Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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A/n. CANSlSG ASD Mil. BROLtiIII 17. T»R A-tithor of Modern .\the)T!"itn<i Ba.; bylon the Great," hns just published a neaf volume, entitled Attic Fragments." It treats of various*subjects • is partly serious and partly altogether extremely, well .written; and .w.tol deserving the.tittIt bears. Wr.;t' tr^ct,from it the following cnnparison 9(; Mr. Canning and Mr. BroughHm, as they presented tbems.eiyes to the writer duHng an .interesting A. I )-ter deba/ the year 18^3 .—■ < .VVthough they reseinhledeaeli other tastand- li\g,foremost and aloive in tfieir respective parties, they were-in-every other respwl opjw^ml, as the zenith and nadir, or as light and darkness. This distance extended evew to thei^ p,ersoaal appearance. Canning was airy, open, and pre- Jiossessirig"; B rou gha m seemed stestis haril, to w eV-' rig^ -and alihost repu lsiye^ The head of Crtnnihg had ait air was much the reverse; but still, in vvhate-vvr way it was viewed, it gave a sure iirdiciitran (if pnyver of tti-a inhabitant/'within. Canning's features were handsome", and his -eye, thou (Joelil eHSOoosed under his'eyebrows, was r W 9, w -0 full of sparkle and gaiety the features of BrtiUgham were harsh in the extreme; while his forehead shot tip to a great elevatioil, his chin was long and square bis month, nose, and eyes, seemedf'hudd1ed together in the ceiitreof his tafe j — the eyes absolutely lost amid folds coei-u- gallons; and while he sat listening, they seemed ey seei p to retire hiward, or to be veiled by a filmy curtain, which not only concealed the appalling glare which shot away from them when he was aroused but rendered his mind and hispliriJOsa it sealed book to the keenest scrutiny of man. Canning's passions appeared upon the open champaign of his face, drawn up in ready array, and moved to and fro at every turn of his own oration, and every retort In that of his those of Broug- ham remained within, as in a citadel, which no artillery could batter, and no mine blow up and even when he was butting forth all the power of his eloquence, when every ear was tingling at what he said, and white the immediate object of his invective was writhing in helpless and inde- scribable agony, his visaga retained its cold and brassy hue and he triumphed- over the passions of other ineii, by seeming to be wholly without passion himself, The whole form of Canning was ratiivdett, and that of Brougham* angular, bony, and awkward. When Catirting rose/to speak, lie elevated his counten- ance, to look round for the applause of those aboiit him, as a thingdear td his feel- ings while Brougham stc<e»d coiled and concen- trateiV, reckless of all but the power that was within himself. From= Canning there was ex- pected the glitter of wit..and the glow of spirit,— soiHethitrg showy and elegatit: Broaghnim stood it 1) as ahetng whose poww.s and intentions wore all a mystery, —whose aim and efl'ect 110 living man ebnld d'i vine. You bent forward toêtch the first Sentence of Ihe'one, and felt human na- ture elevated in the specimen before you: voti, croBclled and shrunk back from the other, and dreams, of ruin and annihilation dartod across your mind. The one seemed to dwell among men,, to join ill their joys, and to live upon their pVifilse; the other appeared a son of the desert, who had deigned to visit the human race, merely to make it tremble at his strengih. The style of their eloquence, aqil tho struc- ture of their orations were diBerent. Canning chose his words for the sweetness of their sound, and arranged hii, for the me- lody of ttieii- cadet, ccy while, with.Brougham, the more hard and unmouthable the hetter. Canning arranged liis winds, like one who could plaj skit-, fully upon that sweetest of all instruments, the human voice Browgham pi-olei!e(ted like a master of every nower of reasoning, and of tlie •nder- standin'r the modes and allusions of the one Were al waysjauadrabVe bv theclasslcal formula those Of the other could be squared only by the higher analysis ofthe mind and they soared and ran, and.pealed and swelled on and on, till a sinsfje sentence was often a complete oration within itself; hut still, so clear was the logic, and so close the connection, that every member carried the weight of iill that went before,, an(i the way for all thiit was to follow- arter. :Ilh'e fityle, of/Cannifig was likt. tile convex mirror, which; scatters every ray of light that falls upon it, -and' Shines and sparkles in whatever position it is vlew;ed that of Brougham >vas like the concave u no intUscriminate radiance,, biit having its light'concentrated into oile intense and tremendous focus. Canning marched forwni d |H ;a straight atid clear tract,— every piiragrapli was perfectin Itiielf, and every cornsx:ationof**it anii of geniu^ was brilliant and delightful: irwas .fèfto'&n'cl it was felt at Brougham twih^cl, -rivind and round in a spiral, sweeping the c6h- a va-%t,eircuinfe. him', and uniting!: and pouring them onward to- (lie 'main HpoiVj oC attacks/When he .begao.>rtne>a^ tp^i^iied at the widenes? a'xl th»-ol»Ut|«ity of his i<'pxitsf.t.t$or, was"it possible, to coin pi t heiid how hi* w<i,s to ilispoSe of the vast and .n i* d inaieii.ils wfijch lie collected by the way but ai lhernrvo levserleij, and (he end appwed^it btcanto ol»vio«j» there."

... „.,-^TAl-AWIDEXT."'''-';'-'



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