Papurau Newydd Cymru

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Family Notices




B 0 TA NICALJIEGISTEU. FEBRUARY. Triandria Moiiogmifl. L Crocus vemus; Spring Crocus. 11 ■ Digynia. 2. Poa annua; Annual Meadow-grass. Ilexaiulria Monogynia. 3, Narcissus pseudo-narcissus Common Daf- fddil. i Ditto ditto. 4. Galanthus nivalis Snow-drop. Tetraclynatitia Silictilosa. f 5. Drabs. verna; common Willow-grass. < — Siliquosa, *5«i Cardamine hirsuta Hairy Ladies'-smock. -v Monoecia Tetrandria. Betula Alnus common Alder. I „ ————— Polyandria. S., Corylus Avellana; Hazel-nut. •■■■■■' L It forms an article of considerable trade among the Dutch gardeners, who cultivate a great number of varieties, which every year are imported into this and other countries. 2. This is the most general plant in all nature it grows in almost every situation where there U any vjr&tation. 1. is found perfectly indigenous in a wood near Maes-y-porth. 7. The wood is used for making clogs, pattens, and other such purposes; and the bark for dyeing i m factuiing some of the finer kinds of lea- ther. This wood is of considerable value for making charcoal for gunpowder. In charring it a considerable quantity of acetic acid is extracted. 8. The young shoots of hazel put into casks with scalding water, render them sweet if they an musty, or contain any bad flavour. IDWEL In Maryborough jail (Ireland) alone, there are fourteen police men tor trial, for murder and other unjustifiable acts, in performance of their duty.. The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty have been pleased to promote Captain James Ry- der Burton to the rank of Post Captain, in conse- quence of his gallant conduct on the 31st ult. in capturing, by boarding, Ihe Algerine corvette Tripoli, in Algiers Bay. A new Bill relative to the management of Gaols has been brought forward by Mr. Peel. The fol- lowing is the clause respec ing compulsory labour before trial And whereas doubts have arisen, whether by ihe said recited act prisoners before trial can be compelled agains II heir will to labour on the tread-mill, and it is expedient to remove such doub s be it fur'her enacted and declared, that it is not and shall not be lawful to compel any un ried prisoner to such labour agains' his will." We can state upon unqties-ionable authority, and we are the first io make ihe.communica ion, that i' is the inlen ion fonhwith to repeal 'he whole of the Union ditties.-Dabli)t Evening Mail. The Slaves which were released lately from the hands of the Tunisians, by the British squad- ron under Captain Hamilton, of the Cambrian, were some Greeks who had chartered a vessel, under British colours, from Malta, for a passage to one of the Greek Islands and instead of mak- ing such a voyage, the Maltese Captain, who commanded the Vessel, shaped his course for Tunis, where he sold the vessel's stores, cargo, and passengers, and ran away with the proceeds. The first pile of wood for the foundation of the new London bridge is expected to be driven oil Monday next opposite Fishmonger's-hall. The new bridge will be a level nearly resembling Wa- terloo-bridge, and will commence from Cannon- street. By this/plan the declivi y of Fish-s ree', and the nuisance of waggons, car's, &c. at Lon- don-bridge will be avoided, as 'here will be an arch over Thames-street, under which the,rallic of the city in cans, &c. will con, iiiue wi hout in- rei-i-ttpiiii- the great thoroughfare of stage-coach- es into Kent. ASSISTANCE TO PERSONS IN DANGEJI OF DROWN- ING.—This desirable object may be attained by the following very simple means a man's hit and pocket handkerchief being all the apparatus necessary. Spread the handkerchief on the ground and place a hat with the brim upwards in the middle of the handkerchief over the hat as you would do a bundle, keeping the knots as near as possible in the centre of the opening. Now,, by seizing the knots with one hand, and keeping the crown of the hat upwards, any person, though un able to swim, may fearlessly plunge into the wa- ter with a rope, or any other thing that may be necessary to save the life of a fellow creature. The wife of a respectable husbandman, named Masters, residing at Batson, hear Kingsbridge, was on Tuesday the 10th inst. safely delivered of twin qoiii. They are completely united together from the upper part of the chest to the lower part of the bowels, forming a do able foetus and what makes the circumstance more extraordinary is, that on dissection it was found there was but one heart,- and one spleen, two livers, two stomachs, two sets of lungs, and two sets of intestines, with ths exc.-ndoa of there but one jejunum. The children are of full size, measuring, in length 20 inches, W inches across the hips, and weighing 13:1- lbs. the woman (who is doing very well) was attended by Messrs. Pearse and Son, Sur- oil- geons, Kingsbridge and this rare and extraor-.j dinary production of nature b now preserved in the museum of the former gentleman. BANK Non: IIOUBESIY.—In the year 1821; while the cashier of the banking-house of Messrs Jones, Lloyd, atid Co., in Lothbury, was count- ing some notes one evening, a mail entered, and snatched a bundle containing Bank of England notes to the amount of between 4,0001. and 50001. The cashier was so completely stunned at the robbery, that he did not even call for assis- tance until the thief had rushed ifito tbestroct, and made his escape through Tokenhouse-yard, where it was suspected a house was open for his recep- tion. A few days after the robbery, a watch- maker in the city was applied to by a decent looking man for a stout silver watch. A 101. note was given by the stranger to the watchmaker who soon afterwards ascertained that it was one of those which had been stolen from the banking- house. About twelve months afterwards, the watchmaker received a visit from the same person who produced the watch, and wished that it should be either changed or repaired. The watchmaker, instead of contriving to get the fellow into his power with address, stared at him and darted round the counter to seize upon his person, but he was too active, and easily es- caped, notwithstanding the cry of stop thief, which pursued him for some tune. The watch was however, left in the watchmaker s hands.- All inquiry after him was, useless for a length of time but the stolen notes began by slow de- grees to return to the house, and it was conjec- tured that the thief was living cautiously upon the profits of his enterprise. At last a stolen 501. note was passed at Gravesend, and the person who had uttered it was apprehended. He behaved very impudently, and denied that he knew any thing about the robbery. The watchmaker, however, the moment he saw him, said, lhat is the verv man who gave me the stolen 101. note for the watch." The clerk of Messrs. Jones, Llo vd and Co., also identified him as the person who snatched the bundle of notes, and he will of course answer for the oftence at the Old Bailey. Sunday Paper. T. PAUL WHITEHEAD AND LORD LE DESPENSER.- The following story is from (he" Pdvate Cor- respondence of William Cowper &c., &c." an irt'eres'inf Work recently published. It is con- tuined in ale.ter from Cowper to the Rev. W. Unwin, dated Nov. 24, 1731. "You have heard, no doubt, of the romantic friendship that subsisted between Paul Whitehead I iinil T,ord le Despenser, the late Sir Francis Dasli- wood. When Paul died, he left his Lordship a legacy. It was his heart, which was taken out ofhis body and sent as directed. His friend hav- ing built a c-hurch, and at that time just finished it "used it as a mausoleum upon Ihis occasion; and having (as I think the newspapers told us at the time) erected an elegant pillar in the cen're of if, on the summit of this pillar inclosed in a golden urn, he placed the he^n in ques ion. Bu' not as & lady places a china figure uponhermamle-tree or on the lop of her cabinet, but with much re- spectful ceremony and the forms of funeral so- lemnity. He hired the best singers and thebest performers. He composed an anthem for the purpose; he invired alllhe nobili, y and gen ry in ti'iel-ounlry to assist at the celebration of these obsequies, and having formed, hem all in'o an procession, marched to'he place appointed at their head, and consigned the posthumous trea- sure, with his own hands, to its state of honour- able eleva ion. Having i hus, as he iliougln, and as he might vvell think, (* *) appeased 'he manes of the deceased, he rested satisfied wi h what he had done, and supposed his friend would rest. But not so,—about a week since I received a letter from a person who cannot have beenmis- iaformed, 'elling me that Paul has appeared fre- quently of la'e, and 'hat there a,re few, if any, of his Lordship's numerous household who have not seen him, sometimes in the park, sometimes in 'he garden as well as in the house, by day and by night indifferently. I make no reflection upon this incident, having other things to write about, ar d but little room," James Murray, fishing in the Clyde Friday i se'nnight, caught a very large cod fish, weighing j 171b.-). 4oz„ in the gllt of whith he found a gold watch, bearing the inscription on a paper in the 11r, case of it, Hugh Da vies, of Wrexham"—there was a chain and seal attached to the watch. CURIOUS FACT.—By placing a candle at thirty degrees from perpendicular, the flame is not en- cumbered with the wick, and the air that passes by the flame completely destroys the snuff; so that the candle placed thus never wants snuffing, and gives one half more light than when placed in the usual wa v. BON MOT Dy Loiti) the of bankrupt petitions in the Irish Court of celly, some mornings since, Mr Penaofather sought to sustain a commission of bankruptcy against a country gentleman, who had traded as a miller. The Lord Chancellor asked Mr Pea- nefather what line of trade his client was in?— In the mining line, my Lord, replied Mr Penne- father. Then, rejoined the Chancellor, lfuncy he had better mind his hits now, since Lis adver- sary has got him into Chancery. two eminent Barristers in the Court of Chan- cery were recently the merits of the Lord Chancellor and the Vice, as it relates to the delays of the one, and the expedition of the other when a celebrated wit, and a brother practitioner in the same Court, who had overheard the argu- ments, humorously put an end to the conversa- tion, by designating one of the Learned Chiefs Oyer and the other Terminer. LIVERPOOL.—Monday being the anniversary of St. David, it was celebrated by the Cambrian in- habitants of this place with their customary splen-, dour. In the forenoon they went to St. Paul's Church, where a sermon was preached by the Rev. Rftbt. Davies, M. A. of Gwantiaysgor. On their return, they went in procession through some of the principal streets, accompanied by the children belonging to the Welsh school, who were all neatly clothed. Severalexcellentsbands attended the procession. In the evening a num- ber of the Soiis of St. David dined together at the Angel Inn, where harmony and conviviality pre- vailed to a late hour.






MARI £ HT HS&ALD. ---<>-


-----' LONDON,