Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

8 erthygl ar y dudalen hon

"1——miinm LnNDON.


"1 —— mi in m LnNDON. FH Y. O EC E MBER23. Accounts from Canada brought by the Ann, til;t flie Ar-eri,-atis liati ind t ?wn up Fort grie, aDO reI Ired into winter rters. Vienna papers lo the 4!h inst. have arrived. 7v, i it one syllable do these journals mention of Ihe proceedings of of the depar- ture ol !he Emperor Alexander, of the fate of 'Saxony, or of'the Tale of Poland; in short, appear, at Vienna, to know inlinitelv It. of what IS i!'HI\ (In there than they do in ,1I1\(!0I1 We I itely mentioned {fiat the departure cf f rench Officers, who were preparing to set out ■$<<r America, had been prohibited by order of the French Government, in consequence, as it was und«isto<nl, of a remonstrance made, by t!te !)o>ke of W-eHingloii. O' the former par! of this statement, I he Moniteur contains offici ii riii 1 tioti, By a Decree of I he 17th inst •iw UeneralOfljcer receiving pay shall beallow- e.iitf sojourn in Pans after the 1st of January, v, nhe.oi leave from the Secretary of War, on- *4M'U|»on service-m that city.—A-irolher order 'IU>4 ail mihiary men,of every description, IK>W employed.m fV?eigir service, without I he.spe- cial lea ve>>f the Secretary at War, to rfuTii lict-ore the 15th of April, This is four mouth* from the date of the Decree, an ■interval barely -Sufficient for the return of the French military men from America. The preamble !o the Decree recites, that, the IllIm- ber of persons so employed is considerable — Thf'Coronation of the King of Fiauce, it is Ei ii. will fake place at ithetms, iu the mouth ol June. The intelligence from Spain is of a melan- c'loly description the arres.s continue per sous of all parlies are involved in a proscrip- tion which appears lo be general and indiscri- ninating. Yet Fcrdmaud is represented as the i loi of the majority of (he nation. The tola' separrHion of Spanish America from the ii. >i her count ry is anticipated al Madrid, with t:ie iiiosi Stoical or rather Cynical indifference, and a curious train of reasoning is employed fo siiew Itiai Spain would not lose much by the < vent. Tne Spaniards, it :s said have few wants; and provided it rains in the month if • winch would secure their subsistence, ti,t:y Si',olit(I [lave lip to ta;ll(!it tile lt)Sg o' their colonies. I The intt'ilistnice from Elba is to Ihe 4th ins'. H states, B' tiaparie has been t.tfarkul Nvl,tli all ill two persons -of disurei ii- arrived on ihe Ut í II Ferrajo, one of wli<«i is suspected to be the Prince o? Peace, and tha> h<- is come lo reside in ihe island., By the ship E:dori"" from COrllllna, a report lias bee?; brought ut King Ferdinand having hastily left hi,> capital for Almeida in pur■' u^a!, | P u is Papers of ihe 20!h o1 -j. h ve beca received. T'.»* accou its from Vitmn..are of th lOtii.r—The persons u; the suites of the I fki!of Knsssa and King of Prussia, bad- soaie days previously revived orders to iv.vo I ei-vy thing ;si readiness for tiieir departs.• l>ht it appears to have been deferred, ami ill*! fhoy were likely So remain sort.* weeks longer Several of the minor German Princes, {inttmg nothing done in their claims, and grown jiaed of waiting, are returning home. The Plent- poiea'iary of the Grand Duke of Bad in a letter Congress, lament? the impenetrable vesi thai foyers its It a person in his situation has reason to complain, we cannot wonder al the igesoraace of ordinary people. The-Kmg of Prussia, appears, has been on ihe sick list. it is reported, Lord L,sllerea:;h'(¡as received inst ructions to sup- port the cause of Saxony, ihey vvili tiol coil, tribute ran en his Majesty's recovery. Amoogs-i the leiferslately intercepted,either on Lord Oxford or Mural's Physician, there is oae of twenty pages, written to Joachim by IVI -dame de Smel. She writes to lum nearly in I ho same si y le. and wiih lire same expres sions that.she has s^ken to Bernadotte, in the In tie work on Suicide, which she has dedi calo 10 hilll, This letter was cum auuicated to the King, who immediately gave orders to send it to M dame de Stael, lefoi ining her at • Ihe same Muie, that she might send it to Mural by f he post. of "Iiicii Lord Oxford was the bearer, were not taken from turn without Uie ■approbation of Lord Wt'llir'i:ioo, !illi tile A.h' d!'JI' in :ivI.:g ii,s iH',In. ,dns e:\lra papers Shoe,Id tie transmitted >o '■ onseif. T'.ey were • opened however in the presence ot a French Minister, '.o whom attested copies were fumisiied. 'Ihe French, who always exaspe- rate what relates to their views and their in- te«f"i' assert (ba) there was much culpability on the put of LeiOxford in this ali'air. As a they also atjeoge, thai Lorti Lt)r(i to s,i out i>n h sjoumey to Naples before tie (Lord Welti#j-tou) had"received tlie answer of the Prince Regent with relation to it. The French likewise pretend, but it is not known upon, what, foundation, that at the opening ol the British Parliament, witi be a very eerc inquiry relative to Ihe conduct of the iVobie Lord, E erv evening for the present the bars of Ib Thinileries are' shut early. Paris is, fiowver, very tranquil. is, [lie only class from whom any thing is lo be feartd Speculations in favour of peace with Ame rica have been damped by a hot press, which look place on the Kiveron Tuesday, and by a very large contract which Ministers have en- tered into for tioiir to suppiy our forces in t f.- II Canada. The Waisinghain packet, arrived at Fal- mouth from Malta and Gibraltar, had an ac I lor, with an American pnvaieer, winch lasted four hours, and" fiuuily succeeded III beating her oil The fate American Ex-President Jefferson lias proposed to sell his Library to the State io supply that at Washington.— "The collection (he says) is between 9 and lo;f)oo -.t)itj;tics while it includes what is ctueliy valualilf in scieiice and literaliire gene- raiiv, it extends more particularly to whatever to the American statesman; in the d piomatic and parliameutaiy branches it is p";r'icularly full Ti:e oiler was strongly ■ ippoi ti d by the Democratic Party, the fneiuis of Jeff isou, w ti » ;iropi>sed to offer 50,000 dollar* .or the purchase. Ireland, we find, has suffered equally with England from lhe slorm of Friday list, Put of the convoy for Bermuda, nnfier the Leon- idas, put back, for the fifth lime, to Cove, and apprehensions were entertained for the safety of the remainder. In Dublin, the storm of the morning was succeeded by a riot in the Thea- tre at night. Property Tax.-On the 8th inst. the town of St. Ives, Huntingdonshire, was thrown into a very serious ferment, by ihe Commissioners of Ihe Property Tax (yielding to the sugges- tion of t ie Inspector^ notifying a considerable intended advance in the usual assessment on property. When it Iecame g-enerally known for what purpose this meeting of the Commis- sioners was held at the Crown Inn, more than SOO persons assemhled. who forcing thernsehes inio the Commissioners' room, seized the in- spector, and dragged him out through the glass window into ihe yard, by which be was considerably cut and bruised The tumlllt encreased so much withoutside, that the offi- cer effected his escape from-1 bis popular re seù1Inenl, hy privately pas,i¡¡; throngh several neihh{Jtlring h()uses; Ihe people then pro- ceeded to the Inspector's bo ise, thewllldows of they 'instantly destroyed. The Com- missioners, we uitdersiaud, at length 'Appeased t/ t r finy, by a 'declaration, that no rise of the tax should take place for the present. 011 TUtsdn Ihe 13: h IlIst. two lads, aboul 13 years of age, twilt sons of Mr 11. Lloyd, a respect-able, barge-owner of Stourport, were drowned in the river Avon, at Eversham.— They had solicited their father's permission lo go oa the water in (us own hoat, which lit, pc- remptorily-refused; but they rashly got into another, and were carried by the rapidity of ihe stream towards the budge, where theriver be!!),, too high to admll their gping through the arch with tlie mast staudmg, the boat was upset, and they both perished within sight" of their distracted parent A third hoy (appreu et fortuiiiit-ely saved. The two unhappy youths usualiy attached to each other, and boys of more than ordinary capacity. They had t farmed a for their father's em- ployment, and had designated She vessel, of which tie was owner, wills the title of—" The W í111alH a.ll) Joseph r UtilU('8 correspondlno' Willi their own. ■i rlic'es of the Peace.—On Thursday at the f,i'i lie (-otirl of Chancery, Lady D- came into Court, and. walked up to the Re- j s rese, past.-r, sitting under his Lordship, presented two pieces of parchment to his Lordship, which j were handed to the Heiisterto read to her Lfdysh'p. They were articles of the peace, exhibited by the Lady against her noble bus brtJtu, A mo'ioc. ws< made by a young Bar nster, after"!be readiug, for air order to the Master, to hold the husband to sureties'iu one thousand or fifteen hundred pounds, to keep the pea-ce towards his Wijr, and cited a prece- dent in pooo, lidding, Ihat !he husband in this was worth at present A015,000 a year, W L!I c-jiisiderivb-le eXpectaocir-s in future.— H;s Lordsii:p having himself read the arncles, ordeired the sutcties to belak ,*n iu tlie sum of e .500. Tlie Lidy wiiiulrew, and joining her <t L.-nse attendani hi iiie door of tlie seat, re to. J lo-agh the Lord Chancellor's private p,is. ■ ,e So ihe Court. This was the first iu- staiice of ttie kind we remember, and was owing to ihe rank of the parlies and privilege of the Peerage, since such articles are taken usually before tlie Judges of the King's Bench or ordinary Magistrates.

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