Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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~ LONDON. 1 !


LONDON. FRF J) J F, JANTJATtV 13 A Dutch snail arrived this rooming It Is us "III account of a grand entertainment ilivh was given at Ghent by ilie English and inerican Comniissiyners, in honour of the Peace between the two nations. The most per- fect harmony, as might have been expected, prevailed, and the geulimcnls expressed by the Ministers of both countries were alike honour- -L¡e;¡ Accounts from Vienna of the 24th say, that he Gcrmanlroops that were already on their j ioarch home through Illyria, are ordered to j remain iu Italy. • The.Lords of the Treasury have begun to I •enforce the payment of the deficiencies iiitier • he Bonding system Seven writs were issued I esieruay to compel the payment ou wiacsand r-irils, I The energy of the Spanish Government, in- I s'.esufof being to the dispatch of the Expedition io South America, is wholly ex- t"JIJ,3td m the severity ofil8 measures against individuals, ill '-one day 15 persons were ar- iT-'ed at Cadiz, and on another 43, and iinpri honmcnt8 or banishments are continued ittces- so that ttie state oi*distressatiddis,riis., pertly/e» every thing. TheKing of Spain lias issued a Decree, or- dering the Nuns who have not as yet returned tii -thesr Convents, to do so instantly and in -ensw of mm-compliance, the Magistrates where bey reside are to cause them to be arrested, and conveyed to their several convents by main force. it is said that the Veto has been assented to by the Cope; that M. Quarantotti's Rescript -has been confirmed by his Holiness that Dr. Murray, who was understood to have been went by the violent, party of the Cathoiics.ex- pressly to influence the. Coort of Rome agaiust the concession of th Veto, has been ordered •to return to -his occupations in Ireland; and itat Dr. Mdner has been disgraced, and, if -siot stripped of his titular rank, laid under se. •vere censure. oil Thursday, M. a Meeting of the Common t w;is to present an Address to the Prince HegclIt OB the conclusion of jicace will) America. it is said that the M;-«jor-Gencrals!ielonging ttl the artillerv and engineers are to have are. tirement pension of 7001. per annum, a sum exceeding that granted to the Major-Generals of the Hue by 2501. a year. The of the Admiralty by the command of his ltoyal Highness the evince Regent, have published the scale of rewards designed as a remuneration to Petty Officers, Seamen, and Royal Marines, for long and -faithHit services in the navy. The ancient flystem of smart money iscontittiled and pen- sions hitherto granted from the Cb st of Greenwich wrealso continued, with some tria. ing variatiolltl beneficial to the general inte- rests of seamen and marines. The pensions granted.from the same source to wiffn-out seamen upon uncertain principles, are now re- duced a fixed and more equitable system, u5 S the nature of the injuries received, lL;,mcrilorioltS services ofditferenl classes of i?" i I «• iecti*ely, arc carefully considered an 1 J q i iteiy recoirtpenned, and a new and most itllporl311t bendit has been extended to the s.niu. :~Un»r. ijvery «iu» who may fe. discharged after 14 years' faithful service, ven though lie should riot be disullied, has a z.,Iit to claiiii it I)r(il)orl (,tied to the ii till, o, years he may have served; and after St year's service, every- man, in addition to at Is. per day, may demand his dis. charge-from 'he navy. The following are thc principal of t he new regulations Every sea- man,1a¡"Jman. boy, or royal marine, discharg- ed fro-nvlhe service on account of wounds, will be entitled to a pension of not less than ud. pcrdaH and not wore than Is. 6d- Per- sons discharged from "sickucss or debility, con- tracted iis the service, will receive from 5d. to 53d. per day. tvguialed by circumstances of ailmout and length of service. Privates of marines are to be reckoned as landmen and they will be also entitled to a discharge years" services. The services of boys to be accounted as landmen, and !hey acquire man's allowance at the age of 18 years. A certain- class of petty and non-commissioned officers, in addition to any pension they may be entitled to as seamen, marines, &c. aro to c ,,I have oncfarthing per day for each year- of their service. Another class of thc same offi- cers will "be entitled to double that sum. Pen- ftons and length of service are forfeited by misconduct. All the pensions arc to be paid q-u-arferly ? and it is IHlt intended to make any •alterations in pensions already granted, except Thai petSy and non-commissioned officers, diM' charged since the 30th of April, 1814, may re- ceive the additional allowance to which they are, under this new regulation, entitled. The affair which has made it necessary to tined General Excelmans, and to have biiu tried by a court martial, makes a great noise in Frat ce. especially in the army. The Gen. is expected in a few days at Lisle, where the court-martial that is to sit upon him is form- ing. Count Erlon, who is distinguished by his military service, will be President. Some yt.-ars Geii. Fxcelitialls, vvileti only Colo nel in the 1st regiment of Chasseurs, on horse- back. was for a long time in garrison at Ghent slid Brussels; At the moment he is going to ke tried, it is particularly interesting to know the nature of the crime ofwitch he is see used, and the more so, as the French Journals nre wholly silent on this head. The following £ re ttic details of this afiair: — Lord Oxford having passed with his faillily, wome time upon the Continent, returned to "g land on some family business which required iiis presence- After having; passed but a short time j'n ¡\is nafive COHIIII)', he returned to France ill November, intending: to join his wife and Chil- dren at Naples. Stopping iOllie days at Paris on the way, he had the imprudence to sólY that he was the hearer of letters (,f great imi)(), tance- The inconsiderate expressions of his Lordship having excited suspicion, his Majesty, upon arc- Jiórt made by the Police, ordered him to hear- re-ted, which, in fact, took place near Villc Juif, where his pocket-hook was se Oxford complained to the Duke of Wellington of ¡he violation of the law of nations, and demanded the restitution of the papers which had he en taken from him; but ,he Ambassa- dor, who IIIKIII his Lordship's demand had taken SOlile S'p!l, waf! soon convinced that his coun- try man WHS culpable, and the affair went no farioei u8t,n the Ambassador and the yo- vemment, Now, among the papers seized were found- some' which left no doubt/ that General Excelmans kept up a correspondence with the King of Naples, and that he gave to that Sove- vereign the assurance that there was still in France, and above all in Paris, a strong party for Bonaparte, and that there was at this very moment in the capital, a considerable number of persons who might be depended on, and who were ready to assist in restoring the Government. Upon a- report made to the King by General Du- pont, Minister of War, it was merely signified to General Excelmans,through the goodness of, his Majesty, to be more circumspect for the future but the Duke of Dalmatia succeeding to the Mi- nistry, saw the conduct of the General in a more criminal point of view than his predecessor had done, and ordered him to be arrested, as having, by his refusal, declared himself disobedient to the orders of his superior, and to he tried by a Court Martial. What a couttast between the conduct of Louis XV11 L and that of Napoleon, for whom a bare suspicion was enough to plunge a brave soldier into a loathsome dungeon, where he often languished for years together,, without even being interrogated concerning the crimes imputed to him. Ireland, -On the night of the 2d inst. about the hour of nine o'clock, a number of armed villains went Lo Mornington, the seat of James Brabazon, Esq. Mr. B. was in the liniiit of visiting his stables every night, about this hour; and on returning to his house, he was seized by a party of the robbers, and tied, the rest having" gone to secure the men who were iu the stable. They entered the house with Mr. B. and first secured his arms, after which they locked up Mrs. B. and her servant in a room, but not before they took her watch, purse, and some trinkets. Mr, B. was then obliged to conduct the robbers through the house, and they having collected his plate, mouey, and some house linen, they ordered cold meat and whiskey to be laid before them, and ate and drank heartily. Some of them got intoxicated, and swore if Mr. B. did not instantly shew them where the rest of his mo- ney was, they would roast him. Tire dec!ara- tion of this worthy and venerable Gentleman of his having given all (about 220[,) had no effect on the merciless villains, and they strip ped him naked, and laid him on the hearth stone, and treated him in a brutal manner.— Having collected the booty, they again fell to the whiskey, and searched the house a second time. After remaining till near one o'dock in file ijoriiiii, one of the party observed, that, unless they departed, they would not Îlave time to rob the houses of two other gen- tlemen, in the whose names they mentioned, and shortly after left the bouse. Three of desperadoes have been since taken, and committed for trial. Fire at Charing Cross.— On Thursday be- tween two and three o'clock, the neighbour- hood of Charing-cross was thrown into a dreadful slate of alarm, by the breaking out of a most tit-strictive fire, oil the premises of Mr. Kell, a wax-chandler, whose house imme- diately joins the splendid mansion of the Duke of Northumberland. The fire spread with ra- pidity, and it was with considerable difficulty that Mr. Kell and his family cscaped the de- structive element, which soon communicated to the house adjoining Mr. Kell's, towards the Horse Guards; and which, as well as Mr. Kell's house, was in a short time consumed.— A third house'in the row was also considerably injured, aud a fourth iu a smaller degree. jNoflluiaiberland House bad also iu the mean time taken fire we of the turrets was anve loped in flames, and much apprehension was felt for.the safety ot that princely mansion, At length a check was fortunately put to the progress of the flames before they had done any comparatively serious injury to the pre- mises. A lady, who was » lodger at Mr. Kus sel's, the house adjoining to Mr. Kell's, when pressed by the spreading of the Hames, threw hcrsel t out at a two pair of stairs window, and a feather bed being held by the populace to catch her, she fell upon it, aiid fortuaa'eLy es- caped without iujury. A young man in the same house also threw himself out ut the first r floor window on the pavement, and escaped II with oilly a slight bruise. iVorthtimbei land House was in much greater danger than was I at tirst apprehended. The flames commuui- cated to some wood work, and from ihente to Lord Percy s dressing room, the floor of which I was partly destroyed the further progress of the flames was however arrested by the acti- vity of the firemen, who ripped up the remain- ing part of the flooring, and thus prevented the spreading of the destructive element. Bristol i-.lonllily Commercial Report.—Our Corn market has been a lHJlldan tIy supplied with French Wheats direct from France, and many cargoes from the out-ports, which being equal in quality to the growth of this country, sold readily at 9s. and 9s. 6d. per bushel. But (he late important termination of the Negotiations at Ghent, has madc.a considerable impression on the Market, so that prime English Wheats, selling a few days ago at 9. and 9s. 3d. have fallen within a day or two, to 8s. aud 8s. 3d. per bushel; and many think it wilt have a further depression; others "anticipate a check to importation by the present low prices, which will probably make the article come under the average at which Foreign Corn is permitted entry, liutfer has come in very limited quantities, as Importers have been timid at the late high prices in Ireland; soate small parcels ot hne Holland Butter sold early in the-month at Hid. and 16jjd. per lb. Frepchat 13d. and J4,(!. and Irish up to 1451. but through the pricey ilJ creasing so rapidly, the consumption has been materially affected; for the last fortnight it was exceedin» i5 dull; through the severe weather of this week, it has again become a favourite article 1 with sotne..speculators, and some considerable purchases have been made at, 142s. for firsts; should toe weather continue, it is^probable it might,-again realise 145s. We have had large supplies of provisions, and sales commenced for the West India Fleet at 81. 8s. for Beef, and 61. Cii. for flork but the demand atptescntbeing inconsiderable, and arrivals frequently taking place, render it more than probable, that a mate- rial reduction witt take place in these prices.— Bacon is at present very dull, but our imports arc very small. Our Raw Sugar market has con- (ilmed to improve; and prices are likely to re- main steady. Our importers have no kind of intention to relax it is at present very flat, no; thing done of note. Fine Sugars are scarce.— Refined Goods have continued in brisk demand, particularly Loaves and Tillers, so that it has been difficult to execute any orders ft;/ this des- cription of Sugars; and to ensure a' regular sup- ply, it has been absolutely necessary to contract with refiners for live and six weeks before deti- very. At present large Goods are plenty. In the anticipation of peace with America, there has been immense purchases made of Tin Plates, which are now with difficulty obtained at advanc- cd pr»es. Many exjpea Iron will advance, The quantity of tobacco stored in America since hostilities commenced with this country. is so great, that the planters have been obliged to erect many additional warehouses to pre serve it from being spoiled, particularly on the banks of the River James, in Virginia. An unfortunate event happened last month at Castelsarrasin, in the department of the Garonne, in France, on the 17th of December, A family of peasants,consisting of four per. soat, poisoned themselves, by eating that species of mushrooms found at the foot of the poplar tree, and which, in the idiom of the country, is 'called bica'eradas. The father of the family, who fortunately had not dined at home that, day, was the only one whoescaped the disaster. His wife, aged 42, and his youngest son, only five years old* were the first victims. After three days of cholic and incredible sufferings, the wife died, notwith- standing every possible remedy. The poison operated on her so frightfully, that a few hours after her decease the features and form of her figure entirely disappeared. The in- fant died two ho-urs earlier, and the action of the poison upon the nerves, the muscles, and Inielitberq, was that before death the body took the form of a muir, The other child, aged nine years, whether the dose cfoit admi- nistered to him had operated with a happier effect, or whether he had eaten less of the mushrooms than his mother and brother, was in a way that afforded some hopes. East ludiet.—-Extract of a letterfrom Mow, in the-province of Buudlecund, dated March Q 1, 1,8 1 .1 ;-For some time past accounts had been daily brought us by the natives, of their cattle having been carried off by leopards, upon which one of our cadets determined upon going out in quest of the depredators on foot, ho elephant being to be had. He was shewn the'place of atnbusb of these supposed leo- pards by the villagers, and had not proceeded far up the side of the mountain, which was covered entirely with thick underwood, when to his astonishment, be perceived a large tiger, in a sleeping posiure, within fifteen yards of him. He had just time to order his unarmed attendants to retire,when the monster rousing perceived him. There was more danger in retiring than in standing fast, aud our hold cadet had courage to do so. With a coolness, pei haps, scarcely equalled, he steadily await- ed his opportunity, when, by the greatest piece of good iuck, he struck the rtionster in the large artery of the neck. Feeling himself wounded, he made a violent spring to the place where the cadet was but being stupified by the shot, and a precipice being in his way, he tumbled, bellowing. into a ravine, where, on receiving a second shot from this intrepid sou of Mars, he retired about a hun- dred yards, and yielded up his existence. He was brought in lastliight upon a camel. His measurement (which we do not think much) was, from the tip of the tail to the nose, nine feet. The oldest tiger hunters iierej say, that his make was the most perfect, they ever saw. The enormous strength of his neck, shoulders, and fore legs, is indescribable. Nor had auy one, who had not a mind to a fainting fit, much relish for inspecting his carcase nar rovvly, the smell being intolerable which arose from it, though only six hours killed. The night before lie had carried uit* an unfortunate villager.


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