Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

4 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



DENBIGHSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL. HOSTILITY TO THE colwyn BAY SCHOOL SCHEME. 4 CuITIClSM OF THE COLWYN BAY BENCH. CHIEF CONSTABLE'S SALARY REMARKABLE DISCUSSION. (3y Our Reporter). Th» qnarler'.y meeting of the Denbighah :rc J County Council, hold at Wrexham, on triday, was uuussuaiij interesting an-d a. re- tnarkab'.o one in vanou.} ways. The Last Den bLghsliiro arc inborn were present in force, bUt not, apparently, the full strength of ti-e Western Division. Sourociy bad the chair- man, Mr 1.> Samuel, taken his seat on the dais provided, for the Speaker of the House, a.nd his deputy, Mr Grower Roberts, than a. lively scene aro.e witn regard to the minutes of the last special meeting, when the proposals [or tee amendment oi the intermediate education flcdwjuii* wore considered. li, was evmeoi chat the great majority of the members present were altogether opposed to taero biing u county school at Colwyn Bay, and, tuicuigii tins was said to be Jjiio u: t ;1 ,0 thm tiie minutes of the Council as prepared by Mr Jcrnn lioDerts, the deputy clerk, had ever boon amomled on the grou u d that they were tiot an accurate account of wnat had been done at tho previous meet* as, this step was now caken, ana it was to omit two 1. of expjanacory note wluon nad been inserted to maite -it tnat tfoe scheme, with contain ai- \wayoncs, iiicruuing ttie omission of the provision to give J-o school a definite rarad and agricultural bias, was aijproved by Hive County CouiiCU. In is vvus tiio eiiect of the resolutions passeo, in^ianu-jh as tiie onarrirrau o'L the iwi'ucwuon C</inirnt cOf Mr DoU-d, ii&d ixi-avod tnafc fcae &cn«e-ni'0 tx> approved, «ukI tins L*j&C'Jdmon earned, subject to cne amendment with regard to ADergtuo soliooi. Haul a uo/.en of tho tae-m- bers at -ca,t wiio vcuc-d that cue minutes were incorrect were not preoont at the meeting, and oi «vti'.iik. were a record. t ,H til uie da.y, the County Council by a. -jur-fiftus majority disapproved of the projX»ai so; up two county i>ùoo. m the Abergele and (Joiwyn Bay area, arid this m oUect m-e&ns that there is to be no county school at Cciwyu Bay. it is hardly likely that tiio Joint Educa- tion Committee, tirree out of the five of owo>.T appointto the. (Jcraaty Council. Xthougn it is a jifc appointment, will persist in aendoig up a scheme in tiie faco of eui-n strong opposition from U:e County;l, and even if they o.;d tho iioa.iui of Hduoati< n wouki havo to take a alron# ooui-ie to get the sahome tr.i-ou^li Par loe!l t. The otner important Colwyn Bay matter deait w-itii 'cA Une mc-eting w«i *s to the dis- missal by the loyai Bench of charge, oi food adulteration. The JOl-a.; rna^T'trati'S ociino 1.TI for a tjood deal of oritk-issiu, and it W even Bu^g'srs.-xl that their condnct should be reported to tno Lord Chancellor. Howove-r, the clerk abowed tiiat tins would not be tho ourrect tlmnsf to <1.0. but in future wiusen suoh oaose arc dis- missed, tiie question of appeal is to be at ocioc look-txl m to, l/i oon>'uipa.tion with tiio Clerk oi the r'-eacv. MEMBERS PRESENT. T uo ioi. owing is a list of tho mombeTi pre- sent, far as could bo ascertainedMr W. E. Saanu-ed (oiuurruaii), Mr Gkjjiior Roberts (vice- chairman), Sir VValkia WiUiaiii»-\»ynn, Burt., Dr. David Lloyd, the Rcy- 'lhoniai L>(1y<i, Mcecirs J. A. Oliadwick, W. G. RIbY, Edward Robe^'to, John ltoborts, A. O. Evarn^, R. MydMic- ten, J. AlV'ii, Robert Jones, J. \Viicoxon, J. Sijepiion Jonoj, Shiion J01103, D. A1 a a N100JI, Ciir;stmaa Jones, Tnomas Jonos (Wrexham;, Godfrey Fitzbug-h, E. W. 1 bo in as, J. T. Miii- watrd. Thomas ii-lb, R. H. iloborta, E. LJoyd Jorues, Jam Fraeor, T.. IJoyd Jones, G'3(/. Cromar, D. S. Davios, D. W. Roberts, F. A. Sturgo, W. Penn Derails, J. A. Harrop, J. D. Joiicm David Ijcwis, iiobert EUl, E. R. Parry, Jonatha £ GnfiStbs and J. Lee, to^ci''her with the Cl-erk to the County Council (Mr W. R. Evans), the Doputy Clerk (Mr Jchizi Roberta), the Oaunty Surveyor (Mr W. B. Wiies), County Accountant (Mr R. Huir;phr<j.i ftob'rto), and. the County SUrYeYQ (.\1e::ur.s R. H. Adiams and iiiis Jonee). THE GOLwVYM BAY SCHOOL QUESTION. THE LOlNTY COUNCIL SiilCNGLY PROTEST AGAINST TWO SCHOOLS. OYER VV HELMING MAJORITY AGAINST HAVING A COLWYN BAY SCHOOL. The minutes of t.he spoc.o! meeting, held on September 26tn, were submitted for confirms.- tion. They contained a record of the adoption of the propoea^ to divide tho County School district, making l'olwpl Bay and two neigitbouring parishes a se]>irA(i;e school distarict, a. oounty sonooii of its own. aiud to give .Aoorge.e COunty School "a ctohnito rural a-nd ttgnet-LtuTal bias." The minuteu vvcro to the edfoct that Mr W. G. Dodd, the ohairnmn of tbe Education Comnuttoo, had moved the confirma- tion of tiie scheme, and toot this kul bee-n car- ried o-u'bject to the <k"ie;ion of the projxjaal to fnake Ub» AL-<:JI'g'O.:6 8onoool a school with a deti- 31 te ntrai and agrioulturaJ. b:a^>. Ic vv-t; re- ported bhat the araesndmoxx to omit thb pro- vision had been earned by 22 votes to eight. rr minutes œnta.J.no6d: tcho-wing statement: Subject to the foregoing rocomnleiitktt)tlima the proposals (7£ the Joint Education Ooiumiltee were approved, this being obvio-uciy tho out- come of too voting. MR D. MAC. NICOLIi moved that hlw min- utes bo not continued as a connect record of irhat occurred, and that the Caurity Council did Jot approve of the soheme, in t/O far as it wouM ly the iCtting up of two ooimty schoola iu tlh Abergeie district. The REV. THOS. LLOYD (Qolwyn Bay) rceo to a point of oTtfor, holding t Mr Mac. Nicoil wasnv; justified in going into the tnerits of the matter. I MR G. CROMAR, send he tiliought the min- utes were correct, and that- th ojork had pro- pCTly interpreted the effect of the Oounty (Joun- oil's decision, but the fact Wad that there was no distinct issue before tho Council as to whether there- were to be two sohoois or not. MR D. S. DAVIES (Denbigh), a menrber of the Jon Kb IMuoatson Committ»e, argtied that there would bo ample opportunity yet to eai^idor the matter. The Joint Committee oouid send the to the Board of Education quitü ir- respective of the County Council, but it would come agawi before tSio County Coumciii when it had. beeai before the Board of fcd'ueaiion. The CHAIRMAN .<?ugg<ested titat the rninutei ■botud be ooaflrmed, ami tn-at ô()1IJe<IDO diar>u;d g-ive notice to rescind tho resolution at the next meeting. MR D. S. DAVIES said, that before then the Bcheme would probably hare been semt no to l/MKUm. MR A. O. EVANS: Mr Davies has lüt the cat out of the bag. I move that tho matter be settled at once. After some rather excited debate a rote was. taken on the question Winter the minutes were correct or not, tho result bemir that ther .ere approved with tin- onuaion of the sUtemeni; tbat, suoject to the resolution aa ito Abergele eciiool, the eoheme was approved. a When the Cciuacil rt aasembksd after the. luncheon uiterval, MR D. MAC NIOOLL rose and &,id: We do not exactly know how things stand; in reference to the cotifiUty education oataaEQia, And I borJiet we ghatl have th-o ladiulgenoe, partioikkriy of Mr Davios and the Rev. Thon*a.j Lloyd, so that the members may bo put at their «ase. I therefore propose tho suspension of the «taixliijo- orjdero m order to move this resolution:— ihat the Conuaty Council di«apjm>Tes of any provision being made for two corunty mterroodi- ate schools m tihe Abergoie and Oolwyn Bay School area, I venture tA think it js a. Ten- mnooont resolution, And it will the Cipmton of the County Council &IJod so di«rK»e of the matter at OIloe. We really do not un- derstand. the position of affairs MR T. J. MILLWAR1>, of Abergele, se- conded tho motion to suspend the" standing orders. MR D. S. DATIES: Wc hue aiready wantod an hour in tÜicummg this. Are wo going another? We have had the decision of the Council, though I 4on't agree with it I think there Irre ttomo quoins of conscience with regard to ionw of the votoi which have been Civon, and which lmVe been given agaiait their conscience. If you t: on I shall want at lcajt tw^!fcy minutes bo on the poiat. jt-iie CHAlRMAff faring road the ai-aading ordor with regard to the suspension of ti» W&L °rv 'S' for of thcea nernbens wlfo wer^ m favour of Mr Mac NioeJi'* motion, wWffjixn 32 nrcmber* gtoodi «n». For tihe wrtfcrary member* ru-«, aM & w adc-pted by tho requMite •»ree-€«urthB roajorrty. Tho rriri&i Ooxwity (Jbonk <L that wi a yote by «W 0f u takoa the awriiiew ao j.-ccmg shall «tamd up *1^ h<«d up tho right baixi with » view Uj greater aoouiacy and facility m counting the rotas. MR MAO iflCOLL t*e« noved his res»hition to dJeapprove of taere being two sdhooi. in the Aoerg«:e and OolwyH- Bay area. MR J. A. HAWROP: I second. will put the matter at rest ami for all MR TltETOR LLOfD JOWES: There was really confueon as to bow the matter stood and I think tins resolution wifl ctear the air' and aettie the matter. It is important that (he opwiioai of this Ofeunoii thouhi be given at onoe, beoauw from what we heard here this morning frcrm Mr D. 8. Dayies it is probable that this sofoame wifl be drafted by the Board of Education shortly. and if our resection is ■ftowed 110 stand as it 1fU I believe the Bewd. would be under the impression that the Ceuaty Courcil were approving of the aoheme ft is erident from what took piece this miming fttt this is not the C&3e. Ated I thkik it ia I batter "iN dionkl make oar vifwa perfectly (dear to-da.y, beean?o I am afraid it wtB be too late, or al:, aary it will be moro difficult to move the Board of .Education, once they have <1 raited tiie eahemo ajid oome too too decision, bhat two ec'hoob were nieoded in tliat district. Lt is a wiH pnooevxlkig to to the matter now < with, and I support tho resolution. REV. THOS. LLOYD: Do you realise fully tho injuvitioe (that you will do to the heaviest-rated tfflCtXin of tilic oomun.mi.ty. Tho population of Ouiwyn Bay is now ciraeely upon tiu-eo times the fxapulatkan of Aberg>eie, aad in- dvc-d in a very short tima it will be four tirrioj the population of Ab^-gv^ie. Gol- wyn Bay is increasing rapidly. It has doubied iUi population every decade for the hist thirty years. Abergele is decreasing, and yet hero you have 'the largest and heaviest,-rated district ift the county without a secondary school, and you propo;e to perjietuate this state of thiings. Mr Harrop then eaid tiic thing would be settled osce for ali- It will not bo scttiad, you may be quite sure of ■that. We sliall have another c-e^irsc whioh we can take in a. short time, in- d^p>sn«ient of this CVxiaicil, whether wo have the saiiooii or boLo We shall have .the remedy in ooiir own hancte before very loOng, but now YQU have an °1 JportUiIllty of doing WI1.a.t Í3 fair towards a iicavily-raled district. "MR D." S. DAYIES I wish to raaiko an ap- peal at Uie present timo to tOO good sense of the Cmmty Council. I am quite sure rthat im the-ir cahner moments, when they view the whole situation, they will bo sorry that tlK have taken the 6bnd whioh they appear to have done. I wish to .,ay it without any offorjee on immature knowledge the matter. There arc two parts of the couraty conversaJit with the position, Abergele and Coiwyn Bay. They fcnow exactly the position, and thoy are capable of expne-jstng an opinion, but Mtc great, number of tiie mcmbors of this Oouncil at t.he pr«*?nt tirnü -1 say it with humility—liave not got the full iniornWiUun. I am sorry that they have di.-o:u-u5od it. With regard to the Joint Com- autl/oe, the matter has beon fully dasjciKSsed for tJiree yeare. liave courted Abergaio to have their views, we have betm there on more tisan one cooaeion. We have been prei>arod to do It again, and they refused to receive us. They th.y did not require tiS; they had made up tlieir maids re-jr^rdlew of any other district. We in Jomt- E<iuoatK>n C-ommit- tee are quite ajmrt from any party, from any t. We have to oonaidfer <1.'> a whoio Wle reo qai-rements of education for the whole oomLty. is chc position, and we have frully realiied that tiiax ret?;>jjM3ibiiity is piaoed on our shoul- ttars. I can assure you here that we liave nVtjr been j>aTtisaiBri; we hiive coa^iaered every on its merits. Wo are prepared to go tiiorougihiy into tho matter again, ajxl I do ask tiie County Corunoil not to nmorcase our diiÚ- ouity. It is a small iraat.ter to U3- Wo are quite a nonentity in the mutter. We iiave simply to prepare tho terms for the Board of Education (to accept or reject, and we have nothing lurther to do wich it. We ftave been for three years at work; therefore, we have been hi no hurry; we had to eorsidior varwaj initoresto in oowmliatlOn with every party. Now we have already had an <rxpr-ession of your opllli0ln. You can go further if you Jikl) coerce us, a. Joimt Education O-iairuit-X', and say, "There ahail not be- a oauixy scshooi for Gulwyu Bay." But are wo wise aj a Coruinty. to tiaike tisat position a.t. tjjie pneeont 1 appoaj. to you for the houour of 'the oouuty iwed. 1 am quite sure you will be in y-iir calmer moments tiiut you voted that the ojcrks have pilaced inoorroot mnraie» ueiore you. The report pioseiirod by tho clerk fioie to-may, I say is abeoautely correct. Do not ias maiie a ra'.staiio c-g.'iiu. It does not uiifitter wuiat you W-e shall do our diary teariejary aand tairly, having tiie knowledge that t¡Jo:;t ore thaig woe h-avo tv otmsicar aie tho re- «iu;it-nieihts ot eoiuoaition for the oouinty of L^enUgiii as a wlio.e, and not of Aberg^.x) and Voüvyü Lay district by iuseif. I make this iaji appeal to tiie County Council. vVc shall aoad im UHfuiry at ^Vborgeiiie and at Colwyn Bay if you it. and wJien tiio scheme is drafted It-wdl b,Ul>illft. by the Board of iikhioauon to the County Council, which is uliio iiigiieat odu- caMon autiK>rjty for tiie county, and thei-o will be'tunc enou.g':i given then to consider it fuiLy, during the two muntlv. is wul lie çir1 the table, kciu will txian be ah.c to say whet,ii-er you ap- prove or disajiprovc. Yau. may be quite sure Lu-iit itiie JOInt Education Committee wiill seri- ously consi-Uier tiie attitude of Wvt) Councd to- war-du these pro[K>^aJi3, atm! clJey are bound to oanis:d<cr fuiiy aaui earei'uily what is t.h.) attitude of the C-ouuty Council, and wo shoukl not bo foolish enough to tthruat into their face proposaia tiiai4 are not iikeiy (0 carry favour. MR SIMON J UN i-S (Wrexham): I shall vote in favour of this rosolutioni. I think it is very clear that two county saliowla in the nortdiem eiid of tiio county are many, arid 1 am *t;'ongIy li-ovv in faycur of .higher grade schools near). Th-eoy onooura^ yenmg rne-n ajid young women to eii'er UpOIl tihe iiKimtnal sade of Hie. Tins is the mox serious thing that js tiiktng piaoe to-day: we are producing in our cotiiity etvhook a iargo number w-lio are edu- ca-ijcd above industry (appiauss). For posts of Ci,erk3 MMi so fortiii, and (.eaoiiers, wo are flocxied with apjiiKsints at the preenmt tuae, <md I ajn sorry to im-d tliat a large number who are well educated siiouui apply for thevjc posts and h/xl them all iuli. We have got to consider t.h.e.)10 matters, and I think if the higher grade school at Coiwyn iiay is mamtained iund is increased— and I should iike to find a provision authorised by the Board 01 Education uiat they shouid re- «rvai-n in ftrrhools to the axo of 15—it would be ■•jiie best stroke in the internets of education that could be affcetad in tiie county Piear, hear). M.t W. G. RIG BY 0 iJe-'Klyrrtog): Tho Joint jRaucation Committee wn to know i>o op mien f tho Ck>urKul one way or the other on this tucisuon, and I tiuTsk it is forturrate that to-day we liave able to arrive at a decision. Either wo have got to have one eaiiool or two 1x1 thait district. Fiftton years ago Colwyn Bay had the offer of a. bed, which they refused. Abergele aooeptcd it, and as it has turned out to bo wery oonxforitabie they are try- mg to kiok A oor out of .it, arsd get into it Miemselves jhear, hear). But we shaJJ soo that jaatice is dkime, nc.t to the aob&jars, but to the ratepayer* as we id. We haro to oome to fcno decision as to wiiioh is tiie c-i>oa|«csfc and MŒ>t offici.ant. — one or two aohcois. Abergele ifcas already established a aohooi whioh is doing exoeiilent work. It has got aocommodation f« majiy more puplh thian tiitire are- to-day, and there are 150 now. It has made its name to the eBEioieney of its education, and it Aaa fcun'.ed out scholars with very great credit ft* the school and title county. Since its start the buikiiTKgi bavo beim enlarged and the aooommo- Afiiuon extefKtDd so that it is in every way auo of being of parvice to Wwyn Bay, even ajtnough it is growing larger and larger every dllX., arsd by keeping to one sabooi in. the diitrict we are enabled to carry OIl a higher ffratie elementary school at Coiwyn Bay. wincdi enables the parents of th(J6e children who are anabie to give a high fee 'to get tlieir chiMren •duoated ia a first class manner up to the ago •f 15, and there arc some 100 ohiidren reoeiviaig that system of eduoution. Tho children of th-coe pxrenti who w ash to go i:i for a lather and trtorc expensive sort of txfuoation havo caiiiy got 10 go to Abergele. There arc plenty of trains running baokwanL and forwards evey day, and parent vn £ >he.i lus child to go <to tiiat æhool Acre is do difficulty in getting there in ten ■iirjutes. Their railway fares will bo paid for (hem by the Aborgeie governors out of the school foes. Taike dho ohtklren up at Cerrigy- iruidion distr'Cfc and those jikices; they havo long <ikteinocs to go. Further, if we e6. tobioh two ecjicoLs I say it i3 contrary to the ieeuiKm of tho Board of Education. They have tfistirxitiV said tliat they will not encourage two h vi the same oliAraoter an tho diatnc between tiie Conway and tiie Ulwyd. and it woa to g€it over thi.t obstacte tii-at we had this idea jrut in of makaig the Abergele saliool a school with an. agricultural bias. if .you aro going on with this y-ou goirag to put a large expendi- ure on your backs. You must have rurw •oiiool builduTigs. If tho higher grado scliool at Coiwyn Bay is used for a. oounty school. you will need 30IDe buiTding for the children, there. You will have the cost of the at Aborgelo tttd the oust of the staff at, Oolwyn Bay. SIR WATKIN WILLI A MS-WY N N, Bart.: Tins had been discussed very fuIjy. I say that mimitee of the ";I; if they wero oorrect, were mial'Oadin^, and to say they were ns.i^eading is nearly to say tiiey wero uiooirrect. The C-onvsU to-UM-y are <Sisouasin.g tilbat pottnt. "0 who are liere, I venture to say, are repre- sentatives of the oc-uEity of Denbigh eqnofly with felie Jornt E-luoation Comniittoe. I believe if you go in>to the constitution of the Joint Edu- cation Committee you will find there is a nav- jority—there wai at tho Hast election—of that «M»mittee of members who were not elected by the electors of Denbighshire. So fchas Council, which has a large majority of elected members, aA cepreBentatire of tho feeling of Denhigh shire as the Education Committee 16. Butt we are al9<J toM by Mr Da. vies, tho aaheme be drafted." If scheme is to go on by ail wanner of meant; drop the vote; but if it is lot to go on, why go to Itbe- trouble and expense d halting it to Skiom it it to this CoutkjiI when i* is well-known hero that thero is a major try •^airni it. I ILPpeal to the strong common- •ense of the *i>embers of tho County Council to •ay whether they approve or disapprove of J. „r and so save ux>:<^« time and trwable. Tie fact is tlkat if we let tihe scheme be draited, the thin of the wedge will bo oonside^xi to havo got in. MR DAVID LEWIS: There is a very sir ng fee bug on this matter at CGiwyn Bay. The Urban District Council have passed a. revolution it. favour of t.1t6 eehool, and so has a pttMio meeting. Here it is proposed to pass alL oppo- sition resolution before, really, tho case fully inquired into. If tliero was a strong feed- mg to saipport me I would utoto a rejohitaon t. the effect "that the matter be deferred until in- quiry lias been directed into the merits of the case. I propouo tbat tho Jmt Eduoation Ooru- mittwo shwold bold an inquiry both at Abergele arwl (Joiwyn Bay to go into the merita of the case. It is exactly tOO same as though the AiMren at W rexharn were senA to Grwd to school. MR D. S. DAVIES, in reply to a question, as to whether the Jomt Education Committee bad held inquiries at Abergele and Oolwyn Bay, as they had been requested to do by the Education ■ Cnmrf-— of the county, said: We have not been invited to hold an inquiry at either place, yet. I wish to point out to Mr Simon Jones that we are deaimg with the question of inter- mediate education, and not elementary; I agree with kim with regard to elementary eAioation. but tho Board of Education have distinctly said children caimot rormmin ia the school at Colwyn Bay after (the ago of 15, and that is the soie roaTon tbe whole question baa been brought forward now. MR G. CROMAR, im the comse of aome re- marks in support of Mr Mao NioolPs resolution, ea-id that the tfedfrng W13.1 stronger t»>da.y in opposition to the new intermediate aohool at Colwyn Bay ihan it was tbreo months a.go. MR D. S. DAVIES: Is that 9O? MR G. CROMAR went on to say tliafc lie was not. oomplaiaing of tho work of the JaiDt Edu- cation Cocunitbea. On the ccastrary, b& ad- mixed the work < £ bcy had done, and woukl give them full credit for it. The REV. TIIOS. LLDYD eeocnidod the ansandrnont that the inquiry be bakl be- fore any docisacm was arrived at Abergele a.nd CJolwyn Bay. MR LEWIS sent up the text of his amend- ment as follows:—"Ioa^muoh aa the Council have not full information in the matrer this Council oisks the Joint Educatx/n Committee (to hoidi an inquiry at Colwyri Bay and Abergele." Nine voted for the omemdmcmt, whioh was deposited. Tho resolution of Mr M-w Nicoll was jxit, and oarrded by an ovorwholming majority. COLWYN BAY MAIN ROADS. Tho offer of the Colwyn Bay Urbaai District Council to enter into a contract for the repair of the main roads in tbe urban district for JB1200 was considered but in the end tho County Council dioolined- to vary their proposition to pay £000 odd for the work. CHIEF CONSTABLE'S SALARY. PROTEST AGAINST THE ADVANCE. EXRAORDINARY SITUATION. The following resolution was proposed by MR A. O. EVANS, of Denbigh. "That this Council strongly protests against the action of t'ho majority of tho members of tho Standing Joint Committee prosenst at the —mseLin,g held on the 14th ulfc. in increasing tihe salary of the Chief Constahe by £50 per anoum in recognition of his kmg- service, parboularly <\6 tho Chief Constable himeeli did not make any application for an increase, and urgas the Secro- titry of State to decline to approve of such in. crease." He said tho Chief Constable's salary was J5500, a good sum ior tho duties ha performed. Ho did not himseLf suggest that it was not suffi- c.cntly 'handsome, but Colonel Mesbam did it on his terialf at tho Standing Joint Committee meeting. Eleven members rr-preoenting quarter sessions votid in favour of the increase, and nine members representing the County Couneii op- ¡.rOsyl it. 'i'Jiree County Council repreeenta-tivca who were ahsont had) since intimated that they, too, would havo opjxwsod had they been pre- sent. Un-der feeotion 6 of the Police Superannu- ation Aot, the Chief Constable would have had 110 retina at the ago of 65 but for the fact that lie was a-n offioer of tiie farc3 at tiie time that the Act w as passed. A question v. as asked at the committee mooting as to the age oi the Chief Constable, and tho quosi ion was not aruswered, but he (Mr E vajits) tiinought h3 was right in saying that Major JLeadbettsr was 72.. So that but for tb21 Jact that lie was an "exist. ing" officer; the Mayor wouiid luive had to retire seven years ago. If the Chef Constable had an increase of £50, and he rotircnl next year, the advance would add to the amount of his pen- sion. Further, tiio increase would raise tho standard of salary for the future chief constable. Ho did not know Whether that was or was not a stop in the scheme or programme 01 the quarter nuembws wrth a v.wv to some otb.r ftpcointment. Any member of the Oount] Ck>unoil opjiowxl the present motion would, in effect, give a vote of censure upon the nine members of the County Cauno:i vvlio had voted against the incroaso. Inimociiatel-y after tho resolution was passed- by tho Standing Join;, Committee he took steps to stop its being car- out by writinlg, to thie Home Secretary. MR HUAZ JONES (Debig'h) seconded the motion. Ho said tiie Chief Constable was eucSi a. conscientious man that ho did not believe ho would aocept t..111e advance of sulary if it were made to him (laughter). There was soiaotSiin* not altogether right behind the action of the Standing Joint C-o.u,mittee. MR W. G. RIGBY, while expressing tho opinion that it was unwise of the quarter ses- sions repres?n,tativeg to take aciion in th-e frUit. ter without an assurance that the representative* of the ratepayers would support thorn, at the sama time feit that it- woaki be wrong to take suoh a. drastic stop aR to go to the Home Secre- tary in the matter. MR GODFREY FITZHUGH said that he was, as representing thoe quarter sessions, pre. when the sum was voted, and he would liko to give tho reasons wliich infiucnoed the majo- rity of Ccjiimittee. Under regulations whxh •«jne into force a slhort time ago, various ranks in tho police force were entitled to an increase of weekly pay after 26 approved storvico. TIlis a.ppliod to all oxoet.b the Ctiief Constable, amd it occurred to some members of tiie Com- mittee that tho CiiioL* Constable ought to have aome oquivalen, and to havo his publio servioa recognised. Ho had been 32 years tJho chief of tihe force; he had attended two Ilayal J ubil and aJso the Coronation as a jx>I.oe representa- tive; and lately he had bsem awarded the King EJward modal for merit, and the official reports wpon th6 force had always been perfectly sat s- faotory. It ho had ratired on ills pension six ago he would have recei ved £266 per iiirnim, and the new dhief wotikl 'have received, say, £3000. Therefore Major Leadbetter, on that basis, had saved the county £1,000. If he re- ceived this increase, whioh would be pension- able, ho would still save the oouuty £116 a year as long as he oantinued in office. He had con- tributed £10 por annum towards the pension fund for 32 years, so tihat lie had furnished a very large amount of tho pension lie would re- ceive whien ho retired. Mr Fitzhugh concluded by saying that he felt it would be am un- gracious act towards an old and respected publio •arvant to pass the resolution before tho meet- mg. MR GOMER ROBERTS (Llanelidan) pointed out that it was not a question of the long! and Rwjnitiorioua scrvijJ-eo of tiho Chief Con stably whioii was before the meeting; it was tiio action •f the majority of tibe Standiatg Joint Commit- toe. As a member of the Standing Joint Com- aittoe 00 appealed to the mov-er at the meeting of tiie Oamnuittce to wit'hdiraw tllio proposition to five tit is increase, and his appeal was ignored, The odvanoe of salary did not come from ilio Standing Joint Committee as a w'liole. Tbe vote was taken, 30 supjyjrting Mr A. O. Evans's resolution and 10 voting against it. Tho anion W'a8 therefore carried by a majority •f two to one. &MALL HOLDINGS. Brynfawnog Farm, Nebo, Llaairwst, was pur- chased from Mrs Wynne FLnc.h, for £1,350. 1'bere are a house and 81 acres of land. Hugh Jones, David Daviee, and O. Evan Jonea become tenants of tllie small hoklkigvS into whioh tiio farm wiil be dTvidod, their total rent ooming to £ 62 per annum. An attempt will ba made to purchiatxi Bryny- fynon, Llamfairtalliaiarn, consisting of 42 aoiv« •f land and dilapidated buildings, for tho pre- sent tenant. A number of lots were bought by the County Council at the sale of Glynj Eöte. Negotiations were :in progress for the purchaso •f numerous other farms, and t'ho Committee is engaged in settling small holders on the land previously A<.xluired. COLWYN BAY JUSTICES CRITICISED. THE LIME JUICE CORDIAL CABE. QUESTION OF APPEAL. On ith'9 19th. August, tho Clerk wiote to the GoviemmTOit Board (applying" for a pam- or other miormiiriiion tho Boia-rd havo ou th. isubject of the saie of lime juice cordial with a qnatftdty of salicylic ackl 1J1 it, for use at thra hiea.i'iaig of a char-go against a. shop- ke«j>ca* for sailing 1'inno j-uioe oordiaJ with a quantity of saircylic (acid in it, which the (Jounity Aixi-iyet stated was, tin his opinion, injiLrious to haalth. T'ho foUowi'mg a>&ply of the Local Goveirn- ment was reoeivad: — aiddit-km of ithis, pixjso-Tvatdv-a to limo judoe cordial and oth-jr articles of food and tlrink was oonsidarod by tho DepaTtment-al Committee on tho use of preserva- tive and colouring matters i.n the preservation and colouring of food, imt aio roparts cm the subjeet have be>en issued by fobe Boaird. The repoarte of piJblric analysts show thait in tJie yeiOJ-s 1005 to 1909 convic- tions have been obtained in corkvin districts as follows:—1905.—Co. Wilts: Ginger (non-alcoholic), six grains salicylic acid p0.r pint; fime, £ 1, including costs. Do. Lemon equash, seven grains saTicylic acLd per pint; &oe. ,£1 iand oost-s. 1906.-Co. Norfolk Gin- getr wine, 1J grains sal-icvuic acid, per pint; itoe, 5, and 10s costs. E^stbomrno: Wine, 01 per cant, salicylic a-cid, and otherwise adul- rniW. Do.: Wme, 03 per oeeit do.; lined L:3 in each ease. Co. Norfolk Lemon qlla,SI1, 3J-igTakis jsalicyiic acad por pint; fine, 5. and lfu costs. 1908.—Norfolk: Raisin wine. 3.9 groins salicylic acid peer pkrt; fiue, 10s te. Do.: Black ciurraxit wine, 1.75 grains saLicvlic acid per pint; fine, 10s and Qosts." "Tho luspoctor reported that iai the (..a.[) of lime juico cm-dial (described as pure, but which was admitted to contain 1.3 g.raiiif» tMj- pint of salicylic acid., the counsel for the rloC- oomtorudod that imasnmcSi as the cordial would, probably be diluted befora the quantity of salicylic acid coTTRumod at one tinse would be com]iar<ativoly small, and there- fore harmless. The easy was, therefore, wtspped by the Boo1<h befone any (pvidenos for tlw defence was called, and dismiiseed with .£28 ooets aigainst the county. Tlte sarae argu- nt may, of course, &pplied to many etheT articles of food, such 3.<¡ butter and j&m, whioh aire not usually consumed aJone." The County Analyst reported as fol- lows — "The other two "adulterated samples axe noteworthy, for although thoro W.36 seriously adulteration, the prosecutions failed, a.nd tho caioeS were diismisaed with ooafas. Tlic lime jiuoe ooindial sample was la belied ia large iA&ors Tare Itrae juioe card^ad,' and OOJ. no jiatrt of tbe label was there any that it oontaiaed a pneeervative, but it was foirod to oootain 4.3 grains pro- pmt of tho powerful drug salicylic acid. This quantity is four times the amount fixed by the Del partarssntal Committee on Food Preservatives as a. limit for salicylic acid in food. The limit fixed by this oomnÜbtœ.Í6 one gTain per pint, and it WAS aJBO directed that in every case its pneeesfcoo ahould be notified on the label. It is difficult to n-ndoTstand how such an Grtdc&e can be dteeoribed as pure. The ground on which the case waa ditsniiesad was that it required, to be diluted before it was used, and after dilution tine amount of soE- cylic (acid would come within the limit of one grain per pint. If till", excuse were generally aLLowied in all cases of this kind it would be almost impossible to obtain convictions for preservatives in .food, for Mf £ >airly all foods, to which preservatives are Bomettmes added, arc diluted in -one way or anothor before they are eaten. The experiments of Dr. Wiley, who fed a (number of American students for a. long period on food containing quacntities of pre- »arvativee, indiesite that salicylic acid taken contim'ually, even in minute quantities, is in- jurious to health. The plea that tho salicyrc, aedd is Ily, as the cordial would siot keep without this, I think disproved by tho fact that the saroo statement a. few years ago was continually made .for the use of this pT.&- &CTv.a.ti"V1\3 .in jam, but now it ds hardly ever present, and most of tho manufactured jajn is fr> £ >e from preservatives." Tlte INSPECTOR stated that after consulta- tion with the Clerk, he instituted pKxveedings against tho /vendor of the bottled peas adul- terated with 1.91 grains per lb. of sulphate of copper, the vendor of the lime juioe cor- dial ooataipxng 4.3 grains per pint of sali- cylic acid, and tine vendor of th-e milk de- privcd of 12.3 peer c>saxt. of cream. As tho weiro ddendd, and he had notice th3>t expert cvideiioe would be called by the doe- fence, he obtained legal assistance and exp?-rt evidence. The three iriformaitions were heard by the Colwyn Bay Bench of Magistrates, aaid dismissed. In the case of the bottled peas, objection wr.s taken to the form of cer- tificate, and an independent analysis was put in which differed materially trom the official figures. Although tho County Analyst ex- plained -that hie analysed the pe-as only, aa rocommond-ed by the "Homo Office, Avhilst the ind>'nt analyst dneludetd the water with tho peas, thereby arriving at a different re- sult, the Bench heed that the caso was not pmved, and dismissed tiio information with one guinea costs against the county. In tho case of the milk, which was deficient in cream to the extent of 12.3 per cent, below the legal standai d, the correoton^ss of tho analysis w,aa disputed; but evidence wes tendered by liio |tol«aoe to show that ncitJier the defen- dant nor the farmers who supplied him with milk had abstracted any ox the cream, .a.!I!d tho summons was thereupon diismassjod. TiLo committee reported that they had given the following instructions to the Inspector — That in fiatuxo, when iniformations aic laid by the Inspector ar^.d dismissed, ho consult the sw»i.;jcitor appearing the Council on the k-eoaiasr, as to whether am. application should be lDaÀ to the Court for a. spccial case under Section 33 of tho Summary Jurisdiction Act •f 1879, amd if eo advised, that the solicito.r laako such application within the jxrescribod tri me, consult the Ci-ork of tho County CQUIlcÜend tho Chair-mam of th-o Committee awimin.isteering the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts as to whether the special case is to proceeded with or not. MR D. S. DAYIES drew the attention of tho County Council to the Inspector's report upou the three oases submitted to tho Colwyn Bay magistrates. Ono of the cases was dis- missed without calling upon the defence, and _20 costs were award-ad tho county. It was a. serious matter that the county should be mulcted in o- fine like that when they discharging their duty for the pro- tect,ion of hoa-lth of tho geaicra-Uy. Ho tliought 'they ought take some steps in the matter, whether they should refer it to the Homo Office oir to tho Local Govern meat Board he could not say. There were three «asos dismissed by «the one Bench. Ho moved t.h.ø.rl> a repr>es>e''iitation be made to the proper authority i/n London. MIR GrOMER EGBERTS pointed out that in •t-incsr parts of tho country tnero had beon fines for a. loss proportion of adulteration. How- ever, for the future, the Inspector was in- structed to take instructions with a view to an appeal. DR. D. LLOYD said ho felt that some seri- .116 complaint shouM be made to the Lord CSiancclkxr, as toO tho action of the magis- trates. In the oase of bottled poas, it was well-known that sulpha-bo of capper was in- jurious chomicaily, land it was merely to 1;.».9 given colouring to tho (peas. As to the salicylic .acid in the lime juice cordial, that was a dang>orou3 Idrug, and to say that this wsual tiling" was to take tho cordial diluted wjus just tho same as saying that whiskey wes mat injurious- when it was diluted (laughter). Then, there was tiio sample deficient in the kind of fluid referred to reminded iim of tho man 'who, when ho was supplied with watery milk, said he wanted milk for 4rmking, and not for tahristaning (laugh- ber). MR W. G. RIGBY said they never could get unanimity in Benches of Magistrates, though ho was sure itlwit in all cases tho magistrate* proper consklexation to tiio oviderto, &nd, of course, they depended upo-n the advioo their clerks. In Ca."lfiS like these there was gTcat difficulty in ooming to a djocis-ion. Tliey 1RIu.Jd not be wiye to take any further notice •f tho matter. MR CROMAR said that the faot that only .:119 side of tho was heard showed want consideration by the Bench. MR W. R. EVANS (clcrk): But the proae- •tvtion was heard. MR (liOMAR But they punish us by mak- wg uti .pay .£20, whichis very uareaiionab^ when wo are doing ou.r duty to protect, U. piibli-e at largo. DR. LLOYD contended that as this was m, •wnioas m'ficarriage of justice, the Ixxrd Chan- •dllor's attention ought to be called to it. The CLERK That will b9 f very lilfio Avail, because the Lord CbanceHor will prob- aMy say at onco :that wa had our romtady. We ought to htvvo taken a special case. Tae Aefanoe was brought spe<ially .from London, and tha oost-s UpOIL tho defence were said ta have b £ ion ^6150, which tho Ranch ailowiad to bo paid by the prosecution. DR. LLOYD said ho thought tha.t tho com- plant to tho Lord Chancellor should be made, Tho CLERK replied "Wo shall be snubbed, probably." There was a dispositioui to pass on to the noxt business, and Tho CLERK exclaimed "I wamt to be quite accurate oM. to tho minutes" (laug-hter). MR A. O. EVANS advised that the matter oouild not be carried further. Tlieir Clerk had parfectly wall guided them by calling at- tention to the remedy. Theco was a griev- ftnee, U7jd tho iwtmedy was to appeal against tiie decision. Tho only fault he found with tho Colwyn Bay Bench was that they did not hear tho casB through, because sometimes proaecuticxns wore proved by tho evidence called for tlva dof-ceico (Jaughterh He did not know the facts, but they hod perfect (mfi- Asitoe in Mr Clarke Jones, and that he would start a caae uoxless ho thought there was ••nwUuaMf in 'it, and with regard to tho order *pon tho prosecution to pay costs, it might be tiruo tii-at .£15Q would bespesnt upon the defenco an a special C-4t, but it might be taken mp by a-wealthy Corporation who would ho t!ltitlt able to stand the oxpoiseo. MR D. 8. DAVIEiS then "withdrew his pro- position, fooling surs that the discussion would havo £ *>rv<d its pnrjjor-To. WEST1 DENBIGH FREE FROM SWINE FEVER AND SHEEP SCAB. MR JOHN ROBERT'S (Plas Heaton) ro- ]sorted that the western half of the county was now quite from notified cases tOf swtiw and sheep tcab (tear, hear). TLora was no doubt that the way in which tke dipping orders hiud hoen canried out by far mars had had a great deal to do with the achievement (applause). FOOT-ROT IN SHEEP: AN APPEAL TO THE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. MR JOHN IvOBFJRTS moved the following resolution —"Owing to tho great loss zv £ taimed by sheep-owners owing ito tho increase of foot-rot in this and adjoining counties, thus Council urgoe the Board of Agriculture to ia- stitute such inquiries as doem expedient imto the causo of such increase, and tho best soodo of stamping out th-e. disease." MR J. D. JONES (Bodoryn) secandied the motion. Ho said thot."Jl"ø WKla jto doubt that f^Srt-rot in tho county wau very prEvaleiit. If the authorities would try to fitid out some remedy for foot-rot, it would be a. biewsiaig to. th6 whale county. It (iid matter where on.#. loolood 000 would mo :too poor sheep on their knees prayimg for xeuief (hear, hoar, a.nd laughter). ABERGELE MAIN ROADS. The following letter from the Abergele Urban District Countil had been received:- ''My Council cannot enter into a contract f; r the maintenance, (tc., of main road* for Ui-e cur- rent year for the sum of £622 offered. The origi- nal iwUinato sent in amounted to JE949 7s. The sUrYyor to this Council met your Council's sur- veyor, and agreed to abandon certain works for this year, thus reducing the estimate to £859 17s. My Council assumed that this estimate had be-n accepted, and were therefore much surprised to receive the offer of £622 for the work, n redn- tion of £237 17s. My Council feel they Mnnot possibly aoept the offer made, but at the same time regret that they have to revert to the eld system instead of entering into a contract. To obviate this they are still prepared to treat with your Csuncih" i < It was decided to adhere to the resolution to enter into a oontract for the maintenance, etc., of the main roads for the current year for the sum of £622, and that a deputation from the Urotn Council will be received, if desired, to discuss the matter. MAIN ROAD IMPROVEMENTS. Mr R. B. Adams, reporting upon the question of obtaining a grant from the Government Roid Board, the secretary of which is Mr W. Jeffreys, stated that there can be no doubt that the appointment of a Road Board to deal with the Development and Road Improvement Funds Act, 1909, is a step in the right direction; but he ques- tioned whether it went far enough to meet the greatly increased expenditure which had to be incurred on main or county roads owing to the new traffic. Ten or twelve years back the traffic over the main roads was what you might term local traffic, but it has now become national traf tic, inasmuch as the main roads are now used by cars from all parts of the United Kingdom and by a. few from tho Continent. There i" also a great increase in the number of motor waggons fend traction engines, some of winch travel very long distances. He hoped that tho Road Board would consider claims or applications for advances from County Councils first, becausc main or county roads are much mere used for througn traffic. Both Urban and Rural District Council may send in applications to the Road Board for advances or contributions towards improvements within their respective districts which they pro- pose to carry out during the current year; but as applications can he made annually he would advise Urban and Rural District Councils •ot to undertake too much work in any on-t year, but to spread their proposed improvements several years, and to doei with the most, important and urgent cases first. The County Council have already spent in West Denbighshire division, after the passing of the Act, a sum of £22û 10s 'id in cutting off and widening a dangerous curve on the main road between Colwyn Bay and Llandudno Junction, sear a place called Volwyd Bach also in taking down a stone wall, 10 feet high, which was on a. sharp curve in the main road opposite to ths turning to Llandudno Junction. Tho main road kas been widened here, and a new brick wall built 1n a straight line. This is acknowledged by ail to be a great improvement. A further sum m £103 2s 5d has also been spent in widening tkz iJanrwst and Colwyn Bay main road, at a point ar Talycafn. from 12 to a uniform width at 24 feet ior a length of 120 yards. This is also a rery good improvement. The total cost of ths Aree improvements amounts to £323 13s. Mr Adams recommended the following further Baaprovements:—Th*,t tiie widening of the main road near Dclwyd Bach be continued for a further iengtrh of 55 luteal yards to a uniform width of iW feet, at a cost of £53. (2) That tho main read m the village of Glan Conway be widened for a length of 52 yards, from 16 fed wide to 25 Scot wtdo. The motor traffic through this village ia wcormous. Widening the road to a uniform width d. 25 fed would cost, about £2. (3) That the rock which abuts OIl the main at Stable y Mail Corner, and completely obstructs the view of pk in vehicles approaching the corner, makes tie place very dangerous, although the road is sufficiently wide. I estimate the cost of remov- ing 150 cubic yards off the face of this rock, and wilding a new wall on top of ths rock for the • wner, if found necessary, at about £52, or a total for the three improvements of £172. I think that these three improvements will bo finite enough for you to undertake during the, itemaining part of current year, although thera we numerous other places which requiro widen ing and improving in this (Lvision. COLWYN BAY MAIN ROADS. On the adjourned consideration of the claim of the Colwyn Bay Urban District. Council of JE1740 is 6d for the maintenance of the main roads in tfee urban district for the year ended 31st March, ItlO, the county accountant reported that such accounts have not yet been audited by the Govern- ment auditor, and it was resolved that tho con- sideration of the claim be deferred until such accounts arc audited by the Government auditor, ud that the County Council be recommended to jmy a sum of £4\)0 further on account of the claim without prejudice. THROUGH ROAD TO LLANDUDNO. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of tho Main "oads Committee, together with Messrs J. M. forter, D. Lewis, W. J. Williams, and John Roberts, were appointed a sub-committee to con- sider generally with the Colwyn Bay Urban Coun- cil the proposed new through road to Llandudno, f &il.d to report thereon at a future meeting of fckis Committee. BIRKENHEAD WATERWORKS. The construction of the new Birkenhcad water- works, near Cerrigydrudion, and the grea.t iine to Birkenhead ia about to begin. M-ars Holme and King, Ltd., Liverpool, wrote:— "We are tendering fcr this contract, ami note the Birkenhead Corporation Water Act, 1907, that the Denbighshire County Council can re- est th,) Corporation to wke over, maintain, and repiir the roads traversed at the expense of the Corporation. We are desirous of knowing if your Council will hand the roads over to the Cor- poration of Birkenhead to keep in repair during tbe construction of the works." Messrs Edward Jones and Son, traction engine hauliers, Corwen, wrote:- "As contractors arc now tendering for the afcove, and we have been asked to quote for haul- ing materials by traction, we shall be glad if your Council will be good enough to inform ua what Aeir charge to the Denbighshire portion of the main road as far as Cerrigydrudion will be. The wnount of traffic wJI be about 4,000 tons per aanum for fire years." The county main roads surveyor (Mr R. B. Adams) stated that he had not yet received any fist ice from tho Birkenhead Corporation under Sectifin 28 of the Act, which section is for the protection of the Denbighshire County Council. It was resolved that the clerk inform Messrs Holme and Kmg and Messrs Edward Jones and Son that this committee is not in a position to reply to the inquiry contained in their letters, and tkat when the surveyor receives the notice pre- wribed 1 by Sub-section 9 of Section 28 of tho Birkenhead Corporation Water Act. 1907, the mat- ter will be further considered by this committee; and that the County Council, when such notice kas been received, would bo disposed probably, ts require the Birkenhead Corporation, during tAe period of haulage, to take over, maintain, &tuf icpsir at the expense of the Corporation the •said roads, as provided by Sub-section 9 of the Act. INCREASE OF POLICE. The- Home Secretary has sanctioned the increase •f police force of tho county by two constables, •ae to bo stationed at Cerrigydrudion and the other at L'anfihangel Glyn Myíyr. TELEPHONE SERVICE AT CERRIG- YDRUDION. The application of tho Chief Constable to have the police station at Cerrigydrudion connected with the National Telephone Company's service was approved. COUNTY MEDICAL OFFICER AND HIS DUTIES. The followin g is the list of duties of the new ooirnty medical officer :— Terms of appointment.— (1) To devote his whole bime to the duties of his office, and to hoid himself at all times ready to advise the Council mid its committees; (2) not to engage in private practice, and not to hold any public appointments, except with the approval of and by arrangement with the County Council; (3) to hold omce sub- j*ct to three months' notice in writing on either ade, and not to be entitled to compensation, pen- or other allowance, on ceasing to hold office (t,) to reside and keep an office in such place as way bo approved by the County Council; (5) in tie event of being unable from accident, illness, •r (Jr unaveid&ble cause to attend to his duties fwr one calendar month, to provido at his own •spouse a substitute to be approved by the Public Health Committee. Duties.—'lhat in addition to any other duties which may be prescribed by Parliament or by order of <ho County Council, to perform and dis- charge the following duties: To attend all meet- i. of the County Council, the Public Health Committee and (when requested to do so) any other committees, including the Standing Joint Committee and any of its sub-oommittees; to re- aeivo upon behalf of the County Council the an- nual reports of the medical officers of health of ail the Urban and Rural District Councils includ- ing the Municipal Boroughs in the Administrative ClJunty, 4und to tabulate and summarize such re- fKtrts, and to report thereon for the information .1 guidance of the Publio Health committee and the (Vumty Council; to advise tho Public Health Committee and the County Council upon 8IIJ special reports transferred to tho Council ky any of the medical officers of health; to keep hisiself fully acquainted with tho sanitary condi tion of each Urban and Rural district in tho OMlnty and to special vimta frsm time to time whenever he may consider necessary, and to re- port thereon to the Public Health Committee, mid whether th, various A relating to the Pub- lic Health are or are not being properly put in force within each district, etc. to consult with, 8Øï.t, and advise tho Urban and Rural District Councils in the county and their medical officers of health wd sanitary inspectors as to epidemics, etc., and generally to advise them in the per- formance of daties, when required by them, free of charge; to perform the duties, and be sub- ject to the liabilities which by the Acta relating U the Artisans and Ijd&ourers' Dwellings, and the Housing of the Working Classes Acts, a ••unty medical officer is, or may hereafter be required to perform or be subject to to assist the Rivers Pollution Committee in dealing with the pollution of rivers, oanals, and streams; to act wnder the direction of tiie Education Committee as the- chief medical inspector in dealing with the medical inspection of children attending elemen- tary schools in the county elementary education area; to superviso the work of district medical officers in the county who act as assistant medical inspectors of school children, and to prepare the reports, etc., required by the Board of Education lAd the Education Committee as to this work; I to act as executive officer to the County Council snder MidwivcS Act, 1902, and qther duties. SALARY OF E600. A salary is to bo paid to tho medical officcf of £600 per annum and travelling expenses, with 1 2 j' JS50 p3r annum for clerical assistance, provided that the Education Committee appoint the same officer to supervise the medical inspection of school children, and contribute a proportionate amount of salary. The Clerk reported that the adoption of the foregoing resolution would save about £200 out (1{ the expenditure wh ch is now incurred towards the salary of the county medical offioer, viz., about .d50 in respect of the inspection of mid- wivca, £25 for compiling the summary o £ vital statistics, etc., of the county, and S25 for super- vising tho medical inspection of school children. On the motion of Mr Cromar, the County Council agreed to appoint a medical officer, and requested the Public Health Committee to receive the applications and select four for the considera- tion of the County v/ouneil. NOTIFICATION OF BIRTHS ACT. A letter was ordered to be sent to all the sani- tary authorities in the oounty calling attention to the advisability of adopting the Notification of Births Act, and carrying it out in their districts. WATER SUPPLY AT LLANGYNHAFAL. The Clerk was asked to wriie the Rural Dis- trict Council of Ruthin that unless tho work of praviding a proper water supply in the district of Liangynhafai is commcnced before 1st January tho County Council will exercise their statutory powers in uie matter. GRANTS FOR TRAINING IN MIDWIFERY. Miss Maggie Parry, Ruthin, and Mrs Margaret Davies, Wellington-road, Old Colwyn, wrote re- gretting their inability to accept the training grant of B20 granted by the Council at its last meeting. Miss M. A. Owen and Miss Carrington stated that they had made arrangements to enter the Maternity Hospital, Grange Mount, Birkenhead, for their training. ILLEGAL PRACTICE OF MIDWIFERY. Letters were read from certain registered mid- wives complaining that women not registered still practice in their I1"lgh ooud¡cx:ds. It was resolved that tho attention of the in- spectors of nidwives throughout the county be led to the complaint, and that they be asked to report thereon (so far as they can do so) with a view of having the provisions of the law with regard to midwives put into force. Tllti NORTH WALES NURSING ASSOCIATION. Submitted- Resolution of County Council grant- hbij Miss Cassic Jones, of Llys Derwen, and Miss M. E. F. Davies, High-street, Coedpoelh, who under agreements to serve as midwives in tile county for a period of five years from the tewrie they obtained the diploma of the Central i3 id wives Board, permission to go to train as .nurses under the North Wales Nursing Associa- tion provided they undertake to return afterwards t the county to complete the term of their agree- ment, and correspondence thereon, REPORT ON TUBERCULOSIS. A copy of a report upon tuberculosis by Dr. G. Lewis Travis, medical officer of health for the seciitary districts of Lla.nrwst Rural, Glan Con- way, and Llanrwst Urban was submitted. PATROL SHEPHERD. The County Council on August 12th accepted with regret the resignation, in consequence of ill- feealth, of Mr J. W. Jones, patrol shepherd, and it was resolved that no action be taken to fill tiio vacancy at present. WATERLOO BRIDGE, BETTWSYOOED. Tiio Geirkmycki Rural District Council regret- ted their inability to contribute anything to- wards the cost of repairing this bridge, and the Bettwsyooed Urban District Council'ol "That having,.rd to tho fact that the dis- trict rate has becra increased at Kettwsycced this year, that tho Council aro confronted wih a new water supply scheme .for tho district, and have several other very heavy calls to oo-pe with, the Council arc unable to promise the oouinty any contribution towards the expense which the improvement of this bridge will involve." MOTOR CAR SIGNPOSTS. POLITE LETTER WRITING. Mr Cbns. Grims'ey wrote: Having regard to Section 9 (10) of tho Motor Car Act, 1903, it ap- pears to bo tiie duty of the County Council to havo these sign posts fixed at dangerous places on the district as well as on the main roads. Aro the. Couincil to understand from your letter ml the 26th July that the County Council oon- cond that Irso far as tho district roads are con- cerned that they are now in no way responsible for setting up of sign posts?" Mr W. R. Evans replied:—The St. Asaph (IiVenbi'gh) Rural District. Council are not to un- derstand from that letter that tJhc. County Coun- cil contend thait so far as the district roads are concerned they are in no wa.y reeponsil&e ior tho • setting up of sign posts, out that tho Rural Councd aro to undlarstand that tho County Council is the solo judgvs of the necessity or •thorwise of setting up sign posts referred to in fifctrt su b-section Mr Grimsley next wrote:—"At a meeting of tks Council on Friday tasifc it was reported that a bad motor accident had occurred at the junction oi. too Bettws-road, and tJ1C main r-mùd near Tanyrogo, Lknddulas, when a. lady was esverely injured, ajid possibly diisfigured for lie. f ''As this is one of the places to which the Oouty CouncTs attention has boon drawn for so kmg a time, I am to point out that if tho ro- quest of this Council had been complied with, possibly tiie accident would not havo happened. I shall be glad to hear that the County Council wial now provide and; iix notice boards in danger- ous places within this district." Tho County Main Roads Surveyor: There are two danger signals alreadly fixed at the point mentioned1 in Mr G rims key" 3 letter. It was I'^wolved1 that Mr Grim«]oy be informed of tli is fact. TARRING THE COACHES. The I iiiaaidudno Coaching and Carriage Com- pany, Ltd., wrote on September 17th, with refer- eÐOO to the tarring* of the road through Glan Conway village to tho School House beyond :— "Owing to the inopportune time as well as tho negligent mariner in whioh this was carried t, our coach going to Taiycsifn yesterday, to- gether with the horses, got simply plastered with tar. Wo aro unable to work two of the horses to- day, and have been put to considerable expense in getting the tart off the others and the ooaoh. We consrder all this would liave been avoided bad tho authorities taken reasonable percautioms to have the ta.rring donis before the traffic was on the road, a.nd, further, to have put a dres- sing on the road after the ta.r had been applied (which is the usual thing), instead of which the tar was simply poured on to the road, and tie road was left more like a. river of tar than a roadway. Under those circumstances you will" ¡>Jc.ase note that we make a claim of be- ing the amounit of damage suffered by us." Tho County Main Road Surveyor reported as follows: — "Tho length which tho company complain about was completed OIL the 12th ultimo, and I walked over it twice on the. 13th ultimo, waeax it was quite dry and hard, and did not pick up too least bit. It is quite untrue for them to say that 110 dressing was used. Fifteen tons oi quarter-inch C'.hipp:m,g;; wre spread on top Qf the tar immediately after it had been sprayed; a ll/lrgleo printed notice was placed at each end of the village when the work was being done, and red flag. Tiie Cicrk was requested to reply to the com- pany that the County Councd do not admit tho statements contained in their letter, or any liability in respect of the alleged damago men- tioned therein. EGLWYSBACII ENCROACHMENT. Tho Clerk to the Eglwysbaoh Parish Council drew attention to the encroachment on the river by Bent Newydd Bridge, the property of Lady McLaren, where a pleasure pool was erected some yesire ago across tho river at the plaoo Kxyntioiiod, thus preventing the river from tak- ing its natural course, amd causing refuse, etc., to collect in tho bed of the river, and to over- flow its banks during floods into tiio adjoining fis. The Clerk replied that the only powers the Council have under tiio Prevention of Pollution of Rivers Act, 1875, and that Act does not seem to to the encroachment describe^, and that the bOGY to apply to is the Ltanrwst Rural Dis. trict Council, both in regard to the obstruction of the river and the obstruction of the footpaths by floods. The oorrespondeiiioe was referred to tho Llan- rwst Rural District Council. EARLY CLOSING AT OLD COLWYN. An ordor from the Homo Office directed that throughout that portion, of Old Colwyn which is wiiuri the urban district of Colwyn Bay, all bakers grooers and provision dealers' shops shall be closed for serving customers on the several days of tiio week curing- the months of October, November, peoembsr, January Febru- ary, March, and April:—On Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdayat 7 o'clock p.m.; on Wednesday, 1 o clock p.m.; on Friday, 8 o'clock p.m.; on Sartairdray, 10 o'clock p.m., cxcept on Christmas Evo, aji-d on the Thursday preceding Good Fri- day, wixm tiie iitdur of closing shall be 10 o'clock p.m. Any person contravening provisions of the Order wiil be liable on conviction under tho Sumnrary Jurisdiction AotH, to a fine not ex- in the case oi the first offence, JB1; in tfce case of a second offen-oo, B5; and in the cs-so of a third or subsequent offence, £20.. 11- Ordier submitted by tiio Carnarvonshire County Council for that portion of Old Colwyn which is in Carnarvonshire was confirmed on the same day as the Order above quoted. COLWYN BAY SHOP HOURS. A petition signed by 37 petitioners was sub- mitted as follows "We, tihe undersigned, drapers, milliners, •Vsthiers, and outfitters and house furnishers, irmifuoiiigers <00 bootmakers in the Colwyn "1 portion (including Rhos) of the urban dis- trict of Uclwyn Bay and Colwyn desire to pro- mote early closing of the particular class of xi in the said area which we represent, and J 11t tho Denbighshire County Council to take steps to make an order to that effect under the provisions of the Shop Hours Act, 1904. The proposals generally that- the premises ahail be o'osetl as follows:- let October to 30th April:—Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays ajid Fridays, at 7 p.m.; Wednesdays, 1 p.m.; Saturdays, 9.30 p.m. 1st May to 31et July, and 1st September to 30th September: -Mondays, Tueadaya, Thursdays and Fridays, at 8 p.m.; Wednesdays, 5 p.m.; Saturdays, 10 p.m. The timea or closing on the following days to h Wednesday preceding Good Fridy, 7 p.m.; Thursday preceding Good; Friday, 9.30 p.m.; Wednesday following Easter iionday, 7 p.m.; Wednesday following Whit-Monday, 8 p Wednesday of Christmas week, 7 p.m.; Christmas Eye, 9.30 p.m. Bank and otlicr Holidays, Now, Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Christmas Day and Boxing1 Day, oloso all day. Whit-Monday and August Bazik Holiday at 1 !1.m., making special proviskxus for general hoH. iays and other festivals. We also appeal to your Council for early steps to be taken to tliat if possible the Order may be put Into ioroe for the corning winter months." Satisfied that a prima. facie case for making such Closing Order as is aked for had be-on made out public notice was ordered to be given the intent.on of the Council to make suoh Order, and that suoh notice ho advertised in the Welsh Coaei Pioneer," and posted in the s reels mi places in the area to be affected, and tht obj<'Ctiü!l5 to th proiKiacd Ordn (y; it-sdis within four weeks of the date of the notice. ABERGELE BURIAL GROUND. The Local Government Board requested that thigy may bo furnished with the observations of the. County Council upon the following letter, received from the Urban District Council, for improving the entrance to the Abergele burial Ground. ABERGELE JOINT BURIAL COMMITTEE. "The above Committee has been duly appoin- ted under Section 3 of the Local (jovernmenfc Board Act, 1894, for the purposes of the Burials Acts, 1852 to 1865, by the Urban District Conn- ed of Abergvxe and Pensarn and the parisn of Abergele rural. The committee tcqu.ied a. loan for certain improvements to the cemetery, a-ttd negotiations wero entered into between thø. Urban Council and the Parish G>unc.l as to tha proport.ons in which the loan was to be paid, but they wore unabio to agree. "It now appears that the Parish Council ap- plied to the Denb.ghsflire County Council under Section 1 (a-i of tho Local Government (Joiafc Committees) 1897, to dec do in what pro- portions the loan was to 00 paid by the respeO tivo UvunoJs, and the Denbighshire County; Council have made an order witnout any jntiina* tion whatever to the Abergele and Pcsnsara Urban District Council that tho apphoation had been made or givon them an opportun.ty of pro- 6l1nJtl:ng their case. "I am doared by my Council to respectfully asjf your Board whether the Denbighshire County' Council nave power to make an order upon t'he repesentation of one Councd only, without giving; the other Council an opportunity 01 being heard." The County Council resolved, in reply to this memorial: lhafc the Local Government Board be informed that notice of the intention of the Parish Council to apply to the County Council for an Order under Section 1 (a) of the Local Government; (Jo.nt Committee) Aot, 1897, was sent to the Abergele Urban Council on the 18th. June, 1910, tihat such notice was discussed at a meeting oi the Urban Council held on the 20th day of Ju-nc, 1910, when a resolution was carried that the Urban Council have nothing to do with the matter oi the arbitration* that the Locai Government B-oard be further Jin formed that these facts were with- in tho know-ledge of tho committee when they decided to recommend the County Council to make (tlw order, and that the apportionment of the sum of £220 between the Urba.n Coun- cil of Abergele and Pemsarn and the Parish Council of Agergele Rural, on the basis of their respective 'rateable valiicss is equitable and just. The Clerk to the Abergele and Pensaru Urban District Council, on 2nd November^ respectfully requested the County Council to ro-consider the order made on August 12th, which is ^printed on pagzs 19 to 21 of the minutes of the meeting held on that day, and KUggested that a. public inquiry phooild bd hoid by the committee of the County Coun- cil, Vvhio d'ült with the matter to determine once for all:—(a). Tho p'roportion in which loans applied for ,and approved of (by the spactive Councils aro to '00 paid by them re- spectively. (b). The basis of representation, of tho respective Councils on the Joint Burial Committee. The present representation on the commit tee is equal—six members for each Council, and sinoe 1894 all payments have been equal. It was iigreed to refer the ktbcir to the Local Government Act Committee. MEETINGS OF EDUCATION COMMITTEE. MR BOAZ JONES OBJECTS TO MEET- ING IN A LICENSED HOTEL. MR EDWARD ROBERTS moved: "That the resolution passed by tho County Council, on May 6th, directing the Education Commit- tee to hold tho quarterly and other of the Education Committee, /to which the Press arc admitted, at Wrexham, Denbigh, and Colwyn Bay, alternately, be rescinded." Ho said they had already tried one meeting at Wrexham, and the committee almost unani- mously Kelt that it would bo more convenient to unset at Chester, where they could com- mence earlier, and sit later, and yet jail reach homo at a reasonable hour. MR J. S. JONES seconded. MR BOAZ JONES said he objected to tfos committee meeting in Chester at a licensed hotel. Ho objected as a temperance man to the committee always meeting fill an hotel like that at Chester. Even the higher grado hotels were 'not always above suspicion (laugh- ter). For the same reason they could havtt every committee meeting there; (there was every luxury and accommodation there that the heart of man could desire (laughter). The subscribers need mot go out of tho hotel foa; refreshment or anything. What could they say when they taught temperance to children who knew that the men who controlled their schools always met in an hotel at Chester (em ironical cry of "Shame," and laughter). MR W. G. RIGBY: They trust the rommit- tee. MR BOAZ JONES I hope the tomperanoa conscicnce of the County Council will not vote for them to meet at the Queen's Hotel, Chea- ter. MR D. rS. DA. VIES said that the experiment of meeting in the county was only intended to bo tried for a year. They ¡h already given Wrexham a turn; rw>w it was Colwyn Bay.and Denbigh's turn, and by then the year would be up. Why not wait till the end the So far as he was personally can- oerned, Chester by far the best plaoe. Ho could jaastfre Mr Boaz Jones that the mem- bers of the committee could very easily re- sist, and did, in fact, resist /any temptations there might be in the hotel. MR W. G. RIGBY moved that the matte* be left to the committee. MR D. S. DAVIES said he would secon<$ that. SIR WATKIN WILLIAMS-WYNN, Bart, remarkeid that their friend from Denbigh had tarred tho Education Committee as a body. Ho- (Sir Watkin) was a member of the com* Baittee onoe, and Jte did not know whether ha was a worse teetotaler or a worse drunkard than Mr Boaz Jones was (laughter). But, there was a .place over the way, exactly the sama distance from the station at Chester whoro the committee could meet if the* wished. It was a temperance hotel, aad ha<| a toatter room. MR EDWARD ROBERTS: We did aieel once at the Westminster. MR W. G. RIGBY .pressed his motion that the matter of the place of their meeting be left to the Education Committee to deoitbi themselves. The already over-tired County Council signi- fled unmistakably their agreement with Me Rigby, and his amendment was car- ried. There was no vote on the motion to rescind the previous instruction (to effect what was tho object of Mr Edward Roberts), but, without perhaps another contretmenta arising as to the interpretation of the County Council's doings it may be assumed that thQ resolution ion the books was tacitly c ased.


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