formed for the attack,, and advanced, before the foul lh and light divisions could co-operate with a regu- larity and gallantry which 1 have seldom seei equalled, and actually drove the two division: ol the enemy, notwithstanding the resistance op- posed to them, from those formt lable heights. I* is impossible that [ can extol too highly the conduct of Major <ren. Barnes, and Ihese brave i roops, which was the admiration of all who were witnesses of i t. Major (Jen. Kempt's brigade of the light, division, likewise drove a very consi- derable force from (lie rock which forms the left, of ,¡he Puerto. There is now I)(} enemy in the tield, within this part of the Spanish frontier. I iiave the honour to inclose Lieut. Gen. Sir ■Thomas Graham's report of the assault of San •iehaftian. While the troops were engaged in Ihe neighbourhood of Pamplona, as reported in my dispatch of the 1st. insf. Brig. Gen. Loiiga occupied with his division this part of the Bid- assoa, including the town of Vera. That part of the enemy's army which hid been left in ob- or the allied troops ou the great road from Irtiu, attacked him on !he ^th bur were repulsed with considerable loss, -t have great pleasure in reporting the good cmditst of these troops on all occasions; and likewise of a' bat- talion of Spanish Car-adores, il: Gen. Harceîla's division of the Galiician army, which had been sent, to the bridge of Yansi, ou the enemy's re-, treat on Ihe 1st inst. which it held against very- superior numbers d.urinr a.great part of the day. Nothing of importance has occurred in Arragou since my dispatch of the tOihJniy. I have a report from Lieut. GCII. Lord William Bentick, froiu Bidaroz on the 21,st duly; and he was mak- ing preparations to cross the Ebro. I have, &c.. (Signed) WELLINGTON*. Earl Brlhurstt 8>c. ffc. Sfc. MY LORD, IS13. The attack of the hreaeh in fhe line wallon Ihe left flank of San Sebastian's, took place on the mbrning of (he 25th, when the fall of the tide (lie foot of the wall dry, which was soon after day-light. I am sorry to say, that not- withstanding ilie distinguished, gallantry of the troops employed, some of whom did force their way into the town, the attack did not sncceed,- The enemy occupied in force all the defences of the place which looked that way, and from which and from all round the breach, tliev were enabled to so destructive a lire of grape and mus- ketry, flanking and enfilading the column, and to throw over so many hand-grenades on the troops that It hecame necessary to desist from the as- sault. The 10" sustained was therefore severe, especially hy the third battalion Royal Scots, the leading one of Major-General Hay's brigade, which being on duty in 1he trenches, formed the column of attack. Major-General Spry's Por- tuguese brigade, that of Major-General Robui- n, and the 4th Cacadores of Brigadier-General Wilson's being in reserve in the trenches; the whole under the direction of Major-General Os- wald, com uanding the 5th division. Though this attack h;is tailed, it would he great injustice not to assure your Lordship, f hat the troops con- ducted themselves with their usual gallantry,anu only ret ired, wben I thought a further perseve- rance in the attack would have occasioned a use- j less sacrifice of brave men.. Major-General Hay, Major I'Yazer, Colonel the Hon. C. F. GreviMe, éJ"d Colonel Cameron, commanding the royal Scotch, S'sth and 9th regimennts, greatly distin- "Itisheti Major Frazer osi-his life on the breach, wiih many of his brave comrades. The conduct tiiro'igrhout tile whole ot the opera- tions of the siege hitherto, of i he officers and men of the r ijai artillery and engineers, never was cxcee ed in indefa' igab'ie zeal, activity,-and galianhy; and T beg to n¡en¡¡,n. particularly to Loidship, Lieutenant- Colonels Dickson, z e r, May, and Major Webber Smyth, of the rou. artillery; Lieutenant-Colonel Sir R. i-iicher, Lieutenant-Colonel Burgoyne, and M:i- ,1" llicomne, and C F. Smith, of the royal engineers. oe three officers of this corps, em- lov i) | Liferent parts of the columns it I -i liuirabl.y,. but suffered se- vere: t i i ewis has lost, his ieg. Lieute- nant Jone, i v nuied in the breach, and taken HI:! uli>qfcn:mr !lJeJl, af ('r hi" re'utï1, was ivilied in the .reaches I oeg too to recommend- to your Lordship, Lieutenant. Campoeil, of i be 9ih, who led the lorlorn hope, and who was se- verely■. »u>undcd on the breach I have, the great- t",o est satisfaction too in assuring your Lordship of lie most support and assistance, afford- ed by Sir Collier, commanding his Ma- jesty's ships on this coast, alld of all the officers and seamen of (he squadron employed oil :Vc exeitiori that could be afforded was want- ing, and Lieutenant-Colonel Dickson has-repre- sented to me, in (he strongest, terms, ihe steady and gallant conduct of .a detachment of seamen iu 'he ha'teries, under the command of Lieut. O Reil|y i first Lieu tenant, or his Majesty's ^hij) SuneiI¡ali:c) and of tileir exclllplary,behavlOtJr while on shore. 1. beg too, to mention Mr. I). Marsh, mas er's inaie, acting:as Lieutenant iu the batteries, after Lieutenant Dunlop was severely- wounded, 1 have the honoor to be. &c. (Signed) T. GR \flAM. Ta Field Marshal Hit Marquis of Wellington,K.G. fV-e regret our limilil mill not admit the inner- 1 lion of Ihe- Names of the Icilied ati(I wounded. J'Iit, i(litil loss i)f* the Illies is stuted at nearly Six Thousand killed and wounded.