Papurau Newydd Cymru

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COLWYN BAY. THE COLWYN BAY CHESS CLUB meets every Thursday evening at seven o'clock a £ the Cafe Royal, Station-road. Subscription, per annum.—H. Evans. Hon. Sec. 28657p TRADESMEN'S DINNER.—'The members of tho local Trade Protection Society intend Jioldiag- their annual din ner at th-e Hotel Mctropole, 011 the 7th prox. The principal epcakors will be SiT Heir be rt Roberts, Bart., M.P., and Mr T. Axtenius Jones. Mr G. MarfoM, president for the year, will pneside. Tickets for non-members may be obtained. SCHOLASTIC SUCCESS.Arthur Lord, a pupil of Give House Preparatory School (ikosdmaofcc'r, Be v. H. E. Moc.atta, M.A.) /ias bexm sucoes&ful in winning a scholarship at H alley bury College. A. Lord is the eddest &x,a of Dr. Lord, of "Poe-nlan," Wynnsta-y- Toaid. This swooss is all the more gratify- ing- as A. Lord is only 13 years of age. and the competition for th,c.s.c scholarships is very great. THE NETT PROCEEDS of the eatertaiu- m--mt JieM in ths Church Room, on the 9th inet., in aid of th.e local Territorial Company's Drill Hall fund, amounted to < £ 14 185 &d. PROFESSOR DUXBURY'S VISIT.—This afternoon Professor John Duxbury, tlie well- known cilociitioiiist, will give two recitals at 43ie Nant-y-Glyn English Wesleyan Church. In tiic afternoon a miscellaneous programme wm ba submitttd. a-ttd in tlw evening "The Book of the Revelation" will be rendered. OXFORD LOCALS. To-morrow (Friday) Afternoon the formal distribution of prices and certificates gained by the successful candidates in the Last examinations will be jmsid-e by Professor J. E. Lloyd, M.A., of Ban- gor. At three o'clock tie chair will he occupied by Mr D. Gamble, chairman of the Urban District Council. "G" COMPANY 5th B. R.W.F., COLWYN BAY.—Diary of Parades for week ending Saturday, 3rd December, 1910: — Monday: £ ecru.its' training, 7.30 p.m., Armoury dmss, optional. Tuesday Semaphore signalling, 'M., Arm<)uTy; d,ic--s, opt,jnal. Wcdnes- sp d?av: f?-,cr-u?ts' trzi;nln-F,, 7.30 p.m., Ai-inoitr.v; *Ir?z-s, optiorad. Prlday: llhy&ic?J traini?3?7 1.30 p.2n., Armourv; div?&S, OI)ti"nal. I (-?rd,,r, F. H. Bortliwick, Lieut. CommandLug "G" Company 5th Bn. R.W. Fusiliers. REYNOLDS' PICTURES arc still drawing large and appreciative audienres to the Public Hall nightly, wh' e warmth and comfort for those ttivho seek a litti;: pleasurable relaxation in the evening, are offered. The programmes presentee* clre stiziiiilati,n,, 'nfortiling, and aiiius:n, Tjic judg ,it of scl??,.tion I-, but-,I. fort-Li- MC nately in juoicioti and expert hands. This week's selection is good, fact and fiction-chiefly the lat- ter—claiming undivided attention throughout tho two hours. 1 • e cinematograph has given us something dear to the heart of modernity-life Itself in motion. By reproducing with a mini Blum of restraint and arrangement, the actual fuss and scramble of modern existence, the cinemato- graph reveals the crowd to itself as neither the rcnius of Shakespeare, on the one hand, nor bsen, on the other, could over reveal it. It is just with this "real thing" (the actual representa- tion of the ordinary life interests of living hu- 1 C'? 'nemado inan t.y) that tl,(! graph is particularly lavish. Frankly, the public want themselves—it is only natural—and it exactly themselve.s that the Itdroifc cinematograph draniati-st invariably gives the.. CHEAP TRAM TICKETS FOR SCHOL- ARS.-Sinco Saturday last, special weekly tickets are being issued by tho Tramway CompaJlYto school children. The tickets are 4Dn-IV availa"l far two c,iig7,e jouru;c s f?,r id4i (W tmd from eaool) on oclioo-I da'y ys, and to and fTom the Tramway Offices, JihoK-on-Sea, on Saturdays, before noon for the renewal of tlie ticket for the followi ng iwaek.. The charges, which are 6d, Is, Is (id, and 2B 6d per week, acooixling to the stage over which tlie ticket is available, work out At practically hsaif the ordinary fare..Should dt be defined, to make imore than two single journeys per .day, additional tickets will i»e assuied to the same child at the above rates. T%o tickets are only to be obtained at the Tramway Office. Parents will maturally ap- preciate this concession by the Tramway Com- pany. WILL.—The Labo Mr A. F. Furaiiss, of COL- iwyai Bay, has left ewtate valued at i>7G5o. TOWN ADVERTISING.—The aimual meet- ing of the Colwyn Bay <*nd District Adver- tising Association will be held (in the Council Boom this (Thursday) evening. All rate- pavers interested a,ro invited to attend. A HISTORIC CITY.—On Thursday evening I a. lecture on "Florence" was given in the Church Room by the Thev. W. Hudson. Shaw, M.A. Mr C. P. Banks, M.A., of Arnold House, wiho presided, referred an grateful terms to the priv-ik-g-e extended to the gather- ing that evening in having an address on on-e of tlie most famous cities of Europe by so eminent an authority as Mr Shaw. The lecturer, Who was oondially received, spoke (with much eloquence. He confined himself largely to the historical and asthetic side of ibis subject, and in a xaey manner spoke cf the remarkable influence of Daoi'te, Michael Angelo, SavanaroLa, and other Florentine leaders in literature, art, and thought upon the development of the Historic Oity. The lecturer's observations were delightfully iU-uctrr-.t,-d by m.a7.iy bc,.autiful a-nd inbLr??tin- was eordiail? t;h -k %v -ed on the motion of U -r Stanley Wood, M.A., seconded by Dr. Itusgod. In respond- ing to the vote of thanks, Mr Shaw gratefully acknowledged what he described as the v-cry excellent work of the Lanternisi, Mr Charles R. Chaplin, Colwyn Bay, remarking that the slides had been manipulated to splendid ad- vantage that evening, one of the views particularly revealing to him features he had ttever observed previously. EXTENSION LECTURES.—A course of six fcrtnightly lectures on "Modern Industrial and Social Problems" will bo delivered, under the auspices -of the Colwyn Bay Oxford Uni- versity Extension Lectures at the Church Sioom, cm alternate Mondays, commencing on 16th next, bNr Mr E. L. S. Hors- ed rrgh, B.A. (Late exhibitianer of Queen \s Col- lege, Oxford, ex-pmudcrit of the Oxford nion Society). They will be as fol- low: January 16th, "A Century of Economic Progress;" January 30th, "The Theory of Free Trade;" February 13th, "Trade Unions and Trusts; February 27th, "Unemployment—its Causes and dts Cure;" March 13th, Modem Advamoes towa.rds Socialism;" March 27th, "Education as an Ideal." WHIST DRIVE. The,no was a record at- tendance ait the whist drive iiaLd in the Con- stitutional Club on Tuesday evening, no fewer than 68 players taking part. Mr E. 1. Hud- eon acted as M.C., and generously presented the two first pni, which fell in the ladies' and gentlemen's events reaineetively to Mrs WiJaon and Mr Wilks. The second prize Winners were Miss Simkin (Ladies'), and Mr W. T. Williams (gentlemen's). The booby in the gentlemen's class was awarded to Mr S. Bond. The prizes were distributed at the dose by Mr Hxwisoii, wiho carried through the pro,-amni,- im excklle Lr ut sp' it. THE SECOND of the Gilchrist Extension L turcs wii!.l 1),. g7ivc4, n t?o-m<)I-row m.i.gllt (1,?ri_ Zay) in the PLe;r 1.av-ilion by Mr Arthur B. Maiden, F. His subject will be "A Tour through the Italian Cities," which will be illustrated by cinematograph pictures. To commonoo at 7.45. Charges of admission, 2s, Is, 6d, and 3d.Advt. PERSONAL.—His innumerable friends in Colwyn Bay and district will be glad to learn that Mr Jamies Aiuiphlett, solicitor-clerk to the Urban District Council! and clerk to the just ices "for the division, who is at present I •undergoing mcdical treatment in London, is snaking such good progress that, it is con- fidently expected [he will return at an early ■d-ate completely recovered from his ailment. OBITUARY. After a brief illness, Mrs Edwards, mother of the ltev. John Edwards, jjastor of the Eiigldah Presbyterian Church, jvissrd away on tlie 10th instant, at her home, Pen!anfach, Tregaron, Cardiganshire, where ifihe had resided for ove<r it) years. The funeral took place on Monday week at Tre- jg^poai. General sympathy prevails with Mr Edwards and h,:s aister, tlie only surviving aaeenbens of the fa/n/sily, in their bereavement. A MATINEE MUSICALE. An ejitertainrntent of a thoroughly success- ful o"i-actaor was -iven at tilo P'Der 1,.avilion, Tu,Aav afbo.-m' oon, un4,er tjie dirc-cvon cd Madam?o Rivivo, &d of the Iiing Bd-waxd Jfafflwriil Ambukunoe Fuud. The .progranuno was as follows :—Orcliestral selection, "Taoaihaiuser" (Wagner), by Messrs Hague Bros. and Mr L. A. Harries Jones; string quartette, by Messrs W. F., S., T., F. W. Hague; moeitation, ''Dag'c'bert, the Jesiter," Mliss Fletcher Evans; victrjn solo, "Rcxmanee" (Svensdon) and "Auba^ie" (d'Am- brooio;, Mr W. Forrest Haigue; «_:ngs, "A May Morning" (Denza) aind "O! na byddai'n haf o liyd" (W. Davias), Miss Aimeo Bebb; character monologue, "The Woiklsouse Men" (Chevalieri, M,r Reginald J. Crowe; oituievt-ral seLeetion, CavallOT;a Rusticane" (Maseagni), Messrs Hague Brothers and Mr L. A Hanriies Jones; recitations, "Between Two Stools" (Frosbere) and "Asking the Way" (Lame), Mies Fletcher Evans; solo, "Conoarto in A minor" (Saint Saeais), Mr F. W. Hague; eong, "The Last Watoh" (Pimsniti), ilr Sirttan Jones; duologue, "Collaborators'' (M'if^ .Ccisj McGeoch), Mr and Mrs Re-ginalid J. Cto^ve; "Wedding M-atTch" (Men-delamrra), Metises Hague Brothers and Mr L. A. Harries Jecaes; humoroiLS song (.seL.oak<d), Miss Ai'meo Boob. Tha ani,nioc, were Mr Forrest Hague and M<r Ourney Bamet, L.R.A.?»T., A.R.C.M. It slliould be explaiiniod Ithat Mr Sutton J<xnes, who is a native of Llandudno and a pupil <xf Mr Gurney Barnett, was detained a.t c. social service at the St. A&afph Catiba&r&t carldcx in t,'Ia,3 day, a.-q,d coul,,l u,c)t eoniwqiicatiy a,p-i).ax Pavil?c,n ill ',i'?M-3 t,D ta?'L--a i!?il -,t t the opening of tlb-, <x;inoer't. By way of (,n,. dicating their sympathy with the moTOmooit the pier directors placed the pavilion at tlie promoters' diiisposal free of charge. A MANAGER'S UNSUCCESSFUL CLAIM. Before the Registear, at the Con way County Court, on Thursday, A-rthur H. Hughts, of Chaster, formerly manager of Mrft?rs David Jones and Co., motor car owners, Colwyn Bay, claimed the stun of X,6 10s, which he alleged wes du-e to as arrciars of wages. —Mr Hughes appeared in person, a^rd Mr Francis Nunn (Meesa's Nunn and Co., Colwyn Bay) defended. Air liughas said he had been in the f v~vice of Messrs David Jones and Co. for about four em,d a hilf y,ars. In th-o swini-L-T oi' Ic,'07 hiii wagc,?s wN,e -ra; d to Vi.,rty-fil-e '&c -v?xf--k. In Nov-e.intoor, of ti?,c, Sal-inD Mr Jones asked him to take thirty ehiMnga peir week for the winter, and he would make -it up to him by paying forty shillings a week during the summer. He agreed to tliis, as Mr Jones wished toeco,-iomis, He reg-arded it as ao-ndjig five shillings a. week during the winter, which was to bo repaid him 1m, the sumnneir. M'r Nunn: Do you mean to say that Mr Jones would want to borirow five shillings a week from an assistant? it. Mr Hughes: rrhat is the way I looked at Mr Nunn In what way would it benefit Mr Jones if he had to pay up arreans in the summer ? MT Jones said thait in Novembdr of 1907 he told he could not k«ep him on unless ho agreed to take lower wages, amd he agi-ec-d to pay him thirty shillings in the winter and £2 in the summer. With regard to some additions in the wages book about arrears in cs Mlr Jovcts --?a;d th?ev oou-d laot havc. b,-en put'im ur-ti'l -,Ormo tim-o a?tewwa-rda or ho -w,)uid have Tiot?i(!,ed thtm at ouc??, Is it tva., he bad n?Dt, a,?ot',ced &omo of thtm jrlt?;,l t I ,b,13I summer of 1908, when lie partly 'erased them, with his knife, and told H ughes there ""<1:" av> agreement of that sort. Hughes left hi.m at the beginning of the summer of If>G9, and surely .if there had been any agreement he should haw stayed on for the summer, in which case he would have got forty shiClin^s a week, and there would have been no occasion for dispute. The Registrar said that there had been great cameie&snieas on boith sides in not having a proper understanding between them. Under* the ccrcumstances Jie would have to <riVo •judg- ment for Messrs Jones and Co., but without costs.

















