Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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For ike North IVales Gazette.…

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The f.iliowins u m liert- '>> !'le »•; f f f 3;! -t j- to; j'ruDefi. a neis'ihouriuj; Ciffft fn.iii kind Me, »! »he wiK dcmint <1 >" emu t>e- »J n' u iitfn Mi< afH'htle.i ihe I<jc ir><A <1,11 ■>r i ,h.J (i: Sr She »t«' •» <»!' t..uly to AaM'-c- ,a( cider i" Un. ii{!y vj. a n<- s*U: on?? cu:t-of<i»ng!) CuU,rt«d -0 h^i'S t),,f >he "» «" »» a iraiiiinii ■ ,it to have u white petticoat uiih iiarticoiar thmfi-i* • "=:=: TO JOHN BULL. MY DEAR MR. 13. Pads,1823. THS kindness with which you put in, the ac- count of ollr party last year, induces AIY MANNA to (Jeqire me to write to you again, TO* know if you would iika to insert a journal of her travels. My Papa has retired froin buii"tless-he has loft the shop in the Minories, TFND h !;TKEU a HOUSE in Montague Place—» beautiful STK'RI very I FHR west, and near (he British Museum, aud my iw:> younger sister* have been sent OVER here, to ] improve THEIR education and THEIR murals, and Mama aad i came over lait week to SSE IHTFIN, AND it'they had sot POLISH enough, to take them home again. Papa would NOT come with us, b<- causo when he WAS qui'e a youth, he got a very great alarm in Chelsea ilvach, because the wa- terman would put up a sail, and frotn that time totlm, he tan never be prevailed UPON to <;■> to sea—so we came over nudstr the CAM of Ur.T til* M KR, die bauksi's SON, who was coming to his family. MAMA has NOT devoted mticti of her time to the study of Hnglish, and duti. not understand French at ajl, aiiii therefore perhaps her joufual will | here AM) there appear incorrect, but SH« is A great etymologist, ;ip.(i io fond of you, that al- though I beheve Mr. Murray, the great Book- seller in A iberaarle-streei, would give her, 1 do i not know how many UIOUSAND pounds for her book, if the published it "all rn the lump," as i 'Papa says, she prefers sending it to you piece- meal, aad st) you will HAVE it every now and then,S3 a por HON of it is hive seen Alr FCLMBR LAUGH SOMETIMES when she has been RERTDMJ J( T>UT J JJ-E nothing 'O laugh at,except the HARD WIJld.. she USES, AND the pains she takes to find out mean TOGS f"r things. She ga), if you do not tike TO print it, yo IUItY LET MURRAY have it t)Ut of $,h.L, would I)tt:fer your doing IF. I enclose a oortion — mors shall corne soon- Papa, I believe, means to aali you to dinner when we get back to v a) s ) c) u *,re a terrible bodv, and as he has two or litre* week points in his character, he think*.it better to be frieods with you thrfn L°es. I know of but one fault he hait—)ct, will not tell yot what they are till 1 see Wilethlz:r you pub- lish Mama's journal. Adieu I was very angry with you for praiiing LITTLE inlios M. at the Lord Mayor's Dinntr-l know her only by tigiiiwe,ore (jul quite in tiloss circles ye', but 1 think wilen-we get into Mon- tague Place WE MAY see something of life. She ¡ is a very preuy gi; Iv and very amiable, and that is die truih of ii, but yoti bad no tiusilyess to say go, you fickle 111011"111.- Y oor truly, LA VlN i A II I GO 1 N BOTTO J. WE proceeded, after reading this letter, to open the enclosure, and found what follows. We do not presume to alter one word, but when any IrdluJg tlltfirtljl) occurs, arising from the depth of MRS. H IGC.I > HOT ton's research, we have Yetittireti I& inst!ri a uote, The title of the ma- nuscript is EMGLA N D AND FR A.N C E, BY DOROTHEA JULI IIIGGIN BOTTOM, and thus, gentle reader it ran — Haviag often heard travellers lament not having put down what they call TU* memoiyliilivus of their journ les, I was (lete.rmiued while 1 WAS on my tower, to keep athir (so called (roUl containing the c,catu or.oi)e'.i iisformatit)(i), &ad record everything which recurred 1o ine-tticre- fore I begin with my departure fiom'Loudon. Resolving to take time, by the firelock, we left Montague Place at seven o'clock by FULMER'I! pocket thermometer, and proceeded ¡ over Westmiiisier bridge to esjilode the LURO pean cootiuent. "t never pass Whitehall.without dropping a tear to the memory of Charles the Second, who, WAS decimated alter the rebellion of Ino oppo- site the Horse-Guards —his memorable speech to AuctfiiisHOr CAXON tings IU my ears whenever I pass tiie iijut-I reverted my hello, and aifected to look to see what o'clock it was by the dial, on the opposite side of the way. 11 It is quite impossible not to notice (Ile ilu. provements in this PART of the town the beau- tlrul view which one gets of Westmiuster L]allF aud its curious root, after which, as rvery body knows, its builder was called W ILHAM IIOOFU*. "Amount the lighter specimen* of modern architecture, i. ASH LEY'S Amphitheatre, on Jour right, as you cross the bridge, (wliicli was builr, MA. FULNICR told me, by the Court of Arches and the House of Peers). In this ample-theatre there are equestrian peiformaiices so called he- cause they are exhibited nightly—durjug the sea soo, is till i,, russe; as LADY HOPKINS emphatically calls London, in her erudite Essay wi)otj without feeling a fhot»#aud poweiful SENSATION*—■ so much wealth, so much viriue, so much vice, such business as is carried on, within its pre- cincts, such influence as its inhabitants possess io I every pari of the CIVILIZED world—it really ex- alts the "Infi froni meaner things, aud easts all MINOR considerations far behind one. The) wI) al Ihei\Lnsh ¡:alè III ri;; since we J last come through —it WAS HEN-, we were to have a ken up LAVINIA'S Irieiui, M TI. SM NIL. who I had proumed T» GO with US to Dover, but we- found HIS servstit INSIEMI of hiinselt, with A biily, to SAY he W«<; SORRY BE COULD not come, because his friend, Sir .1.,1)11 somebody, wished him to stay ami GO DOWN I<> I\,j| MI Lnicolti. I have-Bo doubt this I'oil, HLIO.-VER she may be. is a very respectable young woman, but mentioning her BY her (l1TISIl110 name oul), in so abrupt a manner, had very uupleasant appearance a! any rate. "Nothing remarkable occurred till we reached ,he Ob..(¡¡ch 1\1 G"!lr!l:t"'¡ Fleldl, I4ht're our atieution was arrested by those gteat Institu- tions, (he "'Srhor.l for the ludignunt Blind," anU THE Mieautropu1 Socieiy" foi making shoit both of which cUi»I the gr*'node <>T the nation. At iba corner 01 ttie lane LEANING to Peck- ham, I saw that they HAD removed the Dolly- graph which used to SIOIUI up by a declivity to the rigtit (,f ltiv arc all be stii,,ersede(i fly Ic;aini.oret. When we tame io the Green Man at Black- heath we had -in opfJiJrlUlIl1 of IHJ'icl!1f the er- rors ol tormer tia'eileis, for the heath is green, and the man is B]#VK MR. FO LW Eti endeavour- ed to ACCOUITI lor TIN*, hy »»y tug 'HAT M R. COL- NIAN 11.3 Heaths beiug a kis-O MOOR, he looks upon the t ii il,e cau,e ( confusion of words as the cause of the mistake. N. B. COTMAN IS the emioent Itinerary bur- geon, who coo»IFFL>IY RF-IDT S CT St. Pattcras, A-i e We r. iti d,g- 1,411c, ON » eoinmon, a tiring away with thi-ir bon»trs in OHM t,us like any thing. At I) e r lier, e saw a tn,,st t)e.1111- IUI UH.Hietick Ramioili in A POT, covered with FLOWERS, it is (tie fiiirn I ever saw, except those dt J){"plljI)re.¡\,de (li«' ndron). '• \T i;E:I wt O¡!u Ii ..chest«»r we went to the 1 Crown Inn ami had a THE charge was absorbent — I had DX-II heard uiy poor dear husband lalk ol the luilaence of the Crown, and a Bill of Wrights, but I had no IDEA whal it I really AITAAT till WE HAD IF P'd) t)"s* As we passed near Chatham 1 saw several Pitts, and MR FUI-MER showed me. a great ma- ny buildings—I believe he said they were forty- fications, hnt I think there must have been near fifty of them—he also shewed us the Lines at Chatham, which I saw quite distinctly, with the clothes drying on them, Rochester was remark- able in KING CHAnl.Es's timt., for blliug a very wiffv and dissolute place, as 1 have lead iu books. At Canterbury we stopped ten millofOi to visit all the remarkable buildings and curiosities in it, and about its neighbourhood the church is beautiful: when OLIVER CROMWELL con. quered WILLIAM the THIRD, he perverted it into a stable—the stalls are still standing-the old Virgui who shewed us the church, wore buck- skin breeches aud powder—he said it was an ar- ehypiscopal sea, but I saw no sea, nor do I think it possible he could see it either, for it is at least seventeen miles off-we saw MR. I hOMAS â BECKKTT'S tomb—my poor husband was ex- trewely intimate with the old g ell tIe Blau, 2111(1 oue of his nephews, a very niee taau, who liveli near Go!den-sq')are.di"ed with us twice, I think in Londou-in Trinity Chapel is the monument of KAU DE COLOGNE, just as it is now exhibit- in: at the DIARRSA in the Regent's Park. h It was light when we got to DOVER: we walked about while our dinner was preparing, looking forward to our snug fete-d-teic of three- we went to look at the sea, so called, perhaps, from the uninterrupted view one has, when upon it-it was very curious to see the locks to keep in the water here, and the. keys which are on eaeh sid", of them, all ready, L suppose, lo open them if they were wanted. 0, MR. FUTIIEB looked at a high place and talked of sin AK*PKAR E, aud saiutlut of his own head, (littic bt!autiful lines.- —'1 Halt way down •• Hangs ,,iie that gathers camphire, dreadfil trade." This, -IIthink it but right to say, I did not myself.— Methinks he seems no bigger than his head, The fishermen that walk upon the beach It Appur like mice." This, agaiu, I cannot (juits agree to, for where we stood, (lie), looked exactly like men, only smaller, which I attribute to the effect of distance—and then MR. FULSIKR sl!.ld thii- And yon full anchoring batk Diminished to her cock-lier cock a boy This latter pari 1 do not in the least unde stand, nor what Mn. FULMER meant by cock a boy-howtver, LA v i n i A seeuied to comprehend it all, for Ih- turned-up her eyes and said some- thing about the iwmortal bird of I)tiavati-so I suppose they were alluding to the eagles, which doubtless build their aviaries in that white mountain—(immorlul bard of Avon, the lady means.) After dinner we read the Paris Guide, and looked, over the list of all the people who had been incontitient during the season, whose names are all jtut down in a book at the iun, lor ihe .114 iu'14 lor lt)O parpou-we went to rest, much fatigued, know- ing that w* should be obliged to get up early, to be ready for embrocation in the packet in the inorniug, We were, however, awake with the owl, and a walking a way before we went to see toe cai(ts-whicil was built, the uian told III, by SEIZER, SO called, I conclude, ftoin seiguij. whatever he could lay his hands Oil-the man said moreover that he had invaded Britain and conquered it, upon which I told hitn that if he repeated such a thing in nay presence agaiu, I should write to MR. PKEI. about hitn. I X ,t r4 D "We taw the inn where ALL lc it, the Autograph of all the Russian, lived when he was here, aod a* we were going along, we lIlet twenty or thirty (Jragolis mounted on horses, und thv ensign who commanded them, was a frieud of Mr. PU,)IE,R\hlt looked at LAVINIA, aud seemed pleoed with her Tooting auembly -h wa, quit,. a tine qua non of a man, and wore tips on hu lips, like LADY HOPKINS'S poodle. I heard MR. FULMER say he was a son ()f IN] AltR'S he spoke it as if every body knew his father, so I suppose he itiust be the son of the poor gentleman, who was so barbarously irmr. dered some years ago, near ltiitciitfd Highway if he is, he is uncommon genteel. 11 At twelve o'clock we got iowa hoat and rowed to the packet•; it was very fine aud dedi for the seasou, and Mr. IVULMKR said be should not dul ke pulling LAVIMA about,all the utom. ing this 1 believe was a uaughtycal phrase, winch 1 did not rightly comprehend, hecaUat; Mr. F; never offered to talk in that way ou shore to either of us. The packet is not a parcel as I laaagmed, in which we were to be made ep for exportation, hut a boat of clllllllderable size; ie rs called; cilitcr--vvhy, I do not did not like 10 ask. It \V4 very curious to ee how it rolled abllul-however I felt qu'tte mat apropos, and instead of exciting any of the soft selisibilities of the other sex, a great unruly man, who heid the handle of the ship, bid me lay hold of a compa- nion, and when 1 sought his Sim for protection, he introduced me to a ladder, down which I as seuded into the cabin, one of the most eutious places t ever beheld, where ladies and gentlemen ate put upon shelves like books in a library, and where tall meu are doubled up like boot jacks, befoie they can be put away at all. ( quite shocked to-find what democrats the sailors are-ttley seeoi to hate the nobility, u,ld especially the law lords: the way J, disco. vered this apathy of theirs to the nobility, was this-the very moment w« lost light of Eugland and were close to France, they began, one and all, to swear first at the peer, aud then at ihe bar', io such gross terms as made my very blood I U.) cold. • • was quite pleased to see LAVINIA sitting witli Mr. FULMER in the travailing carriage on the outside of the packet. But LAVINIA afford- ed great proofs of her goood bringing up, by commanding her feelii)gs-i,t is curioes what could have agitated the billiary ducks of my Sto- mach, because I took every precaution which is recommended in different books to prevent ill- dispomtion. I had some inuttou chops at break- f"f, some Scoleh matmalade on bread and but. ter, two eggs, two cups of coffee and three of tea, besides toast, a liltie tried whiting, some potted iharr, and a few shrimps, and after break- fnst J took it gliiss of warm white wine negus, ami « few oysters, which lasted me till we got into the boat, when I began eating gingerbread nuts, n.)I the way to the packet, aud then was peisuaded to take ? glass of bottled porter to keep every thing simg and comfortable." And here eodt our present communication.- We are mightily obliged to Miss HIGGINBOT- 0aliti shall with great pleasure continue the journal, whenever we are presented with it.


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