Papurau Newydd Cymru

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BANGOR DIOCESAN t SOCIETIES. ANNUAL MEETINGS. THE FUTURE OF CHURCH SCHOOLS. •CHURCHMEN AND THE HIGHER STANDARD SCHOOLS. (From Our Reporter.) Tho annual meetings of the Bangor Diocesan Societies were held yesterday week in. the Chap- Room, Bangor Cathedral. Itac Bishop of or presided, and he was supported by the D.eau of Bangor, and Archdeacons J. Morgan -.nd Lloyd Jones. TEMPERANCE WORK. JTHE REV. R. JONES, llenegiwys, presented report of the Diocesan branch of the ^'h-Urch of England Temperance Soo-ety for the t year, which stated that the event of the t"I lvo months from the tempera-nce point of was the great (J.K.T.S. Mission, "The forward Movement" held simultaneously in 4&Vcry diocese on the initiative and with the ap- proval of the Arc-hbi.-diop and the Bishops. The .Wli,c,io itioveinoit was too recent for the perma- results to be estimated, hut it was evident tkoy would extend beyond what eould be by the increased membership of the which was one object in view, but not th niuat important. The deepening of the ituti aspect of tcmpcrance work amongst 'UUrcl! communicants was the first and fore- ^>61 object of the mission. A large quantity of -^glish leaflets were supplied gratis by the Ventral Cilice and sent to those parishes where ^imutio-n was given that they would bo used ^-Tie thousands also of Welsh leaflets provided the expense of the Bangor Dioocsan Branch distributed wherever they would be acoep- by the clergy. The Bishop preached on be- of the Mission at the OathedraJ on Advent <±nday. As far as could be gathered from re- received about 29 parishes took part and jk-^t 75 meetings were held. Excellent gather- took phr-oe in Llii.rid.udno, Bangor, Lla-nid- Aberdovey, Towyn, Penrhyndeudraeth, d other parishes. But the only deanery which < thoroughly organi;xxl was that of Eifionydd itnoeers), Every parish in this deanery took up ooue work, and altogether about 30 meetings jd services were held there. Death had rc- some of the h'ociety's- subscribers promi- ji^t among whom was the late Miss Hughes, hJ11 Menai. The total amount received during from all sources was £ 32 7s 2d. as hai*5' 9s of the previous year. There was balance in hand of £ 3 18a. The organising rotary P'a-ohod or lectured at several par- es, Tl iX[K»rt was adopted on the motion of Ur^011 Rowlands, Aberdovey, seconded by Canon £ Wn Trevor. «0MOT I NO CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. APPROACHING CENTENARY OF A nOMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. APPROACHING CENTENARY OF A VALUABLE SOCIETY. EV. T. E. OWEN, Rector of Ik)Uvv*rK>g-, sub- jjr the 98th annual report of the Diocesan. erf tlie Society for Promoting Christian <|^0v,edge. The- report- stated that the branch wei-o" visited during the year with the J>ra t that a number of Welsh and English ^^yer Books iu goud condition, together with ral bibles, pamphlets, and prize books, tv V><>r'" returned to the Bangor depot. Two Coth'0. kranQh depots had been closcd—Maehyn- |y i aild Llangefni. Tlie former would short- re-openoOd, and it was exacted that a depot s<>011 be started in one of the market >^ns of Anglesey. ^>is^ rec0!Pts from parochial collections were less by £ 14. It could not be too frequently ^at sor''ct>'s income depended in- 'UhfJ. U^un Parochial collections and individual t(r,ai "Ptfons. The committee were of opinion gj. their subscribers bore in mind that th) ^ncial year ended July 15th, and thajt the U65'Crs were closed that day, it would not be J^essury to report a reduction in the parochial jettons. During the year the society Jiad ^cu m one-fourths, and reduced prices in books ess sum than £ 5J out of an incom* of £ 161. on su',)-ri,tiops w.,re, E700 less, and the lowest 0,lo CCfor(c benefactions had decreased by £1000. timed • scc.rotarios reported that for the first *,enurc °f office, extending over solii^T j' 'lac^ report a loss on the book- ■jn- ? 'tactions for the year. 1 L>P°rt proceeded; "The bookselling busi- |)r_ *as not yet recovered from its recent de th TTn~ F^>on still occupies the chief place in (Jtountr's literature. What are the additional find °'s Hl our wa>' towards further progress 8DcietlnCr°aSCd rccc':Pfcs- It 'may be that the ^dvo lS t0° un°btrusive and not sufficiently clerJu-d. It had been said that the parochial p°nd" nee" educating in tho matter of corres- ak 11■ It was the exp rience of one speaker the A annua' meeting of the Parent Society that kfeth ^«ancry begged one of their <vr- ,lon to act as decanal secretary, and then J> ,tlSl'd him as a nuisance daughter). Surely Churchmen cling tenaciously to the old- lot l0''Sious institution in WTales, and tliey will th a'ow the oldest society in connection with fco»4 'nstitution to languish from lack of sup- its Vk0l,'c' rather support it cheerfully en vjcWfly»T recognising its valued and veteran sor- tic6 ° ^avc reported in a somewhat pessimis- jjj strain, but we take courage and are thankful our position to day is slightly better than £ jas a yea.r ago. the year the following sums were For- arded from the diocese to the Parent Society: 0f a £ or Diocesafi Committee, £ 25; subscriptions Pr'vatc individuals, £ 31 5s; parochial dona- ns, £9 lis lid. „ ARCHDEACON LLOYD JONES, in moving u adoption of the report eulogised the work rn"d on by the society, which would two years ence celebrate its centenary. The Bangor ranch had the good fortune to have a most f^jptie and excellent secretary (hear, hear). iEV. j p LKWIS hoped the centenary would ^equately celebrated in the diocese, and that preparations would be made. P..EV. GREY EDWARDS, Llangoed, offered jCral suggestions to prepare for the centenary. thought that meetings should be held in firvri' archdcaconry to consider steps to place tho r>ciety on a satisfactory basis, and tho aid of orncn workers might be solicited. The BISHOP said that in connection with the -fntenary it should be remembered that the angor Diocese held a very honourable record u'' the society, and its position was such that ° one who vahied tho honour of tho diocese °u!d like to see it lost. The older clergymen Present would remember the time when the Ban- gor, diocese figured in the annual report of the f^y almost fourth or fifth for the whole lngdom. Small as the Bangor diocese was in rea and wealth, yet the sales at the depot had peon very much larger than in any other diocese kingdom. That was a record of which should be proud (hear, hoar). Their fathers 'd weli, and they should not be behind them in Ulr efforts to assist the society. There was no *°eiety which covered such a large area with its "eneficent. work, and a glance at the monthly re- fort would reveal its great ramifications. They notice grants being made to portions of "o globe so far a part as Manitoba, Australia, And oven to Ynyscynhaiarn and Llcyn. The report was adopted, and a vote of thanks 7as accorded the aAid'4or.v Ardhdeaoon LS'oyd on-e-g and Mr James Smith. GREATER UNITY BETWEEN THE WELSH DIOCESES. CANON CAMBER WILLIAMS, who was in- "♦'ited by the Bishop to make a few remarks, I'rajfved tho project to form a Central Committee the four WeJah dioceses with reirard to Welsh literature. An attempt was being made to bring tho Sunday Schools in the four dioceses Lt harmony, arul to work upon the same ^"leirne (hear, hear). The same thing might d.vno with regard to traote, some of which in ■ were ant.irjuatod and always smolt musty. REV. 11. T. JONES, GLanogwen, that in Baiigor dioocMO it had been ^ong feic that there should bo co-ofwrat'on betweon the fuur Welsli dioceses. One of the weuknescs of the Welsth Oliuriii was the absence of that co- ^oratioj:. They had not moved together as a WeLu. Churoh, but rather as four ind(-,Iwndent <«uoceses. In hiturc ho hoped there would be oiore united action, especially on tlie qu-oistion Church ckioer.e. I The BISHOP remarked that each diocese wor k with a oeruii.n amount of indopen- oenoo a« cording to their own special needs, but might be drawn closer together. Tho more Oioy helpwl h other the gveau-r would be n. i,r »i length. CHURCH DEFENCE WORK, K-KV. Li., r. JON123. vioar of (ilanc^wen, presentexf tho 37lh a Firm report of the Diocesan- CSiuJ^b Dafence I»aguo, which stated that tiwy past year had bosn wmparativdy uneventful in the history of tho C-hurcli Defence Movement. AnothoT general election had been fought, but oneo more tho adv-oc&fcoj of Di estabiishinient avoided making t'ho queetion one of the direct iseraea of the election. Only in two const it. u- onciev—Darebigh Bovouglis and Radnor—was Dis- ejUblish-ment u prominent iaua. and it was in- teresting to note that in both those oonst.tu- oncios tho candidates oj>ix>sed to DisSstablish- mofmt were returned to Parliament. They were awaiting tiie report of the Church Comnnjjon. and it was surprising that it had bean eo long de- layed. In both Houses of Parliament Lho eup- I'vorlora of tho Welsh Church had made every effort to have a rclitfioui census in Walo*. rlhe seemed uaanswoi able, as it waa tiho on .y ni-eans of ascertaining a<oeurately th relative numerical strenigth of tlie adlierents of the C-lwrch and Nonconformity in Wrales. The work in'the diOO(lc during the year had proceeded much on the same lines ai in the past. The Council had met twice, ahd the Exeeativo Committee three tomes. A conference of the Welsh dioccftan secretaries took place in London last Jun.c, the outoomo of whici), it was hcpe,d, wou-'d rosuit in more united action between the four Welsih dioooies in future. Tlie parent so- ciuty were arranging to have a digest of tlie Commissioners' rjport published in Welsh a-i B-oon as it made its appearance, and also Jc3«o!3 and pamphlet,} based upon it- The list of ruri- deeana.1 secretaries in the dicc^.e was complete, wKth the exoEJjjtion of Ardudwy, which was vac- ant due to the resignation of Mr Jones Morris, owing to pressure of work, and the wished to ryaco on record an appreciation of his work. The parochial numbered 110, but there were stall parishes who kept ovit- side the organisation, and where nothing was done. During the year the eomnutteo spent over je46 Oil Literature. Thanks were due to the foil-owing clergy in tho Deanery of Lleyn, who had delivered 54 lectures in sixteen parishes:— c Revs. D. Duv'es, J. Darn-el, W. S. WiViams. D. Jonej, Abererch; G. Sait. J. W. Griffith, J. Loci- wic Davias, and T. E. Owen. During the year i, -,4 IYO the society had lost through, doeath the support of the Rector of Machynlleth* Mr R. M. Wynne, Periarth, arid Mr Cledwyn Owen. Pwll- heli. The committee than-ked the Parent So- ciety and Mr Ti'lbv, the general secretary. CANON T. EDWARDS, Aber, moved the adoption of the report, which was carried. Caijit. Riclmrdi-, C^aernuwch, I>o.g«-?riey. and Capt. Drage. Cricei-et-h, were appcunted to Jid the lav vacancies on the committee. DIOCESAN TRACT SOCIETY. CANON EDWARDS, Aber. presented the 76th annual report of the Diocesan Tract Society in which regret was expressed- that the year had* not been an over prosperous one. The Society had boen deprived of the assi.vtamce of some of thein sul,,I),oi-Lers by the hand of death-ltev. 1. M. Williams. M.A., Machynlleth; Mr Ilarry Clegg. Miss H. A. Hug-hes, Bryn Menai. The total amount received wan not. equal to what 'it was in either of ttas two previous years, neiiher did the sale of bookjf^and other publications come up to what it was last, year, and attention to election literature might have something to do with that. The committee recommended that steps bp> taken forthwith—(1) To is.-iue recom- mendato-ry letlers in Welsh; (2) To prere.,iie and print new tracts bearing upon the Church sea- som such Lent, Good Friday, Ascension Day, and also on the subjects "Gair Duw." "Ty Dduw," "Dvddi Duw;" (3) To prepare a.nd issue chea.p booklets on "Eminent Welsh Churohinon." As the field of the Society's operations, was thus continually enlarging the committee desixtd to impress upon Churoh people of the dicoese that t.hoe present was not the time to withdraw their support from the Society. They should always bear in mind that its object was to the supply of Welsh literature. Tlio committee thanked Mr J. Hughes Roberts, of the Diocesan Offices, for auditing the accounts and checking the stock at the dooot. CHURCH EXTENSION SOCIETY. "A CRITICAL YEAR." The REV. T. A WILLIAMS, Bryn Coedifor, the horn, secretary, read the 41st annual report of the Diocejaai Church Extension Society. The I report staled that owing to the financial posi- tion tin which the Society stood during the greater part of it, the year miigiht wet! be scribed as ono of the most anxious and critical in the history of the Society from its founda- tion. At a special meeting of the committee held in December 1 a.t, the ho-n. secretary, in. a statement explaining the financial state of the Society, feared a deficiency at the end of the year of between 2250 and £ 500. To be, able to state that the deficiency had actually proved to be more than C28 was a matter for much gratitude tin that the Society, at least up to the present, had been in a position to continue the. most important work which it did in the d.o- oese. In all J6274 were received in donations. Included in the donations was a sum of £ 25 received through the Bishop from a lady who wished tho donation to be anonymous, and two sums of EIDD each received ltspoctively from Mr Trevor Hughes, of Glascoed (whose present generous gift, was not the first practical proof given by him of his solicitude for the welfare of the Church ExteivHo«| Society, and the gene- ral good of. the Church in the diocese) (hear, hear)—and from Miss Owen of Brynglaslyn, Port mad cc. a. Welsh Churchvvoinan, and the daughter of one of the p>ionecr.3 of the Welsh Churoh in Portmadoc, who was also, up to the date of his death, a devoixxi friend and sup- porter of the Church Ex lens on Society (hear, hear). Miss Owen, who w:as also an annual sub- scriber of five guineas to this Society, offered her gift of LIDO, first of all, anonymously through the Vicar of Portmadoc, in January, on condition that £ 150 were collected in extra f donations by the end of June. Including Mr Trevor Hughes' donation, there was, in fact, a toal of £ 218 in extra sums collected in order to fulfil this condition. It was deserving of men- tion that the deaneries and parishes took no small sharo in raisring this sum of E218, and it was most nc()lura¡!n,g' to. note the readiness shown by an increasing number of rural deans and incumbents to do all in their power to help the Society. Grantee parishes such as Blaenau Fesstiniog, Peintraet-ii, Llan-ddyfuar, Llanllyfni, Criccieth, and. Llanbrynmair had in addition to their ordinary voluntary collections contributed, no doubt at oonsiderab'b sacrifice, very substan- tial sums towards this object. The committee referred in their last report to the steady in- crease in. the paroohial receipts which had been a feature of the last few years, and they were glad to record a still further increase. In fact, the whoLe of the parochial contributions re- ceived before and after audit in respect of the past year was. a little over £ 800, probably the largest sum ever received under this heading by the Church Extension Sooiety (hear, hear). 0 After referring to lectures, etc., held during* the year on behalf of the Sooiety. the report stated that the committee felt grateful to all who bad, a share in these activities, which had already resulted in much pecuniary help to the Society It would be found on comparing the present balance-sheet with that contained in the Society's last report, that there had been a re- duction of about £ 84 in the expenditure. This has been rna-.rily due to tho voluntary surrender of two gi-ants-tlie gra.nt of JS25 to Malltraeth, and that of £ 50 to Portmadoc. This was done, no daubt. at considerable sacrifice and out of a genuine desire to relieve the Society of a part of its liabilities during the present financial stress, and in estimating the causes which have hplped: the Society to maintain its other granta this fact should be taken into account. In looking forward to the future, the com- mittee were by no means free from anxiety. It 3liou-ld not be forgotten that a considerable portion of last year's receipts was in the nature of donations. j';H3.n should the parochial collec- tions maintain their present level, there was still required a subscription list of JB400 to enable the Society to pay the present grants, leaving altogether out of account (1) the debt of £1117 against the Society, and (2) the. urgent need' of making additional grants. The Societv's subscription list did not at present exceed E155, so that it was in immediate need of new sub- scriptions to the extent of £ 235 per annum. Whilst thanking all subscribers, and. also donors. who were not. annual subscribers for their valued assistance, withoutwhicll the work of the past year could not have been carried on ,the com- mittee were not without the hor that the hot- ter may continue their donations, wholly or in part, as annual subscriptions. PAROCHIAL SUPPORT. CANON EDWARDS moved the adoption of the report, and incidentally remarked that par- ishes who did not receive grants, but who were* endowed, should assist the society. CANON TREVOR seconding. said that his parish was ono of the first to receive a grant from the society, the first, rule of which was that it should be self-supporting. He thought thoso parishes which were doing their own Church ex- tension work should be pardoned if they did not send a donation to the society. REV. LLEWELYN HCGHES, Llandudno, observed that-, tho only weak part of the report was the lack of support from the non-grantee parishes. REV. T. EDWIN JONES stated that the ques- tion of the non-grantee parishes was a hardy annual. He did not think the non-granteo par- ishes were so bad as they were painted, for many of them did their own Church extension work, though not perhaps on the same elaborato soalj as they did things at Llandudno. The BISHOP pointed out that no censure nad boon passed on tho non-grantoo parishes. Uw could see thousands of things tho aocioty might do if only it had money. Ho wished to oxprosa his gratitudo to tho Dean for hia missionary work, to tho energetic Secretary, to tho Rector of Llandudno, and to those who sent such liberal donations. DIOCESAN BOARD OF EDUCATION. SUNDAY SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS. Tho SECRETARY of tha Diocosan Board of Eduoation (Rev. J. C. Jonoa, Lhingolynin) road the report, which stated that all tho National Schools had been inspected; 153 candidates s, t for tha Sunday School written examination, and 40 schools woro orally examined. Tho reports of tho examiners testified that good solid work was being done. But tho committeo being keooly conscious of tho increasing importance of tho work, and recognising that comparatively only a fow Sunday Schools present candidates for* tho written examination or were open to oral in- spection, recommended that a small committeo should bo appointed to inquire into this depart- ment of the Board's work to see if it was pos- sible to form some comprehensive scheme which might include all the Sunday Schools in the dio- cese. Examiners were appointed in all the rural deaneries, except Arwystli and Cyfeiliog to conduct the oral examinations, but the results I showed that there was stilt a multiplicity ot exa- miners, which was regrettable. It would make for greater efficiency if the suggestion made ía;,t year that one examiner be appointed by the Board for each deanery or even for a larger area, where possible, was adopted. The financial position of the Board was un- satisfactory, the contributions from the rural deaneries being less by BIS Is 3d, and tho year ended with a deficit of B73 13s 3d. Besides B50 had to be provided in prizes, so that the indebt- edness of the Board at the present amounted to about £100. In the written examination for certificated teachers the following were successful in Class A. :-Peter Edwards. Vaynol School, 93; Kate Grant, St. Eibods, Holyhead, 91, and Josephine Ottway Saunderson, Bcrttwnog, 91. In Class B there were 23 candidates, and five gained over 8G per cent. marks. Blodwen Humphreys deserved special mention, having gained 99 marks out of a possible 100. Sarah Jane Ellis, St. Cross, fol- lowed with 95 marks. The examiner (Rev. T. E. Owen, Bottwnog) stated he was particularly pleased with the solid work of Class B. The questions required thoughtful answers and a grasp of the subject matter beyond a mere knowledge of bare facts. In Class C- there were 60 candi- dates. John Lloyd Hughes, Dolwydclelen, John Roberts and Rees Jones, both of Llangian, sent in remarkably good papers. Thirty-two candi- dates out of 60 gained first class. In Liturgy, the best in Class A. was Miss Josephine O. Saun- derson, Hottwnog. In Ci-a-ss D. there were 27 papers, and the bf'st work of the examination was sent by t-heso candi- dates. Sarah Jane Ellis, St. Cross, and John C. Rowland, Menai Bridge, secured 99 marks each. These were closely followed by Morris Evan", Traiwsfynydd,. and Snadrach Lloyd, Dclwyddei&n, with very fine paipois, s-ee- uiiirag 96 and 95 marks respectively. Evan Jones, L arn'iyi'nii, da e-rvod^ special mention. Some of the candidates in Cuiass C. were evi- dently fr-eah to the work, and had yot to learn that the text book mui-t, be thoroughly mastered first, and that t,'ui,s mastery must bo supplemen- ted by care and accuracy in answering the ques- ries tions set. John Lloyd Hughes, Doivvydd.eien, was the bost with 91 mark}, W. Noel iiiiams, Morfa Nov In, 89 -marks, and G. Jenkins, L an- fairisgaer, Lizzie M. Evunis, Trawifynydd, and B-cdiwen Jcnei$» Holvhead, deserved special men- tion. In Class D., George F. Haley, Llanfaes, headed the list with 90 m-arks; Maud Williams, Owm, Pen roach no, 89; W. T. Roberts. Lianfai.r- Ligaer. 85; and Ethel Fair, Llanfairiigaer, and Robert D. Wynne, St. James, Bangor, deserved special iiievt lon. LIST OF PRIZE-WINNERS. The following is a list of the prize-winners:— ( A.—1 Peter Edward.g, Vaynol School, Penrhc: garnedd; 2, J. O. Sanderson, Bottwnog; 3, Katie Grant, St. Elbcd's. Holyhead. Class B.-I, Sarah J. iQIie. St. Cros; 2. John Ch. Rowlands, Menai Bridge; 3, Shadrach Lloyd, Doliwyddelen 4, Morris Evans, Trawsfynydd; 5, Blodwen Humphreys, Machyiulcth; 6, Jane E. WiMiams. Glanogwen; 7. Evan done;, Llanllyfni (Sant lean); 8. Mary A. Vv'iil'iiama, Llanrlyfni (St. Rhedywi; 9. John WiLLia,ms, Dolwyddelen; 10, Thomas Morris, St. Manrtha, Tyddyngwyn; 11. Robert Evans, Llanfairi-sgaer (St. M^ry); 12, David vl. Jones. Macn,tvvrog; 13, Lizzie Jones, Bottwnog; 14. Irene Ciaik, Bangor Cathedral (Welsh); 15, Maria Beaumont, Bontnewydd; 16, Robert Hughe.?, Llanfai'ri-gaer (St. Ma>ry); 17, Ann Parry, Lian'liyfni (St. Rhedyvv); 18, Rich-aid Roberts, Hanborn (St.. pa-durn). Class. C.-I, John Lloyd Williams, Dolwydd- elen; 2, Win. Noel W iitoms, Morfa Nevin; 3, Lizzie M. Jones, Trawafynydd; 4, Blodwen Jones, Holyhead (St. Sulrio-); 5, G. Jenkins, Llamheris (St. P adorn); 6, Roes Joiia-, Llangian; ?, Dorothy Griffiths, 'i'owyn (St. Cadvan's); 8, Owen Roberto. Llanllyfni (St. Khadyw); 9, Robt. 0. Williams, Ltajifairisgaer; 10, Hannah M. Wril- lia-ms.Llanfaiiris'gaer; 11, Laura. M. Cunningham, Portmadoc; 12, John A. Wi.iMams, Morfa Nevin; 13, Reginald D. James, Machynlleth; 14, Evan Williams. Dolwyddelen; 15, May F. inl,dlan, Portmadoc 16, Gertrude M. Beynon, Llancilian 17, Griffith R. Thomas, 1" 18, Owen Evane, Lla nboris (St. Peris); 19, ALun A. llughoj, F'Jistinioig (St. MichcH); 20, Thomas O.ven, Cwm Penmaohno; 21. Nellie Williams, Portmadoc; 22. Rc«aimcnd D.\kM, Bangor (St. James); 23. Robert Owens, Do'Iwydde'en; 24, Harold P. James, MachynJcth; 25, Annie Bay- ley Wiillsams, Llanfaglan; 26, Alfred Lewis, Towyn. Claims D.—1, George T. Haley, Llanfacs; 2, Robert. D. Wynne, Bangor (St. James); 3, Ethel Fair, Llanfairisgaer (St. Mary'); 4, Evan Tho- mas Jones, lIling-ian; 5, John Alun Thomas, Llanllyfni (Christ Church); 6, Hilda Brock, G-etlli; 7, Kacio Gertrude Hughes, LktnJlyfnri (Christ Church); 8, Maud W'I!IiiLrrx,, Gwm, Pen. machno; 9, Thomas E. WTil.ianxs, Boiitnewydd; 10, Wm. N. Brook, G-elii; 11, Henary Stead, Llan. facs; 12, Wm. T. Roberts, Llanfairisgaer-, 13, Ernest Pa.rry, Glanogwen; 14, Ernest R. Ilaley, f,lanfa,c-s (St. Rhedyw); 16, Grace Jones, Glan- ogwen.; 17, Wm. H. Parry, Llanl'lyfnd (St. Rhed- yw); 18, David Wyiliie, Bangor Cathedral; 19, Matilda. Ryder, Portimadort; 20. Alice Leats, Bangor Car.hedra!; 21. Emily Gaynor Jones, Portmadoc; 22, David J. Jones, Glanogwen; 23, Rowland Jones, Llanllyfni (Christ Church); 24, May Wiiiiams. Bangor Cathedral; 25, Mary Jonen, L'anfairisgaer (St. Ma.ry's)26, John, E. Morris, Bangor CathcdraJ; 27, Win. J. DavioOO, Llanfairisgaer; 28, H. C. Grabble, Machynlleth; 29, Ed-win 1,1. Jone3, Llangian; 30, Lily O'Don- ald, Bangor (St. James); 31, Emily May Hawkes, Bangor (St.. James); 32, Katie E. Roberts, Llan- V,yfai (St. Rhedyw); 33, Miriam M. Jonea, To- wyn; 34, Wm. R. Hughes, Bangor (St. Janice); 35, Katie Jones, Llanfairisgaer (St. Mary); 36, Emma Blanche Matthewi', Llanfaes; 37. Blod- wen Jonei, GlaBOgwcn; 38. Owen Owen, Ban- gor (St. James); 39, John II, Jones, Llanllyfai (Christ Chuirch). Church History (Juniors). 1, G. Jenkins, Llaniberiis (St. Padarn); 2, Edward Newell, To- wyn; 3, Arthur Da vies Jonos, Llandegai; 4. R. Jorvis, -Gerian; 5, Thoiriat; II. Newey, Llanberis (St. Padarn).—Seniors: 1, Ina E. Jones, Lla.nde- guf; 2, Morrij Evans, Trawsfynydd; 3, John Williams, Dolwyddelen. DIOCESAN INSPECTOR'S REPORT. THE TRAINING OF TEACHERS. The DIOCESAN INSPECTOR (Rev. D. J. Jones, Pwilheii) reported that the 94 Church Schools in the dice;-so- were open to him. As was intimated in the report for lust year. Glyn School, TaJt-a.rnau, was re opened by the Rector who acted as headmaster. This school had now', through the kindness of Lord Harlech, been placed on a permanent footing, and a mistress had been ajmointed (hear, he-ar). The Rector had consequently re-cnened Llandocwyn School wth-are he is himself in charge (hear, hear). The caso of Towyn School had been advocated and dii-cussed in tho House of Commons. The Vicar, his assistant clergy, and tihe ChuirohpeopJe of Towyn generally were to be heartily congra- tulated on the firm stand which, they had inade for education. That -great cause was sajd on good authority to be in a safer position in that parish to-day than it had been for the last twenty yearts. At the examination he'd valuable assistance wa rendered by the Rev. Canon Edwards rec- tor of Aber. Reference was made in last year's report to the change whfich had taken piaoe in the training of teachers. They now received their education for the most part at the second- a.ry schools, where they got no opportunity of i acquiring the practical skill an teaching which waa so necessary. The preparation of such teachers for giving religious instruction had been discussed during the year by a com,niittee of the National Society, prro tided over by the BtJhop of Wakefield. The eommi-rt-eo recommended that classes should be held for their benefit at the secondary schoo's. or other centres. When en- quiry was made in this diocese, the number of Church teachers was so smiiall -that Jifctle com- bin-cd action was possible, and the work was left to the parochial clergy. The best preparation fofr them seeaned to be to prepartt for the annual Sunday Sohoola eXAmiivastion and to teach under kguperrision in Sunday Schools. Bui even where teachers potssessed the requisite practical skill there waa reason to think that they held the opinion that religious toadhing ought to differ in method m well in subjeot-ziva^ter from every other form of instrusrflon, and acted ae- Orxrdatigty, The errrploymont of any external aid to teaching was in many rigidly avoided. That must surely be a mistake. If tho black-Wit.,rA, the picture, the model, and the map were found u&ofu.' in giving ^assom in secu- lar subjects, surely full ^Uurvfr'igo ought to be taken of tlieir aud in trying to umpress upon tho minds of tJho youn tins great truthn wlii4e-h wer-a enshrined in the Scripiurta and in the Church catorihltim (hear, In many tchook greater attention would be paid to tha study of char- acter in giving lessons in Scripture history. If this watdono with care, tho main abjoot of all true "religious o<.I'uca|ion" will be attained. He asked the Bishop to grant to tlie follow- ing assistant teadhere ihis lord ihip's certificate, as a recognition of th-eisr work in the day schooti:— Mi) s E. Hopkins. Brynooodiifoir School; MI33 M. Beaumont, Carnarvon Infant School; M'ss E. H. Evans, Machynlleth School; Mliss B. Bcvan. L!"anwnoig School; and Misi A. Kine'ey. Llan- wnog Sdbool. The number of sdholars on the books were 9572, and in average attendance, 8255. There wer.e prc&enit at examination 8320, and tho num- ber withdrawn from all raa-gious im-truotion was 157, and from any part of t, 216. It would be found that there was a slight .increase in the num- ber of those withdrawn from religious iiirtruc- tiion. These had all been withdrawn from the same school. The great majority of the child- ren withdrawn came from one parish, as was the care in former years. "As regards the general character of the in- struction given in otir :&1<c;6," proceod-ed the Inspector, 'I cannot do better than repeat the words of my predecessor in this office, and state in 'unq'll<)J'jfjoOd fcernu;' that 'splendid work' is ac- complished in of them. The f:iit,Mulne&s porieverance and Loyalty of the teachers who occupy such a difRcullt position, at the present time, deserve the highest credit. The managers allso of our schools, who have spent no much m-oney on them, and strained every nerve to pae- f.crve tihem, to receive our highest tribute of praise. The fact that they have done so much already encourages one to make one more Truest. I wou'd ask them if it h not altogether in«po3=il)le to spend rotrx %tfc'e money in the future in providing apparatus for 'reli<gioiw iu- SiUuction portictilar.y in infant schools." HIGHER STANDARD SCHOOLS. THEIR EFFECT UPON CHURCH SCHOOLS. CANON FAIRCHILD, Principal of the North Wales Training College, referred to the fact that tho County Councils had taken ii hand the building of a trainig college at Bangor and other parte ot the country, and one could imagine what kind of buildings they would be able to put up when he mentioned that they obtained three- fourths of the enpens; as a subsidy from the "o Government, and the remainder from the rai-c,3 This had caused t.he Diocesan Board of Educa- tion and the committee of the Training Colietre to seriously consider their position. Baing called upon to keep pace with those new colleges the committeo would this year have finished another large scheme of extension in connections with tho Training College, costing £ 4000, in order to bring it. up to the requirements of an up-to-date institution, and all this would have been done without any Government subsidy or rate aid (cheers). Prebendary Reynolds, His Majesty's Inspector, had reported that the Bangor College deserved all the support that could be given to it. In religious knowledge the seniors woro cx- cellent, and he had nothing but praise for them, while he also noted the keenness of the juniors (hear, hear). Proceeding, Cario Fairchild said that those con- nected with the college felt more and more the important which tho institution would play in connection with the religious instruction of t'e children in the day schools. Ho commented upon the omission from the latest regulations of the Board of Education of the instruction rela- ting to the amount of Bible teaching for train- ing college students, and reminded the meeting of Mr Runciinan's remark that such teaching w, really a minor matter compared with the expen- sive and valuable reform introduced during last few years. With all due respect for what Mr Runciman had done for education, he wisnod to say that Churchpeople did not regard religious teaching as a minor matter (cheers). Teacners were now entering training colleges with 1 ho Bible knowledge which they had in previous veais, and _otn of them had never in their lives been asked to give religious instruction. Uuir la..). fortification must, therefore, be the trairing colleges. They were doing the best to remedy tho deficiency. They not only wanted teachers w ho had the knowledge, but teachers also who would live the life as well as live the lesson (hear, hear). Acording to the Diocesan In. spector's report the Church was gradually losing her schools, and the average attendance at tiio&e which remained was being reduced. Those were things that were absolutely increditable. There was, however, the consoling fuck that the schools which had been lost had not been lost through the slackness of those who looked after them (hear, hear). They all keenly felt the position with matters as regards the Towyn School, but there wsro cases in other parts of the country where much self-sacrilice was displayed unobtru- sively by people whose names would probably never come to the front. As to the higher standard schools to be est iD- lished in Carnarvonshire, he would say as an educationist that it was the best thing in the world to give children the very best education, and he, therefore, thought that educationally it was a move in the right direction. On the other hand he could not fail to see that such a move ment meant the weakening of the Church Schools Church children would be taken to the higher standard schools with the result that the ChJ Lh would not only lose touch with them, but an op- portunity of giving them religious instruction would be denied to her. There were 62 educa- tion authorities in this country which now only taught what was called simple morality. The principle of those very good people, and they were great educationists too, was morality first and religion second. Such being the position of things the only remedy he could think of wis that Churchpeople must try to find a way of ,)i- lowing their children to the Council Schools. No incumbent of a parish which had two schools could possibly feel satisfied with being allowed to enter one school and being debarred from giv- ing the same privilege to Church children at- tending Council Schools, and it was their bounden duty as Churehpeople to do their ut- most to secure that privilege (hear, hear). "A VERY SERIOUS CRISIS." REV. LLEWELYN HUGHES, Rector of Llandudno, said! that Churehpeople were faceta taco with a very serious crisis. They had up to the present faced' every difficulty cheerfully, finding money for ail the requirements of the County Education Committee, reasonable and unreasonable, but the question of the higher standard schools which were being erected in the county waa one whioh would have a most serious effect upon Church SchooL-a more ser- ious eifeot in fact than anything which tad hap- pened. to them than anything during- the try- ing times they had passed. \A ith regard to ele- aientary edfucation they stood1 on a totally diffe- rent platform, for it was built upon a different foundation. The principle of the education given tin Church Schools was religion as taught according to the doctrine of the Church of Eng- land. From their standpoint, as he understood it, they pizice-d religion, not as an adjunct to education, not as one slice of education, but as lits very foundation, and that was the great difference between those who supported Church Schools and those who had the resources of the rates to fall upon. He failed to see how they could surrender that principle (hear, hear). He failed to see how they could do anything else but fight to the last ditch to save their schools (oheers). But they were faced with another aspect of the -the purely educational one a;nd from a purely educational point of view there waa a very great deal to boo said in favour of Higher Standard Schools, a/nd he said that in face of the fact that he had fought them until they knew where they stood. But the Education Committee could buiki these schools even despite protests from their friends who did not wish to see the Church Schools destroyed. There were plenty 01 lNonoontormist Liberals who were in favour of Church Schools, but de- spite what they said the County Committee went on with these schools unto which' children abovo the age of eleven would be swept. It was all very well for Churehpeople to say they would not send! their children there, but they would be compelled to aitend the schools for any technical subject 'taught in that district. They must not ast a Church set tliemselves hostile, to a. national system of. education. With regard to Interme- diate Education and University Education, for good or for evil, the .conditions were settled' in Wales, and the Church.oould make only the best use lit oouldi of them. With the appointment of the new Warden of the Bangor Churdh Hostel they had- good_ prospects in that direction. fie agreed with Canon fairchild that teachers who had never taught religion were sent to Church Schools, and, of course, they had to accept every teacher, except head teachers ecnt to 'thorn, though these teachers might be ignor- ant of the Dibia and the Catechism. It was oriy right tha-t the roprogentatives of the Church should have an entnanoo in-to all sohoofa where Church children were eduoated, but he did mot believe in what were colled "facilities." Do what they would, wh&t&ver Government was JÍG power, whether Liberal or Conservative, the present system of things eould not and would not siamd. The first thing they would have to fight for was to insist that the management of education in this country should not bo in the fcaads of men elected upon their ability to man- ago rcxwU and ditches (daughter). As Church- men they should question their own minds, a tl,i,it;- thoy had not dhne before (hear, hoar). They had had twenty years of a Conservative Government,, a.nd what had been tlie rfjult- educational muddle which was a disgra-oe to the country, not fcesause the Government U-ero un- willing to do what was a-skeui, du: because those who asked did not know what to ask for (hear, hear). They must consider the whole subject of education and consider what could be done for a system in which they could all live and work together. There were thousands of earn- est Nonconformists and Liberals who respected the Churoh for the stand she hnd token for re- ligious education, a,ad lie had seen them march to the poll in support of the Church for that. The difficulties of the present were so sad and increasing that he believed they could not last much longer. The REV. EDWIN JONES (Holyhead; said that at those diocesan meetings they had heard a great deal from time to time about dying- in the last ditch and of desperate battles in the parish of Llandudno. He had read of a eham fight with the Territorials at Aberystwyth the other day, but that eeemed a mistake, for the real fight was apparently going on at Llandudno (laughter). Proceeding, he said he thought this a con- v-enient tirao to protest against the appoint- ment of a monoglot Englishman to the School of Divinity at Bangor. The BISHOP: I must rule that out of order. That has nothing to do with the Diocesan Board of Education. The REV. EDWIN .TONES: Very well, I will take another, if that is your ruling. As t.o diocesan clerical education —— The BISHOP: That has nothing at. all to do with the Board of Education, and I must ask you to confine yourself to the report of that Board (chMM). The REV. EDWIN JONES: Is there no opportunity of criticising th societies? The BISHOP: Certainly not on the pre- &cnt occasion. Tho REV. EDWIN JONES: Is there any? The BISHOP: I do not know. You must find out your own opportunities. Tlie REV. EDWIN JONES: Very well, if they are above criticism, I will sit down. THE EDUCATIONAL OUTLOOK. The BISHOP went on to say that the educa- tional outlook was a very gloomy one. Of the body of teachers now engaged in the Church Schools they must speak in unstinted admiration—(cheers^—but they also regarded with very grave apprehension what the successors of those teachers would be. If they were to have the schools manned by people with no religious knowledge, the out- look for all who valued religious instruction, whether they be Church or Nonconformist, was a serious one indeed. While man re- mained man, with the passions of a man, and beset with temptations, it was impossible that moral principles could be inculcated and hold their domination unless there was also the fear of God (hear, hear). He only wished that what one heard and read of what had taken place in France could be duly con- sidered in this country. Let Churehpeople do their duty as they saw it at present, in- stead of talking of the inevitable, let them retain tlieir schools as long as possihle, be- cause for every year they did that they would be turning out hon,est, God-fearing rneu pre- pared to go and do their work in their genera- tion (hear, hear). CHURCH BUILDING SOCTT^TV "IL..& It The concluding report waa that of the Church Building Society, presented by the REV. E. H. GRIFFITH (Lla-ngadwaladr), one of the references in which was that some of the largest benefactors of the society had withdrawn th-eir support. Mr. T. Wiliiams, of 73, Speedwell-read, Hay Mills, Birmingham, who says C, When some extensive altera- _m__ tions were being made at New- street Station—it must be nearly =- 30 years ago now-I went down to see them at work, and had the misfortune to catch a bad cold, which affected my kidneys and turned to lumbago. It began with shooting pains, which went right through my back and loins, and when I stooped or overhftod &s I often did at my work —I would be sure to get one of there sharp digs in my back. I -became im such a etate that I oould not raise my fee t to taie off mv boots. "I was continually having these attacks, and I UTod to be laid up for weeks at a time. I spent three consecutive Christmas Days in bed. "I made up my mind to try Doan's Backache Kidney Pills when I read about them, and a3 I went o& witit the medicine the pains gradu- ally became lees and less, and then went away altogether.. » I'm always recommend- ing- the pilK" Over eight vears after his cure., Mr Wil- liams said: "I have never sufferod so badly as I used to since my cure by Doan's Pills, over eight years ago. If ever I get a chill in the back I always fly to Doan's Pii'r-, and' they never fait me. They are my medicine to-day, -as they were several years ago. Doan's backache kidney pills are good for all who suffer from backache- pains or dull ache in the loins or sides, hlimo. urinary disorders and gravel, rheumatic paim, dropey, and uric acid poisoning. 2fg a Box 6 Boxes r.319 of all Dealers, or post free from Foster-McClellan Co., 8, Wclls-st., Oxford-st., London, W. Be sure you get the same pills as Mr. Williams had

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