Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

4 erthygl ar y dudalen hon

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.l r-\ f P'f'tli)4Y, ■$(')?EWUKR 18. ••. d Antelope, • will) forty frii.,s:.<>r (s. from -fit; Alile. lite Tost, writ tissj' ■tc'i**s Oct 9. They s n e th A on fiiidiUi: our HofMs suiuiiied on Lake Champlain. which .usfoi time deteui! d the* de U ,«i General. Pre vosl in 'ttdvaiu-iiig" twPla's bur. CmI offic, r retired wiih iho British army in gbud. order, without lost either Canhl/l) fIr" ynt-ii. The .iieoun s by She Ameri- can Pap^r-. mi this subject, ed to be ^ross hilsehooils. Allel (}*»n. isrumn:0.nd relived from tort line, the American arniy, in gre^t force, followed hitn, and made a smart auaek, wine!; *.t (irsi prodm e souu nnpres «io;i, but Ike Bill ;s:i forces • m' I i a I (ly repulsed them, and maintained Ibeir ".rofaiid. W-e have ta' ft) IW-O very large American schooners ja iiiii)t)i sinoe ti given us Use comm <<id o» fiiose waters. —.>ii James Y co launched his ship ol 100 gmis, on Lake Ontario,'and was out •egerrwHiijf his men; -Upon !ht: whoie the ac cotif-s •iitrbiijht}Satisfactory. Exeter%S'ov 14 — A i ap!, Ollnman, whultJ We k (ivv here, lias j ;sr landed, and informed us, that on th' til. his vessel was rtiu liv ttie 't .1 <L >» o.j Lisbon, by the Graincns frigate, C»i;Uui. Wise, tfho informed tunr, that a few tioA previous he ii'u) • d a neutral vessel frtt- AmtH'ca, which mt< r'med.him, that the ^iQcedoniitu &tiA\ United Mates frigaU-s had been i <!e*>niyed -by is in New London s ilia! lilt; A Pier.dent, Madison, had absconded, no one knew where; and that the Amenca. Cabinet WM a,. the utmogi- confusion and a- Ja m i,y rich American s.¡¡PS had got •av"p L.?l-i;i American Papers to the 23d October, were received id town till* morning. are very important. They certain I he ~i)ruji, of the original i'rlJloc¡ll, made by Ike American ./J:'lÙÛsers, of the (woftrst conferences held with the british ommissiont r,s," which, witl) t)llll:i- ,tld I)etore C(,(i- gress The lirsi letter from the above' Com H'tssxroers, is dried Ghent, Aug" st 12, '1814, and contains the terms proposed on the pari of 0 ■" Un.-ii'i, a s l/jecis for discussion.— e yat;e as JSf Fhe forribi.-1 siiiKure of mariners on board of mercbani vessels, .and inconntcriol1 with H, the claim olilis li it t ajesiy' to tije alfegi- a¡:¡,ee (Jlallhh miti"" sui)Jeeb.' 2 i- I'll.- lo.Iuui Ailte<cf Great Britain to he in riie pac luanon, and a definite bouu- "The Kntish Con n i sLarett. tha* an ar- qutnon. 3d. A revision oj Jhe iioimuarv one between the Lf.merl fait's ant) itx* adjacent. Bruisb CTolo- llies. VVitii respect, to this poirt, the Pritisti ( oin mKsioiieis. uiselauHed any ,.iiitei!.ij"n he part oli.:iS>etir to acquire an incretcst of ter- ritory.. 4. The fisheries, reajie hug which the British fj|<ivemnrieiK .will. in»« all<»* the, people of the Unite.; Stares the pi ivi'oje of landing and"drying t the ternioriai Jurisdiction of Greall Britain, *i ii an equivalent. k The American Cuv niissioners were request (*•<>*ern nettt authorised i'iieai to treat upon 1 these sc-Hral poin<s, and to state, on their I jiar», surh otiser .s they .niglit be further j rnstrnrk-d to propose for d'scussion. The nieeH'i^'was adjonrutsl to Tuesday, the 9th oi' •^ngdst, i'iit which day the CoinKiDsiouers met jpgam. 1'he American Commissioners at this meet lug st'aied., Ilut upon the lit and 3d points proposed by the Bftish Coiiimissioners they; were provided -with"ttvstfiieltoi Irom their Covernment, and that ';n the 2d and 4fh o. those Iwinls. there not having exited hereto ft»retanj 'difference befwet'i -the two Govern TIwllts.lheyh;¡d iI"tbeclI adlclllated h.y .tlle Ciovernment iÙfHI Divited ?.tate«, and were therefore'Us! provided i<>r in-their III l ructÎotd; to thev kn.-w-!hai Ihe Governi'ient of Uie Unitf fi States hid app iinted Commissioners- |o tr,ii, "tif peace wilh the Indians, and that it was no; impivDable that peacis had been made with them. The American Commissioners presented as further .pouits' (suhjecls)y considered by'the j Governuient of the Uiuted Siates as suitable I for discussion — I I. A definition of blockade, as far as may be •Agree i, of ot-ber lic(lita,all(i iieifigereiit rights. V. Certain claims of ludeaiiiity to individuals, for captures an seizures preceding and subse- quent to the war # 3. They further.^tated, that there were various Other points to which their iostractions extend, .jrbirb might W^h propriety b.e objects of discuS- 8M>ii, either in the negocia'ion of -tiic peace, or in that cf a treaty of commerce which in case of a jiropitious feriiiioa'inn 0" the., present confe- rences, they were also audu)i'ise;l fo conclude.'— That for the purpose of fa< ilitatins the fust and most essential ohjecf of peace, they had discarded every subject which was noi considered as pecu- liarly connected iviih tliat, and presented only those poiirs which appeared .o be iQiinediateiy relevant to Their negotiation., The American Comniissioners expressed their wish to scceive from the British Commis »lo >ers a slateiiieii! of the views and objects ol jprei t Britain upon all the points, and their wiiiingiiess to dismiss them ail, in order that, if no arrangement could be agreed to upon .1 the points not in their instructions, which v. ouid come within the scope of the powers committed to their discretion, the Government of the United Slates might'be put in possession of the entire and precise intentions of that of Greai Brilam with regard to such points ,tiid ft thaI, Ihenritih Government aught be" y informed of sui ti objections on the part of the United states to any such arraugetnent, Th American Co.n uissioners were asked, wild r, if (titige -f Great i'Jritain siionid enter fur; b -I)a.-tictilarly res- pec tg lie Indian boundaries, the American Coimni sinners coutd expect it would terpii- n u by so ne ;)rovisional arrangement which they old coiiclude, subject to the ratification o. en Goverutnent I They answered, that as v arrangement to which they could agree u the subject must be vvith specific autho- r .y t.oin their Government, it was uot possi We f -r them, previous to discussion, to decide wti-t-I er an article could be framed which wo>('j; be mutually satisfactory, and to which th honId think temselves, under the dia- ,tr i nary powers, jugtiiicd in acceding* j Tfie-Sritish Coaamission^dei^toeil enieriftg" npon (he discagy^n,- itn b^ A.ijietkan Com say. that they tfohsideredjt; SitiiMi < ;-ir discre'H>i 'rv^irakr arratigement on the subject, cot»/orm"able Uie view of presetibeii hy ttse ikiiish Chi. vernment,;and proposed to adjourn tbe confe- •ences, to rousuli their own Govenuneat on I this state of things., The Hiiiiflv■( immissioners were asked whe- ther it was understood as an eQect of t'ie pro- posed t'OuMdary for the Indians, that the United. I ■ laCswould be prec eded from the right oi purchasing'territory from the Indians, wl,llIw i thai i'omsdary, by amicable treaiy wniltto" Indians IhentseWes, without tiie consent "of j Great.Britain—and, whether it was understood | to opera'e as a reslriciion upon lite indias.^ (.from gelling,.by such amicable treaties, lai:d.» | t« She United Slates,as hashitherlo been prac- j iised ? They answered,-that it was understood I that the Indian territories should be a barrier i between the British possessions and those of I the United Siiites that the United States and Great Britain should be both restricted tro<si such purchase of land, but. that the Indians would not be restricted from selling to any thndp-uty. The meeiiiii; was adjourned io Wednesday, the 10th August. The draft (If the Protocol of the conferences 'riie r c at Ghent, (roin which the above is an extract, occupies four columns of the newspaper in which it is published. U concludes thus i — We need hardly say, that the demands o: Great Britain will receive from usa'¡Ullai! and .decided negative. We do not deem it necessary to detain the John Adjust for JIV ,Ykirlit)-ic -of transtoitliug to you the offices notes which may pass on the subject,aud close the negociation. And we feit it our dllty un. .oediat. ly to-apprise you, hychis hasN I correct sketch of the last, conference, that there is not at present any hopes ot pcace."


