Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

8 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



f HENRY SAVERY, The Bristol Gazette of yesterday's date, received this morning, has the following "official communi- cation, addressed to J. Gardiner and 0. L. Wal-I ker, Esq., Sheriffs of that city Whitehall, April 2f>. ueutlemen *1 am to signify to you the King's commands, that the execution of Henry Savery, now in the gaol of Bristol, be respited until fur- ther signification of his Majesty's pleasure. "I am, Gentlemen, Your most obedient servant, ROBERT PEEL. To the Sheriffs of Bristol." Selden used to say, I'll keep myself warm and moist as. long as, I live, for I shall be cold and dry when I am dead." < SIMPLE LIFE PRESERVER.—Take S00! Hew wine bottle corks, which are to be put Oil and which, when so done, is to be sewed up m a strong- but light canvass (and to be made it circles rouuJ the body) and when so done it is to be well painted, so as to be water proof. It may have shoulder-straps or buckles, or it mity be fastened on a canvass jacket, for convenience.—(Mechanics Register.) A young woman. servant to Mr. J.Ward, New rpad, Lincoln, whilst picking her ear with a pin, the head came off and lodged within it; and not- withstanding the best advice and means that could be obtained to dislodge it, but without effect, the poor girl now lies in a most dangerous state, and, ill the greatest agony, and it is feared she will not recover. The county of Leitrim, ifisascertained possesses as tratum of coal, extending to near 30,1)00 Eng- lish acres., little inferior to Newcastte; or White- haven, and obtained by machinery5, so low as 4s. per ton. The coal field in Munster extends through two or three baronies in the county of of Kerry and Limerick, passing under the Shannon to the county Clare, for an extent of |,000;square miles, but it is of inferior quality: to the Leftrim. The copper and lead mines also are not considered inferior to those of Anglesey or Cornwall. NEW WAY TO GET MARRIED.—At one of the parish churcbes in this city, yesterday sfe'nnight. a couple about to enter the holy bands of matri-, mnnv took a peculiar methodof avoiiling the'gaza -•of «»riosity, and siving thdmiUsesii tji.e blushes which naturalty must follow. Having, by^back way, ascended to the roof of the church, they dej; scended a ladder previously provided for the c purpose and, without the assistant?of any -)i ,dividual hut the Clergyman and cleVk, tied this indissoluble knot- Ame)t having performed the, offices of clerk, father, and bride-maid !-Exeter Pqpei-. A NI$# MKTHO» OF RMSINC. NEW POTATOES IN WINTER AND SPRINO.—Take some dry mould, with whicli cover thebottomofa large box, about two inettes thick, then lay, potatoes of the-^ind, called Gxrmljlos, chiefly used for cattle, side by side, so afr to coyerItlie mould, then coTeKthoSe with two. ijftches more^ould, and so for four or five courses. The box may stand covered with dry straw in any warm cellar if this plan be adopted in the month* of November, a very "large supply of beautify young potatoes will be ob- tained very soon after Christmas, and the potatoes may be w>peated-,so as to, have a succession till the seaimi)rodtlces them ll the natural way.-— 'Hull Packet. HviMoi'HOnrA.—On Wednesday last, a fine boy, nathed John Duck-worth, aged 1$^ years, son of Mr. John Duckworth, joiner, of this town, died of this most dreadful disease, inconsequence of a bite which he received, about a month ago, from a d" g belonging to a person residing in VauXhall-road, and which dog died three or four days afterwards. The wound caused by the bite of the dog healed up a few days after receiving it, and the yoiinsf lad enjoyed his usual health nniii Monday, when be complained of & paiji iii ibis head i it-- (lid not, however, prevent liin? from Attending his work until Tuesday morning; at I)reakfast-time, when he grew much worse, and Kiedical aid was called in, but without avail.-— He lingered uiv'il Wednesday evening, when death put a period to his sufferings He was apprenticed to Mr. Roakliff, printer, of this town. papei-. AN UNPLEASANT CUSTOMER.—A New York Paper contains the following article- of newi: — Last weejt Captain R. who fought so gallantly durui £ the late War against a British vessel of ^u^eiirtr forcS, had a dispute With Moris. <PiB, an lOWe^rSwhO serred Under the lat^jBinperorNapo- leoii in several of his eampKigt|f; Theresiflti v»a* a clViilleiige froni tha ^Vendtiman. Capfitin iR, who ifl ertrly life sailed iii a South ■Sea wJi'aler, I pHnctAi^ily,attended the summons of his twlVvr- sary,; the Frenchman was also puupjtual to hi- ajVpointifieiit; but it is impossible to describe his surprise at seeing the Captain armed with a~har- i poou. He remonstrated and talked loudly, but his courage was somewhat daunted, when he heard ] his opponent address his cpinpaiiion, an old sUiji- mate, as follows, accompanying his words with a flourish of his harpoon, Jack, when I strike the Kfeneliinan, you stand by and play him, Moris. N. not admiring the appearance of his opponent, expressed his willingness to come to an accoin- ihodation, ekplfinatioii followed, an £ t the gentle- ineii quitted the field good friends. THE KINGV COURT, LsvEE, &c-Oii W-ediios- day his Majesty hold his first Levee this season. It,excited considerable interest among the higher orders, and caused a very numerous arid splendid assemblage of the aneient nobility, dignified per- sonages, and others of the gentry to assemble! round his Majesty to pay their duty to their So- vereign, together with a number to be presented on various occasions, amounting to nearly 900. The iKtvelty Of a Levee attracted a number of pectators in Pall Mall and other places letdijig, to the King's Paiae*. Park, &c. at art early hour. The Kjiig arrived in his travelling carriage from Windsor, escorted by a party of Light, af1 one o 'clock a humber of persons1 had assembled ronnd .the gate, and greeled his Majesty as he entered, jV. ho acknyvrledged it by graciously touching his travelling cap. Soon after two o'c lock; his M a j es t y lia virig dressed" for the^I^evee, enter-ed the State Rooms, and proceeded to hold a Privy Council, at which Viscount I^Iaynard; Was iiitroducied. and swor#t in Lord Lieutenant jif Ifie GOilrtty of Essex, in the room of th<j late Lord Braybfooke. A proclamation was agreed upon by tlie Jiing in Council for the election ofa Scotch Peer, in the room of the late Earl of Balcarras. His Majesty then proceeded to "III his Levee, WhiiHrwas attended by all the Foreign Ministers, the pHiieipa-t'Officers of State, a;ad bjSa1| Nor bilitry iwdHJe^try now in town. The Î14 up,a|)P«t fiye^'cloclc. t t TIIETTUSFSON's CAUSE.—Oddie v. b ■ celebnited wiir, cam# before the HoUse of Peei^s, i on iMondsityii by appeat f) om the,, Qo^ft»>o/ vQhah. cei-y. ,The geiu-ral features of t^e cause are as well as the nunute character is incprnprehensibte. Mr;Th'eIlusson. a man of eceentrie habits,' but of undaunted passion for accumulation, andsplendid success in achieving the victories in which hissoni delifhted, left his immense -savings, by his last i^ill^jn a form quite unprecedented in life or law. The/property was to ac.cumulate for three genera- tions, f.nd was then to devolve upon certain heirs, male of certaui persons, who must not* taste its pleasui-fes: In fiaS# of failure of t|\e precise species of heirs required by Mr., Thellusson, this grand accumulation was bequeathed to the- Sovereign of these realms. Not one age is yet elapsl, when this will has not only1 got into Chancery, but actually got out of it by appeal to the LorO Chancellor on the Woolsack.-Eleven, qf the; twelve Judges, sat on Monday with the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Chief Justice bein& occupied in the King's Bench. Messrs. Shad well and Sidcbotham spoke at length in support of,the appeal.' Mr. Hart spoke in part on the opposite side.—At four o'clock the Lord ChAneellor ad- journed the further hearing on Monday next-The allotted space below the bar for strangers was crowded to excess.-Ainong. the Peers present were His Royat Highness the Duke of Gloucester- the Marquis of Bath; and Earl. bf BristoJL, Lord Holland, and the Bishop of Chester, -opinion-. generauy, preyaiU that in the present session of Parliament some plan wHl be adopted with a view to render the laws which regulate the importation of foreign grain less uncertain in their operation, and less, Hable"to those .shameless evasions which have been so recently exposed. The plan iii conteiii- piaiiou appears to'be this—that a scale of import duties shall be established, which, added to the cost of foreign grain, shall be an adequate pro- tection totheagricultural interests of this country; thus, supposing that 80s, per quarter for wheat is a remunerating price'to the British farmer, and that foreign wheat can be brought into tlie Eng- lish market at 35s. such a duty must be imposed as would bring it up to 89s. allowing, perhaps, for the difference in qUality but here the great difficulty occurs. We remember when the subject was ou^e agitated in the House of Commons, there was a great difference of opinion as to the price at which foreign wheat could be landed in thispountry l now it is obvious that the question turns upon this point; and that unless some- clear and satisfactory arrangement is adopted for ascer; taining this, the duties may be fixed either too high or too low possibly it. may be thought prudent to provide that periodical returns from official persons, of the price of grain in those countries, which export to the united kingdom, shall be made to the proper authorities nEn7 an W,1;e sorry to observe that in this great question an effort is nuiking" to marshal the coiii., mercial against the agricultural interests this unnatural 'and unjust what are the merchant, the manufacturer, and the agriculturist? they are cUil^Sfrt ofthe state, and the parent is bound, principle' of eq-ulty; to see'tbatt the claims frfen^ child do Hot unfairly interfere with "thoseof #ie Qfhei*. are flilly aWareHhat: the ability of tliB maflufacturer to sell tiis- goods in the foreign market'' depend#mach upoa^tbe » ttt which his workmen of life ■ihhI Me are equally Jwell aware that while tlie afrl'taflturist has to discharge.tbe present rate; of rent, and those burthens which fall peculiarly on him, te'cannot meetthese calls if prices arede- pressed tauch below their present level. It is probable rtrrft^oth/parties expect too much. The tinty of the legistonire is so to meet tbese claims as to render svilystantlaA justice^ and/leave the pre- sent national interests uninjured. Mr. WJhit- more 's liiotion on this1 subject comes on the 28th instant. ':fr> ■ At the lftt-OCrloucegter Assizes, NX men were- tried for the murdfer of a man named Isaac Gorden, two of whont-were convicted and hanged on the following extraordinary .evidence:—The knife which was found by a boy, was proved by .another boy to whom he offered it for sale, to have been iii the possession of the prisoner Eng- land on the morning of the murder. The pole, or post, with which the fatal blows were inflicted, was proved pyme lanuiauy ot tlie lennis Court to have been taken froni her garden, in which she used it on the Saturday evening; and upon examination the tracks of two pair of shoes were distinctly, followed to and from the spot whence it was takeii, and which tracts were sa- tLstactorily.idenlif e i a a ying. been produced by the shoes worn on that night by Gaines and Isaac Britton. Close to the hedge, immediately oppo- site where the bo ly was found, were seen the jnarks where txo Peosotis had sat dowij,, p the ground, and hpre the track of one of-Cjiines's shoes wa^ again perfectly visible. Butthq most extrjiordiu^ry circuiiista'ntial proof was found on Ihe rpad'side, close by the fatal spot. Here was seen the jjlace where a man had sat down on the I)a, t r. the wlili his feet resting against the inside of fhe ditch; the marks made by the shoes, although t hey were effaced before an oppor- t tunijy could be had fyr fitting them were doubtless, ) producsii by those worn by Waiting; that was fnlly h subslautjated by a peculiarity in the mending ofthe Jrhoes,. whipb was pointed out upon the first ex- aqtf^» the trapj. by one of the witnesses,1 ,was iaken iiiwi^'aSiesiy, as aa;^f>.que^ionablecQrrpborarfon of-hiipresence an jnsiieciioii of the mark upon th^ bank showed; <hat th* person who, ^at there had wqcn cOrd. !'breeds upon tho seat of which there was a 4- ie materia I than th^t ofthe material! was made, and that part of i Whiting s dress corresponded with tile impression r lu ,every minute ..particular! [The. earth,, with t Ititigre-is ii, upon it, had been dug up, and being carefully preserved in a moist., state, was produced upon the trial, to the complete satisfac- tion 'oftiie Court.and Jury.] The tWQ .whq were found guilty, after being sentenced, confessed their guilt, and exonerated.their feUow prisoners from any participation in it. In addition to this it may lie stated, as a instance of hardened de- pravity iii,tlke-t,liief. who coijiiriitted the fact, that the brother of the unfortunate man who was mur- dered, had his pocked picked in the hail of his pocket, book,, containing two ,.lno: notes, a pro- missory note for £25. and a letter, which was entrusted to his care containing money



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