Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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LONDON. -=-- I rr- I!! ID. J Y, August 27. Trench accounts of the operations in Spfiiti lo the 27!h nit. have been received, hut not one word is 9aid of ihe battles of the 28>h or •30th Sonit was expected to he in Vittoria on "the 31st of July, or 1 stof August!! He was on the 2d not only not in Vitloria, but not even in Spain. Suchet is said to have gained a vIctory at Tarragolla, making 1500 prisoners, and taking nil our cannon. No date is as -signed for this victory. Lord W. Bculinck 'Was near Tarragona on the 1st. Letters have been received from the block tiding squadron-, off St Sebastian, to the nth inst. by which we are sorry to learn, that up to thai date the fortress sfii! continued to hold out. A!et!erfron)a\avatOSirer,()ateu!i)e -I6fh, s-iiys, We have arrived here with our convoy, consisting of one troop-ship, and two Ticlnalies, with provisions for the army. Sir G. Collier is here in the Surveillante, with file Goidfuich, Sparrow, and Lyra Parloflhe ztin. are on shore tiring on St. Sebas- 1 ian's, as are the artillery. The town has beer. on (ire for four or five days. Shells and shot are firing on it day and night. They must citlicr surrender or be burnt alive." Air. Johnsol;, the King's Messenger, has ar- rived with dispatches from head-quarters, Fully confirming the intelligence of the re newal. of hostilities, and the Declaration of Austria pgamsf France; he left Reichenbach, the head-quarters of the Emperor of Russia on the 13th. His dispatches state, that on the morning of the 11th the Austrian Decla- ration-of War was announced, and passports .were at the same time sent to the French Ple- nipotentiaries, Bonaparte having" returned no •nnswer to the Emperor of Austria's Uifiioa- tuni. li is said that Bonaparte wished to re new the Armistice, but Austria would only consent" to it upon the evacuation by the French of all the Prussian fortresses and that no answer having been returned to this pro- tile iie,-ocl,,t,tt)n (,fcotit-se broke otY. At the departure ot Mr. Johnson from Reich- enbach. Lord Cathcart was preparing to leave that city. It is supposed that he was going to it that time the head quarters of the Emperors of Russia and Austria, and the King of Prussia- The Regency of Spain have lately carried info execution the unanimous vote of the Con- gress, which ordered a grant of land to be conferred on the Marquis of Wellington, as a ,solId and enduring-monument of the gratitude of their nation, tor the transcendant services he h is rendered it. Three royal estates have accordingly been submitted to the British ■•Field-Marshal for his choice, and with that disinterestedness and taste which are known to temper the splendour of his military fame, lie gave the preference to that which was lowest in actual value, but which came re commended to his fancy by ilie beauty of its situation and the amenities of its scenery.— It is the royal estate, called the Sit i co d i Roma, equate ou the river Xenil, in the kingdom of Granada. Its annual produce is estimated at 30,000 dollars. We are told that General Clinton, who was second in command under General Murray, has had an interview with Lord Wellington, 111 consequence of a summons from his Lord- ship for that purpose, and has stated the cir cumstances which led to the evacuation of Cataloilia by the army of Alicant. After re- 11', lic sent 6ell. C. ceiving this representation, he sent Gen. C. home to detail io the Regent's Ministers the facts on which their judgment is to be formed as to the trial of the late Commander III Chief of that army. Extract <>t a Letter from a Spanish General who was in I he last Actions. Madrid, dug I L-Soult, with seven divisions 'of infantry, 40 pieces of artillery, -and 3000 ca- valry, in all 45,000 men, attacked and took on the i5rh July the passes of Alaya and llonces- vaJ/es the former with 12,000 men, the latter -with et)(iiiiiantle(i by himself in person. As the vallies of the Pyrenees do not communi- cate with each other except by Pampluna, it was easy for him, having collected such numbers, to open himself a passage, although with much loss, as ffedrat in inlava, and Cote and Morillo, in Ho ncesvalles, caused him that of 1,000 men.— At that, point he announced to his army, that tie Jiari express orders from the Emperor to tie in Victoria on the 31s', aftei having raised the blockade of Pampluna, and in consequence at. tacke(I Cole alld Morillo, and obliged them, with Gen Picton, to retire to the heights of Huarte, lc--igue from Pamplnna. Lord Wellinglon .marched there on the 26th, and on the 27th, having miraculously escaped by only live minutes from falling into the enemy's hands, arrived at ten in II)e i-iot-iiiiiw ori those heights, where'he was reeeivecFby the troops with that enthusiasm with which a victorious General always inspires iiis soldiers. It was fortunate it happened thus, as otherwise he would have heen necessitated to make a detour of five hours, during which time it is certain Picton would have retired to the other side of Pampluna bUI on hisarrival every tiling was remedied and although he had only two divisions (Morilla and Silviera not having tlien arrived), and half of O'Donnel's troops, he determined upon lighting. Soult, who knew our Weakness, attacked that day, but was completely repulsed'with the'bayonet, by a galtanf charge of the Portuguese and the Prince's regiment.— (In the 28lboult lost ail the morning in pre- parations and at ten, wheu the 6tii division bad made. so desperate an a.Itack with live divisions upon the position defended by the 4th -English division, 'hat all the valouroi the troops "was necessary to resist it. There were live ,Cliar,fres on the left, and three on the rig-lit, with the bayonet, and in all of them rhe English had .the superiority over the enemy. The 29th pass- ed peaceably if was known the enemy lost 6000 men 'he preceding day, and were preparing for' a fresh attack on the 30th hut -on its arrival, and when we were expecting a new combat, the enemy were seen retiring by (lie road of Ronces- valles and Bastan, under favour of the almost impregnability of his position, which Maucune's .division defended. Lord W dli ngton ordered it to be attacked, and took 300 prisoners.,a Colonel, two Lieutenant-Colonels, and a great number of subalterns. On that day Gen. Hill was attacked by (ien. D'Krlon, who was driven back upon JLezaco. We pursued through Bastan., and on the 31st overtuok the convoy, under Gautier in lilizando, escorted by 1200 men, with 400 English, The disproportion of forces made him quietly wait our arrival, quite confident of an easy victory but on the first fire his soldiers ran, leaving in our power the convoy, which was composed of 100 carriages, 250 mules laden with hreauand brandy, and 5i>G prisoners. On the 1st of August they lost all the baggage, and es- caped in great haste At a moderate computa- tion, Soult's loss cannot be less than lS,OOO men. St. -Is by no means a frontier town, but cOllsidcrably within tlte mountain boundary of Ihe Peninsula. It is the capital of Guipuscoa, the eastern division of Biscay, and possesses a good and welt frequented har- bour, secured by two moles, on which redonbts are pianted.and through which only one ship can pas, at a lime. The streets are long, broad, and straight, and paved with while Hag stones. The houses are (or rather were) handsome, the churches neat, and the envi- rons pleasant. It carried on a great trade, and very populous, as several families are obliged to live in the saiiieliotise. Their great- est trade consists in iron and steel, which some affirm to he the best in Europe; they also deal in wool, which comes from Old Castile. On August 3, 1794, this place was invested by the French Republican troops, and capitu- lated on the following day. The garrison, consisting of 2,000 iiiell, surroiidered prisoners of war, 180 pieces of brass cannon were taken, with considerable magazines and stores. It is seated at the mouth f the Gurumeo, with a delightful prospect of the sea on one side, and a distant view (nearly 38 miles) of the Pyre- nees on the other. It lies about 50 miles E. hy N. of Bilboa. The following article on the subject of his Majesty's ailme-it is from a Sunday paper — -1 It is known, that excepting the privation of sight, his Majesty, notwithstanding his ad. vanced age, labours under no particular bo- dily infirmity. Even that temporary aliena- tion of understanding which the whole nation deplores, has hecli declared by medical me,, not to ue insusceptihle of Cllre. We can now state upon pretty good authority, that our venerable Sovereign has for some weeks past been blessed with frequent lucid intervals, and which, hy their long continuance, have, we understand, excited very favourable expecta- tions among his medical attendants. As these hopes, however, may prove unfounded, we shall not dwell upon them. Whether Frovi deuce may he p leased to restore his Majesty to permanent health, and enable him to re- sume the reins of State, time alone can shew. At present it must be salisfactory to every virtuous mind to learn, that his Majesty is exempt from pain, enjoys a tranquil and com- posed state of mind, and is in a situation in which he can hear without detriment, or danger of relapse, the important occurrences otourtimes. Ministers have inconsequence, at the desire of the Prince Regent, and with the full approbation of the medical men, communicated to his Majesty the public mea.- sures which they have adopted during his ill- ness, the !me of policy that has been followed both at home and abroad, the disasters and final ruin of the Fi-ciicli armies in Russia last winter, with the present situation of affairs in Germany; concluding with the late triumphs of the allied armies in Spain, and the happy prospect that had been thereby opened for lie expulsion of the enemy from that country. The communication was made at different times: His Majesty listened throughout with eager hut composed attelitioll, and expressed the highest pleasnrc at those parts of the re- citals which narrated the triumphs of freedom in Germany. The skiil and valour which achieved the hte victories in Spaill, drew from him expressions of admiration. In conclusion, his Majesty is said to have given ihe warmest and most unqualified approbation of the pub- lic measures and policy of the Prince Regent and his Ministers." M. Sen,' srel,— Augustus William Schlegei, who now (ills the highly distinguished situa- tion of Private Secretary to the Crown Prince of Sweden, and who has been frequently ho- noured with certain particular marks of re gard by Bonaparte, is by birth a Hanoverian, and considers himsclf a lawful subject of the King of Great Britain, as Elector of Hanover. He has enjoyed, for many leal's, a high repu- tation in Germany as a literary character of the first eminence. He is the translator into his native language of the most celebrated of Shakspear's Dramas, and far surpasses in- fidelity and elegance of diction, any foreigner (arid we speak Fr>m an intimate acquain- tance with several French and Italian transla- tions) who has made a similar attempt. lie is, in short, an enthusiastic admirer of our I lilerature and national character and has g-iven many decided proofs of his sentiments in this respect. In the course of various lite- rary controversies with Continental Authors, he has uniformly impeached that species of servile adulation towards Frenchmen and French lilerature, which has so long opposed the progressof true science, and keptdown the principles of genuine liberty in Germany-an adulation which has, perhaps, paved the way tor ihe political subserviency of which Europe has so long and so often experienced the me- lancholy effects. M. Schlegei is also the trans- lator of several tragedies of Calderon, some minor poems of Camocns, and several sonnets of Petrarch. lie is, besides, an excellent German poet ail the languages of Europe, the Sclavonic excepted, are familiar to him and he is esteemed one of the best classical Mcholars of the. age. If we are not mistaken, he is the author of a philological work, which traces the affinity ot the German and Persian tongues. — Of his proficiency in the French language he gave a remarkable proof, in a pamphlet published at Paris five years ago, and cntitted," A Comparison between the Phedra of Euripides and of llarine." For this production, to the eternal disgrace of the munificent Napoleon the patron of the Arts the enlightened father of the Sciences and the Leo of Ihe 9th century Schlegei was exiled from France The lettre de cachet which removed him, alleges against him as a crime, that he had offended the manes of Ra- cine, by assigning a higher rank to a poet of ancient Greece Such were the terms but not the motives of the warrant.—Schlegei was guilty of crimes of a deeper dye; he was tutor to the children of Madame de Stael, and was now and then suspected of trying his hand," in concert with that justly celebrated female, at a Manifesto against the Continental System. With Madame de Stael, Schlegei was exiled from France, and he faithfully followed her fortunes, until his appointment ill tilesillite of the Crown Prince He is understood to be the framer of all the Declarations and State Papers, issued by Sweden since his accession to the common cause, and he is the author of several pamphlets, displaying great eloquence and depth of political research, levied ex- pressly against Bonaparte and his Sattelitcs.