Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

8 erthygl ar y dudalen hon




COMPENDIOUS NOTICES. iÜNG',s:b'lrUr:'œáý'f(èpt Saturday with great splendour-Ilis Majesty gave a grand dinner at Cit,rIt t)n P.flitrk and Tower guns, illuniiriatiiins, and 'processions of mail coachep as u«ual—thfe ftihg visited "by Duke of York and Diicliess of Gl^ucester—Monday evening His Ma- jesty 'goe's(>ti/ (t)Vl'rii Oardrn"auotberl..e\'e on Wi-ilnesday.—Vnnee Leopold arrived in town Thursday 'fi-om Continent—the Prince at the Italian Operit Saturday'^—i»Duke of Northumber- land getting ready for his departure to France- some t>f liis suite'already off-*—the Duke declining accustomed remuneration for expences. His Ma- jesty lias coiiiinand'ed Rundle and Bridge to pre- pare a diamond tiittkf sword value ^10;000, in- tended as a present' to his Grace—same house, making Rsifyer trowel, ^vith" \#hich Duke bf York wil'l ihortly lay first stone of a new wing to Christ's Hbspita 1, intended to 6peiiinto Newgate- street.—York House overflowed last week with fashionable visitors—calculated six thousand per- sons, including almost every titled person in Lon- don visited it—safe of the splendid furniture, ;&c. commenced Momla:y.—Little news of interest in French Papers, except the passing by the Peers, of thb law of Irtdfeftrhity to tlie-einigrants by 159 tra C)2. ndajoiity noTPbtained till ah amfi^i- iheni had been agreed to by 124 to 99 (that no-stipulation of the present law should affeet in p any manner thedghts to property acquired before the publicatibn of the GbnstitUtioiral Chartet. Preparations already going on at Milan for hold- ing the approaching Congress, where new scn are to be broached for'Strengthening le^kni^a^y and the., ^oly ^lli'itncfr!—Ambassadors of it$* 0reat iPoWtrsi, exceptihg Engfkud, exj^feteted Milan.—Spaii* con tftines iHldersaiiieHeSoae^ HI is- goverameiit, ^re' King ob$tfnatt4y piirsuiflg' his wretched'SySstea?<44tndeiC guidancje o? tl*», Pr^e^t*; -hood.—Co 1 ocotFOni, aiidothers, ,who iricited eiTii war among the Greiukst, ^wntinto a state o ,exile, llavannah and other ports pf Cuba blockaded by a Cofepmbian squa,dronw—A civil ,war raged ia Sandwich Islands during the absence of the late King and Queen, who died in this .country.—, United, States have resolved, to follow the s|eps of Etigland iu reducing.interest of their debit.— Cabinet Councils; both Saturday and Suocjay^r- Mc,(Canning too ill, froin gout, to attend.—Tlae --Ki,n.g-f,a-idA o be hpgtile tq any dissolution of par- liament this year.—rDebate on.Cathotic Bill in Gommons^conside^il^s$jirr^d-^no.les« than 509 Members present at the diyision Thursday—iii G.raU,øil}-.}Vh,I1,s; %fterw^rdt lost in Committee* was a second 4iine by a :m,ifyot42.iP:aJ9s consisting of US Mem-, f beFS-jr in 182.1, second -reading by a mflj^rityrbf .11, in a House of 419 Members rpad^a lliird tinte and pa,ssed by a ma- of 413 Members it was afterwards thrown, ofit .into the. Lords, by a ma- jority of 39 out of 279 voters.—Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. S. Wortley, Mr. Brownlow, I^ord Valletort, and Marquis Camden, have all changed tbeir opinions in favour of the Catholic questioiK—-Some Graduates and Members of the Univer«itieS(«iigningpetJtion in favour of Catholic Emancipation. •T-The C,atholics.calcu)ated to. form 7tbs of the population of Ireland,.and in, Eng- land oaer(qur]th.Litt)^onXj0lM for disfran- cjiising 40s. freeholders in lrelaiid, caine oil, Mon- day—strong oppositioh expetfted to it.—Self-jap^ plause nolonghj,imbug—1 r. Scar 1 e11, Ron prei ;«enti'n.f ''peiti^Qt^%frlster^v -&c. in favour of Catiiolics, *aid he considered his professional brethren to surpass all who had gone before the in knowledge, eloquence, arid legal eminemus!— IV^r. Broughaiti, even to the eclio, coincided Not mucH Enstlish funds -shares^ of new (Jompaiiies still going down—some subscribers refuse, to pay first instalments—others, horrified ^t signing deedg Qf settlement, cannot be brought to book.—A new company adverted (capital. ^100,00^! ^'to bewailed the •' Cattle Food Culr tur« Association*,wYtose professed object i^ to- b i^wtlifcowfftr the cb ws wliiclt, S«p{>l3R; S^oinlon ,with;Jnrilk i —What iie^t J^Tfie^ foreignexchanges continue unfa vouarble Eng^, land.—English iand-kriab currency abitut,,to. bkiaq, .•simi»latedi^CoiiiiBjsaion^rs of Inquiry, sent out to tbe pape by. Governiuent, have directed their fcttfmtionla,tei,y*p. tha,possibility<of steam vessels HiaJtipg the v05»:g^ frpm London to 14,idiai-Not generally known that the Admiralty QanVrequire half-pay officers, tQ. reside within certain distance of a sea-port.—-Royal Humane, Society held its anniversary T-hfrsday at City of London. Tavern —upwards ofadtWO lives savjed by the means re- commended by this Institution, and 20,000 indi- viduals rew irded.for thei,r exertions in rescujhijf drpwningpersonsrsub^cnption^ collected ainount- nd t0 ^30.—Madaine Catalarii gave h,er toe- well concert Friday, previously to departure for the Continent.,rr-K-ean, taking a broad hint from the' ill-reception of his announcement to play at Edinburgh, has thrown up the engagenient.— "Fever now prevails n some fenny situations—at Whittlcsea, .Rear Peterborough, the 17th instant. father and mother of a family both lay dead, and thpir threephildren without hqpes of recovery — SNORTING Newmarket First iSpring Meeting clo^ed,Frjd^y—Buckle rides Mr. Udriey's Muley" £ plt for.tlie;Dprby—Ritfus to be ridden by Ar- nail^- £ omg;sp^tmer^. sjssert, Rufus "is -4 good aire, baa ones. —A sub^^r^^f^r.a ^ne'w'ch.iirch set'' on foot at Margate—■ib05j subscribed.—Hun^ CQiicerned' with 'John^harteiI ill tlie inurder JoV bay«;,(ifed'on his passage ko officers pn'the alSrt' toi a^ppVeheiid iidtse stealers", wlio" have com- mitted Siiclt 'deperdatibliiW the Home cbiiutiesp 13 horses recovered,, .and several presumed offeli- ders in custody,—'D^rd Petre's caravan, on *ts way from with the week- ly supply of linen,*&c. for his Lordship's family, robbed Saturday of" ttic- whole of its contents, by sqine.ji,extroiisrl*jtteveftf-t.he driver, OIIJ getting Jo tylanS'tiqldrSljtey''f .sarpfisfed?- to find- his tcaravdn having left :s8a. pp oT ri-ei- ,t},"híu4Jøt tythl!e sljeep- jcill^ri a. few nights ag%by a c|«gi^TwoVperSftita Having tki" in their possession were detaitved at Roplev, Hants, ton W^drie^ays^^cSfe 6f"theiibtS^s^»rbv^18 RkVe,, beeft stotiln fV6^n tM'telg'h bt^rbood o f IPxbHilge <sn tfre^pfecediHg '^Vitrify—1 the1 perso'hs 'hifd "ivuh. Idtne' A 'O;ty theiii 4'W1Øin \t'bou'tJI5 hands t'idi'-ltigi,, tiiul St' litrlls blemfthe'd'ili the, I I dffrf6btf(b&foMj bhdsa'tiiftyhorse, with^vhttelfegs, aboW'tM Mitte* "-the gray"horse'At- BteViie's'fairort Wednestfay, wethert fetched from tä! frdirt 2^^i to 36s; r and couples in pTopdrtibri^ox;eii flthed from .£,j to ru;; heavily. f1>;J 1 irfl ;tu;;< L off ■


[No title]


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